02x06 - Good Morning, Peoria - September 9, 1959

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Quantum Leap" Aired: March 26, 1989 – May 5, 1993.*
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Former scientist Sam is trapped in time due to an experiment gone awry, leaping into different bodies each week.
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02x06 - Good Morning, Peoria - September 9, 1959

Post by bunniefuu »

The hard part about time travel
is that it often leaves me in the dark.

there always seems to be someone

around to offer me
a helping hand...

or paw.

But no matter whether my
faithful companion has two legs or four,

it doesn't really matter.

I usually wind up doing
the dirty work myself.

But that's okay,
because helping people out...

is like music to my ears.

- Chick!
- Huh?


Earth to Chick.

Stop clowning around
and read the commercial.


I'm sorry.
Um, what were you saying?

You see that piece of paper
in your hand?

- Uh-huh.
- Read it. Into the microphone.

Oh, my God. I'm a deejay.


So, come taste
the hottest new flavors...

at the coolest place in town,

at Boorman...
Boor... Boor... Boor...

Boorman's Frosty Freeze
Ice Cream.

Pistachio, coffee,
and now tutti-frutti.

Chick, may I see you
for a moment?

- Right now?
- No.

After Ike gets out of office.


So, Eisenhower
was still president.

That meant I was somewhere in the '50s.
Well, it was a start.

Man, I never thought I'd live to see
Howlin' Chick Howell play Pat Boone.

We're talkin' weird.

Sometimes, you know,
weird things just happen.

Yeah, like unemployment.

Particularly to deejays
who go blank on the air.

Every once in a while you meet someone
who instantly rubs you the wrong way.

You don't know why. They just do.
And for some reason,

you just wanna rub 'em back.

Do you know why my father
started this station?

- As a tax dodge?
- Because he loved music. And so do I.

And so do I.

I think that makes it unanimous.

They told me you never took anything
seriously. Now I believe them.

I take lots of things seriously.

- Name two.
- Quantum physics and time travel.

No wonder you've had 12 jobs
in the last eight years.

What are you so wound up about?
Come on. It's only... rock and roll.

- Three words.
- "Chick, you're fired"?

Your record's ending.

♪ Will suddenly bring showers ♪

♪ Rain to grow ♪

♪ The flowers ♪

Man, you've really got it bad for
her, don't you?

- Who? Rachel?
- Rachel.

Uh... Uh, forget it.
No. No way.

Nice try, Kemo Sabe,
but old Brian knows all, sees all.

Ever since you've been here,
you've been makin' goo-goo eyes at her.

- I have?
- Mm-hmm. But I'm tellin' you.

She's only got time
for one thing in her life...

to carry on the work
of her sainted father.

And that's it.

- Hey, what are you doin'?
- Uh, just gettin' ready...

to spin some more stacks of wax.

Just do your sign-off
and get out of here.

I got a shift to do.
Mouths to feed.

Cars to pay off.
Homes to repair.

This is... Howlin' Chick Howell...

on, um,


uh, WOF, 730 AM,

signing off.

Couldn't think of
anything snappy to say.

Sometimes happens.

Man, you've really got it bad.

Now, now, Fred.

I appreciate your opinion,

but no matter how many
editorials you publish,

I am not gonna stop
playing rock and roll.

I'm not asking you to change
everything you do, Rachel.

Just don't play those records.

You talk about rock and roll like it's some
kind of contagious disease, like... like...

Chicken pox?

No, I think
it's just inappropriate.

And so would your father.

You don't know the first thing about
what my father would say to this.

Rachel, I am not
the only one worried...

about what rock and roll
is gonna do to the kids in this city.

You... You don't
seriously believe...

that-that music is a threat
to the kids, do you?

- Chick, stay out of this.
- Believe it, Sam.

A lot of people did
back in the '50s.

- Well, that's ridiculous.
- Chick.

You think it's ridiculous to be concerned
about the welfare of our children?

Or the undermining
of family values?

No, it's just that...

What we're talking about,
it's just music.

What we are talking about...

is the future of America.

Is this guy a dinosaur or what?

Oh, you think that's funny?

- No, sir. I don't think it's funny.
- Well, I do!

So did I.
I thought it was hysterical.

I think what Rachel
is trying to say...

is that the idea that music...

can make people
misbehave is wrong.

And even if it were true,
which it isn't,

isn't this just simply a matter
of... of people not...

listening to a particular radio station
that might be playing music...

that they might not want
heard played?

You don't have kids,
do you, Mr. Howell?

You can't watch 'em
24 hours a day.

Soon as you turn your back,
they do exactly what they want.

And then some.

I'm sure that you
and the other parents...

have instilled in your children
proper family values...

so that they know what's right
and what's wrong,

so that no matter what they listen
to, they'll do the right thing.

Rachel, I didn't want
to have to do this.

- Here comes the windup.
- You leave me no choice.

- Here comes the pitch.
- I'm pulling my advertising.

From now on, my paper and my hardware
store will do their radio spots elsewhere.

- Oh, come on, Fred!
- And believe me,

so will a lot
of other businesses.

I carry a fair amount
of weight in this town.

Yeah, and a lot of it's
hangin' over your belt.

Go ahead. Pull your advertising.
See if I care.

You may not.

But what about all the other people
who work for you and their families?

I'm not gonna stop
playing rock and roll.

- Maybe you won't have a choice.
- What do you mean by that?

I mean that tomorrow
at the city council meeting,

I intend to propose a law
that will ban rock and roll

from being played
over the airwaves.

You can't do that!

Good-bye, Fred.

Can he?

I don't know. Uh, maybe they could
pass some kind of weird blue law.

What are you looking at?

I was just thinking that you...

handled that... well.

Thank you.

- Oh, and Chick...
- Yes?

If you're late again tomorrow,
you're fired.

Sounds like love to me.

Can you believe her?


- Who... Rachel.
- Uh... Oh. Oh.

Uh, well, Ziggy figures
there's a 92.4% certainty...

that you're here to save her.

Well, I hope she doesn't die, because the
way I feel right now, I just might let her.

No, she doesn't die.
But the station does.

In about a year.

And then after that,
her life goes right downhill.

So in order to save Rachel,
I gotta save the station.

Yeah. You gotta make
the station number one.

The only way to do that
is rock and roll.

Holy mackerel!
Look at this beautiful 'Vette!

"Chick Howell." Oh, that's...
This is your car.


Why do I get the feeling
this is not gonna be so easy?

- You're on time!
- 2:46 to spare.

Do you have even the faintest idea of
what your first record is going to be?

Something, uh, by the Beatles.

Who are the Beatles?

Oh, you mean... you mean Buddy
Holly and the Crickets, don't you?

Uh, right. Yeah. Right.
Beatles, Crickets...

they're all related.


- Buenos dias.
- Boy am I glad to see you.

I gotta play some music, Al. I don't
remember anything. What about this?

Ah, no good.
That's a "No."

Johnny Horton,
"The Battle of New Orleans"?

- Sam, get real.
- I don't remember any music, Al.

This is not about music.
This is about talking.

We got the team to make the girls scream.
The man of the hour with the radio power.

The doctor of love that knows...
What's the matter?

Say it out loud.

- You gotta get this in two minutes, Sam!
- We got the team...

- that makes the girls scream...
- You got a piece of paper and a pencil?

Get a paper and pencil.

- You're going on the air.
- We got the team...

Didn't you see the movie?

Good morning, Peoria!

This is Howlin' Chick Howell...

comin' to you live on WOF.

Would you excuse me,
folks, for just a second?

Correct me if I'm wrong,
but is there a dog in here?

Excuse me. Is there a dog...
Would you get off my lap...

Oh... Oop... Oop. Sorry.

Sorry. My mistake, folks.
That's our advertising manager.

Would you let go of my leg?
Let go! Would you let go...

And stay out!

Finally, a parking space for me.

And speaking of space,

how about those Russians, huh?

Hey, I had a great idea.
Instead of monkeys,

why don't we stick old
Khrushchev on the end

of a satellite and
throw him into orbit?

I mean, how many Alfred Hitchcock
look-alikes do we need, anyway?

Talk about your Vertigo.

And don't look down!

But enough chat-chit.
Let's put on a hit.

Goodness gracious, it's Jerry Lee
Lewis, Great Balls of Fire,

which is probably what old Nikita baby
will be singing upon re-entry.

I just made a complete
and total idiot out of myself.

Well, if it's any consolation,
I think they liked it, Sam.

This is great, Al.

Flash. President Eisenhower,
in a surprise move,

resigned from office this morning
in order to join a Buddhist monastery.

Said Ike, "I just like being around
guys with less hair than me."


just hot off the presses.

This just in from Washington.
The F.T.C. announced yesterday...

a campaign to end
misrepresentation in advertising.

Executives at the Himalaya
Bra Company...

could not be reached
for comment.

- Ooh! And neither could my girlfriend.
- Neither could my girlfriend.

- I'm dyin', Al.
- Don't quit now, Sam. You're on a roll.

Say anything.
Tell 'em something you know about.

Something I know about?

Boy, have I got a surprise
for you campers.

The Invisible Man has dropped by
to say a few words.

So tell me, Viz,

what's your favorite part
about being invisible?

Women's dressing room
at Landon's Department Store.

And-And, uh, what's the worst part?

Trying to find my mouth
with my cigar.

And that's nothing
compared to when you get

the Invisible Girl in
the backseat of the car.

And that's nothing compared
to when you get the

Invisible Girl in the
backseat of the car.

Al, this is incredible.

I feel like a different person.

It's like I've been given...
a license to play.

To be... a-a completely
different person.

Well, like, you know,
like they're gonna say in the '60s,

like, "Let it all hang out," like.

Man, you are on fire.

Well, y... Sometimes you just get
lucky, that's all.


Then again,

sometimes you don't.

I remember where my father
built this console.

- He did it in our garage.
- Ow!

- You all right?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Started like the guys at Apple, huh?
- What's Apple?

Uh, no, no. "Wapple."

WAPL. It's a radio station
I worked for in upstate New York.


I used to sit
and watch him for hours.

He was determined to have the
number-one radio station on Earth...

or at least Peoria.

Is that what you want?

No. I want to have the number-one
radio station in the universe.

But right now, I'd settle for just
getting right back on the air.

Maybe I can help you with that.

I can't believe that you did it.


Oh, my God!

- What?
- Sam, you gotta see this.

- What is it, Al?
- It is. It's Chubby Checker!

- Chubby Checker?
- I can't believe it!

- Do I know you?
- Friend of yours?

- Sam!
- Uh...

Yes! It's Chubby Checker.

- Huh?
- Come on, baby Let's do the Twist

The Twist!

It's a pretty good demo,
but I was just tellin' him...

I don't think it's really...
it really has what it takes.

- The Twist?
- Say, can I borrow that for my act?

Uh, sure.
But I-I got it from-from you.

Sam! Sam! If you want
this station to be number one,

tell her to play that demo!

If you want this station to be number
one, you gotta play this demo.

That's good. I like that.

Okay, I'll give it a play.

I mean, assuming I can still play rock
and roll after the council meeting.

Believe me, nobody is gonna pass
a law banning rock and roll.

- Hey, I like that. That's good.
- Come on, baby

- I can't believe it!
- Without rock and roll, I am dead.

It was my ticket to number one!

The station was actually
starting to make money with it.

Now what am I gonna do?
Play classical or jazz?

I'll be lucky if I don't have
to sell the station in a year.

She could hold out
another 18 months...

- if she doesn't eat or pay any salaries.
- Well... Maybe...

I had Ziggy run some figures,
and it's grim with a capital "G."

maybe you can make an appeal.

With whom? The Supreme Court?
That'll be quick.

No, no, no, no.
With rock and roll, I had a chance.

Now all we can do is pull up the
drawbridge, get ready for the dark ages...

- That's it.
- What?

Sam, I don't like
that look in your eye.

We're gonna go back and
pull up the drawbridge.


- Mr. Mayor.
- Leland.

- Sheriff.
- Well, you did it, Fred.

- Yes, we did, didn't we?
- Got the headline all ready.

"Rock and Roll
Is Told to Stroll."

Before you know it,
he'll be buckin' for your job.

Just tryin' to move up
in the organization.

Oh, well, in that case...
Millie, three more menus,

and give Leland the bill.

Sam, I think this last leap
back in time...

has added more holes to that
Swiss cheese brain of yours,

because this... this is
completely harebrained.

Chick, your record's ending.

Okay, okay.

Ladies and gentlemen, this afternoon
the city council passed a law,

effective immediately, that forbids the
airplay of music known as rock and roll.

Now, we here at WOF believe
that is wrong,

and accordingly, we intend
to keep playing rock and roll...

until we can persuade them
to change their minds.

- So with that in mind...
- Damn it!

It's only music!

That they're not allowed to play.

...In a non-hysterical way
what we're going to do.

Coming to you live...
almost live...

from the interstellar, out-of-the-cellar,
stand-up-and-tell-her rock group,

Bill Haley and the Comets,
Comets, Comets, Comets!

I want him off the air now. Break down
the door if you have to. Just do it.

- Honey, they're not bank robbers.
- Theora...

That's private property, Fred.

With private citizens who are
openly breaking the law.

- Which you are sworn to uphold.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Look, I'm not gonna tell anybody
to go bustin' down any doors,

particularly with a
reelection coming up.

Now, bad publicity
is something none of us needs.

But that's exactly what this will
be if we don't do somethin'about it.

- Maybe we can do this another way.
- What do you mean?

I mean, there's more than
one way to skin a cat.

Well, if we're gonna
go down in flames,

I'll help you
pick out the records.

This one is really wild.

That's perfect.

I'd like to read you
something that, uh,

we dug out of the news files
here from the Peoria Dispatch.

It was written a couple of weeks ago by
your friend and mine, Frederick R. Beaman.

"I am not against music. I love music.
But rock and roll is not music.

"It is nothing more than
the half-articulate speech

"of a group of people of
extreme dress and style...

"whose radical intention is to excite
and inflame the youth of our community."

Now I would like
to read you something...

written by a group of long-haired,
weirdly dressed radicals...

in 1791.

It's called the First Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion...

"or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,
or abridging the freedom of speech,

"or of the press, or the right of
the people peaceably to assemble...

and to petition the government
for a redress of grievances."

Now, I believe in the
freedom of the press,

and I believe that Mr. Beaman
has a right to print...

whatever he wants to
about rock and roll.

But the First Amendment also
guarantees freedom of speech.

And since Mr. Beaman also admits that rock
and roll is at least in some form speech...

uh, "half articulate speech,"
to be exact...

then I guess that rock and roll is
also guaranteed by the First Amendment,

and we'd just like
to exercise that right.

But, hey, enough seriousness.

It's time to get back
into the swing of things,

and what better way
than by taking a sea cruise?

Oh, that was good!


- It's your station.
- My hero.

Oh, hello, Fred.

- No, we're perfectly serious.
- ♪ Old man rhythm is in my shoes ♪

Well, you know where to find us.

♪ It's no use sittin' ♪
♪ here and singin'the blues ♪

♪ So be my guest ♪
♪ You've got nothing to lose ♪

- Damn!

♪ Won't you let me take you ♪
♪ on a sea cruise ♪

- ♪ Ooh-wee Ooh-wee, baby ♪
- Fred Beaman, I hate you!

♪ Ooh-wee ♪
♪ Ooh-wee, baby ♪

- ♪ Ooh-wee Ooh-wee, baby ♪
- But the question is,

I mean, why does he
hate you and rock and roll?

I don't know.

You know, I think until he got on this
kick, nobody paid much attention to him.

And now he sorta likes
being the focal point.

- Yeah, I guess so... Oh, damn.
- The lights went out.

- No kidding.
- You got any kind of a backup?

A-A generator or something?

Uh, there's a civil defense
generator in the basement,

but I don't know how to work it.

- I don't even know if it does work.
- Only one way to find out.


Sorry. I was just
trying, uh, find, uh, the door.

Doorknobs are usually placed
a little lower, aren't they?

They're off the air.

Front page tomorrow, Leland.

No more rock and roll in Peoria.

All righty. Here's where we
separate the men from the boys.

Okay, so I'm only... 12.

Okay. All right.

All right.


Come on.

- All set? Okay, on three.
- Yep.

One, two, three!

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Let there be light.

Good evening, Peoria!

I know what you're thinking.

You're saying to yourselves, "Hey,
where's my good old buddy Howlin' Chick"...

"been for the last
hour and a half?"

Well, the honest truth is,
I was kidnapped by spacemen,

taken somewhere into the future and
forced to eat Chinese food for a week.

Oh, and I'm still hungry.

Mmm. But now
the good news is, I'm back.

And I know exactly what all the
hits are gonna be in the future,

and here's one right now.

Next time,

I get a generator that
can work the transmitter

and the air conditioning
at the same time.

Yeah, I'll drink to that.

Maybe I'll let you buy me one
after this.

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪
♪ Just like this ♪

Uh, the... phone.

- WOF.
- Rachel? Fred.

Welcome back.

I don't know how you did it,
but it sure was a slick trick.

you're still breaking the law.

Now, I've been talking to
some of my fellow advertisers.

You keep this up,
and they might not go back to you

even if you do
drop rock and roll.

I'm afraid that's right, Rachel.

Now, I'm holdin' 'em back
for right now,

but I don't know how
much longer I can do it.

Tell him he'd better try harder,
because as soon as we hang up,

we're gonna call every newspaper,
radio and TV station in the state.

We'll find out how much
he likes bad P.R.

Oh, Fred, in about ten seconds,

I'm gonna call every news
organization in this state.

I'll be seeing you
on the front page.


You mind if I ask you
a personal question?

Well, since my saying no
probably won't stop you,

go ahead.

Why are you doing this?


There was a poem...

in high school, I think,
that I never forgot...

until now.

I think it ended with...

"And everywhere, the ceremony
of innocence is drowned.

"The best lack all conviction,

while the worst are full
of passionate intensity."

I guess I just think it's time for the best
to exhibit a little passionate intensity.

And now it's your turn.


I think it's partly because
it's what my father would've done.

- Sounds like he was a great guy.
- Oh, he was.

He had great plans
for this place.

He wanted to be the first
to broadcast in stereo.

Oh! Oh!
And he always used to say,

"The future of radio
is FM, Rachel."

He was such a dreamer.

Oh, I'm not sure
that's such a bad dream.

Chick, the record.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!

Yeah, well, you know,
for the last couple of minutes,

you folks have been listening to something
by, uh, Dull Needle and the Statics.

A lot of people find it repetitive. I like
to think of it as just plain, old daring.

Okay. For all you dancing machines
out there who didn't rest,

here's a little change of pace
to help you catch your breath.

No, it's a request that's
just come in from, uh, me,

and I'd like to dedicate it...

to the girl I'd most like to share
a civil defense shelter with.

What'd you do that for?

For taking advantage of me
in a weak moment.

- Advantage?
- Well, yes.

- What would you call it?
- I'd call it love.

- We were dancing, and...
- No, no, no, no.

I would call it
rampaging hormones.

I think you were
starting to enjoy it,

and you got scared.

- Maybe I just didn't like it.
- She's lying, Sam.

It's like in the third grade. You only
pull the pigtails of the one you love.

Maybe you were afraid
of liking it too much.

That is the most ridiculous thing
I have ever heard.

Good, Sam. Now, come on.
Make a move.

- Is it?
- Now, go in for the k*ll.

Yeah, that-that's it. Now move in real
fast, like you're gonna kiss her real hard,

but then...

Looks like you've already
got the hang of it.


Well, geez louise.

Seems like you've got
everything under control here.

Maybe you should put on
a long-playing record.

There he goes.

- Uh-oh.
- Hey, you can't do that!

Oh, good try, folks.

Oh, boy.


We're not... We're not
broadcasting anymore.

Sam, they've cut
the transmission cables.

It looks like we're
off the air permanently.

Rock, rock, rock and roll!
Rock, rock, rock and roll!

Looks like they cut
our transmission cable.

I just said that.

Of all the lowdown, sleazy,
cheap things to do...

You can say that again.

You cooked up this whole thing
just to get me alone with you.

- What?
- What?

I knew I should never
have listened to you!

Me? You're the one
who wanted to do this.

You're the one who wanted
to barricade us in here.


How do I know that
we're even off the air?

Look at the meters!
Listen to the radio!

How do I know you didn't just rig this up
this afternoon when you were fixing it?

Right. I suppose I made a deal with
Beaman to call you on the phone?

I wouldn't put it past you!

Now I'm gonna lose my radio
station, and it's all because of...

Oh, hell. It isn't because of you.
God, I should've done what they said!

I should've stopped
playing rock and roll.

Ooh! That's blasphemy.

Next thing you know, she's gonna be
stepping on Elvis's blue suede shoes.

Look, Rachel,
I know what you're thinking,

but now's the time
when you gotta hang tough.

It's no use.
You can't fight city hall.

Sure, you can.
You just gotta keep pluggin' away at it.

Don't let 'em wear you down.
They're human. They get tired.

They wanna go home too.

But to make this station
number one...

Is that... Is that really
what this is all about?

- No.
- Attagirl. That's the way to talk.

I didn't think so.


When it rains, it pours.

Calling to gloat, Fred?

No, not exactly.
We're just kind of wonderin'

when you're gonna come out now
that you can't broadcast anymore.

I'm not coming out, Fred.

If I have to make an antenna
out of bobby pins,

I'm going back on the air...
with rock and roll.

I don't think that's
such a good idea, Rachel.

Sheriff Foley here is
about to run out ofpatience.

He might just
arrest you if you do.

Tell Sheriff Foley to take
his nightstick and shove it...


That was great.

You said,
"When it rains, it pours"?


What kind of gutters
are on this building?

I don't know.
They're sort of old and green.

Copper! Oh, we may be on the
air sooner than you think.

Rock, rock, rock and roll!
Rock, rock, rock and roll!

Rock, rock, rock and roll!
Rock, rock, rock and roll!

Rock, rock, rock and roll!
Rock, rock, rock and roll!

Sam, your face
is gettin' kinda pink.

It's gonna match
your shirt in a minute.

Al, why am I doing this?

Uh, you need to get one more
merit badge before you make Eagle.

You know what I mean.
Rachel already stood up to Beaman.

She proved she can turn
this station around.

She can, if the Mongol horde
down there will let her.

You don't have any horde
repellent on you, do you?

- What?
- Hit it!


Hey. Look, Sam!
I'm... I'm leaping!

No you're not leaping. You're standing
too close to the antenna. Move away.

- Huh?
- Move away.

Come on. Move away.

- See?
- Rats.

Mr. Beaman, what exactly prompted
your campaign against rock and roll?

It's simple.
I'm an American.

I want to keep what's good
and right about America intact.

Anything that threatens
that, well...

- I'm a fighter, not a watcher.
- You can say that again.

Dagnabbit, if they keep this up,
I'm gonna have to change my name to...

- They're back on the air.
- Damn it to hell!

But hey, I know how much you
love old Howlin' Chick...

But what you're really here for is,
uh, rock and roll.

Mayor, you oughta consider
rescinding your law.

We're not rescinding anything!

If you'd done what you
were supposed to do

and arrested Rachel when I told
you, none of this would've happened.

Arresting somebody's the
last thing we should do.

That's liable to set
this whole thing off.

I think Jake's right, Fred.

The last thing we need in front
of all this press is trouble.

My God. Some of this press
is even national.

What we need is to show them that we
know how to handle things like this!

- If you don't, I do.
- Fred, what are you doing?

Someone's trying to get in!

- Leave my station alone!
- You broke the law, Rachel!

- A stupid law, Fred!
- Couch. Come on.

Sam, forget the couch.
That's not gonna stop Beaman.

- Oh, I think I'm gonna get a hernia.
- You got any better ideas?

- Well, I'm just following you!
- I got Ziggy workin' on it.

As a matter of fact, look!

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Come on.
I know a way to stop Beaman.

Frank, stop it!

I'd like to read you something
we found in our news files...

dated August 16, 1945,

the day after the Japanese surrendered,
and World w*r II ended.

"The g*ns are silent now,

"and so are many of the men
whose hands once held them.

"Never again will they see
their wives or mothers.

"Never again will they hear
their children laugh.

"And never again will they smell
the sweet scents of home.

"And for what?

"For what did these husbands and
fathers, these brothers and sons,

"give their lives so many
thousands of miles from home?

"I say it was for one word,
and that word is 'freedom.'

"The freedom to pray.

"To write, to speak,
to feel, to be.

"As we see fit, and not as others
would dictate to us.

"To this freedom, which has been
so dearly bought for us,

"it is up to us, the living,
to dedicate our lives and our futures...

"to its eternal protection."

These words were written
by Frederick Beaman,

the editor
of the Peoria Dispatch.

And I sincerely hope
that Mr. Beaman...

would see it in his heart that...

all we are looking for here...

is... a little freedom too.

But, uh, this is different.

We-We fought for freedom.

Thi... This is...

Come on, Fred.
Let's go home.

Why haven't I leaped?

I don't know. Oh.

According to Ziggy, uh,

Rachel sticks with rock and roll,
and WOF becomes...

the number-one
station in Peoria!

And a year later,
she and you get married!

- Married?
- Is that a proposal?


Well, uh, I just think we should get
to know each other a little better.

You can buy me breakfast.

After you finish your shift.

Don't say a word.


And today, Karen Basch
is a bat mitzvah.

Rabbi. Nu?

Oy vey. I'm the rabbi.
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