02x17 - Mime Control, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x17 - Mime Control, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh!

The time has come
for my arrival.

Awake, my mind sl*ve...

Now locate yugi-moto...

Marik and strings:
prepare to duel!

make your move.

Activate my jam breeding

Once my breeding machine
creates slime tokens,

I'll be able to summon
my egyptian god card...

And then I think
I'll play this magic card,

Nightmare steel cage...

Now all you can do
is watch

While I summon
the most powerful force
you've ever seen

To annihilate you!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

it appears you're
out of options, pharaoh!

Thanks to
my nightmare's...

Both: steelcage,
you can't attack!

And in one more turn,
you'll be finished,

And your millennium puzzle
will be mine!


As long as I believe in
the heart of the cards,

You won't succeed
in claiming my puzzle.

Your misguided faith
is completely pathetic

When compared to
the overwhelming power
of my egyptian god card!

But you'll
see that firsthand

In just one more turn

When my breeding machine
produces the third
slime token,

Giving me
enough monsters
to sacrifice!

Both: then I'll summon
my great beast...

An ancient creature of
unbeatable strength...

To destroy you!


all systems go!

Commence download
of real-time
satellite imaging!

Different operator:

Confirm system
data link

With all active
duel discs.


Resume digital scan of
battle city tournament
game play

And card tracking

Kaiba: progress report!

Mr. Kaiba!

Has my satellite
tracking system

Recorded any use
of the two remaining
egyptian god cards?

No, sir.

But we are searching
around the clock.

I trust even you
won't screw up

all the real work

Programming my satellite
to track every card played.

Contact me immediately

If an egyptian
god card appears!

Yes, sir!

I'm surprised those cards
haven't surfaced yet.

Mokuba: me, too.

But if they had,

Our satellite system
would have picked 'em up.

Well, then maybe
it's time for me

To go out and find them
on my own.

My patience
is growing thin.


With all these
rare hunters

Running around
the city,

I bet those
egyptian god cards

Are right under
our noses.

Hmm. And once
I have all ,

I'll have the most
powerful deck
in duel monsters.

I'll be unbeatable,
and once again,

I'll be known as
the world's greatest

Let's go, mokuba!


Wait up, seto!

Strings: history
may be on yourside,

But destinyis on mine

As I draw closer to
winning your puzzle.

And once I possess it...

Only the final
egyptian god card
will be left to claim.

When I do,
then I'llbe the pharaoh!

Marik: you're not worthy
of the powers

That lie hidden
within you.

So I'll take them!

For as long
as I can remember,

I was taught to obey
the ancient scriptures...

And to help my family
protect the pharaoh's tomb.

Now I realize that
your time as pharaoh
has expired,

And I must
take your place!

And your puzzle
is the key to your power!

I wish that
I knew more

About what happened
in the ancient past.

But for now,

I know that I can't
let marik win!

you can't attack!

I'll end my turn.


That's good
because your time
has run out anyway.

breeding machine,

Create the third
and finalslime token!

This can't be!

He's succeeded!

Now I have
enough monsters
for my ultimate sacrifice.


the time has come!

The skies shall be
shrouded in darkness!

Ha ha ha!



prepare to experience

An ancient force
like no other!

As I sacrifice...

Jam breeder
and my slime tokens...

In order to summon

The beast of
your ultimate destruction!

Marik: a creature
whose power

Is absolutely limitless!

Ha ha ha!

meet your maker,

The last monster
you'll ever see!

The egyptian god
slifer the sky dragon!!!

You're finished, yugi!

Prepare to feel his wrath!

How can I stop it!?



you're staring

Into the face
of defeat, pharaoh!

Slifer the sky dragon

Is one of the
most feared creatures
in history--

The egyptian god monsters.

They cannot be defeated!

every monster has
a weakness, marik,

And I'll find yours!

Marik: you're
in no position
to make threats!

You're trapped
in my nightmares steelcage,

With no way to attack.

And you're face-to-face
with an egyptian god monster

Whose attack power
is limitless!

All you can do is
watch it grow stronger!

But how!?

Allow me to explain
how slifer works.

The number of cards
I hold in my hand...

Determines what
slifer's attack power
will be.

And since
I hold two cards,

It has attack points.

I'm afraid slifer
is still weaker
than mymonster.

But this is
just the beginning...

All thanks
to my magic card.

I activate pot of greed!

This card allows me
to draw two newcards.

Greed is good.

I lost one card
but gained two,

Giving me a total
of cards...

And slifer a total
of attack points!

But in duel monsters,

There's a limit
to how many cards
a player can hold,

So slifer the sky dragon
has a limit
to its strength!

Foolish pharaoh!

Don't you realize
that every rule
is made to be broken!

Marik, thinking:
he has no understanding

Of the destructive force
of an egyptian god monster

Because he has no memory
of the days when they
devastated the earth!

But he'll learn
about slifer's power
the hard way

Since I have just the cards

To give my sky dragon
infinite strength!

I'm afraid any hopes
you have of survival
are completely in vain,

For no one has ever defeated
an egyptian god card!

Until now!

You're a fool!

Slifer will wipe you out
with one single attack!

Then I'll take your puzzle

And send you to a place
of eternal darkness...

The shadow realm!

Now...prepare to lose!

Ha ha ha!

Yugi, thinking:
I got to
figure out a way

To bring down
marik's dragon!!


My buster blader
attack points

For every dragon
on the field,

So right now,
mymonster is stronger

Than his sky dragon.

With attack points,

My swordsman would
slay marik's dragon

With one swipe
of his lance.

But as long as
I'm in this cage,

I can'tattack.

And by the time
I canattack,

His monster
may be too strong!

You see?

My sky dragon will
only get stronger

As I draw more cards.

Ha ha ha!

So when I draw
in my next turn...

Slifer will have
attack points,

More than enough
to annihilate
your buster blader

And seriously damage
your life points...

Then soon enough,
you'll be out of my way.


Your reign is over,

Hand over that puzzle
and accept the inevitable!

Ha ha ha!


I'll trust my deck...

Yugi, thinking:
thiscard may be
able to help.

But I'm still trapped
for one more turn.

If I can hang on
until then,

Maybe I can turn
this duel around.

I just have to
trust the heart
of the cards.

this duel is
far from over, marik.

How sad.

You're finished.

Just embrace it.

You've had your chance
to be pharaoh, yami.

Now it's time
for me to take over
and rule the world.

Ha ha ha!

Yugi, thinking:
not if I can
help it, marik.

It's my destiny
to stop you!

I'll place...

These two cards
face down!

And I summon kuriboh
in defense mode.

Make your move,

Yes! The moment
has now arrived!

Ha ha ha!

Prepare to feel the wrath
of an egyptian god card!

The steelcage
is evaporating,

Leaving you wide open
for annihilation!

You are about to witness
an ancient force

So mighty it almost
destroyed the entire world!

Ha ha ha!

you are powerless
against slifer!

Let's end this!

I draw!

And since slifer gets
, attack points

For every card
in my hand,

Now it's up to
, !

Enough to incinerate
your buster blader!!


And now,
my egyptian god monster,



You've activated
my trap card!

Trap card!?

My lightforce sword!

This trap card
allows me

To slash one card
out of your hand

For the duration
of the turn!

Marik, thinking:

Which lowers
your dragon's
attack points

Back to ,

Making it weaker
than my monster!

Now, buster blader,

Swing your mighty sword
and slay his dragon!

Your egyptian god card
is defeated.


Strings: not exactly!

You forgot my jam defender
is still in play,

Which means my revival jam

Will intercept
all your att*cks...

And from now on,

Thismagic card
will also be in play.

Card of safe return!

Card of safe return?


This rare magic card
lets me draw new cards

Every time my jam defender
reforms itself.

This brings the cards
in my hand up to ,

Giving slifer
the sky dragon

A grand total of
, attack points
so far!

, Points?!

Now what?!



you shoulda
challenged him.

You woulda
destroyed 'im
, , .


You're just two
locator cards away

From the finals!

He was a lightweight.


I got a reputation
to uphold ova here.

I can't go dueling
every inexperienced
chump I see!


You're outta
your mind, joey.

Dude, I don't care
if that guy

Couldn't even play
go fish!

His locator cards
are just as good
as anyone else's,

And you
need 'em now!

Look, tristan,

You don't understand
how it feels.

I came in second place
in duelist kingdom.

Dat puts alotta
pressure on me

Ta kick some
serious keister
in distournament.

No one's gonna claim
joey wheeler

Did it the easyway.


Plus after da way
I been duelin' lately,

I know I'm ready
to take on anyone
in battle city,

And I mean anyone!!


It's true
your dueling skills

quite a bit...

Especially during
your lasttwo duels.

But besides
having confidence
in oneself, joey,

Being a great duelist
means knowing

That there's always
more to learn...


Kaiba: well,
what do we have here?

Tea: kaiba!

Why is a complete
amateur like you

Wearing one of
my duel discs, wheeler?


I'm goin' to da top!

Looks like someone
screwed up at registration.

I'll deal with you

Come on, mokuba.


Kaiba: we've wasted
enough time here.

Tristan, I think
I feel a challenge
coming on here.

Maybe you should
save kaiba

For the finals,

Joey: kaiba!
You wanna piece'a me?


You might want
to rethink this.

Nobodydisses me
in front of my friends.

Joey, you're an ok
duelist and all,

But playing
against you

Would be
a complete waste

Of my big brother's

this won't take long.


Let's rock'n'roll!

Kaiba: you fool.

Looks like I'll
have to teach you
to behave...

Just like
the dog you are.

You're toast!


Ah! What's wit
all dis wind, hah?!


It's a twister!

Your chopper!

Pilot on radio:
mr. Kaiba.

An egyptian god card
was played exactly
minutes ago!

We'll fly you to it!

Quit stallin'!

There's dueling
to be done!


It's your lucky day!



Later, joey!

We got a date
with an egyptian
god card!

Den it's
yourlucky day, punk!

I was about ta
wipe the street wit ya!

You betta run from me!


Joey: man,

Did you see the way
he took off?

you can drop the act.

you're safe, joey.


I woulda
crushed 'im!

Man on radio:
more information
has just come in.

The egyptian god card
was activated

In a duel involving...
Yugi muto.

Hmm. Yugi!

I have a plan, mokuba.

That card willbe mine.

Strings: and now,
slifer the sky dragon,

his buster blader!


And take a bite
out of his life points!


Do you surrender yet?

You're finished.

Slifer will only
get stronger.

And thanks
to my jam defender,

You still can't
attack, pharaoh.

For if you do,
I'll draw more cards,

And slifer will grow
even more powerful.

Don't you realize
there's no way
you can win!?

Hand over your puzzle.

Once my egyptian god card
finishes you off,

Your days as pharaoh
will be over!

Ha ha ha!

Yugi, thinking:
none of my monsters
are strong enough

To beat his sky dragon.

So I'm gonna need
the right magic card
to do it!

Come on,
heart of the cards,

Guide me!


Here I go!



Yugi, thinking:
magic cylinder.

This card could
do the trick,

But it has to be

With a magician card
to work.

And I'm in luck...

'Cause I'm holding
the dark magician girl!



I sacrifice

To summon
dark magician girl...

In defense mode!


Strings: by summoning
a new monster
to the field,

You've activated
my dragon's
special ability!

Oh, no!

its secondmouth!

Ha ha ha!

Yami-yugi: slifer is
full of surprises!

Even if it's yourturn,

Slifer will
automatically attack
every monster you summon

With its second
set of jaws,

Wiping out points

From whichever mode
your monster is in.

So say good-bye
to your dark magician girl!

Oh, no!

She only has ,
defense points.

Slifer, attack!

It's time for me to save
my dark magician girl!

It's too late!


Why don't youobserve!


Strings and marik:
it really is a pity

That your magician
had to leave us so soon.

Who said she's gone?

I did!

Guess again!

I activated
magical hats
just in time.

So she's hiding inside
one of those hats?

Not just hiding.

She's inside
preparing to launch
a counterattack.

Yugi, your monster's
not strong enough!

Not to defeat slifer!

Ha ha ha!

It's true
that your dragon
is powerful, marik...

But I have faith...

And so I place
two cards facedown...

Beneath my magical hats.

Strings and marik:
your hats merely provide you

With a temporary hiding place.

And in the meantime,

I'll play my own magic card!

And it will make
my dragon's power infinite!

You see...

infinite cards lets me
exceed the -card limit

And hold as many cards
as I wish in my hand!

No! That can't be!


Since slifer gets
attack points

For every card in my hand...

Now there's no limit
to my monster's power!

your thunder force!

On the right-hand hat!!

You made
a lucky guess, marik!

You couldn't
hide her forever.

This duel's not over!

It may as well be.

Your monster is destroyed!

What's this!?

She's absorbing
my attack!

That's right, marik.

It seems
you have forgotten

I also hid
two trap cards
under that hat!

Magic cylinder...

And my spellbinding

So I'll weaken
your sky dragon's power

And then
redirect his own
thunder force attack

Right backat him!


Say good-bye!


You can'tattack me
with my revival jam in play!

So your plasma monster

Can even block

That's exactly right,

Then it regenerates

Which also means
I can draw newcards.

So my sky dragon
grows even stronger,

Plus I'll draw again,

Giving it a total
of over ,
attack points!

That egyptian god...
Is unstoppable!

Precisely, and since
your spellbinding
circle card has expired,

Slifer gains back
more attack points,

Giving him , !

Now, slifer,
demolish his
dark magician girl!!!


Behold: the ultimate
-card combination

That makes me
completely indestructible!

When these almighty cards
are played together,

They complete a strategy
that cannot be defeated!

My egyptian god card
will continue to grow stronger,

And your att*cks are
completely useless!

Oh, no.

I can't let marik
win my puzzle.


get on your feet,



Since when do you
bowto your rivals?


Then get up and stop
embarrassing yourself,

So you can defeat
this nobody

And relieve him of
his egyptian god card!

And do it now!

Don't let this punk win.

You can take down
slifer the sky dragon!

Just find out
its weakness!

Unless, of course,
you've lost your touch.

If you still have
what it takes...

Then get up
and prove it to me now!

Kaiba: once ilearn
its weakness,

I'll takeslifer
from yugi,

And soon I'llhave
the most powerful deck
in the world!

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