03x26 - Back to Battle City — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x26 - Back to Battle City — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Before the winner of
the battle city tournament
can be crowned

We must first narrow down
the finalists!

This special duel
will determine who faces who
in the semifinals.

And all four duelists
will participate at one time!

As you lose life points

Your terminal
will climb higher.

The first two duelists
to reach the top

Will face each other
in round .

Yugi, voice-over:
this entire duel was set up

To make us choose
the opponents we'll face
in the semifinals!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
it makes no difference
who I duel next.

Either way
I'll drain the pharaoh
of his powers in the end!

Kaiba, voice-over:
everything is going
according to plan!

I'll spare yugi
so I can face him
in the semifinals...

And I'll focus
all my attention
on eliminating marik!

And getting rid
of wheeler will be simple!

Joey, voice-over:
as much as I wanna crush kaiba,

I have more important
reasons for bein' here.

I promised yugi and mai
dat I would take marik down!

You don't belong here,

Vorse raider, attack
his life points now!!!

I'll protect you!

Thanks, yuge.

You and I are a team!

And I'll always protect you!

Your move, your move,
your move, your move...

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move!

♪ Yi-gi-oh

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

this four-way duel
is nuts!

Each duelist can attack
any of the other three!

Duke: true,
but each duelist

Can also defend
any of the other three!

That's how
yugi saved joey
from kaiba's attack!

Hey, wheeler!

Next time
you won't be so lucky!

Thanks for da help,

Yugi, voice-over:
I can't let joey lose!

If he does,
he may have to face marik
in the semifinals.

And so far
all of marik's opponents

Have ended up
in pretty bad shape!

Yami-yugi: kaiba!

This tournament of yours
is far more dangerous

Than you could ever

Kaiba, voice-over:
what is he babbling about?

I know what I need to do
to win this tournament

And I've had it planned
all along!!

First I have to use
my egyptian god card,

Obelisk the tormentor,

To defeat yugi
in the semifinals

And take slifer
the sky dragon from him!

Then my deck
will be powerful enough

To crush marik in the finals

And obtain the most powerful
egyptian god card,

The winged dragon of ra!

I'll finally prove
that I am the greatest duelist
the world has ever known,

Not yugi!

And with all three
egyptian god cards
in my deck,

I'll be unbeatable!

Joey, voice-over:
it's pretty quiet in here.

Everyone must be
plannin' their strategies.

Well mine's a no-brainer!

I gotta get me
a piece a' marik!

When dis thing started,

I promised yugi
dat I'd help him
take marik down!

And if I face dat evil freak
in da semifinals,

I can knock 'im
outta da tournament!

Plus beatin' marik
might bring mai back
from da shadow realm!

And dat's another promise
I can't break!

You and I
had an agreement, so...!

Joey, voice-over: sorry,
I let you down, mai...

But I promise...

I'm gonna get you out
of this place.

Marik's done enough damage!

Now it's time
for joey wheeler

Ta dish it
right back to 'im!

Kaiba: wake up, wheeler!

An amateur duelist
like you

Can't afford
to be daydreaming!

I was strategizing!

But to do that
you have to understand

How to play the game,

Oh yeah!?

Well I got a game for ya
right here!

When are you going to realize

That you don't have
what it takes to compete
in my tournament

And you never will?

And there's only one reason
that you made it this far.

And that's because
your little friend yugi
keeps bailing you out!

You're hopeless!

And if you ask me

I'd say that yugi
knows that as well!

Think about it!

Why else would yugi
waste his trap card
to protect you, wheeler?

Because he doesn't believe
you can protect yourself!

And he's right!

Not only
don't you have the skills
to get through this...

You're also
the only finalist without
an egyptian god card!

And yugi knows
that the only way

You'll ever make it
past the semifinals
is if he duels for you!

Or perhaps
he wants to duel
against you next round

Because he knows
it's an easy victory.

that's a lie!!

I think yugi's
just afraid to admit

That he hasn't believed in you
from the start!

And I don't blame him!


This time your taunting
has gone way over the line!

Is that so?

If you really
want to prove me wrong...

Why don't you stop
protecting your friend

And let him finish this duel

Using his own pathetic skills
for a change!


Joey: wait a second, yuge!!

What's wrong, joey?

Thanks fa tryin'
ta help me out,
but kaiba's right!

I gotta prove
I can take care
of myself!

If I'm gonna
win dis tournament

And help ya
save da world...

I gotta do it
on my own!

Just be careful.

Joey, voice-over:
I'll show kaiba

Dat joey wheeler
depends on no one!

Kaiba, voice-over:
without yugi to shield him,

That second rate duelist
will lose his life points
in no time!

Allowing me to destroy yugi
in the next round!

Serenity, voice-over:
hang in there, mai.

You're one of
the strongest people I know

And you'll get through this!

She's been an inspiration to me
since the day I met her.

Watch it!

Cross on the green,
not in between!

Please you gotta help us!

A g*ng of robed weirdoes
is after us!

We gotta keep moving!

Let's go, serenity!


Hold on!

You're joey's sister,
aren't you?

Lady, we don't have time
to play "meet and greet."

I told you
we're being chased by
a bunch of thugs!

Well guys...hop in!

Soon I'll be able
to take my bandages off!

Then I'll finally
be able to see
my brother joey duel!

I just can't wait, mai!

I have to say,

I'm surprised
a knucklehead like joey

Has such a sweet sister.

Then again he does have
a soft side.

And he can be charming
when he wants to.

Tristan, voice-over:
soft side!?

Duke, voice-over:

I first met him
on the way
to duelist kingdom.

All joey
could talk about

Was how he was gonna
win the tournament

So he could
use the prize money

For your operation,

I have to admit,
his story was touching.

Joey's the best!

I'd say...
It runs in the family.

Joey's out there
in the battle city finals

Dueling with all his heart
just like he did
at duelist kingdom, mai.

Only this time...

He's doing it
to bring you back
from the shadow realm!

Ishizu, voice-over:
you're safe now, odion...

Thanks to marik's good side.

Tea: ishizu!

Ishizu: tea?

Is something wrong?

Sister...it's me!

Your brother!

You are marik!?

Protect odion
from my dark half!

For without odion,

The evil force
will control my body

Ishizu, voice-over:
my brother was right.

As his sworn protector,

Odion was able
to contain the darkness
deep within marik.

But when the winged dragon of ra
knocked odion unconscious,

Marik's evil side
completely took over!

Just as it did
so many years ago.

On the night
my father punished odion
for disobeying his orders.


Ishizu, voice-over:
that was the first time

I witnessed
my brother's dark side.


You're all right now,

Ishizu, voice-over:
odion held the darkness back,

But not before
marik sent our father
to the shadow realm,

Forcing me to inherit
the millennium necklace
before my time had come.

At that moment
the doors to the future
were opened up to me.

And I saw
marik's destiny unfold!

That was the future!

And according
to my vision,

The worst
is yet to come!

Ishizu, voice-over:
and my vision was correct.

Marik rejected his duties
as a tomb-keeper

And attempted to steal
all three egyptian god cards!

It was all
part of his plan

To seize the power
of the pharaoh!

First marik took
the winged dragon of ra
from its hiding place.

Then he stole
slifer the sky dragon.

All he needed
was obelisk the tormentor.

Marik: excellent work,
my rare hunters.

Now open the vault!

It's time to obtain
the third egyptian god card!

You have arrived too late,
my brother!

The card you seek
is no longer in this vault.

Marik: well,
if it isn't my sister.

What an unexpected

Now tell me...

What have you done
with obelisk?


The egyptian god cards
don't belong to you!

Nor does the sacred power
of the pharaoh!

The pharaoh!?

I refuse
to waste my life away
waiting for him!

It's time for me
to take my destiny in
my own hands, ishizu!!

So hand the card
over to me.

Right now!

That's enough, marik!

You're a tomb-keeper,

Of course!

How can I forget!?

The day I was initiated

I was charged
with carrying the secret

Of the pharaoh's power
on my back,

As our father
did before me.

Well that tradition
ends here!


It's no use
opposing me, sister.

The power
of my millennium rod

Always gets me
what I want!

So I'll only
ask you nicely
one more time.

What have you done
with the last remaining
egyptian god card,

My dear sister!?

I shall never reveal that!

I'll find it,

Odion! But why?

I'm afraid you made
a very foolish choice
today, ishizu.


Help him.

You know as well as I do

That marik has
an even stronger evil
deep within him.

And only you can keep it
from surfacing, odion.

Ishizu, voice-over:
but when odion
lost consciousness,

My brother was consumed
by that evil.

However, now I understand
that these events
were destined to occur,

Just as yugi
was destined to complete
the millennium puzzle.

And pegasus was destined
to create the game
of duel monsters.

And seto kaiba
was destined to receive
obelisk the tormentor.

And I was destined
to give my necklace away.

I can only hope
that it's my brother
marik's destiny

To be saved from the darkness
that now controls his body.

alright, you two!

It's time for me
to take charge of this duel!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
and since the first two
duelists to lose

Will face each other
in the semifinals,

I know exactly
what I have to do...

To ensure that I face
the pharaoh!!

It's my move.

Yami-marik, voice-over:
I'll make sure kaiba
and little joey fall first.

I place one card facedown!

Then I'll summon lord poison
in attack mode!

And now,
I'll attack you, kaiba!

So prepare to be
the first unfortunate soul

To feel the wrath
of my deck!

Are you ready?


Attack his vorse raider now!

Kaiba, voice-over: what?!

He's attacking me with a monster
that is weaker than mine!

Yugi, voice-over:
marik's monster must have

Some kind of
a special ability!

Nice try, fool!

Vorse raider!


You fell into my trap...!

When newdoria
goes to the graveyard...

I can destroy any monster
on the field!

So say goodbye
to your vorse raider!

Joey, voice-over: awesome!

Now kaiba's wide open!

I can blast his life points
in my next turn!

I'm not done yet!

Now...which one of my cards
shall I unleash first?

I activate spell of pain!

But who should
I direct it towards?

Let's see...

I think I'll use my card
on little joey!!

Now you lose the points
I would have lost

When my monster
was destroyed!

Joey! No!

Hang in there!

I'll try!

But I'm not exactly a fan
of high places!

Come on, man!

You've been in
much scarier spots
than this one!

Stay strong joey!

It's only
a six hundred foot drop!

Gee, thanks!

Joey, voice-over:
I don't know what's worse,

Losing this duel,
or fallin' outta dis chair!

Yami-marik, voice-over:
I have both kaiba
and little joey

Exactly where I want them.

So, I'm sure to duel the pharaoh
in the next round!

Then I'll seize
his millennium puzzle
and his egyptian god card!

Your move, pharaoh!

I know!

Yugi, voice-over:
kaiba has no monsters
defending him.

This is the perfect chance
to attack his life points!

And now...

Behold, kaiba!

I sacrifice
big shield gardna

To summon
my beast of gilfer!

And now, my beast...

Prepare yourself
for an as*ault!!

Beast of gilfer...

Attack kaiba's
life points directly!

Seto, no!

Guess again!

Your tactics are obvious!


You triggered my trap!

And thanks to my card,
attack guidance armor ...

I'll redirect your attack!

To any monster
on the playing field!

Now of course
I could easily target

Your beast of gilfer,
yugi...or not.

Now let's see.

Wait, kaiba's trap card

Can only target monsters,
which means...i'm safe!!!

Obviously, my target
is going to be...

Lord poison!

Marik's only monster!

Alright, marik...

I aim yugi's attack
at you!!


Not if I activate this!

Mirror force!

What!? No way!

Yes, so I'm able
to reflect the attack
back at yugi!

So your monster's

Are you sure?!

Now I activate
my trap!

Seven tools
of the bandit!

My card deactivates
your mirror force!

Nice try, marik!

But your trap
didn't work!

Oh no!


This duel's intense!

My brother redirected
yugi's attack to marik,

And then marik tried
to reflect that attack
back to yugi...

But it didn't work,
so marik took the damage anyway!


Your life points
just went down
by seven hundred!

So, go up there
with the other chump!

Joey, voice-over:
now marik's tied wit me,

So I may face him
in da semifinals!

I'm not the only one
who loses life points.

You played seven tools
of the bandit, pharaoh!

That card costs you
, life points!

So your chair rises as well!

I'm aware of that!

Kaiba, voice-over:
what's this!?

Yugi has to win
so he can duel me next!

Yugi's in last place now!

I know!

But I think he lost
those life points

On purpose, tea!

Remember, the first
two duelists to lose

Face each other
in the semifinals!

Kaiba, voice-over:
yugi's still planning
to protect wheeler

From dueling against marik!

My move!

Joey, voice-over:
if I don't draw
a monster now,

This turn is gonna be
my last!

Come on, I need a winna!

Here goes!

Joey, voice-over: awesome!

I summon...
Gearfried the iron knight!

In attack mode!

About time
he got a monster
on the field!

Joey! Way ta go!

Joey, voice-over:
now that I got a monsta,

It's time to do
a little damage.

Now let's see...

All three a' dem blew
their facedown cards last turn.

And dose two have no monsters
on da field.

I could blast marik.


I got a betta idea!

I'm goin' for rich boy!

Take dis, kaiba!

Now! Gearfried, attack!

Go straight
for his life points!

Yugi, voice-over:
this'll put kaiba
in last place!

Big brother!

Yeah, all right!


I assure you,
you won't be laughing
much longer!

What's wrong?

Last I checked
you wanted to go

To da top
'a your duel tower

Yugi, voice-over:
why did joey attack kaiba!?

Now kaiba and I
are closest to the top

And joey and marik
are closest to the bottom!

Oh no!

Joey must want to face marik
in the semifinals!

Joey, voice-over:
you're mine, marik!

It's time for you to pay
for what you did ta mai!

Don't worry, mai!

As soon as I crush marik,

I'll get your mind back
from da shadow realm...

Just like I promised!

Joey: for my last move,

I'll place
one card face down
and end my turn!

About time.

My move!

Kaiba, voice-over:
if I want to face yugi
in the semifinals,

All I have to do
is make sure

That he and I both lose
this four-way duel!

But I can't let myself
lose a duel on purpose!

I'll place
three cards facedown
on the field!

And then I'll summon
the mighty blade knight
in attack mode!

Kaiba, voice-over:
I won't throw this duel!

Time to lose
more life points, marik!

Now, blade knight!

Attack marik directly!

Kaiba: going up!

Joey, voice-over: aw man!

Dis hurts my chances
'a facin' marik
in da next round!

This four-way duel's


It seems like
everyone's trying to
duel someone else!

I hope you're
not afraid of
heights, marik,

Because it's
a long way up
to the top!

Kaiba, voice-over:
I'll make sure marik
and wheeler lose this duel,

So I face yugi
in the semifinals!

Then I'll prove
once and for all

That I am a far better duelist
than he'll ever be!

I'll pit
my obelisk the tormentor

Against his
slifer the sky dragon!

And when these
two egyptian gods clash,

Yugi will learn
what torment is all about!
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