03x42 - The Final Face Off — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x42 - The Final Face Off — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

The last duel's
about to begin.

Marik ishtar
will face yugi moto,

And the winner will receive
the battle city crown.

Let the fun begin now.

Tea: oh no...

It's another shadow game.

When you lose
life points

Your friend will lose
a piece of himself

To the darkness

And the same rule applies
to my former self.

Alright, marik,
I sacrifice
my jack's knight,

My queen's knight,
and my king's knight

In order to summon

the sky dragon.

Now, my dragon, emerge

In your unstoppable
phoenix mode.

Thanks to the fiery
wrath of ra,

Little yugi will soon be
consumed by darkness,

And absolute power
will be mine.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: take it from me,
marik's winged dragon of ra

Is not a monsta
you wanna be messin' wit!

Especially when it's
in its phoenix mode.

Tristan: but yugi's got
an egyptian god card
on the field, too.

Doesn't that mean yugi
and marik are even now!?

Not even close,

Marik's egyptian god
card is in a class
by itself.

Yeah, and I
aughtta know!

When marik att*cked
me wit dat monsta

I was knocked
out cold!

Poor yugi.

c'mon yuge!
You can do dis!

Now, marik...

My sky dragon's
special ability

Shall rid the field
of your egyptian god card!

Go, slifer!

Destroy ra with your
second mouth now!!

Ha ha ha!


nice try, pharaoh!

Oh no! Slifer's
ability didn't work!

Did you honestly think
you could destroy

A creature as powerful
as my winged dragon
of ra that easily?

But ra is invincible!

Now my divine creature will
unleash its fiery wrath!

ra's phoenix ability
is about to activate,

Instantly incinerating
everything in its path!

But yugi has slifer
on the field!

Does this mean that yugi's
egyptian god card

Will disintegrate
at the hands of marik's?

I shall surrender
of my life points now...

Such a small price to pay.
Ha ha ha!

Especially when it's
my weaker self

That's paying the price...

With his body!

Now, pharaoh...
I can activate

The winged dragon's
most devastating ability!

Behold...the rage of ra

As it rids the field
of your slifer!



Dis is what
happened to me!


Stay strong!

Sorry, pharaoh!

But your egyptian god card
is no more!

No way!

Yugi! Don't give up!


Yami-marik: that's just
the beginning!

Yami-yugi: what!?

You heard me.

I plan to prolong your anguish
for as long as I can!

Until the shadow realm
has claimed everything
that you now possess!

Ha ha ha!

yugi! Please tell me
you're alright.

don't worry about me.

I'll be fine.

You need to concentrate
on defeating marik!

Cause if he wins,
the entire world
will suffer!


My winged dragon
has completed its task.

So I shall return it
to my graveyard!

Yeah dat's right!

Marik used his monster
reborn to bring back ra!

That's why it was only
on the field for one turn!

Right! That mean's
yugi's safe for now.

Tea: but I'm sure
that creep

Has something else
planned for him.

Ha ha ha!

That was a small taste
of what lies ahead!

But I assure you
the worst is yet to come!

I'll destroy
your life points
one by one,

As the darkness
slowly consumes your body!

Sorry, pharaoh...

But I'm afraid you
haven't seen

The last
of my egyptian god card!

Ra will return to me!

I activate
my facedown card!

A trap called
zombie's jewel!

he can bring back ra!

This card allows me
to take a certain magic card

From your graveyard
and place it in my hand!

And I have a feeling
you know exactly
what card I'm taking!

Don't you?

It's the one card
you possess

With the power
to bring back ra!

No not that!

If you know then tell me!

I'm afraid
you'll have to speak up!

I can't hear you!

Ha ha ha!

I'll tell you!

I'm permitted
to reclaim control

Of your monster reborn
magic card!

Ha ha ha!

Your precious magic card
will allow

My winged dragon of ra
to continue its onslaught!

But since I just played
my zombie's jewel trap,

You may now draw one card.

Perhaps this is the card
that can save you--

The one kaiba handed
to you when our duel began.

Of course, in the end,
there's nothing that
can truly save you.

But perhaps you can delay
your demise for a bit.

So draw! The shadows
grow impatient!

Frankly...so do i!

Hey, seto!

Maybe yugi can win
if he draws the card
you gave him!

I doubt it.

But it should be
interesting to see.

Yugi doesn't even
have one monster

On the field
to protect him!

If marik brings back
his egyptian
god card

Yugi'll be crushed!

Hold on!!

When ra comes back
it'll have zero
attack points.

That means it can't
do any damage

To yugi's life points
right, guys?

Joey: wrong!

Look! We don't know enough

About marik's card
to assume anything!

What are you talking
about, joey?

I dink ra's got
a whole bag 'a tricks

We haven't even seen yet!

Pick wisely...

For you know what becomes
of those I defeat!

Their souls are banished
for eternity...

And their treasures
become mine to keep!

Just like this.

Does it look familiar,

It's the millennium ring!

That belongs to bakura!

He must have been sent
to the shadow realm!

Yeah, we shoulda known
marik was behind dat!

This item is my trophy
for eliminating your friend!

And when I win this game...

I'll be adding
your millennium puzzle
to my collection!


Have you wondered what
your defeat will be like?

You'll face the same downfall
as your friend bakura!


You'll enter the shadows
screaming just as he did!

And then you shall
join the ranks

Of my other victims,

Ha ha ha!

No one has been able
to stop

The destructive rampage
of my winged dragon of ra!

And when it releases
its rage upon you...

You'll be cast
into the dark abyss

While I receive
the ultimate prize--

The boundless power
of the pharaoh!!

Now then! Draw your card

So the suffering
can continue!

[Yugi thinking]
we can do this!

We just hafta draw
the card kaiba gave us!

According to kaiba,

It could be our only hope

Of stopping marik's
egyptian god card!

Take this! Unh!

Kaiba put his faith
in us...

Now we need to put
our faith in him!

You're right, yugi.

the pharaoh's
faith in kaiba

Has invoked the energies
of ancient egypt!

There is no doubt that he has
drawn the card he needs.

I've placed a card
facedown, marik...

My turn has ended.

What's going on?

Yugi didn't even look
at that card!

I've never seen yugi
do dat before!

He has no idea
what he just played.

What's he thinking,

Hey, seto...

What card do ya
think he just drew?


this is ridiculous!

There's no way yugi
could know what card

He just put on the field!

deny your destiny
no longer, kaiba!

It's fiend's sanctuary!

Fate has allowed
the pharaoh

To draw the card
you gave to him!

I've placed
my chosen card

My turn is now over!

Ha ha ha!

It seems that
the impending threat

Of the shadow realm has
clouded your thought process!

You must have given up!

Why else would you place
a card on the field

Without looking
at it first, pharaoh!?

Marik! You wouldn't

Hmm. All right,
back to the duel!!

it's time for my
egyptian god card

To return to the field
in all of its fiery glory

To wipe him out forever!!

My move! Unh!

I play monster reborn!

Ha ha ha!

Winged dragon of ra...
Return to the field!

Rise, my beast!
Stand beside me!

And together we'll win!

I shall now activate
my egyptian god card's

Most devastating ability
making ra completely

And sealing
your fate, pharaoh!

Explain yourself,

What's happening
to your body!?

I'm transforming
my life points
into ra's attack points!

Ha ha ha!

My monster's absorbing
my strength!

Of course a small amount
of my power

Will remain with me
so I'm not gone completely.

And you think it's
wise to weaken
yourself like this?

You're risking your
fate on one move!

Marik almost completely

Dat's nuts!

let's see if yugi survives this!

This is all that's left
of me, pharaoh!

The rest has fused
together with ra!

Ha ha ha!

I have become one
with my egyptian god card!

This is the same tactic
I used

To destroy
your friend bakura!

I've created a beast
that can wipe you out
with one blast

By transferring all but one
of my life points to ra!

Now my egyptian god card
has almost three thousand
attack points!


Oh, but there's more!

Next I'll sacrifice
my juragedo

And transfer its strength
to my winged dragon
of ra as well!


Watch its power grow!

Ra now has four thousand
six hundred and ninety nine
attack points--

More than enough
to destroy you!

Just one attack
and this duel is over!

Dat monster
is way too powerful!

If marik att*cks yugi's
life points directly,

Marik wins
da shadow game!

Oh no!

There's gotta be something
left he can do!

Now, winged dragon of ra...

Attack his
life points directly!

It's all over ,pharaoh!

Sorry to
disappoint you!


I reveal
my facedown card!

Fiend's sanctuary!

that is the card
I gave him!

The one card that can
save him from ra's attack!

But yugi placed it on the field
without even looking at it!

So how could he have known
that he played the right card?

This doesn't make any sense.

It must be some sort of a trick.

Now let's see if it works.

Behold the magic
of fiend's sanctuary!

Watch and learn!

No! What do you think
you're doing, pharaoh!?

This magic card
was given to me
by a friend...

To help me take
you down!

Now meet
the instrument

Of your destruction!

What is that?

It's called
a metal fiend token!

Thanks to my magic card,
marik's winged dragon of ra

Will attack that metal token

Instead of attacking
yugi's life points.

Keep your eye
on the field!

Aah! That token is casting
a reflection of me!

Yes! That's
precisely what
it's doing, marik!

You know why?!

Because I am
no longer
the target

Of your egyptian
god card's attack!

Now it shall
attack you!


And if I remember

You've given all
but one

Of your life points
to ra...

Which means you'll
be wiped out

By the hands of your
own creature, marik!

Ra won't destroy me!

With only one
life point
to protect you...

I'm afraid
you don't have

Much of a choice
in the matter now!


You go, boy!

We knew you'd outsmart
dat freak! Nice move!

You da man, yugi!

Now go ahead
and finish this guy off!

I must stop my
winged dragon of ra

From attacking
or I'll lose the duel!

Unh! Aah!

Marik! As soon as
your attack hits
my token,

This duel's over!



Nice try, pharaoh!

It looks to me like
your little magic card
didn't work!

You were a fool
to believe you'd win
this duel that easily?

You were never in control.

I've been toying
with you the whole time.

Ha ha ha!

How did
you survive!?

That's impossible!

Ha. Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

I don't get it!?

Marik shoulda lost da duel

After dat attack just now!

how did you escape
that blast!?

I played a magic card...

Just like you.

And it stopped ra's attack
before it destroyed me.


What magic card!?

It was the de-fusion
magic card

I took from your deck,

It separated me
from my winged dragon of ra

Just before its attack!

That cancelled out
the battle before it began,

Thus saving my life points!

Ha ha ha!

So your strategy failed!

And now I'm stronger
than ever!

that was quick thinking
on marik's part...

By using the de-fusion
magic card,

He was able to end
his own attack...

Before it back-fired.

Well...just as I suspected

Yugi wasn't able to successfully
use the card I gave him

To defeat marik.

don't give up,
my pharaoh.

I know that you will
save mankind,

Just as
the scriptures predict.

there is one more
thing yugi can gain

From the magic card I gave him.

Let's see if he's smart enough
to figure it out!

Now that I've regained
every one of my life points...

My weaker half
regains his body
from the shadow realm...

For now.



Now, ra...
Return to the graveyard!

And I'll place
my monster reborn
in the graveyard as well.

Next I'll put this
facedown on the field.

That's enough damage
for now.

That creep!
He's gonna
bring back

His monster reborn

To summon ra just
like he did before.

Come on, yugi!
Stop this guy!

It's my move now.

Your metal fiend
may be protecting you,

But it costs you
life points each turn
to keep it on the field!

he's right, yugi.

And as I lose
life points,

I also lose
a part of you
to the shadows.

just do whatever
it takes to defeat him!


My move!

I'm sorry to
have to put you

Through this, yugi.

no problem. Just win.

I give up
life points

To keep metal fiend
on the field!


Suit yourself, pharaoh!
Ha ha ha!

After all, it's yugi
who suffers.

Just so you can keep
a useless creature
on the field!

It seems like
a desperate act to me!

perhaps yugi does know

The second function
of my magic card after all.

I guess I'll just have to
wait and see.

thank you, kaiba.

I knew your card
would save me

The moment you
handed it to me.

Whether you
believe it or not,

Our sprits are

All right!
Let the duel

I reveal...
My magic card!

Oh no! Not multiply!

Yes! This card
allows me
to increase

The number of metal
fiends I have
on the field

From one...
To three!

no! He's going to
sacrifice them!

Well, looks like
yugi did it.

He figured out how to make
the most of my magic card.

is the pharaoh
about to summon

His second
egyptian god card?

I sacrifice my three
metal fiend tokens!

To play this...

the tormentor!

Behold, the egyptian
god card

I won from kaiba!

with the help

Of two
of my friends.

Stare into the face
of defeat, marik!

This is awesome!

Obelisk will crush marik!

I knew yugi
would turn
things around!

Hey get a load
'a marik, guys!

He's so scared
his hair is standin' up!

Oh wait, he always
looks like dat!

How could I let him
do this?!

Alright, my egyptian
god monster...

Attack marik's
life points now!


Aah! Aah!

I will not be destroyed!
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