13x14 - One-to-One Fight! Ichigo vs. Senbonzakura

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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13x14 - One-to-One Fight! Ichigo vs. Senbonzakura

Post by bunniefuu »


Their shape and abilities are based on their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers gain power

by learning their names and synergizing with them.

They are born with Soul Reapers and die with Soul Reapers.

That is what Zanpakuto are.

What is this?!

Don't move!

We're taking you into custody!

Bankai! Getsugatensho!

We don't want you to think that this is all we've got.

Hado : Shakkaho!

I am Third Seat in Zaraki Squad

I'm Ikkaku Madarame!

Lieutenant Iba!

Oh, Lieutenant Kotetsu.

What's the situation?

Captain Soi Fon and the others

are engaged in a battle at the Squad barracks.

I'm told Stealth Force has the enemy surrounded

and is preventing them from moving.

I see.

Then we should join them there, as well.


It seems there are many wounded.

What is it?

What happened?


What is that?

That's probably

the Ashisogijizo

How can you tell?

How shall I put it?

It's very distinctive.

Huh? Is it answering us?

At any rate, a Zanpakuto has decided to show itself.

Let's capture it!


That's poison?


This is bad! We gotta get away quickly!

Hado !


We have to inform Captain Kurotsuchi immediately!


I won't let you.


That's right.

It's started to rain.

My power is thunder and lightning.

It is in this rain that I display my true powers!

What's so funny?

If I'm not mistaken,

your Zanpakuto was Tenken, wasn't it?

Is it okay to get so wet in the rain?

No need to worry!

There's no way this amount of rain

could extinguish Tenken's flames of hell!

What you just said makes it sound like you're not that strong.

Tenken? Yes, I see!

You're saying that these rain clouds are nothing more

than a means to reinforce my technique,

and that even if the rain itself is weak,

I have nothing to worry about, right?

I, Gonryomaru, am unworthy

I allowed myself to be tricked by her sophistry

I am ashamed

How are you able to communicate through such an exchange?

Are you using some sort of code?


Tenken is extremely shy!

That's nothing to boast about!

Are you really captain-level Zanpakuto?

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Stop mocking us!

You're not getting away!

Is this the level of your true powers?

Don't underestimate us!

Now to finish you!


Your powers seem to be for real.

This isn't going to be easy


That was so close!

I almost got the second strike in!

Is this the first time you were struck by this technique yourself?


Are you Suzumebachi?!

Ding ding ding! That's correct!

What do you think of this look?

I didn't really like your lame style.

So I thought, if I ever got free,

I would create my own look and make myself look sharp!

I'm really glad I was able to manifest myself

the way I wanted to look.

What? Do you have a problem with that?

Your problem is that all you ever do

in your free time is worship Yoruichi.

Are you stupid or something?

If you have that much free time,

you should pay more attention to your clothes

and find yourself a good man!

This is my Zanpakuto?

If you can't believe that I am,

then maybe another strike with this will convince you!

You're not as tough as you talk! You're kinda weak

You annoy me!

Damn it!

Why're you looking at me that way?


I'll never forgive you!

That's okay, you don't have to.

Come on Why don't you give up already?

If you give up now, I'd be at least willing to spare your life

I'm never giving up!

Listen Have you noticed the Spiritual Pressure around here?

Earlier, Ikkaku Madarame's Spiritual Pressure disappeared,

didn't it?


You people can't defeat us with the level of your abilities.

Ikkaku didn't lose!

Hozukimaru's Spiritual Pressure disappeared too!

In all probability,

Hozukimaru tailored his to match his opponent's fighting level

Those two are quite alike, you know.

But I'm different.

Unlike you,

I have no hesitation at all in using this power in public.

Stop it!


Tear in Frenzy


How does it feel to be struck by the power you so loathe?

I don't want everyone to know about this power

I won't be able to stay in Squad

Are you still saying that?

You truly are stubborn


Still talking about that?!

Shut up Fujikujaku!

I see


What were you doing?!

That woman is your target!

Keep her in check!

Why do I have to back you up?!

Because it's only right!

We lost last time because you didn't hold up your end!

Oh, really?

Wasn't it because

“ you're a bonehead? “ What're those two doing?

“ Oh, you make me so mad! “ Who knows?

“ You never take responsibility! “ Whatever.

“ Let me just tell you that “ Let's get out of here while we can!

“ it's always your fault “ La, la, la, I can't hear you!


You're not getting away!

And you show yourself, too!

Oh no!

Hado : Shakkaho!


Are you okay, Kotetsu?

No you don't.


I can't move my legs


You don't know the power of Ashisogijizo?

The Ashisogijizo deprives its victims

of the ability to move their limbs.

You were struck by its att*ck and lost the use of your legs

You are like a little bird clipped of its wings.

Where am I?


You shouldn't strain yourself.

When you got me back, your body paid a huge price.

What's the situation?

Muramasa and the others staged an all-out att*ck.

The Soul Reapers are battling them now.

I see

Then I can't stay here in bed

Believe in them.

The Soul Reapers aren't so weak

that they'd perish because of something like this.

You demonstrated that to me, Master.


It's no use, mister!

Lieutenant Hinamori!


What's the big idea?



You two again?!

We're not letting the two of you get away this time!

That's what we were going to say.

Last time we just let down our guard!

Old lady!

Still the same rude little girls, I see!


This is dangerous! Let's get out of here!

The tables have turned, old lady!



Please stop it!


Ikkaku's Spiritual Pressure disappeared

Yumichika's in danger, as well.




Bakudo : Enkosen!

You've got a quick reaction!

But no matter how hard you fight by yourself,

it won't change this battle setting.

Feel the Spiritual Pressure around you!

We're overwhelming you.

You're giving me that glare that makes me sick!

I'll gouge out those eyes of yours!

Is it okay to repeatedly unleash so many direct att*cks?


What do you mean?

You should know the power of my Zanpakuto, right?

What about it?

You didn't regain your Shikai, did you?!

Answer, you coward!

You can't expect me to answer that

Something must be wrong with you.

Come to think of it, the guy's done nothing

but fend off my att*cks and never tried to att*ck from his side.

But Why go through all that tedious stuff

when he could've just done a Shikai?

He's bluffing!

What's the matter?

Shut up!

The bastard did it again!

Over here.

You can't do a Shikai!

Even if you did regain your powers,

I'll cut your life short faster than you can do Shikai!

Hado !


I should answer your question.

I haven't regained Shikai yet.

But you lost the moment you got caught in the maze of doubt.


Bakudo : Sajosabaku.


I'd better hurry and help the others

Your back is totally unguarded.


Oh no!

You're finished


What're you looking at?

Out of my way!

Out of my way!


Aren't Kyoraku and Ukitake joining us in battle?

Ah! Uh Captain is

I see they're commanding things from the barracks!

So this pinch we're in is part of the plan!

Uh yes you can rest assured.

I forgot to inform them

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers.

I win.

I lost

Come on, one more game.

I'm on a roll today!

I'm looking forward to this

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah it's just something in my throat

Hello, is anyone here?


Isn't there anyone here?!
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