01x20 - Sparky Brackman R.I.P. ????-1987

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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01x20 - Sparky Brackman R.I.P. ????-1987

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on la
law... We the jury

Sentence the defendant to death.


You gone, lady!

You dead meat!

Dead meat!

I'm putting two uniforms on you.

They'll walk you to
and from your car

And they'll park outside
your place at night.

That's not enough.

The man's in custody, michael.

Well, his g*ng friends aren't.

Grace, let me ask you
something. You got a g*n?

I have never even fired a g*n.


Drop the g*n!

Oh no.

What is going on?

I'm sorry. I found him

On a freeway this
morning coming in.

For god's sakes call the pound.

What happened? My dog is gone.

Mr. Brackman took it.

Since you're having a
hard time placing him,

Why don't I take him?

Do you want him?

I've always had a
way with animals.

I prefer their company to
some people in many cases.

I lost my first case too.

Oh, and you just love
rubbing my nose in it, don't you?

Not really.

Then why'd you come down here?

To ask you out on a date.

A date?

Oh. Wait a minute.

Don't spend it, because
it's a magic dollar bill.

That was fantastic. Thank you.

It's my pleasure.

Sell your condo.

Stuart, it's my only asset.

Well, ann, the whole
thing doesn't make sense

Unless you move in with me.

Whoa. Back up.

It's a big step. Can
I think about it?


Okay. I thought about it.


Let's go home.

Gallagher vs. Martin.

How do we stand, victor?

Lousy. We lost.

Appeal. And notify the client.

That was the appeal, douglas.

And he is no longer a client.

Michael. Abrams vs. Bertrand?

Jury was empanelled yesterday.

We start today.

Why haven't we settled this?

Because we haven't
been offered anything

Worth settling for, douglas.

This case is a loser at trial.

How do you prove sexual as*ault

When she willingly
went back to his room?

Well, she wasn't
willing to be r*ped.

Isn't the boy a
first-round draft pick?

I would think an instant
millionaire should be willing

To come up with a few dollars to
keep this nastiness out of the papers.

All right, douglas.
Let's move along.

Michael has the case in hand.

Ms. Kelsey.

Perhaps you could inform us
of this new matter on the list

Entitled "in re kelsey?"

I've got my condo up for sale.

Leland said I
could open up a file

For administrative convenience.

Fine. Just be aware
that these things

Are never as simple
as they appear,

And I don't want a
lot of office time

Piled up on this.

Oh please.

Can we discuss
item six on the list?

Keris vs. Brackman?

That's a legitimate lawsuit

And I did not initiate it.

No, but you enlisted
abby to defend you.

Which means that your little

Barking dog is costing this firm

The time of one associate

And one partner for at
least one full trial day.

For your information, I
happen to be a victim here.

I'm being sued by a senseless
and vindictive neighbor,

Who's attempting to
get sparky destroyed.

I've enlisted ms.
Perkins because

(She knows the dog, b)
sympathy happens to be

Our strong suit in this matter,

And she's best
able to exploit it...

The last time douglas
represented himself

He got pasted by andrew taylor.

That's it. I will not sit here

And tolerate this abuse.


That psychotic is after my dog.

And when I come into this office
looking for a little support,

I don't need to be mocked

And ridiculed by
a group of people

Completely insensitive
to my feelings.

An innocent pet
is being maligned

And persecuted... Excuse me.

Then when I called
to complain about it

He was rude. He called me

An animal hater, a bad neighbor.

He refused to even
consider that his dog

Could be a nuisance.

Cross, ms. Perkins.

Uh, mr. Keris, since you're
representing yourself

You have the right to object
to questions you find improper.

Thank you, your honor.

Now, your complaint
states that the dog

Has been barking incessantly
since last october.

He never stops. Yap, yap, yap.

At thanksgiving dinner, why
I could hardly hear grace.

Are you aware, sir, that the dog

Did not come to live at
the brackman residence

Until early december?

He what?

December 5th, to be exact.

Well, it's been so
non-stop that I probably

Don't ever remember
not hearing him.


Conclusory, argumentative,
and self-serving.

Mr. Brackman, you're not
the attorney of record here.

Could I take a moment to confer
with my counsel, your honor?

Hurry up.

Ask him how he can hear it
all day when he's at work.

Ask him why his wife
never complains.

Ask him about the
last time he sued me.

Douglas. I'll get to it.

You've gotta be more aggressive.

I just started.

Let's go, ms. Perkins.

Mr. Keris.

Isn't it true that
you sued my client

Two years ago,
also for nuisance,

Claiming that he
failed to keep the lids

Fastened tightly
to his trash cans?

A good easterly breeze
and the reek of his garbage

Would waft right
through my kitchen.


Prior bad acts are inadmissible.

Mr. Brackman, your
lawyer asked him about it.

But his answer was non-
responsive to her question,

Which was merely
designed to establish

That the witness is on
a personal vendetta,

And he's been initiating
frivolous and baseless

Lawsuits against me.

Mr. Brackman, sit down.

Could I take a moment to
confer with counsel, your honor?

No. Now sit down and be quiet.

You wanna meet
me for lunch later?

Not if my trial gets started.

It's a loser. Settle it.

We could take the whole day.

We could do something
fun for a change.

God knows my
office won't miss me.

Just say so and I'll
tell 'em to get lost.

Mr. Kuzak...

Has the team or
the league offered,

Uh, any sort of settlement
on bertrand's behalf?

I have no comment on that.

Well, does that mean
that it's going to trial?

I have no comment.

If I were you I really
would try to drop this case.

You're starting to sound
like a broken record.

I'm just trying to get you

To look at this realistically.

Michael, if there
really was a case,

My office would have prosecuted.

But this is civil. Not criminal.

We're not asking a jury
to send this guy to jail.

I think we got
one hell of a shot.

Don't bet on it.

What? Are you saying
there was no as*ault here?

I'm saying that date r*pe
is hard to prove in court.


I'll call you.

Good luck.

$50,000 Conditioned on no
disclosure to the press.

I'll take it to my client,

But I have to advise against it.

Come on.

You got no case.

Are you kidding?

I like my case just fine.

Your guy signs an nba contract.

My client, the victim,

She has to drop out of school,

She's been in
therapy, she's broke,

Her family's been humiliated.

I know just what
I've got, counselor.

75 Grand. That's it.

That's as high
as I'm authorized.

You see, for my client,

This case is not
just about money.

Well, you bounce
75 grand off of her,

And we'll see what it's about.

Well, they're offering $75,000.

That's it?

They also want a stipulation

Barring you from any disclosure

Of the terms of the settlement.

You mean they want
to buy my silence.

Pretty much.

Forget it. If I take this offer

The truth'll never come out.

Lori, this thing will get ugly.

They've got one of
your ex-boyfriends

To testify against
you. They subpoenaed

One of the therapists
who treated you.

They're gonna do
whatever they have to.

Michael. He r*ped me.

Nothing those lawyers do to me

Could be worse than that.

The dog does bark at strangers.

An excellent watch dog.

But other than that,

He's a very quiet little fellow.

I see.

Mr. Brackman,
what are you doing?

Nothing, your honor.

Could you tell us
what steps you took

To solve this
problem with mr. Keris?

I'm not sure I understand
your question.

I think what you mean to ask is,

What does the whole
neighborhood think of him?

They hate him. He's
been nothing but

A source of disruption
and discontent

For the whole block.

Now, that's not
true. He's the one.

Sit down, mr. Keris.

But your honor... Sit down.


Would you say then
that there is a good deal

Of animosity between
the two of you?

I'm not sure I follow.

I think what you mean to ask is,

How does he behave when I
attempt to work things out?

He verbally assaults me.

He's more interested
in an argument

Than he is a solution.

Could you tell us
what transpired...

I'm sure the court
would like to know

What he said to
my wife last week.

The court is getting
very annoyed.

The court would like the
lawyer to ask the questions.

Not the witness.

And I think the court has
heard from both sides by now.

Mr. Keris, do you have
anything further?

Oh, no, your honor.

But I would like to
add, for the record,

That mr. Brackman is a liar.


Now, let me say this
to the both of you.

The courtroom is not a place

To play out
neighborhood squabbles.

Barking dogs are a
fact of life, mr. Keris,

And I don't find
these circumstances

To be so aggravated as
to constitute a deprivation

Of your quiet enjoyment
of your property.

Accordingly, I find the
facts to be insufficient

To support your nuisance claim,

And I'm entering judgment
for the defendant.

Judges and lawyers.
You're all together.

That's enough, sir.

And mr. Brackman...

Though this thing has
not risen to the level

Of nuisance yet, I remind
you that it still could.

And there is nothing
to stop mr. Keris

From instituting an
action at that time.

I suggest you try
keeping the dog quiet.

Yes, your honor.

This court's adjourned.

Very good, ms. Perkins.

I never had a moment's doubt.

Thank you.

You think you're gonna get
away with this, brackman?

Well, I'll get justice
in my own way.

You wait. Just you wait.

Lori. I want you to tell us
everything that happened

Between you and the defendant
before leaving the party.

We were just talking.
Um, there wasn't even

Any dancing going
on at this party.

It was just a lot of
drinking and celebrating.

Do you remember what it
was you were talking about?

Lots of things. Um...

In fact, I remember
being really impressed

That he wasn't totally
consumed with the game.

The basketball game.

Yeah. They had just
won the championship

And everybody was intent
on rehashing this thing

Play by play. And,
uh, here he was

This, um, big star, and, uh...

We talked about a lot of things.

I met him a few times before,
but this was the first time

I'd really gotten a
chance to know him.

And, uh, he seemed...

Really personable
and, uh, unassuming.

You were attracted to him.

Thought he was great.

So, what time did the two
of you leave the party?

It was about midnight.

Um, it was getting
really noisy and rowdy

So we couldn't even
hear each other talk,

And his dorm was
right across the way,

And we thought
we'd go over there.

Just the two of you?

I know how it looks.

But we just wanted
to go someplace quiet

Where we could talk.

And what happened
when you got there?

We sat on the couch
in the living room,

And we talked some
more, and we had some wine,

And we kissed.



And what happened next?

Well... We kissed
for about a minute.

I don't think it was
any longer than that.

And then suddenly he
started to climb on top of me.

And I said, "what
are you doing?"

And then he turned me and pushed
me to the cushions on the couch.

And I yelled at him to stop.

And then I felt his knees
digging into my thighs.

I tried to get free,

And the next thing I knew,

He was reaching
up under my skirt,

And rips down my
panties from the back.

And then he started to force
my legs apart with his knees.

And before I could even
register what was going on,

He was ramming himself into me.

And I couldn't... I
couldn't get him to...

Now, you said that you
were trying to get free

During this time.


He had my arms pinned
down with his elbows.

And his legs were
on top of my legs.


He was too strong.
I couldn't fight him.

And I took a deep breath,

And I screamed as
loud and hard as I could.

And I must've surprised him
because he jumped off of me.

And I left.

How long, approximately,
did this attack take?

I can't remember.
It happened so fast.

But it was like in slow motion.

It was like it wasn't
happening to me.

It was like it was
somebody else.

But it was me.

He was inside of me. And he...

And he wouldn't stop.

Mr. Kuzak.

Since it's now 4:00,

And it seems like an
appropriate time for a recess,

I'm inclined to adjourn
till tomorrow morning.

That would be fine, your honor.

It's okay.

Take it easy, sparky.
It's only me, okay?

I'm going to work now.
And, uh, be a good boy.

Okay? Be a good boy.

I just get the sense that george
wants a lot from me right now,

And I don't really know if I'm
in the position to give it to him.

In other words, he's asked
you to go to bed with him.

The subject has come up.

And I just don't know.

I mean, we both come
with so much baggage,

And it's... It's all
so complicated i...

Sometimes I just think
let's forget the whole thing.

I mean, what's so terrible
about celibacy anyway?

On the other hand,
what's so great?

I'm serious, ann.

Having sex with someone
is a big deal to me.

And I am... I am just not
comfortable with one night stands.

You've been out with
him at least a dozen times.

And maybe I shouldn't be
tying myself down right away.

I mean, right after a divorce?

Just jumping into
another commitment?

Is that what george wants?

That's what he says.

But who knows?
Maybe he's just talking.

I mean, what if I
go to bed with him,

And he never calls me again?

He doesn't sound to
me like that kind of guy.

Besides, I'd like to
live long enough

To dance at my son's wedding.


Aids. You have heard of it.

Before you go to bed with
him you're certainly entitled

To ask about his sexual history.

Or you could buy
him some condoms.

Well, that's very romantic.

Besides, where are we
supposed to do it anyway?

We each have a
young child at home.

And there is no way that I
am going to some tacky motel.

Look, abby. If you don't want

To go to bed with him,
don't go to bed with him.

You don't have
to explain it to me.

I know. But I'm so
attracted to him.

So go to bed with him.

Would you like the
keys to my place?

I'm never there. It's
just sitting empty.

So that if you do decide
to make love with george,

You wouldn't have to
worry about logistics.

I've been looking
all over for you.

In my office right away.

What's wrong?

That lunatic has
just slashed my tires.

We're gonna sue him blind.

I want one count
for property damage,

One count for trespassing,

I want negligent infliction
of emotional distress,

And intentional infliction
of emotional distress.

Municipal court?

No. Superior court. Jury trial.

He's gonna have to
hire a lawyer this time,

And it's gonna cost him big.

Let's hit him with

And a request for admissions.

Then we'll depose
the filthy roach.

Ask for damages in
the amount of $500,000.

Half a million for four
steel-belted radials?

We're talking emotional
distress and punitive damages.

When I get through with him,

He's gonna have
to sell his house.

I want a draft copy of the
complaint on my desk by 5:00.

I want to be ready
to file it tomorrow.

This sounds kind of big.

Are you sure you don't
want michael to handle it?

Don't be silly.
You're my lawyer.

You beat him once.
You can whip 'em again.

Ann? Ann? Hey.

What happened
with the open house?

Nothing much.

No offers?

Some airline pilot and his wife.

Airline pilot. That's great.

Not really. It's a lot
less than I'm asking.


How much less?


I tell ya, ann. It's
not so far out of line.

Well, that's the only
one who put 10% down

And they wanted me
to carry a second.

I told the realtor I didn't
think it was gonna work out.

Wait a minute. You
didn't come back

With a counter offer?

What for? We're miles apart.

Ann, it's a negotiation.

They come up a little,
you go down a little.

Forget it. I don't have
the time or energy

To hassle over this thing
like some rug merchant.

You want me to get into it?

No. It's all right.

No problem.

I'll call your broker.
I'll set up a meeting.

Hey. All they can do is say no.

So, I'll expect you
thursday at 11:00.

May I validate your
parking ticket, mrs. Havens?

Thank you much.



Oh. Thank you much.

Ciao, arnie.



Beautiful. Cosmopolitan.

Going through a rough divorce.

Doubting her own attractiveness.

I can tell.

Some guy could
be the beneficiary

Of all that smoldering
passion, but, uh...


After my last two disasters

I've taken a vow of celibacy.


Great. Who sent flowers?

They're for me.


From leon.

Not much of an arrangement.

Why do you keep
putting him down?

Rox, I'm not putting
him down. I think leon's

A perfectly nice guy. I...

I just don't think he's
good enough for you.

Leon happens to be
a wonderful person.

He's kind,
understanding... Cheap.

Take a look at this.

He couldn't even spring
the extra $20 for roses.

I think they're beautiful.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm
going to put them in water.

Ms. Abrams, you
testified yesterday

That while at this party you
became attracted to my client.


Physically attracted.

Part of the attraction
was physical, yes.

And it's likely that
mr. Bertrand sensed this, isn't it?

I guess so.

Is it conceivable
that my client thought

You wanted to
go to bed with him?


Really? A young woman

Who is physically attracted
to him leaves the party

And goes back to his room
with him after midnight?

Both people are a
little tipsy from alcohol.

Is it your testimony
before this jury

That it's inconceivable
for a young man

Under these circumstances
to think that the woman

Might be interested
in having sex?

It's conceivable
that he could have

Thought that at first, maybe.

But when he started
to climb on top of me

He knew damn
well I didn't want it.

Because you resisted him.

Yes. I did.

And have you ever
had sex with a man

After initially resisting him?

What? No.

Mr. Nessen. Would
you please rise?

Have you ever had sex
with this man, ms. Abrams?

I renew my objection

To your honor's previous ruling

On this entire
line of questioning.

And I object to her method here.

It goes to state of mind
and credibility, your honor.

And as for my method,

I can do it this way,
or I can call mr. Nessen

To the stand and then recall

Ms. Abrams when I
conclude with him.

I'm going to allow it.

You may sit down, mr. Nessen.

Ms. Abrams, will
you tell the court

Whether or not
you engaged in sex

With mr. Nessen prior to
the evening in question?

We had been going
out for four months.

Yes I had sex with him.

And on the first
occasion that you

Engaged in intercourse with him,

You resisted him
at first, didn't you?

Answer the question, ms. Abrams.


In fact, you told
him no, didn't you?

You even pushed him
away at first, right?

I didn't think it was
a good idea at first.

And then you engaged
in intercourse.

Was that r*pe, ms. Abrams?

No. It... It... It's
not the same.

So, you're telling the
court that in some instances

When you push away
and say no it's r*pe,

And in other
situations it's not.

With mark it was a
matter of judgment.

I wanted to have sex with him.

I... I... I didn't
wanna rush into it.

So even though you
said no, you wanted it.



I was reluctant with
mark, but I did consent.

With him, it was
r*pe. I said no.

And he r*ped me.

How do we know when to believe

A little girl who cries "no?"



Ms. Abrams, you
told your therapist

That you thought this whole
event was partially your fault,

Didn't you?

Communications between

The witness and her
doctor are privileged.

Well, she's seeking to recover

Mental pain and
suffering, your honor,

Thereby putting her
mental condition at issue.

Any statements she
made to her doctor

In regard to that condition
are therefore not privileged.

I'm going to overrule
the objection.

Tell us, ms. Abrams. Did you not

In fact tell your therapist
that you blamed yourself

For much of what happened?

At first I blamed
myself a little,

But then as I
thought about it...

No further questions.

I realized it wasn't my fault.

And I shouldn't be blamed.

There are no questions
before you, ms. Abrams.

That's all.

Re-direct, mr. Kuzak?

Lori. Do you still
blame yourself?


He did it to me.

I didn't do anything wrong.

The only thing that I was
guilty of is trusting him.

Thank you.

Look. I love the
place. I really do.

But I just can't swing $225,000.

And even if I could, I'd
never get the financing.

Well, that's it, I guess.

Gosh. I feel terrible.

For you too, I mean.

All that work and
no commission, huh?

Well. It's a real shame.

You know?

There is a way we
could salvage this.


Well, you know.
You... Never mind.

No, what?

We could cut the
purchase price to $215,000,

And you take a 3%
commission instead of 6%.


Sounds drastic, I know.
But not when you consider

That 3% of $215,000's
a hell of a lot better

Than 6% of nothing.

But... Yeah, I know.

$215,000'S still a
little high for you.

But we could give
you 100% financing,

Completely relieving you of
the burden of a down payment.


You take a note for, say,

12% Interest payable only,

With a balloon payment
for the principal,

The $215,000, at the end of
five years. Sweeten it, no?


You mean no down payment at all?

Yeah, it works out very nicely.

Solves your cash flow problems.

Gorgeous condominium.

Well, ned?

Sounds good to me.

Stuart, can I talk
to you for a minute?


Excuse me.

Yeah. What's up?

I don't wanna wait five
years for my money.

Ann. Ann. Look.

If you get your money right now,

You're gonna plop it
down on a savings account

And get a 6%
return on it, right?

I'm getting you 12%,
plus you get to defer

Your capital gains
taxes for five years.

Ann, it's a steal. Believe me.

No. It's too convoluted.

Are you nuts?

Look. This way,
you're getting more

Than your asking price
because of the commission cut

And the investment
deal of a lifetime.

I can't.


Uh, I'm sorry. I just
can't accept those terms.

Thank you for your interest

And I apologize for
the inconvenience.


Uh, give... Give... Give
us until the morning.

And, uh, I'll talk to her.

It's mrs. Brackman.

I'll have to call her back.

She says it's a crisis.


Sheila. Stop shrieking.

Take a moment.


What do you mean, he's dead?

Are you sure he's
not just sleeping?

Oh my god.

I'll call ya right back.

Hilda. Get me the police.

For god's sakes.


So, you thought that
she wanted this to happen?

Well, yeah. I mean, I thought
she was expecting to have sex,

And that I'd be kind
of a wimp if I didn't...

Like, take charge.

But her resisting didn't

Suggest to you that
she was less than willing?

Well, a lot of women resist.

Not that I've been
with that many,

But some think it's more sexy

If they're sort of overpowered.

Why is that?

I don't know. I...

I think some women are turned on

By the macho thing.

And do you think that ms. Abrams

Was turned on by it that night?

Yes, I really thought she was

Until she screamed.

What happened when she screamed?

Well, it was sort of like
a blood curdling yell.

I could tell something was
wrong so I got off of her,

And that's when she got
up and ran out of the room.

Nothing further.

Is it your testimony, sir,
that women are turned on

By having their
panties ripped off

And their legs forced apart?

Hey, look. I'm not
a r*pist, all right?

She wanted to have sex with me.

What about these bruises?

Did she want these too?



Take a look at these, people.

Now, here is a girl having fun.



She was yelling at you to stop.

She was struggling to get away.

Now, tell me, mr. Bertrand,

What exactly does
a woman have to do

In order for you
to get the message?

I don't know. Maybe she
shouldn't have come to my room.

And why is that?

Do you only r*pe at home?



No further questions.

Yo. Mr. Brackman. Over here.

How ya doin', sir?

It's good to see you.

I must've driven by this
place five or six times.

You said dark and outta the way.

Listen. Everything
all right, mr. B?

If you don't mind my saying so,

You sounded
terrible on the phone.

I'm in a nightmare, vinnie.

Please. I need your assurances

That we never had this meeting.

Oh, let me say this.

I've been a p.i. 15 Years now.

Client swears me to secrecy,
goes with me to my grave.

You want some lunch?
They make a nice brisket here.

I'm too upset to eat.

My dog's been k*lled.


My neighbor poisoned him.

We haven't had an autopsy,

But the vet thinks
it was strychnine.

That's terrible.

Sparky. My wife found him

In the back corner of the yard.

He must've crawled
over there to die.

Did you call the police?

They say they can't do anything.

I'm a dog lover myself.

I know what you must
be going through.

Some screwball did
this to my little queenie,

I mean, I wanna go nuts here.

You know, I think I
wanna k*ll somebody.

Exactly. What about that?

What about what?



Surely you must know
some people out there?

People in the underworld
who could give me justice.

Justice? How?

As in hit man.

Hit man?


Look... Look... Look.
Time out, here, mr. B.

I mean, this is extreme.

If you're talkin' about m*rder

You're gonna have to
let me out right here.

All right. Just break his knees.

Look. Mr. B. If you're serious,

And I only pray that you're
just very overwrought

And emotional here,

I mean, what you're
thinkin' about doin',

It... It... It's just
plain wrong.

I can't just let sparky's
death go un-avenged.

Could I give you a
piece of advice here?

Now look. Whatever your
differences are with this guy,

And I'm not trying
to make light of it,

I mean, how do you even
know he did this terrible thing?

Go see 'em. Talk to 'em.

Confront him directly.

It's the only way.

You're a very wise man, vinnie.

Thank you for the good advice.

Anytime, sir. It's all
part of the service.

Now, this isn't about
sex, ladies and gentlemen.

Sex is something that's shared.

What we're talking
about here is one person

Physically overpowering another.

What we're talking
about is a man

Sexually assaulting a woman.

What we're talking
about is a r*pe.

That's not mitigated by the
fact that they knew each other.

Or by the fact
that she liked him.

Or even by the fact
that she kissed him.

Now, I don't care how
benign the setting was.

The fact remains that
he physically forced

Himself onto her
and he r*ped her.

I know this is not your standard

"Guy jumps out of dark alley
with ski mask and a knife" scenario.

This is worse.

Worse because after
what he did to her,

She's not only
afraid of strangers,

She's afraid of friends.

She was r*ped by
someone she knew.

Someone she had
made a judgment about.

And she was betrayed
by that judgment.

She no longer can
trust friendship.

She no longer can
trust her own instincts.

And she no longer
has faith in her ability

To tell the good
guys from the bad.

Because of what he did to her,

Every time she meets a
man, she asks herself,

Could this guy be a r*pist?

Believe me, folks.
That's one hell of a scar

To walk around with.

The damage done to
my client by this man

Is irreparable.

Absolutely irreparable.

And for the sake of this
scared, young woman,

I ask you to make
him pay for it.

It's a strange phenomenon
sometimes when boy meets girl.

Everything is so unstated.

There are no
pronouncements of affection

Or declaration of
attraction. Just the opposite.

We send signals. Little smile.
Maybe a squeeze of the hand.

Sometimes signals get mixed.

And the problem with playing
this little guessing game

Is that people guess wrong.

According to the plaintiff,
my client did just that.

But the thing you people
have to consider here

Is not whether his guess
was right or wrong,

But whether it was reasonable
under the circumstances.

They meet at a party.
Both have been drinking.

She's attracted to him.

He to her. And they
leave after midnight

To go back to his room together.

They sit on the sofa.
They embrace. They kiss.

And then it goes further
than she now says

She wanted it to go.

And she now claims
that he must've known

That she wanted him to stop.

Because she said no?

Well, unfortunately,
one of the little signals

That young women
are schooled to flash

Is a sign of resistance.

It's simply not proper
to give sex freely.

Now, we can all say,
"hey this is the 80s,"

But every woman in
this courtroom knows

That it is more respectable,

More feminine, and
sometimes more alluring

To manifest a
sign of resistance.

At least initially.

You know something else?

The men know it too.

The simple fact is that
sometimes we say no,

When we really mean yes.

And sometimes we say no
when we really mean no.

And sometimes men
can't tell which is which.

Ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

The plaintiff is asking
you to punish my client

For not being a
better mind reader.

But before you do,

I want to remind you of
a few indisputable facts.

She admitted that it was
conceivable for my client

To think that she wanted
to have sex with him.

She admitted that she
had said no in the past

When she really didn't mean no,

And she admitted that
as soon as she cried out

He retreated, and
she admitted that she

Blamed herself for
much of what happened.

Two kids and a lot
of suffering already.

There's no r*pe here.

Did things get
out of hand? Sure.

But r*pe?

You know better.

May I help you?
Sir. Wait a minute.

Stand up, you m*rder*r.



Get back. If you
want a piece of me,

You know where to find me.

Somebody call the police.

Mr... Mr. Keris,
are you all right?

All rise.

Be seated.

Mr. Foreman,

Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

In the matter of
abrams vs. Bertrand,

We the jury find in
favor of the plaintiff,

Lori abrams.

We further find
that the defendant,

Richard bertrand,

Be held liable to pay
damages to the plaintiff

In the amount of $1.

That's great.

The jury is dismissed.

The court is adjourned.

Mr. Kuzak, what does
the verdict mean?

The jury reaffirmed our belief

That mr. Bertrand
sexually assaulted my client.

Ms. Abrams, are you disappointed

In the monetary amount?

No, it... It... It's great.

Uh, after legal
fees, I guess, uh, $0.60?

Um, do you have any change?

Come on. This way.

No comment. We have no comment.

This stinks. I want a new trial.

Well, I don't know
that we have grounds

For a new trial.
And even if we did,

I'm not sure it
would do any good.

How can you say
that? The man r*ped me.

Lori, look. You
knew this was gonna

Be a tough case going in.

You were drinking,
you did go to his room,

And at least initially you
consented to what was going on.

So I deserve what I got?

I didn't say that.

But I think the jury was
saying with its verdict

That even though
you were assaulted

You have to take some
measure of responsibility

For what happened.

And the next jury will
probably say the same thing.

Or even worse, we
could flat out lose.

You never really believed
in me did you, mr. Kuzak?

I mean, you took my case

Because you thought
you could win.

And because you
didn't, it isn't worth

Any more of your time.

I'm suggesting
that it isn't worth

Any more of your time.

Let it go, lori.

You had your day in court.

You established
that he r*ped you.

Now, for your own
good, just drop it.

Get on with your life.

I'll tell you
something, mr. Kuzak.

The only thing that I'm
thinking of dropping is you.

You got a minute?

I think we better
discuss the situation.

What's to discuss?

Well, you left
those people hanging.

Are you gonna take
their offer or not?


I shouldn't have to
explain this to you, ann.

Then don't.

Ann. Look, these people

Negotiated in good
faith. If you pass on it,

That's it. You lose the sale.

I'm aware of that, stuart.

And are you aware of the fact

That you opened
yourself up to a lawsuit?

Your broker could
sue you for this.

Will you stop brow-beating me?

I'm not brow-beating
you. I'm explaining...

Yes you are.

You're selling my
home out from under me.

My... My things. My
privacy. My space.

I didn't put your house
in the market, ann. You did.

Well, whose idea was it?

Hey, go k*ll yourself. Will ya?

Don't you dare talk
to me like that, stuart.

Not you, ann. Them.

Look. I've got a lot of
work to do, stuart. Okay?

Ann. If you have a problem
with me, then deal with me.

If you have a problem
with our living together

Then somehow
we'll deal with that.

But you're giving
me mixed signals.

It's not fair to me, ann.

It's not fair to you. It's
not fair to these people.

Stuart, I'm really busy.
I'm... I'm running late.

Can we please talk
about this later.

I have to call your broker.

What am I supposed to tell her?

Tell her anything you
want. The deal is off.

So, I just have to go and
clean up your little mess.

Is that it? You are
some piece of work, lady.

And you are a manipulative,
controlling piece of...


The world according
to garpowitz.


Do you mind?

Close the shutters.

The shutters don't close.

Let me do it.

I can't get any work
done in this place.

Where are you going?


Well, I got work
late. I'll be home later.

Not your home. My home.

Michael. There's a woman here

To see you about
the lori abrams trial.

She says it's real important.

Well, tell her to come in.

You can come in now.

Mr. Kuzak?

Fran winston.



What can I do for ya?

It's about the abrams case

And the man that r*ped her.

He r*ped me too.


About a year ago. It
was the same kinda thing.

We were on a date,

And on the way
home he pulled over

To the side of
this mountain road.

He pulled right to the
ledge so that there was

No way out on my side.
It was a sheer drop.

And then he r*ped me.

Well, did you tell the police?


And I'm not going to either.

Or anybody else for that matter.

B... But he r*ped you.

It doesn't do any good.

The police won't prosecute,
and you can see what happens

When you try to sue.

But why didn't you come
forward before now?

I could've put you on the stand.

We could've nailed him.

I don't wanna tell
anybody about this.

I'm married now. I won't
let it destroy my life

Anymore than it already has.

Then why are you here today?

I want you to tell your client.

I just want her to know
that she's not crazy.

That man is a r*pist.

Mrs. Winston.

And just so you know,
that's not my real name.

Got a minute?


I just found out that the
guy who r*ped lori abrams

r*ped somebody else before.

Well, that information
would, in all probability,

Be inadmissible.

Nevertheless, I think I was
casting the same presumption

As everyone else.

That somehow she
brought this on herself.

That she deserved it.
When the fact is she was

Every bit as wronged
as she says she was.

Do you think your
feelings in this case

Compromised your performance?

Yes, damn it.

When I lost, a part
of me turned on her.

It was easier for me to blame
her than it was to blame myself.

Excuse me.

Mike. Doug brackman's on three.

He says it's an emergency.


Where are you?

No, no. I'll be right down.

Douglas has been arrested.

Who's that? Who's that?

Oh my god. I...
I... I'm so sorry.

Thank god you're here.

You've gotta get me
out. I'm going crazy.

Okay, douglas. Take it easy.

You take it easy.

They deliberately put me
in a cell with h*m*.


h*m* rapists.

They've all been eyeing me.

I've only been safe so far by
keeping my back to the wall.

Douglas. What is
going on with you?

This business has
gotten way out of hand.

Out of hand? He k*lled sparky

And they throw me in jail?

He's got a concussion.

You could've k*lled him.

You could get
jail time for this.

He k*lled my sparky.

Okay, douglas.

You loved your dog, hmm?

But come on.

That dog was the only
creature on this earth

Who loved me for me.

And this bastard
took him away from me.

Forever. When he k*lled sparky,

A part of me died.

You can't just let
him get away with it.

All right. All right.

But there's nothing we
can do about it tonight,

So, first thing's first,
huh? Let's get you bailed out.


You all right?


Yeah. As a matter of fact I am.

Too busy for an apology?

I'm sorry for all
the chaos, stuart.

I... I was worried that I
would lose all my autonomy

And I panicked.

Ann, all I ever wanted
was for you to do

Whatever makes
ya happy. All right?

I'm trying to.

So what do you want?

Did you call the realtor?

Yeah. Yeah. I told
her the deal was off.


Well, you said that's
what you wanted, right?

I'll call her in the morning
and we'll make it work, okay?





I love you, garpowitz.

I love you too.
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