03x03 - Isolated in Cyber Space — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x03 - Isolated in Cyber Space — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on "yu-gi-oh..."

Greeting, duelists.

Identify yourself!

The name is noah.

What is it that you
want from us, noah?

Noah: everything
will be made clear.

Just continue to
the end the hallway

Where my associates
will greet you.

It can't be!

You should have known
we'd be back, seto kaiba.

These are
the creeps

That tried to
get rid of seto

And take over
kaiba corp!

We've devised a new
game with noah's help.

A virtual duel
monsters tournament.

Now it's time
to pay a visit

To our special
dueling world.

I'm gansley, founding
member of the big !

All right,
let's begin
this duel.

Kuriboh is now
my deck master.

I've chosen
deep-sea warrior.

If you win--
which you won't--

You're free to go.

And if I win,

I get to return to the real
world in your body!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

I knew a rookie like you

Couldn't keep up with our
deck master dueling system!

Yugi: I'm
a fast learner!

And you haven't
won your freedom

From this place yet!

Don't thr*aten me,
you little whippersnapper!

You're weak!

I can see it
in your eyes!

You'll never make it in
the dueling business, kid!

So just give up now

And let me take
control of your body...

Then I can finally escape
from this virtual nightmare!

Not if you lose.

You talk a big game,

But you have no monsters
on the field to protect you!

Leaving you wide open
for an attack...

A direct attack!

Obnoxious celtic

Attack his
life points now!

Not bad, yugi...

You claim to be
a successful man
of business,

Yet you've allowed
your competition

To get the best of you!


Well, not quite.

On the contrary,

I led you to do exactly
what I wanted you to!

Now I summon ruklamba,
the spirit king!



But how can you
summon a monster

If my turn's
not over?

is one of my

More profitable

With this card
in my deck,

Every time I lose ,
or more life points

I gain the ability to summon
another one to the field...

Strengthening my
staff of workers!

So, what was that
you were saying

About my success
in business?

Looks like I'm still

One step ahead of my
competition, yugi,

With plenty of
monsters left!

It's not how many
monsters you have...

It's how skillfully you
use them that counts.

I've been in business
a long time,

And I've always had
a large labor force.

That gave me the freedom
to fire whomever I wanted,

For there was always
another employee

Who could pick up
the slack.

And that's
how I duel!

If one monster
has to go,

I have another to
take its place.

That's just sad.


I'm glad I hired you to
do my dirty work, gansley.

Now to check
on the other fools.

How does that feel
to be all alone

In my virtual universe

Just waiting to lose your mind?

Looks like tea's met
my hitotsu-me giants!

And these two think they
can actually escape!

come on!

Chop like
you mean it!

Noah: and I see
the kaiba brothers

Have had a little run-in
with their past.

Mokuba: I don't
believe it.

I was hoping I'd never have
to see this place again.

I told you, mokuba,

This orphanage is just
a virtual illusion

And nothing more!

Well, it still brings
back bad memories!

Why did we get
sent there anyway?

Kaiba: after our
parents disappeared,

There was no one left
to take care of us.

So, we got dumped off here

Until they could find
another family

To take us in.

Mokuba: well, I'll
never forget the day

We first saw this place.

It was the worst day
of my entire life.

Man: welcome, boys.

Both: huh?

Someone's here,

that's us!

Somehow noah was able
to tap into our memories

And digitally replay
events from our past!

Noah: very perceptive!

Now, enjoy the trip
down memory lane!


That's right.

I remember now.

On our first
day here,

I sat in that
swing all day.

But how could noah
have known that?

I was alone
the entire time.

The only other person who
saw me there was seto!

Actually, seto
was the only one

Who even cared about me.

Hey, mokie!

Hey, seto.

How'd you know
I was out here?

Lucky guess.

Look, pal,
cheer up!

We got to make
the most of this place.

Come on, mokie,

Let's take
a little walk.

Ok, spill it.

What's on
your mind?

I miss mom and dad.

I wish that they were
here with us right now.

It's not fair that they
left us here all alone.

Come on...

No crying.

Tears aren't gonna
help us now.

There's only
one way you and I

Are gonna get
through all this.

We've got to get tough!

Emotions will only get in
the way of our survival...


That's right...

Don't expect anyone else
to help us ever again...

You and I are
on our own now.

I guess that
was your idea
of a pep talk.

Thanks a lot.


This is just the beginning
of my t*rture!

Sorry, mokie,


And in just
moves this time!

You're like
the best chess player

In the whole
entire world!

Well, almost.

Oh, yeah?

Name one person
who's better at
chess than you!

You, if you just

let's play again.

Noah: these visions must
be painful to watch.

I bet seto kaiba never
experienced virtual software

That interacts with
a person's memory!

It's just what I need

To destroy him
once and for all.

I've been waiting
for this day

For what feels
like an eternity.

His empire will be mine!

Keep watching
your past, seto.

Your move,

Ok, I'll go here.


Man: and he did it
once again, folks!

Gozaburo kaiba has
retained his title

As the world
chess champion!

The corporate genius
and -time world champ

Is a master strategist,

Who has never once
lost a single match!

He maintains his claim

That there's not a person
alive who can defeat him!

But make no mistake,

This outspoken business
tycoon has a heart of gold.

Here he is donating
a portion of his winnings

To a local orphanage!

I'm sure he just made a lot
of children very happy.

[Thinking] that was the day
that changed my life forever--

The day I met my step-father
for the first time.

Kaiba: look, seto,
it's him!

Man: welcome,
mr. Kaiba.

Seto: it's just a cheap
virtual projection,

That's all.

'Cause he's long gone.

Well, sir...

The children
are this way.

They'll be thrilled
to meet you.

Look, I don't
want any of these
brats touching me.

Let's just take
a few pictures

For the papers
and I'll be on my way.

Time is money,
you know.

What's that stench?

You do bathe these little
urchins, don't you?

That guy is our ticket
out of this dump, mokie.

But how...

He's just here to visit,
not adopt anyone.

I'll make sure
he takes us!

What? How!?

Just follow me,
and do what I say, bro.



It's time to match
wits with me...

And lose at your own game.

Seto: good afternoon,
mr. Kaiba.


Yeah. I suppose.

If you'll
excuse me, kid...

I'm in a rush.

I've got a challenge for you,

And I know you
never pass one up.

Hmm! Yes, go on.

Here's what I propose:

One game of chess,
me against you...

If I win, you adopt my
brother and me today,

No questions asked...


That's a good one!

No one beats me
at chess, kid.

And I've been playing
it for years.

I was a world champion

When you were
sucking your thumb.

You're in over
your head, kid.

What makes you think
you can beat me?

Because I never
lose either.

So, what do you say?

Well, you've
certainly got

A great deal of
confidence in yourself,

I have to credit
you with that.

But I'm a busy man...

And babysitting for you
isn't on my schedule!

So, that means you're
gonna back down?

Wait till
the newspapers find out

You're scared of a kid!

What's that!?

You wouldn't dare
tell them that!

I've got a reputation
to uphold, you brat!

All right then.

Let's play, kid.

One match,
one chance only.

That's all I need.

Set us up in
a quiet room now!

Yes, right!

Hmm! Let's get
this game over with.

Seto: pretty impressive
for a -year-old.

What made you so sure

You were going to beat
gozaburo at chess, seto?


My desire to
win that game

Was far greater
than his, mokuba.

By challenging gozaburo,

I had nothing to lose
and everything to gain.

To him it was just a game.

This won't take
very long, junior.

Those were my
thoughts exactly, pops...

It's your move.

After you.

You need
all the help
you can get.

Pawn to e .


That's my
opening move, kid.

I know.

I've studied
all your matches.

Studying is one thing;
mastering is another.

Knight to g .

You've left your
left flank exposed.


I had his strategies memorized.

Bishop to b ,

You lose!

No! How could
you beat me?!

Now you have to adopt us
like you promised, mr. Kaiba!


Seto: that was the day
I took control of my future.


Well, it was also
the day you stopped
calling me "mokie."

If it wasn't for me

We never would have
escaped that rat hole.

I turned our lives
around that day.


come back, now!

I liked the way it was
before we got here!

At least back then,

You actually smiled
once in a while!

Ah! Wait a second,

Get a grip, please!

You're going to fall
right into noah's trap!

He's using
these illusions

To turn us
against each other!

It's fake!

The past is over.





Don't let go!


You've lost more than half
your life points, yugi.

Soon I'll take
over your body,

Leaving your mind trapped
in this virtual abyss!

You'll never get away
with this, gansley!

Just watch me!


Ahh, this will do nicely.

I summon yowie,
in attack mode!


Of course, yowie's
arrival forbids you

From drawing
a card next turn--

Making him
a valuable asset!

Now I'll play the magic
card, premature burial!

All I have to do is invest
a mere of my life points.

This allows me to revive
one of my former monsters!

Ipiria, return!

I told you
I've employed

An unlimited team
of monsters, yugi!

My workforce already
outnumbers yours

Monsters to two,

And my staff will
continue to grow!

So, why don't you go ahead
and launch your attack.

With my monsters
on the front line,

You'll never get to me!

We'll see about that!

[Thinking] I can't
attack with chimera again!

He'll just sacrifice
two of his monsters

Like he did last time to
bring out reflector hole,

Causing my own monster to
attack me instead of him!

And even if I got rid
of all his monsters

And att*cked him directly,

He'd do what he
did before...

Obnoxious celtic

Attack his
life points now!


Now I can call
forth ruklamba!

Every time I lose ,
or more life points

I gain the ability to summon
another one to the field!

What's the hold up?

Have you finally realized
that I'm unbeatable?

you should know

That a good
strategy takes time.


Stalling for time is
a sign of weakness, yugi!

That's pathetic!


What's pathetic
is the monster

You've chosen
as your deck master!

That floating hairball does
nothing but spout gibberish!


Don't worry,

I believe in you.

You and I
can defeat him!



Make your move!

swing harder, man!


All right!


Wait, what!?

We're free, dude!


If you actually
looked around,

You'd see we're
still trapped!

We're feet
in the air

On some unknown
virtual castle

In the middle
of nowhere!

Well, at least
I got us outside!

Now quit complaining
and let's go find--

[Woman screams]

Both: serenity!




Please help me!


There she goes!

Hang in there,

We're right here!

That thing's gaining
on her back!

Not if I
can help it!



Whoa! Easy,
big fella!


Be careful!

Come on!
I got you!



Where did they install
the brakes on this thing?!



I'd give that dive
a perfect !


Thank you, duke,
that was so brave.

Aw, please.

It was nothing!

You've got to
be kidding me.

Now get ready!

Huh? Wait!

Thanks to his
yowie monster...

I can't draw
a card this turn!

It's hopeless, yugi.

You're dealing with
a born strategist!

Do you know how my
business career began?

With one lemonade stand...

That I stole
from my neighbor.

And I turned that small stand

Into the largest distributor
of frozen lemonade

In the entire country!

It goes to show that even
when you start small...

Your investments
can transform

Into an unstoppable force--

Just like the ferocious
team I've assembled here!

All right!

Enough stories.


[Thinking] if I attack
with my celtic guardian,

He'll just activate
his reflector hole

To bounce my
attack back at me.


But in order to use
his reflector hole,

Gansley will
have to sacrifice

Two of his monsters first,

Which will weaken
his defense.

I have no other choice!

It may cost me
some life points,

But that's a risk
I'm gonna have to take

If I want to win
this duel!


All right.

Here goes nothing.


celtic guardian,

Attack his yowie!

Looks like you're
more foolish than
I first thought!

For now I'll sacrifice
ipiria and yowie!

In order to activate this!

Reflector hole,
counter attack!




Your life points
are falling faster

Than the stock market
in , yugi!

That makes two direct hits.

Strikes and you're out!

Then you can take a nap.

Surprised by how real
this duel feels?

It may be virtual,

But it takes more
of a toll on you

Than the duels you're
used to, doesn't it?


At least you're down
to one monster.

I think you'd better
count again, yugi!

Oh, no!

You have two
monsters left!

Explain yourself!

While you were recovering

From the direct attack
to your life points,

I seized the opportunity
to strengthen my team!

I feel it's best
to get ahead

When your rival
is down!

So, I sacrificed
my ruklamba,

Allowing me to summon
wall of illusion

Plus another ruklamba!

You had that
move planned all
along, didn't you?

Of course I did.

Now, allow me to introduce
you to my newest employee!

Meet wall of illusion!

"What are it's
strengths," you ask?

Well, any monster foolish
enough to attack it

Is removed from
the field immediately

And sent back to
my opponent's hand.

So, you may want
to resign now, yugi!


It looks like my
associate mr. Gansley

Has almost won me my first
victory of the day.

Soon yugi will become
a permanent fixture

In my virtual universe!

[Thinking] what
am I gonna do!?

Now that he has two
monsters on the field again

I can't attack.

'Cause if I do
he'll just use

His deck master
special ability

To sacrifice them
and activate reflector hole,

Causing my own monster
to attack me instead of him,

And I can't afford to
let that happen again!

With only life
points left,

I'll lose the duel--
and my body to gansley!

Then I'll be stuck in
this cyber world forever,

While he escapes
disguised as me!

Well, you gave it your
best shot, my young friend,

But in the end, big
business always wins.

Besides, I've roamed this
virtual void for too long now,

And you're my ticket out!

It's not over,

So, don't make your
travel plans yet.


Keep your false hope...

You'll be that much
more disappointed

When you plunge
into defeat.


You and you're
pitiful deck master!

That pathetic pompom
is useless!


I'm afraid you were
doomed from the start!

You can taunt me
all you want, gansley.

I'll never give up hope!

I trust my deck.

And I trust
my skills!

I was insightful
enough to assemble

An unstoppable
arsenal of monsters--

Not that it really matters
at this point anyway.

I've rendered you so weak

You'll be out of life points
before my next turn,

Allowing me to finally
return to civilization...

While your mind is
virtually scattered
throughout cyber space!
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