12x15 - Wonderful Error

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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12x15 - Wonderful Error

Post by bunniefuu »


A time when everyone sets off for new places

full of hope in their hearts

That's Spring.

But I had long lost any hopes for the new season.

Mizuiro?! Where are you?

Weren't you listening to what I said last night?!

I told you not to call because I'm busy today!

Child, you're always like this!

You should try putting yourself in my shoes sometimes


Calling your mother again?

You're such a good son.

I don't have a mother.

There you go talking like that again

You'll make your mother cry.

Here. Your jacket.

Today's your school entrance ceremony, right?

Shall I drive you there?


Hello, hello.

Mizuiro to world. Come in world.

Is our cord connected correctly?

My world appears to be spinning correctly.

All systems green.



Brother Ichi! Get up!

Breakfast time! You'll be late for school!

All done.

Looks delicious!

I'm outta here!

What?! Big Brother, what about breakfast?

Sorry, Yuzu!

I'll be back before noon, so just leave it there!

Oh pooh! I already fried you an egg!

Captain Aizen, may I have a moment of your time?

Sure Hinamori, come in.

"Endure, no matter what"

Very well done.

It shows your free-flowing style very well.

Thank you very much!

Oh, and this is my report for the lieutenants meeting.

All right. I'll look it over.

Matsumoto! Are you here?

Where are you?!

What, you're not here?

But if you're not here, why's this room reek of liquor

Oh Captain Join me for a drink?

You know I won't!

But never mind that. Where's your report?!

Isn't today the lieutenants meeting?!

Hey! Don't fall asleep!

Listen to me?

Stop that not there

For crying out loud what's this woman dreaming about?!

I'm sorry I'm late.

Huh? You haven't started yet? Thank goodness

Just take your seat and wait.


Matsumoto hasn't come

Probably got a hangover again.

She's always doing that!

Hey, Kusajishi!

Those are sweets I brought, you know!

Where's your "thank you"?!

Mare-rin, the things you say are awfully stingy for a rich guy!


Keep it down!

Ow ow ow

Your voices boom in my head! Keep quiet!

My, are you nursing a hangover, too, Lieutenant Iba?

It's spring.

Yup. This is the best cure for a hangover.


A new uniform

A new school, eh?

Guess I should start feeling like

How any normal new students should feel

Are you listening to me?

Anyway, this goes way beyond the school regulations

or anything like that!

Your entire head is bright yellow!

Hey, Sado!

Yasutora Sado! Aren't you going to say hi?


Who're you?

I'm Reiichi Oshima from Togata Junior High!

Are you mocking me, dammit!

You boys there?!

Bug off! I've got a beef with this guy!

Mi zu i ro!

T-T-Trouble, Mizuiro!

Morning, Keigo.

You have to hear this! There's big trouble!

You're awfully hyper this morning, Keigo.

Mashiba Junior High's Chad and Kurosaki?

That's right!

Seems the both of them enrolled in this school!


So, why are you crying?

You moron!

Chad and Kurosaki are pedigreed super juvenile delinquents!

That they're in close with the Yakuza,

that they're smuggling in dr*gs,

that they go into book stores and

browse p*rn for five hours at a time!

The dark rumors about them are countless!

Those are rumors.

You've never met them,

so you don't what sort of people they are.

What're you saying?!

This is Chad and Kurosaki we're talking about!

What do you mean "don't know what sort of people they are"?!

“ Let's see “ One's a wicked,

“ First, each class assembles “ orange-haired fighter who dyed his

“ for a short homeroom, “ hair from the day he was born, and

“ followed by the ceremony “ the other's a -meter-tall giant!

Oh, the class assignments are posted.

Look, it says we're both in class - .

You can see that from here? Your eyes are pretty good





N-No way!

Something that must never happen became reality!

What's the matter?

Our youth just ended

“ Hey, that's Kojima. “ You mean yours did, right?

“ Don't you think Kojima “ We have no tomorrow

“ is sort of hot? “ You sure exaggerate, man

Yes, he is.

“ He's like not overly driven “ So long,

“ a non-aggressive type, you know. “ my fresh new high school life.

And he seems unbothered, yet sweet.

I know. Like he's going to heal you!

I'm not driven, only because I don't have any expectations.

Or any anger

My smile is nothing more than a pose.

I can do it to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Oh, this is the room!

Let's see Where is Tatsuki?

You're off guard!


Very good, Orihime!

You can't catch me off guard anymore Tatsuki

Yep, you pass!

You've improved your reflexes.

That's because you're a good teacher, Tatsuki.

But please stop with the surprise att*ck tests.

You'll scare everyone.

Bon jour, Mademoiselle.

Wh-Wh-Who are you?

A-Are you all right?

H-How do you do?

I am Chizuru Honsho, and I have become a member of this class.

What'd you do that for, you violent woman!


And what were you planning to do to Orihime?!

Out with it!


Such a lovely name, so appropriate for my new Venus

I said cut it out, you airhead!

This is nothing!

This v*olence will not make my love waver!

Damn you! You want more, you pervert!

Stop it, Tatsuki!

You'll end up k*lling her!

Is something the matter?

I brought flowers today again.

Mom, that man is talking to the flowers!

Stop that. It's rude to point!

Come on, what's really bothering you?

Well you see something's odd


Something about the sky is odd and I'm afraid

Afraid of the sky?

Hey, what's the matter, Karin!

We're going to be late for school!

What's wrong?

Did it start raining or something?

Um, I'm really not sure, but

The sky seems heavy somehow

Is it the usual old person again?

If you're wondering about him, he's right next you, Yuzu.

What? You're kidding, right? Where?

Next, is the matter of the vacancy position of

a Konpaku Monitoring Officer stationed at

on the World of the Living axis.

Currently, a member from our squad is in charge of this area,

but he has been on extended absence

due to a worsening of his chronic cramps.

Come on! A swift kick to the back will fix that up right away!

No, cramps are painful

We need to let him rest

Lieutenant Sasakibe!


I would like to recommend Rukia Kuchiki from our squad.

Your reasons?


For some time now,

Captain Ukitake has wanted to place Kuchiki

in a stationed officer position in the World of Living

to gain experience as a Soul Reaper.

I see, Captain Ukitake recommended her?


All right.

Rukia Kuchiki of Squad will be the replacement.

Proceed to the next matter.

Yes. In regard to the vacancy position of lieutenant of Squad ,

the Captain's Meeting has chosen

Renji Abarai, Sixth Seat of Squad .


The guy's a punk!

That guy serving as lieutenant,

will scar the name of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads!

Mare-rin's bald head will be scarred, too!

What're you doing?!

I'm not bald, and I won't be scarred!

Are these orders of transfer?

No, no!

Nothing so serious as a "transfer"!

It's resident officer duty in the World of the Living!

You remember, a long time ago,

when you first joined us, you came along to assist me!

Remember? That's all it is!

Uh umm

You see, she doesn't remember!

It was a bad experience, so she erased it from her brain!

Right, Kuchiki!

Uh umm

Hey, you're bothering us!

Why don't you stay buried in the garden!

What?! And why don't you just go hang yourself from the eaves!


Your resident duty station is one Reiri radius area

with a town called Karakura at the center

It shouldn't be that difficult of an assignment

with your level of skills.

Captain Ukitake!


You mustn't be up! You need to rest!

Well, I was feeling better today, so

And even though it's a short assignment of about a month,

I thought Kuchiki might have some anxieties

about her first solo resident officer assignment,

so I came to see her off.

Th-Thank you very much!

Stop with the formalities.

Have you told Byakuya?

Oh! No, not yet

Uh no

Captain Kuchiki will no doubt say

"Don't report to me each time about something so minor."

That's why I plan to leave without letting him know

I see.

I understand.

If that's how you feel, that's fine.

I'll let Byakuya know.

You can leave rest assured.

Yes, sir!

With this, Renji Abarai, Sixth Seat of Squad


is appointed lieutenant of Squad .

Congratulations, Abarai!

Uh Thanks!

I mean

I humbly accept, Lieutenant Hinamori!

You don't have to be so formal

But, well

This is a good thing.

Now you're a step closer again to Byakuya Kuchiki.


Isn't it about time already that you told your friend Rukia?

Regardless of whether she's nobility now,

as a lieutenant, you're more than equals

You worked hard for years.

I'd say it's about time things return to

the way they were between you two.

Then you'd better hurry.

I believe Kuchiki is leaving in the afternoon

for the World of the Living for a month of resident officer duty.

Oh no! Abarari, let's hurry!


I'm not officially appointed until

the appointment ceremony a month from now.

When she comes back,

I'll pop the news that I've become a lieutenant and surprise her.

My rosy youth!


Why, Why did this have to happen?!

Ch-Chad and Kurosaki?!

Wh-Wh-What's is this? This can't be right?!

This unbelievable way we're getting

sucked in to this can't be happening!

Is this a nightmare? Could it be a nightmare?!

You're too noisy

Did you think you could get away, Kurosaki Chad

It's Reiichi Oshima from Togata Junior High!

Say, Keigo

How're you so informed about delinquent types?

And just so you know, their names were all on our class roster.

Who are you supposed to be? Are you with Kurosaki?

God no!

We've never seen or met each other before now!

I'm Mizuiro Kojima from Hiiragi Second Junior High.

I'm in class - . Nice to meet you.

Congratulations, Mizuiro Kojima has joined his side!

No he hasn't. No he hasn't!

Mizuiro! Mizuiro!

What're you doing? Come back!

You're not that kind of kid!

Mizuiro! Mizuiro!

“ Class - ? “ Hey, are you listening?!

“ I'm in - , too. “ Mizuiro! Master Mizuiro!

“ I'm Ichigo Kurosaki “ Mizuiro-poo! Mizuiro-boy!

and this big guy is Yasutora Sado.

Ow, could you not step on me there?

Good to meet you.

Um, could someone help me?

“ And who's that? “ Please? Ah!


“ Keigo Asano. “ Mizuiro!

He doesn't do well in school, but he's a bright guy.

And he's likable and doesn't lie.

He's a hundred times better than me.

You're incredible.


I mean I think it's pretty rare for someone who could

say so many nice things about his friend, when asked.

Kojima, are you good at excuses?

I'm so good it's sick.


Then think one up in five minutes.

A really good one that won't get us

suspended even if we rescue Asano!

Who shall I tell of this joy.

They were different than what we imagined.

Hmm yeah, maybe they were

How different were they?

Way different.

Sometimes I think

We're all connected to this world with countless cords.

And like the patient in intensive care,

we desperately try to not cut even one.

But the truth is, no matter how hard we try,

they break at the point they're connected.

Aren't you going to call Nanako today?

It's difficult to reattach the cord to its original location

I still can't do it.

No, I don't feel like it.

I'm glad to hear that.

Hello, hello?

Calling the new world.

I'm glad I met you.

Does it appear our cords will connect properly?

Is my world spinning properly?

System: all red.



Oh yes I sense a powerful Spirit Energy


Abarai, I hear you're going to the beach.

I have work to do, so I can't go, but I want you to

get some photos in my place for the Seireitei Bulletin.

Of Rangiku in a swimsuit, right?

I didn't say that

“ You don't want them? “ Please get them.

You should've just said so at the start!

In today's segment we'll cover Rangiku Matsumoto's Haineko.

Growl, Haineko!

Haineko's power lies in the way the sword turns into ashes,

which then slice to pieces anything that they land on

with a single swing of the hilt.

It is a powerful Zanpakuto, but as Matsumoto puts it,

it is a very petulant, lazy and stupid sword

that is difficult to handle.

It really has a mind of its own

Who could it have taken after?

Isn't it quite obvious?
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