02x10 - Granny Annie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x10 - Granny Annie

Post by bunniefuu »

You know one nice thing
about drivin' anywhere

in Hazzard County.

You're always sure to run
into somebody you know.

They almost did.

That's B.B. Davenport.
Cooter's cousin.

- Yee-hoo!
- Yahoo!

Now, what that means
in Hazzard County

is, "Ya'll wanna race?"

Alright. Alright.

Come on, General. Get it up.

Hey, why don't you let
him win just this one time?

Oh, you sure are
generous when I'm drivin'.

- Yeah?
- Alright.

Haa-ha ha!

Hey, good buddies.

Ya'll owe me a beer.
Don't you come back?

That's a big - , big B.B.

Listen, tell Daisy to
put it on our tab, alright?

We promised Granny
Annie, we'd go over and do all

the roofin' for her
today, we're gone.

Granny Annie Cargill.

The Grandma Moses
of Hazzard County.

Been selling her
stuff at the same spot

for over years.

She's been havin' a
goin'-out-of-business sale

for of 'em.

Uh, slippery rung. Yeah.

- Granny. Good as new.
- Yeah.

Well, I've never seen
nobody like you two.

So interested in my flowers.

Oh, uh, they bloomed
up extra pretty this year.

Holly Mae sure did bloom
up pretty too, didn't she?

Well, now, you just back off.

'Cause she ain't
ripe for pickin', yet.

Now, here you go.

Oh, no. We can't
take nothing for this.

- We-we're just helpin' out.
- Yeah.

I don't take charity.

Now, here you go.
There. Now, scat.

Oh, and, uh, give
your Uncle Jesse

a special howdy for me.


He's a good-lookin' man.

I don't know what possessed
me lettin' him get by me.

Huh. Yes, ma'am.

- We'll see you later.
- Yeah.

- 'Much obliged.'
- 'Yeah.'

Thank you.

- Take care now.
- Alright. Bye.


- It's not funny, Luke.
- I don't think it's funny.

Hey, Ellen.

You know, that sounds
like the Oak Ridge Boys.

Ah, must be the jukebox.

Don't sound like
no jukebox to me.






Hey, hey. Hey, listen,
ya'll were terrific, man.

Well, if you wanna thank
somebody, thank that sheriff.

- Sheriff Rosco?
- Yeah.

He caught us in a speed trap.

He asked us to spend a
night in jail or do this gig here.

And I'll tell you what, he
drives a hard bargain too.

Guys, let's go to
Nashville. C'mon.

Thanks a lot for coming, ya'll.

Thanks to Granny Annie,
beer is on the Duke boys.

You know what? This fives
can cover your tab here.

Well, Luke, I guess
we ain't got no choice.

- Drinks are still on us.
- Ha! There you go.

- There you go.
- Make 'em big and cold.

Alright! Yeah, give me
a frosted glass, will you?

- Thank you, Daisy.
- Yeah.

Now, here's where we start
getting into the nitty-gritty

of this here story.

You watch Rosco if
you don't believe me.

- Hey, sheriff.
- Mm?

Come here. Take a look at this.

Rosco, this fake $ bill
don't mean piddly-doo to me.


What I want are
the engraving plates

that made it.

- Engraving plates.
- Engraving plates. Got that?

- I got it.
- Yeah.

'Cause I reckon, I could
sell them plates to someone

who'd pay me a mighty
pretty penny for 'em.

I love that.

You know how we gonna
get them plates, don't ya?


Well, you gonna keep your eyes
open and follow them Duke boys

on the QT, until they
lead you right to 'em.

Well, I'll do that.

- Don't make 'em suspicious.
- No.

- Just act casual. You got that?
- Oh, yeah.

- Casual.
- Casual.

You wouldn't by any chance know

where the Duke
boys went, would you?

They just said they were
heading back to their spread.

Mm, that's it.

They didn't pass
anymore of those

phony $ bills, did they?

- No.
- Yeah, no.

General, you're a mess.

Now, since when did the
two of you start taking money

for helping somebody
like Granny Annie?

I told you, Uncle Jesse.
She forced it on us.

Well, you should've
forced it back on her.

Hey, good buddies. B.B.
Davenport here. Come on.

This is Luke Duke, B.B. Come on.

Know that beer money
Granny Annie give you..

It ain't the real
thing. It's counterfeit.

'Now, Rosco is skulking around.'

'He plans to talk
to you about it.'

Yeah, I just bet he is.

You boys need any help at
all, just give a holler. I'm gone.

What kind of a
varmint would give

bogus money to some sweet
little ol' lady, like Granny Annie?

Probably some guy on the road

came and bought a
painting or something.

Well, you two better
get over there right away

and you tell Granny
what's happenin'.

- Now, get!
- Yes, sir.

We just got company.
Rosco pulled in behind us.

He can't be chasin' us.

I don't see lights
flashing or hear that siren.

Yeah, you're right.

Alright, stop it.

Just like I thought.

He is followin' us, but
he don't wanna catch us.

Your guess is as
good as mine, why.

Well, we better lose him.

Oh great! We are
losin' oil pressure now.

I thought I fixed that
oil pump. Doggone it!

Well, we are gonna
have to work on it later.

We are gonna have to
leapfrog over Klinger Ridge.

He can't catch
what he can't see.

The General and me
will do our best. Hang on.


Dumb place to put a fence.

I just knocked that son of a
g*n into the middle of next week.

Ooh! Ooh!


Golly! He been going to the
Bo Duke School of Driving.

'No. He ain't. It
ain't open yet... ;

'Next week.'

Rosco. Rosco! J.D. Hogg calling.

This is Sheriff Rosco
P. Coltrane, little buddy.

I'm in casual pursuit of
them, Duke boys. Over.

He he he. Well, don't
you lose 'em now.

'Cause I just made me
a right beautiful deal.

I'm selling them engrav..

Um... them, uh, thingamadoodles

we heretofore discussed

to Big Jim Downey
of Dixville County.

Boss, did you say Big
Jim Downey? Good grief.

That man is mean. He'll kick
you, bite you and stomp on you.

And then he'll
really hurt you. Over.

Ah ha. Don't you
worry about that.

I can handle Big Jim.

You just hang in close
to them Duke boys

and bring me them

And then, you and I
are gonna be in Clover.

Ooh! Over and out.

In Clover? Yeah, we'll
be in Clover, alright.

Big Jim will put us
six feet under Clover.

He plants more bodies than
that old bloke does bones.

'My husband left me
all his shine money.'

Let us help you
get rid of this stuff.

If we get rid of the evidence,
Rosco can't do a dang thing.

Oh, that rotten man!

Take it away.
Just get rid of it.

I don't care what you
do with it, bury or burn it!

I don't want nothing around
here, that reminds me of Ezra.

'Exceptin' a little shine, I
still got put away for me.'

- You want a match?
- Ah, no.

The problem is, you can
still identify the ash, you see.

We'll take it to Willow Creek
and take care of it there.

Yeah. Alright.

Alright, you, Duke boys.

Come out, come
out, wherever you are.

Rosco ain't gonna hurt you.

Ooh! Ooh!

There's Rosco! Look out!

Ooh! Ha ha!

Gee, I've been
following you casual like.

But this time, I got
you with the good.

Now, you're both under
arrest. Now, get out! Get out!

I can't do that, Rosco. We're
gonna have to move the car.

Well then, move
it. Just move it!

- We will be right back.
- Wait!

We best cut
through the rail yard.

What do you think?

- You're drivin'.
- 'Thanks a lot.'

You know, them Duke boys
never was much on waiting.

- Some flyin'.
- Whoo!

Let Rosco try that.

That's one way to catch a train.

One thing about Boss Hogg,
not many people realize.

There is times when he does
have an understanding nature.

Rosco, you are fired.

This just ain't
one of them times.

But see, I didn't
have no choice.

Them Duke boys, they
just come outta nowhere

and pop that money into my lap.

Oh, Rosco!

Big Jim Downey is on his
way here, right this second

to settle our deal
for them plates.

I ain't got 'em.
And he is a-comin'.

Then, you'd better be goin'.

Because I mean to tell you
that Big Jim Downey is mean.

Not only mean,
but he's a k*ller.

What I can't understand is,
with a man with your smarts

why you would make a deal with..

For something you ain't got?

- I've got a one-word answer.
- Greed.

That's the word.

L-listen Boss. I promise
you, I'll get you those plates

if you give me one
more crack at it.

Alright, Rosco. I'll give
you one more crack.

You are hereby rehired. Get it.


But if you don't
come through this time

I'm gonna take another crack.

- At my head?
- At your head.

So, there was a
meeting of the Duke clan

at the old Hazzard Coffin
Works, which included B.B.

Being as B.B., like Cooter,
always was a Duke at heart.

So, you boys want my
advice, here's what I'd do.

I'd turn myself
in and just flat-out

tell 'em where I got the money.

- Then what about Granny?
- Yeah.

Well, we can't
really blame Granny

for something her
late husband did.

You know, she told us that
he used to run shine with you.

Well, they was never married.
And they did run shine with me.

Then why would Granny
tell the boys that story?

What is that?

I don't know, but
it don't come off.


That there is ink.

Now, you boys said you was
just handlin' Granny's money.

Wouldn't you think
that after years

that ink would be dry?

Well, sure..

Oh, you ain't
thinking that Annie...

Let's go, Bo.

- Come on, B.B.
- Let's get out of here.

- Can you believe that?
- Don't make sense.

First chance you get, you
better bring The General

in for a physical.

Looks like his oil
gasket's leaking.

Yeah, we know about it,
but we ain't got time right now.

Check ya later.

- Hey, sheriff.
- Hi, Enos.

Listen, did you get down
to Dixville and check that...

- That's the Duke boys!
- It's the Duke boys.

- How did Rosco find us?
- He didn't.

I think we found him.

Come on, Enos. After 'em.


Oh, sheriff.

Now, when you promise
a man like Big Jim Downey

something like engraving
plates with pictures of presidents

you better deliver.

Big Jim has been known to
make a mess of folks, who didn't.

That's pretty good
looking merchandize, Hogg.

- $ .
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- The engravin' plates?

Uh, well, Big Jim, you
sure surprised me, sir

when you turned up so quick.

Now, you don't think
that I'd keep them plates

right here on the
premises, do you?

- Hogg..
- Yeah?

Now, I don't like
playing games, Hogg.

There's the money.
Now, where's the plates?

Safe, Big Jim.

Safe as if they is in
your own mama's arms.

An associate of mine,
at this very minute

is out looking for 'em.

Uh... that is, he is looking
forward to pick 'em up.

I-I mean, he ispicking
'em up at this very second.

- So, you can just go home...
- Home? Oh no.

Hogg, I'm not leaving this town
until I get what I've come for.

I'll be at the hotel.

- I'll call you there.
- Yeah, you do that.

Oh, and you will
remember this, Hogg.

No plates... and Vic here
is liable to lose his temper.

And when Vic loses his temper..

Oh, somethin'
terrible might happen.

A-ah! A-ah!


Don't you hate a showoff?


And friends and neighbors,
I wish I could tell you that

you ain't seein'
what you are seein'..

But you is seein' it.

Ms. Annie's art works
has done got outta hand.

Well... huh, I got
you boys into trouble

with them bills I gave you.

I did, didn't I? I
didn't mean to.

I just gave you the
wrong ones. That's all.

See, I... I make
this stuff so good..

Even I can't tell
mine from the good.

I meant to give you
the good. I'm sorry.

Saying sorry ain't gonna
keep Luke and me out of jail.

It won't keep you
out of jail, neither.

Let us put them plates to rest

down at the bottom
of Hound Dog lake.

'Without them as evidence,
Rosco don't have no case.'

Oh, I never did
mean to hurt nobody.

I only make me enough money

I would've got from
the welfare, anyway.

To save me the trip there.

I could've made
myself rich, but I didn't.

'You can look around this
place and know that's all.'

Granny, look. Now, me
and Bo is on probation.

Rosco catches
us with them plates

he's gonna put
us under the jail.

Granny, we just
gotta get rid of 'em.

But this is the best dang
work I've done in years.

See... now, you-you
look at my Abe Lincoln.

You notice that little
twinkle in old Abe's right eye?

I did that. I put
that twinkle there.

See, this here is
my masterpiece.

I guess, a
masterpiece isn't worth..

Hurting you two youngsters.

You've been so good to me.

I... you just do what's right.

'Thanks, Granny.'

'Thanks, Granny.'

If you also wonderin'
how Rosco found 'em..

Well, that was easy.

All Rosco did, was follow

a lotta oil drippings
from The General.

'Alright, alright.
No funny business.'

'Come on out here. Come on.'

No, no, don't you thr*aten
me. Get there. Get right there.

Enos, come on. Now, okay,
I want you to cuff 'em. Here.

Yes, sir.

But we only got
two sets of cuffs.

And there's one,
two, three of them.

I'd trust Granny without them.
She's a mighty nice old lady.

Who are you calling an old lady?

I'll arm-wrestle you and
Rosco, any day you say!

'You and Rosco, both! Now,
Bo and Luke are innocent.'

I'm the one you
want. So, take me.

Thank you, Granny.

Out the backdoor, boys.

Enos, you road apple.
You heard what she said.

Now, you go this way
and I'll go that way.


You, Duke boys better get going

before they find out
I got no back door!

- Come on, Granny.
- No. Look, boys, my arthritis.

Now, you just go
look after yourselves.

- Now get.
- We're much obliged. Thank you.


Ooh, ooh, Enos! There they are!

I'm gonna get them Duke
boys. Enos, now you stay here.

And I don't care how
old she is, you book her.

You understand? You book her!

There weren't no
backdoor, sheriff.


Well, let's go.

Oh, that's okay, Granny.
I-I still trust you, Granny.

You wanna ride in
the front seat with me?

Well, thank you, Enos.
You always was a nice boy.

Thank you. It's a nice car.

Come on, let's go, Enos.

You gonna take
me to jail or not?

I swear, Rosco seems
to be getting better at this.

Rosco ain't getting
better at this.

The General's losing oil, still.

Boss, this is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

You got your plump
little ears on? Come on in.

Rosco, I'll plump your ears if
you ain't got good news for me.

Now, I hope you already
found them engraving..

Them thingamadoodles.


The engraving
plates. It's gotta be.

Them thingamadoodles?
Ooh, them thingamadoodles!

Now listen, I got 'em
sittin' right here beside me.

'Not only that, but I'm
on the Duke boys' tails'

'and I'm closing
fast. Come back.'

Rosco, just forget
about them Duke boys

and bring me them
thingamadoodles, right now.

'I want them thingamadoodles'

'inside my office
safe, in five minutes.'

'That's a big - .
I'm-a-comin'! I'm-a-comin'!'

Once Boss gets 'em in his safe

we never gonna get us or
Granny Annie out of this one.

You got that right. We
best get after Rosco.

Oh, this is Sheriff
Rosco callin', Boss.

Now, Boss, there is somethin'
mighty strange goin' on.

'Them Duke boys is in hot
pursuit of me. Come back'

Because, you turnip, they after
them thingamadoodles. Over.

Well, I'll now just stop
and arrest 'em. Come back.

Rosco, don't you
stop for nothing

until you get here with
them thingamadoodles.

Now, that's an
order. Over and out.

You fat kumquat.
I'm the sheriff.

I'm supposed to be the
chaser, not the chasee'.

Oh, Enos. I'll get Enos.

Enos, this is your superior
officer, Rosco P. Coltrane.

You got your ears on? Come on.

Enos, buddy, will
you come on, now?

Quit horsing around. Come on.

If I have to do
anything, I'll do it myself.

Well, if jumping
works for the Dukes

it oughta work for Rosco.

I did it! I did it. I can do it.

Next time, I'm gonna
try with my eyes open.

If it weren't for that
dang oil pressure

we'd still be with him.

Meanwhile, 'em engraving plates

are headed straight
for Boss' safe.

Question is, how do
we get at 'em now?

It's so dang thick,
the only thing

I can think of is dynamite.

Not this, boy.

Well, that's my best guess.

Must've just stuck our head
in the window and yelled "Fire."

Hey, hold it, Bo. Not fire.
Granny Annie's blowtorch.

We can cut that safe open.

If there is one thing
neither of us know anything

about, it's how to
use that dang torch.

Especially not
to open up a safe.

Or we can leave
that to the expert.

- Come on, let's go.
- Where?

We gotta get Granny
Annie out of jail.

At last! Muah!

Oh, you did good, Rosco.

- Real good.
- I appreciate it.

For a change.


'J.D. Hogg calling.
How you doin'?'

Well now, did your
associate deliver the plates?

Well, of course. You never
ever doubted my way, did you?

I got them right
here in my safe.

And I'll see you in a little
while with the $ , .

Just a minute, Big
Jim. Did I say , ?

Mercy me. Must've
been a slip of my tongue.

I meant to say , .

Listen to me, Hogg.

Excuse me, I'm
gonna make out my will.

- Rosco!
- Well, you just..

We made a deal for
$ , and a deal is a deal

and I told you not
to make me angry.

Well, my price is still
, Simoleons.

Take it or leave it.

Please say, "April fool."

Hogg, you're not a
nice man, but a bigot.

Cash on the barrel head.

I don't have that much with me!

Then, get it.

Hogg, I'll see you this
afternoon, with the money.

Rosco, I did it. I did it!

You did it! You did it!

- This is a great day for us.
- A great day. Great day.

And if you want to make it
an absolutely perfect day..

I do.

You get out there and
nail them Duke boys.

I'll get out there and nail 'em.

Now, get!

Now, the boys really
had 'em a double cake

in the plough line.

Counterfeit plates
in Boss' safe.

And that sweet little old lady

pining away in the Hazzard jail.

Well, that's
cents you owe me.

Oh, I don't gamble,
Annie. I just play for funsies.

Is somethin' around here
to eat? I'm hungry, Enos.

What would you
like to eat, Granny?

Bisbee Cafe is right
across the square.

It's real good. I eat
there all the time.

Then it's time you had
a home-cooked meal.

How would you like
me to make you some

ham hocks and collard greens?

Is that two-bit hotplate
there, working?

- Yes, ma'am, - Good.

You stay here and I'll
shop the groceries for us.

Yes, ma'am... No, ma'am.

Granny... Granny, I'm sorry,
but I don't mean no disrespect

but you still are under
arrest, remember?

And if the sheriff saw you...

It would be
embarrassing for you.

Alright then, I'll stay
here and you go.

I'll give my word, I
won't move a muscle.

That's different, ma'am.

- Here, now the treat's on me.
- Oh, no, ma'am. No, ma'am.

Come on now, take it. You
know what we need. There, take it.


'No need to worry, Enos.'

There ain't no twinkle
in Abe Lincoln's eye.

Thank you, Granny.

Or has it?


Do you mean to tell
me he's gonna leave

little Granny in there,
all by her lonesome?

- I guess, we owe him one.
- I guess.

The Duke boys.

Look out, there's Rosco!

We oughta be able to lose
him around the next turn.

Danged, if it don't look like
'em boys will get in a hole

in spite of themselves.

Well, like they always say

"Some people got it
and some people ain't."

Breaka, breaka, breaka.

'Rosco, you out there?
Come in. Come in.'

'This is Rosco, Boss. I'm here.'

Big Jim Downey is
comin' over to my office

just a little sooner
than I expected

with the do-re-mi for them

'And I want you here with me'

'just in case
there's any trouble.'

So, hurry. Hurry.
Hurry on, will you! Hurry!

I got the pedals to the
metal right now, Boss.

Ooh! Ooh!

'I'm-a-comin'. I'm-a-comin'.'

Big Jim Downey from
Dixon Hill County, ain't it?


That must be who Boss
is selling 'em plates to.

Well... don't matter none to me

who we take them plates
from. Does it to you?

Not a bit.

- Let's do it.
- Alright.

Here are the plates.

They're good.

Very good, and
they are worth it.

- You bet they are.
- I'll take it.

And I'll take the
fifty thousand.

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Ha ha ha.

I'd hate to see any man
who double crossed him..

Or overcharged him.

Can I just..

- Let's go.
- You got it.

Alright, now.

Alright, let's do it
now. It's gonna work.

- Howdy.
- Howdy.

Y'all gentleman
having car problems?

Our friend is an expert
shade tree mechanic.

Best in the county.

Off duty. I'd be happy to
take a look at it. No charge.

Let him take a look, Vic.

Only thing we know about
cars, is where to put the key.

Hm. I do love to watch 'em
boys do a good shuck n' jive.

It looks like it could
be a blown gasket.

'Jake, Cooter did them
and I can see right now'

the distributor cap.
Look at that. Look. Look.

You're both way off.
Now, check underneath.

I'll bet you both a
round at the Boar's Nest

it's a blown seal.

Well, you could be right.

It ain't right. It's the
distributor cap, I know it.

Hey, hey, B.B. See any problem?

'Nothing at all.'

'Alright, get away!
This thing could blow!'

'What is it?'

- I gotta get those...
- Mister, get out of here.

Hey, you all, take it easy.

I think, she is
settlin' down now.

It's gonna be alright.

Let's go, boys.

Listen, I'm real sorry
about this, fellas.

Why don't you just
sit tight right here

we'll sh**t to my garage
and pick up a new oil seal.

- We will be right back.
- Yeah, then don't go away.

Just sit tight.

- Hey boys, bingo.
- Ha! Ha ha ha.

- Hound Dog lake?
- Hound Dog lake.

The plates are gone! But how?

I'll tell you how.

Them three neighborly
good old boys

happen to belong to Boss Hogg.

Hey Jim, I keep
telling ya, I don't know

what the devil
you're talkin' about...

Oh, I'm willing to
give you credit, Hogg.

Them three boys you sent
out to lift them plates from us.

Good. They were real good.
Well, they oughta go onto stage.

Especially that
boy named, "Luke."

Luke! Ho ho ho.
It's the Duke boys.

'Big Jim, I can
explain all that.'

It's too late, Hogg.

- Let's go.
- Where to?

Some place you ain't
coming back from.

Now, come on.

Ooh, Boss.

Poor Boss. It ju..

Ooh... ooh, ooh.

Enos, this is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

You got your ears on, boy?

Enos, Enos. Will ya
please answer me?

This is an emergency.

'Enos, can you answer me?'

'Enos, they got the boss.'

'Nevermind, Enos.'

Boy we gonna throw
them plates in, let's do it

because Granny Annie
isn't gettin' younger

sittin' over in that jail.


'Bo Duke.'

Luke Duke.

Are you out there?
You got your ears on?

Thi-this is an emergency.

Thi-this is Sheriff Rosco.
Will ya come in please?

What do you suppose Rosco wants?

Somethin's wrong.
He said please.

Yeah, it's Luke here,
Rosco. What's wrong?

I'll tell you what's wrong.

Big Jim Downey has
kidnapped the Boss.

He tied me up. They've got
the Boss out there somewhere.

- They're gonna k*ll him.
- k*ll him, why?

Because he thinks that
the Boss put you two boys

up to double-crossin' him with
those plates that you've got.

'It's all your fault.'

Now look, Rosco.
This ain't our fault.

'Look boys. The Boss, he
ain't always been the fairest.'

Uh, ain't none of us perfect..

And... look, he, um..

He's not only my brother-in-law,
he's a human being..

And, uh... I-I like him.

He-he's my friend and..

'...if Big Jim
Downey plants him'

'under six feet of clover,
I'm gonna miss him.'

Now, if you boys
don't wanna help

or get outta this
predicament, I can't blame ya.

But if..

Anything happens
to my little, fat buddy

I ain't gonna forgive ya.

Which way d'you think they went?

Th-they took him toward
Dixville County I-I believe.

'And Bo, Luke. God
bless you for this.'

Yeah, thanks, Rosco.
It's alright. Later.

I'm gone.

You know, Big Jim. I just
had my annual physical exam

and the doctor told me
I'd live a long, long time.

Now, you wouldn't wanna
make a liar out of a man

who took the Hypocritical
Oath, would ya?

Would ya?

Would you listen to me please?

Well, if Luke's plan to
save Boss was gonna work

he was gonna need
the help of Uncle Jesse..

And Daisy.

Okay, Luke. I'm
on my way, darlin'.

And wound up gettin'
Rosco's help as a bonus.

A man don't know what he
can do till a friend's in trouble.

That's Calico Road up ahead.

That oughta put us right
between them and Dixville County.

Here they be.

Uncle Jesse, Daisy. Now, we're
gonna cut through on Ridge Road

head them back towards Hazzard.

You know what to do, right?

This is Sheriff Rosco.
What am I, chopped birch?

Where are those critters?

Well, it's Rosco.
Ha ha, he's loose.

Good work, Rosco. Tell you what.

You can help us by settin' up
a roadblock on Tacoola Pass.

- You got that?
- Yes, sir!

What the heck am I doin'
callin' 'em Duke boys "sir?"


Well, alright boys.
Let's turn 'em around.

Whoa! Ho ho ho.
It's the Duke boys.

Come on! Move this
thing! Lose 'em, will ya?

Hah, you'll never lose the
Dukes. Been tryin' to for years.

Uncle Jesse, they're
comin' your way.

He's comin' your way, Daisy.

You got it now, Rosco.

Look out.

Alright, you two.
Hold it right there.

Come on in here..

Oh, here. Take this
g*n. Cover 'em now.

I hereby deputize ya.

Wait, Boss, I'll get you.

- We'll help ya.
- Yeah.

'Rosco, I need a helpin' hand.'

'Give me your hand
to get outta here.'

- Here we go, Boss.
- Get him outta there.

Oh, oh, oh!

- Here, I'll be right back.
- Get ba..

Alright, Big Jim.

You.. Will you quit that?

You are goin' to prison for
the rest of your natural life.

On what charge?

Rosco, I'm a little
bit surprised at you.'

You didn't check that
car careful enough.

More careful?

- Like checkin' the front seat.
- The front seat.

- The front seat. Oh, Boss.
- Ah, ah, aah!

'The front seat.'

Ooh, ooh.

Look here, counterfeit plates.

- C'mon.
- Ugh!

Gimme my hat.

I got 'em, I got 'em.

Oh, he he he.

My engravin' plates.

Oh, wait a minute, Boss.

Don't you mean
their engravin' plates?

That is unless you wanna
drop all the charges against 'em..

Which'd leave
'em free as a bird..

To do anything they want..

..to you.

- Ja.
- Ooh.

Uh... like I said..

Their engravin' plates.

Alright, you two. I'm going to..

- C'mon now.
- Let's go, Boss. C'mon.

Well, Big Jim and his sidekick

were convicted of
possession of engravin' plates.

Boss had to drop all
charges against the boys.

As for Annie,
they let her go too.

But her days of counterfeitin'
five dollar bills was over.

See y'all soon.
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