06x19 - Isaac's Aegean Affair/The Captain and the Kid/Poor Rich Man/The Dean and the Flunkee: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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06x19 - Isaac's Aegean Affair/The Captain and the Kid/Poor Rich Man/The Dean and the Flunkee: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪


[ g*nsh*t ]

Burt, you've got to admit,
it was kind of funny.

Those crazy costumes
and those wild accents.

[ Laughs ]

[ Greek accent ]
"Your drachmas or your life."

I guess it was kind of funny.


[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Normal voice ] And to dream up
a stunt like that.

Shows how really desperate
they are.

Don't you think
you could find a way

to give Ralph
another chance?

I might, yeah.
I just might reconsider.


[ g*nsh*t ]

And I just might reconsider
about you, too.

Maybe your good points really
do overshadow your bad ones.


Dean of a university
doesn't have any bad points.


[ g*nsh*t ]



I just went by your cabin.

How come?

I wanted to see
how a hermit lives.

[ Both chuckle ]

You've been avoiding us all day.
We were worried.

What's up?

I've been
a little depressed.

I didn't see any reason
to bother you guys

with my problem.

Well, how about friendship
for a reason?


I miss reesa.

So cupid finally took a shot
at my old friend Isaac.


Man, do those arrows
really hurt.

Why don't you come in inside?

I'll fix you
a Julie McCoy special.

What's that?

It's a real tall club soda
with a healthy shot

of tender loving care.

You know, you make
a pretty good bartender.

Why not?
I learned from the best.



Here comes Dean lockwood.

Are you ready?

Remember, look suicidal.

Stay back.
Don't try to stop me.

are you out of your mind?!

You can't k*ll yourself
over this.

Stay back!

Ralph, please, don't
drink that poison.

Dean, do something.
He's gonna commit su1c1de

'cause he's
not graduating.


Another one of
your amateur theatrics, huh?

No, sir, Dean.
He's really flipped.

That's hemlock and ginger ale
he's got there.

Goodbye, everybody.

Don't let this
spoil your trip.

No, no, no, no!
Stop it!


Look, I'll give you
the exam.


Thank you, sir.

You're a good man,

You sure are!

A very good man.

Here's to you!

Oh. Oh.

I came here to tell you
that I'd give you the exam.


[ Gasping ]

Don't get up, Burrows,
or I'll k*ll you for real.

I still think
you ought to give him the exam.

After that?

It's just another one
of their crazy schemes.

They tried to make
a fool of me.

And you'll never get me
to weaken again -- never!

And that will be my answer, too,
the next time you propose --


Isaac, that's no excuse
for you missing the ship.

Yes, sir.
You're right, sir.

Ms. Marlowe must be
quite a lady.

Yes, sir.
You're right again.

[ Knock on door ]


Oh, if you're busy, sir.

That's all right, Charles.
We were just finishing.

See you, Isaac.

Thank you, sir.

So, Charles...

What can I do for you?

Well, sir,
it's about your daughter.


Vicki and I are in love,

and I'd like your permission
to marry her.

[ Clears throat ]
I see.

Pending my approval, when do
you plan on getting married?

Oh, we don't want
to rush into it.

First I'll take Vicki back
to Cleveland to meet my parents.

Then in a month or so,
we'll have a small wedding.

Not exactly
a long engagement.

So, how do you propose
to support my daughter?

Oh, no problem there, sir.

Right now,
two large computer companies

have offered me ,
a year.

, ?

Is that in dollars?

Well, yes, sir,

but I'm sure I can get
one of them up to $ , .



You're too bright a boy
not to understand

that you and Vicki are too young
to consider marriage.

Romeo and Juliet, the classic
love story of all time.

They were younger.

but I wasn't Juliet's father.

Sir, Cleopatra was a teenager
when she ruled Egypt.

And so was Joan of arc when
she led the armies of France.

If girls
are old enough to do that,

they're old enough
to get married.

Charles, I don't want
my daughter ruling Egypt

or leading the armies of France
or getting married!

I'm sorry, Charles!
That's just the way it is!

[ Knock on door ]


Oh, I couldn't wait.

Isn't it exciting?

[ Sighs ]

Well, it's all right,
isn't it?

I mean, well,
we're very much in love.

I see.

I'll, uh --
I'll tell you what.

I'll give you my answer

after you two have gotten
to know each other better.

Say, four or five years.

Oh, but that
isn't fair!


I'm your father.

I don't have to be fair.



Hi, doc!

Isaac, you know,

i never noticed how much
you and gopher look alike.

Well, it's
a little known fact,

but we're fraternal twins.

Deek, What'll it be?

A little advice
or something with ice?

I'd like a golden Cadillac,

Well, we all have
our dreams, kid.

Mine's a weekend
with Bo Derek.

Gopher, a golden Cadillac
is a drink.

I know that.

Just a little
bartender humor.

Is it true that this ship
has the biggest scorpions

in all
of the mediterranean?

Ma'am, if it does,
I will have an exterminator

down here on the double.

Hey, gopher,
give me a Moscow mule.

And I'll have
a Harvey wallbanger.

Wait a minute,
what is this -- a conspiracy?

Whatever happened
to the good old days

when you college kids
got sick on beer?


What do you mean, your aunt's
not going to be there?

She just called.
She says she has

a very important meeting
in Paris.

I don't understand.

She put you
through college,

and now when you're about to
give your valedictory address,

your crowning achievement,

she'd rather go
to a meeting?

My aunt's a very busy lady,

Too busy
for her only nephew?

I'm sorry, bill.

I'm sure you must feel worse
about this than I do.


Attention, passengers.

In minutes,
we will be arriving

at the island of rhodes,

Greece's largest
and most Cosmopolitan resort.

So get your tour books out
and your cameras loaded.

We know you won't want
to miss a single thing

on this fascinating port.

At first, I couldn't keep
a straight face.

Charles asking
to marry Vicki?


I mean, after all,
she's just a child,

and then I realized both
of them were serious about it.

Maybe you shouldn't have
given them such a definite no.


Forbidden fruit
is always the most tempting.



They might do
something rash.

[ Sighs ]
You're right, Adam.

When a parent says stop,

sometimes the child
wants to go even more.

Reverse psychology.
It has been ever thus.



Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to historic rhodes.

In ancient times,
sailors entering this harbor

were greeted
by the awesome sculpture

known as the colossus
of rhodes,

one of the seven wonders
of the world.

Today, the island's glorious
past is still described

by its striking
gothic architecture,

impressive walled city,

and the magnificent
grand master's tower.

There's a travel agency
just across the way.

I'm sure I won't have
any trouble getting Maria

a plane ticket
back to mykonos.

Maria, when you get back,

please tell bill's aunt i'm
sorry I didn't get to meet her.

I-I will.

I think
she would like you very much.

Well, we do have one thing
in common --

we're both crazy
about bill.

William has always been
her pride and joy.

[ Speaking Greek ]

[ Speaking Greek ]

Hello, constantine.

What are you doing
all the way over here?

Ah, stupid me,
I got caught on the ship.

You want a ride home?

Come on on my boat.

Oh, good.

Hey, Helena!

Is this your famous nephew
you keep talking about?


Guess I said
something wrong.

Wait for you in the boat.

You're bill's aunt?


How could you palm this
wonderful lady off as a maid?

Please, do not judge him
too harshly.

It was my idea.

I knew William told
all his friends I was rich.

Yeah, that's why I
didn't say anything, Caroline.

I was --


Well, that's exactly
how I feel about you.

She doesn't understand.

I think she does.

The question is, do you?


Thanks for everything,

We tried,
but we lost.

Ralph, are you sure you
don't want us to join you?

No, I'd rather drown
my sorrows alone.

Take care, buddy.

[ Slurred ] Hey!

If it isn't
the late Ralph Burrows!

Come here!

I thought
you were dead.

Sit down.

Mr. Burrows...

I'm miserable.

your presence

will make me feel
even more miserable.

[ Wheezing ] Waiter!
[ Clears throat ]

Waiter, two double ouzos.

What will you have?

I cannot believe
this place.

It's like walking
through a history book.

here's where we were.

"The medieval town
of rhodes was built around...

The main harbor was protected

by a strong
and impressive wall."

And it says here
they're converting this

into a burger king.

Earth to Isaac.
Earth to Isaac.

Are you receiving our signals
up there?

Speak English, hmm?

Sorry, goph.

Reesa, isn't it?

I can't get her
out of my mind.

It's no use.

All I want to do
is be with her.

Then why aren't you?

Oh, 'cause I have
a responsibility to the ship

and to the captain.

Aren't you
forgetting someone?


If you're not happy, the rest
of it doesn't mean a thing.



Did anyone ever tell you
sometimes you're pretty smart?




Go check that out.






Hi, guys.


Not exactly
the cha-cha.

No, they call this dance
the sutsta.


The what?


Well, it's
all Greek to me.

You said you wouldn't
say that as long as you
were in Greece!



Charles, listen to this.

In , the grand master's
palace was such a stronghold

that it held off the att*cks
of , invading Turks.

Now over , tourists
visit it every year.

Boy, that's a lot
of houseguests.

And there are rooms
in the palace.


You know, Vicki,
someday you and I

will have
a place like this.

Well, great.

Then if my dad
ever comes to visit,

he'll have a place
to park his boat.


Vicki! Charles!

I've been looking
for you.

Oh, but I didn't think
he'd be visiting so soon.

He probably wants to throw me
in the dungeon.

Oh, come on.




Now, look.

I know I don't have
any authority on land,

but I declare a truce.

When you told me
you wanted to get married,

I guess I just
overreacted a bit.

My first thoughts were,
"will my little girl

be able
to finish her education?

Where will they live?

Will Charles be able to handle
a new job and a new wife?

And are they ready
to cope with children?"

And in a more rational moment,
I realized how wrong I was...

That kids are more mature
and self-sufficient these days.

So if you both think
you can handle it,

you have my blessing.

Have fun.


You know
what reverse psychology is?

Sort of.

Parents are always trying it,
but it hasn't worked yet.


♪ we'll always be true
to thee ♪

♪ we'll always be true
to thee ♪

♪ dear old gilmore ♪

[ Chuckles ]


Inflexible? Me?


You know what I'm gonna do
for you?

I'll show her.

I'm gonna give you
that makeup exam right now.

An oral exam.

[ Slurred ]
That's a mighty fine idea.

The ming dynasty.

Great bunch of guys.

No, no, no.

When did it start?

And when did it end?

It ended?


Now...the phoenicians.

The phoenicians.

Famous for their blinds.

Also correct.

Now...the biggie.

What famous Egyptian queen

was restored to her throne
by Julius Caesar?

Uh, Elizabeth Taylor?

That's close enough.

You've passed.

Mr. Burrows has passed!

[ Cheers and applause ]


As we bid kalnixta to rhodes,
the next stop on our island hop

is the legendary port
of lindos.

Marriage, Isaac?


Yes, sir.

I'm gonna ask reesa
first chance I get.

That's wonderful.

Thank you, sir.

But there's something
I think you should know --

I plan to leave the ship.


Well, just because
you're getting married

doesn't mean you have to quit.

Believe me, sir,

I've given this
a lot of thought.

What kind of life
could we have together

if I was away on a ship
all the time?

I guess I should know the answer
to that from my own marriage.

Isaac, you really sure
that this is what you want?

I've never been more surer
of anything in my life.

Well...when do you want
to leave?

Well, I was hoping to leave
when we got to lindos,

but I can stay on the ship
and finish the cruise.

No, Isaac, no.
We'll manage.

The important thing right now

is that you and reesa
be together.

I really don't know
how to thank you, sir.

Just don't tell gopher
there's an opening at the bar.

Kalimeéra, everyone.

Welcome to lindos.

This lovely -mile stretch

of antiquity is famed
for its splendid acropolis,

crowned by the temple
of Athena,

which dates back to the days
of Alexander the great.

We're sure your memories
of lindos

will also stand
the test of time.

Once again,
donkeys are available

to take you
on a journey through time

from the charming village below

up to the enchanting ruins
of an ancient world.

When am I going to learn
that I can't drink?

Priscilla, wait.

Let me ride with you.

No, thanks.

I'm already riding
with one stubborn mule.

[ Donkey braying ]

Isn't this gorgeous?



You've got
to talk to me.

We've always been able
to settle our differences.

Not this kind.

Oh, come on, Caroline.
I've been calling, calling.

All I get are hang-ups.

Bill, the hang-ups you've got
didn't come from me.


I want to thank you guys for
a really great bachelor party.

I had a great time.

Yeah, it was good.

Yeah, it was good.

it was fun.

[ Sighs ]

You know,
it'll probably be a long time

before we see
each other again.

Yeah, probably.

I guess
it'll be awhile.

I guess you're right.

You know,
I got to get on that boat

and go to mykonos
in a few minutes.

And I was thinking we could
probably do one of two things.

We could either sit here
and cry in our Greek coffees,

or we could do
what the Greeks do.

Forget it. I'm not
breaking any more plates.

No, that's not
what I meant.

I'm talking about dancing.


You mean
Greek dancing?


Unless that bazooka player knows
how to play some Stevie wonder.

Come on, what do you know
about Greek dancing?

Well, I know that the guy
on the end leads,

and I'm the guy on the end,
so come on.

Follow me, gopher.

Come on!

[ Sighs ]
All right, okay.

All right, now you remember?

Yeah, okay.


I'm fine with it.

All right.


Yeah. Hey.

Hey, doc,
come on!


Ah, come on, doc!

No, I'm not gonna do it
unless merrill does.

Oh, no, no, no, not me.

[ Laughs ]
I'd feel silly.

Ah, come on, sir.

You want me to remember you
as merrill the meek

or zorba the Greek?

[ Laughs ]

Let's go for it.





Isaac, I'm so glad
I saw you before you left.



Thank you.

Listen, I don't know
what to say except...

Well, I love you all.




I got to go.
I got to go.

So long.

So long, Isaac.

I'll see you.

Good luck.


I'm gonna miss you.

[ Engine turns over ]

Sorry Vicki's
not here.

Yeah, she'll be upset

that she didn't get
to say goodbye to Isaac.

Where is Vicki, anyway?
Off with Charles somewhere?

Uh, yeah.

They were practically
the first ones off the ship.

Said something
about a wedding.

A wedding?


Thanks a lot, Sigmund Freud.


[ Officiant chanting in Greek ]

[ Bell ringing ]

[ Chanting continues ]


Stop the wedding!


I'm terribly sorry.

My mistake.

Wrong wedding.


Beautiful ceremony,
isn't it?

[ Chanting continues ]

Ladies and gentlemen,
we are now entering pireaus,

the port of historic Athens,
the birthplace of democracy.

has been arranged

for your tours of the city.

Don't miss the acropolis
and the theatre of dionysus,

and the national archaeological
museum is a definite must.

Also, we're pleased to announce
that at : this morning,

graduation ceremonies for
gilmore college will be held

on top of filopappos hill

across from
the world-famous acropolis.


Aunt Helena?
I can't believe it.

Why did you come?

When you have watered a flower,
you want to see it bloom.

Even after the way
bill has treated you?

Just because
someone hurts you,

it does not mean
you stop caring.

Well, I don't know
if that's good or bad.

It is neither.

It is love.

[ Chuckles ]

Excuse me.

What are you doing
in a cap and gown?

Don't you remember?

You gave me an oral exam
and passed me.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Remember at the tavern
in rhodes?

We were both wasted,
and you said --


You can't hold me
to that here.

But I've studied.
I know the subject cold.

Helen of Troy, married to
menelaus, carried off by Paris.

Ignited the trojan w*r.
Lasted years.

Charles, please.

The magnificent Parthenon
right there

began construction

finished b.C.

Great peloponnesian w*r,
to b.C.

The minoan
and mycenaean ages --

this is not the time!

Then give me an exam
after graduation,

and if I don't pass, I swear,
I'll tear up my diploma myself.

All right!
All right!

It's against my better judgment,
but all right.

Go on in there
and graduate.


[ Elgar's "pomp and
circumstance" plays ]

It's my pleasure now

to introduce the outstanding
scholar of our graduating class,

our valedictorian,
Mr. William Watkins.

[ Applause ]

Dean lockwood,
members of the faculty,

fellow students,
and honored guests...

I'm not gonna give
the speech I prepared

about my education at gilmore.

Instead, I'm gonna talk
about the education

I've had since I wrote it.

Most of us are here today

because our families
unselfishly deprived themselves

in order for us
to realize our goals and dreams.

Until now, this kind
of love and sacrifice

is something I, for one,
always took for granted.

I never took the silver spoon
out of my mouth

long enough to say thanks.

And so, as I stand here today,
I want to express my gratitude

to all those who gave us this
wonderful gift of education,

and also my hope that we'll
prove worthy of this gift

by using it unselfishly
to make the world richer

for the people we love.

Thank you.

[ Applause ]

And now, on this ancient hill

where socrates
once stood with his students,

graduates of gilmore college,
we salute you!

[ Cheers and applause ]


Burt, I'm so proud
of you.

Oh, what for?

For having an open mind
about passing Ralph.


I just want you to know,

you just passed
my test, too.

I did?

And if I've discouraged you,

I think I'd better
do the proposing.

Will you marry me?

[ Applause ]


Aunt Helena, Caroline.

Forgive me?

Oh, William.

Thank you, bill...

For making me remember
why I love you.

Aunt Helena,
when we get home,

I'm gonna send you a plane
ticket to come to our wedding.

You'll come, won't you?

I would not miss it
for anything.

I am so proud of you.

I'm proud of you, too.

Now that
I'm a college graduate,

when do you want
to get married?

Well, not before fall.

I'm planning to go to camp
this summer.

My uncle invited me up to
his summer place in Minnesota.

Charles, do you realize
what we just said?

I mean, do mature people
think about summer vacations

before they get married?

I consider myself mature,

but you've just pointed out
a very significant aberration

in my character.

Maybe we should wait

Maybe we should.

But we can't lose
each other.

We have to stay in touch.

We sure do.

[ Clears throat ]

Oh, daddy!

We have some news that ought
to make you very happy.

Yes, we've decided to wait
awhile before we get married.

Several years
from now...

When we're ready
for it.

Well, I think
that's a very wise decision.

I just want you two
to promise me something.

What's that?

That you'll never tell
another soul about the madman

who tried to break up
that wedding.

[ Chuckles ]

I promise.

[ Laughs ]
Come on, let's go see Athens.


Man: Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to mykonos.

It's sunny and degrees.

Have a pleasant day
and fly with us again soon.

Man: Come in.


Uh, excuse me.

I'm looking
for reesa marlowe.

Oh, she's not here
right now.

Who should I say
stopped by?

I'm Isaac Washington.
Who are you?

I'm her husband, Robert.

Won't you sit down, Isaac?

How long have you been
in mykonos?

Since yesterday afternoon.

Listen, Isaac...

My wife and I have been apart
for almost six months now.

And I don't know what's been
going on in her life

during that time, but I want you
to know something.

I love reesa very much.

That's why I've been
going through

this drug-rehabilitation

and I don't mind
telling you,

it's like going through
a living hell.

The only thing that helped me
get through it was the thought

that I might be able to get
my family back together again.


Hey, Timmy.
Nap time over?

Come give dad a hug,

Come on. Whoa!
[ Laughs ]

I love you, dad.

I love you, too.

I love you, too.

Say hello to Isaac.


Hi, son.

Shake hands with him.

Hi, Tim.

He's still sleepy.

Well, listen,
I got to be going.

No, no, listen.
Why don't you stay?

Reesa will be back.

No, no, that's okay.

We didn't know each other
that well, anyway,

and I, uh...

Good luck, Robert.

Here, Timmy.

Say thank you.

Thank you.

Those are for you
to give to your mommy.

[ Door closes ]




You've been to the house,
haven't you?

I don't know what to say.

You don't have
to say anything.

Yes, I do.

I love you, Isaac.

But I'm so confused.

Robert came back yesterday.

Timmy's so happy.

My heart
is telling me one thing,

but my head is spinning,

and I've been thinking
and thinking

and trying to decide
what to do.

It's okay.

Before you make
any kind of decision,

maybe you should hear
what I have to say first.

I've been doing
a lot of thinking,


I don't think
we're right for each other.

That's what I came back
to tell you.

I love you, reesa.


I don't think it would be fair
to either of us.

I love the sea too much to
give up my career on the ship.

You know whenever I see
all those ships,

I'll be wondering where you are
and what you're doing.

Goodbye, Isaac.

[ Sobs ]

I love you.


Thank you, miss.

Well, you all ready
to go home?


Greece is the most
beautiful place I've ever seen.

I hate to leave.

Me too.

I don't want
to leave, either.

It doesn't feel right
going home without Isaac.

Well, your friend's ears
should be burning.

Here he comes.



What are you
doing here?

It's a long story, goph.

What about reesa?

You said you loved her.

I do, sir...

Enough to let her go.

Well, now that you're back,
I don't mind telling you

that we were not very happy
about losing you.

You make
a wonderful friend.

Why not?

I learned from the best.

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