03x07 - Courtroom Chaos — Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x07 - Courtroom Chaos — Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh is king of games

♪ It's time to duel

♪ Yu-Gi-Oh

[ Noah ]
So much for the Big Five.

I should never have hired
those corporate clowns !

[ Yugi ]
Excellent dueling, Téa.

Th-Thanks, Yugi.

How could they be out-dueled by
these two in a virtual world

where I make all the rules ?

If you want something done right
you have to do it yourself,

so perhaps it's
time for me to step in.

I'll make sure they never
leave this place.

On behalf of myself and
the Big Five,

I want to offer you our
most sincere apologies, Noah.

Johnson, please.

Let me explain... There's nothing to explain.

You five failed me
for the last time.

Now you're all fired.

Just hear me out, sir.

Your slick lawyer talk won't get
you out of this one, Johnson,

so don't
even try it.

So far your partners Gansley
and Crump each suffered

an embarrassing defeat,

so why should I believe
the rest of you won't fail ?

I have no choice,

I must
dispose of you all.

Please, Noah,
don't do it !

We've analyzed our
attack patterns

and we've come up with
a solid dueling strategy

that is guaranteed to bring
us success, sir !

Understand my position.

The Big Five are desperate
to defeat these brats.

It's the only way we
can take over their bodies

and leave the cyber world
behind !

We can't
let them win !

Very well.

I'll give you a chance
to redeem yourselves.

Don't let me down.

You won't be sorry !


Cause if they fail
me again...

He will be
the sorry one.

Their failures are a
reflection of me.

And I can't allow
Yugi and his friends

to make me look like
a failure !

[ Mokuba ]
We have to find
a way out of here !

And as for you,

Your power
will soon be mine !

Kaiba Craft Three,
do you read me ?

Is anyone out there ?

Still can't
get through ?

What's the deal ?


This place was designed to
isolate us from outside contact,

but that won't
stop me !

Let's go, Mokuba.

All right,
you old dudes !

Show yourselves !

Hear me ?

I'll kick your
big business backsides !

I'm tired of waiting for you
suit-wearing, deal-making,

pencil-necked geeks !

Man, where is
everybody ?

I'm sick of dis place !

Cheap walls.

Real cheap walls !

Check it out !

It's' some kinda
door !

Maybe I should
just knock... Nah !

Jackpot, baby !

I found the blimp !

So here we come,
real world !

I bet the g*ng's
already inside !

Anyone here ?

Guess not.

It's like
a ghost town.

The door to Mai's room
is open !

That Marik freak betta be
keeping his distance from her !


Alright my dear, enjoy your trip
to the Shadow Realm !

[ Joey ]
Mai !

Tell me what you
did to her now, Marik !

I'm gonna get your
mind back.

I promise, you'll be
duelin' again in no time !

Mai, you're back !

But how ?

I mean...
you were...

I don't
believe it !

What's up ?

[ Johnson's voice ]
Why you're even less intelligent
than you look, Joseph.

Don't you know
where you are ?

Nothing's real here !

Who are you anyway ?

Tell me now !

I shoulda known
it was one of you !

Johnson's the name.

Attorney-at-law and
former chief legal advisor

for the Kaiba Corporation
at your service, sir.

If you would just
take my card, it's all here.

Save it, sleazeball !Joseph...

Your presence is requested
at the trial of the century

so it's in your best interest
to listen to me.


Did you say the trial
of the century ?

Who's getting sued ?

I'm afraid I'm taking you to
court so I can claim your body.

See, defeating you is my
only means of escape

from this
virtual holding cell

and I've never lost a
case in my life.

Well, there's a first
time for everything,

and there's no way you're
escaping to the real world

in my body, bud !

Is that so ?

You'll change your mind
before too long.

After all, controlling what
people think is what I do best !

Now allow me to state
the reasons why I deserve

the right to take control
of your body and--

No !

Look, I've have
had it with you !

All your talk is making
me dizzy, Johnson !

Then I'm doing
my job, Joseph.

Well, listen to me !

I say talk is cheap !

So put your money
where your mouth is !

Well then, why don't
you take the stand

so we can
begin this trial ?

Enough with the legal
mumbo jumbo, man !

When you dragged us here you
said we were gonna be dueling,

so what's all this stuff about
trials and taking the stand ?

Good question !

To me the game of
Duel Monsters is like a trial.


Hey-- Why's the room
spinning, Johnson ?

I'm taking you to our
dueling site, of course.

And now my friend, justice
can be served.

What's goi''
on here ?

I told you Duel Monsters
is like a trial,

so where better to
duel than in a courtroom ?

And when you lose,

you'll be sentenced
to spend eternity here !

I won't lose, Johnson !

I think you'll
change your tune

once you've had the opportunity
to meet my deck master

so please be seated.

The honorable
Judge Man presiding !

It is an improvement...

But it's not gonna
help you win this duel !

Order !

One more outburst like that
and I'm holding you

in contempt of court !

Is that clear, Joseph ?

This guy's guilty of being
a real pain in the butt !

The accused will now choose his
deck from the card database

so we can begin this duel.


Simply raise your
right hand...

I know !

This case is closed.

I've researched your
duels extensively

and I know exactly what
cards you'll choose, fool.

All right !

Let's do this !

Objection !

Before we begin, you have to
choose a monster from your deck

to serve as your Deck Master.


This shouldn't be
too hard.

Folks, we have a winner !

So... meet my Deck Master
Flame Swordsman !

As long as this guy's
standing next to me, Judge,

there's no way I can
possibly lose this !

You have my word as
your Deck Master

that I will serve you well
and guide you through this duel.

Awesome, he talks !

I assure you we shall
defeat our opponent.

As you know, I will be acting
as my own Deck Master...

So this court
is now in session !

Since we're in my courtroom,
I'll begin this duel.

Watch and learn.

Now, I call Hysteric Angel
to the stand !

She'll make sure you
get the maximum sentence !

That is the most annoying
monster I've ever seen !

She looks just
like you do, Johnson !

Silence !

It's time to call
your first witness.

Yes, your honor !

Here goes !

the Iron Knight !

If you play that card, I
can increase its attack points

by decreasing mine.

Awesome !

Den I summon Gearfried,
the Iron Night !

And thanks to my Deck Master's
special ability,

he gets a power boost !

Gearfried-- Attack
his Hysteric Angel, now,

with Metal Forearm Thrust !

He sh**t, he scores !

Nothing but net !

Prosecute that,
Judge !

He used his Deck Master's
special ability right away.

Not bad.

But this trial
has just begun !

My move...

I'll place this monster facedown
in defense mode and end my turn.

Big deal, pal.

My Deck Master
rocks !

I can keep taking
attack points from him

and adding them to
my monsters.

So what do you say
we try this again, huh ?

Check this out !

I summon Little Winguard
in attack mode !

One more
time, judge !

I'll move
attack points

from my Deck Master
to my Winguard,

and then I'll use it to
attack your facedown card !

It looks like you've
destroyed my Skelengel.

This lets me
draw one card.

You'll need it...
cause you're outta monsters !

Which means, I can
do this now !

Gearfried !

Attack his honor's
life points directly !


Having fun,
Joseph ?

No, I'm having
a terrible time

kicking you around
the courtroom !

Of course
I'm having fun

and this party is just
beginning, Johnson !

Too bad you won't have
anything to celebrate.

Foolish boy.

He doesn't realize
I've let him get ahead.

For it's not the beginning
of the trial that counts,

it's the final verdict !

Come on !

What are you waiting
for, Johnson ?

I just like to watch
the defendant squirm.

Wait until he feels the wrath
of my next move.

I call...

Mystical Elf to the stand
in defense mode !

And then I'll place
one more card facedown.

Any questions ?

[ whistling ]

Enjoy this
while you can.

For when the trial
is over,

you'll be charged
with a lifetime sentence

in this virtual prison !

[ Yugi ]
I'd give anything
for a hot chocolate.

M-me too...

take my coat.

You're a total
lifesaver, Yugi !

Thank you !Sure, no sweat.


You're worried about everyone
else aren't you ?

Yeah, I'm especially worried
about Tristan and Serenity.

They're just beginners
and if they lose a duel

to the Big Five, they're
trapped here.

You're right !

But if I can beat one
of those creeps in a duel,

then so can they !

[ sneeze ]

Gesundheit, Tristan.

Thank you, Serenity !

That's what you get
for swimming in the lake.

Zip it, Duke !

"That's what you get
for swimming in the lake."

Let's just hope they
all found each other

and they're pulling together to
find a way out of this place !

[ sneeze ]

Great-- Now you got
Serenity sick !

Way to go, germ boy !

Oh yeah, Duke,
as if.

You better stay away or you
might catch my evil germs, too !

Oh, you're a riot !

Yeah, those guys always
have each other's back.

I'm sure they're gonna
be just fine !

Of course they are !

[ Mokuba ]
After today...

I never wanna see
a virtual tree again !

It figures...

That punk Noah must
be keeping us trapped here

because he's too terrified to
confront me face to face !

A very interesting theory,

but of course,
you're wrong again...

Check it out, Seto !

Another door !

Should we go ?Mm-hmm.

Let's see where that kid's
leading us now !

What's this ?

We're back at home,
at Kaiba Corp !

It's a virtual
simulation of my office !

[ man ]
This is my office !

What ?

No one disturbs
me here !

I know that.

But I'm sick of waiting
to talk to you

and I have
something important to say !

Seto !

Another virtual scene
from the past !

I know this !

It's the day I was finally
able to work up the courage

to confront our stepfather !

You're here to talk about
your invention, right ?

Look kid, I've
already told you.

It's no good !

Do you have any idea how long
it took me to design

that virtual
video game software ?

You just can't admit that
I invented something

you never could !


This little game of yours
is of no use to me.

Open your eyes !

My software could make this
company billions of dollars !

That's enough,
you little brat !

We don't make children's
toys here !

Kaiba Corp is my company and
we make vehicles for combat,

got that ?

Now listen to me.

If you're going to take over
this company someday,

you'll have to
forget about your games !

I adopted you so you could
learn my family business !

The business
of fighting battles,

defeating your enemies and
rising to ultimate power !

No way, you're insane !

Guards-- Take my
stepson away !

Hey-- Take your
hands off of me !

You can't treat me
like this !

You'll be sorry,
you old fool !

I'll never forget
that day.

Not only did my stepfather

sh**t down my
virtual gaming program...

but to make things worse,
he stole my invention

and passed it
off as his own !

[ Mokuba ]
Seto, we're back in Noah's
virtual forest !

I wouldn't call it
"Noah's forest," Mokuba.

Because whoever helped Noah
create this place

is using the same virtual
technology that our step-father

stole from me !

Even though
it's been enhanced,

the basic program is
the same as mine !

That's true.

And I have a feeling
it's no coincidence.

I just have to remember that
everything we see here

is an illusion.

Because all of these memories
are messing with my head !

Noah-- I don't
know who you are, kid...

But I'll find out !

I know you can
hear everything I say

and no matter what you're after
and who's helping you,

you'll never succeed !


So if you're
so powerful,

why don't you come down here
and face me, you coward !

All in
good time, Seto.

All in good time.

Call your
next witness !

You got it !

Now look out !

Okay, so what's
my plan here ?

He's got one monster on the
field... and one card face down.

So first things first.

I gotta blow
away his monster !

I summon Rocket Warrior !

Pretty impressive arsenal
I got here, right ?

Hey, Johnson !

You got any
last requests ?

Cause I'm about to throw
the book-- and a big Iron Claw--

right at your last monster !

All right, Gearfried...
Time to crush his Mystical Elf !

Now !

Activate Deck
Master Ability !

Aw, man--
That's not good.

It looks like his Deck Master
has special powers, too !

Yet another amateur move
on his part.

I think it's time to show
this kid what the Judge Man

can really do.

Clear the courtroom !

Clear the courtroom ?

What do you mean
by that ?

I'm giving up
, life points

to activate my
special power.

Now you must clear the
field of all your monsters,

so you're back where
you started !

No way--
That's not fair !

Where's my lawyer ?

And I'm not through !

Next you'll lose life points
for each monster

you were forced to
remove from the court !

Oh, come on !

I had three monsters so
that means I lose...

, life points !

That's correct, Joseph !

Great !

Okay, minor problem, but
I've got this under control.

Now let's see...

What do we got here ?

A Bottomless
Trap Hole card !

This baby will let me remove
any monster from the field

with , attack
points or more... sweet !

He's not the only one that
can clear the courtroom !

Your days in this courthouse
are numbered, Johnson !

As soon as I send that
Mystical Elf of yours packing,

I'm going straight for
your life points !

And what evidence do you have
to back that up, may I ask ?

I have this card !

[ Téa ]
Whoa, check it out !

Yugi, look !

It's some kind of
a doorway !

Well, what are
we waiting for ?

Let's go !

I wonder where
it leads !

Who let
in the draft ?

Can it be ?

It's Joey !

Hey, Yugi--
Téa !

Where you been ?

[ Judge Man ]
Order !

Settle down !

This court is still in session,
in case you haven't noticed !

You're on trial ?

I'm dueling one of
the Big Five.

And you're just in time to
see me wipe the courtroom floor

with him !

I believe
it's my move.

So sit down !

You're lucky I
don't have you two ejected

from this courtroom !

This doesn't look
too good.

Joey has no monsters
and it's this guy's turn.

Come on, Joey.

I summon Curtain
of the Dark Ones !

Then I reveal
my facedown card !

Activate Polymerization to fuse
together my Mystical Elf

and my Curtain
of the Dark Ones !

Whatever monster he's creating
will get sucked

right into my
Bottomless Trap Hole !

Meet Kamionwizard !

Aw man !

It's only got ,
attack points !

My trap won't work on any
monsters with less than , !

Next I'll play the card...

Sinister Justice !

This allows my fusion monster
to attack in the same turn

in which it was summoned !

Now, Kamionwizard attack
his life points directly !

[ both ]
Oh no, Joey !

Lucky move,

Joey's in
big trouble !

As long as Sinister Justice
is on the field,

Johnson gets
extra life points

every time he att*cks
Joey's life points

with his Kamionwizard !

How's that again ?

The spiky-headed pipsqueak
is right !

His life points
are going up !

And there's more !

I place this card facedown
to seal your doom !

If it wasn't for that trap card,
I would have won this duel.

Now every time he att*cks me,
he gets stronger and stronger !

You planned this all along
didn't you, Johnson ?

Of course !

But I have far worse
in store for you Joseph !
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