10x10 - Holy Birth, The Resurrected Szayelaporro

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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10x10 - Holy Birth, The Resurrected Szayelaporro

Post by bunniefuu »

One by one, Ichigo and his friends fall before the powerful Espada.

Then captains of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads,

under orders from Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto,

appear before them.

After arriving in Hueco Mundo,

each captain begins to battle the Espada.

Byakuya Kuchiki takes on Espada Number , Zommari Rureaux,

who tries to use Rukia,

who has been knocked unconscious by Aaroniero, to deliver a blow.

I'll k*ll you


because you

pointed your sword at my pride.

Lord Aizen!


Meanwhile, Mayuri Kurotsuchi fights

a difficult battle against Szayelaporro,

who uses a doll with which he can control the five senses.

It's over.

No way.

This is so easy, that it's boring!

I thought there would be more to it than this!

Yeah right.


Mayuri had observed Szayeaporro's strategy,

and as a defensive measure against the doll,

he had made replicas of his internal organs.

Furious, Szayelaporro switches tactics

and uses his long tentacles to grab Nemu as a hostage.

My goodness

Everyone keeps chattering.

It's so noisy!


Tear him up

Konjiki Ashisogijizo!

This gas Is it some kind of bacteria?!


Thank goodness! You're conscious!

Lieutenant Kotetsu?


Why are you here?

Oh, your treatment isn't completed yet!

Please lie still.

She's right. You can't get up yet.



Didn't you hear Lieutenant Kotetsu's instructions?

Lie still until they're done.

Brother Your overcoat.

It doesn't matter.

You're wounded!

I said don't bother.

Right now, rest and wait until you are healed completely.

In order to be prepared for

the real battle that lies ahead of us.

Not bad.

For a Soul Reaper.

I don't like it. You still have room for talk?

I said to get serious and attack!

Most would avoid being cut by this.

Then it wouldn't be fun.

Besides, I said to get serious!

What kind of cut is this?!

Keep talking!

That was good. That attack wasn't bad at all.

So you're not just about brute strength.

That's got nothing to do with it.

The sand interfered with my swordsmanship, that's all.

Is that so?!



Right! Hang on, I'll

Not me.


Please heal Nel.

All right! I'll heal her right away!

I can hear I can hear it.

It's still continuing.

The battle of the ruffians.

Can you see that, Abarai?

I-I don't want to see it at all, but I'm seeing it.

It ate him!

I can see that.

Quit describing something so sick!

What?! You asked me if I saw that!

I was just responding to you!

But you don't have to describe it to me!

Abarai! The poison has infected you too!


W-Why are you okay?

That poison has already infected me once.

I've probably developed antibodies.

Not fair! How can that be?!

Why only me?!

What's not fair?! I almost died once!

Well, whatever Hurry with the antidote!

Hey Mayuri Kurotsuchi!


How can you be so carefree?

It's common sense to change the mixture of a poison

after every use.

W-Why you

Don't strain yourself.

It'll make the poison spread faster.

Developed antibodies?

Not allowing that to happen is what makes one skilled.

Never mind that! Just give us the antidote!


Didn't I tell you to calm down?

UmmMaster Mayuri

I'm sorry.

May I ask you to

help me untie this?


You heard her, right?

Why don't you help her out?!

You're so irritating.

Here's the antidote.

Hey! Don't throw it!


The bottle cracked!

What's happening? Something's odd.

Hey! Mayuri Kurotsuchi!

Hurry up and untie her!

W-What is that?

Did you think you k*lled me?

That voice


I shall tell you?

The ultimate, the most exalted power of my La Lujuriosa

is known as œGabriel.

It is the power to regenerate by using the enemy itself.

The power to infiltrate my foe's body

and absorb Reishi from within.

Well, it's probably more correct to say replace.

In order to regenerate, the cells are reconstructed.

This reconstruction requires

all the Reishi inside the enemy's body to be overtaken

so the target is k*lled off

to bring forth the rebirth.

Now then

Let's start over with the self-introduction

Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

That monster!

Did you understand this, Mayuri Kurotsuchi?

This is how I continue to be reborn into a new existence.

The phoenix is said to be immortal.

When it grows old, it hurls itself into flames,

and from the flames it is reborn as a new life.


This is what immortality and perfection means!

It's not about transcending death.

It's about incorporating death into the cycle of life.

One whose existence is not interrupted

by something such as death.

One such as myself,

who repeats the continuous cycle of death and rebirth!

That is what you would call a perfect being!

The demise known as death does not exist for me.

Even if you k*ll me,

I will rise again before a definitive death.

Understand this.

I cannot be k*lled.

You cannot defeat me. Not in an eternity.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Captain Kurotsuchi?

M-Master Mayuri

I'm very sorry.

What's the matter?

Are you in a daze from seeing your dear second-in-command

about to die?

You're quite sensitive, aren't you?

Give it up. She doesn't have long.

Let's see.

If I were to categorize it,

she's like the leftover cocoon after the butterfly flies off.

How interesting.

How nice. Such an amusing power.

It arouses my curiosity.


Is that all?


It's not, is it?

You went on saying the œperfect being. 

There must be another power you're hiding, isn't there?

What the hell kind of guy is he?

Don't look so serious.

What's wrong with telling me? It won't diminish you.

Don't be stingy, show me.


Do you think that anyone who eats me will stay normal?

If I'm eaten,

my innards will dissolve to infiltrate the target's nerves!

I don't know how your Zanpakuto is constructed,

but if I take over the nucleus of its driving force,

construction doesn't matter!

Even this thing called Bankai becomes subject to my will!

Curse yourself!

Because your Bankai took the shape of a living creature!

Wha ”?!

My, my

Did you think all would be well if the tool defied its master?

I modified it to self-destruct

in the likely case of it turning against me.

It seems

you have no other hidden power.

Well then, you can be my test subject

for a new drug I've developed.

You don't have to be on guard.

W-What's he doing?

I dunno.

That drug has been administered already.

His speech just now

There are several dr*gs already placed inside Nemu's body.

If Nemu is devoured, or if her body is infiltrated

they are released to her foe.

What?! What drug is it?!

The place where you passed through had this hidden inside.

Relax. It's not a poison.

Let's see

You can call it a œSuperhuman Potion. 

Superhuman Potion?

In a battle between two masters, the swords seem to come to a halt.

You're familiar with that, aren't you?

It's a prolonging of your sense of time.

When your senses are stretched to the limit,

such phenomena occur.

This drug maximizes that condition.

In other words,

it's a drug that allows any person to easily experience

that superhuman sensation.

What is this?

He's speaking so slowly that I can't understand.

Can you understand me, Espada?

With this drug, even to a child, a b*llet looks like it has stopped.

To a superhuman like you,

the actions of an average man like me

must be so slow and boring.

Now then

Does this sword look like it has stopped?

This is the amazing thing about this drug.

A master's senses are sharpened only at the instantaneous moment

when both swords cross with one another.

But this Superhuman Potion can enhance

that sensitivity by several times

no, several thousand, several trillion times.

The usual dosage of this drug is one drop diluted , times.

But I made it special for you. It's pure and undiluted.

Right now, one second seems like a hundred years to you.

In other words, as this sword gets closer to you,

with your superhuman sensitivity, the movement looks very slow,

like it's going to take several hundred years.

How wonderful.

And while your senses are heightened to superhuman levels,

your non-superhuman body falls heavily behind.

In other words, the body cannot keep up with the movements

caught by the exponentially sharpened senses.

Even if you try to stop it with your hands,

it will take several hundred years before

you can feel this blade pierce through your hand.

I'm talking like this,

but who knows when my words will reach you.

But, no need to panic.

Take your time to thoroughly enjoy the sensation

of your heart being pierced by my blade

until your dripping fluids turn into sand.

And so, I bid you adieu

until a hundred years from now.

How did you infiltrate into the body?

Through the pores.

This woman's pores are quite enlarged.

She really needs to take better care of her skin.

Nemu, didn't I tell you to use the same cosmetics as me?

I'll sew up every one of your pores!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

And with that,

the budget meeting for the fiscal year is closed.



One moment.

C-Captain Kurotsuchi!

I'm beginning new experiments on Reishi.

But it's a bitunderfunded.

Telling that to me is

“ I understand. “ Huh?!

All those who approve of transferring the money

Budget Breakdown: Women's Soul Reaper Assn. , Men's Soul Reaper Assn. Tea Ceremony Club , Flower-Arrangement Club , Calligraphy Club ,

originally allotted to the Men's Soul Reaper Association

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