01x12 - Falling in Love Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Silver Spoons". Aired: September 25, 1982 - May 11, 1986.*
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Wealthy, young-at-heart business owner and playboy Edward Stratton III is stunned to discover his brief marriage several years ago produced a son, Richard who is now 12 and wanting to live with him.
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01x12 - Falling in Love Again

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Face-to-face ♪

♪ A couple of silver spoons ♪

♪ Hopin' to find ♪

♪ We're two of a kind ♪

♪ Makin' a go ♪

♪ Makin' it grow ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Takin' the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about ♪

♪ Those things
You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons together ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ You and I together ♪



Hi, Derek.

Listen, I, uh,
I fixed your lawnmower for you.

Thanks, but I didn't know
it was broken.

Oh, well, it wasn't

till I accidentally
ran over your morning paper.

I'm sorry.

Derek, I know what they're
gonna put on your gravestone--

"Here lies Derek Taylor
by popular demand."

So, why are you here
so early?

Wanted to see
how it went last night

with your old man and Kate.

It went great.
The mood was just right.

I arranged a nice meal for them,
a strolling violinist,

and before I could ask

if they wanted any baco bits
in their salad,

they were kissing.

Was it French style?


I mean the salad dressing.

And be quiet. You wanna
wake up your old man...

and Kate?

She's not here.

I thought you said
it went well.

It did. I helped them
take the first step.

Now I just hope
it works out.

Well, you gotta make sure
it works out.

You can't just hope.

What are you talkin' about?

Rick, you got to
make things happen.

For instance, um...

well, I got myself
this new watch.

I didn't just sit around
and hope I'd get it.

I went out, sold something,
and bought it.

What'd you sell?
Magazines? Greeting cards?

You remember that tennis racket
you let me borrow?

Derek, you're a cold sore
on the lip of life.

Relax, will you?
I told my mom

to get me a tennis racket
for Christmas.

And when I get it,
I'll just give it to you.

Fine. When you get
the tennis racquet...

I'll give you back
your wristwatch.

Time for school.

Good morning.

Hi, Kate.

Did you see her eyes?
They're sparkling.


So that means she's in love.
Check it out.




Hello, Edward.

Hi, Kate.


Oh, I-I brought you these
from the-from the greenhouse.

Oh, they're beautiful.

Kate, I been thinking,

and my feeling is that, uh,

now that we have
a personal relationship

that we shouldn't let it
interfere with

our business relationship.

Oh, good. That's just
what I was thinking.




Okay. Uh, Kate, um,
I'd like you to take a letter.



Ha ha ha.


To the Shallow Springs Harbor
Fire Department.

Uh, attention
Chief Jonathan Wilkes.

Uh, Dear Chief Wilkes,

in response to your request
for a donation

in order that the department
may have some new ladders,

I would be happy to...

Kate, you're not writing
my ladder letter.

I'm sorry.
I was just noticing your nose.

What's the matter with it?

Oh, nothing, nothing.
It's just so perfect.

Gee, when l was a kid

everybody used to call me
Hooter Head.

Well, they should
see your hooter now.

It's got depth, angularity,

flair, character.



You got a pretty nice schnoz



And your eyes.

Oh, Kate,

I could get lost
in your eyes.



If we didn't have
so much work to do, huh?

Yeah. Right.


Oh, listen, listen, Kate.

Let's do
the ladder letter later.

What else
is on my schedule?

You've got a meeting
of the board of directors

of your toy company at 11:30.

Aha. Did you type up
my notes?

They're on your desk.

Ah, good.

Then you've got an appointment
with your dentist at 2:00.

And you're
having dinner with...

Iris McDermott?

Uh, would you like me
to make the reservation?

Bothers you that I have
a date tonight, doesn't it?

No, it doesn't bother me.

I'd said I'd make
the damn reservation.

Look, Kate,
I made this date a week ago.

Would you rather
I cancel it?

Well, I just figured that
what happened last night

and 30 seconds ago

that you had
certain feelings towards me.

Well, Kate, I do,

but I don't think
we should go too fast here.

In that case,

there's no reason
to cancel this date is there?

You'll go out with other women,
and I'll go out with other men.

Well, of course
you go out with other men.

You should go out
with other men.

I want you to go out
with other men.

What other men?

Edward, let's just
change the subject.

We don't want this
to interfere with

our business relationship,


You bet.


What time do you
want to have dinner with Iris?


You got it.
And where do you want to eat?

I don't know.
What do you suggest?

Well, I've seen Iris.
Any trough will do.

That was a cheap shot, Kate.



Hi, Kate.

Listen, I have
four concert tickets

for tonight,
but I'm going out of town.

Can you use them?

Leonard, I don't wear my heart
on my sleeve.


Well, I don't wear my spleen
on my raincoat.

What the hell
are you talkin' about?

Edward and I
had a date last night.

Oh. And it didn't go
very well?

It was one of
the best evenings of my life.

No wonder you're upset.

Uh, Kate,
If I ask to see Edward,

are you gonna yell at me?

Oh, Leonard, I'm sorry.

Edward and I
have a small problem,

but we'll work it out

without it affecting
our relationship.

Mr. Stratton
is in the library.

Edward, what's happening
with you and Kate?

One date, and you're already on
a last-name basis.

Leonard, you're my lawyer
and my oldest friend,

and I feel
I can tell you something.

Butt out.

So far, I'm really enjoying
my visit here today.

Oh, Leonard, I'm sorry.
Hey, hop on here. Take a spin.

This is a great way
to exercise.

Edward, I'm not really--


Len, Len, Len.
Come on.

Let me have your briefcase.

Now just start to pedal.
Watch this.

Hey, this is great.

Look at this guy.

Ha ha ha ha ha.


What's really happening
with you and Kate?

Oh, Leonard,
I don't know.

We're attracted
to each other,

and I'm not denying
she's got a great... nose.

But I'm not comfortable
mixing business and pleasure.


Edward, I've known you
a long time.

Ever since you and Evelyn
got divorced,

you haven't let any of
your relationships get serious.

The minute you find yourself
caring about a lady,

you start looking for excuses
to run away.

[SCOFFS] That's ridiculous.
Give me one example.

Francine, Elizabeth,

Nancy, Sara, Barbara.

All right, give me
another example.

Also, this "mixing business
with pleasure" stuff

is pure bunk.

You and I have mixed business
with pleasure for years,

and has it ever
gotten in the way?

Not until today.

Edward, I'll tell you
what I think.

You and Kate
would make a great couple.

I think you know that,

and you're just
trying to escape.

I am not trying to escape.

Now, do you mind?

You're blockin'
my roller coaster.

Hello, yes.
May I speak to Bob, please?

Thank you.

Hello, Bob?
This is Kate Summers.

Yes, well,
I'm just as surprised as you.

Uh, I just happen to have
a couple of tickets

to Vladimir Liebowitz
performance tonight

at Carnegie Hall.
He's playing Chopin.


Dinner, concert,
and then...


Ah, Bob, you naughty boy.

Cute, Bob, cute.

Don't push it, Bob.

I'll see you tonight
at 7:00?

Fine. Bye.

Hi, Ricky.

Are you nuts?

when you speak to me,

I would like you to show
some respect.

I'm sorry.
Are you nuts... ma'am?

Ricky, were you eavesdropping
just then?

You bet I was.

How come you're goin' out
with somebody

who isn't my father?

I thought you had a good time
last night.

We did--

Then what's the problem?

Has the whole world gone mad?

Ricky, please...

Boy, I can't even
go to school

without everything around here
crashing down.

Ricky, listen to me.

[SIGHS] I know you want
your father and I

to get together.

But we've decided to have

an open,
uncomplicated relationship.

He wants to date
other women,

and I want to date
other men.

That's what
we've agreed on.

That's what
we're gonna do.

And we're very happy
about it.





Okay, Rick.
You got me here.

Now why this
big sudden interest in Chopin?

Well, uh, d-during
gym class today,

s-some of us guys
were sh**ting some free throws.

And we got to talkin' about
great piano composers.

You know how that goes.

Yeah, sure. We used to
talk about the same stuff.

Girls, cars, parties.

Great piano composers.

Man talk.


I knew you wouldn't want
your only son

to be
culturally deprived.

Well, gosh, no.

Come on, Rick.
Out with it.

All right, you got me.
The truth is

is I found that you and Kate
were having some problems,

and I didn't want you
to be...

Ah, ah, ah, ah.
I get it.

You know that
Kate's on my mind

and you wanted me
to go out with you

so that you could
cheer me up, is that it?

Well, yeah, but...

You sly dog.

Here I thought you were
trying to pull a fast one.

You were just trying to
cheer up your old man.


what a great kid.



Is this a coincidence,
or what?


Edward, what are you
doing here?


Ricky had this sudden yen
to hear classical music.

Oh, really, Ricky?
What a surprise.

Kate, is there
a, uh, situation here?

Uh, no, no.

This is my employer--
Edward Stratton III.

Edward, this is Bob Danish.

Put 'er there, Eddie.

What's your name, scooter?

My name is Rick.

Rick. That's a great name,

Is that name...


No. I'm from Michigan.

Skip it.

Uh, Bob
is an airline pilot.

Really? Which airline?

Uh, Pam Ann.

You mean Pan Am?

No. Pam and Ann.

Those are the gals
who own the plane.

There's my card, scooter.

"Pam Ann Air Freight.

We'll get it there,
even if we have to drive it"?

We were gonna sit down...

Oh, yeah.

Sorry. These are your seats,
I think, yeah.

Thank you.
Thank you.

I'm sorry.
Let's go home.

Sit down.

You know what'd be fun, Kate?

I'm flying a load of hammers
down to Tahiti on Thursday.

Wanna come with?

Oh, gee, thanks,
I'd love to,

but, uh,
I have to work.

Oh, come on. The old bosseroo
will give you some time off.

What're you,
a sl*ve driver?

Say, you wouldn't
happen to have

one of those hammers
on you now, would you?



BOB [THINKING]: Boy, this Kate
is some hot number.

Sure wish she'd fly down
to Tahiti with me.

Soon as we got over the ocean,

I could kick in
the old autopilot

and have myself
some in-flight entertainment.

I wonder if she's got
something going with her boss.


She's got better taste
than that.

After all,
she's out with me.

Why am I out with this jerk?

Edward must think
I have no taste.

He's right.

Edward looks upset.

I think he's jealous.

I have a hunch
he's really angry.


Why am I so angry?

I don't have any right to be.

After all, I told her
she should see other guys.

What am I, an idiot?

RICKY [THINKING]: Coming here
was the worst idea I ever had.

Not only did I
make my dad miserable,

but this guy Liebowitz--

he should be named

Guy probably
makes a lot of money.

You'd think
he'd at least hire a drummer.

What happened today?

Edward and I
were getting along great,

and then...

I know. I know what it was.

I came on too strong.

All that nose talk.

Why did I do that?

To think I almost started
blathering about his earlobes.

She wants me bad.

Danish, you've been cleared
for take-off.

Look at them.
Smiling at each other.

She's probably doing that
just to get to me.

Well, it won't work.

It's starting to work.

Now what? If I
move his arm away...

Edward would love that.

I guess I'd better
leave it around me.

I'll just pretend
it's a heavy scarf.

Come on, Dad.

Don't just sit there.

Grab that guy's arm
and practice some knots.

I can't stand this.

I don't know how much more
I can take.

I wish...
I wish I was in Paris.


No. That's running away.

Leonard was right. Every time
I get close to a woman,

I want to run away.

I've got to stop that.

I've never been to Tokyo.


I'm doing it again.

Something's going on here.

Either my dad's
about to make a move,

or his rear end's asleep.

BOB: Oh, man,
my arm's asleep.

I know what.

I'll get some circulation going
and massage her neck.

Chicks love that.

Ooh, I hate that.

This is what I get

for going out on
a grudge date.

I know what I want to do.

I want to commit to Kate.

I want to be with her
and only her.

And I want her
only to be with me.

I gotta tell her that
right now.

I can't tell her now.

We're in Carnegie Hall,
for God's sake.

If I don't tell her now,
I'll never tell her.

Okay, so I'll never tell her.

Kate, I need to be committed!




I'm-I'm sorry, everybody.

I'm sorry for
the interruption.

I've got something on my mind,
and I'm gonna say it.

Well, hurry it up, would you?

I will, Mr. Liebowitz.

This is a pretty terrific
lady here,

and I want to be with her
and only her.

Edward, I don't think, uh...

You do?

Yes, I do, Kate.

I don't care if the whole world
hears about it.

I don't think
I was ever really alive

until I met you.


And you know something,

I would've never known it,

if my son hadn't tricked me
into coming here tonight.

Come on down here, Rick.

Kate, I've been a fool.

I want to go with
this relationship,

wherever it leads.

Oh, Edward. I-I do, too.


Bob, uh, I'm...

Hey, hey, hey,
I understand.

It's cool.

Uh, by the way,

does this mean
our trip to Tahiti is off?

What a jerk.


♪ Together ♪

♪ We're gonna find our way ♪

♪ Together ♪

♪ Takin' the time each day ♪

♪ To learn all about ♪

♪ Those things
You just can't buy ♪

♪ Two silver spoons together ♪
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