03x27 - Back to Battle City — Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x27 - Back to Battle City — Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Before the winner of
the battle city tournament

Can be crowned,
we must first narrow
down the finalists!

This special duel will
determine who faces who
in the semifinals.

The first two duelists
to reach the top will face
each other in round .

I gotta get me
a piece a' marik!

When dis thing started,

I promised yugi dat I'd
help him take marik down!

And if I face dat evil freak
in da semifinals,

I can knock 'im
outta da tournament!

I can't let joey lose!

If he does, he may have to face
marik in the semifinals.

Beast of gilfer...

Attack kaiba's
life points directly!

You triggered my trap!

I'll redirect
your attack!

My target is going
to be...

Marik's only monster!

Oh no!

I'll make sure marik
and wheeler lose this duel,

So I face yugi
in the semifinals!

Then I'll prove
once and for all

That I am a far better duelist
than he'll ever be!

♪ Yo, yo

♪ Yo

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yo

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

This four-way duel
is confusing!

What's the score?

Well, so far,
joey's in the lead!

Followed by yugi
in second place...

Then ya got kaiba
in third...

And marik bringing
up the rear!

It's my move...

And I summon dark jeroid!

Big deal!

It's da weakest monsta
on da field, marik!

Little does that fool
realize that my dark jeroid

Has a very
powerful ability!

As soon as it's summoned,

It can lower
the attack points

Of any monster
I choose by !

The question is
"who should I annihilate!?"

If marik att*cks me,

My ring
of destruction
trap card

Will be ready for

Ready to blast his

Into the next
millennium that is.

I'm sure that seto kaiba
has set a trap for me.

I'm not interested
in attacking him anyway.

Crushing the pharaoh
is a much more
appealing choice,

However even with
its special ability,

My dark jeroid isn't
strong enough to defeat
his beast of gilfer.

That leaves
just one target!

I'll attack gearfried
the iron knight!

I saw dat comin'!

And thanks to jeroid's
special ability...

Your beast gets weaker!

By points!


You're through!
Not quiiite!

Check dis out!

facedown card!

Go, skull dice!

Now your monsta's
points shrink!

Dependin' on
what I roll!

So you're relying
on luck?!

Yeah, dat's right.

You got a problem
wit dat!?

Yeah! It's a two!

Dat means your
monsta's attack points
get cut in half!


Time for gearfried
to strike back!

And send your
jeroid packin'!

take it away!

No way!

My monsta! It's
a mini-gearfried!


What's going on!?

You did that!


Yes, I used my
facedown shrink card!

So, thanks to me,
wheeler's monster

Just lost half
its strength!

Now his creature is
as puny as his mind!

Dark jeroid!

Destroy gearfried
the iron knight!

I won't forget
dat, kaiba!

Mark my words.

Stay focused, joey.

I can't believe
that kaiba just
helped marik out!

I mean that's
about as low
as you can get!

He's got something

Yeah, but what?

That was great!

My brother's timing on that
last move was just perfect!

I don't know
about you guys,

But I don't trust
kaiba at all!

Joey: you're goin'
down, kaiba!

Kaiba: well you're
going up, wheeler!

And in this duel,
that's worse.

Yeah? We'll see!

Stay calm.

You must maintain
your concentration.

Now then!

My move!

Hang on, mai.

My brother's gonna
rescue you soon.

I promise.

You can count
on joey.




Don't worry mai.

Joey's not gonna
let you down.

He always comes

And he's out there
fighting for you
right now.

You can do it joey.

I know you can.


Now...which duelist
should I attack?

Kaiba has blade knight on
the field in attack mode.

Plus two face down cards
to protect himself.

Marik has
dark jeroid in play.

And so far he's
in last place.

But if I attack him,
kaiba may protect him again.

And poor joey has no monsters
on the field to shield himself!

He's in the worst
shape of all!

Hey! Would you guys
stop starin' at me!?

Big deal, so my defense
has seen betta days!

I hafta make sure
that joey doesn't
end up dueling marik!

It's too dangerous!

As long as kaiba and marik
finish last, he's safe.

So I could attack
kaiba's blade knight,

But I'm sure he'd activate
one of his facedown cards!


That leaves only
one choice...


Yugi's in a really
tight spot.

'Cause his best bet
is to duel kaiba
in the semifinals

And win his egyptian
god card!

But that would mean joey
would have to face marik!

That would be
a complete disaster!

But by the look in
joey's eyes, he wants
to duel marik!

You guys don't know
the half of it.

Joey told me his plan.

He thinks that
by defeating marik

He can bring mai back
from the shadow realm.

He told me so himself.

Joey: I can't believe
I couldn't help her!

I was right there!

I was five feet away
when dat psycho zapped her!

And I promised
that I'd protect her.

Joey, wait...

I have no choice,
I gotta save her.

I know you feel bad.

But what happened
to mai isn't your fault.

I appreciate ya
tryin' ta help

But I know what
I hafta do tea.

Just be careful joey.

Marik is not someone
you wanna mess with.

Look, I know if I beat
dat evil freak in a duel

I can get mai back!

So I'll take my chances.

I know I have
what it takes to
pull dis off tea,

And besides I got
you guys in my corner.

Are you sure
about this joey?

I've never been more sure
of anything in my life.

I owe it to mai and
to myself to face marik.

If I back away
from dis fight now

I'll neva be able
to forgive myself.

I've made up my mind.

I gave mai my word

Dat I wouldn't let
anything happen to her.

And joey wheeler
would never break
a promise to a friend...

So look out marik
'cause here I come!

Wow, that's pretty heavy.

Talk about determination.

I just hope he knows
what he's doing
out there!

Yeah I'd hate to think
of what'll happen

If joey faces marik
and loses!

I've made my choice!

Now my beast
of gilfer, attack!

Your target is
marik's monster!

Hold on!
Don't do it!

Listen to me.
Please yuge.

You're makin'
a mistake.

And I can't let you
go through wit dis!

You're attackin'
da wrong duelist yuge!

You shouldn't be
attackin' marik...

You should be
attackin' me!

Trust me yuge.

I don't get it.

What's joey thinking?

I'd say he's not

Hey joey!

I think the pressure's
getting to you!

Just relax and let
yugi make his move!

Just stay out of it

This is something
that I hafta do!


I know you're just
lookin' out for me pal,

But you can't keep protectin' me
for da rest 'a my life!

I'll neva learn to
improve my duelin' skills

If you keep goin'
easy on me!

Think about it!

Da reason I came dis far
is 'cause I faced

Da toughest opponents
of my life in battle city.

They dueled against me
wit everything they had!

And I defeated dem
all on my own.

Jinzo! Stop!

sorry espa roba,

But both 'a your
monstas are history!

You're finished!

And dis duel is ova!

Looking for someone?

I thought I smelled
a dung beetle!

That's my greeting
after all this time?

Ha ha ha!

Now I can summon
a creature

Whose attack power
is virtually limitless!

Ha ha! Insect queen!

Insect queen attack!

this tiny guardian!

You grub!

I was hopin'
you would attack me!

You were!?

the trap card...


Not graverobber!


He can take a card
from your graveyard

And use it
against ya!

And he just nabbed
your can of aerosol!

Time ta exterminate
your queen!


There goes
my pest problem!

Say goodbye to your
fortress whale, mako!

Well I play this!

Return of the doomed!

It brings back
one of my monsters

And hides it

I betta think
a somethin' quick
or I'm sunk!

What on earth
are you waiting for!?

Hurry up
and make your move

So my creature of the deep
can strike and end this duel!

If I dry up mako's

It'll uncover
and weaken his
hidden monsta!

Giant trunade!

It worked!

You've exposed
my fisherman.

It's all over now,
just finish him off.

Your chances of victory
have vanished.

Not so fast.

Now reveal jinzo!

Now I sacrifice
my battle warrior

In order to summon
the legendary fisherman!

And now...

I sacrifice
my alligator sword

And my swordsman of

So I can summon

My insect queen!

Every one of my battle
city victories

Is paying off right now.

Those duels got me three
incredible monsters.

I've come a really long
way since the battle city
tournament began,

If I do say so myself!

If you really wanna
help me yugi,

Then treat me
just like you would
any other opponent!

This is a four-way duel
and it's everyone
for themselves.

I don't want any
special treatment!

Let's go!

It's time
to move onward!

I believe it's
your move pharaoh!

He's right yuge.

You're in the middle
of an attack,

So pick your target.

And remember, if you
really believe in me,

Then you'll stop
babysittin' me

And start treatin' me
like your equal!

But, joey, i...

Come on now yuge,
no "buts!"

I have no monstas
to defend myself

So your smartest move
is to attack me!

Joey, no!

On the bright side,

Joey does
have the most
life points so far.

Yeah, but since joey is
completely defenseless,

Yugi's beast of gilfer
will blast him halfway
up the tower!

He'll be in last place!


If you hold back
I'll know you don't
think I can take it!

I'm askin' you as my
best friend to attack me!

What if you lose?

Dat may not be
so bad.

Remember, this duel
only determines

Who faces who
in da semifinals.

And I need ta face
a certain someone

To keep a promise
I made to you and mai!

You've always had my back

So it's time I helped
you for a change!

We'll whoop this marik
creep and his rare
hunter goon-squad

So hard they won't
know what hit 'em!

Thanks joey.

I'm sorry I let you
down, mai.

But I promise
I'm gonna get you
out of this mess.

I understand joey.

And I believe
in you.

Now, beast of gilfer,

Go straight for
joey's life points!

Are you alright?

Never better!
Danks yoog!

Blastin' my lights out
was da nicest thing

You've ever done for me!

I'm in last place.

And I'm takin' you
down wit me pal!

I'll see you up there!

Hang in there mai.

I just got closer
ta rescuing ya!

Joey lost most
of his life points
to yugi's attack!

Ok folks.



Dis card is my ticket
to makin' sure

I duel marik
in da semifinals!

And once I beat 'im,
I can save mai!

Hold on!

You forgot your
entry card mai!

No dummy!
I'm giving it to you!

So you can enter
the next round!

Just do me one little
favor out there, hun.

Win that prize money
for your sister!

I made it to da
top again...

Only dis time,
I'm duelin' for you mai!

I summon axe raider!

This is his chance to launch
an attack on marik.

Time for me to attack
a certain unlucky

I'm confused...

I thought he was
after marik!

Yeah me too!

So why did he direct
his attack at kaiba?

It could be that joey
finally chickened out!

Unless this is all part
of his strategy

To make sure he duels
marik in the next round.

But there's no way
joey's attack's
gonna work, duke!

Seto will
just strike back
by activating

One of his face
down cards!

Axe raider!

Attack kaiba's
blade knight now!

What a loser!

I bet kaiba set a trap!

This'll never work!

You triggered
my trap!

Too bad!

Meet my ring
of destruction!

It annihilates whatever
monster wears it!

So your axe raider
is history!

And both players
will lose
life points!

Not exactly!

Mine are safe!

Thanks to my ring
of defense magic card!

It shields me from
the blast of my trap card!

Ha ha ha! Oh well!

Ring of destruction, go!

Joey! No!

Does this mean
that all of joey's
life points are gone?

You got it!

Told ya
he shouldn't mess
with my brother!

Hold on!

Something else is
goin' on up there!

Why have my life points
gone to zero!

What did you just do?

Played dis.

A little card
called graverobber!

During all the commotion
dis little guy

Snuck into marik's
graveyard and stole
a card for me!

Dat's right!

He grabbed a card
dat you used against me
a little while ago!

Does spell of pain
ring a bell?

You'll pay for this!

Dis card lets me
transfer my damage
to someone else!

So I thought I'd let you
take da fall marik!

Awesome move joey!

It looks like you
were one step ahead

Of everyone else for
a change buddy!

Way to go, joey!
Keep it up!

Danks guys!

That was
an awesome move!

If joey would have att*cked
marik's dark jeroid with
his axe raider,

Marik would only
have lost life points.

So instead,
joey att*cked kaiba,

Figuring that kaiba
had a hidden trap.

And when kaiba struck back,

Joey was able to redirect
the damage at marik,

Causing marik
to lose everything!

strategy, joey!

Danks a lot yuge!

Looks like you're on
the express elevator
ta loserville!

Buh-bye, now!

I'll deal with you

Marik's out!

And da next duelist
ta lose, faces him
in da semifinals!

I just gota make sure
dat's me!

Hold on you guys.

Now joey has
no monsters to
protect himself!

Plus he has no
facedown cards.

And it's my
brother's turn

So I'd say he's
in big trouble now!

We'll see!


I dink I've done
enough for right now.

So I'm gonna go ahead
and end my turn.

Let's see what you can do!

I can do quite
a bit.

So watch this!

You're done for!
My move!

You'll always be
a second-rate duelist
in my book wheeler!

Blade knight, go!

Attack his life points

It's all over, wheeler!

You did it.

I'm facin' marik now!

Dat worked out
for everyone.

Now yugi's goin' up against
kaiba in da next round,

And I can take down marik!

Fancy meetin' you here!

Prepare to enter
the shadows.

I've been waitin'
for dis a long time.

Let's go!

This duel is over!

The semifinal bouts
have now been determined!

It looks like
I'll be facing off

Against yugi
in the next round...

Just as I planned.

The first semifinal duel

Will be marik ishtar
against joey wheeler!

Followed by mr. Kaiba
against yugi muto!

One of us will get
past the next round.

The other goes home
a loser!

I have to defeat
kaiba and make it
to the final round!

The future of
the entire world
could depend on it!

Open the tower gates now!

It's time to proceed
to the next dueling site.

I trust you're ready
to join your friend mai

In the shadow realm?

Guess again!

I'm gonna crush you
and get her outta
dat place!


Monster dueling platforms to the
top of the tower

And let the semi-finals begin.
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