01x21 - Oy Vey! Wilderness!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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01x21 - Oy Vey! Wilderness!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law.

Kevin rollins obtained a g*n,

Loaded it with amm*nit*on,

Stalked miss van owen,

And shot at her point blank.

Whether you care
to admit it or not,

That punk's b*llet
wounded more than your arm.

He got to you, and
he got to you deep.

Until further notice,
you're on the desk.

Rollins didn't take
me down, bruce.

You're doing it. I
don't deserve this.

Barking dogs are a
fact of life, mr. Keris.

Accordingly I find the
facts to be insufficient

To support your nuisance claim.

And I'm entering judgment
for the defendant.

Brackman, I'll get
justice in my own way.

Just you wait.

- My dog's been k*lled.
- What?

My neighbor poisoned him.

Go see him. Talk to him.

Stand up, you m*rder*r.


- Hey, what the...
- Get back.

If you want a piece of me,
you know where to find me.

Arnold becker?

Do I know you?

Do you remember a
client named kim bonner?

- Sure.
- That's my mother.

- You're...
- Lucinda.

God, last time I saw you,

You were just...
You were a little kid.

I just turned 21 a
couple days ago.

Happy birthday.


You're still
lawyering, I assume?

Yeah, I guess you're not
still in junior high school.


Shopping for the family?

No, you?

Oh, no, I just stopped by

To pick up some
figs for breakfast.

This is all I have
during the day.

It's water from the
st. Augustine springs.

Since I tried it,

I simply can't drink any other.

Getting a divorce

Was really the best
thing my parents ever did.

Sometimes that's the case.

You still living
with your mother?

Arnie, please. I can
afford my own place.

Forgive me. I must
be living in the past.

By the way, what last
name are you using?

- No last name.
- No last name?

I'm a model, so I'm
known professionally

Only as lucinda.

You must be doing fairly well.

Cover of glamour next month.

You know, those are nice cars.

I used to have one
before I got the mondial.

You know, I have to
tell you something.

I used to have a
really big crush on you.


Yeah, I used to imagine you
sweeping me off my feet,

Taking me away.

Would you still be willing
to give me the chance?

Call me.

Eight years ago, when
I represented her,

She had a daughter then
who was only 13 years old.

Cut to this morning.

I stop off at the store,

And there is her daughter.

She's 21.

This is beyond intrigue.
Don't ask me how I know.

Arnie, if I line up a good temp,

Do you think I could use
some of the time I have coming

To take friday off?

Leon wants to take me to hawaii.



Sounds like a great weekend.
Where you going to stay?

The mauna kea.

Oh, that's the best
beach in the world.

Boy, if the possibility exists

To live a truly
joyful existence,

It's got to be l.a.

Let's take a call now
from leonard in la jolla.

Go ahead, leonard.

Hello, doctor. How are you?

I'm fine. So what's
on your mind today?

I'm about to go into
personal bankruptcy

In order to pay...

Why the reject on
the ellis complaint,

Van owen.

Because it's trash, detective.

Uh-huh. Would you be willing to
amplify that for me just a little?

Ellis has a concussion
and four cracked ribs

He says he received
while in custody.

Brutality charges have been
filed against the department,

And now you bring
me this laundry list?

Now, see... Now you're
losing me, van owen.

What's the problem?

The problem, sergeant,

Is that despite the fact

That you would
like to charge him

With eight different felonies,

The only thing
that you have on him

Are three vehicular infractions.

Take it to traffic court.

What about the 25-caliber
a*t*matic he had with him?

No pc to search the trunk.

There is nothing here
that's going to stick

No matter how much
you fling at the wall.

How about he's a wrong guy?

I can't charge him
for being wrong.

What is it with you?

What is it with me?

Yeah. Didn't you get a
pretty first hand view

Of what it's like out there?

What if I did?

Nothing. You're right.

Don't give it a second thought.

I'm sure there wasn't
a reason in the world

For the cops to have
laid a finger on him.

By the way, that cop you got sitting
outside on detail, guarding you,

How much slack you
think you'd cut him?

You're out of line, sergeant,

But since you asked, the very same
amount I would cut anybody else.

And spare me the iwo jima speech

About enduring the front line.

The only reason
this file is on my desk

Is because your
people screwed up,

And now you're
looking at a law suit.

Only you don't get
combat pay around here.

And the district
attorney's office

Is not your department's
private defense counsel.

So do me a favor
and take a hike.

You bet.

And I hope there's something
I can do for you sometime.

Are you positive they'll
hold the jeep for us?

We're going to pick it up
on the way to camping store.

God, stuart, just
think how long it's been

Since you breathed real air.

Woody allen says you should
never trust air you can't see.

Look, stuart, I know

That camping was
not your first choice

For a vacation, and I
just want you to know

How much I appreciate
your being so open

To try something new with me.

That's the kind of guy I am.

I talked to my travel agent.

We can still get in
almost anywhere...

Hawaii, mexico.

See, I think our lives have
just gotten so out of balance,

Enclosed in this
hermetically sealed box,

Never seeing the sun
or a tree or a bird.

They have sun and trees
and birds in acapulco,

And you don't have
to sleep in the dirt.

Aren't we the little prince?

Anyway, you get to
choose the next vacation.

Assuming I live
through this one.

Messer and the jack of hearts.

Ron messer's a
commercial fisherman

Who works out of san pedro.

The jack of hearts is his boat.

He claims that the irs
took it away from him.

Was he asleep at the switch?

It doesn't seem like that
can happen without warning.

I assume he had some warning.

With the service, you
can't assume anything.

What are we doing?

Stuart are meeting
with messer this morning.

You crossing over
into stuart's... Mike?

From what little I
heard on the phone,

This one looks like it might
go into court right away,

In which case mike's the one.

Feel like cutting your teeth
with me in tax court, victor?

Victor's not available.

I could easily give up this trip

If you want me around, mike.

No, not necessary.

Excuse me.

Is he all right?

Ann, you're not
coming in tomorrow?

That's right, douglas.

Stuart and I are going backpacking
in the buellton highlands.

Abby, there's one thing I'd like
you to cover for me if you could.

Abby's not available, ann.

Victor and abby
not being available

Have anything to do with this
ongoing sparky litigation, douglas?

Let's get something straight.

I've been hit with
criminal as*ault charges

As well as an enormous
civil liability claim.

These represent a
grotesque travesty of justice.

The only possible means I have

Of righting the scales a bit

Lies in the lawsuit
I filed against keris

For k*lling sparky and
for slashing my tires.

I would hope that I could count on
the forces of this firm to be mobilized

Out of sheer moral
indignation if nothing else.

I think we're adjourned.

Let's go, mike.

Ron. Hi, I'm mike kuzak

This is stuart markowitz.
He's our tax specialist.

Hello, ron. How are you?

So... Uh, where should I start?

Tell us about your boat.

She's 85 foot, steel hull,

I've got her rigged
for long lining.

Five days ago I took on
enough ice and provision

Of a two-week trip.

Next day I go down to the pier,

The harbor master tells me

Internal revenue agents
have seized the boat.

They left me a notice I
owed $540,000 in taxes.

My best year I made 80 grand.

Plus the one thing I never
not do is pay my taxes.

I don't ask them for extensions

I don't tell them any stories.

I just give them the money so
they don't give me any trouble.

Doesn't always work. Does it?

Tell me.

The guy does my
returns, he called.

He couldn't get any information.

I phoned. The lines
are always busy.

If what you're
saying is accurate,

It sounds like
somebody really goofed.

Let's hope that's all it is.

Remember. We are
dealing with the irs now.

You telling me they can
anything the hell they want to do?

They can do things
nobody else can do.

They have their
own police force.

When they decide to
move in, they move in.

They can take everything.

And if you happen
to be standing there,

They can search you.

I know a case of a guy
where they went to his house

And not only took his two cars,

But the truck that
belonged to the gardner

Who was cutting
the grass at the time.

So I just roll over?

Oh, no. No, no, no, no.

I know a few people down there.

I think we can get a
meeting by this afternoon.

Don't worry. We'll get this
whole thing straightened out.

Well, I hope it's soon

Because I've got five
crewmen going to leave me flat

If I'm not outbound
in a week's time.

I'm three payments
late on the boat.

I'm two payments
late on the house.

My wife is a wreck
because of this.

If they don't give that
boat back to me soon,

They might as well
keep it for good.

So some kid takes
a potshot at me,

And all of a sudden

I'm supposed to be the
department's hard ass.

Well, I don't think you're
being singled out, grace.

I think he was just
doing what cops do.

Since when are you an
apologist for the lapd?

Since when are you having
three drinks for lunch?

How about you mind
your own business?

Look, I think I've
been pretty good

About what's been going on
with you the last couple of weeks.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

You have been pushing me

And everyone else away

With the booze and
the tranquilizers.

It's not you, grace.

Micky, be a pal, huh?

Get off my back.

Why don't we go dancing tonight?

Hm? I have a friend who
can get us into helena's.

Well, I've got too much
to do with this irs thing.

They are really putting
the screws to this guy.

Yeah, well, someone's always
putting the screws to someone.

It never ends. Give it a break.

Just for tonight.

I can't, gracie.

You know what, kuzak?

The thing I like
about you the best

Is you're such a
hell of a lot of fun.


I have number 15
sun block, zinc oxide,

Snazzy new sunglasses.

I feel like we're going to
paradise for the weekend.

Let me call you
back later, leon.

Rox, I know you're
very busy making plans,

But if we could do a
little office business

For just a second.

I'd like you to have a case
of st. Augustine water

Sent to lucinda at her house.


So that we may understand
one another on this point,

My client is fully willing

To provide all pertinent
corporate financial records

To the present shareholders.

I have advised them

That he is under
no duty whatsoever

To divulge any details

Of his current
financial condition

Beyond the scope
of the corporation.

Leland, what's wrong?

Call dr. Weiner.

Tell him I have to
see him right away.

Leland, what is it?

I don't know, iris.

That's why I want
to go to the doctor.

Now, would you call him, please?

Oh, mike, I'm in a spot.

I've got the regina furnald
m*rder trial prepared for her,

And now as*ault
charges against brackman

Have landed up on
marylyn feldman's desk.


I copped her
grandmother's rocking chair.

There's no way I'm
going to get her to deal.

There's no way I
can take this to trial.

I was wondering if
there was any chance

That you could go
down there for me.

Oh, not if you want
to go anytime soon

What about abby.

Abby is handling
douglas' civil litigation.

Brackman wants me
for the criminal charges,

But the way it looks
now, I don't stand a chance.

Sure you do.

You can turn this whole thing
around to your advantage, victor.

Offer up an act of contrition,

Combined with a
certain innocent charm.

Pretty soon you've got
her right where you want,

Even more so than if you'd never
had to fight with her in the first place.

I don't think so.

I think the policy objective

Of the secret council of females

Is crush sifuentes
every chance you get.

Except the difference here

Is that between you and feldman

There's no romance,
warped or straight,

Past present or future.

So all you have to do
is deal with the case.

I don't know. I'll
tell you one thing.

If marilyn feldman
is not a dog lover,

Douglas could be looking
at some serious pound time.

I had a collie named daisy.

Used to roam around in this
field where the cows would graze.

Sometimes a cow would get loose

And get out in the road,

And daisy would run after her

And bark like hell.

One day a truck hit her,

And she had to be put to sleep.

All my mother would tell me

Was that daisy was
going to live in a place

Where it was safe
for her to run,

Where there were no trucks.

I promised to keep her off
the road and protect her,

But daisy wasn't coming back.

Just imagine, instead of it having
been a truck that hit her by accident,

It was some guy who
k*lled her on purpose.

They say a dog
is the only animal

Who will lick the
hand of its k*ller.

Daisy would've been just
as trusting as sparky was,

Nuzzling up to the stranger

Who is offering
her chopped meat,

Chopped meat laced
with strychnine.

Now, sparky was poisoned
in an enclosed area.

Keris' back yard
gave him direct access

Without tripping
off the alarm system.

He had every opportunity.

He had the
inclination. He had...

Wait a minute.

What exactly are you after here?

Marilyn, I just want
you to be able to use

Your prosecutorial
digression and drop the case.

Douglas brackman has
absolutely no record for v*olence.

He was horribly provoked, and
he's remorseful for what he's done.

If there's any
victim here, it's him.

Why is it I get the feeling

That you're going
to be laughing at me

Once you get outside my door?

Because you don't know me.

Well, I don't know
mr. Brackman either, do i?

He seems bent on vengeance.

He's suing keris.

What's to say he doesn't
come after him again,

This time with a
baseball bat or a g*n.

If that happens,

I'm sure you know that I don't
want to be the prosecutor

Who dropped the charges.

Supposing you were convinced

That brackman isn't
about to do that.

Okay? Supposing we
get them together,

And they all agree that
this is all best put to rest.

Your guy drops his civil suit?

Well, I will
certainly suggest it.

Well, let's get
them both in here

And maybe we can do business.

Hi, sorry I'm late. I
got hung up at the irs.

It's okay.

Oh, socking up for some long
nights by the campfire, huh?

Stuart, I think this is
really going to be good

For both of us. Just
to slow down a little.

You know?

Sleep out under the stars,

Nothing between us and nature.

I think we better get started.

You know, I was up reading
catalogues last night.

- I stayed up.
- Uh-huh.

There's a lot of this stuff
we're absolutely going to need,

Like these bags here.

Oh, well, we've already got those
bags that I borrowed from my cousin.

Mm, not like this.

You know this is the exact same
bag they took to the north pole?

We're not going to
the north pole, stuart.

We're going two hours
out of los angeles,

And this bag costs $400.

May I help you?

You gonna do something,
you may as well do it right, ann.

Yeah, we'd like to
take two of these,

And I'd like to see your
half-dome tents, please.

- Right over here.
- Thanks.

This is a terrific model.

Aluminum alloy poles

With a lifetime warranty.

Stuart, we're going to be
camping for three nights.

It's got a convertible
rain shield/dining canopy.

Yeah, we'll take it.

- Stuart, are you kidding?
- How about packs?

The wrong backpack
can totally ruin a trip.

You got one you
particularly recommend?

Mm-hm, this is the visionary,

State of the art. Here,
why don't you try it on.

Yeah, great.

It's got a thousand
denier cordura bottom.

- Mm-hm.
- It's too big.

No, it's actually
very well balanced.

Conically cut waist band,

Coil zippers,
perforated lombard pad.

$349. Stuart, that is
totally ridiculous money

For a knapsack.

Ann, it's not a knapsack.

We have less expensive
models, naturally,

With fewer features, of course.

No, I think I really
like this one.

You'll be very happy with it.

Hm, great. I've got
a few more things.

- Okay.
- You know those boots with
the bilateral arch support?

- Mm-hm.
- I'll take two pairs of those.

- Okay.
- Then goose down jackets.

And you have that silk and
polypropylene underwear?

- What?
- Right.

And then, you know, lanterns,

Signal mirrors, bug
spray, snake-bite kit,

Wind-proof matches,
citronella candles,

- Bungee cords,
a couple of those.
- Bungee cords?

Yeah, you know, they
hold on to... Never mind.

- Here, why don't you take
the list?
- Okay.

And I'll browse around, see
whatever else I might need.

- Great.
- Thanks.

- Ooh.
- Stuart.

These are nice.

Oh, this stuff is great.

Here. Some of this.

You know, maybe you were right.

Maybe this getting
close to nature

Isn't really going to
be so terrible after all.

Think you're going to
need another basket.

Pirate corridors of success.

Your host is celebrity
interviewer robin leach.

David is perched high on a hill

On the south side of the island

With a spectacular
view of what has to be

The most stunning
harbor anywhere.

Every bedroom looks
out to a colorful sight...


What time did you get home?


At this point the
job's so stupid

I might as well stay home.

You feel like talking?


I feel like zoning out

In front of the tube.

That sounds uplifting.

If you want me to go home...

I can go home.

How you going to
get there, crawl?


You're not driving anywhere.

You are drunk.

Take your hands off me, mike.

You try to leave this house,
and I'm going to knock you down.

Macho man.

Sit down and give me your drink.

Now, lie down.

Lie down and you
stay under the covers.

All right?

Go to sleep.

All right, this is
unbelievably steep.

Just be careful
here for a second.

Let me get down first.

Ow. Ow.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

All right. Here.

All right?

Stuart, my back is k*lling me.

Are your hip stabilizers secure?

I don't know whether
they're secure or not.

I do know that I told
you it was ridiculous

To bring in all this junk.

Don't start with me, ann.

Don't start with me.

The entire trip was
your idea. Remember that?

And, believe me, my feet
hurt worse than your back.

Not with your austrian boots

With the bilateral arch support.

The best boot on the market.

Just not broken in yet.

Stuart, could we make
camp here for the night?

Oh, we haven't hiked very long.

Well, let's... We'll go
farther tomorrow.

- Whatever you say.
- Okay?

Whatever you say is fine.

- How's this?
- Fine.

- Sit down.
- God.

Ann. Ann!

Mckenzie brackman,
may I help you?

One moment, please.

Ron, what's up? What
time did you get here?

About an hour ago.
Here, take a look at this.

Notice of auction?

Two weeks, they're
selling the boat.

I've worked long enough
on other people's boats

To get to where
I can run my own,

And now people I've
never laid eyes on

Are going to sell it
out from under me?

Well, we're not there yet.

Then where the hell are we?

Ron, there's something
I have to get straight.

The irs is saying you're
using tour boat to run dr*gs.

I have to know if that's true.


That's why your
assessment is so high.

They're saying that
fishing is just a front.

That's crazy. Where
did they get that?

Well, at the moment
they don't have to say.

Then how the hell am I
supposed to defend myself?

Why don't you let
me worry about that.

Right now I just have
to hear it from you.

Yes or no.

No. No, I don't run dr*gs.

I've never run dr*gs.
All I've ever done is fish.

All right.

Tomorrow morning we'll
go into federal court,

And we'll see if we can get a
judge to move on this right away.

You know the impound, doc?

They don't even have
chafing gear on the lines.

They haven't kicked on
the auxiliary generator.

The ice is melting.

The bilge pump is
running on the battery.

The bait hold is full
of stinking mackerel,

And she's sitting
too low in the water.

Ron, we are moving on
this as fast as we can.

Everybody's got their
idea of what hell is like,

And this is mine.

People in offices
with no windows,

Sending each other
pieces of paper

With my name on them.

I can't get them on the phone

Because the line is always busy.

I can't find their offices

Because I don't
know who they are!

Mr. Kuzak...
Mr. Kuzak, guys like me

End up in the street

From this kind of thing.

Would you come in, please?

Leland, what did the doctor say?

I'll have to cancel a
number of appointments.

I've tried to call all yesterday

And this morning.

I have to go into the
hospital next thursday.

What for?

I'd rather not go into it.


It's nothing serious.

I would just rather
not go into it.

Tell saul... Saul tartoff
I'll call him on the weekend.

Also I'm scheduled to appear
for gordon hollingsworth

And an administrative hearing.

Call keighton craig and
arrange for an adjournment.

Talk to seth craig. You
won't have any problem.

Leland, you are someone
who never goes to a doctor,

Let alone takes a
day off from work.

It's obvious to me
it's something serious,

Which makes me very afraid.

I'm asking, as a friend,
that you talk to me.

And I'm asking, as a friend,

That you respect my privacy.

That's the kindest thing that
you could do for me right now.

Gentlemen, what we're here for

Is to see whether or not

It's possible to avoid
criminal trials altogether.

- For whom?
- For either of you.

- Either of us?
- You m*rder*d
an innocent animal.

That is a totally
unsubstantiated accusation.

You have motive and opportunity.

All I did was respond to the
monstrousness of this man's crime.

Mr. Brackman, your
sense of moral outrage,

Regardless of how
genuine or pronounced,

Does not entitle
you to commit mayhem

However you see fit.

What you did to this man
constitutes aggravated as*ault,

For which you may be
tried, and if found guilty,

Sentenced to prison.

How do you like them apples?

I wouldn't be getting too
cocky if I were you, mr. Keris.

Now, I'm willing to
drop this entire matter,

But I need some fairly solid
assurances from both of you

That this pattern of
v*olence and feuding

Is not going to
continue or escalate.

So be it.

Mr. Keris?

Well, I'm not looking
to make any trouble.


In my family we always
resolved a crisis over a meal.

So before we start
formalizing this, how about it?

I've got corned
beef, roast beef.

I'll have a roast beef.

- Corned beef, please.
- Nothing.

If you're smart, you'll both
drop the civil suits as well.

All that's going to happen

Is that you'll burn up a
lot of time and effort,

And one's just going
to cancel out the other.

You all right?

- John, are you okay?
- - Would you like some water?

I think he's really choking.

Oh, my god.

- Do something.
- Oh, no, no, don't do that.

There's that procedure.
What's it called?

The heimlich maneuver.

Yes, do you know how to do it?

- I do.
- Well, then do it.

The man's choking to death here.

I find there to be something

Of a special irony in that.

It was at his hand

That sparky choked to death.

Mr. Brackman, you
can't let the man die.

To lose compassion for the dying

Is to lose all humanity.

Isn't that right, keris?

Tell me. Did you watch sparky

As he gasped his last breath?

Was there a part of you

That would've reached
over and saved him

If you could, like this?

Oh, thank god.

John, are you all right?

You bastard.

I think you broke my rib.

I saved your life,
you undeserving viper.

When he gets finished with you,

I'll have the shirt
off your back.

This is who you want me
to settle with, ms. Feldman,

This miscreant?

This man's life calls
out to be extinguished

And his bodily parts
sold for scrap.

I'm leaving.

I don't make deals
with t*rrorists.

You were both witnesses.

Expect a subpoena.

The man saved your life, mister.

I wouldn't push your luck.


John, calm down.

I guess this wasn't
such a good idea.

At least we tried.

So where does that leave us?

I'm not going to prosecute.

Each of them is enough of
a punishment for the other

Without getting the whole
criminal justice system involved.

Thanks, marilyn.

That's really
very decent of you.


It's a shame to waste
perfectly good food.

Are you hungry?

I could eat.

Very beautiful.
Come on, love me.

Who loves me? Look at me.

Very good. Now, I want
you to jump, honey.

I want you to jump for
me. Now, look in the camera.

Jump, baby. Good, very good.

You love me, honey. You love me.

Come on, honey.

Hi, arnie.

Abbot, arnie becker.

- Hi, abbot.
- Yeah, all right.

We're just going to
finish up a couple more.

Then we cna take a break. Okay?

Good, I love you. Good.

I want you to pout.
Come on, pout for me.

He was mean to you
last night. Pout for me.

Beautiful. You are beautiful.

Okay, gorgeous.
Now go and change.

Thank you.

You're going to hate me.

Not in this lifetime.

We got started really late.

The truck needed detailing.

This morning they
sent over a testarossa

Instead of a lagonda.

It's been one thing
after another.

Could I take a rain
check until tomorrow?

I could change the
dinner reservations,

Make them a little later,

Wait for you, watch
you work for a while.

Wouldn't be the
hardest thing I ever did.

Arnie, I couldn't
work with you here.

I would be totally distracted.

What if I promised
to be very quiet?

It's not your voice
that's distracting, arnie.

It's wanting to get
away and be with you.

You know, the camera
picks all of that up.

I can look at a photograph

And tell when a model's just
broken up with her boyfriend,

Got in a drug
habit, fallen in love.

You have no idea
how naked I really am.

Just so long as I can dream.

Come here.


Oh, man. The middle's all raw.

I knew we should've
bought that butane stove.

Eat some more trail mix.

I'm sick of trail mix.

Well, if you hadn't
broken all the eggs

When you fell over...

Like that was really
my fault, right?

Okay, I don't want
to fight anymore.

Could you throw some
toilet paper over here?

Yeah, where'd you pack it?

I didn't pack it. You did.

Uh-uh, you did.

Oh, great, you brought
every damn thing in the world

Except the toilet paper.

What am I supposed to do?

How about a leaf?

- A leaf?
- Yeah.

You did say you didn't
want anything to come

Between you and
nature. Didn't you?

You're really enjoying
yourself. Aren't you, stuart?

Oh, I am having a
ball. I really am.

Well, okay.

That's exactly what I'll do.

No big deal.

I'll use a leaf.

Come on, honey.

I'll get him. I'll get him.

All right, the hell with him.

Hell with him. I'll
let him go. Come on.

God, I hate lizards.

Oh, god.

God, this pack is unbelievable.

Feel like a lama.

How you feeling, honey?

How do you think I'm feeling?

Is... Is the itching
getting any better?

The itching's worse.

The burning is worse.
I am in agony, stuart.

Total agony.

Just going to be a
little bit further.

It'll be okay.

How are we ever going
to find a dermatologist

In this god-forsaken place?

Well, you know,
any kind of doctor

Can treat poison sumac
or whatever it was.

Did you remember to
bring the leaf specimen?

I thought you were
going to bring it.

Well, he probably
doesn't need it anyway.

Come on.

Oh, stuart, could you
please run and warm it up?

Come on.

Come on, come on.

Come on.

It won't start.

Oh, god, stuart.

Stuart, you're got
to get me out of here.


I don't care how.

Just... Just get to
the ranger's station

Or something, please.

You've got to get me
out of this miserable...

Before I start to cry.

Ann. Ann, come on, honey.

I'm going to get
you out of here.

I'm going to... Just
hang in there, honey.

I'm going to get us
out of here real soon.

I promise. I'll be right back.

Now, just don't
move. I'll be right back!

And don't scratch!

Your honor,

In order to justify
the snatching

Of this man's boat
and his livelihood,

The service has to show

That the assessment
was reasonable

And appropriate.

Right now they're
not even close.

Your honor, I would
point out to mr. Kuzak

That if the service is in compliance
with the rules of procedure,

In executing the termination
assessment and levy,

And there is no
showing that it isn't,

Than the review taken here
goes to the assessment only,

Not to the taking
of mr. Messer's boat.

Mr. Messer only
owes the tax's claim

If it can be shown that he was
involved in smuggling dr*gs.

Now, where is the proof of that?

According to section 68.51,

The burden isn't on the
service to provide that proof.

Ms. Zeppoli, I
think you'll agree

The evidence of drug
smuggling is rather thin,

And there's a good likelihood

That mr. Messer will
wind up with an abatement.

In the meantime could he at least
have his boat restored to him?

Unfortunately, mr. Kuzak,

There's been no showing

That the levy was
anything but proper.

As such, I'm not at
liberty to disturb it.

Your honor, ron
messer is being forced

Into personal
and financial ruin,

And all anyone
can say about that

Is that the service
is in compliance

With its own rules.

Now, what is this
man supposed to do

While we labor to discover
that a mistake was made?

Counselor, I sympathize
with your client's dilemma,

But this is not a
criminal proceeding.

The safeguards afforded
a criminal defendant

Are not in place here.

We can rail about
the unfairness of it,

But that's the law.

The best I can do

Is to set an early trial date.

I cannot grant the
relief you're seeking

In a summary fashion.

The irs sure as hell moved in
a summary fashion. Didn't they?

That'll do, counselor.

That's about all I'm
going to tolerate.

This court's adjourned.

Judge, can anybody here help me?

Can anybody explain this thing
as a section in a book some place?

I'm not a criminal.

I just want my boat back
so I can get back to work.

This is the united
states of america.

I want my boat back. I
want to get back to work...

Lady, could you at least tell them to
take care of the boat while they got it?

Or you could just
give it to the navy...

Mr. Kuzak, you've
got a message here

From officer crane of
the santa monica police.

Thank you.

Ron, I'm sorry. I've got to go.

I'll call you later.

Dr. North, report to ccu stat.

Excuse me, I'm looking
for... Never mind.

You all right?

Is she all right?

She's fine.

Excuse me. Are you
with the young lady?

- Yeah.
- Can we talk to you a minute?

I'll be right back.

What happened?

She lost it on san vicente.

Anybody hurt?

No, but she wound up
on the center divider.

We ran a breathalyzer on her.

It's below the
legal line... Just.

She's also had a few of these.

She's got a valid prescription,

But she shouldn't
be behind the wheel.

We also know she's
with the d.a.'S office.

Make sure you get her home, huh?


Okay, let's go.

Come on. It's time to go home.

Stuart. Stuart, is that it?

Stuart, is that really it?


Come on. Easy. Easy, easy, easy.

Come on. Come on.

- Mr. Markowitz.
- Ciao, franco.

Ms. Kelsey.


There's wine and beer
and fresh orange juice

In the mini fridge

Unless you'd prefer
champagne, of course.

Mr. Markowitz told me
that you might be hungry,

So I brought along some oysters,

Lobster, fresh caviar.

The controls for the
television and the stereo

Are in that front panel.

Now, everything else okay?

Yes, finally.


You just lean back, relax.

We'll have you back in
l.a. In less than two hours.


If you've got something to say,

Just say it.

I'm not going to stand by

And wait for you to bottom out.

Then don't.

If you don't care
about yourself,

Why don't you stop and think

About what this might be
doing to the people around you?

Now I'm supposed
to feel guilty, too?

Do me a favor.

Just get off my case.

Give me some slack.

Slack almost got
you k*lled today.

Just like after you got shot,

You're ready with a
thousand answers.

You got your speech
about now that was nothing,

How this is nothing.

Well, it's not nothing.

It's something and you're
going to deal with it.

The question is whether
you're going to deal with it

With your eyes open or closed

And what the cost is going
to be when you're through.

Now, I'm going to go out,

And when I come back,

The pills better be gone.

The booze better be gone.

Or you better be gone.

Lucinda, couldn't we go inside?

Isn't this the most fabulous
car you've ever done this in?

Yeah, but still it's a car.

We could... We could go inside.

We could be in a bed.

Why would you
want to be in a bed

When you could be in a car?

Besides, this is how I
always saw us anyway.

What the hell are you doing?

Great. Now you want to
come around and see me again.

You left a message
that said you'd be here.

What did you expect?

You're the one that didn't
want a commitment. Remember?

You had all the reasons why not.

Fine. This is what you get.

You had to make sure I'd find
out about it, too. Didn't you?

Didn't leave anything to chance.

You leave word that
you have to see me.

You park in front of the house.

I mean, are you trying to
tell me something or what?

Yes, aaron, I am.

I'm trying to tell
you I feel neglected,

And this is the only
way I have of doing it.

I'm not as articulate
as you. Okay?

I just can't say
what I'm feeling.

All right, look. Why don't...

Why don't you
come out of the car,

And we'll go inside
and talk. Okay?

Who's the guy?

Arnold becker.

Aaron fein.

How you doing, man?

Listen, I know this
is a little bit weird,

But I think lucinda and I need a
little time together right now.

Really, arnie. I think
it's the best thing.

You know something?

We're all going to be having
dinner together in six months

Laughing about this.

Is it perfect?

I mean, it's l.a., Right?

Hi, you've reached roxanne.

I'm not home right now,

But if you leave your name

And any brief message

At the sound of the beep,

I will get back to you.

Thank you and have a great day.

This is arnold becker.

I'm calling from pico boulevard,

Where I've just pulled
over to the curb

To wait out the
impulse to head due west

Until I crash through
the guard rail

Of the pacific coast highway,

Plunge to my death
in the ocean below.

I hope you're having a
hell of a good time in hawaii.

Grace? Grace.

So, micky, I wish I had the
courage to say this to your face,

But I don't right now.

And I think that's okay.

Uh, I'm going away, micky.

I spoke to rogoff,

And he's given me an
indefinite leave of absence,

And I love you,
and you know that,

But after everything
that's happened,

I feel... I feel so out
of control right now,

And... And I'm okay.

I'm really okay thanks to you,

But I think I need to be
by myself for a while,

And I've got a lot
to think about.

You know?

A lot of stuff that I haven't
wanted to think about.

And I don't know
where I'm going to.

I don't know.

Maybe up north.
Maybe new mexico.

Micky, please.

Please don't worry
about me. Okay?

Even if you don't hear
from me for a while,

As soon as I understand
what I really want,

I promise you'll be
the first one to know

Because I love you so much.

I do.

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