02x47 & 02x48 - Showdown in the Shadows, Part 1 & 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x47 & 02x48 - Showdown in the Shadows, Part 1 & 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

In this shadow duel,

The loser will have to
pay the ultimate price.

I almost forgot...

You have the dueling
experience of my weaker
self to call upon.

That is correct.

Are you ready?

Let the destruction

I'll place
a card facedown...

And summon drillago!

Attack him now!

What have you done
to my body?

It's vanishing!

You just lost
life points!

And as they fade away,
so will small portions
of your body.

I activate exchange!

So please hand over
your winged dragon
of ra!

One more turn to go!

And the winged dragon of ra
will cast you to the shadows!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move! ♪

♪ Your move, your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh is
king of game ♪

It's time to d-d-duel!

heh! Heh! Heh!

Now that I've
seized your precious
egyptian god card,

Your defeat is guaranteed!

One more turn and you will
vanish into the shadows!

With your former self
on my team...

There's no way
I can lose.

Now proceed.

With pleasure.

Tell me, how does
it feel to know

I'm holding your most
powerful card...

The winged dragon of ra!

For after it strikes,
I'll win.

And you will
be consumed...

By the realm
of darkness!

And I shall reclaim
the body that you have
stolen from me!

You have it wrong,
you should be on your
knees thanking me!

For you would never be
where you are today

Had it not been for me!

How so?!

Don't tell me
you've forgotten

That when you were
a child it was I who
took over your body

And forced you to claim
the millennium rod!

From now on
this relic is mine!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Since that day,
the rod's been yours,

While I stayed hidden deep
within your soul, marik.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

But now that
I'm in control again

The rod's power is mine!

Until the winged dragon
of ra destroys you!

I'm sorry, marik,
but your ranting has
become tiresome.

This shadow game will
determine who stays...

And who fades away!

So allow me to continue
by playing this!

The magic card:
vengeful bog spirit!

This card forces
all monsters to wait
one turn before attacking

So even if you can summon ra,
you can't use it yet!

And soon it will be
too late!

I'm afraid
this desperate move

Will only delay your
inevitable destruction.

Now watch this!

You must summon
the winged dragon of ra!

I'm well aware
of that!

Now then...

Where exactly was i?

I remember!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

As I sacrifice
my monsters to
summon this card!

The winged dragon
of ra!

Not so fast...

My trap card is about to
render your dragon useless!


Before you send those
monsters to the graveyard,

Joyful doom will strip them
of their attack points

And add the total
to my life points.

So that means your monsters

Will have
zero attack points

When they go to
the graveyard...

As my power grows!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

This will make ra
completely useless to you!

That can't be!

Explain yourself!

Just look at
your pathetic creature.

It's powerless!
Ha! Ha! Ha!

You may have summoned
the winged dragon of ra,

But thanks to my trap card,
he has no power at all!

How can an egyptian
god monster have
zero attack points?

Because the monsters
you sacrificed to summon ra

Had zero attack points!

Once his trap card
stripped away their power,

Ra was left with nothing!

Why didn't you warn me
that this might happen!

I wasn't aware
he was holding that
trap card, you fool!

Now, all the strength

That would have
transferred to ra

Has been added
to his life points!

We'll see about that!

For now I will switch
ra and my puppet master

To defense mode!

You don't
have much choice!



Huh? How'd I get here?

This is bakura's room!

Wait a sec...
Where's bakura?

Tea: yugi! Wake up!

Yugi! Oh, come on!

Hello? Yugi!

Who is it?

It's me, tea!
Open up!

Tea? Just a minute...

It's kinda late, tea.

Can't this
wait 'til morning?

I was just
in bakura's room,

And he's missing!


This duel is done!

Just make your move!

If you insist!

Drillago, attack
his puppet master

With spiral thrust!

And the winged
dragon of ra is next!

Then you'll disappear!

Wrong! I'll
turn this around

With just one card!

You can't be referring
to your egyptian god card.

I told you, it's useless!

Well, I disagree!

Maybe I can't attack you

With the winged
dragon of ra,

But I can send it
to the graveyard

To summon something
stronger in its place!

Meet the dark ruler!

[Evil laughing]

So, you've given up

On your egyptian
god card already.

You'll regret that.

I sent the winged dragon
of ra to the graveyard

Because with
zero attack points,

It was far too weak.
Now, it's buried!

I've discarded it
so neither of us

Can use its power!

For even if you do
bring ra back from
the graveyard,

It will have
zero attack points!

So, if you'd
like to fight me

With a useless monster
by your side,

Go ahead and revive
your egyptian god card

While I proceed
with your destruction

By feeding you
to the shadows!

[Thinking] yes! That evil
being must be destroyed

So I can regain
control of my body!

Next, I shall
continue my onslaught

By sacrificing monsters
from my graveyard...

To bring forth
one more beast!

Now, allow me
to introduce you

To dark necrofear!

A great beast
of ultimate darkness

That will show you
no mercy!

Now, go, dark necrofear!

Next, I shall activate
my magic burial card!

By giving up
of my life points,

I can bring
my earl of demise

Back from the graveyard!


With monsters on
my side of the field,

You'll think twice
about attacking me now.

If you want to win,

Don't be so reckless
with our life points!

What do you mean
"our" life points,
you parasite?

I'm the one fighting
this duel, not you.

Wise up, you fool!

If you want the secret
to the pharaoh's power,

Then you'll listen to me!

But you haven't helped
me at all, marik!

In fact,
you're the reason

I wasn't able to play
the winged dragon of ra!

And it's your fault
we lost so many
life points!

Just look at those two.
What a shame.

It's so sad
when such good friends

Can't work things out.

Your new monsters
are impressive,

But let me remind you
my vengeful bog

Is still in effect,

Which means they
can't attack just yet!

I'm well aware of your
magic card's effect!

So go ahead
and make your move

While you still can!

All right, but I can
barely see you over there.

And soon, you'll
vanish completely!

Tea: I don't get it, yugi.

We've looked all over,

But there's no sign
of bakura anywhere.

Even on a blimp
as big as this one,

He couldn't
just disappear.

Wait a sec!

I bet marik's
behind this!


Now, let's see
what would happen

If my crush card

Took on the winged
dragon of ra...


Only a % chance
of victory?

Ra has even more power
than I thought!

Hurry up and make your move!


What are you
laughing at?

How I'll destroy you

With the egyptian
god card you threw away.

You're bluffing!

Am i? Or is it possible

The winged dragon of ra

May posses a few
special abilities

That you're not aware of?

But I thought I knew all
of ra's abilities!

Apparently you don't!

What's this?

Instant attack.

to my card database,

The winged dragon of ra
has a special secret power

I must add it to my deck.

I already possess
the mighty obelisk
the tormentor.

And winning slifer
will be simple.

But ra is in a class
by itself.

The egyptian god cards
have proven

To be the most powerful cards
in all of duel monsters.

Most trap cards are useless
against all of them.

And magic cards only last
for one turn.

But the winged dragon of ra

Seems to possess
several special abilities

That aren't even written
on the card.

So even if a duelist
is able to decipher
the card's ancient text,

They still won't know how to use
all of its powers.

if I use monster reborn

To bring back
the winged dragon of ra,

It will only remain on the field
for a short time.

That's because magic cards
only last for one turn

When used
on an egyptian god card.

And since my vengeful bog
magic card is still in effect,

All monsters must wait
one turn to attack

When they are summoned.

And by then, ra would be
back in the graveyard.

But not if I use its power
of instant attack.

This shadow game
is about to end!

Once I summon
the mighty winged dragon of ra,

Nothing you can do
can hold it back.

Ha ha ha!

So that's what it means.

If the winged dragon of ra is
brought back from the graveyard,

It can attack right away using
its power of instant attack.

The stratos
dueling arena

Is the only place
we haven't checked.

Yugi, look at
all that fog!
It looks like--

Yes! A shadow duel!

Bakura's in there.

And he must be dueling
against marik!

Bakura's in a shadow game?

Yugi, voice-over:

if bakura loses this duel,

He'll be trapped
in the shadow realm.

This is dangerous, tea,

And enough people
have gotten hurt already.

So please
go back downstairs.

I'm sorry, but there's
no way I'm leaving you
here alone!

We're in this thing
together yugi,
till the end.

I was with you
the day you found out
about your past

And discovered
your destiny!

But, tea...

But nothing.

I'm gonna help you,
and that's final!

Now you'll learn the secrets
of my egyptian god card

The hard way!

Prepare yourself,

For once I resurrect
the winged dragon of ra,

You'll be engulfed
in complete darkness.

So I activate monster reborn!
You're finished.

Time to bring back the card
you took from me--

The winged dragon of ra!


Calm down, you fool!

The monster's attack strength
is still zero.

Plus his vengeful bog card
is still in play,

Which means he can't
attack now anyway!

I'm afraid you're mistaken.

I told you, you don't know
all the secrets of ra.

Prepare to witness
instant attack!

Instant attack?
What does he mean!?

I don't know.

I guess the winged dragon of ra
does have secret powers!

That's correct!

And once I unleash
those powers,

You'll both be wandering
the shadow realm
for all eternity

While I rule the entire world
as pharaoh!


Ra is back!
And now it's mine once again.

So prepare to witness
its secret powers now.

First, I shall use ra's power
of instant attack!

What's that mean?

It means ra can attack
right away.

But that's not the winged dragon
of ra's only secret power!

There's also its "point-to-point
transfer" ability!

What is "point-to-point

And why is your body
disappearing into
the shadows?

Tell me!

Oh, I will.

I'm giving
my life points to ra

In order to increase
its attack strength!

But don't worry,

I'll keep one life point
to make sure I don't lose.

Now watch as my egyptian god
card grows stronger

As I transfer my power
to ra!

And now that I've given
my strength

To the winged dragon of ra,

We have merged together

To become
one mighty creature!

And together
we shall destroy you

While the rest
of my body waits

On the border
of the shadow realm!

This can't be
happening to me!

Oh, but it can!

Winged dragon of ra,
let us attack now!

First we'll destroy
all of your monsters!

But that's not all,

For now it's marik's turn
to disappear into the shadows!

I must put an end
to marik's evil plans.

You will!

You make it sound
so easy, tea.

But he seems to get stronger
and more evil with each duel.

And I believe that
the darker marik becomes,

The harder it is
to shield the world
from his wrath.

Now marik has begun
to target my friends

Because of a grudge
he has against me.

He must be stopped

Before anyone else
falls victim to his insanity.

I'll help.

Get ready to enter the darkness
at the hands of ra!

Don't you realize
that I am the darkness?

Ha ha ha! What's that
supposed to mean?

It's quite simple.

It means I can't be

You haven't seen
the last of me.


The time is now!

Marik, voice-over:
listen to me, tea.

You're my last hope.

Part of me still exists
within you.

the millennium ring.

Look at that.

I guess a certain someone
has no use for this now.

Yami-yugi: marik!

So, how long
have you been here?

Tell me what you did
with bakura.

I don't know who
you're talking about.

If you mean the spirit
of the millennium ring,

You tell me where one goes
after losing a shadow game!


Don't be so surprised,

It won't be long
before you join him
in the shadow realm!

Ha ha ha!

[Yami-marik laughs]

Ishizu! Help me, please!


No! My brother!

Tea: ishizu!


Is something wrong?

Sister, it's me,

Your brother!

You are marik?

Can it be?

It is, and I need your help!


I told that fool
I couldn't be destroyed.

Part of me has been hiding

Inside the millennium puzzle
all along!

From this one piece
of the millennium puzzle,

I shall explore
the item's power

And one day claim it
for myself.

Ring! Transfer a portion
of my spirit

Into this piece
of the puzzle.

Marik may think
I'm out of his way,

But as I told him,
I'll be back.

After all, there's work
to be done.

And where better to unlock
the power of the pharaoh

Than in the dwelling
of the pharaoh himself?

I should have done this
long ago.

Prepare for the shadow realm,

He's not here!

Ishizu must be behind this.

Very interesting indeed.

It seems that certain
secret abilities

Were added
to the winged dragon of ra

When that egyptian god card
was created.

I must possess it

If I am to regain my glory
as the world's greatest duelist.

Huh? Uh...

Seto, what are you
doing up?

Even you need
some sleep.

There's another round
of finals tomorrow.

I'm aware of that, mokuba.

That's exactly what
I'm preparing for.

We're currently on course
for kaibacorp island.

This is where
the finals will end,

And the champion
will be crowned.

It's a fitting place
for my victory.

And soon we will arrive
at the very site

Where our stepfather
was last seen

After I took over
the corporation

And left him
with nothing!

The tower I built symbolizing
the new era of kaibacorp

Still stands as a reminder
of my power.


Now do you understand
why I've chosen
this island

For the conclusion
of the finals?

Because I'm finally
ready to return
to the land

Where our stepfather
made his billions,

For now i, too, have
built a mighty empire,

And I've done it all
on my own terms.

And that's just how
I'll win this tournament--

With no help for anyone
except for myself.

It won't be long now,

Before I prove
to the entire world

That there is
no one on earth

Who is superior to me!


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