02x17 - Officer Daisy Duke

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x17 - Officer Daisy Duke

Post by bunniefuu »

What's so all-fired wrong

with a Duke becoming
a peace officer?

Officer Daisy Duke
strikes a blow for ERA.

And Hazzard County goes POP.

- Wooh!
- Wooh!

- Here.
- Ugh?


Hold on, Enos!



Now, usually, the road
to Hazzard County's

favorite watering
hole, the Boar's Nest

is deserted at this
hour of the morning.

But Bo and Luke and Daisy Duke

had some pressing
business with Boss Hogg.

Y'all know that it takes an
early bird to catch the worm

which is a pretty good
description of Boss Hogg.

Now, Daisy, you've been
workin' on asking for that raise

since the second week
you were at the Boar's Nest.

- I know, but...
- Daisy, listen to me.

Now, you gotta call in the
dogs to see if they're wet

you're not gonna find out
if it's raining outside or not.

- Bo!
- Where'd you get that?

That's what it said.

Daisy, if you ain't gonna
ask Boss, I'll ask him for you.

Well, I appreciate
that, Luke. It's just that...

'No. No ifs, ands, or buts.'

Now, he's been payin'
you so little for so long

he don't even notice it, he
don't even feel guilty about it.

Well, one thing about Luke

that he didn't beat
around the bush, now

when it come to ask her old Boss

to raise Daisy's salary.

And this is what happens

when you shake Boss' money tree.

Now, Boss, you gonna
have to do better than that.

- Oh?
- Or else...

- Luke!
- 'Or else what?'

Or else, she quits, that's what.

Ohh! She can't quit.

- She can't?
- No.

- 'Cause she's already fired!
- Aah!

- Off the premises!
- Aah?

- Luke!
- Boss, now, uh, he...

- Do you realize what you did?
- Just, uh, Boss?

Well, now, when you
sell pigs to buy pig feed

you ain't apt to be in the
pig business for very long.

Now, when Boss Hogg
decides to hire a new sheriff

the first thing he's
gotta make sure about

is that the new man is courteous

courageous... and corrupt.

Mostly corrupt.

Grady Byrd, for
the last years

you been night watchman in
the Hazzard County gravel pit.

Without nobody to talk to

except that Doberman Pinscher.

Now, do you want me to take you

out of them pits or no?

Oh, yes, sir.

I want out of them
pits, sir, please...

Alright, I'll take
you out of them pits

because you'll do
for the job of sheriff!

- I will?
- Yeah!

- Well, you will follow orders.
- Oh, yes, sir.

And you will take
a proper share.

- Oh, yes, sir.
- There's just one thing.

Them Dukes, you gotta
keep that whole Duke family

outta my hair, do you hear?

Oh, I hear, I hear, I
will keep them Dukes

out of your hair. Yes, sir.

Sure is a nice-looking couple.

Hey, Mr. Hogg!

- Hey, Grady.
- Howdy, Enos.

Uh-uh, Grady.

Knock off all that
familiarity with Enos.

You're sheriff
now. Sheriff Byrd.

And that boy's just your deputy.

The new sheriff?

Well, I'll be
ding-danged, Grady.

Sheriff Grady Byrd!
Well, congratulations!

Now, you just s-save
that for later, Enos.

Well, yes, sir, uh, since
you're in charge now

'maybe you could tell
me what I should do'

with that new directive
from Washington.

It's the one about
hiring new deputies

under The Equal
Opportunities Law.

Well, Enos, you
just I'll, uh, I'll...

I'll-I'll check that out.

Uh, Boss, uh, what
do you want me to do

about this, uh, new-new
directive from Washington?

Nothing, right now.

I'm looking at this here poster

about these armed criminals
wanted all over the country

with a $ ,
reward on their heads!

Now, I ask you,
isn't this here reward

a mite more interesting

than some hogwash
from Washington?

Come on, Daisy, now-now
don't you get your feathers

all ruffled up. Luke here
will think of something.

Yeah, speaking of feathers,
here's one chicken plucker...

- Luke!
- Chicken plucker? Yeah.

- Hey, pal.
- Oh.

- Hi, Luke.
- How you doing?

Good to see you.
Good morning, Daisy.

Started out to be one,
but it sure ain't anymore.

What, is something wrong?

- Boss fired her, sort of.
- Oh, no!

There just doesn't seem
to be another job to be had.

Well, Daisy, why
don't you be a deputy?

A deputy? Daisy?

'Yeah. Yeah, look here.'

This here Equal
Opportunities Law says that

"The sheriff's office has gotta

"has gotta open
jobs for ladies now

just like regular people."

'All you gotta do is
apply and take the test'

along with the other
candidates, Daisy.

It sure would be nice to share

my patrol car with you, Daisy.

Duke in the front
seat of a police car?

Enos, are you ready
for the funny farm?

Nice try, Enos.

Well, well, think
about it, Daisy!

Think about it, please, Daisy.

Tell me this.

Try that on for size.

What's so all-fired
wrong with a Duke

becoming a peace officer?

Well, go back on all my raising.

Now, Daisy, us
Dukes was not raised

to be against law and order.

Well, we're a
peace loving family.

We're just against them officers

that are a disgrace
to their badge.

What with Enos being the only
law officer around we can trust

We could use another one

to kind of balance
the scales of justice.

Well, the way you
put it, Uncle Jesse

makes me wanna consider it.

But what am I gonna
do about these chores?

Oh, we'll figure
something out about that.

Oh, now, Daisy, don't
you worry about that.

Do you think that we'd
sit here and let you worry

about the chores when you
got work to do? No, ma'am.

On my word as a Duke,
Luke will take care of it.

You want 'em hung up or folded?

Now, there must be some mistake.

I mean, I may be
new to this here job.

But, uh, I am sure
that I ain't supposed

to have no Duke
in my department.

Well, this here
directive says different.

Uh, well, you-you y-you..

You can't believe
everything you read.

'Listen here, sheriff.'

I believe in The Constitution

The Bill of Rights,
the laws of this land

and I believe in
that official directive.

Now, do I get a chance or..

Do I write to the State Capital?

Well, now, now,
hold your horses.

It just ain't that
all-fired easy, now.

I mean, you gotta-you
gotta, uh, take and pass

'a certain physical and
written examinations.'

You just tell her what
to do, and she'll do it.

Now, meanwhile,
we're gonna brush up

on a few laws and
statutes, at least the ones

we ain't never
been charged with.

Come on, Daisy.

She sure would make
a good deputy, sheriff.

Top of the morning, Boss!

Howdy do, Boss?


I don't like it!

I don't like it.

When I see Dukes
walking around smiling

and giving me a big "howdy do"

I just know we got trouble.

Oh, we got trouble, alright.

- Boss?
- I knew it.

Here, that-that Daisy
Duke has applied

for the job of deputy sheriff.

A Duke a deputy?

That's like having the enemy

living in your own camp!

Here, Grady!

Now, while Boss was bending

Grady out of shape

Daisy was a-getting into hers.

Of course, there never
was too much wrong

with Daisy's
shape to begin with.

But Bo and Luke weren't
leaving nothing to chance.

They personally
supervised her training.

Alright! Alright!


And, keeping their
word, old Bo and Luke

did the household chores.

That's gotta be bad meat loaf.

That is Duck a l'Orange.

" . .

No sitting on the
Boss Hogg Memorial."

Now, that's Daisy,
studying the law.

And that's the
law, studying Daisy.

- How'd it go?
- Everything's just fine.


It's them.

Sheriff Grady Byrd,
calling Sheriff Grady Byrd!

'Deputy Enos Strate calling.'

'Sheriff Byrd! Come in, over.'


Quiet, Enos.

Now-now, what you
blabbing at me about?

I'm sorry, sheriff, but
you know them two

bank robbers hanging
on your bulletin board?

They headed your
way down State .

Them $ , crooks?

What... now, why didn't
you say that in the first place?

Oh, I just love this new job!

'Sheriff, you want
me to back you up?'

Yeah, well, that's-that's
a good idea, Enos.


Uh, but, now, you-you
stay back far enough

so there's no question
they're myprisoners.

Yes, sir! Over and out!

I'm gone!


That's about years a piece

breathing down our necks, girl.

Floor it.

When it comes to fancy driving

Cale Yarborough
could take a few tips

from the lady behind that wheel.

Oh, now, you got me
mad. Now, that tears it!

Then again, old
Sheriff Grady Byrd

ain't no slouch neither.

Try to hold it steady while
I get this thing reloaded.

Hang on a bit more.

Okay, okay, just
drop your weapons!


Come out! Hands up!

'Sheriff Grady Byrd here.'

I got you dead to rights.

Enjoy yourself.

Now, Miss Harmon.

Well, like it or not, you
gotta give old Grady credit.

He's got ten big ones comin'!

And if I had ten big
ones comin', I'd smile, too.

Ten thousand dollars!

You do this here laundry?

Yeah, I-I did the
laundry. So what?

I'll tell you so what, I got
a ring around the collar

around the waistband
of my boxer shorts.

That's so what!

I have been sitting
in this kitchen all day

sweeping up these dang floors,
and you're complaining about..

You get somebody else
to do your laundry, Luke!

I could do it myself
if I didn't have

dishpan hands up to my neck.

Cry me a river. We've
only got six dishes.

And another thing, the
bathtub ring is disgusting

and 'em blonde hairs of yours...

- One little...
- His brain do one thing..

Oh, that's real cute.

One little dark cloud
comes on your horizon...

How's that cut it?

Bo and Luke continued to
blame each other for their plight.

But deep down in their
hearts, they both knew

that they was equally
guilty for getting Daisy fired.

And they had to
make it up to her.

Like when it came time
for Daisy to take her test

they figured Grady would
throw the book at her.

Now, "What is Hazzard
County ordinance number

-B, as in boy?"

And Luke figured
to throw it right back.

But Daisy, well,
she'd had her fill

of her cousins' help.

And she passed her
written exam all by herself.

Uh, Grady burned,
but he didn't know

the meaning of
the word surrender.

Just like he don't know the
meaning of some other words

like, honesty, fair play.

He pulled another
ace out of his sleeve

when it come to the test
of disarming a suspect.

I'm not hearin'
you say uncle, fella!

- Daisy, don't hurt him.
- That's enough.

Uh, Daisy, Daisy,
now that-that is enough.

Well, that is quite enough.

- How'd she do?
- Well, she did fine.

Am I sure glad I ain't that guy.

She got a genuine mean streak.


The old Grady had one last card

up his sleeve.

And that was on
the firing range.



Come on!

Uh, sorry. Only two.

You got three, Mary Ellen.

I swear, old Grady
was as happy as a goat

eating briar..

'cause there was
five sh*ts fired

but there was only
one hole in the target.

And it took three to qualify

until Luke dug out
the other four b*ll*ts

proving that all five sh*ts
went through the same hole.

Well, Sheriff Byrd, it may
just have been one hole

but that don't necessarily
mean it was only one hit.

One, two, three four, five.

- Yahoo!
- In the same hole!

Well, old Grady had no choice

but to pin the badge on Daisy.

And swear her in
as a deputy sheriff.

Justice had won out.

Of course, what Daisy didn't
realize was winning the battle

don't necessarily
mean winning the w*r.

Now, as far as these
two are concerned..

The fight is just
getting started.

Don't get that dirt in
these clean clothes.

You'd think that the boys'
guilt over getting Daisy fired

from the Boar's Nest
would've watered down some.

But it didn't.

As soon as they finished
the household chores

Daisy used to do,
they headed for town.

Being a cop can be a
rough occupation sometimes.

Old Bo and Luke
didn't want Daisy taking

no unnecessary chances

in a job that they
helped her get.

'Calling Car Two.'

'This is Sheriff Byrd
calling Car Two.'

'This is Car Two
reporting, sheriff.'

'Get over to market, Enos'

'and see the man about
a missing manhole cover.'

'Ten-four. Over and out.'

'Calling Car Three.'

- Car three? Ain't that Daisy?
- Yeah.

'This here is Car Three.'

'We gotta at
the Boar's Nest.'

'Break it up, Officer Daisy.'

'Ten-four. This is Car Three.'

" ," that's a fight.

- Let's get over there.
- Alright.

Alright, hold it, everybody!


Alright now, look,
the party's over!

- That's right!
- Says who?

- Come on!
- Wooh! Go, come on.

Get him! Yeah, baby.

- Wooh!
- Wooh!

- Hi, Daisy.
- Hi, Daisy.

Hey, fellas.

Easy, easy.

Well... see you around.

- 'Yeah, bye.'
- Bye.

Well, that's the
way it went all day.

Bo and Luke was helping
Daisy out without her knowing it.

First there was the fight..

And then a peeping Tom

over at the Hazzard Hotel.

And later that afternoon
a and a .

Numbers that mean speeding

and reckless driving,
in law language.

Reckless driving and speeding.

Can I have your name
and driver's license?

'You didn't catch me, lady.'

'It was those two
guys in that orange car.'

Well, Bo and Luke
had done it again.

Only this time, they
left behind a witness

who let Daisy know
in no uncertain terms

who really caught him.

Luke! Bo!

I know you mean well,
but I'm very capable

of doing my job
as a police officer

without any help from you.

I passed my test,
I got this badge

of which I'm very proud of.

So I got two words for y'all.

Back off!

Well, you know, if
my hands wasn't full

I'd-I'd take my
hat off to that girl.

Mine, too.

But you remember
them two prisoners

down at the jail, don't you?

Well, they ain't
in this here tale

just for window dressing.

Somebody's comin'.

Mr. Baker, Miss
Harmon, are y'all, alright?

Oh, yeah. We're just fine.

Good. See y'all.

Well, that didn't
work, but, uh..

I'm sure we'll find
some way out of here.

Hot dang, my very first ticket

to my very favorite person.

- What?
- Well, hello, Boss.

You ought to know that
you can't park in a red zone.

This is gonna cost you bucks.

What are you talking about?

You can't give mea ticket!

Besides, I didn't
park this car here.

My driver did before he went
to lunch. Out of my way now.

You wouldn't want
to be interfering

with the law now, would you?

Daisy Duke, I'm warning you!

Or threatening a police officer.

That's gonna run you
another bucks.

A hundred bu..


Alright, alright, alright.

'Eh, maybe I was
just a little bit hasty.'

Look here now, uh,
you take this here ten

and you go buy
yourself something

you've always wanted

and we'll call it square.

Boss, that's bribing
a police officer.

That would really up your tab.

- Ugh.
- Here, bye, Boss.

Bye? But-but-but..

You, alright!

You know, this is what
I think of your ticket!

See? You see?

You see that?


- Grady!
- Aah.

Daisy Duke gave
me a parking ticket.

Imagine that!

Me, getting a parking ticket

in this town. A town I
own, and a town I run!

Give it.

Well, now, I-I-I
can't tear up a ticket

once it's written... can I?

Of course, you can!

Alright, Mr. Do-good,
you pay it yourself.

But I want that
girl off the street.

And I mean, now!

But, Boss, she's a deputy.

She's also a woman
and me, I'm proud to be

a male chauvinist hog.

Hee-hee, get that?


In any case, Daisy
Duke has gotta go!

And until she does

I don't want her patrolling
a beat! Understand?

You give her woman's
work to do. Inside.

'Typing, filing, making coffee.'

She can wash and
scrub, can't she?

Well, let her mop
these dirty floors

and make the cots up
in the cells downstairs.

Whatever! Work
her till she quits!

Hey, Daisy. How you doing, hon?

Enos, I signed on
to be a peace officer.

Not to be a cleanin' lady.

Well, Daisy, the
sheriff's department's

sort of like the army.

Everybody does
KP once in a while.

- 'Mr. Deputy?'
- Yes, sir?

'Can I talk to you
for a second?'

You bet.

Uh, ain't I got the right
to make a phone call?

Yes, sir. One
call. That's the law.

Well, I'd like to make it now.

- Right now?
- Right now.

Well, I reckon
that'd be alright.

'Harry, it's Floyd.'

Yeah, I heard you got caught.

Yeah, you heard right. I
figured you'd hear about it.

You still in?

Yeah, we're still in,
but not for very long.

We're figuring on
busting out of here.

Now listen.

Harry, this is what
I want you to do.

I want you to find a plane

and I want you to stand
by, ready to pick us up

once we do break
out of this joint.

Well, where am I supposed
to land, if I can find one?

Well... wait a second.

Do you know a place
called Morgan's Airfield?

'Morgan's Field? Yeah.'

Probably be like landing
on a postage stamp

but I'll try. When?

Ought to be sometime tomorrow.

Look, you just
stick by the phone.

Soon as we're
out, I'll call you.

Now you stick close by. See you.

'I know what she said.'

I mean, heck, I
respect her for it

But still, if anything
happened to her

I'd never forgive myself.

Well, I don't know,
but, Luke-Luke

I just don't see how
she can hurt herself

scrubbing the
jailhouse floor, that's all.

Yeah, well, people
slip, you know.

People slip.

Oh... what's the matter?

I-I-I don't really know. I'm
really kinda worried about her.

She's been doing that
since early this mornin'.

- I better get a doctor...
- Wait-wait-wait.

Why don't you
take a look at her?

You know, maybe
you could help being..

Being female and all.

Well, I'll give it a try.

Thank you.


- Where does it hurt?
- Right here!

Never figured Daisy to be
suckered by a right cross.

But like mama used to say..

Church ain't out
until the fat lady sings.

Alright, get those
keys, give 'em to me.

And you just get
the g*n over there.

'Alright. Let's go.'

Hey, Danny.

Keys are in it.

Let's get outta
here! Let's move!

Hey, Miss Postel.

It's them bank robbers escapin'.

Hold on!

Try it again.

'This here's
Deputy Enos Strate.'

'Our prisoners are escaping'

'in Deputy Daisy's patrol car.'

You reckon Daisy's
in that car with 'em?

If she is, I got nobody
to blame but myself.

Yeah, listen, don't
worry about it.

The junction 's
just up ahead there.

Let's go for it, cousin.

- Bob, Jay, you all alright?
- Yes, Enos.

I'm sorry about that, Wade.

This here's deputy Enos Strate.

Calling Sheriff Grady
Byrd. Come in. Over.

Ding-dang it.

Deputy Enos Strate calling

Sheriff Grady Byrd!

Come in!

Ding-dang, the heck with it!

Halt! Halt!

Sorry, Andy. I gotta
commandeer your vehicle!

I'll apologize later!

I'll see you later,
but I gotta go!

I'll talk to you later.

I'm sorry, Andy.

Enos, I've been
runnin' on empty!

Well, Cousin Grady

so far in your new
job, you're batting .

You struck out when you
had to hire Daisy Duke.

But you sure hit a
full bag of home run

when you caught them crooks.

That reward money's gonna come

to a hefty sum.

What you gonna
do with your third?

- My third?
- Mm-hmm, yes, sir.

But I mean, we're
partners, aren't we?

My third?

Yeah, that's a
Hazzard tradition.

Me and my sheriff we
share and share alike.

Alike, yeah. But
that means - .

Mmm, - beforeinflation!


Boss, Enos is screaming for you

on your police radio.

Seems them bank robbers
you had locked up escaped.

Yeah, well, tell him..

Escaped! Oh, come on!

Let's go!

But a third?

Oh, move it!

If those crooks get clear
away, you'll get nothing!


Oh, no! Oh, no!

Well, there they are.

Take a look back there.

Who are those
guys, the local militia?

I don't know. But I'm not
about to slow down and find out.

Hang on.

Well, looks like we lost 'em.

- Looks like it.
- Yeah.

But I'll tell you something,
darling, we better

get rid of this neon
sign we're drivin'.

It's too hot.

Gonna have to get
ourselves a new set of wheels..

And find a phone somewhere

and get Harry to
bring that plane down.

- Then Mexico, here we come.
- Ah, yes, ma'am.

Talk about having
your ups and downs.

One minute Bo and
Luke were catching up

and the next minute
they were coming down.


'Is there something I
can do for you, little lady?'

Yeah, you can
get out of the car.


Oh, now what happened
to my prisoners?

Sheriff, I'm sorry, but I
fell for a dang-fool trick.

But don't worry, I'm
gonna get 'em back.

Oh, ho ho ho! No, you won't!

We'll get 'em. You done
enough damage already.

Yeah, Boss is right.

'Now-now, uh, you
know what I ought to do?'

I ought to..

- Fire her.
- Fire ya.

Right here, right now,
and right permanent.

Yeah, you took the words
right out of my mouth.

Now, you hand in
your badge, right now.

No! I'm not handin' in my
badge until I get my prisoners.

Oh, Daisy Duke

don't you give
sheriff Byrd no lip!

You turn in your
badge this second!

Alright. Alright!

- Aah!
- Ho! Oh, ho!

Well, good riddance
to Daisy Duke.

- What you doin' now?
- I'm callin' my Highway Patrol.

In case them crooks
get out of the county.

Oh, thank you very much.

Then every peace
officer in the state

will be after them crooks

and our reward money!

No, we're gonna
catch 'em ourselves.

Oh, uh, Highway Patrol?


- Keep smilin'.
- Come on.

Daisy, we saw them
guys in your patrol car.

- Yeah, we're going with you.
- No!

I'm the one they got away from.

I've been fired and shamed.

And I'm the one
who's going after 'em.

Wait a minute. Now,
those-those guys are dangerous.

You-you can't take
'em on all by yourself.

Now just hold it,
boys. Just hold it.

Now, Daisy's a deputy sheriff

duly sworn to uphold the law.

Now, if she's gonna
be a real policeman

she's got to do
what she has to do

'and do it alone.'

'Now, you go on, sweetheart.'

Thanks, uncle Jesse.

That girl's got a lot of spunk.

But there's one
thing she ain't got.

That's a g*n.

Now, you boys go look after her.

But don't let her
know you're there.

Dang, the general ain't in
much condition for followin' her.

Well, take the jeep!

- Good thought.
- I'll get the bows and arrows.

Uh, Uncle Jesse, uh

they're gonna keep
an eye on Daisy

but who's gonna keep
an eye on 'em two?

- Well, who do you think, dummy?
- Follow me.

Who's gonna keep an eye on us?

Oh, now my car is gone!

Oh! We'll use my car!

Dollars to Hush
Puppies, Daisy Duke

took your car to
chase them prisoners.

Oh, now if she finds 'em first

I can kiss my reward
money goodbye.

You mean, my reward
money, don't you?

What do you mean,
your reward money?

Where's my driver?

Every time I want that bonehead

he ain't here!

You'll have to drive!

Go on, get in the
driver's seat. Come on.

I never drove a
big car like this!

- Oh!
- It's easy!

- But just don't you get...
- Aah!

You're the first
car that come along

in almost an hour,
Daisy. I ran out of gas.

Guess we're gonna
have to team up, huh?

Uh-uh. They're
my prisoners, Enos.

Well, now hang
on, Daisy! I mean..

I mean, we're both
deputies, remember?

Yeah, well, they escaped
from me, and I got to go.

Well, wait now, Daisy.

They escaped from me, too

once they got outside.

I want 'em just
as bad as you do.

- Hop in.
- Thank you, Daisy.

All set.


With Luke and Bo burnin' rubber

to catch up with Daisy and Enos

and everyone headin'
in the wrong direction

it looks to me like them
crooks gonna disappear

faster than hot biscuits
on a Sunday morning table.

But even a blind hog can
find an acorn now and then.

Bo and Luke happened
upon this Good Samaritan

who had just learned that
sometimes one good turn

gets a s*ab in the back.

He told the boys about
his car being robbed.

And how the police
car just passed him

on by, going the other way.

That he couldn't
get their attention.

That's Daisy, alright. She's
headin' in the wrong direction.

Yeah, but, Luke, how are
we gonna let her know that

without letting her know it's
us who's letting her know?

I got an idea.

'Attention all cars.'

'This here's the
State Highway Patrol.'

'Them escaped
prisoners have abandoned'

'the stolen sheriff's vehicle'

'and are proceeding South.'

'Repeat, South.'

- South?
- Hold on, Enos!

Grady, how did
the Highway Patrol

find out about our
escaped prisoners?

Well, I-I've been
with you all the time.

I ain't got the foggiest...

Don't fog me with your excuses!

- Right by your side.
- You listen.

If the Highway Patrol catches
them crooks before we do

and we lose the reward money

you're gonna have
to owe me your third.

What kind of a
job is this, anyway?

I could end up owing money

I ain't even got yet!

Uh, look, we'll send
somebody after you, mister.

- Hey. Hey.
- Right after that.

Name your poison.

Well, Swamp Road, now
that don't see much traffic ever.

Now, if I was a crook,
I think I'd take that one.

- Sounds good to me.
- Let's do it.

Wow! Looks like we go
the rest of the way on foot.

That plane's gonna be
there in about minutes, too.

Let's go.

Yeah, I know. If they'd
have come this way

they'd have left tracks
in the mud, right?

It's alright, cousin. You
narrowed down our choices.

Only got one road left. Come on.

Still no sign of 'em, Daisy.

I bet they took the other road.

Not if they was driving a
late model Sedan, they didn't.

We got you covered! Come
out with your hands up now!

We got you covered! Come
out with your hands up!

Stay here, Daisy.
I'm gonna have a look.

Enos, I told you
they're myprisoners!

- Well, don't get all riled up.
- 'Well!'

Well, I'd appreciate
your staying here, please!

They've flown the coop.

Enos, there's only one
way they could've gone

and that's up to
Morgan's Airfield.

I don't reckon it'd do any good
to ask you stay here, would it?

No, wouldn't do a bit
of good. Come on, Enos.

Now, if all this change in roads

is getting a mite confusin'

well, look at the
good side of it.

They're drivin' it..

And we're only watchin' it.

What you figure?


As slimy as them crooks are

I'd say they headed
for the swamp.

Let's go that way.

Ain't it amazing
how you could ask

three people the same question

and each one will give
you a different answer?

Except of course,
Boss and Grady.

Now, with both roads
taken they're just

got to run into
somebody they know.

Which way now?

- We'll go that way.
- Alright, we'll go that way.

Come on, Daisy.

Watch your step,
now. This-this ravine..

Give me your hand.
This ravine can be a mite..

- Whoo!
- Tricky! Whoa!

Everybody knows that Enos

is head over heels
in love with Daisy.

But ain't he carrying
things just a little bit too far?


Are you alright?

I think I busted my ankle.

Well, if you would've
looked where you was going

instead of worrying
about me, Enos.

Oh! Oh, Daisy, I
can't, I can't, I can't.

- Oh, oh!
- Oh, hold on.

I think you might
have a nasty sprain.

Oh, I can't make it.

You're gonna have to
go without me, Daisy.

And take my g*n. Where's my g*n?

Take my g*n and go after 'em.

Enos, I-I can't leave you
here in the middle of nowhere.

Take my g*n, Daisy,
and go after 'em.

You're a police officer
now. You took an oath.

What's important is gettin'
those criminals back behind bars

before they hurt innocent
people. Now, take my g*n.

Be careful, Daisy.

- Daisy?
- Yeah?

I just want to take
another look at you

'cause you never know how
this is gonna turn out, you know?

Enos, what are
you talkin' about?

Well, I don't wanna
get forward, but..

I just want you to know I..

Well, I-I really care for you.


Enos, ain't nothin' gonna
happen to either of us.

Now you just sit tight,
and I'll be back for you.


Ah... we're wastin' time.

We should've
took the other road.

Now, I don't know. My
sixth sense tells me...

Sixth sense?

Grady, in order to
have a sixth sense

you got to have the other five.

And you ain't got
no sense at all.

'I don't like it.'

I don't like it one bit.

You reckon they got Daisy?

Well, either that or..

She followed 'em here,
and she's trackin' 'em.

- Up?
- That's where the airstrip is.

- Come on.
- Why is it always up?

'Hold it.'

- Now just drop the g*n, Daisy.
- Oh.

That's a good girl.

Listen, folks, you ain't
gonna get away with this

'cause my posse
has you surrounded.

Oh, my, my, my!

Listen to this little girl lie.

Didn't your mama ever tell
you that fibbing was a sin?

We saw you and your partner

comin' up the hill, and, uh

we saw him fall
and hurt hisself.

Well, that's not countin'
the rest of my posse

that's moving in.

Well, that may be.
That-that may be not.

But, uh, just to
be on the safe side

maybe we better take
you along as a hostage.

Keep an eye on
her. Be right back.

Hey, deputy! We got
your partner up here.

'We're gonna take her with us!'

So if you got any bosom buddies
wandering around in these hills

you better tell 'em to back off

'if you ever wanna
see her alive again!'

Did you hear that?

Yeah. It came from over there.

You know it's
beginning to look to me

like we took the wrong road.

We? Well, uh, you picked
it, Uncle Jesse, not me.

I'm unpickin' it.

Turn this thing around!

'Hey, Luke, Bo!'

'Boy, am I glad to see y'all.'

Hey, them escaped prisoners

they-they took Daisy hostage.

- Which way did they go?
- Oh, I-I don't know.

I don't know, Bo. Ow! I
sprung my ankle. Wait!

Y'all got to get
me back to the car.

I got to-I got to
get on the horn

and warn everybody not to sh**t

or Daisy might get hurt.

- Aah!
- Let's do it.

Well, this is Morgan's Field.

Here comes Harry, right on time.

Now, easy. Easy.

- Come on.
- Look at that plane.


'Hey, that might be the
plane Sheriff Grady Byrd'

'called out to help
search for them prisoners.'

I got a doubt he
gonna risk losing

that reward money
to somebody else.

Yes. There you go.

Could be an escape
plane, though.

Morgan's Airstrip's
right over there.

- Yes, sir.
- Enos, get on the horn.

Me and Bo are gonna jump
in the jeep and cut 'em off.


Hey, thank you, Bo!

Thank you, Luke!

Deputy Enos Strate
calling Sheriff Grady Byrd.

Alrighty, go ahead, Enos.

'Them escaped prisoners'

'took Deputy Daisy hostage.'

They done what?

Of all the dang luck

where in tarnation
is Bo and Luke?

They got a plane picking 'em up

over at Morgan's Airfield.

And Bo and Luke are
on their way right now

to try to stop 'em.

I-I-I heard you loud
and clear, Enos.

Morgan's Airfield, huh? Alright.

Let's swing over
through Bobcat Flats.

What's the quickest
way to Morgan's Field?

- Bobcat Flats.
- Well, let's get there.

- Don't spare the horse.
- Hang on.

Let's not waste any time
gettin' out of here, Harry.

She's turnin' around,
heading toward

the other end of the meadow!

Yeah, I think they've
got to head into wind

to take off.

Can you get me in
close enough to get

a shot at 'em with
the bow and arrow?

Cuz, I can get you
right in that plane

if you want.

Harry, pull up.

Will you pull it up, Harry?

'She's trying to k*ll us!'

- Ahh.
- Come on.

Get out now.

- I'm fine.
- Come out here, partner.

- Come on.
- Get up. Aah.

'Yeah, I was pretty
scared for you guys.'

- You all right, Daisy?
- 'I'm fine, Uncle Jesse!'

Attention! Attention!

You are my prisoners!

One third yours!
Two thirds mine.

Hang on there,
Grady Byrd and Boss.

Daisy made the capture.

What? Oh, go on, go on!

Yeah, sheriff, you wanna
take 'em away and book 'em?

Yeah, Grady, move it, move it!

Well, Grady and Boss wasn't
about to let Daisy get credit

for capturing 'em prisoners.

Not layin' down,
anyway. No, sir.

They stood up
alongside everybody else

to watch the FBI
decorate her for bravery

and hand her a check for $ ,

which Daisy donated to the
Hazzard Children's Orphanage..

After deducting the
repair bill on General Lee.

Sure hope you're gonna stay
on as a police officer, Daisy.

- Oh, Enos.
- Enos, I wouldn't hear of it.

Daisy's comin' back to
work at the Boars Nest.

Uh, without her, folks is sayin'

it's like listening to the
radio, nothin' to look at.

Well, she ain't coming
back without a raise, Boss.

Well, she gets to keep
her ten percent of her tips.

Uh, not a point less
than eighty percent.

- I'll go twenty.
- Seventy.

- Thirty.
- Sixty.

- Forty.
- Fifty.

- Sixty.
- Seventy.

- Eighty.
- Ninety.

A hundred percent
and not a penny less!

Well, Daisy may have proved

without a doubt that
when it comes to action

she can hold her
own with any man.

But when it comes to talkin'

she can't get a word in edgewise

with the men of Hazzard County.
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