02x06 - The Ghost of General Lee

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x06 - The Ghost of General Lee

Post by bunniefuu »


They say the hills are alive
with the sound of music.

Of course, in Hazzard, the
instruments that they use

ain't the usual kind.

And that's "Dixie" being played
for going miles an hour.

Dang it, Rosco. Can't
he just leave us alone?

Don't he know we're just
testing out a new camshaft?

Unless you want that
camshaft in the front seat with us

you'd better take her
out of second gear.


Uh, this is your leader
Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.

I got the Duke boys on -

between there
and the county line.

You got your ears
on, Enos? Come on.

I hear you, sheriff.

I'm over here on
Snake Nation Road.

I likely caught a speed block..

'Sheriff, I got..'

It sounds like Enos'
radio is all bustin' up.

I guess so.

You think I can fool Rosco
with my Enos imitation?

- Five bucks says you can't.
- You're on.

'Sheriff Col... cut 'em off..'

Enos, what are you munching on?

I can't understand what
you're saying. I'm not copying.

- 'Where are you?'
- Right here, sheriff.

It's milking time, sheriff,
them Duke boys are gonna be

turning off at Hopkins Crossing.

You better cut cross-country,
sheriff. Hah! I'm gone.

Well, now that's better. Right
now you're using your head.

Now, just maintain
radio silence.

I'm standing by. I'm gone.

Mmm, lookee here what's coming.

Oh, gosh.

Guess that did it. Five bucks.

Sheriff, that wasn't me talking.

'I got... cross..'

Enos, when I say
maintain radio silence

that means for you to hush!

Ain't you glad Bo
and Luke don't direct

traffic at the airport?

'Get out of my
way, you dipstick!'

We're gonna search
every inch of ground

between the county
line and that Duke farm!

And this time we'll get 'em.

Now if anybody thinks the
Dukes have heard the last of this

they got another thing coming.


Alright, right over
there is the county line.

Here are your pool cues.

And, uh... these are
your loaded dice..

And, uh... your marked cards.

Now, if you hustlers ever
step one foot back inside

the Sweetwater County Line again

you're gonna spend the
next ten years of your life

pounding mountains
into molehills, you hear?


Let that dummy over
in Hazzard handle them.

I'm gonna drop his
head into a side pocket.

Talking about pockets, friend

ours are a mite empty.

Well, we'll fill
'em in Cottondale.

Lots of suckers there
just waiting to be taken.

Are you planning on
walking to Cottondale?

Well, not since they
invented the wheel.

Come on, let's go find some.

'Ridin' in that car, this
water sure feels great.'

Well, I figure as long
as Rosco is waiting for..

For us to show our faces,
we might as well lay low

till the heat goes away.

Well, what do you think, Ernie?

It's a neon sign
spelling grand theft auto

that's what I think.

Well, we ain't got no choice.

That's right.

It's sealed.

Why, we've been
through windows before.

Wait... hey! What the hell!

What do you think you're doing?

Hey, wa-wait a minute!

Ain't it amazing all the
help Bo and Luke have

when it comes to
getting into trouble?

Shouldn't take us long
to get to Cottondale.

Is this car double
strong or what?

'Whoops! Hey, man,
that's the wrong way.'

'Oh, no! Not again.'

This is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

Hey, Enos, I got the Duke
boys in sight on Route .

'And I'm in hot pursuit.'

'Push it, man.'

'He's coming up like
a bull in a cowshed.'

'Uh-oh! Look! What
do we do now, Ernie?'

Are you kiddin'? Take a left.

Possum on a gumbush.

- I'm going in.
- Get 'em, Enos.

This is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

I want you to get an
ambulance and a wrecker

out at the old River Road.

The Duke boys done
gone in the pond.

Luke's britches.
Bo's, Bo's shirt.

Can you help me
find 'em, sheriff?

Help me, sheriff!

I can't, Enos.

I can't swim.

Damn Duke boys are just..

Why they had to do that?

Now, in case you all
forgot... ain't nobody died.

Bo and Luke Duke..



I just ain't prepared
to hear a thing like that.

Well, they're,
they're dead, alright.

We... found their
clothes down in the pond.

And, uh, Enos is down
there now dragging for the..


You know, I expected
anything and everything

from them Duke boys.

But not that they go
get their selves k*lled.

- No.
- I can't believe it.


I just can't believe it.

Well, "The Lord giveth
and the Lord taketh away."

And them Duke boys,
they've been took.

Bo and Luke... gone.


It gets me. Gone forever.


- But not forgotten, Rosco.
- No. No.

- Never forgotten.
- Nev-never forgotten.

Those brave boys of
pure clean American stock..

Cut down so soon
in the early prime

of their young lives.

Holding high the ideals
of what they believed in.

They lived well.
They fought well.

They drovewell.

You sure could never
catch 'em, could ya?

Well, that was a
couple of times...

How dreary the days will
pass in Hazzard County

without the challenge of
these worthy adversaries.

Now, there ain't no question
that the clothes on that line

didn't come from
no fashion show.

But when you're barefoot
and up to your chin

you don't look a gift
horse in the mouth neither.

Did I say horse?

Let's go.


Bo and Luke Duke may
have gone to their reward

but they can still
do us a big favor.

A favor?

But, Boss, see... but
they're dead, you see.

Dead folks, they-they
can't help live folks.

Well, of course, there's
nothing they can do.

That's exactly
why they can do it.

- Uh... how's that?
- Rosco.

This here is the most famous
antique in Hazzard County.

Excepting Lulu,
your fair sister.

Yeah, that's-that's right.

This watch and chain
that once belonged

to my namesake, Jefferson Davis

first President of the
Confederate States of America.

- Ain't that a beauty?
- It's gorgeous.

Now, tell me.

How much do you
think that's worth?

Uh, well, Boss, I-I just don't
think I could count that high.

You're right.

- Ooh!
- He he he.

Fifteen dollars!

- F-fifteen dollars?
- Ha ha ha.

'Cause that ain't the real
Jefferson Davis watch and chain.

- Just a cheap imitation.
- Boy, you could have fooled me.

Yeah, just like I fooled
everybody in Hazzard for years.

The real one's worth at least
twenty thousand simoleons.

T-twenty th-thousand simoleons?

- Cold cash.
- Cold cash.

And I got it locked
up right over here.

Hidden in my safe.

You got it right here, huh?

Now, suppose... just suppose

I destroyed that imitation
one and claimed it was stolen.

Now, who wouldn't believe
that it was the real one got took?

- Nobody.
- Yeah.

And suppose... why, just suppose
that the ones I claimed took it

couldn't prove that they didn't

'cause they were dead.

Did you have somebody
particular in mind, Boss?

Rosco, you oughta have
been a bone specialist.

- You got the brain for it.
- Well...

- I'm talking about Bo and Luke!
- Oh.

- The Duke boys!
- Oh..

- God rest their souls.
- Yeah. Rest 'em.

Now, the insurance company

will reimburse me

to the tune of twenty thousand

and I'll still have that real
watch and chain to boot.

- Psst!
- Becky Mae! Hey, psst!

Hey, Bo. Hiya, Luke.

- You guys been skinny-dippin'?
- Uh, not-not exactly

But look, we're
in kind of a hurry

so could we borrow
some clothes maybe?

You wanna borrow
some of my clothes?

No, Becky Mae, we wanna
borrow some of your pa's clothes.

Pa ain't built like
neither one of you.

Get in the house, Becky Mae.

But, ma, I was just talking...

Get in the house!

Now, I don't know what
mischief you Dukes are up to

'but I don't want you coming
around here making trouble.'

Every time y'all come up here

my cow dries up and
my hens stop layin'.

- Now, git!
- Y-yes, ma'am.

R-right away.

Why are we running
around looking for clothes?

You got me.

I learned something though, Bo.

A man ain't truly been
insulted till he stood buck naked

in front of a woman,
she didn't even notice.

Or care.

sh**t. Fire and
safe box matches.

That ain't a half
bad shot there, Hoss.

But... I bet you
can't do it again.

Well... I'm not much
of a gambling man.

But how much?

All I got is five dollars.

- You're on.
- Set 'em up.

He won't make that
shot in a million years.

I wonder where that
dang Bo and Luke are.

Uncle Jesse, they'll be
here. You know how they are.

Sure I know how they
are. That's why I'm worried.

And besides that, my
big toe has been hurtin'.

And when that big toe
hurts, that means trouble.

Well, maybe shoe's
too tight, Uncle Jesse.

Shoe's too... I'm
not your Uncle Jesse.

Oh, Jesse, you're here.

'Yep, I'm here.'

Uh, Jesse... I got
some bad news for you.

Well, that's nothing new, J.D.

What is it?

Well... Bo and Luke... are..

You better tell him.

M-me, Boss?

Well, you're the sheriff
around here, ain't you?

'Well, go on, Rosco.'

Well, Jesse, uh..

I-I don't know how
to tell this to you easy.

But I was chasing Bo and Luke
in the General Lee and they..

They done run off
the road into the pond.

He he. That's 'em.

They didn't come up.

You gotta be wrong,
Rosco. You gotta be wrong.

I wish I was, Cooter.

Really wish I was.

Jesse, I..

I chased the boys a
lot, you know, they..

When they'd mess
up a little and they..

But they, they seemed
to enjoy that and I..

I think sometimes I did too.

But you gotta believe it..

Was never anything personal.


I just want you to
know I'm sorry too

about what happened.

And Rosco... well,
it wasn't his fault.

He's just doing his duty.

Bo and Luke, may
their souls rest in peace

had just stolen my genuine
Jefferson Davis gold watch

and jeweled chain.

That's not true.
You know it isn't true.

Oh, it is true. Sorry
to have to say it.

It's true.

There's a charge of
grand theft jewelry.

'So you see, by
going to their reward'

them boys saved
themselves some big trouble.

I'm gonna prove...
they didn't do that

if it takes the rest of my days.

Mr. Scarecrow, I can't tell
you how obliged we are.

Yeah, just giving us your
shirt right off your back like that.

I'll tell you what, we'll give
it back as soon as we can.

Do y'all realize
that this all started

when ol' Bo and Luke were
just trying to test a camshaft?


It's hard to think
they're gone, Jesse.

Ah-h-h... finally.

Sure is a funny time for Uncle
Jesse to be having a party.

Then it must be
a surprise party.

I've never known
Daisy to entertain

with a line of
wash still outside.

Mr. Jesse, if anything we can do

we're here to help.

Thank you, Lawrence.


- Let's take a peek.
- Alright.

Bo, I get the feeling
we're looking at a wake.

- Whose?
- 'Terrible loss.'

Uh, Cooter, you
pour the rest of this.

I gotta go out in the
barn and get some more.

Jesse, you alright? You
look like you've seen a ghost.

Oh, no, I'm fine, Sunshine.

Just... fine.

There you are. Heh heh heh.

There you are, my
boys, Bo and Luke.

There you are! Ha ha ha!

Bo-Bo and Luke.

Ha ha ha, my boys.
Let me look at you.

Well, there you are.

Yes, sir. Here we are.

Uncle Jesse, who... died?

Who died?

You've got the nerve
to ask me who died!

You two get to that barn!

Get in there! After all
you've put me through...

- Uncle Jesse, we didn't...
- Take a switch to both of you.

- Now, just get in there.
- Yes, sir.

Alright, you two, now you
explain to me why you're alive

praise the Lord, instead of dead
and drowned, no thanks to Rosco?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Would
you just slow down enough for us

to climb aboard
your train of thought?

That wake in
there is for you two.

Because you were supposed
to have crashed and drowned

after Rosco chased you for
stealing Hogg's solid gold watch

that was owned
by Jefferson Davis.

- We did what?
- Stole his watch!

Wait a minute, Uncle Jesse.
This the first we heard about it.

Except the part about
Rosco chasing us.

Yeah, but we lost him, and
well, we did a little skinny-dipping

and two guys ripped off
the General and our clothes.

Oh, I've gotta go report the
General's been stolen to Rosco.

Hold it.

You report anything, and
you go straight to the pokey

because J.D. and Rosco
are saying you're the ones

'that stole the watch.'

Uncle Jesse. You need any..

You boys get out of sight.

'That scream's gonna bring
everybody in Hazzard County.'

- What happened?
- Breathe deep.

Oh, well, uh, uh,
Daisy just got hysterical

over Bo and Luke's passing.

But she'll be alright.

You know how women are.

Now, why don't y'all just
go back on in the house

and have a good time.

Yeah. Why don't
y'all run on back inside

and let's let Daisy
get a little air?

Anything I can get
for her, Uncle Jesse?

I ain't your Uncle Jesse.

Uncle Jesse, I swear I saw
Bo and Luke just standing there

right besides you. Big as life.

Now, Daisy honey, you
know that ain't possible now.

Uh, Cooter. Cooter?
Cooter. Cooter.

Hi, Cooter.

Y'all ain't dead.

- Hardly.
- No, we ain't.

Uh... see, story goes that,
well, we went, we lost Rosco

and went skinny-dipping,
and then, uh..

It-it was awful hot.

Now after everybody explained
everything to everybody..

It all came down to one thing.

The only way that Bo and
Luke were going to stay out of jail

was to keep it a secret
that they were still alive.

Now, I think I smell
a little shuck and jive.

- 'Put the money out here.'
- 'Okay, big ones, boys.'

- I'll take five of that.
- Roll the dice.

I'm sorry, boys. I haven't
got a way. I'll get it.

- 'Come on, now roll the dice.'
- 'Let's go.'

- Come on eight!
- Put the money up.

There's Rosco!

'You boys best get away
before he spots you.'

We gotta get into town,
prove we didn't steal that watch.

I can't think of no
better time than now

especially with Rosco
right on top of us.

Alright. Uncle Jesse, why
don't you and Daisy stay here

and stall ol' Rosco. I'll
run the boys up town.

But now, how's going into
town gonna help anything?

Look, Boss accuses
us of grand theft.

He's got to have
something up his sleeve

besides that fat,
pink arm of his.

Come on, guys.
Let's get out of here.

Take care.

- Where's Cooter goin'?
- Oh, he had an emergency call.

Ain't nobody better in an
emergency than Cooter.

Well, I don't know about that.

Uh, Jesse, uh, I think
it's mighty kind of you to..

Kind of forgive and forget.

Well, Rosco, what
with the boys gone now..

Uh, they'll be glad to know
that I forgave and forgot you.

Uh, uh..

Come on, Daisy.

Hey hey hey. You know
something? We got company.

'Enos. Just what we need.'

Cooter, you may not be a
lawyer, but if you don't lose Enos

you'll have an
intimate understanding

with the words "aid" and "abet."

Y'all wanna hear
the evening news?

- What?
- He's gonna catch us.

He's probably running a
little lighter than we are.

We'd run a whole lot lighter,
if we'd get rid of them tires.

- Do it.
- It's done.

Move your carcass, boy.

Looks like old Enos
is about to get tarred.

Don't forget that
ol' Phil and Ernie

the cause of all the trouble

were still lurking
around Hazzard.

Hold on. Hang on, brother.

Y'all lurk around too.


Bo, wait!



That boy's tougher
than a pine knot.

- 'She gonna run, Cooter?'
- 'Oh, yeah.'

I blew out the engine, dried
out the ignition. It'll run a bunch.

But what with y'all having
gone to that great grease rack

in the sky, who's
gonna drive it?

We can't stay dead forever.

We gotta find out why
Boss lied about us stealing.

Well, you got any bright ideas?

Neither him nor Rosco are
bound to up and tell us about it.

Yeah, y'all show up being
dead, it'll scare him straight.

You catch a drift
to what he just said?

- I sure did.
- Mind letting me in on it?

Cooter, we don't have
to. It was your dang idea.

Oh. Ha ha.

What was?

Double order catfish, hush
puppies, extra coleslaw

pickles and onions,
large order fries

extra thick chocolate milk
and two pieces of pecan pie.

- Is that right?
- That's right.

And get yourself
something, Enos.

Yes, sir. You want
a pie a la mode?

No, I don't want an a la
mode. I gotta watch my calories.

Yes, sir.



Hello? Uh... oh..


Somebody's playing tricks.

'It's me, Rosco. Luke Duke
calling from beyond the grave.'

There ain't no such
thing as ghosts.

- Is there?
- 'Rosco.'


Somebody just, uh...
playing tricks here.

And being disrespectful
of the dead, and I just..

'You framed us, Rosco!'

I didn't frame nobody.

'Look down in the
sheriff's impound.'

I ain't gonna look
down in nothing.

- 'See for yourself.'
- What's down there?

'Come on, Rosco.'

Well, I'll just,
yeah, I'll just..

'Come on down, Rosco.'

'Come on, Rosco, get in.'

'We'll drive you all the
way to the pearly gates.'

No, no.

That is, if they
still let you in

after what you done to us.

'Hee hee hee ha ha ha!'

How's ol' Rosco look now?

'Like a cancelled stamp.'

'This luminous paint
works like a charm.'

'You framed us, Rosco.
We're gonna get you, Rosco.'

'We ain't gonna let you rest.'


No, no!

Oh, Enos. Enos,
I'm glad to see you.

They were out
of catfish, sheriff.

Never mind the catfish, Enos. I
thought you were one of them.

- Them?
- Yeah. Bo and Luke Duke.

Well, sheriff, you know
it ain't polite to make fun

of Bo and Luke
after they passed.

I ain't. I want you to see
something you ain't never seen.

Come, come. You go first.

Here, don't-don't
be frightened now.

Just-just move out there.

What do you call
that right in there?

- That's a ghost ship.
- No, that ain't.

- There ain't no such thing.
- Not until one comes along.

Ooh! Alright now,
just cut that out.

There ain't no such thing
as ghosts, and I know that.

- Don't rile him, sheriff.
- Well, we gotta do something.

Maybe we ought
to call a preacher.

I sure hope these old
gadgets of Cooter's work.

Make him jump over the deep end.


My goodness, he's one of
them spook-talking mediums.

General Lee's one of them
spook-talking mediums.


Alright. That's enough of that.

You're not gonna scare me.

Ooh. What's that? What's that?

'Rosco, Rosco, Rosco, Rosco.'

Now, stop that! You're not
gonna scare me, no matter what.

'Ooh, that scares me.'

Enos, don't hang on me.

Alright, that's enough.
Now cut that out.

Ooh! Ooh! Now,
you done messed up.

Now, ghost or no ghost,
that's Hazzard County property.

- Freeze! Freeze!
- Yeah.

'You better give me
some good directions.'

'I feel like I'm working
on my instrument rating.'

Look out, Bo. Look-lookout!
Where you going?

This is real funny.

In all the ghost stories I read,
we're ought to be chasing them.

That'll teach you not to
believe everything you hear.

- 'Bo, look where you're going?'
- Avery, look out.

Enos, go back to the Hazzard
movie show and get Avery.

He's all hung up.

If this were pinball

ol' Rosco would already
have a bunch of free games.

He ain't missed yet.


Put out your can, here
come the garbage man.

There's no one
driving that fool car.

Come on, turn
around. Go after it.

Now, I always thought that
hogs liked mud, but this one don't.

Rosco, Rosco, this is J.B. Hogg.
Dang it, where are you? Over.

I'm just sitting right here
in a police car. Come back.

Rosco, I should have
known you'd be gold-bricking

while I'm out chasing
a driverless car

all the way to tarnation
and back. Over.

You seen it, too? The ghost
of General Lee? Come back.

Of course, I seen it, and
that car was no ghost.

'Them Duke boys may
be dead, but that car ain't.'

Because cars don't die.

Batteries do, Boss.
Why not cars? Come on.

Rosco, somebody's
playing tricks on us.

Somebody may be
acting in the Dukes' behalf.

Boss, I was just thinking,
you know, with all that hoods

flying up and down,
and windows and stuff

all that gadgetry, that looks
to me like Cooter's work.

Ah-ha. And if Cooter's trying
to prove that his dead friends

Bo and Luke, didn't
steal my uh-uh...

Oh, oh. That's no problem
there with everything safe

'back at the Boars Nest.'

'Rosco, shut up!'

'You're on the
air, you numskull!'

- What are we waiting for?
- Not much.

Now, listen. You stay on Cooter.

'I'm headed over
to the Boars Nest.'

That's a big - ,
little fat buddy.

Ghkuh-ghkuh. I love it.

Daisy's just like all the Dukes.

She could find
trouble in paradise.

You reckon anybody can
really open a safe that way?

What do we do now, Ernie?
We ain't got no dynamite.

We'll steal ourselves
a pickup truck.

What about her?

'She ain't going nowhere.'

Yeah, that's right.
She ain't, is she?

- Let's go.
- You bet.

- Jesse, read me?
- Read you loud and clear.

'We're heading
to the Boars Nest.'

'We got all the
evidence we need.'

'We're gonna need some
help fast, Uncle Jesse.'

'We oughta be
hitting Shelby Road.'

They're alive! The
Duke boys are alive!

Rosco, Rosco, come in. Come in.

Who said there ain't no
such thing as reincarnation?

The Duke boys is
coming back to life.

- 'Mm-hmm.'
- Yee-hoo!

Well, the cat's out of the bag.

And that watch and
chain still in the safe.

I wonder who's
gonna get to it first.

'Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane
here, Boss. Come on.'

Sheriff, is it? Well,
listen, bonehead.

'Less you figure to swap
your badge for a baker's cup

you better catch them Duke boys

before they get to
the Boars Nest. Over.

'You seen it too? You seen
the ghost of General Lee?'

Rosco, them ghosts each
just put on a couple pounds

of real live flesh, and
because of you, pea-brain

they know everything.

Ol' Phil and Ernie didn't know
it, but while they's a-pushing

that safe, they's
a-pushing their luck.




Maybell, give me
the sheriff's station.

Sheriff's office. Deputy
Enos Strate speaking.

Enos, you gotta come over
to the Boars Nest. Quick.

Hey, well, I appreciate
the invite, Daisy.

That's mighty nice of you,
but I'm on duty now, honey.

This ain't an invite.

'There are two dudes here'

'trying to rob
Boss Hogg's safe.'

They are? Well,
I'll be right there.

- 'Please hurry.'
- I'll be right there.

If we don't get to Boars
Nest before Boss and Rosco...

We'll have to be playing
dead for a long time.

- You got that right.
- I know it.

Ernie, ain't that
the car we stole?


If things get any
busier around here

they'll have to put up the
first traffic light in Hazzard.

- Daisy!
- Am I glad to see you!

Boss has got that watch
and chain in his safe.

- We know all about it.
- Where's the safe?

Gone. Those two
drifters stole it.

Them two guys we
passed in the pickup truck.

- Time's a-wastin'. Let's go.
- Let's get out of here.

- You alright?
- I am now.


Sure is a busy little town.

I almost feel sorry for Rosco.

He not only don't know nothing,
he don't even suspect nothing.

Boss, this is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

I just spotted them Duke
boys going the other way.

They must have gotten
my watch. Go after them.

'Just like old times. I'm
gonna get them Duke boys.'

I love it. I love it.

'I don't know what's happening,
but we better be a part of it.'

'Turn around.'

Yeah, that's it! Now go get 'em!

- 'Ernie, they're after us.'
- 'Cops?'

'No, the whole blinkin' town.'

'Uh-oh. Sweetwater.'

'Hope that sheriff thinks
we're leading a Sunday parade.'

Now when Sweetwater sheriff
saw that parade of good ol' boys

cross the county line..

He knew that they wasn't
out for no Sunday drive.

Ghkuh-ghkuh. Ooh,
ooh, ooh. That smarted.

Listen, you, you,
Sunday drivers, back it up!

Oh, it's you two again.

'Them's the same two foreigners'

'I saw at the Boars Nest.'

Alright now, both of
you get out of there.

- You're under arrest.
- Get out of that truck.

You're under arrest.

Sheriff, we'd be much obliged
to you, if we could open the safe.

Yeah, hold on. That there
safe's private property.

That there safe
is stolen property.

You know good and well...

- Alright, hold it, everybody.
- Hold it!

Yeah, just be quiet, or
I'm gonna arrest all of you.

You can't arrest me.
See, I'm a sheriff too.

I can in Sweetwater County,
and that's where you are now, boy.

- Well, I'm just visiting.
- Open the safe.

If I could, you think I'd be
carting it around with me?

It's your safe, you
open it. Open it.

Ah, you got me so swimmy-headed,
I can't remember the numbers.

Would you like to have a set of
numbers right across your chest?

They just came to me.

'Well, what do you know? Well,
well, well, my watch and chain.'

You told me that watch
and chain were stolen.

- No. I didn't...
- Now, why did you do that?

You embarrassed me in
front of everybody all this time.

How long do you think it's gonna
take us to get to Cottondale?

Well, about years.

I guess that puts the
frosting on the cake.

Well, you just let this whole
thing be a lesson to me.

How's that?

If I didn't leave the
keys in General Lee

none of this mess
would've happened.

You can say that again.

If I didn't leave the keys
in General Lee, none..

J.D. Hogg.

Well, Boss had to pay
back the insurance company

for the money he collected
for the watch that wasn't stolen.

Uh, J.D., I seem to recall..

You offered a reward,
now, for your watch.

Oh, Jesse, you sure
drive a hard bargain.

I thought everybody
forgot about that.

Five hundred
dollars, if I recall.

Daisy got the reward for
messing up the robber's plan

to rob ol' Boss' safe.

Bo and Luke, they celebrated
the return to the good life

by going skinny-dipping again.

And where do you
reckon their car is?
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