06x24 - So Help Me Hannah/The Maid Cleans Up/C.P.R, I.O.U.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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06x24 - So Help Me Hannah/The Maid Cleans Up/C.P.R, I.O.U.

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪


Where's your father,

He was right behind us.

I don't know.

Maybe we got lucky
and he changed his mind.

Hi, we're the fenley's.


Oh, those taxis.

They're m*rder.

Lilly, here.

I've had smoother rides
on roller coasters.

Dad, that was supposed to be
the cab driver's tip.

Listen, Mr. Big spender,
head of fenley's fine plumbing

for one year and is already
throwing money around

like he was
a Beverly Hills millionaire.

Dad, we're on vacation.

Let's try to have
a good time, okay?

I'd have a much better time
if Mr. Money bags here

was back in Memphis
closing the Channing deal.

Look, will you stop
worrying me about that?

I'm taking care of it.
I'll close it over the phone.

Dwaine works very hard, dad.
He deserves some time off.

Uh, listen, I think
we better go to our cabins.

Okay, let's see.
You're in adjoining cabins.

Apartment and ,
that's --

we know where we are.
We know.

Thank you, we'll find it.
We appreciate it.

Let's go,
Mr. Rockefeller.


Man: Oh, excuse me.
Pardon me. Pardon me.

Uh, excuse us, please.
Coming through.

Coming through. Excuse me.
Excuse us.

Ooh, excuse me.
First time on a ship.

Sorry. Thank you.
Excuse me.

Well, what
a lovely couple.

Is this the new
Mrs. Beryl Smith?

we're just good friends.

You're late,
Mr. Smith.

Uh, yes, sir,
I know that,

but I just came
from my cpr class.

You know, learning
emergency first aid

for heart att*cks
and choking.

That's no excuse.

Actually, that's
a very good excuse.

You're right, sir.

Very easy to learn, and you know
the best thing about it?

It can save a life.


But to save
your professional life,

I suggest you say good-bye
to your girlfriend

and hello
to the passengers.

Right away, sir.

But, you know,
I took this course

because I thought
I might have to use it someday.

And now
that I've had it,

I think he ought to offer it
right here on the ship, sir.

And it so happens
I'm licensed to teach it.

It is a good idea,

The man's a doctor.

I agree with you, Adam.

But I would hate
to break up this cute couple.

All right, gopher.

Organize the class,
then let me know where and when,

and I'll be there.

Come on, dear.


Excuse me.
I'm Gregory king.

I was wondering
if my girlfriend,

Meredith bradshaw,
has checked aboard yet.

Let me check.

No, she hasn't.

Is there any other way
she can come aboard

other than right here?

Well, I suppose she could
position a Cannon on the pier

and sh**t herself aboard.

No, not Meredith.
She hates to fly.


Ooh, sorry.

Excuse me,
has Gregory king boarded yet?

Oh, you just missed him.

I'm surprised you
didn't pass him on the gangway.

Oh, um, there must be
some misunderstanding.

You see,
he and I have never met before.

Aren't you Meredith bradshaw?

No, I'm Dee Dee draper.

Oh, pardon me.

That's okay.

I'm sorry, miss draper.

You're in coral deck,
cabin .


Oh, you might as well cross
Meredith bradshaw off your list.

She's not going to show.

Hi, welcome.

Hello, I'm Jarvis Holden,

and this is my son, Kent.

I believe you have a suite
for us.

Yes, you are in
on the promenade deck.

Do you have a piano aboard,
by any chance?

Yes, we do, it --

forget all
that nonsense, son.

You'll be too busy studying
for your real-estate exam.

But, dad, I --

oh, Kent,
we've discussed all this.

Your future's in business,
not music.

Enjoy your cruise.


Welcome aboard.
I'm captain merrill stubing.

How nice to know you, merrill.
I'm Hannah Harvey.

Have you ever thought
of growing a moustache?

No, why?

You'd be the spitting image
of errol Flynn

when he played the captain
in "mutiny on the bounty."

You know, I don't think

errol Flynn was
in "mutiny on the bounty."


Well, forget
the moustache.

Hi, dad.

Hi. Oh, miss Harvey.


Hannah, I'd like
to have you meet

our cruise director,
Julie McCoy.

How do you do?


And this is
my daughter, Vicki.

Hi, Vicki.

Oh, you dropped
your scarf.

Oh, dear!

Well, would you mind
holding it just a minute?


I'm gonna show you something.
Would you hold that?

Oh, sure.

Uh, would you mind
holding this?

Not at all.

Now, this scarf
does many things.

Would you mind putting
your finger right there?


Thank you.



Voilà! A turban.

I designed these for my boutique
in San Francisco.

Oh, well,
they're terrific.

You know,
I've always been interested

in fashion design,
miss Harvey.

You have? Well, maybe you
could do some designs for me.

We could talk about it
on the trip.

I can hardly wait.

Vicki, I'm sure that miss --
[ Chuckles ]

I'm sure that Hannah
just wants to relax and rest.

Oh, rest!

I can't think of doing that
after reading this all week.

Listen to this.

"Sun-splashed days,
alluring, enchanting nights,

and the ocean
for your playground."

It's irresistible.

Thank you, I wrote that.

You did?

You have a wonderful talent
for advertising copy.

There's a wonderful field
out there.

While I'm on the ship,
let's talk about it.

Oh, yes, ma'am.

Uh, well, I guess I should get
back to my stateroom --

or first to my stateroom.

Nice to see you,



Quite a whirlwind, huh?


I think we've just been hit
by hurricane Hannah.


[ Air horn blows ]

Attention, please.

Phone call for Gregory king.

Paging Mr. Gregory king.


Still no answer
at miss bradshaw's?

Okay, operator,
I'll try again later.

Oh, this is terrible.
Could I borrow your towel?

Normally, I wouldn't be
this upset over a book,

but this was
"m*rder in high heels,"

and I was three pages
from the end.


Now I'll never know
who did it.

Well, you're in luck.

I just finished reading
that book last week.

I can tell you
who m*rder*d Agnes Baldwin

if you're really desperate.

I'm really desperate.

Shoe clerk did it.

Clobbered Agnes
with one of her own gold pumps,

and then he hid the m*rder
w*apon in the display window.

What a great ending.

And what a nice beginning.
Gregory king.

Dee Dee draper.

So, Dee Dee, when you're not
solving crimes of passion,

what do you do
in real life.

I-I go to school

I'm studying
interior decorating.

Well, I hope you never
have to deal with an apartment

as hopeless as mine.

Oh, come on. I'm sure your place
can't be that bad.

Oh, you cannot imagine
the stuff I've got in it.

Let me guess.

Hmm, you look like
the type of man

who would have a wide-screen TV
and a big aquarium

with one of those
little crumbling castles in it.

And maybe an...
An oak roll-top desk.

That's -- that's
exactly what I have.

Who's teaching you decorating,
the amazing Kreskin?

[ Laughs ] No.

You see,
a good interior decorator

should be able to picture

exactly what her client
would like.

Ah. Well, then you should also
be able to picture

the kind of table i'd
like to have at dinner tonight.

One that I can look across
and see you.

Oh. [ Giggles ]

How sweet.


Hi, mates.

Having my cpr class on
the lido deck tomorrow at : .

I expect you all
to be there.

: ? Oh, gopher,
I don't know.

Yeah, can't you
make it a little earlier?

or a lot later.

Wait a minute! I'm trying
to make a schedule here.

I'm gonna speak to doc.

Hi, everybody!

Oh, hi, Hannah.

Julie, have you started working
on your advertising copy?

Not yet, but I will
if you think I should.

Oh, I do. I do.

And, Vicki, are you creating
anything for my boutique?

No, but I'll do my best.

How about
a nice banana daiquiri?

No, I don't like
banana daiquiris.

How about a Margarita.

Coming right up.

Isaac, you have
very artistic hands.

Have you ever tried
to sculpture?

No, but it's
never too late.


[ Whistles ]

The captain.

[ Whistling ]

Oh, merrill, it's
a lovely day, isn't it?

[ Resumes whistling ]

Isaac, what's happening?


What time do we
get to the first port?

That's not until
tomorrow, dad.

The idea of a cruise
is to relax. Look at dwaine.

[ Scoffs ]
If he were any more relaxed,

he'd be unconscious.

He should try tensing up
and working for a change.

Like on
the Channing deal.

Dad, I told you, I'm taking care
of it on the phone.

Why don't I
order us some drinks?

Drinks before sundown?

I never drank
when I was doing business.

Well, maybe
you ought to try it now.

At least then
you'd have an excuse.

What is that
supposed to mean?

I'll tell you what
it's supposed to mean --

okay, you two.

End of round one.
Go to your corners.


A penny
for your thoughts.

Well, I'm afraid
I don't have change.

Then just start talking.

I'll tell you when you've said
a dollar's worth.

I'm Hannah.


Oh, I was, uh, thinking about
business, real estate.

Well, my intuition
tells me

you're not crazy
about either one of them.

No, but that's what
my father wants.

And you?

Well, I...Prefer music --
playing the piano.

So why aren't you
playing the piano?

I know -- your father
doesn't want you to.

I'll bet you this dollar
we can do something about it.

Oh, yeah?

Well, not now,
I'm afraid.

I have to bone up for my
real-estate exam with my father.


That's your father?


Well, so long.

Ye gods!

After all these years

Jarvis Holden.


Oh, hi, Dee Dee.

Oh, hi, Julie.
What do you think of this?




Dee Dee, I don't
want to be too nosy,

but I was just curious
about how you know that Meredith

wasn't gonna show up.
Are you friends of hers?

Well, I wouldn't say
we're friends,

but I do have lunch at her place
every Monday alone.

[ Chuckles ] See, I clean
her apartment once a week.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, what about
Gregory king?

I have lunch at his place
every Thursday.

You clean
his apartment, too?


But he doesn't know
I'm his maid.

You see, the agency
sends me over with a key

when he's away at work.

[ Sighs ]

I think I just
fell for him one day.

I was dusting his picture,
and it was love at first sneeze.

[ Both laugh ]

But to him,
you're just a polished floor,

a blue bathroom bowl, and
the lingering scent of pine.

Yep, and, unfortunately,
he's still in love

with that
two-timing Meredith.

You know, she's off somewhere
right now with another man,

and Gregory
doesn't even have a clue.

Well, how did she
get away with that?

Look, take it
from her maid --

she's good at sweeping things
under the rug.

Mm. Let's go
take a walk on deck.


This is
the ship's detective.

Do you have a woman
in there?

If not...
I have one out here for you.

What's going on here?


i-is it really you?

The very same.

How have you been,

Oh, fine! Fine!

Well, come on in!

Oh, let me
take a look at you.

Oh, Hannah,
it's been a long, long time.

How did you know
where I was?

Your son. I was talking to him
on the deck.


Yes. Oh, he's
such a fine young man, Jarvis.

Is your wife here?

No, I -- I'm a widower.

years now.
And you?

Same status --
over for me.

I-I never thought
I'd ever see you again after...

After I left.

Well, you wanted to get a job
and settle down,

and I wanted to keep going,
follow our dream.

The only regret
I had was giving up you.


Do you still sing?

Once in a while
for my own pleasure.

When I'm trying to help
some young person get started.

You were always
helping someone.

[ Chuckles ]
Oh, helpful Hannah, that's me.

It's really very nice
seeing you again, Jarvis.

You're going to be seeing
a lot more of me.

This time, I won't let you
get away that easily.


Good evening, Jarvis.

Good evening, Hannah.


Hi, Hannah.

I have found a piano
where you can practice.

Hannah, please, Kent's
going to be a businessman.

Don't encourage him
about music.

Well, I wouldn't
dream of it.

The crew lounge.

Well, you know, I just
realized I'm not very hungry.

I think I'll just
wander around the ship.

Somehow, I suspect
your fine hand in this.

Now, you know, I never interfere
with other people's lives.

You look lovely.

Thank you.
So you do.

[ Chuckles ]

Men don't look lovely.

Attractive, maybe,
or intelligent or interesting.

Pick any of the above.
Or all of them.

[ Giggles ]

You know, when my girlfriend
stood me up for this trip,

I thought
I was going to be

spending most of my evenings
alone in my cabin.

Thank you for inspiring me to
put on my dinner jacket.

The pleasure is all mine,
believe me.

Let's order some wine.


What's your preference --
imported or domestic?

I hear domestics
can't be beat.

All righty,
I'll go for the domestic.

I certainly hope so.

Hi, I'm sorry I'm late.

I was trying to
reach old man Channing at home

to close the deal.

That's okay, honey.

Yeah, who cares that i'm
about to pass out from hunger?

You complain
when I'm working,

and you complain
when i'm not working.

Aren't you
ever satisfied?

Yes, I was once.

But since I handed the business
over to you,

I feel like
i'm getting the business.

Well, gopher, you all set
for our cpr class tomorrow?

Yes, sir.

Good job. What time did you
schedule it for?

- : .
- : .
- : .

Perhaps I was a bit hasty
in my congratulations.

Well, actually, sir,
the problem is

we can't seem to find a time
when we can all meet.

I wanted to do it
at : ,

but Julie
couldn't make it then.

That's why we changed it
to : .

No, I said
I couldn't make it at : ,

that's why
we agreed on : .

Well, that's funny,
I thought it was : .

Hold it, hold it.
I'd like to make a suggestion.

: .

Well, that's a little close
to dinner, isn't it?

Not if it's
: in the morning.

[ All shout ]

: in the morning?!

Gopher, this class
was your idea,

and it was
a very good one.

But if that's the only time
we can have it,

that's when we'll have it.

I'll see you all on deck
at : in the morning.


Mm. This is
just what I needed --

my beautiful wife
in my arms,

and my father
out of my hair.

don't be so hard on him.

Ever since your mother died,
he's felt left out

like nobody
needs him anymore.

Just try understanding
him a little.

All right, all right.

He's got to
understand me, too.

I've got a business to run,
and I've gotta do it my way.

I know, but couldn't you
make him feel involved,

listen to his advice

He built the business,
he must know something about it.

[ Sighs ]
All right, I'll try.

[ Giggles ]

You know, Gregory,
there's only one thing

that bothers me
about dancing with you.

Suddenly, I can't remember
ever dancing with anyone else.

I'll get us some champagne,
and we can drink to that.



[ Piano playing ]

Oh, good!

You're all so busy!
I like that. I'm delighted.

Isaac, what are you
going to make?

Well, I'm trying
to sculpt a horse's head,

but I'm not sure
what to do.

It's simple,
you just cut away everything

that doesn't look
like a horse.



[ Sighs ]

Look at all this creativity

Isn't it wonderful?


Ladies and gentlemen,

we will be dropping anchor
soon in puerto vallarta.

We will we staying
just long enough to pick up

a few more passengers, and then
it's off to glorious acapulco.

[ Sighs ] Hello,
I'm Meredith bradshaw.

I missed the ship
in L.A.

I decided to come down and catch
the rest of the cruise.

Well, I'm glad you
could make it, miss bradshaw.

Uh, you are in, uhh...
Aloha .

Thank you.

Can you tell me what room
Gregory king is in?

Yeah, sure.

Uhh...he's right next door
in .

Does he know
you're coming?

No, no, no,
but it won't take long.

He'll know I'm here.


[ Knock at door ]

Come in.

Hi, dad.

Oh, hi, son.
How about a little snack?

I'll call room service.

No, no, no, no, no.
I'm not hungry. Thank you.

I, uh...I just came in
to say good night and to...

Well, to apologize
for the way I've been behaving.

I've been a little bit
on the edge, lately.

Son, I understand.

You're acting
exactly the way I used to

when I had
a big deal cooking.

[ Scoffs ]

Boy, I had business on my mind
hours a day.

I'll never forget,
during our honeymoon,

I took your mother
to see "gone with the wind"

at radio city music hall.

While she was enjoying
the movie,

I was inspecting
the theater's plumbing.

[ Laughs ]

Dad, I want you to know
that we're really glad

that you're with us
on this trip.

So am I.

I don't know
how to tell you this,

but I was saving this as
a surprise to tell you tomorrow.

But I might as well
tell you know.

Old man Channing called,

and they couldn't find you,
so I took it.

Easiest deal I ever made.

, or nothing, I said,
and he jumped at it.

Dad, that is crazy!
I can't possibly do it for that!

I don't understand.
I-I thought you'd be grateful.



The job is gonna cost twice
as much as it did last week.

Now, thanks to you,
I am gonna lose a fortune.


You know, Gregory,

this has been the kind of night
I've always wished for.

Well, just
keep making those wishes.

I sure like what happens
when they come true.



What are you doing here?

Isn't this cozy?

When you found out
I couldn't come on the cruise,

you decided to come anyway,
and you brought your maid.


Don't act so innocent,

You're my maid?

Well...yes, but...

And to think
I recommended her to you.

You better have
some great explanation, Gregory.

Well, while we're
giving out explanations,

maybe you can tell me
why you stood me up.

I didn't stand you up.

Something came up,
I couldn't make it.

I wrote you a note.

Well, I never got a note.

I don't see
how that's possible.

I wrote it out, and I drove it
over to your apartment,

and then
I handed it to your...


[ Sighs ]

It's all
so clear to me now.

She obviously
wanted to break us up

so that
she could have you.

That's why she didn't
give you the note.

Dee Dee?

Why can't anything
ever go right for me?

Gregory, I think
this is one mess

we should straighten
without the maid.


I want to talk to you.

Don't be such
an old grouch, Jarvis.

I'm sorry about finding
that piano for Kent.

Are you really?


He's very talented,
Jarvis, like you were.

And he could struggle
like I did.

Oh, but he'd have
a wonderful time trying.

Seeing him at the piano
reminded me of us

the first time we met.



Gates theatre,
Monday night.

Amateur night.

[ Both chuckle ]

I'll say.
My first time on stage.

[ Laughs ] And there I was,
playing the piano

in that tacky, little
three-piece band in the pit.

[ Laughs ]


You were sensational.

So sensational.

But when I came back
to take the bows,

and those bright lights hit me,
I flipped right into the pit.

And right into my lap.

Do you remember the song?

Oh, I certainly do.

♪ The night is young ♪

♪ the skies are clear ♪

♪ and if you want
to go walking, dear ♪

♪ it's delightful ♪

♪ it's delicious ♪

♪ it's De-lovely ♪

♪ I understand
the reason why ♪

♪ you're sentimental
'cause So am I ♪

♪ it's delightful ♪

♪ it's delicious ♪

♪ it's De-lovely ♪

♪ you can tell
at a glance ♪

♪ what a swell night this is
for romance ♪

♪ you can hear dear
mother nature murmuring low ♪

♪ "let yourself go" ♪

♪ so please be sweet,
my chickadee ♪

♪ and when I walk with you,
say to me ♪

♪ it's delightful ♪

♪ it's delicious ♪

♪ it's delectable ♪

♪ it's delirious ♪

♪ it's dilemma ♪

♪ it's delimit ♪

♪ it's deluxe ♪

♪ it's De-lovely ♪

♪ it's De-lovely ♪

♪ it's De-lovely ♪

♪ it's De end ♪

[ Both laugh ]


Good morning!

Good morning, sir.

Well, I see you're all here.

Let's give our full attention
to this cpr class.

It's very important to know.

All right, gopher, go ahead.
You're in charge.

Thank you, sir.

All right, class, cpr or
cardio pulmonary resuscitation,

is a method for sustaining
heartbeat and breathing

until emergency help
arrives, okay?

When do you use cpr?

Good question.

Heart att*cks, drowning,
or choking

are times
when cpr might be needed.

how do you do it?

I'm gonna show you that
right now.

Doc, if I leave anything out,
just let me know, okay?

You're doing fine, goph.

All right, now since the regular
cpr dummy is on order,

we're going to practice
on old esmerelda, here.

First thing you do when you see
somebody lying unconscious

is to get somebody else
to contact the paramedics.

Then you gently tilt the head
back, listen for breathing.

If there is no breathing,
give four quick breaths.

[ Blowing ]

Then check the pulse
right here.

If there is no pulse,

then you administer the
chest compressions, like so.


I think I should have
checked this victim for leaks.

Uh, class dismissed,
I guess.

Wait a minute, gopher,
you got us up

at : in the morning
for nothing?

Well, I'm sorry,
but here's no dummy.

Yes, there is.


Ladies and gentlemen,
a fabulous breakfast buffet

is now being served
in the coral dining room.

Come join us, won't you?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Clears throat ]

The captain!

Hannah, you're turning my ship
upside down.

Oh, I'm sorry,

I just get carried away.

I'll try to stop.

Please do.

But do you know
that old saying --

"regardless of the circumstances
surrounding him,

man's creativity
will always come to the fore."

Who said that?

Well, I did.

[ Chuckles ]
You're incorrigible.


Oh, ja--
i-i-i w-was expecting you.

Kent has decided
to give up business completely

and concentrate on music.

Well, that's not bad.
He's very young.

He's still young enough
to be impressionable.

Now stay away
from him, Hannah,

or there's no chance of you and
me ever being together.




Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to acapulco,

the Jewel
of the Mexican riviera.

Today, enjoy sightseeing,
lazing on the beach,

or lunching
at a quaint seaside cafe,

then tonight, join
our exciting night-club tour.

You'll love
acapulco after dark.

See you there.

Hi, kids.


You look beautiful
this morning.

Thank you.

Good morning.

Look, son,
I'm sorry I got involved

with your business
last night.

It's okay.
There'll be other deals.

Look, why don't we forget
about the whole thing

and go into acapulco
and have a wonderful time?

How about it, huh?

Fine, but
if I were you, son,

I'd call
and take one more shot

at that Channing deal
before I went.

Yeah, but
you're not me, dad.

Look, the deal is over.

It's my business,
and I'm running the show.

Your business.

Why do you think they
call it fenley's fine plumbing.

They're gonna be calling it
"bankrupt" pretty soon

if you keep sticking your nose
in where it doesn't belong.

You're out of touch.

Out of touch.

How do you like that?

years in the business and now
I'm out of touch.

Dad, look,
all I am asking you to do

is please leave me alone

and let me run the business
the way I know how!

Okay, have it your way!

I came here to apologize,
and I did it.

Now, I'm gonna have fun
in acapulco even if it kills me.

Coming, Lilly?

I'll be right there, dad.

How could you talk
to your father like that?

Whose side
are you one anyway?

After the way
you just treated him,

I'll have to think about it
for a while.

If you want me, I'll be
in acapulco with your father.

[ Knock at door ]

Come in.

That's funny -- I don't recall
requesting maid service.

I want to talk to you
about Gregory.

I don't think
you really love him.

Oh, good lord.

I hope this isn't gonna
turn into one of those scenes

where you plead with me
to release him

to your
more deserving arms.

Well, you don't, do you?

Of course I love him.

What makes you think
I don't?

Well...richard mapes.

So, uh, when
you dust my apartment,

you dust
for fingerprints?

Well, you haven't exactly
been discrete.

There are things
you can hide from your boyfriend

that you can't hide
from your maid.

[ Sighs ] Okay, I admit it,
I go out with Richard.

He's sweet.
He likes to buy me nice things.

We were gonna go
to Aspen this weekend,

but we had
a little argument.

So, you just thought
you'd take advantage

of the rest
of this cruise?

Is there anything wrong
with that?

Yes, you're also
taking advantage of Gregory.

You don't really love him.

He's convenient for you.

So, what?

And if you're thinking of
telling Gregory about Richard,

think again.

Who's gonna
believe a servant

who can't even dust
without stealing messages?


[ Door opens, shuts ]

[ Piano playing chopin ]

[ Playing stops ]

Oh, don't stop.

It's lovely.

[ Playing resumes ]

[ Playing stops ]

Kent, did you know that
your father played the piano --

both classical and jazz?

My dad?

and I sang with him.

I know it's not right
to change the keys on chopin,

but if you could play it
in "a flat,"

I'll show you
how we used to do it.

All right.

[ Playing resumes ]

♪ La, da, da, Dee ♪

♪ la, da, da, Dee ♪

♪ Dee, Dee ♪

♪ la, da, da, Dee ♪

♪ la, da, da, Dee ♪

♪ Dee, Dee ♪

♪ la, da, da, da, da,
Dee, Dee ♪

♪ Dee, Dee, Dee, Dee ♪

[ Playing switches to jazz ]

♪ Dee, Dee,
da, Dee, da-da, Dee ♪

♪ da-Dee, la-da-Dee ♪

♪ da-Dee, la-da-Dee ♪

♪ dit, da-Dee, da-Dee
da, Dee-dit, Dee ♪

♪ da-Dee, da-Dee,
da-deedle, deedle, deedle, ♪

♪ dit, dit, dit, da-deedle ♪

♪ dit, da-deedle,
da-deedle ♪

♪ da, da,
Dee, Dee, Dee ♪

♪ waaay down ♪

♪ upon the river,
the swanee river ♪

♪ waaay down ♪

♪ upon the river,
swanee river ♪

♪ way down ♪

♪ way down ♪

♪ rit, Dee, Dee,
da-deedle, Dee, Dee ♪

♪ da, da, da,
Dee, Dee, Dee ♪

♪ da, deeeeeeee ♪


[ Playing stops ]

Your father.

Is this what you consider
staying away from Kent?

But I thought he
would get a kick out of chopin

the way
we used to do it.

Kent, you're
coming with me.

No, I'm not.


[ Plays somberly ]



Oh, gopher!

you seen doc?!

He's still in town
getting supplies, why?

Well, one of the passengers
is very sick --

Mr. Fenley in room .

Oh, uh,
all right, Vicki,

what you do is
you go and get doc.

Now, he's probably
in the main Plaza.

Go get him, fast!

Mr. Fenley!

Mr. Fenley!

All right,
straighten him out.

Straighten him out and check
to see if he's breathing.

All right.

[ Blowing ]

All right, no pulse, okay.

All right, here we go.

And one, and two, and three,

and four, and five.

I understand you have
a cable for me.

Oh, yes, miss bradshaw.

There you go.

Thank you.


Oh, thank you!
Thank you!

You have made me
the happiest girl on this ship.



[ Monitor beeping ]

Oh, if you'd wanted

to spend the rest
of your vacation in bed,

you just
should have told me.

You sure gave us
a bit of a scare.

I can't believe it --
a heart attack.

I think
somebody somewhere

could be telling you
to take it easy.

Well, he didn't have to
shout, did he?

Dad, listen,
i-I'm sorry about everything.

There's nothing
to be sorry about.

Dwaine, I just want you to know
that I love you.

That's the first time
you've ever said that to me.


But it won't be
the last.


[ Sighs ]
I want you to get some rest.

Yeah, you get some rest.
We'll be outside if you need us.


Mrs. Fenley, I've arranged
to have your husband

taken to acapulco
memorial hospital.

He'll receive
excellent care there.

Thank you, Dr. Bricker,
for everything.

Oh, assistant
purser Smith

is the one
you should be thanking.

If it weren't for his
fast action and his cpr, well...

[ Sighs ]
Thank you, gopher.

Thank you, son.

You're welcome, sir.
I'm glad I could help.

We're very proud
of you, gopher.

Thank you, sir.


[ Knock at door ]

Come in.

Hello, Gregory.

Well, you all ready
for the big night in acapulco?

I'm not going into acapulco
with you.

Why not?

I don't know the best way
to say this,

so I'm just gonna
come out with it.

It's -- it's over
between us.

It's over? Why?

Because another man
has proposed marriage to me,

and I'm going to accept.

[ Knock at door ]

That must be him now.

Now, Gregory, I want you to be
a gentleman about this.

I'm gonna open the door,

and I'm gonna introduce you
as a friend.

I want you to shake his hand,
and then go --

out of my cabin
and out of my life.

Do you understand?

Come in, darling!

[ Voice breaking ] Um,
I'm sorry, Meredith, but...

Darling isn't coming.

What are you
talking about?


I was the one who
wrote that cable from Richard.

I know it was
an awful thing to do,

and I'm really sorry
if I hurt you.

I don't suppose your invitation
to acapulco is still open?

Sure, it is.

[ Sighs ]

But not to you.


Ladies and gentlemen,

we hope you enjoyed your stay
in acapulco.

Now enjoy
a starry Mexican night

as we invite you
to our moonlight dance

on the lido deck.

Dee Dee?

I'm sorry that I was
so rude to you this morning.

It's okay.
I don't blame you.

After what I did, I would have
been rude to me, too.

Why didn't you give me
Meredith's note

telling me she wouldn't
make the cruise?

Um..i...i wanted the chance
to meet you.

And I-I knew that if you
found out Meredith wasn't going,

you would have
canceled your plans.


Little did I know
why she wasn't going.

I only did it
to protect you, Gregory.

Well...that's not
the only reason.

I also did it because...

...well...because I'm --
I'm in love with you.

You are?

Oh, boy.
I'm sorry I fired you now.

But, you know,
if I were still your employer,

the first instruction
I would give you...

Put your arms around me
and kiss me.

Um...maid Dee Dee
reporting for duty, sir.


Hello, Jarvis.

Kent left the ship.


He's going to be
a pianist.

You should be
very proud of yourself.

Jarvis, all he wanted
was a chance at his dream.

Well, you gave him that.

No, I didn't.

I only tried
to help him find it.

Only you
can give it to him.

Kent needs your love
and support.

He doesn't need it
any longer.

Yes, I do.

I thought
you were leaving.

Well, I...
I was, but, uh...

Hannah talked me
out of it.

I told him that his music
is very important.

But right now, his father
is more important.

you stubborn mule.

Go hug him.

I love you, son...
No matter what you choose to do.

That's, uh...
All I ever wanted.

I'll see you
in the cabin.

But what about us, Hannah?
Can we hug?

You're a stubborn man,

I know.
Maybe I can change.

But what about you

and your need to help everyone
on the face of the earth?



I'll never change...

...but I'll take a hug.

[ Both chuckle ]



Oh, Dee Dee,
looks like the maid

really cleaned up
this time, huh?

Thanks for everything,

You know, things
turned out so well,

I'm even making
a job change.

Don't tell me
you're turning in your apron.

Well, not exactly.

From now on, this maid's
going to be strictly live-in.

Oh! Well!


I plan on seeing a lot of you
in San Francisco, Hannah.

Oh, I look forward to that,

Well, dad and I agreed

that I'd be going to
the conservatory of music

during the day
and business school at night.

Well, since you're pursing
business and music,

I'm going to whip up
a combination

of desk and piano
for you.


[ Sighs ]

Hi, guys.


Well, now that
we're all together,

I want Adam to read this cable
from the fenley.


"Dwaine is doing fine.

You'll never know
what Mr. Smith's fast thinking

has meant to us.

He didn't save one life,
he saved three.

God bless you."

Can I keep that?


I think we all owe a debt
of gratitude to purser Smith.

Sir, do you realize
in the six years

that I've worked for you,
I've never made that mistake.

You just called me
purser Smith

instead of
assistant purser Smith.

Gopher, after all this time,
you know I never make a mistake.

You mean...

Congratulations, goph!

-Hey, gopher!
-Right on, man!
-All right.

I don't know what to say.
I'm in shock, I...

Listen, it's just lucky
you guys know cpr.

[ Laughter ]

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