03x12 - Settling the Score — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x12 - Settling the Score — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

We gotta get
going, guys.

The big five may
have tristan's

But his mind's
got to be around
here somewhere!

Whoa, where am i?

Oh no!

They made a monkey out of me!!!!

Pardon me!


My name's not tristan.

Kaiba, I've taken something
from you so we're even now!

Hang on, mokuba!

I'll rescue you from these
corporate sleaze balls!

So we meet again,
seto kaiba.

So let's get this duel
over with, leichter!

I have been waiting
for this moment for quite
some time, mr. Kaiba.

I was next in line to run
the company until you forced
your way to the top!

You never once had
your own idea.

You couldn't have
run kaiba corp!

Not only could i, but I will
once I escape to the real
world in your body!

Your move, your move,
your move, your move...

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh is king of game

It's time to d-d-d-duel!

So what was that
thing, you guys?

Some kinda virtual
rocket, I guess.

Yeah, but who do you
think launched it?

The big five?

The one upside to having
your mind trapped in
the body of a robot monkey

Is getting to hang out in
serenity's arms all day!

We're looking for
tristan, remember?

She's so cute
when she acts tough!

And the best part is:
all she can think about
is trying to find me!

I mean maybe serenity
really likes me.

Not that I can
exactly blame her.

Let's face it...

I'm way cooler than that
romeo wanna-be duke devlin!


I could have sworn
I just heard
tristan's voice.

It came from him.

If I stay stuck in
this robo-chimp's
body too long,

I may start chowing
on bananas and bugs!

Ah, tristan?

Are you in there?

Did I just say
that out loud?

Come here!

Who are you!?

I don't trust you
one bit, ape-boy!

Joey! It's me!

I dink yer a robot spy
sent by noah!

Hey, I'm a monkey,
not a mad dog!

With the big five
running around in disguise,

We're not taking
any chances!

I'm tellin' ya
it's me!

Cut a chimp
some slack!

Now mr. Kaiba,
where were we?

Oh, yes.

I had three times as many
life points as you

And I was about
to finish you off.

Just try.

Very well.

First I'll activate my fairy
lily's special ability.

You remember...

I give up
of my life points

To boost her attack
strength by , .

Lily! Attack and destroy
his behemoth!

You've overlooked
my monster's special

It makes a quick

Too bad I'm always
one step ahead
of you, mr. Kaiba!

First I'll place
this card face down.

Then I'll activate the magic
card emergency provisions!

By destroying my own
face down card,

The emergency provisions
magic card boosts
my life points by !

At this rate wiping
you out will be simple!

And seizing control of your
body will be even simpler!

Remember that enormous rocket I
launched, earlier in our duel?

Well if I were you,
I'd keep an eye on its
energy gauge, mr. Kaiba!

Is that so,




The g*ng's all here.

Now seto... You've got
an audience to witness
your destruction.

They found him...

Seto's gonna stomp that freak!

Then he'll rescue me!
Got that!?

You seem quite confident
that your brother cares
about you mokuba.

Well guess again.


Kaiba's up against
one of da baddest deck
masters of all time!

You're right joey!
It's jinzo!

And you know what dat
means, don't ya yuge?

I sure do.

It means that
kaiba's trap cards
are totally useless!

Oh no!

It's like
dueling with
half a deck!

Leichter thinks he has me
backed into a corner.

But that old fool is in
for quite a surprise!

My move!

Hmm...oh well...

It looks like there's
bad weather ahead!

Cause I activate this!

My heavy storm magic card!

Time for my storm to blow
away all of your magic
and trap cards leichter!

Which means you're done powering
up your life points!

As your stepfather's
right hand man,

I learned to anticipate
his every move!

And that's exactly what
I've just done to you!

For I activate
imperial order!

Oh no!

Oh yes, mr. Kaiba!

For a mere life points
per turn,

This card cancels out
all your magic cards.

And you know what that
means don't you!?

Now you can't use any
trap or magic cards for
the duration of the duel!

That's not good!

Oh, man!

Talk about not playin'
with a full deck!

Hang in there!

Finally, one of the big
five can hold his own
in a duel!

And now the fun

I'll add life points to
my total with solemn wishes

And a thousand more with
life absorbing machine.

Then I'll sacrifice to
activate imperial order!

Now that that's taken care of,
I can finally unleash

The power of
my ultimate w*apon!

Go ahead...

Satellite cannon,
begin firing sequence!

When you took over
kaiba corp, you destroyed
all of the missiles

That your stepfather and I
worked so hard to build...

So it's quite fitting that
I use this satellite m*ssile
to destroy you!

Now say good-bye to your
facedown monster!

My wicked worm


You seem a little stunned
to me, mr. Kaiba.

How can I stop
a w*apon that's...

Up there!?

You can't!

Orbiting the earth at
an altitude of miles,

My satellite cannon is
virtually unreachable!

It can't be beat!

I never heard of
a duel monster

Dat can attack
from outer space!

Satellite cannon
is so high above
the earth's atmosphere

That it's shielded from
the attack of almost
every monster!!


How do you know I
don't have a monster

In my deck that can
reach it, leichter?

Trust me, mr. Kaiba.

By the time you summon
a monster with the ability
to attack my satellite,

It will be too powerful
to destroy!

That's because it gains
, attack points
with each turn!

At last, the mighty seto
kaiba is about to lose
everything that he has!

And it serves you right,

After destroying
your own stepfather and
betraying the big five!

Now it's time
you paid the price

For using others
to get what you want!

Even your own brother!

What's he talking

No way!

Seto and I
are a team!

Not all the time.

Mokuba, it's time you
learned the harsh truth
about your brother.

Listen to what
leichter has to say.

You'll stop at nothing
to get what you want,
mr. Kaiba,

Even if it means deceiving
those most loyal to you.

Your treachery began when
your stepfather, gozaburo,

Gave you ten million dollars
to test your business skills.

When you increased the cash by
threatening a smaller company,

He was impressed with your
abilities and your cruelty.

But that wasn't good
enough for you, was it?

You wanted more.

Seto, as kaiba corp's
board of directors,

We're curious why
you've called us here.

Let me get straight
to the point.

You are all very
talented men,

Yet my father treats
you like dirt.

That's why I've come
to you today with
a proposition

That you'd be fools
to refuse.

Sign on
to my plan...

And we'll rule
the kaiba corporation
together as a team.

So slowly we all started
buying pieces of kaiba corp

To try and take
over the company.

But securing the percent
we needed proved difficult.

Then we realized that
someone was leaking our
plan to gozaburo kaiba.

You told us that someone was
your little brother mokuba!

How dare you
betray me!


Tell me!

How could you rat me
out like that?

I didn't tell

I swear seto!

You liar!

Get out of my sight!

I'll never forget that.
The most horrible day
of my life.

By turning on your little
brother you forced mokuba

To run to your stepfather,
gozaburo, for comfort.

Of course, gozaburo
had his own agenda.

You see, mokuba owned
percent of kaiba corp,

Exactly what gozaburo
needed to stay in control.

I have something
to tell you.

The big five and I have
decided to take control
of kaiba corp.

But nice try!

See I knew about
your plan to buy out
kaiba corp.

But you were only
able to buy
forty-nine percent!

And I'm afraid that
leaves me with

You lose, seto,
because this company
is still mine!

And as for you five...

As punishment for
betraying me
you're all fired!

And I'll make sure you never
work in this town again!

Now clean out your desks
and get out of my sight
right now!

And don't think
you're off the hook, seto.

You're headed back
to the orphanage

Where ungrateful brats
like you belong!

Not quite!

He's staying!

What? How!?


Because I'm giving my two
percent of kaiba corp
straight to you!

You're making
a mistake mokuba.

Remember how badly
he treated you?

Seto and I are a team!

I'd never turn
my back on him!

You fool!

I have made up
my mind!

You heard
my brother.

Now I'm the new president
of kaiba corp.

Gozaburo was so ashamed
that he ran away.

No one's heard
from him since!

So your cruel plan worked!

What's your point...

You played us like fools!

Mokuba wasn't the snitch,
now was he!?

It was you!
Wasn't it mr. Kaiba?

I don't believe it.

You knew that your
stepfather liked people
to think they were winning,

So when he beat them,
they'd feel that much worse!

So you used mokuba
as a pawn.

You began leaking information
about your plan to gozaburo

And made everyone, including
him, think it was mokuba!

So your stepfather let you
gain % of his company,

Thinking mokuba would
give him the % he needed
to stay in control!

But you knew better
didn't you mr. Kaiba!?

You knew that your
little brother would
be loyal to you...

No matter how poorly
you treated him!

You're wrong!

Mokuba was the only
one I trusted.

I knew that together
he and I could take
our stepfather down!

You used him...

To achieve your own
selfish goals.

You toyed with your brother's
emotions and took advantage
of his trust for you!

Then you destroyed
the very man who rescued
you from that orphanage!

I've heard enough!

Seto would never
hurt me on purpose!

You never intended to
run kaiba corp with us as
a team, like you promised.

When you became
president you took away
our responsibilities!

You used me,

Just like you use
everyone including
your little brother.

Look, leichter.

Life is a game and if
you can't win it then
don't play!

Now, let's duel!

I summon spirit ryu!

And speaking of
winning watch this!

Spirit ryu, attack
his fairy lily now!

With sonic flash attack!

Have you
forgotten, seto?

I can activate lily's
special ability!

By giving up ,
life points I boost
her attack strength!

Kaiba no!

Aw man!

He shoulda seen
dat comin'!

Now kaiba's gonna
lose the duel!

Farewell, mr. Kaiba!

Not so fast!

It's time for spirit
ryu's special ability!

He gains an extra
, attack points

For each dragon
I discard from my
hand--and I have two!

Now I'll only lose
life points

While your lily
destroys my monster!

I don't know what kind
of game you're playing,
mr. Kaiba,

But with only
life points left,

You won't be playing
it much longer.

This duel's almost done!

Why did kaiba let him
destroy that monster?

Maybe da pressure's
gotten to him!

Not quite guys.

I just figured out
kaiba's strategy!

So he meant
to do dat!?



Attack his fairy


I don't have
enough life points to
increase her strength!

My plan worked!

I forced you to give
up , life points
last move...

So you couldn't
power up your fairy
this move!

You see guys, leichter has
to give up his life points
to activate his best cards.

So he needs his
life points to be high!

My move!

First I gain life points
thanks to solemn wishes

Then another three fifty
thanks to life absorbing

Wait, leichter.

Don't forget to pay
out life points

If you want to keep
imperial order
in effect.

I can't afford to
give up that much,
so I'll destroy it!

Nice! Now kaiba can
use his magic cards


Now I understand
kaiba's game plan.

If leichter can't
restore his life points,

Then his whole dueling
strategy goes down
the drain!

Now kaiba may win
this duel after all!

Leichter, how did
you ever think you
could run kaiba corp

If you can't even
control the numbers

In a simple game
of duel monsters?

I'm not done yet!

I summon a monster
in defense mode

Then command my satellite
cannon to attack
your behemoth!

I'm so sorry I had to
ruin your good mood,
mr. Kaiba.

Don't worry.

Not bad.

First I'll activate
my pot of greed card.

This allows me to draw
two more cards!

And then I'll summon
the monster possessed
dark soul!

Now dark soul!

Attack leichter's
facedown monster!

Stop right there!

Reveal dreamsprite!

Attacking this activated
its special power!

It can redirect
your attack to any
of my other monsters!

Just watch, mr. Kaiba!

So I'll transfer
your attack to
my satellite cannon!

Hold on!

Kaiba's monster's not strong
enough to reach that high!

I'm untouchable!

Just one more turn and
my satellite cannon's
attack points

Will be raised to , --

Enough to wipe
out your remaining
life points, mr. Kaiba!

I'll take a life point
boost from my trap card
and end my turn!

That snake!

How come he didn't

You heard him joey.

He's charging up
his cannon!

For one final attack!

I'll take down your
little space cannon!

Good luck!

Most monsters could
never reach that high!

Aw man!

Does kaiba have
a monster strong enough
to crush dat thing?

Wait. There may be
one in his deck...

But who knows if
he can summon it
in time!

It all comes down
to this next draw.

C'mon, seto.

This is it.

And now behold my
ultimate creature!

What is it!?

You'll see!

But first I'll place
this in defense mode!

Now my deck master! Show
your special ability!

At a cost of
of my life points,

Lord of dragons allows
me to summon any dragon
from my hand!

Now I'll sacrifice
both of my monsters!

What do you think
you're doing mr. Kaiba!?

You're about
to find out!

I summon blue-eyes
white dragon!

There's your target!

Go blue eyes!

Take down his
satellite cannon

No! Do you have any idea
what this means!?

I know exactly what
it means leichter!

This duel's over!

I know your
satellite cannon
only has

Attack points
when it's about
to attack.

Otherwise it has
an attack power


That means once
I attack...

You lose everything!

You should have known better
than to challenge me!

Now my blue eyes,
finish him off

With white
lightning attack!

Looks like you won't
be leaving cyber
space anytime soon!

Nice job!

Kaiba wasted that
big five creep!


I was so close
to finally escaping

From this digital dungeon!

Where's mokuba!?

You'll never see your
brother again, mr. Kaiba!

However, I'll be back!

I knew seto would
crush that creep!


How can you
still be on your
brother's side?

He betrayed you to
control kaiba corp!

I would stand by
my brother no matter what!

We're family and nothing's
going to separate us!


I'll show him


I'm coming mokuba!!
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