06x18 - Isaac's Aegean Affair/The Captain and the Kid/Poor Rich Man/The Dean and the Flunkee: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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06x18 - Isaac's Aegean Affair/The Captain and the Kid/Poor Rich Man/The Dean and the Flunkee: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪


[ Indistinct conversation ]

Oh, hi!

Hi. Hi.

Hi, doc.

You know, I cannot believe
we're going to Greece.

It's the one place I've wanted
to go my whole life!

That's 'cause you haven't
been around long enough

to want to go
to two places.

[ Laughter ]

Just think --
Athens, mykonos,

santorini, rhodes.

All those Greek islands,

I can't wait to see
what they're like.



[ Both chanting ]

[ Chanting rapidly ]

Cancel my ticket!

Where did you get
those outfits?

From storage.

Yeah, remember
"zorba the Greek" night?

Oh, one of my biggest mistakes
at the time.

Obviously, it still is.

Captain kostopoulos,
I can't tell you

how excited I am
about this exchange program

that the cruise line
has set up.

Our ship in Greece,
the Stella solaris,

is a magnificent one,
captain stubing.

I think you will
like her very much.

I'm sure I will,
if we don't miss our plane.

-Well, is everybody ready?
-Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Gopher, Isaac,
are you going

to a costume party
on the way to the airport?

No, sir.

Then why aren't you dressed

Well, sir, I thought
since we're going to Greece,

we should dress
like Greeks.

[ Laughs ]

Forgive me, but if you're going
to Greece dressed like that,

people will think
you very strange.

People will think that
no matter how they're dressed.


Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen.

This is your pilot speaking.

We're now
in our final approach

to Athens
international airport.

And so in the language
of the country,

we say [ speaking Greek ]
Welcome to Greece.


Vicki: Dad, look!

Isn't it spectacular?

A modern city
built around ancient ruins.

Judy: There's the acropolis
and the fabulous Parthenon.

And there's the temple of Zeus.

Doc: You guys can check out
the ruins.

I'm heading
for the modern beauties

at the astir palace hotel.

Isaac: To each his own.

I know the first place
I'm heading

with my camera --
the flea market!

Flight ,
Los Angeles to Athens,

is now arriving.

Passengers will be deplaning

at gate b,
international terminal.


Thank you.

Sir, isn't gilmore
where you went to school?

It's my Alma mater,
all right.

No kidding!

What a coincidence
that your old college

would be here
on the ship.

It's not a coincidence
at all.

You see, there was a big fire
on the gilmore campus,

and there was no place
to have the graduation,

so when the board of alumni
had a meeting,

I suggested
that they raise some money

and have the ceremony
here in Greece.


Wow. They paid for a cruise
for the whole class?

they were very generous.

After all, gilmore
is not one of the big .

You know,
when I graduated,

there were students
in the class.

Yeah, when you were there,
Plato was one of 'em.

Oh, gopher. Um...

[ Chuckles ]

Something I can do for you,

Yes, sir, captain.

First, you could start
by not calling me son

'cause after graduation
next week,

you and I
will be fellow alumni.

I'm Charles Davidson.

Well, it's a pleasure
to meet you, Charles.

This is my daughter, Vicki.

Oh, hi.

I hope you don't mind my asking,
but how old are you?

Chronologically, .

You're a year older
than I am,

and you're graduating
from college?

You must be a genius.

Well, if you believe in iqs,
that's what I'm considered.

I've been looking
for my classmates.

Have either of you
seen them?

Well, Charles, we won't be
sailing for a couple of hours,

so I think most
of them are probably

still sightseeing
in Athens.

Thank you.

I've been reading
this guidebook,

and believe me, you guys
are in for a real treat.

Okay, here we are in pireaus,
the port of Athens.

You'll be having
your graduation ceremonies

on filopappos hill
in Athens,

which is just across
from the acropolis.

Now, the first stop
on a Greek island cruise

is mykonos
with its gorgeous beaches

and exciting night life.

Then we sail to santorini,
and you won't believe it.

Everything on this island
is built on cliffs.

And if you didn't believe

you certainly
won't believe rhodes,

the walled city
built by the crusaders.

Then we hit lindos.

It's a famous
archaeological site,

so I'm sure
you're really gonna "dig" it.

[ All groan ]

Oh, man.

Look, it's an old country.
You get old jokes.

[ Laughter ]

Woman: I can't wait
to see mykonos.

Woman # : Me, too.

Man: I can't wait
to see santorini.

Oh, this looks great.

what are you doing here?

I thought
you weren't graduating.

Yeah, I know, but I just
have to try to get Dean lockwood

to give me another chance.

I wish you luck.

Yeah, I'm gonna need it.

We can't all be as fortunate as
your golden boy valedictorian.


You never were
the jealous type.

Jealous? [ Chuckles ]

Just because bill's got you

and a Greek shipping tycoon
for an aunt.

Oh, well.
Such is life.

Hey, where's deek and Lou?
They can help me with the Dean.

I think they went into town
to see the flea market.

Uh, where's that?

Look, I'm meeting bill
at the astir palace hotel.

I'll drop you.

Did I hear you say
astir palace hotel?

-You got room for one more?

Sure. We'll leave
just as soon as I change.


After you?


So, this guy kept yelling,
"call me a doctor!

Call me a doctor!"
I said, "are you sick?"

He said, "no, I just
graduated from medical school."

[ Laughs ]

I guess it's funny
if you understand English.

No, it isn't.

It's very nice.

I like it.

It has a touch of class.

How can you be so blasé?

This is gorgeous.

Caroline, if you're gonna be
a member of my family,

you have to get used
to being around wealth.

Upper class people
act differently from others.

[ Chuckles ]
I love you.

But sometimes,
you're such a snob.

A snob?

I'm sure my aunt
won't think so

when she sees
I'm engaged to a peasant.

I wish you hadn't
brought that up.

I'm still nervous
about meeting her.

Yeah, to tell you the truth,
So am I.

it's my first time, too.

At least you've written
to each other.

She'll love you.

You think so?


I have a feeling
it runs in the family.


Oh, wow!
Look at that!

Hey, here comes Ralph
just now.

Man: Hey, Ralph!

All right.

What's going on?

What are you doing
here in Greece?

Well, I flew over
to get my diploma.

I'm gonna ask the Dean for
a makeup examination this week.

What have you been smoking?
You know Dean lockwood.

He doesn't give makeup exams.

Hey, guys. If I don't graduate,
I'm gonna be ancient history.

The law school
that I got accepted to

won't let me in
without that sheepskin.

Parents spent every last nickel
I had to get here.

Old lockwood's just
got to give me that exam.

Ralph, does he look
like the kind of guy

who'd change his mind?

Oh, guys.
You got to give me some help.

There's got to be a way
we can get to him.

This calls for a conference
and several drinks,

and not necessarily
in that order.

Oh! I'm like a kid
in a candy store in these shops.

I'm sorry
I made you wait so long.

No, no, no.
Not at -- not at all.

It gave me time
to buy you a little present.


the -- the goddess
of love and marriage.

Put it under your pillow.
The message may come true.

Burton, you're not leading up
to another proposal, are you?

No. No, no.
No, no.

I'm saving that
for a moonlit night at sea.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, look at these!

Excuse me,
but I believe I saw this first.

[ Chuckles ]

I hate to argue
with a pretty woman,

but I'm sure
I saw this first.

Uh, how much is this?
[ Speaks Greek ]

[ Chuckles ] That's all right.
I speak English.

A beautiful vase,
and the only one I have.

drachmas, $ .

I'll give you
drachmas for it.
What do you say?

Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Hold on.
Just a second, okay?

I'll give you drachmas.

I'll give you drachmas.
Take it or leave it.

Leave it.
I'll give you , .

, drachmas?
That's $ .


Thank you very much.

It's all yours.

Don't feel so bad.

Maybe I'll give you my address,
and you can come

and visit it
every now and then.

Thanks, sport, but I think
I'll just buy one of my own.


Do you know
where I can get a good deal

on some swampland?

[ Laughs ]

I'm Isaac Washington.

Reesa marlowe.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Oh, why don't we
go have a drink?

And I'll teach you everything
I know about haggling.

Oh, I don't think I can afford
that kind of knowledge.

Besides, I'm taking a cruise
to mykonos today.

you better be careful.

I hear you can meet a lot
of dangerous characters

on those cruises.


That's the same thing
I heard about flea markets.


Good morning.

May I help you,

Oh, yes,
I'm reesa marlowe,

and I'm looking for cabin
on the emerald deck.

I'll take you there.

But it will cost you
at least , drachmas.

I think I just met
my first dangerous character.

Oh, I'm not dangerous.

I'm deadly.

[ Air horn blows ]


Gilmore, gilmore, here we go!

Yay, gilmore!

Attention, passengers.

We are now leaving pireaus,
the port of Athens.

The first stop
on our Greek island odyssey

will be the glamorous resort
of mykonos,

the closest place
on earth to paradise.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Well, having fun, Charles?

Not really.

Can I treat you
to a Shirley temple?

I'm not that young.

I take my ginger ale
straight up.

I like a woman
who lives in the fast Lane.

You know, I kind of
feel sorry for Charles.

He's so much younger
than everybody else.

I guess it's not easy
being a genius.

Oh, I don't know, Julie.

I manage.

Priscilla, did you know
that there are over churches

on the island of mykonos
where one can get married?


I always thought it took two
to get married.

That's what I've been
trying to tell you.

[ Clears throat ]

Exc-- uh, excuse me,
Dean -- Dean lockwood?


Well, what are you doing
on a graduation cruise?

I flew all the way
over to Greece

to ask you for a makeup exam.

Forget it!

I don't give makeup exams.

-Yeah, but I --
-I've invoked certain rules.

I don't intend
to change them.

But I've been boning up
on ancient history,

and I know the subject

Good. Maybe next time you go
to college, you'll graduate.


Well, so much for
the straightforward approach.

Ah, so what if we struck out
this time around.

There's nothing I like more
than a challenge.

[ Sighs ]

Well, almost nothing.

Here you go.


Hi, Isaac.


How about refilling
my champagne glass?

What would you like?

Champagne would be nice.

Oh. [ Chuckles ]

-Good idea.
-[ Chuckles ]

You know, I'm really glad
you're sailing with us, reesa.


Well, because there's nothing
like a nice, long cruise

to get to know someone.


It's too bad
this one's so short.

For me, anyhow.

I'm getting off at mykonos.
I rented a little house there.

Why would you want
to move all the way to mykonos?

A little distraction,
that's all.

Well, I'm getting off work
in a few hours,

and if you'd like,

I'd be very happy
to distract you.

Sounds real good to me.

You have something special
in mind?


Only I don't know
just yet what it is.

[ Laughs ]

Ladies and gentlemen,
we are now passing

the beautiful Greek island
of delos.

In Greek mythology,
delos is said

to be the birthplace of Apollo,
god of the sun,

so you know you can be sure
of another beautiful day.

What do you think of this?

"As your class valedictorian,
I found

that reaching the pinnacle
of success and recognition

is possible
through diligent efforts

to develop one's own
personal talents and skills."

Kind of stuffy, isn't it?

No, I don't think
it's stuffy.

I'm the valedictorian,
not the class clown.

Too bad.
You'd make such a cute clown.

What do you think
your aunt Helena's like?

I don't know.

All I know is,
she's in the fishing business,

owns a fleet of ships,
must be worth millions.

If I may say so, wow.


That's why, when she insisted
on putting me through college,

I didn't object.

She's given me the best
of everything.

Bill, I don't think
I should go

with you tomorrow
when you meet her.

Why not?

Well, after all
she has done for you,

I think it's only right you
two have some time together.

I don't think I'd know

how to act
around all that money.

All right,
but I'm the logical heir.

Some day,
when we get married,

you're gonna have to learn
to live with it.

I'll force myself.

You're kind of cute
for a peasant.


what is so interesting?

Shh! Quiet.
Brains at work.

I think I just came up
with the right prescription

for Ralph's makeup exam.

Hi, guys.

Professor's attractive,
isn't she, doctor?

Oh-ho, they didn't make
professors like that

when I went to college.

Tell me,
are she and the Dean an item?

Oh, they're planning --


Strictly platonic.
Nothing between them.

And you know something,

Personally, I think she's been
cloistered too long

within our hallowed halls
of Ivy.

Very poetic.

I'd say she's one hot fox

that's ready to be hunted.

Not poetic,
but very interesting.

Believe me,
if the right man

were to ask to show her
around mykonos tomorrow,

have a few belts with her

at that romantic little
venice tavern I heard about,

who knows what might happen?

Tell me, what was your major
in college,



So, tell me more
about yourself.

What else would
you like to know?


Yeah, your birthday,
what high school you went to.

Your favorite ice cream,
your shoe size.

Okay, okay,
but one thing at a time.

Forget it.

All I need to know

is that you're a beautiful,
single woman

on her way to mykonos
who I just love being near.

That's very sweet,

but it's not quite accurate,
I'm afraid.

I'm not single.


My husband and I
are separated.

The divorce
will be final soon.

These last few months
have been pretty rough.

That's why I wanted
to get away.

I'm sorry.

Ain't nothing for you
to be sorry about.

My new life is off
to a wonderful start.

You know,
ever since I can remember,

I've had this romantic dream
about living on a Greek island.

I know what you mean.

I have this romantic dream
of my own.

Oh? What's that?



This is happening too fast.

I think maybe we ought
to call it a night.

Okay. Sure.

I'll see you tomorrow,


Welcome to fabulous mykonos,

the Jewel
of the aegean islands.

With its exotic landscapes

and brilliant bay
studded with yachts,

mykonos earned its reputation

as an international

As we head into the bay,

notice how white
the hillsides appear.

Every house in mykonos
is whitewashed twice a year.

While we're in port,
you may want to explore

the graceful countryside dotted
with countless little chapels

and quaint, old windmills.

We're sure you'll enjoy this
dazzling mediterranean port.


[ Bird squawks ]

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Now, Burrows,
if this has anything

to do
with that makeup exam...

Oh, I'm -- I'm not concerned
with that now, sir.

This is something I think
you should see for yourself.

Your fiancée
and Dr. Bricker.


She's not exactly
my fiancée,

but, uh,
this is very disturbing.

It's for you.
Isn't that nice?

[ Applause ]

[ Slow music plays ]

[ Speaks in Greek ]

[ Speaks in Greek ]

Champagne, on the house.

Why are we getting
the special treatment?

[ Cork pops ]

Could be that word of my charm
and lovable nature

have preceded me.

She said she had
an engagement,

but I-I never suspected
it would be with another man.

Look at him,

plying her with romantic music
and champagne.

[ Laughs ] Well, he's not gonna
get away with this!

No, stay out of this!
Don't make a scene!

You, stop, out!

[ Music stops ]

Dr. Bricker, I'll thank you
to leave and leave quietly.

This lady
belongs to Dean lockwood.

what's wrong with you?

I don't belong to anyone.

Does he have
a drinking problem,

or have they brought back
"candid camera"?

And there'll be no plying
her with champagne, either!

Oh, fellas, that's --

Let that be a lesson to you.

I don't understand.

[ Waiter speaks in Greek ]

[ Speaks in Greek ]

Well, Dean, I took care
of that Casanova for you.

I can't say
that I approve of your tactics,

but [chuckles]

I never saw champagne
put to a better use.

Thank you, Burrows.
Thank you.

If you really want
to thank me, Dean,

you could give me
that makeup exam.

Oh, Burrows, one thing has
nothing to do with the other.

Now you tell me.

[ Wind whistling ]

I did the best shopping.

I got this sweater
for myself.


But this one's for Vicki.

Won't she look pretty?


You think you got a deal?

This was drachma.
Do you believe that?


Wow. Bill.

Bill, you look like you're lost.

Yeah, I know I'm in the wrong

but one of the local people
directed me up here.


This is the address
of my aunt's villa.

Would either of you
know where it is?

Well, gosh, this really
isn't my neck of the woods,

but -- oh, look,
there's a woman over there.

I bet she could tell you.

Yeah, okay, thanks.


Good luck!


Anyway, so, yeah.

I found a million things.

Pardon me, madam,
do you speak English?

Yes, I speak English.

Could you tell me
where this address is?


It is me.

Your aunt Helena.

Oh, I am so happy
to see you.

Oh, come in, come in.

We have so much
to talk about.

You live here
in a windmill?

Yes, I do.

But you told me
you own a fleet of ships.

[ Chuckling ] Oh.
Not ships, boats!

Fishing boats.


There are of my .

The golden fleece
is out catching fish.

Now, you come.
Come sit down.

I have prepared some of
my morning catch for you, love.



You know,
after last night,

I wasn't sure
I'd be seeing you again.


All I said was,
it was happening too fast,

not that it
shouldn't happen at all.


I couldn't find anyone else

to help me carry
my suitcase.

Any time.

Is this one mine?
[ Gasps ]

Oh, Isaac,
it's just the way I pictured it.

Thank you.

[ Speaks in Greek ]

[ Gasps ]
Oh, Isaac.

Isaac, I don't believe
this place is really mine.

-[ Chuckles ]
-I don't believe it!

[ Gasps ] Ooh,
look at this dining room.

And these floors.
Oh, isn't this wonderful?

on a scale of to ,

I'd give it a solid .

It even has its own terrace.

Do you have a nice view?


I have an absolutely
gorgeous view.

[ Laughs ]
Oh, look, the ship!

We're practically neighbors.


So when I need to borrow
a cup of sugar,

I can just swim on by.

-[ Laughs ]



You do not like
your aunt Helena's cooking?

Oh, no, the food is delicious,

But something
is bothering you, no?

It's just that I thought
you were rich.

I thought you had a fleet
of ships, a villa, servants.

But William, I never
wrote that in my letters.

Yeah, I know,
but what was I supposed to think

after all the money you sent me
for my education and everything?

What do I need money for?

I have everything here.

But to have a nephew
who graduated from college,

and the number one in his class,
that is very special.

And when is
the graduation ceremony?

They haven't informed me yet.
I'll let you know.

[ Speaks in Greek ]

Wild horses
could not keep me away.

Oh, William.

[ Chuckles ]


[ Birds chirping ]

Isaac, I hope
all of my days in mykonos

are as wonderful
as my first.

Well, with sights like this,
how can you miss?

Can you imagine anything
more beautiful than this?

I don't have to imagine.

All I have to do is look.


[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Piano playing
mid-tempo music ]

Well, honey, how'd it go?

What's your aunt like?
Is she very glamorous?

Yeah, very.

What else?

Does she live
in a gorgeous mansion?

Yeah, it's incredible.

I've been
in some great houses,

but hers,
I just couldn't believe.

How many servants are there?

Does she have a yacht?

Yeah, she has a yacht,
the golden fleece.

What a romantic name.

Bill, do you know
how lucky we are?

On a beautiful cruise
in the Greek islands,

graduating together,
we're in love,

and you're going to be rich.

Everything is just perfect.

Yeah, perfect.


Think how wonderful it'd be
if we were married.

It'd be like --
like Camelot.

-I've got it all worked out.

We'll have the marriage ceremony
at the college chapel,

honeymoon at Niagara Falls.

I found the perfect, little
condominium for us to live in.

Don't I have anything
to say about this?

What if I'd rather go to Bermuda
or live in a house?

No, no, no, no.
Believe me, this is much better.

[ Sighs ]


Burt, I love you.

But for marriage to work,

it takes two people
who are willing to compromise.

You don't seem
to be able to do that.

What are you talking about?

Well, you're --

you're so inflexible.


I'm inflex--

what am I inflexible


Take Ralph Burrows,
for example.

What is so terrible about giving
him that silly makeup exam?

Priscilla, it's a matter
of principle.

And when you sacrifice

you sacrifice everything.

In the end,
you may be sacrificing me.

Oh, don't say that.

I love you.

Burt, please, don't.

[ Mid-tempo music playing ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

That was good.


What was that called again?


Oh, wait a minute.

Um, um --
[ Speaks in Greek ]

[ Speaks in Greek ]


[ Both speaking in Greek ]

Just like [speaks in Greek]
used to make.

[ Laughter ]

I want to thank you
for inviting me to dinner.

I'm having a great time.

Vicki: Well, you're welcome.
Our crew is fun to be with.

Oh, are there others here?

Gopher: You know, sir, I've been
boning up on Greek customs,

and if you really enjoyed
your meal,

there's only one thing to do.

-What's that, goph?
-[ Clears throat ]


Gopher, are you crazy?

No, I'm telling you.

That's the way you show
your appreciation for a meal.

they'll be insulted.

Here, please.

[ Plate shatters ]


Well, I enjoyed the meal.

Ha ha!

[ Laughs ]

I'm all for tradition.

[ Plate shatters ]

Well, why not?

[ Plate shatters ]

[ Cheers ]

Gopher: Thanks for coming,


Pardon me!


Splendid evening,
isn't it?

Uh, Vicki?

At what point
in a new relationship

do you think it's proper
for a boy to kiss a girl?

Well, I think just about now
is right.

I'm experiencing
a very provocative feeling.

I sense
a strange exultation.

Something must be happening
to my libido.

Well, I'm not a genius,

but I think I know
what's happening.

We're falling in love.



Whoo. Mm.

Oh, my god!

The ship's gone!


[ Knock on door ]

Come in!

[ Speaks in Greek ]

That's "good morning"
in Greek.

I know, gopher.
I know.

You wanted to see me, sir?

Uh, yes, gopher.
Have you seen Isaac anywhere?

He was supposed to come in
and go over

this inventory with me
a half hour ago.

No, I haven't seen him
since last night in mykonos.

Oh, that reminds me.
I have something for you.

Oh, a little souvenir
or something?

Oh, you might say that.

It's a bill
from the restaurant for $ .

there's another Greek custom.

You break 'em,
you buy 'em.

[ Telephone rings ]

Excuse me.


Isaac, get in here
on the double!

I'm afraid I can't do that, sir.

I'm still in mykonos.

You're where?

I overslept.

I'm really very sorry,

[ Sighs ]

Well, there's nothing
I can do about that now.

Now, look.

Our ship docks at santorini
in five hours.

I want you
to take the air shuttle

and meet us there.

Yes, sir.
Uh, I'll be there, captain.

And, um, sir?

I'm really very sorry.

You already said that,

See you at santorini.

Goodbye, captain.


I still got my job.

And I don't have to meet
the ship for another five hours.




I'm gonna miss you.

Whenever I look out into that
harbor and see all those ships,

I'll wonder where you are
and what you're doing.

I'll be thinking of you.

Isaac, I just want you to know
that these last few days

have been some of the happiest
in my whole life.

Now, you cut that out.
I told you.

I'm coming back for you.

You don't have to say anything
you don't mean.

I know.

That's why I want to say
one other thing.

I love you.

I love you, I love you,
I love you.

Mm. Mm.

Oh, Isaac,
I love you, too.


I got to go.
I got to catch that airport bus.

Well, how you gonna catch it
if I never let you go?

Mm. Don't worry.

Somehow, some way,
I'm coming back for you.



Welcome to santorini,

the most extraordinary island
in the aegeans.

Also known
by its ancient name, thira,

this island was born
in prehistoric times

when a huge volcano
Rose from the sea.

Notice the steep,
sheer volcanic cliffs

rising all around.

To see santorini best,

we suggest
you travel by mule

up the zig-zag path
to the town at the summit --

an experience
you'll never forget.


Now I know why that mule ride is
an experience I'll never forget.

My body won't let me.

[ Both laugh ]

No, I just forgot.

Oh, but sir, look.
It's an incredible view.

Yeah, it's really
out of this world.

So was this island
a couple thousand years ago.

You know, some people believe

that the lost continent
of Atlantis was right here.

Speaking of lost, have you seen
Vicki since we docked?

But I wouldn't worry, sir.

If she is lost,
I'm sure Charles will find her.

Maybe they went to oia
on the other side of the island.

[ Sighs ]


This is incredible.
I wonder what it was.

These are the ruins of a castle
built by the villagers

to protect themselves
from the Turkish invaders

over years ago.

It's overwhelming.


Close your eyes.

With all this to look at?

Close your eyes, please.

Oh, Charles, it's beautiful.

Oh, but you shouldn't have.

Why not?

Well, I don't know.

I just thought that girls
were supposed to say that

at a time like this.

Thank you.


I want you to know,

you're the first
and only girl in my life.


Charles, does this mean
that we're engaged?

It won't be official until
I get your father's consent.


but before you ask him,

make sure
he's sitting down.

[ Chuckles ]
I will.

Santorini is just as beautiful

as I'd always
imagined it to be.

Burton: Oh, yes. These islands
are steeped in mythology.

You know, not far from here,
leto, who was Zeus' lover,

got pregnant and gave birth
to the twins Artemis and Apollo.

But when hera --
now, that's Zeus' wife,

she heard about it,
she was mad with jealousy,

so she got the wicked python
to go after leto

to avenge the affair
that she'd had with her husband.

That's mythology?

Sounds more like last week's
"general hospital."

[ Chuckles ]

Well, I can see

you're not in the mood
for culture,

so how about
a little souvlaki?

There's a great little café
just down here.

Hands up, americano!
Drachmas or your life!

No v*olence!
No v*olence!

We'll give you anything
you want!

Hold it. Hold it.

What's going on here?

Stand back, professor Dean,
I'll take care of this.

En garde!

Deek Oliver!

And the other one's
Lewis Clinton.

The last two people I'd think

would turn
to a life of crime.

Mr. Burrows.

In the words
of your own vernacular,

you are
the ultimate Turkey!


Is that Isaac?

Wait a minute! Isaac!


Hold still!

We'll be right down!


Are you okay?


These things aren't bad
if you stay in second gear!


Bring him right over there.
There you go.

[ Speaks in Greek ]

All right.

[ Laughter ]

All right.


Hey! Yeah.

If it isn't
sleeping beauty.

Ah, wait a minute, don't let
that baby face fool you, doc.

That's really
rip Van winkle.

Oh, you guys,
come on, now.

How are things
going on the ship?

let me put it this way.

We have the only bar
in the world

for disaster relief.

Hey, wait.
I resent that.

Oh, yeah?


Excuse me.

Are you gentlemen
with the -- with the ship?

-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.

Well, I wonder if you
could please tell me

where I might find
William Watkins.

He is the valedictorian
of his graduating class.

I think I saw him
get on the ship

about minutes ago, ma'am.

Come with us. There's still time
before the ship sails again.

Oh, thank you.
You are very kind.

Thank you.




Aunt Helena,
what are you doing here?

I sailed from mykonos.

Stupid me, I forgot to give you
your graduation present.


Please open it.

It's very nice.

That watch
belonged to your grandfather

and his father before him.

And how proud they would be

for you to wear it
at your graduation.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Oh, William.
[ Chuckles ]

You better be getting
ashore now.


Do I embarrass you?

No, it's just --

well, the ship
is gonna be sailing soon,

so you better hurry,
that's all.

Fine thing!
As soon as my back is turned,

you fool around
with another woman.

Aren't you
going to introduce us?

Yeah, sure. Um...

This is my fiancée,
Caroline shea.

And this is, um...


Miss georgelos' maid,

She sent me to deliver
her nephew's graduation present.

Nice to meet you, Maria.

Miss shea.

Attention, all ashore
who are going ashore.

We set sail in five minutes.

Can I see you off...

Oh, please.
Don't bother.

I will find the way.

Miss shea.

Mr. Watkins.


[ Air horn blows ]

Attention, passengers.

We are now setting sail
for the island of rhodes.

Ahead of us, the sea is calm,
and the weather is beautiful.

We expect to arrive on time
in about eight hours.

Julie, hi.

Listen, we have
a little problem here.

Could you possibly
double-check your list

and see if we have any cabins
still available?

I am so sorry.


Maria, what happened?

Why are you still
on the ship?

I got confused,
and I could not find my way out.

Okay, thank you, Julie.

We are completely booked.
I'm sorry.

There's not a single cabin
left on the ship.

No problem.
She can stay with me tonight.

And when we get to rhodes

bill can arrange her
transportation back to mykonos.

that is very generous of you.

Yes, you're very good
at problem-solving, miss.

Can I offer you
a staff position on the ship?

Come on, Maria.

I'll show you to my cabin.

Thank you.

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