02x21 - Mason Dixon's Girls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x21 - Mason Dixon's Girls

Post by bunniefuu »


Now knowing the Duke
boys, that might be something

that they rigged
up on the General

to give him a little
bit more steam.

But really, it's just a
new hot water heater

that they picked up
down at the depot.

Well, that seemed simple.

But this is Hazzard County

where hardly nothing
is what it seems.

And here's old Rosco, back
from the Police Academy

which they're still
trying to put back

together after he left.

See, that's a direct
violation of the law.

Oh, look at that
thing sticking out there

without a red flag on it.

Hee-hee-hee. I
got 'em. I got 'em.

Oh, I wonder what
Rosco wants with us now.

You know, Luke, I'm
just sick and dang tired

of Rosco chasing
us for no reason!

Well, let's pull it over and see

what he's got stuck in his craw.


Good. Look at it. Good!

Oh, I got you. I got you.

Gosh! Dang it, Rosco!

If that don't beat all!

Alright, you done stuff...

Nice going, Rosco.

Hey, look, if you
busted that water heater

you're gonna payfor it.

Well, it would serve you right

for violating the
law in the first place.

- Like what?
- Like..

Like tying a red
flag on anything

that's sticking outmore than

three feet behind your vehicle!

- 'That's what.'
- Three feet.

Alright. You win. Okay, yup.

Is-is there anything
broken in there, Bo?

Uh, I don't know,
I can't get through

this damn packing material.

That ain't packing! Let me
see that. Let me see that.

Uh, Bo, we end up..

Ooh, ooh!

Marijuana? Oh, oh, oh!

Shame, shame,
shame on you Dukes!

Now, I've chased
you for years and days.

But I never thought
you'd stoop so low as this.

Uh, R-R-Rosco,
this isn't our stuff.

- Really. It, uh..
- Let's get outta here.


Listen, I'm..

Listen, I'm serious.

Don't, don't you drive..

Don't you, uh, leave here.

If I were you, I would, I mean..

I'll-I'll just... I'll..


Sure got ourselves in a heap
of trouble his time, cousin.

You got that right.

Boss gonna throw the book at us.

Not to mention the
Federal Government.

We break our
probation, we sure do

a bang-up job of it, don't we?

We ought to be out
of prison about time

to collect Social Security.

That ain't funny, Luke.

We got to get
ourselves out of this!

Yeah, while we're
figuring out how

you just keep
hauling till we find

a safe place to stash
this stuff, alright?


Now, friends and
neighbors, this is the depot

where the boys just picked
up that hot water heater.

- Say, old-timer.
- Alright.

You got a water heater
for Smith around here?

Smith? Yeah. Right over here.

Y'all getting it now?

- How's business?
- Good!

Business is good.

Now this old boy
looks like anything

but what he really is.

Mace Dixon Jr., private eye.

Now, the thing that
makes him good at it

is nobody'd ever
suspect. Did you?

Mason's daddy was a
traveling Pinkerton man.

So snooping is in
old Mason's blood.

Now, he'd rather
go to the trouble

than to have it come to him.

Old Mason's RV
is his office, his lab

his home, and whatnot.

Mason Dixon And
Associates. Mace Dixon here.

Now, these whatnots
are Mason's associates.

Tinker Churchill
and Samantha Rose.

Well, they can drive
anything that moves

and sh**t anything that fires.

They use all the
weapons they got, too.

Well, come on, George
Henry. Now, get it off your chest.

You know you never call
for pleasure, just business.

- Where was that?
- Place called Hazzard County.

Uh, Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane

picked up two young
fellas down there

with a couple of bags of grass.

Well, now, George Henry

how much of a rewardcan
there be in a few lids of grass?

'I mean, me and the girls,
we got to live, too, you know?'

This could turn out to be
one of Dempsey's operations.


When did that
backslider get out?

Six months ago.
He's back in business.

Now, if that does turn out
to be him down in Hazzard...

Uh, you're talking about
bigreward money for Dempsey

uh, if we crack
this case, right?

Well... we got us a little
whoop-de-do right away

in a place called
Hazzard County.

Oh, Mace, sugar, it's Sunday!

Now, me, Mace, I
like working Sundays.

It's when you mess with
our evenings I get mad!

Girls, the motorcycle, the van

and the car all need tune-ups.

Now, do you two
have the wherewithal

to pay for all those bills, huh?

'Uh-huh. Just what I figured.'

So Sunday or evenings,
let's go out and earn it.

Get dressed, girls.

Okay, Mace.

We'll be right there.

'Marijuana... in my county.'


You know, I never more
than disliked them Duke boys.

But what they're doing
now, pushing marijuana.

Why, that's downright
hateful! Hateful!

Unless, maybe it ain't
marijuana, Mr. Hogg.

Kind of looks like parsley.

- Huh?
- Sage?

- What?
- Rosemary or thyme?

Never mind the folk
songs, dim head!

It's marijuana! I can smell it!

'Listen, I can smell
it, too, midget.'

And even I!

Even I draw the line
on dope and dr*gs

for any amount of money!

- Me too.
- Any amount!

Any amount.

Makes 'em shiftless

swimmy-headed and unpredictable!

Like him.

Listen, Boss, I just
contacted the FBI in Atlanta.

And they said they ain't
got nobody on the hot sheets

that could be, uh,
shipping marijuana

down to the Duke boys.

Is that all they could say?

No, they said for us to
sort-sort of hang loose

that they'd get around to us.

Oh, well, I'll get
around to them

just as soon as we
nail the Duke boys!

I'll bet there's a
reward in all this

big enough to
choke a plow horse.

Well, what are you standing
there for, lead heads?

Mount a massive manhunt!

It ain't but two
of us, Mr. Hogg.

- Then spread out!
- Yes, sir.

I want Bo and Luke Duke!

And you'll get 'em. We're gone.

Get going. Will you just..

'Oh, I'm sorry, sheriff.'

Razorback Mountain
used to be a mite taller..

Till the top was cut off by
them copper mining fellas.

Now, the mine played
out, the land growed over.

Now the business there is weed..

And they ain't dandelions.

The birdbrains!

The street value of
that weed was worth

almost a million dollars!

And you two find that crate
marked, "Water heater."

- You hear?
- How?

What, check with the
freight agent, stupid.

He had to see somebody
take it, didn't he?

Now, this lonely
spot is Cooter's Farm.

Bet y'all thought he
slept on a grease rack

down at the garage, didn't you?

'Now, hey, I
don't get it, y'all.'

The crate at the depot
said "Water heater."

- Right?
- Right.

That's the one y'all got, right?


Bo, don't you remember
there was another crate

right next to this one,
same size, same shape.

Yeah, but I don't think that
one said anything on it, Luke.

Yeah, If I remember correct

we didn't look at
it too close, either.

Hey, look, whoever
stuck us with this stuff

and ended up with
Jesse's water heater

had to sign for
it just like we did.

- Let's go ask Sunshine.
- What are we waiting for?

Alright. Later, Cooter.

'Keep stacking that hay.'

'Yeah, Cooter, we're
gonna get busted.'

- I'll see y'all in the movies.
- You got it!

Yeah, we'll catch you
on the flip side, Cooter.


Oh, excuse me, uh..

D-d-don't you thr*aten me...

My name's Mason Dixon

and, uh, these two ladies

here are my associates.


Uh, we're investigating a call

you made to Atlanta.

Yeah, concerning
a couple of fellas

that youcaught with a
whole bunch of marijuana.

Well, FBI, huh? Huh, ha.

Boy, you, FBI, you

you get around
quick, you little rascals.

- You...
- Oh, hush, hush, Rosco!

They never said they
were from the FBI.

Oh, no, you didn't!

And besides, let me tell
you, personally I know

that I've never seen
no FBI people with...

With big little dimples.

Big little dimples. Eh, no!

- Wearing clothes like that!
- No, that's not...

We're not with the
Federal Bureau.

We're private investigators.

Private investigators?

Son, the government don't hire

no private investigators.

No-no, sir, but, uh, we work...

Sheriff, oh, sheriff..

Can't we talk to them
fellas in their cells

for just a little bitty minute?

Yeah, you.. No, miss. No.

I mean, I-I'd let
you in, but I can't.

I mean, do you see,
they ain't in a shell.

- Rosco, hush, hush, hush.'
- What?

Will you? And just
ignore them dimples.

I mean, next time she
bats her eyes at you

you'll probably tell her
where the Duke boys live.

It's Duke? So that's
their name. Duke.

- What?
- Thanks a lot for your help.

- Well, at least..
- Oh, no.

- Wait-wait a minute!
- Thank you, sir.

You see? See, Boss.

- Youtold them!
- Me? Me? Me?

It was you who made
me tell them, you, dodo.

Oh, forget the
cute little dimples.

Just get out there and find them

Duke boys before they do.

- You hear me? Go!
- Well, I'm-I'm gone.

John Smith?

John Smith.

Thanks a lot, Sunshine.

Alright, boys.

I don't know.

John Smith sounds
like a phony name to me.

You got that right.

We best check in
with Uncle Jesse.

Uncle Jesse, this here's Luke.

Got your ears on?

Now, Uncle Jesse, come back.

I don't think this transmitter's

transmitting here.

- Howdy!
- Afternoon!

What can I do for you?

'Well, sir, there seems
to be a little mix-up'

'at the freight depot.'

Tink... take a look at them

two dudes that just drove up.

Seen 'em before?

Uh-uh. Sure haven't.

Mace, let's run a make
on them car plates.

'It's..."GMH ."'

I'll run it through the
state capital right away.

Oh, I don't have no crate.

Oh, you see, you got
a crate that belongs

to us, and we want it.

Well, now, you two
are not hearing me right.

I said, "I didn't
have no crate!"

'Now, when I say, "I
don't have no crate"'

that means I ain't got
one because my boys

ain't back from the depot yet!

Yeah, well, you
keeping on saying that

don't make it the
truth, old man.

- Wha...
- Uncle Jesse.

Now, listen, mister,
my Uncle Jesse don't lie.

So why don't you
just back off, huh?

Uncle Jesse, come on. Don't
get heated up over that fella.

'I'll give him a crate right
up the side of the head.'

They telling the truth?

There's only one way I can
get the truth out of somebody.

How's that?

I'll take the old man.

That'll be my pleasure.

Now, you do realize
that all this started

'cause the Dukes needed
some more hot water, don't you?

Hold it. Don't turn around.

Somebody's watching
from those trees back there.

We found out the car
belongs to Johnny Ryan.

Four priors, dr*gs, you name it.

Which would make the
other one Rayford Davis.

They ran dope
together in Memphis.

I thoughthe looked familiar.

They're getting ready to leave.

Well, let's follow 'em.

This maybe more important.

He's picking up the telephone.


Uh, Luke, is that you?

Uh, well, just slow down.

You're talking so fast

only a chipmunk
could understand you.

I just know you ain't gonna
like what I'm gonna tell you.

So listen.

What Rosco's chasing us for is

well, we got caught
with some pot.

- 'What?'
- Yeah, marijuana.


'Uh, now, look, you
know that we got nothing'

'to do with it, alright?'

- What? Marijuana?
- Yeah, just a minute.

Uh, listen, we got a case
of it hid out at Cooter's farm.

'Cooter's place? I'll
be right up there..'

Everybody knows that using
the Hazzard County phone

is taking the risk that
old Boss' cousin, Maybelle

just might be eavesdropping.

Alright! Now, you two
boys get back here!

Uncle, we got to take off.

I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Luke? Luke!

You get back on
this phone right now!

Don't you hang up!

Uh, they stuffed it in a
place called Cooter's Farm!

Well, let's go, sweet
things. We got a farm to find.

Get out of that
garb and let's go.

Now you know,
them marijuana boys

wasn't gonna go
without finding out

who was dogging 'em.


Looks like Mr. Ryan
and Mr. Davis

got us by the tail.

You good-looking
things know what to do.

Well, we'll just see about that.

'What are they doing?'

'I don't know.'

Turn this thing around!
Let's get out of here!

Tinker, look out!

Mace, we lost our friends!

- 'Sorry!'
- Never mind them for now.

I located a Cooter
Davenport's Farm

on the residential grid map

two miles east on Jessup Road.

'Now, you two beat it on ahead'

'and I'll meet you there, okay?'

This here's Buster,
my attack dog.

He ain't gonna let nobody
get near that hay pile.

Somebody is coming up the road.

Wonder who that is!

- Would you look at that?
- Bad news travels fast.

This could be
awful! Let's go, Bo.

Tell you what, cousin,
I'll give you a break.

- You get the big one.
- Thanks a lot.


Boy, you guys sure pack a wall..

- Women?
- Mm-hmm.

Luke, you ain't
gonna believe this

but we just got knocked out

by a couple of women.

And I thought
she felt a mite soft

whilst I was flying
through the air.

'Hold it. Now, hold it here.'

'Ju-just you all hold it.'

I got some talking to do.

'Now, who in blazes
is driving that big t*nk?'

Slack off there! Slack off.

Now, just get back from my boys.

And if all you Dukes would
just back off from my girls.

Uh, number one, how
do you know we is Dukes?

Number two, despite my
good looks, I ain't a Duke.

And number three,
what's going on here?

These boys here were
caught running marijuana.

- Oh, that's a lie.
- Oh, hold on, now.

Which took a lot of explaining

and a lot more believing.

But when a man
like old Jesse talks

you just tend to believe it

no matter how
strange the story is.

That's something they
call integrity, I guess.

And it sure helps
out to have some

when your word is all you got.

So this means them fellas
that were out at the farm

were after that
crate, Uncle Jesse.

- Gotta be.
- Yep.

Yeah, well, the question is now

how are we gonna
find Ryan and Davis

up in those hills?

With a lot of help.

Now, me and Bo know them
hills like the back of our hands.

Luke, this kind of thing
takes some professionaldoing.

'Yeah, it might be
a whole lot better'

if you boys just lay
low here with Cooter

'till wesettle this case.'

Because you'd only
get in our way, sugar.

Hold on.

Y-y'all seem to
be forgetting it's us

not you that's in trouble
with the law, sugar.

Uh, excuse me,
but what my cousin

is trying to say, sugar

is that if we all get caught

'we're going to the
slammer, not you.'

Bo and Luke do have a
point there, sweet things.

I mean, uh, we
can use all the help

we can get from
these good old boys.

And in the meantime,
you better get rid

of that what isn't
our water heater.

Hey, sexy rabbit, get back here.

Remember, Boss' Cousin
Maybelle at the phone company?

Well, now, she got
the word to Boss and..

There's Rosco.

Oh, my goodness!

'Alright! Freeze
it right there!'

'Just freeze it there. Aha!'

See, I knew all
you were in cahoots

with that there marijuana.

Now you're allunder arrest.

Uh, Mason Dixon,
you're under arrest, too.

And along with
your... you girls.

He's got a g*n, sheriff.

You ever seen the Hazzard Jail?

It ain't that big.

Alright, get on in there.

Just-just sit down!
You, arrestees, sit!

Enos, not you, you, dipstick.

Nice to have you back, Rosco.

'Well, well, well and well.'

Bo and Luke Duke!

You and your marijuana g*ng

have just bought
yourselves a one-way ticket

to the state "P."

'Now, just a minute.'

J.D., you know good and
well that this ain't no g*ng..

And-and that Bo and Luke
wouldn't be caught dead

'pushing marijuana.'

Jesse, all I know is

that these boys are gonna
finally be put away for good.

Yeah, and, yes, for good.

'Now, JD, just, just a minute.'


JD, I ain't asked you for a..


In-in years.

- Till now?
- Till now.

Now-Now-Now, I'm not
asking you for a favor.

I'm begging you.

Please don't do
this to my boys, JD.

Is that the bestyou can do?


please... Mr. Hogg.

Uh-uh. That ain't what I meant.

Alright, just don't do
it, Uncle Jesse. No.

Uncle Jesse..

- Boss.
- Yeah, that's better, Jesse.

'Though them boys
are stillgoin' to jail.'


Now-Now-Now, just a minute

you old reprobate!

I took off my hat to
you, I said "Please."

And it sounded nice, too.

Alright, Rosco, take off
their cuffs and lock 'em up.

'But he, you know, he
just said if he said... '

Well, JD, now you are
going back on your word.

You can't do that.

Let's go for it, boys!

Come on, Daisy,
we got work to do.

- Hang on there.
- Yeah, wait a minute.


Come back here!

Ow! Ow! Ow! The key!

Freeze! Freeze.

- Don't worry about it.
- There they went. Let go of me.

Don't worry about
the key, Mr. Hogg.

Yeah, if we can't find the key

we can have another made.

It it shouldn't take over
three or four hours. Ow!

If we only knewwhere Ryan
and Davis were heading

when you lost 'em.

Yeah, they owe us
for a new paint job.

Look what their little old
hubcap did to our fender.

Say, Mace, you got a
portable lab in that van?

Well, sure. But it don't
figure to fix no car dents.

Yeah, but it might be able to
analyze the dirt in a hubcap.

Well, I suppose, but, uh..

I'm with you now, country boy.

Huh, yeah, me, too, sugar.

From that dirt, we can tell
where their car's been driven.

Hey, listen, y'all,
it's worth a try.

Uh, uh, where'd it happen?

Right near your
farm, on Highway .

But you'll never
be able to find it.

Why don't Tink and me...

We can handle it. Come on, Bo.

Hey, listen, y'all, it's
the least we can do

to earn our keep.

Besides, we know this country

a whole lot better
than y'all do.


So, somebody called in
Mason Dixon and his girls on us.

You mean to tell me that was
two women chasing us like that?

Yeah. That ain't all
them gals can do like that.

You two lend a hand.

We're moving out of
Hazzard County now.

Mason Dixon.

Well... near as I can tell

that car's been driving
through some dirt

with a low concentrate
of red clay in it.

Red clay? You know, I
bet that's Bronson Canyon.

Now, half the
county's red clay, Bo.

Fellers, I said a
lowconcentrate of red clay

and a high
concentrate of copper.

Hmm, copper?

Copper. What's the matter?

The cat's got your
tongue on that one?

Razorback Mountain.

They got an old copper
mine up there, don't they?

That's right. Complete
with ghost town.

- Let's check it out.
- Alright.


Yeah. Well, they're
up there, alright.

But there's armed
guards all over the road.

That's the only
road up there, too.

Well, what about going
around the back side?

Well, you ain't seen
it. It's way too steep.

Uh, a fella would have to be a
mountain goat to get up there.

Well, we gotta find
some way up there.

You just did, mister.

- g*ns.
- Oh, my, my..

- Bo.
- Alright.

Hey, Mace, it just
occurred to me.

We ain't gonna
have no trouble at all

getting past them armed guards.


Bo and Luke sure look funny

in work clothes, don't they?

'Hey, you two.'

'Yeah, you. You two.'

Come on in here.
Give these boys a hand.

We've got to haul
out of this County.

'Get this stuff loaded up.'

Alright, now. Let's go. Let's
move it. Gotta get out of here.

'Mace, I'm worried about
working with these boys.'

They're amateurs.

They'll be lucky to
get up that mountain.

Looks like they made it.

You should've been
a cub scout, mister.

You would've learned
how to tie a knot better.

Cobweb, Cobweb,
this is Spider-Man.

'Which one of you's Mr.Beckett?'

Which one of you's Mr.Morse?

Well, it ain't
neither one of you

why don't you see
if they're in the box?

Tie 'em up in the barn.


Hello, Spider-Man.
This is Cobweb.

Get 'em on up here fast.

We're about ready to move out.

Okay, move. We'll take your car.

Oh, my ankle. Oh,
Tink, I think I broke it.

Huh. Cub scout.

Mace, we still gotta
make it up that hill.

'Yeah, but Bo and Luke
said we'd have to be like'

mountain goats to
get up that steep side.

Well, make like
mountain goats. Come on.


Come on.

Now, I figured he
could use a little help

old Mace put in an anonymous
phone call to the sheriff

telling Rosco that he had seen

the Duke boys and their g*ng

near Razorback Mountain

and was wondering if there
was any reward in it for him.

Well, we're a-comin',
mister anonymous..

But I tell you now,
and you listen good

I ain't sharin' my reward
money with nobody.

- Nobody.
- Let's go, Rosco.

Reward money
a-waitin'... I get %, right?

No, you don't.

My hat. You got my hat on.

Well, you got
mine, you little fat..

Now, going up Razorback Mountain

through the back
door ain't easy..

But sometimes,
it sure is pretty.

You see what I mean?

Well, cousin, uh..

We've managed to
get ourselves this far.

What do you suppose
they're gonna do to us now?

Oh, probably k*ll us.

This ain't no time
for jokes. I'm worried.

You're worried, that
ain't gonna be nothin'

compared to what Uncle
Jesse's gonna do to us

when he finds out what
we got ourselves into.

They said it couldn't be done.

- Mountain goats. Come on.
- Goats.

Feels like we've
been here before.

Poor little things.

Yeah. Let's get
'em out of there.

That won't be necessary.

Drop 'em.

Hello, Dempsey.
Long time no see.

Yeah. It's been a pleasure.

Davis, search the
back of this mountain.

Find that climbing gear
and toss it over the side.

Got you.


Step into my parlor,
will you, please?

Looks like we
didn't do too good.

Oh, don't worry about it, sugar.

Sam and me didn't
do much better.

Get on.

Hey, they're leavin'.

Hey, scooch around here,
Bo. See if we can get back.

Let me get in.

Alright, the rest of you, you
know where to meet us, right?

Let's move it.

'Mason Dixon, Mason Dixon'

this is Jesse Duke, come back.

Mace Dixon here, Mr. Duke.

I been lookin' for Bo and Luke.

Uh, have you seen 'em
around anywhere? Come back.

JD Hogg here.

I'll tell you where
them boys are, Jesse.

They're at Razorback Mountain.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, but once I
pick 'em up there

they're going away
again for a long, long time

straight to jail!

- Razorback.
- Let's go.


We'll take Dixie.

- Right.
- Okay

- Say over.
- I ain't through.

And that goes for you,
too, Mr. Mason Dixon.

Yeah, you and your
female accomplices.

With their cute little dimples.

Dimples or no dimples,
you are going. Over and out.

Uh, don't throw it down.
See, if you hang it there...

Oh, but just drive, will ya?

I hope you know where
Razorback Mountain is.

Yeah. Listen, they did
have them cute little...

Forget the dimples!

I think I got yours.

Yeah! Huh.


Here you go.


Yeah... hey, you guys
wouldn't leave us, would ya?

Of course not.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Luke, we got no time for this.

- Let's do it.
- Alright.

Hey, it's too long that
way, fellas. This way.

Come on over here, fellas.

Give us a hand.

Well, I didn't figure
they was full of makeup.

What is that?

You'll see.

Oh, hey, there's
Jesse and Daisy.

If they beat us to the Duke boys

they'll drive 'em out of
state, come on, pass 'em.

Now, you watch the
road, I'll watch them.

Pass 'em, Rosco! Pass
'em! Will ya pass 'em?

I'm-I'm tryin', boss.
Keep your gown down.

I've got the pedal
to the metal here.

That's it. Now you
got it. Bow back. Back.

Mace, this is Sam. Do you copy?

I got you, Sam. I was
just comin' up to find you.

Mace, Dempsey and his
whole operation have moved out.

You think you can slow
Dempsey's trucks down?

Well, I can sure try.

So can we, we're
two minutes away

from Razorback
Mountain, Mr. Dixon.

They're headin' east on .

Yeah, well, we'll try and
cut 'em off at Willow Road

at the junction.

Then do it, girl. Do it.

Let's go.

Rosco, don't lose 'em.

- Don't lose 'em.
- Uh, we lost 'em.

Aah, look, look, I'll give
you % of my reward money

if you catch 'em again.

Did you say " %," Boss?


I just thought of

Oh, good. Good.
Alright, let's go.

Two bombs a piece,
that ought to do it.


- Whoo!
- Come on, Sam.

Stay with him.

'Good luck, Sam.'

Hey, you're not so
bad for a beginner.

I ain't no beginner. I
done this in the marines.

Hey, there they are, down below.

There's Mace.

Okay, let's go.

Who are those guys?

Well, I'll be..

Gimme that r*fle.

- What are you doing?
- I got cutoff, boss.

Get out of here!

See if you can keep
the car on the road.

They've gone up Benedict Canyon.

We'll follow you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a
minute. What are you doin'?

I don't have time to
argue with you, Bo.

This is my case and I'm driving.

Listen, you're
gonna have to give

me a whole lot
more reason than that

before I let you go
drive the General.

Where are we goin'? Whoo!

Excuse me, General.

Take off. Yee-hoo!

We're losing altitude.

Follow me, over
towards that ridge.

There ought to be
an updraft over there.

Hi, Daisy.

Want a lift?


Whoa. Wait. Whoa! Ohh!


Gee. Jumpin',
move, Boss, move it.

Look where you're drivin'.
Only one of us can do it.

Boss, let's take turns.

Yeah, yeah!


Hey, what are you
doin' down here?

It's called fear.

- At least it's time for lunch.
- Ooh, now.

Hey, fellas.

How about a taxi?

- Huh?
- Huh?

- Ooh, ooh.
- Oh.

Boss, I'll just, I'll try.

Hey, there they are.

Yeah. They're just
above Hillford Pass.

Uh, we best pull off
the road up yonder.

Hey, the marines have landed.

Watch him.

Don't slow down, you idiot.

Run him down.

You got it.

Look out!

Let's get 'em!

You got them bombs handy?

Let's get out of here!

Looks like they don't
wanna play games

with you no more, Tinker.

Well, I do.

You do?

Stomp on it!

Y'all hold it rightthere.

Oh, I wish you'd moved.

This time, you're gone forever.

Believe me, guys,
she ain't kiddin'.

Let's go.



- 'Yeah.'
- 'Oh.'


Hey, it's on fire.

Sheriff, it's on fire!

Don't inhale, Enos.

Ain't it amazing how
simple it is sometimes

to solve complicated problems?

- 'Gaah! Get off!'
- I think you're... I got you.

Rosco, ain't you gonna arrest JD

for possession of marijuana?

He's got it all over him.

No, no, you idiot!

- 'No, boss.'
- Let me have it.

Come on.

Get in there.

Mason, Sam and Tinker
still got their rewards

even though there wasn't
much left of what they found.

And Rosco and Enos
got some glory out of it.

And all Boss got out of it

was a lift home in Daisy's jeep.

When duty calls for Mason
Dixon and his girls, it calls.

Samantha, Tinker,
just had a call.

Got another job to do
right away in Dallas.

You ever thought about
being a private eye?

- Uncle Jesse?
- Uh, uh, no way.

No way. You're
staying right here.

There you go.

All aboard for big D.

Let's go.

You got yourself a problem
or two that needs fixin'?

Well, you give 'em a
call, they're in the book

under "Mason Dixon
And Associates."

- Bye.
- Bye, y'all.

And you know what?

The Dukes ain't got a
new hot water heater yet.
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