02x12 - Arrest Jesse Duke

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x12 - Arrest Jesse Duke

Post by bunniefuu »


There's an old country sayin',
"Expect the unexpected."

And it sure does fit when
you enter Hazzard County.

Y'all see what I mean?


Well, that's handy.

Maybe too handy.

Now, y'all have all heard
of nightclub strippers.

Well, now these are
Hazzard strippers.

And friends and neighbors,
they got some kinda moves.

Strip cleanin' a
starving houndstooth.

Now how about that for
a doozy of a new racket?

They sh**t out
a feller's radiator

pluck his car clean
as a naked chicken

and take off
cross-country in jeeps

so they don't leave no tracks.

Shows lots of country
smarts, don't it?

Ooh, wee, would
you look at that!

Them dang car
strippers are at it again.

Well, I guess I better
get these catfish on ice

and go tell the sheriff.

Hey, stop!

Hey, bring back
the rest of my car!


Now guess who's gonna
be accused of car strippin'?

And I bet you already
had it figured out.

Meanwhile, Bo and
Luke were headed out

to do a little hunting.

Boar or bear?

And suddenly, they
sighted bigger game.

Well, they's a whole
lot prettier anyhow.

Breaker, breaker, sweet things.
Y'all got ears on? Come back.

You're coming in loud
and proud, country boys.

Hey, listen, y'all. Y'all
wanna join us for a pit stop?

Can't right now, wolf man.

But we're loose as
a goose for lunch.

Well, alright, I tell you what.

We'll go out and pick up
the groceries, come back.

As soon as we deliver and
unload, we'll give you a shout.

What's your handles?

You got Bo and Luke on this end.
Who we got out there? Come back.

Francee and Floralee here.

'Ten-four, good buddies.'

Ten-four, little sweet things.


Don't you just love CB talk?

During all this, Sheriff Rosco
was not patrollin' Hazzard..

As usual, 'cause he had gone
to take a refresher course..

At the police
academy in Atlanta.

Which meant Boss Hogg
needed another gopher

who was devious and
underhanded and low-down.

Somebody that'd go for anything.

Nephew Hughie Hogg.

And so, I, J.D. Hogg,
county commissioner

town alderman,
village supervisor

and justice of the peace,
do hereby swear in you

Hughie Hogg, as temporary
actin' sheriff of Hazzard County.

Congratulations, my boy!

You know, Uncle
Boss, you once told me

never trust a man
that had sweaty palms.

Mr. J.D. Hogg, Mr. Hughie
Hogg, the Hoggs of Hazzard

meet Mr. Benswingin
from Louisville.

- That...
- W.B. Benswanger.

- Mr. Benswanger, how do you do?
- How do you do?

That car stripping g*ng
just flat car stripped his car.

Ain't that a shame?

You know, we've been tryin'
to catch them dirty crooks

but just can't do it.

Because nobody's ever
seen 'em doing their dirty work.

Well, I did!

At least, one of them.

He was a white-haired old geezer

who wore dirty overalls,
and a red hunting cap..

And driving a pickup truck?

Driving a pick..

Matter of fact, he
looked a little bit like..

That's him. That's him. That's
him. I'm telling you, it's him.

Wait a minute, you mean
Jesse stripped your car?

'I'm telling you
that's the one!'

I just stopped by to take
a look-see at that car.

As a matter of fact, I'm
right here now to report it.

Uh, oh, Mr. Benswanger, uh

I wonder if you'd mind staying
a little while here in Hazzard

and testify to everything
that you've seen.

I certainly will.

Hughie, here's your
first job at sheriffin'.

Jesse, we're gonna have to
take you and lock you in the jail

because you're
in big trouble now.

You're gonna lock me up?

- Hughie, take him away.
- Why..

Come on, Jesse. Let's go.
Come on, buddy. Come on.

Why, you crazy old coot!

Luke and Bo, you out
there, good buddies?

You got us, honey.

We're over here at
Nidecker's Egg Farm

and we are ready.

That makes four,
sweetheart. We're on our way.


'Or better still, how
about a public defender?'

J.D., you and me have
been friends and-and enemies

for the last years.

Now, deep down in that,
that-that-that viper's nest

you call a heart, do
you think for one minute

that I'd stoop to thievin'?

Hold on, Jesse, you was
just caught red-handed.

J.D., you pompous butterball!

There's been two dozen
cars stripped around here

in as many days.

Now, do you believe
for one minute..

That one man could do all that?

You're right. I agree.

You had to have accomplices.

So I'm just gonna issue
a warrant for the arrest

of your entire Duke g*ng.

Bo, Luke, and Daisy.

Thanks for the tip.

J.D., you bowl of
marshmallow, you-you..

Now, meanwhile, that motorist
feller had gone to Cooter

to get his car
put back together.

Lookie who's sellin' him
parts instead of stayin' home

makin' babies and biscuits.

Well, that'll do it.

It sure is something,
y'all having everything

I needed to put this old boy's
Humpty Dumpty together again.

Well, we pride
ourselves in our inventory.

I'll be in the truck.

Yeah, yeah, some vacation.

Bye, now.

Hey, hey, hey!


Hello, sugarplums!

That man just smells money.

- 'Hi, Boss.'
- Oh, no names, please.

Remember, no one must know
that I'm involved with you all.

Not even my temporary
actin' sheriff, my own nephew.

Now then, how're we
doin', my little angels?

Well, you're doing
fine, but we're not.

Look, Hogg, this was our idea.

We're doing all the work and
you're getting % of the take.

Cheer up, honey-pie.

Your latest victim
has thrown the blame

on one of our
locals, Jesse Duke.

The old coot is sitting in the
hoosegow this very minute.

And now, I'm gonna pin the
rap on the entire Duke family.

- Bye.
- Oh, wait a minute.

That ain't gonna put
more money in our pockets.

Patience, my pet.

Listen, one day, when I
turn this scheme of mine

into a national operation,
each and every one of you gals

is gonna have her own
personal car strippin' franchise.

Oh, it's great. It's real good.

Holy! It's more of them
car-strippin' Dukes.

Hot dang! If I get 'em

Boss will make me permanent
temporary acting sheriff. Ha ha!

Oh, Lord, it's the law.

Y'all girls only got
a little time for lunch.

I'll be danged if we spend
it fooling with the sheriff.

- Take off, Bo.
- Yeah.

Enos, them Duke boys
are coming your way.

'Do ya see 'em?'

Possum on a gum
bush, there they are.

Forget the possum,
it's them Dukes I want.

- Grab 'em!
- Yes, sir!

- Whoa!
- Whoo!

- Sorry about that y'all.
- This must be the place.

Here you go. Let
me help you, honey.

Got it.

You sure this is a good
place to have lunch?

Oh, sure, all the truck
drivers eat here, honest injun.

Uh, what he
said. Let's-let's go.

And so, while the boys
were hopin' to get some action

another kind of action was
taking place not too far away.

Let's go.

Come on, girls, hurry up.

'Breaker, breaker, this
here is Trucker Tom.'

'Attention, good buddies,
slow down to the double nickel'

"cause the bears
are all crawlin'.'

Excuse me. That road
racket's got no place at a picnic.

But we gotta keep
our ears on, honey.

Those eggs they load
on our rig are perishable

and when it's a
ready-teddy, we gotta roll.

Well, suit yourself.

'Temporary actin'
sheriff callin' Enos.'

'Temporary acting sheriff,
Hughie Hogg, callin' Enos.'

'This here is Enos,
sheriff. Come in.'

'Enos, I want you to get on back
to town and send out an APB.'

'I want all them car-strippin'
Dukes in jail with Uncle Jesse.'

- 'I'm on my way, sheriff.'
- What?

Excuse me.

Where ya goin'?

- They got Uncle Jesse.
- They got him in jail. Here.

- Come on.
- But fellas...

We ain't got time.
Now go, come on.

They're gonna pin that
car-stripping stuff on us.

I can understand
us, but Uncle Jesse?

Me neither.

And guess what?

- As naked as a jaybird.
- 'Well, I'll be danged!'

Well, the General's
mortally wounded

Uncle Jesse is in jail

and the boys are
fugitives from the law.

Folks, it looks like
the tornado has done

hit the sheep dip.

Hughie, get your
butt up here right now!

Do you hear me?

Yeah, here I am, Uncle Boss.
Right here, what do you need?

Hughie, it ain't the
sheriff's job to set rewards.

His job is to catch crooks.

So I'm warnin' you, if
anybody should turn up

to claim this $ reward

it'll be the sheriff who
pays out of his own pocket.

- I never heard that before.
- Sure you did. I just said it.

Well, Uncle Boss,
I just got sworn in.

I couldn't possibly afford
that kind of money right now.

You will, when you get
Sherriff Rosco's regular cut

like I promised, and you'll
get it, you can trust me.


Now then, meanwhile

I want you to go and catch
them Dukes all by yourself.

And if you do, you'll
just save yourself $ .

So long. Get movin'.

Yeah, well, no doubt
about it, Uncle Boss.

Sounds like the opportunity
of a lifetime. Mm-hmm.

Uncle Jesse, hey.

What are you boys doin' here?

'Don't you know they're
lookin' for you two? Now, get!'

Listen, Uncle Jesse, we ain't
goin' nowhere without you.

Soon as we figure a way
to bust you outta here.

You can just stop figurin',
'cause I ain't goin' no place.

I'm stayin' right here.

But, Uncle Jesse, Boss
Hogg's got you in here illegal.

Well, me bustin' outta here

doesn't make it
any less illegal.

Now, listen, just
because we are dealin'

with a low-down dirty
skunk like J.D. Hogg

doesn't mean we have to
lower ourselves to acting like one.

- Uncle Jesse, there...
- Get now! That's an order.

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.

Ol' Cooter had done
taken it on hisself

to show how good ol'
boys had got their name

helpin' out a friend.

The General looks
kinda peaked, don't he?

Y'all, if we could just get
some parts for General Lee

maybe we'd find out
who framed Uncle Jesse.

Yeah, I'll tell you that
new Dixie auto part store

well, they got the inven..

The inventory.

That store opened
up about the same time

this rash of car
stripping started, didn't it?

Yeah, about a month ago.

Y'all think them pretty Phillies
got something to do with it?

Possible straight.
Possible flush.

Bo, we owe to it ourselves
to take a little trip into town.

- Yay, we're gone.
- I'm goin'.


And there'll be no
arguments, fellas

because I'm already
mad enough to spit.

She's goin'.

- Cooter, can we borrow your..
- Pickup? Keys are in it.

- Thanks a lot, buddy.
- See you, Cooter.

- Hey, y'all.
- Yeah?

- You be careful.
- Ain't we always?

Here comes the truck, Enos.

Well, that's just Cooter.

Cooter, my foot!
It's them Dukes.

I got $ ridin' on
this, Enos. Get, come on.

Hit it! Go now, boy!

Yeah, we're gonna get
'em for stealing an entire

whole and unstripped vehicle.

Come here. Go!

Come on.

Dang that Hughie.
He's everywhere.

Okay, now, Enos, I
got 'em. Move over.

Come on, move
out of the way now.

They're all mine now,
Enos. Now, back off.

Back off!

Hey, Bo, here,
take a look at this.

- What?
- Straight off the General.


Bet they're running a fence
for them car strippers here.

Let's see if we can find
any other General parts.

- Here's the..
- Put it in here.

'Look at this. Half the
General's in this place.'

'If this keeps up, Boss will
have parts of every car around.'

'He'll have all the pieces
before he's through.'

Give me that.

Alright, hero. That's enough!

You look nice, blondie.

Uh, uh, why don't you girls
just put down that a*tillery?

- Button up, you.
- What're we gonna do with them?

I don't know, but right
now we're gonna tie 'em up.

- Oh, no way, lady.
- Blondie.

I'd hate to damage
that beautiful body.

- Ow!
- Ow!

You shouldn't play
with g*ns, honey.

Come on! Angela, move it!

Come on. Step on it, Sally.


Duck, Dukes!

Daisy, I don't think
she's playin' with that g*n.

Seems a little strange. Never
had no girls sh**t at me before.

Generally, it's the girl's
father who's sh**t' at you.

How cute.

- Keep goin', Bo.
- Can't you go any faster, Bo?

Daisy, I got the
dang thing floored.

Well, I have to do
somethin'. Keep rollin'.

Listen, you be careful, Luke.

He should stay a
little lower than that.

'Stay low, Luke!'

If I stay any lower,
I'll be a lane marker.


That did it, Luke. Good goin'!


- Alright!
- Yaa-hoo! Whoo-hoo!


Well, they played rough.
Wonder who's behind it all.

I ain't got no idea.

Well, the sign in
front of the store says

Dixie Auto Supply Incorporated,
so their incorporation papers

ought to be on file
down at city hall.

Dang, why didn't I think of
that? Let's get outta here.


- Oh! Hmm!
- I just..

What are you gals doin' here?

I told you not to
come to this office.

Oh! What if somebody
saw ya? Now, what is it?

- You know what just happened?
- No.

The Dukes just ripped
off our auto part store.

- Yeah.
- They did?

Is nothin' sacred?

A man can't make a dollar
these days and expect to keep it.

- We chased them. They got away.
- They did, huh?

Look, Hogg, things are
startin' to get pretty rough.

They sure are. You have no idea.

- Oh, I do.
- Uncle Boss, I... uh-oh.

I'm sorry, Uncle Boss, I didn't
realize that you had visitors.

- You didn't, huh?
- No.

Well, how dare you come
barging in here? Like a bull in heat.

Ladies, I'm gonna
take care of everything.

Glad you told me about it.
Why don't you just go now?

Because everything
will be taken care of later.

And we'll get in touch.
You hear me now?

See you later. We
got a lot to talk about..


Hughie, where you been?

The Duke g*ng,
they just ripped off

these poor ladies'
auto part store.

Mm-hmm. Didn't I hear
one of them pretty little ladies

call you partner, Uncle Boss?

Partner? Oh, yeah,
she's from Texas.

Down there, they call
everybody partner. Don't they?

Uh, you wouldn't be holdin'
out on me now, Uncle Boss?


Would I dare to double-cross
my own flesh and blood?

- Well, I don't know.
- Bite your tongue!

Why, I can't.

So you just get out there
and nail them Duke boys.

- You hear me?
- Alright.

Phew! I earn every
dirty dollar I make.

'Temporary acting Hughie,
I can't find the Dukes.

'I just can't believe
they'd do that.'

I don't care, Enos. Check
the Duke farm again.

'Those boys must
be hidin' someplace.'

'Now, get out there
and find them Duke boys'

'and Daisy Duke, too.'

Even if you'd rather find
possum on a gum bush.

'Yes, sir, sheriff, I'll do it.'

- Hey, Hughie!
- Hi.

- Bo Duke, you're under arrest.
- Bye.

- Come on, Hughie. Whoo-hoo!
- Stop, thief!

I will tell my Uncle
Boss about you.

Come here, you criminal!

Here, it is.

Dixie Auto Supply
Incorporated was registered

by the Blue Ridge
Catfish Company.

That don't tell us much.

Ah, now, that company belongs
to National Pinballs Limited

which is owned by...
Instant Grits Incorporated

which in turn is owned
by... guess who?

Boss Hogg?

The J.D. Hogg
Investment Corporation.

Come on, Hughie!

What's the matter, can't
you run faster than that?

- Come here.
- I'm coming. Whoo-hoo!

Excuse me.

Come on, Hughie.


Hughie, you alright?
I didn't mean...

Yeah, I'm alright.
I got you, don't I?

I played possum,
and now I got you.

Aah! Where am I?

Wait! I order you to freeze!

It's a plot, isn't it?
Conspiracy against me.

You're-you're both in on it. I..

Uncle Boss is gonna k*ll
me. Gotta get them Dukes.

Them Dukes!

Now, hang on, ain't nobody died.

The Dukes have just solved
part one of their mystery

Who's doin' it to 'em?

And the fun starts now

'cause we got a little
shuck and jive cookin'

with Cooter and
Daisy drivin' the bait

that undertaker's limousine.

Jesse, you know, uh,
Uncle Boss and I are..

Real, real close.

You don't think he'd
ever double-cross

anybody that close,
do you? Like kin?

J.D. double-cross kin?

Heh! Why, he's one of our
most outstandin' citizens.

He's a pillar of our community

and he's your
dear beloved uncle.

Why, you could trust J.D.
just like you trust yourself.

Right, right..

Okay, Jesse, well,
just enjoy your meal.

Bo, Luke, it looks
like our little idea

isn't gonna work out.

Cousins, we got
ourselves a problem.

The radiator just
upped and blew on us.

- Let me see that thing.
- Yeah.

We got a big problem,
brothers. We've just been shot.

Pull her over.

Oh, I'm sorry about
this, honey pie.

It's okay, sugar.

Uh, you don't mind, cupcakes?

I don't mind, cream pie.

'I knew I should've
thrown away that lemon.'

- 'You're so wise..'
- Look at that.

Honey pie, you're
just divine, melon, you.

This is the first time I've ever
seen a pair of female strippers

take off a set of wheels.

This here is Luke Duke callin'
Hughie Hogg, come on in.

'Hughie, come back.'

'Callin' actin' sheriff,
Hughie Hogg.'

You got your ears on?

Dang it!

Well, Hughie is turning
out to be Hazzard County's

type of sheriff, alright.

Never there when you need him.

That's why we don't never
find them things on the road

'cause they don't use the road.

I'll be a suck egg mule.

Listen, y'all, we best go
get 'em ourselves, come on.

- I got shotgun.
- You always get shotgun.

Hold it. In my car, I drive.

Yes, ma'am.

Get your boa out of the door.


Daisy, look out
for that cliff. Daisy!

I don't know about y'all,
but I just swallowed my gum.

- Hey, Bo?
- Yeah, Cooter?

- Next time, you got shotgun.
- Thanks a lot, Cooter.

This ain't exactly the time
for humor. Daisy, take it easy.

Yeah, yeah, real easy.

They're gettin' away.

- Hey, y'all, there they go.
- You alright there, Cooter?



Got any more big ideas?

Well, believe it or not,
that four-wheel excitement

back there set me thinkin'.

Cooter, how's the
General comin' along?

Oh, good as new. Good as new.

Now, this may sound crazier
than usual, but picture if you will.

The General as a four wheeler.

That way we'll be able to go
anywhere them jeeps can go.


I could put some expanders
and air shocks in the back.

- You can do that?
- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

We're gonna have to
get it back to the garage.

Well, alright,
y'all, now listen.

Y'all take the General
Lee to the garage.

I'll follow these tracks, see
if I can find somethin' out.

Alright, take care
of yourself, cousin.

That blonde charm ain't worth
a bucket of spit against a . .

Well, I'll die with a
smile on my face.

- So long.
- Take care.

- You too.
- You too, yeah.

- He's a crazy one.
- Yeah.

Well, I hope nobody sees me
uptown with this monkey suit on.

So, while Luke, Daisy, and
Cooter was working to turn

the General into a
high-steppin' mountain goat..

Old Jesse was pacin' in his cell

gettin' itchier than a
hound dog in a flea circus.

And Bo searched for the hideout

of them unladylike females.

And he was one pooped
Duke, and about to give up

when suddenly,
he heard somethin'

that definitely wasn't
a jaybird cacklin'.

Stop! Oh, I can't
stay under this!

Oh, God! Stop,
stop, stop! I'm freezin'.

'Sally, hand me a
towel. I'm freezin'!'

'Come on. Stop it. Oh, Lord!'

What's a, uh, nice girl like
you doin' in a place like this?

Move it.

- You first?
- Move!

Yes, ma'am.

- Are you kiddin' me?
- Oh, look at you.

Hey, Carla.

Look here, we got
ourselves a peeper.

Well, hey.

Bo Duke. Well, I'll be darned!

I think one of your eyes
is bluer than the other.

Oh, yeah? It gets that way
when it sees something it wants.

Tie him up, girls, on my jeep.

How come your jeep?

It's always your jeep.

Don't argue about me, we'll
do it in alphabetical order.

- We'll start with A...
- 'Shut up, blondie.'

Just do what I said.

Sally and me's got
a little visit to make.

Looks like ol' Bo's
fatal charm is fading

faster than a
dime lightnin' bug.

Hughie, I don't wanna hear
no more of your puny excuses.

But Uncle Boss...

I want 'em car-stripping
Dukes behind bars, you hear?

- But I'm trying...
- Oh, but, but, but!

If you don't catch them, you're
gonna be out on your butt.

- Don't move.
- What in holy hen is going on?

Sheriff, give me that g*n.

What do you mean
coming here like this?

Partner, the
partnership is over.

We're tired of gettin'
the short end of the stick.

Tubby, we want all
the car-strippin' money.

- Right now.
- 'Shame on you, Uncle Boss.'

Well, I should have known
with those sweaty palms of yours.

Hughie, will you shut
up? I got enough troubles.

They're double-crossin' me.

Alright, Hogg, open up the safe.

- Move.
- Yeah, yeah.

Alright, alright,
alright, alright.

You ain't gonna get away
with this though, you know.

I'll track you down,
wherever you go.

Out of the way.

And that ain't no
car-strippin' money in there.

Some of it belongs
to the orphanage fund.

'And the rest is from
the old age home.'

Some of it's supposed to
go to various local charities

that I'd been saving
for for a long time.

- Cleaned out.
- Good.

And nobody get any bright
ideas with that phone, you hear?

Hughie, Hughie, come on.
Take your g*n, go after 'em.

Hmm. No, not
interested, Uncle Boss.

Oh! Hughie, come on, take
the g*n and go catch 'em.

- They took all my money.
- After what you've done to me?

Alright, alright, I'll
give you a full cut.


I don't think I'm
interested, it's a little low.

- Sixty-forty.
- Mm-mm, no.


Sold to the man in the white
suit and the sweaty palms.

- Yeah, alright, come on.
- Let's go.

- I just love upholding the law.
- Yeah, let's go.

Relax, marines have landed.

Whoo! The General
Lee sure is ridin' high.

Come on, hop in here, honey.

- Come on. Hit it!
- Alright. Alright, alright.

- Dah!
- Uh-oh.


Stripped cleaner than a
possum's belly, Uncle Boss.

Come on, we'll use my car.


- Whoa!
- My car's stripped too.

Hughie, Hughie, is there
no decency left in this world?

No justice?

A man, namely, me

claws, bites, and
corkscrews his way to the top

and when he gets
there, what happens?

Everybody's onto him?

Looks like you got car trouble.

Oh, no kiddin'.

Them car-stripping thieves
stole Uncle Boss's money.

And took off for the hills.

Sounds to me like you need
some sort of off-road vehicle.

Oh, we sure do.

Uh, say, would you mind
using this car to help us

catch them thieves?

- I'd say that all depends.
- On what?

You release Uncle Jesse and
drop all the charges against him.

- And us.
- What she said.

- You got it.
- You hush.

I'll say who drops what
against whom and when.

You got it.

Plus, you reimburse
everybody involved with this thing

besides payin' the garage
charges we owe Cooter.

Are you outta your
everlovin' mind?

And you pay us a $
reward for nabbin' 'em girls.

Go on.

Boss, every second you waste

your money's
flyin' further away.

You're killin' me,
but you got it!

Oh, Enos, Enos, let's go
catch them car-strippin' thieves.

Come on.

Get that wreck out of the way.

I'll hop in the back, Cooter.

Come on back!

What about Mr. Wonderful here?

He's comin' with us.

Maybe we'll find out if
blondes really are more fun.

They are, sweetheart, they are.

And if you'd just
untie me, I'd show you.

Come on, let's roll.

- Can we talk about this?
- We'll talk later, sugar.

Come on, y'all,
follow me. Hurry up.

Keep it movin'.

Alright now, keep your eyes
open for some trail of dust kicked up

by one of them four-wheelers.

I'm so worried about Bo.

Ah, he's a Duke, he's
got at least twelve lives.

Watch for dust.

Look! Over there.

This here's the Hunters talkin'
to the Chief Forked Tongue.

We got them bandits in sight.

'It looks like they're circling
South on Highway .'

They got Bo.

He's all tied up like a
roped steer goin' to market.

Yee-haw! Here comes
Luke in the General.

- We'll lose 'em.
- Oh, yeah?

This here's the
Hunters comin' at ya.

They're changin' direction
and headin' towards Route .

Stop! Stop! Turn
around, dipstick.

You're letting them get away!

Hurry up. Hurry up.
My money, my money!

Yeah! That's one, two to go.

Alright, here's another
direction correction.

They're headin' southeast
towards Highway .

We got 'em.


Strike two! One more, Luke.

Dang! There goes plan A.

Give me the key.

Come on, I'm just tryin' to..

Would you give me that?

No! Look!

- Would you just..
- 'Bo, there's a cliff ahead.'

'Bail out!'

Oh, gosh! Sorry, darlin'.

Well, Jesse, I guess
this is your lucky day.

Hughie, you're a
man of great precept.

Uncle Jesse was
sprung from jail..

The law abidin' way.



Well, you've come home.

- Uncle Jesse.
- There's my girl.

- Are you okay?
- I'm fine, just fine.

Come along, little doggies.

My money.

Uh, excuse me, Boss, I think
you owe some of that to Daisy.

- Huh? Wha..
- Damages on the car.

Daisy collected for
the repairs on her jeep.

Well, thank you, Boss.

Cooter got his money
for fixin' General Lee.

Read 'em and weep,
Boss. Read 'em and weep.

And even Mr. Benswanger,
he had got what he had lost.

'Mr. Benswanger.'

And the boys got
their $ reward.

Now, that really hit
Boss where he lives.

Here you go. Take it.

Thank you. Ha ha!

- Let's get outta here.
- Alright, let's go.



So if you're ever passin'
through Hazzard County

y'all just remember
that old country sayin'

and expect the unexpected.
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