01x07 - The Color of Truth - August 8, 1955

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Quantum Leap" Aired: March 26, 1989 – May 5, 1993.*
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Former scientist Sam is trapped in time due to an experiment gone awry, leaping into different bodies each week.
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01x07 - The Color of Truth - August 8, 1955

Post by bunniefuu »

It all started when a time travel
experiment I was conducting...

went... a little caca.

In the blink of a cosmic clock,
I went from quantum physicist...

... to air force test pilot,

which could have been fun
if I knew how to fly.

Fortunately, I had help,
an observer from the project named Al.

Unfortunately, Al's a hologram,
so all he can lend is moral support.

Anyway, here I am,
bouncing around in time,

putting things right
that once went wrong

a sort of time-traveling Lone Ranger
with Al as my Tonto,

and I don't even need a mask.

Oh, boy.

If the truth be
known, once I got into it,

quantum leaping turned out
to be a lot of fun.

So far, I've been able to save
two lives, one ball game and a pig.

I fought for the faith of a nun
and against the mob,

put together three couples, a father and
daughter and the lyrics to "Peggy Sue"

Like I said, stepping into someone
else's shoes can be a lot of fun.

- B-8.
- Bingo.

Now all I have to figure out
is whose shoes I'm wearing...

and the path I'm walking.

But since I'm here and I'm hungry,
how about somethin' to eat?


There's gotta be some mistake.

Biggest mistake
you'll ever make, boy.

Ain't that right, Toad?
Right as rain, Billy Joe.

All right, you two, why
don't you just cut it out?

I don't wanna spend the afternoon
cleanin'up blood, do I, Jesse?

Uh, n-no, you don't.

So why don't you just
take Miz Melny's lunch and get...

before these boys lose
what little control they have?

Miz Melny's, uh, lunch.
Yeah, right.


I didn't know exactly where I was,

but it was obviously too far South
to be a black man.

Jesse Tyler!

You come over here
this instant.

Maybe all I'm here to do is...

help a little old lady
across the street...

or get her cat down
out of a tree...

or deliver this lunch to
Miz Melny.

Jesse, it has got to be 100 degrees.

You left me standin' here
in all this heat.

I told you I was goin' to Sumter's
for five minutes. Five minutes...

and all you had to do was
pick up my egg salad at Miz Patty's.

I never did understand
why that salad was so good.

Why do I get the feeling
this isn't going to be a good day?

She wins at the county fair
every summer.

I swear,
I don't understand why.

- Excuse me. Miz Melny? Car's open.
- What?

Well, I didn't leave you
standing outside in the heat,

because the car door
was already open.

Jesse, I have told you
a hundred times...

to never leave my car

Now start rollin' down
these windows.

It is hotter than Tophet
in here...

in my unlocked car.

Thank you.

What in tarnation
are you starin' at?

I was just wonderin'
where we were going.

I swear, Jesse. I'm the one
that's supposed to be old and senile.

At least that's what
Clayton keeps tellin' me.

Will you stop lookin' at me
like a lost sheep and drive.

Miz Melny, you-you remember...

when I fell down
and I bumped my head?

Ever since then, I've had the
damndest time remembering things.

First of all, Mr. Tyler,

you watch your language
around me.

Sorry, ma'am.
And secondly,

you never told me a thing
about your head.

And third...


You were gonna tell me where
we were going and how to get there.

We are goin' where we have gone
every Saturday afternoon...

for the last seven years,
to see Charles.

To see Charles.
Oh, for heaven sakes.

Make a left at Magnolia
and drive toward the hospital.

Of all the people I've leaped into,
Jesse should have been the strangest.

But there was something
very comfortable about him...

like putting on a pair
of your favorite shoes...

or a jacket
you've broken in just right.

So now that I've sort of
accepted being Jesse,

I just have to figure out
what I'm here to do.

How long you gonna let
that turn signal blink?

You made the turn
five minutes ago.

I'm sorry.
I guess my mind was wandering.

Well, just let your mind
wander in your car...

and stop runnin' down
my batteries.

Well, it doesn't run down
the batteries.

See, they recharge...
Don't tell me about cars.

My Charles told me quite a bit
about them and how they work,

and I don't need you tellin' me
anything about my own car.

Charles is your husband.

Jesse, are you losin' your mind?

Now mind my wheels
on the railroad tracks.

Just turn in there.

Yes, Miz Melny. Stop with all your
tomfoolery, or I'm gonna get all flustered.

And I hate to visit Charles
when I get all flustered.

Oh, look, Jesse.
It's all gone to seed.

They're supposed
to take out all the weeds.

They never keep the weeds away.

They promised me, Jesse.

They promised me that they
were going to clear these weeds.

Here, let me do this.

Miz Melny.

Let me do this.

Sit down.

There you go.

Oh, now, see?
You got your gloves all dirty.

I get so flustered...

knowin' he's not
bein' taken care of.

We always took
such good care of each other.

In 50 years, that man
never let a bad thing happen.

Well, we lost Beau,
but that wasn't his fault.

As Charles said, the good Lord
needed that boy to come home.

It's hard losing
somebody you love.

Well, I guess you know
as much about that as I do.

Your Sally lost four, didn't she?

Yeah, I guess we did.

Charles always thought highly
of your Sally.

When she passed,
I remember him tellin' me...

there wasn't a finer "niggra" woman...

in all of Alabama.

I'm just gonna, uh,

just gonna throw these
in the trash.

They didn't supply trash cans
in public places in the '50s.

I'm tryin' to remember when they
started that "Pitch In" campaign.

Must have been
the '70s or- Hi, Sam.

Well, what?

What do you think?
What do I think about what?

I'm black.
You're black. So?

So? If I can bounce into a black man,
the possibilities are limitless.

Don't you find that fascinating?

Dangerous, yes.
Fascinating? Mezzo mezzo.

Dangerous? Why dangerous?

You're a black man in the South
in 1955.

Trust me. That is dangerous.

I've seen things
that would curl your hair.

No pun intended.

I remember one time in Selma...
Yeah, Al, that's great. Listen, um...

What did, uh...

What did Ziggy say
I have to do to leap?

Mrs. Melny Elizabeth
Charlotte Trafford...

was k*lled when her car
was struck and demolished...

by a passenger train at...

that crossing,
tomorrow afternoon at 5:18.

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Ziggy's 86.7% certain
that you're here...

to save Scarlet O'Hara there
from getting, uh,

squished by a choo-choo.

What about Jesse?
Was he squish...

Was he k*lled too?

No, Ziggy doesn't know. He's having
trouble finding any data on Jesse.

Can't even find a birth certificate
or a death certificate.

Great. I've replaced a man
who didn't exist.

It's not uncommon for there
to be no records...

for a Southern black man
in the '50s,

especially in a little burg
like Red Dog.

You know,

I seem to recall that some
of the very first protests...

started right- right near here.

This might be where
Autherine Ruth came from.

Autherine Ruth.

She was the young black coed
that integrated the University of Alabama.

How do you know
so much about this?

A lot of my friends are black. I
don't believe you said that, Al.

Well, it's true.
Besides, I was here.

I went on the marches
and got arrested and beaten.

Saw a lot of good people fall.

Those were... powerful days.

What if that's what
I'm here to do?

What, get involved
in the Civil Rights movement?

Uh-uh. No, Sam,
I don't think so.

Why not?

That's why you're here...

to save Miz Melny from being k*lled
tomorrow afternoon...

by the Alabama and Pacific.

Now you be careful
with those clippin's, Jesse.

Verbena Chilton gave me
that piece of jade tree...

all the way from her sister's
in California.

Though I don't know why anyone
would want to go to a place...

as uncivilized as California.


Put that jade in some water
till it gets a chance to root.

Clayton? You're early.
Supper's not till 6:00.

I thought I'd come by
and have a little talk with Jesse.

Not till he puts that jade
in water.

What in heaven's name you want
to talk to Jesse about?

Nothin' that you need
to fret about.

We'll just talk
in the kitchen, Jesse.

I guess you realize you
upset damn near the whole town

with that little business
you pulled today.


Don't act dumb with me, Jesse.

I talkin' about you sittin' down
at Miz Patty's today.

Well, it was a lunch counter,
and I was hungry.

So I... sat down to have some lunch. Lunch?

Now, why would you do
anything so stupid?

You got one of them uppity Northern
n*gg*r*s stayin' with you, Jesse?

No, I-I...

I don't believe I do.

Well, I can't
figure this out.

I know you can't read,

and you say you ain't got one of them
Northern n*gg*r*s stayin' with you.

How would you get such a
stupid notion in your head?

Look, like I said,
I was hungry.

Well, you take my advice, boy.
You don't get that hungry.

Clayton, when you come back
for supper,

bring me some buttermilk
from Mr. Sumter's.

Mama, we have to talk.

Whatever Jesse did at Miz Patty's,

it don't make the least bit
of never mind to me.

I swear, you got ears
like a hawk.

I'm old, not dead.

Now, Mama, you are the widow
of the governor of this state.

Now, when your niggra
starts actin' uppity,

people take notice of that.

Clayton Sherwood Trafford.

I don't need you
to lecture me.

I know who I was married to, and I know
the responsibilities that go with it.

Yes, Mama.

But if Jesse steps out of bounds again,
are you gonna be responsible?

Don't forget the buttermilk.


Are you all right?
Whoa. Whoa.

Sit down. Sit down.

Oh, I'm fine.

It's just that Clayton
gets so riled and bothered...

about things
that aren't his concern.

I- It makes my head swell.

Feelin' a little dizzy?

Watch my finger.

What are you doin'? I'm just
checkin' to see if you're all right.

Since when did you get
a medical degree?

Well, I've done some doctoring
in my time.

Well, I'll thank you to please keep
your colored voodoo to yourself.


if you'd be so kind as to go
and fetch me a glass of lemonade,

I'll be just fine.

I'm so proud of you.

You are?
With all my heart.

Where's my lemonade, Jesse?

That woman's
gonna run you ragged.

She's not gonna keep you
late, is she? I don't know.

Um, let me go take her this,
and I'll find out.


- I'll be right... I'll be right back.
- Okay.

Oh. That your Nell
come to fetch you home?

Yeah, I guess so.

I meant to get you on that leaky faucet.

Keeps me awake all night.

Well, you can get on it tomorrow,
first thing. You hear me?

I'll do that.

You sure you're okay?

I mean, I-I don't like
leaving you alone.

You let your granddaughter
take you home.

Stop frettin' about me.

Besides, Clayton's
comin' back for supper.

Good night, Jesse.

Good night, Miz Melny.

- Well?
- Well, what?

Oh, come on, Papa Jesse.

All the white folks was
flappin' their skinny lips off...

about you sittin' down
at Miz Patty's today.

It certainly was
the talk of the town.

So, what'd it feel like?

Like sitting down to eat.

It's about time somebody shook up
the white folks in this town,

remind them what century
we're livin' in.

I'm gonna sit at that counter

and I'm gonna drink
from the white fountain and...

and ride in the front of the bus...

and do all the things
that make white folks mad.

Is that why you wanna do it,
to make 'em mad?

Yep, and 'cause it's right.

You, uh- You always
drive so fast?

Of course, Daddy would have a fit
if he knew I was goin'over 35.

- But I gotta get you home early so you can cook.
- Cook?

Papa Jesse, you goin'
senile on me?

You know you promised to cook
chitlins for the church picnic.

I'd heard of chitlins, of course.

I thought they were one of those
rare Southern delicacies...

that taste as good as they sound.

I never realized
they were pig intestines.

The smell was like something
that had been kept around...

too long in autopsy class.

I don't care how many times
you two clean them.

You'd have to certify me crazy
before I'd eat anybody's chitlins.

No offense, Papa Jesse.
Oh, no offense taken.

I may have
lost my taste for 'em myself.

You okay, Papa Jesse?
You're lookin' a little pale.

I'm just a little tired. That's all.

Chitlins... and collard greens.
Oh, my God!

And fresh-baked corn bread.

Okay. You're all chopped
and ready, Papa Jesse.

You're on your own.
Come on, Mama.

Y- You're not gonna help?

I promised Nell
I'd help her finish her dress.

And I have to work on my Sunday sermon. But I...

You shouldn't have volunteered
if you didn't wanna do it, Papa Jesse.

Hey, don't worry about it, pal.

I got a k*ller recipe
for chitlins.

You know, this is when
I hate being a hologram.

The smell of chitlins and greens cooking
is a religious experience.

I feel like
the Wicked Witch of the West.

Let's see. Garlic, onions,
green peppers, celery,

hog maw...
Animal stomach?

Uh- Yeah, chopped finely.

Now, uh, what am I forgetting?
How sick this is making me.

Hey, give me
a little gratitude, will you?

Here I am busting my brains off trying to
remember a recipe, and I can't even taste it.

Oh, trust me. You'll be
able to taste all you want.

That's it! Trust you.

You taste the stock.
Tell me what's missing.

- Are you crazy?
- Not as crazy as you are.

Or at least that's what people are gonna say
they see you in here talkin' to yourself.

It just kinda helps me think
while I'm cooking.

Maybe your being crazy is what happened
to you today at Miz Patty's.

What happened? Nothing happened. Nothing at all.

Nothin'? Nell said you walked
right in to Miz Patty's,

sat down at her lily-white counter
just as bold as you please.

Sam, you didn't?

Well, I guess I did.
Papa Jesse,

I don't want this family harmed...
Sam, we gotta have a serious talk.

just 'cause you feel it's time
for a bunch of rednecks...

to change somethin' they've been
taught since the day they was born.


No more sittin'
at lunch counters.

Needs a little more salt.

Night, Daddy.
Good night.

Sam. It, uh, needs a little more salt.

Sam, you promised me
you would lay low,

save Miz Melny and then
leap out of here.

I didn't know I was black!

And even if I did, I got a right
to sit at that lunch counter.

No, no. In 1955, you didn't.

Well, maybe I should have.
No, Sam.

And maybe that's why I'm here.
No. No, no, no.

Ziggy has this "Miz Melny
train wreck" business...

computed to a 96.2% certainty.

You're here to save her tomorrow, not to
initiate civil rights activity in the South.

Well, maybe I can do both.

You're out of your league, Sam.

I sat at that counter
because I was hungry.

And everybody went nuts because they saw me
as a black man instead of as a hungry man.

Now, that's wrong. If...
- No!

Nell! Nell!
What is it?

You've got no right!
No right at all!

No right at all.

What do you mean
there's no need to do anything?

Well, just that, Jesse.

Why don't you just go on home,
you clean up your yard.

Let's forget about all this.

But I can identify 'em,

It was the two called Toad
and Billy Joe.

Well, them boys...
You know how boys are, Jesse.

They're just being mischievous.

I don't think burnin' a cross on somebody's
front lawn is "mischievous," Sheriff.

Is that right?
That's right.

Well, you know, maybe you should
have thought about that, Jesse,

before you plopped your colored butt
down on a stool over there at Miz Patty's.

What about Billy Joe and Toad?

You leave my son to me.

Now, I plan to have me a talk
with him and that Toad boy.

It doesn't end with this, Sheriff. Well,
that's entirely up to you, Jesse, isn't it?


Oh, that's it.
He's gone too far.

Not here.

I don't have a drop of
water in my kitchen.

I can't cook.
I can't wash.




Oh! The pipe is broken.

I know the pipe is broken.

I'll have to get a new one.

Oh, well, I suppose it can wait
till after tea.

Come along, Jesse.

Jesse Tyler, what in heaven's name are you doin'?

You made tea for us,
so I thought I'd join you.


somebody has lowered the wick
in your brain.

I make tea for you
every afternoon,

and you have it there
in the kitchen.

Miz Melny, you were kind enough
to make this for me.

It just seemed like good manners
to sit with you and share your company.

But... I can't have tea
with you, Jesse.

Why not?

Coloreds and whites
don't eat at the same table.

If you wanna eat with me,
who says you can't?

- I say I can't.
- Why?

Well, because
it's the way things are,

the way things
have always been.

Maybe it's time they changed.

Answer the door, Jesse.

Yes, ma'am.

Hi, Nell. Oh.

I forgot to tell you. I'm gonna
drive Miz Melny's car home tonight.

She's gonna let you drive
that old Buick to our place?

Well, I-I gotta work
on the engine.

Papa Jesse, what are you up to?

Nothin'. Nothin'. You just go
on, and I'll meet you at supper.

Okay. Just as well.
I'm late for choir practice as it is.



Beg pardon?

What you were talkin'
is hogwash.

Nobody's gonna change
the way things are.

- But they will. Blacks are gonna unite...
- "Blacks"?

Blacks. That's what they'll-

That's what we'll be called
instead of "Negroes "

What's in God's name's wrong
with being called a niggra?

Maybe it's just a little too close
to "n*gg*r. "

I've never used that word, Jesse,
not to your face or behind your back.

When you sat at Miz Patty's counter,
I figured you were...

just gettin' old or...
somehow it slipped your mind.

But now I think you've gone
just plumb crazy.

I've gone crazy?

Miz Melny, I'm not the one burning crosses
in the front of people's homes.

No, no, no
You just got to wait

You've gotta trust God
and give him time

No matter how long it takes

I ain't killin' him.

Nevil Pressy had to move to Georgia 'cause of
trying to teach that Blouchette boy a lesson.

Toad, we ain't gonna k*ll him.

We're just gonna whack him
back into place a little bit.


You can't hurry my God
No, no, no

You just got to wait

You've gotta trust God
and give him time

No matter how long it takes

But he'll be there
Don't you...

Damn n*gg*r*s! They can't drive
no better than a mule!

We better see how bad they're hurt. Now get
in here, man! We gotta get the hell outta here!

The change can be
bloody or peaceful.

And you can make the difference
around here. People respect you.

If you change,
so might some of them.

The tea's cold.

Gonna fix that leak or not?

I'll have to go to town
and get a new pipe.

I'll get my pocketbook.

No, no. You can't.
It's too hot today.

I'm not gonna melt.

Besides, I need to stop at Pratt's
Pharmacy and get some things.

I'll get 'em.
They're personal.

Look, Miz Melny,

I- I think that I can fix that leak, you know,
without getting a new pipe.

All right. I'll drive myself. No.

If you're that set on going,
I'll drive you.

Just let me get my... coat.

I had a knot in my stomach
the size of Ziggy's control mouse.

Even though we were driving
away from the tracks,

away from the train
and away from Miz Melny's fate,

it wouldn't go away.

Oh, my Lord!
Isn't that your Willis's car?


- Is she all right?
- She has a severe laceration.

- I've gotta stop the hemorrhaging.
- Oh, Jesse!

Miz Melny, get back in the car.

Oh, Jesse, there's so much blood.

We gotta get her to a hospital.

- Hurry, Jesse!
- Keep pressure on it, Miz Melny.

You'll be fine, child, just fine.

Where you goin', Jesse?

To the hospital on the
other side of the cemetery.

That's a white hospital.

- Colored hospital is in Vida.
- Which is closest?

- Legada, but they won't take her, Jesse.
- The hell they won't.

Get me a doctor and a gurney!

Oh, she's cold.
We're gonna fix that.

She's in shock, lost a lot of blood.
I think she severed a temporal artery.

She'll need a transfusion and a...
What are you waiting for?

We don't accept colored here.
I'm sorry.

You're gonna be a hell of a lot sorrier if
you don't help me. And I mean right now!

I'll call the sheriff. I can't
help her. It's against the law.

To hell with the law.

Aren't you Delia Parker's son?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Well, you know who I am.

Yes, Miz Trafford.

I want you to help that child.

Let's get her inside.

Get an I.V.
and a cross match.


I think you best
stay out here.

I'll see she's taken care of.

- I don't know how you pulled it off.
- It was Miz Melny.

She got that bigoted idiot
to do something.

Now, Sam, uh, why don't you
get Miz Melny right now,

put her in the car
and drive away from here?


You got 23 minutes,
or that train is gonna hit her.

So I should get in the car
and start driving? Yeah.

Crossing's that way.
You go that way.

Al, you're getting
a little paranoid.

Sam, how do you think
I lived this long?

Sam, I'm not kidding you.

I've got a bad feeling
about this one.

You always have a bad feel...

I knew it, Sam.
Damn it. I knew it.

He's the one, Sheriff.


I thought I warned you
about causing any more trouble.

All I did was bring a girl here
who needed medical assistance.

A niggra girl.

That's breakin'
the segregation law, Jesse.

What was I supposed to do, Sheriff,
just let her bleed to death?

No, I-I reckon not.

"No, I reckon not" is right.

- What are you doing, Sheriff?
- Sam, you gotta get out of this.

Look, I'm trying.

He's crazy as a loon,
Sheriff. Talks to himself.

Look, Sheriff...
You just ease up here, Jesse,

or I might have
to get rough with you.

Okay, okay. Okay.

- Just on-nn one condition.
- What's that?

Don't let Miz Melny leave here,
even if she wants to,

- for, uh...
- Twenty minutes.

Uh, half hour.

- Why?
- Does it matter?

- You got that, Ethel?
- Yes, sir.



Nell's gonna be just fine.

Oh, thank God.

- Where's Jesse?
- The sheriff arrested him.

Yeah. Pig butt here
turned him in.

Arrested? For what?

Bringin' that niggra here.

Well, he's just gonna
have to arrest me.

- Oh, they wouldn't do that.
- Miz Trafford!

Sheriff Blount said
you was to wait here.

Did he?
Well, he's in for a surprise.

Attagirl. Oh, no, no, no!
No. I take that back.

Uh, no, no, no, no. No, you
can't do that, Miz Melny.

Miz Melny, uh- Uh-
Oh, God, Sam!

Please have the car keys
in your pocket.

Uh- Uh, Miz Melny, uh,
we got a real...

We got a problem...
Oh, she can't hear me.

Uh, no, no. Don't back up.
Uh- Uh, Miz Melny?

Uh- Oh, what am I gonna do?

No. Uh- Uh, Miz Melny.

Now, uh, you should
wait for Jesse.

The sheriff said
to wait 30 minutes.


Miz Melny, stop.
Stop, stop, stop!

Stop! Stop!
Never mind.

Gooshie. Tell Ziggy
to center me in on Miz Melny.

Do it, Gooshie, damn it!
Or I'll smash your brains off!.

Arrestin' Jesse
for carin' for his own!

Oh, I wish you were here, Charles.

- You always did know what to do.
- So do I.

And what you have to do,
Miz Melny, is stop the car.

Am I in the right gear?

Charles, it's been so long.

Uh, reverse. You'd be better off
in reverse, Miz Melny.

Well, what difference does it make?
As long as we get there.

But-But you're not going
to get there, Miz Melny.

Better late than never.
Than never.

And it's going to be never, Miz Melny,
unless you stop the car!

That awful ringin' again.

It's not ringing, Miz Melny. It's
a train whistle. A train whistle!

I suppose I should
visit Dr. Clifford,

but I never did care
for his bedside manner.

Miz Melny, I am ordering you to
stop this car! Peace and quiet.

You have to hear that whistle!

The cemetery.

- Pull off into the cemetery!
- The wrong gear.

Pull off into the cemetery,
damn it!

Thank you, Charles.

You didn't have to swear.

It was incredible.
Real twilight zone stuff.

Sam, she had
to have heard me.

That's great, Al.
Just think of the possibilities.

I mean, if I reached Miz Melny,
then maybe-just maybe...

I can reach other women.

Younger women.


Is sex all you ever think about?

Well, except when I'm pulling you
out of the fire, yes.


Well, you got me there, Al.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Ziggy
finally came up with some data on Jesse.

What happened to him?
Nothing happened to him.

He's still alive in our time. The guy
must be, I don't know, 105 years old.

Isn't that a kick in the butt? That's great.

Well, then, why am I here?

I mean, Miz Melny's alive.
I'm alive.

Why haven't I leaped?
Oh, I...

Well, maybe we're gonna find out. Jesse.

Miz Melny persuaded me to
drop the charges against you.

- I talked to the hospital this mornin...
- How's Nell?

She's fine. They say she?s gonna
be just fine. Don't you worry none.

She, uh-he told them
how this, uh,

accident happened.

Well, seems like
a couple of the boys,

they sort of...
run her off the road.

- They didn't mean to hurt her none.
- Well, what did they mean to do, Sheriff?

Well, I suppose maybe they thought
you were in that car, Jesse.

I mean, you have been actin' mighty
strange around here lately.

- Maybe they just wanted to...
- To what, Sheriff?

Maybe teach me a lesson?

Well, there ain't nobody
gonna be, uh,

botherin' you
or any of yours again.

I give you my word on that.

It's not good enough, Sheriff.

Just take it easy, Sam.
It's going to happen.

Damn it, Jesse! Now, I'm telling you
them boys is sorry.

Four months from today,
What boys, Sheriff?

Rosa Parks
and Martin Luther King...

- I've said all I'm sayin...
- Are gonna start the Montgomery boycotts.

Now you better just get on outta here,
Jesse, before I change my mind. Go on.

You're gonna have to change your mind
about a lot of things, Sheriff.

I'll see ya, Al.

Deep in

My heart

I do


That we shall



I'm glad to see you got home safely,
Miz Melny.

No thanks to you, goin' out
and gettin' yourself arrested.

Well, I-I won't let it
happen again.

If it was up to me,
you'd still be in jail.

It's not up to you.

Mama, Jesse is just usin' you.
If you can't see that...

My relationship with Mr. Tyler
is my business.

Now you go mind yours,
and I'll see you for supper.

Yes, ma'am.

- Thank you.
- Sometimes I think they switched babies on me.

No. No, I mean...
Not about Clayton.

I mean, thank you...

for doing what you did for Nell
at the hospital.

Why, I was glad to do it, Jesse,
and she's doin' fine.

They moved her to Vida this mornin'. Moved her?

She was in critical condition.
A move could've k*lled her.

Well, it didn't, and she's fine...

and she's with her own people.

And that is the way
it's supposed to be.

Now, let's both of us try to forget
all about this horrible business...

and let things
get back to normal.

How can your life go back to normal
after yesterday?

Miz Melny, you can't have done what
you did without it opening your eyes.

To what? To the fact
that the world isn't just?

I knew that, Jesse.

But my knowin' it
doesn't change it.

You changed it yesterday,
and you can change it today.

If you want to go off
and change the world,

you're welcome to it.

But if you want to work for me,

we will close this conversation

Now, please go over
to Miz Patty's...

and pick up my lunch.

Miz Melny,
once you've seen the light,

you cannot go back
into the darkness.

Get my egg salad.

Yes, ma'am.

There's the jailbird.

You here to pick up
Miz Melny's lunch, Jesse?

I guess I am.

Thank you, Miz Patty.
Never mind, Jesse.

I've decided to eat it here.

Good afternoon, Miz Trafford. Nice to
see you, ma'am. Nice to see you today.

- How are you, Miz Patty?
- Just fine, ma'am.

Would you like something
to drink with the egg salad?

Some of your lemonade
would be just fine.

All right.

Oh, Jesse.

Will you join me for lunch?

Sit down.
Just sit down.

Yes, ma'am, I guess I will.

Oh, boy.
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