02x46 - The Tomb-Keeper's Secret

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x46 - The Tomb-Keeper's Secret

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...


It's time to do what
I should have done ages ago.

I'm afraid I'll have
to step in now!

Huh? The spirit
of the millennium ring!

But I've got company
with me this time.

It appears the essence
of my weaker self

Has taken refuge within
the body of bakura!

I want my body back!

He promised me
the millennium rod...

If I can successfully
do away with you.

Perhaps you'd like
to duel me for the rights
to the millennium rod?

Why don't we raise the stakes?

the winning duelist will
keep the millennium rod.

The loser will be banished
to the shadow realm.

Draw your cards!

And let
the shadow game begin!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move! ♪

♪ Your move, your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game ♪

It's time to d-d-duel!

Joey: who you callin'
monkey-boy, kaiba?

No one tawks like dat
ta joey wheeler.

Dat's right...

Huh? Hey, mai!

Hello joey.

I'm glad you're back
on your feet!

I was freakin' out
'bout ya! No joke!

Thanks joey.

But you've got bigger things to
worry about than l'il ol' mai.

Don't forget me,
handsome. Ok?

See ya later.



Come baaaack!

Don't go. I need you.

Mai, I'll getcha back...

From da shadow realm.

Kaiba: it doesn't
make any sense!

Somehow I can understand
the egyptian text on
the winged dragon of ra.

My computer network couldn't
even translate it!

Now I just need
to win it from marik.

Yami-marik: are you ready?

In this shadow duel,

The loser will have to pay
the ultimate price.


There will be no laughter

Once I've banished you
to the shadow realm!

You will be
the one who's living
in eternal darkness.

Wait and see.
Ha ha!

This fool has already
felt the wrath of
an egyptian god card!

Go slifer!

The attack devastated him

So he was unconscious
when I played mine.

Winged dragon of ra,
attack now!

he completely missed
my demonstration

Of the unstoppable powers
of the winged dragon of ra

In my last duel!

So my opponent has no idea
how my egyptian god card works.

He won't know what to do
when ra unleashes its rage!

Or will he...?

I almost forgot

You have the dueling experience
of my weaker self to call upon.

That is correct.

And, since you've learned
everything you know
about dueling from him

That means I know your
strategy and your deck
inside and out!

Those two are in
for quite a surprise

Once they discover
I've changed most of the cards

In my dueling deck!

And don't think I'm unaware
of the egyptian god card
you now hold.

Just because that fool marik
is dueling on your side,

Doesn't mean you're safe
from the fury of ra!

For when I'm through
with you two...

You're both certain
to end up in the dark!

Before we start,
there's someone here

Who would like to have
a few words with you
face to face.

Make it fast.

I will win my body
back from you

Because destiny
is on my side.


I've taken over
your destiny now.

And with it, I plan
to claim the great power
of the pharaoh for myself,

While you two fools wallow
in the shadows!

I won't let you claim
my fate as your own,
body snatcher.

Ha ha ha ha!

I'm afraid it's
too late for that.

I am the real you
and soon you'll be nothing

But a forgotten memory
in the sands of time!

Ha ha ha ha!

While I was occupying
tea's mind

I heard ishizu tell
the story

Of the first day
you were born.

My brother marik
wasn't always evil.

Marik: she explained
that after I received
the tomb keepers initiation,

The seeds of your
existence were planted.

And it was you who began
my path towards darkness

When you sent my father
to the shadow realm!

Soon you'll pay for what
you did to me and to him!

What I did?

I was born
out of your hate,

Your jealousy and your anger
towards your father,

Which makes you
just as guilty as me!

That may be.

But from now on I'll make up
for everything I've done.

Father please forgive me...

Very touching.

Now I know the truth.

You have taken
your first step, marik

On a dangerous path
of ultimate darkness.

Now you must turn back
before it's too late.

Soon the pharaoh will return.
Turn back.

Marik: odion shielded me
from the truth and for years

I believed
it was that stranger
who destroyed my father.

But now I know better.

I know it was you.

I'd say you're a little late
to do anything about it.

Not really.

Once this duel's over
and you're gone

Revenge will be mine!

Without me
you won't exist!

It appears there are
some secrets that marik
has kept from me.

Now if he wants my help
it will cost him dearly!

Just stand back
and do as I say!


There's business
to discuss first.

I'll help you
to reclaim your body
but I have a price!

Very well then.

If we win the duel
I'll give you
the millennium rod.

Sorry, marik.

That's our old deal.
Now I need more!

What's that I heard
about you seeking

The power
of the pharaoh?

Is there a magic
stronger than that

Of the seven
millennium items

That you haven't
told me about?

I want to know
what secrets you're
keeping from me marik!!

Tell me everything
and we have a deal.

If we win,
I'll tell you all.

Then let's begin.

I don't trust you
at all but this time
I know you need me.

Then let's duel!

You heard
your better half,
you fiend.

Now prepare
for a one-way trip
to the shadow realm.

Ha ha ha ha!

Seems you're
a bit confused.

I'm going to bring the darkness
of the shadow realm right here

So it can consume you
piece by piece.

Ha ha ha ha!

Blackness surround us!

Prepare for a battle
like no other!

For in this duel the eternal
darkness of the shadow realm

Will slowly devour the loser
as his life points diminish.

What do you mean?

Just wait and see.

Very well.

Let's duel!

And now...let
the destruction

I see the cards
in my deck are already
showing you no mercy.

Mercy is for the weak
like you, my friend!

First off, I'll place
this facedown.

Then I shall summon the
terrifying goblin zombie
in attack mode.

Are you scared yet?

Ha! Scared of that!?


I'll place a card facedown

And summon drillago!

Attack him now!


You've activated
my trap card
fearful earthbound!


Hmm! Yes,
your first mistake!


Your first of many!

What's the point of this?

I knew you wouldn't
be able to resist
attacking my zombie,

And now I'm going
to punish you for
your fatal error

By weakening
your life points!

When this trap card's

The opposing duelist
automatically loses
life points

Each time
his monster att*cks.

Like now!

Rrr! I'm still
sending your monster
to the graveyard!

Feel free to destroy
my weak monsters,
whenever you want!

Not only will you
lose life points,

But with each
monster you send
to the graveyard,

I grow stronger!

And now you will feel
the effect of my
fearful earthbound

As it lowers
your life points
by !

Huh! Really? Guess again!


I activate remove trap!

Ha ha ha ha!

My magic card has eliminated
your pathetic trap!

It'll take more
than a magic card
to beat me.

That may be true,
but from the looks
of your arm it's a start.

My arm?


Ha ha ha ha!

Looks like you're the one
who's about to disappear.

What have you done
to my body?

It's vanishing!

you weren't listening
to what I said earlier.

Remember, you just lost
life points!

And as they fade away,

So will small portions
of your body

Until the shadow realm
claims all of you!

You fiend.

Soon the darkness
will feed on your soul
for all eternity!

I'm quite familiar with how
the shadow realm operates.

Besides, it is you who shall
disappear into the darkness!

Don't be a fool!

There's no way
you can win

As long as I control
the ultimate w*apon

The winged dragon of ra!

You're wrong.

For with the help
of your other half,

I will certainly

Only fools rely on the help
of the desperate!

Ha ha!

Just wait, you'll see!

Just wait, you'll see!

Where am i?

This stuff looks familiar.

But where have I
seen it before?

Wait a sec!

This is the inside
of my mind!

And that's the door
to yami's side.

I've been in there
once before

And it was really dangerous.

But maybe I can find some clues
to the ancient past.

Whoa! Talk about
a complex mind!

I don't remember seeing
this many levels before!

There are false starts
and dead ends everywhere!

Something wrong,

Sorry if I disturbed you.

Your mind must've
been restless to have
brought you here.

I guess I am
a little worried.

Heh heh heh.
Yes, of course.

Tell me what's on
your mind.

Hmm. It seems
like things are getting
out of hand lately.

And the danger's growing.

That's true. It grows
as we near our destiny.

So that's why.

I'm starting
to understand this place.

I think I know why
it's so complex.

All these
confusing paths...

They represent all
the mysteries of your past

And all the questions
you have about the future.

That's right.

Yami, I know we're gonna
figure all of this out soon!

And I'm not gonna let
anyone stand in our way!

You may have
struck first,

But I'll have
the last laugh.

And the joke
will be on you!

Now then...

It doesn't matter
which card you play next!

I know your deck
very well

And none of your moves
will surprise me.

Remember, I witnessed
your last duel!

If he's familiar
with my cards,

He'll be expecting me
to use my destiny board
as I did last time.

But I'm afraid he's in
for a surprise!

Stalling won't help him.

It will just delay
the appearance of
my winged dragon of ra

And his assured destruction.


I'm waiting!

Heh! Anxious
to lose are we?

He has only one monster
on the field.

So even if the winged
dragon of ra is already
in his hand,

I still have time,

For he must sacrifice
three monsters

Before he can summon
his egyptian god card.

Ra is no threat,
trust me.

Keep quiet!
I have a plan!

Don't be a fool!

In my mind, lies
the secret of ra!

Give it to me!

Let's go!

You can argue when you're
both in the shadow realm!

Believe me,
whatever you're planning
won't work anyway!

Thanks for the tip...
That just might work.


You do realize
if the scheme you've
just told me works,

And we defeat this demon,
you may lose your body
in the process!?

I'll risk it!
Now go!

Let them conspire.

It won't do them any good!

I'll place two cards

And I'll summon gernia
in defense mode!

Just try
to tear him down!

What's he trying to do now?

Not that it matters.

My egyptian god card
will defeat him regardless.

That is, once I draw
the winged dragon of ra
into my hand.

It's my move!


This card will help me
get what I need!

I activate
the card of sanctity!

What does
your magic card do?


We must keep drawing
until we both hold six cards.

This should help me



Sounds to me
like you didn't draw
what you needed.

I can give you
one more chance at it.

That is, if you
don't mind my help.

Open facedown card!

Multiple destruction!

What does that do?!

My trap card forces
both players

To discard their hands
to the graveyard

Then lets us draw
five new cards
from our decks.

Of course
there is a downside
to playing this card.

The duelist who uses it
loses life points

For each card
he throws away.

Heh heh heh!

Is this a trick!?

Why is he destroying

Who's stalling now?!
It's your move!


Still no winged dragon!
I failed again.

I see you still
haven't drawn
the card you need yet?

How pathetic!

Rrr! You just worry
about my facedown card.

I'll take care
of the rest!

The end is near!

do you remember
what happened

Last time
you were here yugi?

A stranger
appeared to us.


That's right.

He used the power
of his millennium key

To see into the maze
of my inner mind.

He was searching
for the truth.

Yes. You may enter.

But I warn you
to tread cautiously.

Even he couldn't find
any answers in here.

For behind every door
was another mental trap

Hiding the truth.

So...shadi had
no better luck
than I've had

Trying to solve
the mysteries
in my mind.

I climbed these staircases
and entered these doors

Just as shadi has
but to no avail.

But he hasn't
given up yet.

That's why he appeared
to us on the blimp.

You've learned much
since we first met
in duelist kingdom, yugi.

You're beginning
to understand your fate

And its relation
to the past.

Do you remember
what marik said?

He told us
the secret to unlocking
the pharaoh's power

Was imprinted
on his back during
the ceremony.

Yes, perhaps he holds
the answers we have been
looking for.

You and I make
a great team yugi.

And together we have
to defeat marik

And unlock that power
before he does!

And I can't do it
without you!

I'll always
be there for you.


you're wasting away
to nothing!

That will soon change!
I draw!

Perfect! Just the card
I was waiting for.

And now I shall
sacrifice gernia

In order to summon
my dreaded
puppet master!

Did I mention
my new monster's
special ability?

For the bargain price of
a thousand life points

My puppet master
allows me to bring

Three monsters back
from the graveyard.

Ah! You forgot to mention
one important fact, you fool.

Your monsters
can't attack this turn.

Who said I was going
to attack with them?

I have something
far more ingenious
in mind

With a little help
from this card!


Activate the magic card,
dark designator!

Why should I care
about a magic card

That lets you choose
one monster from my deck

And place it
in my hand unless--


I am forcing you to draw
the winged dragon of ra
into your hand!

So I can then claim it
for myself!


Now enjoy it
while you can

For soon
it will be mine!

Don't be so sure.

I'm onto your plan
and I can assure you,
you'll fail.

Your sad attempt
to steal ra was obvious.

You laid it all out for me
on the field, you fool!


It's all there:

The three useless
monsters you summoned

For life points,

The facedown card you're
waiting to activate...

Ha ha! Too bad.

That card will never
leave my hands!

Don't be too sure
you demon.

I activate
my facedown card,

I was right.

Then you must know
its effect:

When exchange is
played each duelist

Takes a card
from the other's hand.

So please,
hand over your
winged dragon of ra!


As you wish, fool.

Thank you.

Good luck.

Now you pick
a card, any card.

Monster reborn
should do.

It must be quite hard
to part with your most
powerful card

But don't feel bad.

It may seem like
you've just lost your
egyptian god card,

But I can promise
that you will be seeing
it again very soon.


Don't get excited
just yet.

Heh! I think you're
forgetting something.

You can't control
the power of ra!

Which means the card is
absolutely useless to you!

But not to me.

The winged dragon of ra
may be controlled by anyone

Who can decipher
and recite the ancient text

That's inscribed
on the card.

Well look who's back.

Looks like the spirit
of the ring

Isn't duelist enough
to handle me

Without running
to his little friend
for help.

Don't push me!

You'll need more than
that weakling's help
to defeat me.

We'll see about that.

Remember, my partner
knows everything you do.

After all,
he is your other half!

Wrong! I am complete
without him!

you are nothing and soon
you won't exist at all!

One more turn to go!

And the winged dragon of ra
will cast you to
the shadows!

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