03x43 - The Final Face Off — Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x43 - The Final Face Off — Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

Ishizu, voice-over:
don't give up, my pharaoh.

I know that you will
save mankind,

Just as the scriptures predict.

I give up
, life points

To keep metal fiend
on the field.

Suit yourself, pharaoh.

After all,
it's yugi who suffers.

I reveal my magic card.

Oh, no!
Not multiply.

This card allows me
to increase the number
of metal fiends

I have on the field
to .

I sacrifice
my metal fiend tokens
to play this--

Obelisk the tormentor!

Stare into the face
of defeat, marik.

All right,
my egyptian god monster,

Attack marik's
life points now!

I will not be destroyed!

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

my obelisk the tormentor

Has eliminated ,
of your life points!

Now you're only
one attack away
from defeat!

Marik, you shall never
attain the power
that you desire!

Nice one, yugi!


Way to back that evil freak
into a corner, dude!

See that? Marik
didn't even know

What hit him
out there!

He's in
a complete daze!

Kinda like you are
every day.

That was so awesome!

Kaiba, voice-over:
something's not right.

Why would marik
allow obelisk to
attack him so easily?

[Yami-marik chuckles]

Ishizu, voice-over:
it seems as if marik
wanted this to happen!

He must be planning
to use his facedown card

To somehow

Please be careful,
my pharaoh!


My brother's evil side
is extremely devious.

He prefers to prolong
his opponents' suffering
for his own amusement,

And the pharaoh
is no exception.

Hey, wait.

Yugi's not looking
so good, guys.

Yeah, you're right.

But what does he have
to worry about?

He's one step away
from defeating marik

And winning
the battle city

Impressive, pharaoh,

But it will
take more than that
to keep me down!

Perhaps you've forgotten
who really suffers
when I lose life points.

Just look.

Thanks to you,

My weaker side
has almost completely
lost himself

To the shadow realm!

Oh, no!

Ha ha!

You're supposed
to save mankind,

But based on your actions
in this duel,

I'd say you're
destroying it,

And I'm sure my other half
would agree with me...

As he slowly slips away,
thanks to you!

And to think
that poor soul was once
your loyal servant!

It's nice to see
he's getting repaid by
his exalted king!


Feel free
to attack us, pharaoh,

So my weak side
can sacrifice
more of himself!

Please be careful!

We have to protect
marik's good side!

We promised ishizu
he'd be saved!

I know,
but if his evil side

The whole world
will be destroyed!

There's got to be a way
to save the good marik
and the world,

And get rid of
his evil side for good!

We just have to
figure out how!

Come on, don't you think
there's a reason

Why we've made it
this far?

It's because we're destined
to stop this madness!


Just like you did
, years ago!

you should feel honored,

Of all the lives
I've destroyed,

Yours has been
the most amusing to crush!

And the worst is ahead.

What I'm about to reveal
will horrify you,

For I have a card
that will shock you
to your core!

Ishizu, voice-over:
just as I suspected.

He's planning to use
his facedown card
to devastate the pharaoh!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
I've been stringing him along
since this duel began,

And the fool continues
to take my bait!

Soon he'll vanish
from this world forever!

Marik, voice-over:
odion, can you hear me?

It's me, marik.

My dark side grows stronger
as I slip into the shadows,

And before I'm gone forever,
I wanted to say I'm sorry.

You've done nothing
but protect me
since the day I was born,

And I've repaid you
with anger and disrespect.

I wish I could
take everything back,
but now it's too late.

The evil within me
is about to prevail.

The very evil I created
out of my own hatred

Now threatens to destroy me!

And once he gains
the pharaoh's power,

The entire world
will pay the price.

You were there
the day my dark side was born,

The day I received
the tombkeeper's initiation.

I don't want
to be a tombkeeper!

Please help me!

Odion, stop them!

My life has changed forever!

Yes, you're
a tombkeeper now!


I'm sorry.

I feel so alone!

Why should I have
to pledge my life
to some pharaoh?

As you know,
I'm forbidden
to join this clan,

So i...

Go on.

So I performed
my own ritual.

I hope this mark
proves my loyalty
to your family, sir.

Marik, voice-over:
you were always
loyal to me, odion.

Even when I betrayed
the tombkeepers

And abused
the ancient scriptures

For my own selfish purposes,

You never left my side.

Now I understand
why you stood by me,

Even though you knew
what I was doing was wrong.

It's because
you were the only one

Who could control
the evil within me.

But when you were hurt,
my wicked side took over.

Now there's nothing left
for me to do.

I'm drifting away
while his power increases.

Good-bye, odion.

I'll never be able to repay you
for all you've done.

I'm sorry.

[Yami-marik laughs]

You have nothing
to protect you!

Ha! Is that so?

You seem to be forgetting
about the facedown card

That you activated
with your last attack--

A trap with the power
to stop an egyptian god!

But how?
That's impossible!

Yeah, right!

There's no way
marik has
a trap card

Powerful enough
to stop obelisk!

It's time for me to unveil
my secret w*apon, pharaoh!

By causing me
to lose more than half
of my life points,

You've allowed me
to play this card!

It's both a trap
and a monster!

Say hello
to metal reflect slime!

What is that thing?

It's a creature
made of plasma,

Giving it the ability
to take on the shape
of the monster

That just att*cked me!

So my slime monster
will now morph

Into the likeness
of obelisk the tormentor!

No! A clone
of an egyptian god?

Whatever it is,
that thing is gross!

Dat thing's gonna be
a big slimy obelisk!

That giant booger's gonna
become an egyptian god?

Hey, guys,
don't look now,

But I think it's working!

That's obelisk!

It's true!

Pharaoh, meet
my egyptian god slime!

You'll never stop him!

Duke: marik made
an exact copy

Of yugi's
obelisk the tormentor!

Does that mean
they're equal
in strength?


Marik's is just
a cheap copy
of the original!

His wannabe
obelisk only has

, Defense

So the real

Can knock it
into next week
with one blow!

Yugi's gonna
destroy that fake
next time he att*cks,

Right, seto?

Not quite.

I'm sure there's
more to marik's monster

Than meets the eye,

Just keep watching.

your carbon copy

Pales in comparison
to the original, marik!

my egyptian god slime
is more powerful

Than you think,

But you'll find
that out soon enough!

Now finish your move
so my as*ault can continue!


I'll place one card

It's your move!

Very well, fool!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
that's the exact card
I needed

To make my egyptian
god slime unstoppable.

Nothing will be able
to destroy it!

My life points
will be protected

Not even the mighty obelisk
will get through.

it won't be long now.

Soon, my winged dragon of ra
will return to the field
and wipe you out.

And in the meantime,
I have my egyptian god slime

To serve as a wall
between you
and my life points.

And now for the card
that will make that
all possible--

The indestructible
revival jam!

I see you recall
your last encounter
with my revival jam,

When you faced
my mind sl*ve, strings!

magic cylinders, fire!

Say, good-bye, marik!

So your revival jam
is able to block
all of my att*cks!


Then it regenerates,

[Yami-marik laughs]

Now I have
one more card to play--


This allows me to fuse
my egyptian god slime
with my revival jam!

So what do ya think
marik is cookin' up
now, guys?

Tristan: unfortunately,
we're about to find out!

and now the fusion

Of my two creatures
is complete!

but it looks the same!

I assure you
my egyptian god slime
has transformed

Into a new,
more powerful beast.

It's your move,

So go ahead and attack it,
if you dare!

Very well!

Stand back!

I summon
big shield gardna
in defense mode!

Now it's time
for me to destroy

Your egyptian god card
imposter, marik!

Obelisk the tormentor,

Nice one, yuge!

You liquefied dat phony!


I told you
it was indestructible!

marik's fusion monster
is regenerating itself!


That's because my monster
has the combined power

Of egyptian god slime
and revival jam!


My plan's complete.

Thanks to my invincible
defense monster,

My life points
can no longer be damaged.

Therefore, defeating me
is impossible, pharaoh!

Don't you see?

This was my plan
from the start,

And you fell for it!

How naive of you!

That's insane!

Joey: I'm not
worried about
a thing, tristan.

Yugi will figure out
how to take that
big slimeball down!

Well, it doesn't
look too promising
from where I'm standing!

Come on.

Now what?

Kaiba, voice-over: I knew
this was all part of
marik's strategy all along.

He let yugi's
obelisk the tormentor
attack him on purpose.

That allowed marik
to create an unstoppable
obelisk clone.

Now whenever
yugi att*cks it,

Marik's egyptian god slime
will absorb the blow

And then regenerate itself.

Make your move!

It would be my pleasure!

It's over for you,

All you can do
at this point is wait,

For soon you shall
witness the return

Of the most powerful
egyptian god card--

The winged dragon of ra!

And even if
you could attack me,

It's my weaker half
who pays the price!

I've wanted to banish him
into the shadows
for some time now,

So feel free
to do that for me.

Thanks to you,
he's suffered
quite a bit already.

Most of his body
has vanished.

Marik, voice-over:
please, pharaoh,

Defeat my dark side
at all costs.

All right!
I place one card facedown,

And then I summon bowganian
in defense mode!

What is that?

A creature
with the ability

To remove
of your life points
each turn,

Causing you know who
to suffer!


Yugi: I'll be fine,
I promise.

How touching!

All right, my move.

I shall place
one card facedown,

And then I'll sacrifice
my big shield gardna

In order to summon
dark magician girl!

Summoning her
was pointless, pharaoh,

And you'll understand why
soon enough!

We'll see about that!

Now, dark magician girl,
attack his bowganian!

Not quite! Now observe!

Your attack has triggered
my ultimate trap card--

Jam defender!


As long as jam defender
is in play,

My egyptian god slime
is able to intercept
every attack you make!

And now, watch this.

Your attack backfires!

Oh, no!
Dark magician girl!

In case you haven't noticed,

I've successfully
ex*cuted a strategy

That prevents me
from losing this duel.

Thanks to the beast
that stands behind me,

I've achieved
complete immortality.

And since your
dark magician girl's
attack backfired,

You lose , life points!

No, yugi!


But wait.
Your little friend
is about to lose

Even more of himself
to the shadow realm,

Thanks to
the special ability
of my bowganian!

No! Are you all right?


It's you
I'm worried about!

Don't. I'm fine.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
yes, but for how long?

the shadows are feasting
on little yugi!

Lose a few more life points

And your friend's body
will be completely gone!

And then...
All egyptian god cards
will belong to me,

Along with
all of your power,

Soon everyone on earth
will bow down before me!


Come on!

I know you
can beat this
guy, yugi!

Marik, voice-over:
help me, tea.

What's wrong?

You ok, tea?

Marik and tea: hold on.

Listen, please.

You must overpower
my dark side at all costs,

And don't worry
about protecting me.

Say what?

You're losin'
your marbles, tea.
Snap out of it!

There's no time.

I have borrowed
your friend's body

In order
to reason with you.

Destroy my evil half

And let the shadows
take me!

Oh, no!

Seto? What's
going on?

Yami-marik, voice-over:
it appears my weak side

Doesn't know
when to give up.

Well, soon he'll be
out of my way for good.

please forgive me,

My family and I
were charged

With protecting
your tomb

Until your return,

And I always
resented this task.

So he was born
as a result
of my anger!

Now he must be

And I shall go
with him!

You'll what?

Is tea home?


What a pathetic sight!

You've rejected the pharaoh
for your entire life

And now you beg
for his forgiveness?

I'm afraid
it's a little too late
for that, you fool.

You've already created me

And now your body
belongs to me,

And you barely exist!

Just look at yourself!

You're a mere shadow
of the person
you once were.

You can never stop me.

So let me finish
what you started!

She's under
marik's control!

But she must be
in there somewhere!

Earth to tea!

marik, don't do this!

Please don't.

Do what?

your own life
to stop him.

Sorry, sister,
but there isn't
another way.

All right!

you must take down
the evil force

That now controls
my body, pharaoh!

And if destroying him
means destroying me,

Then so be it.

Isn't that poetic?

My weaker self
would rather be swallowed
by the shadows

Than see me win.

However, I'm afraid
this is all just
a waste of time.

There's no way
I can lose.

Now, then,
let's get back to
your defeat, shall we?

My move!

Stand back!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
now I can bring back
monster reborn!

Then ra will follow!

I activate the magic card
mining for magical stones!

That's right, pharaoh!

This card allows me
to transfer any magic card

From my graveyard
to my hand,

And all I have to do
is discard two cards.

Of course,
I've chosen this card--

Monster reborn!

You know what's next.

In just one more turn,

I'll bring back
my winged dragon of ra!

I thought so!

But his egyptian god card
is impossible to destroy!


There's one chance left,

But it won't be easy.

You're done.

Victory is mine now,

And with it will come
ultimate power!
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