02x04 - Steppin' Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x04 - Steppin' Out

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ It's time to d-d-duel

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Boy: yes. I'm gonna
head home soon.

Yeah. All right.

I'll call you as
soon as I get home.

Girl: see you
at practice.

All right.
It's pouring.


Just great.

There's rain afterschool.


Joey, we're
on mop duty.

What are you
so happy about, anyway?

Well, my sister
serenity is finally

Getting her eye

And it's
all thanks to
the million bucks

That yugi won
at duelist kingdom.

She's gonna
get her sight
back again.

That's sweet!

So when do we visit?

It's not that easy.


My mom's gonna be there,

And ever since
serenity and I
were separated as kids,

My mom and I haven't
seen eye to eye.

So I'll go
without you.

My only concern
is whether or not
serenity likes me.

Don't get
any funny ideas.

Tell me which
hospital she's at,

And I'll go visit
sweet serenity

You'd be
a third wheel.


I'll send you
to the hospital!





Hey! How's it
going, yugi?

Not so great.

I need your help,

And so does
the spirit of
the millennium puzzle.

Oh. Uh-huh.

You see, tea,

Whoever it was that
stole the puzzle

Seemed to know a lot
about its past.

That reminded
the spirit

How little
he knows about it.

But you can help.

Hanging out with you
might help him

Figure things out.

Sure, but how exactly
am I gonna do that?

You always have
great advice.

Just talk to him.

Well, what's
the plan?

: Tomorrow
at domino station!

Thanks, tea!

No problem!

I just hope
I really can help.

[Birds chirping]

Yugi: I have a feeling
today is gonna be awesome.

Now if I can figure out
what to wear,

We can get out of here.

Tell me, yugi--

What's this
big surprise?

if I told you,

Then it wouldn't be
a surprise,

Now would it?

No, I guess not.

But I still
have many riddles
to unlock.

I don't have time
for surprises.

Don't worry.

What I've got planned
is gonna help.

how am I gonna
help the spirit

Figure out his past?

I mean, I know a little bit
about the millennium puzzle,

But I'm not sure there's
anything I can tell him about it

That he doesn't
already know.



this is way
too much pressure.



Ready or not,

This is where
you take over.

Spirit: hey! Yugi!

I'm not--you can't--

This isn't a duel!



[People chattering]

Tea: hey, let's
grab some lunch.

Tea, thinking:
he seems to have
a lot on his mind.

I hope I can help.

Well, here goes.

Hey! Check this out.

Here's something
we can do.

The ancient egypt


Now that could be
interesting, tea.


And check out
this old stone.

It has the same symbol
as the millennium puzzle.

Call me crazy,

But this exhibit's
got to help answer
some questions

About your past.


Or...we could do
something else instead

If you don't want
to see the exhibit.

It's totally
up to you.

Please...you must
forgive me, tea.

Lately I feel like
a stranger to myself.

There are so many
details about who I am

And where I came from

That I can't seem
to remember.

Well, maybe we
should start

With the things
that you do remember.

I know my origins
lie in ancient egypt

And I now reside
within the millennium

But that's
about all.


When yugi first put
the puzzle together

And our bond began,

It was as if
my spirit
was reborn.

What do you mean
by that?

Since that day,
I've felt that...

I'm here
for a reason,

That destiny
brought me to yugi

To accomplish
something of
great importance.

After the puzzle
was almost taken
away from us,

That feeling began
to grow stronger.

Maybe the key
to understanding
why I'm here

Lies in my past.

Well, if it makes you
feel any better,

I'm going through
the same thing.


My situation

Is not exactly
the same as yours,

But I'm not sure
why I'm here

Or what my future
holds, either.

I see.

So for now,
I'm just going to
listen to my heart

And see where
that takes me,

And my heart
is telling me

To become a dancer.

That's great, tea.

I always tell yugi
to follow his heart.

And who knows?

I may find out that
dancing isn't for me,

But I'll never know
unless I try.

I guess what I'm
trying to say is,

Don't look at the unknown
as your enemy.

See it as an adventure.

All right.

I totally just
inspired myself.

Let's go see
what the world has
in store for us today!

so where are
we going now?

Wherever we're
inspired to go.

Life's an adventure,

Look, tea.

Players can trade
their duel monster
cards here.


Today must be
your lucky day!


Let's go in
and check it out.

These cards are both
very powerful.


he seems to be
cheering up.

Spirit: ah!
Lightforce sword.

It's an excellent
trap card

And a wise trade.

Excited, are we?

I guess you
could say that, yes.

The next stop
for us is
the arcade!


[People chattering]

Wow! This place
is so big.

Boy: go, johnny!

Different boy: yeah!

Girl: he's awesome.

Ha ha ha!
That kid's amazing!

Look at him
Shake it good.

Steps rocks!
Kick it!

Game: get your groove on!

Work it now!

All right!

Way to go!
Work it!

That's some
fancy footwork.

Johnny's the man!

He's the best!

Game: you're the champion.

I wonder where
johnny gets his moves.

I don't care.

I want to know
where he got
that hairdo.

Who wants the honor
of being johnny steps'
next victim?

Some kind of dueling
dance game?

Yeah! Sounds
like a blast.

You--girl in the pink.

You feeling
lucky today?

Why don't
we ignore him

And go
someplace else?


This guy may have
some flashy moves, yugi,

But they're not
flashy enough
to scare me away.

[Crowd gasping]


What are you
doing, tea?

Having some fun.

[All talking at once]

Johnny: huh?

We go when I
say we go.

You know you're
the man, johnny.

Let her know
who's the boss.

Hey! Why don't you
back out now

And save yourself
some embarrassment?

You're the one who's
gonna be embarrassed.

All right.

You're gonna wish
you never stepped
on my stage.


What do you say?

Are you ready for me
to step all over you?

Get a life, johnny.

Now it's time to dance.


Game: it's time
to make some noise!

Tea: it's time
this creep

Learned what
real dancing's
all about.



Ha ha ha!

Game: whoa! You two
are off the hook.

Whoa! Ho!
Ha ha ha!

Mmm. Mmm.


Game: it's gonna be
a photo finish.

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Ahh.

Ahh. Mmm. Mmm.
Mmm. Mmm.

Check her...out!

That girl's
busting moves

Even johnny can't do.

Maybe he's saving
his best moves
for last.


time to break out
my signature moves.


oh! This jerk's

Ha ha ha!


[Breathing heavily]



Hey! Keep it
clean, johnny!

She's still
beating him.
Go, girl!

Boy: steps is going down.

Game: weak!

stupid machine!
It must be broken.

Whoa! He's
about to lose.

bugging out.

That girl's
just awesome.



Aah! Aah!

Oh, no!


[Breathing heavily]



That was so awesome.

Did you see the look
on johnny's face?

getting beaten
at his own game

Will shut him up
for a while.

You were
great today.

You know, tea,

I've been
thinking about what
you said earlier.

Could you remind me
exactly what it was
I said earlier?

You said you
were unsure about
your life, too,

And that
when in doubt,

You follow
your heart.

And my heart
is now telling me

That I must
uncover the secrets
of my origin,

No matter where
the search
may lead me.

he's really

To find out
about his past,

But I've got
a bad feeling

It's gonna lead
him and yugi
to more danger.

I'm glad my advice
could help you.

And just so you know,

While you're
out there searching
for some answers,

Your friends will be
right there by your side,

Searching along
with you.

Thank you.


Do you two geeks mind
if I step in?

Now what do you
want from us?

I've humbly
come down here

To ask you
for a second chance.

Second chance?

I'd have easily won
if my leg hadn't
cramped up.

I think that you
owe me a rematch.

Give it up.


I'll give you
a rematch,

But we'll duel
my way.


Stay out of this,
porcupine head!

This battle is
just between me
and the girl.

Tea, may I
finish off
your opponent?


Fine. I'm not afraid of
either of you.

Name your game,
you little freak.

Spirit: the game
is duel monsters,

And if you lose,

You're never
to bother tea again.


Only if I win,

The girl will have
to go out on a date
with johnny steps.


Johnny: challenging
johnny steps to a duel

Was a huge mistake.

You two losers
have no idea

Who you're
dealing with.

You're the one
who's going to lose.

You listen up, punk.

Johnny doesn't lose.

Hey! You may think
you beat me today, tea...


But that was
only because of
a freak accident.

Tea defeated you
fair and square.

Believe what you
want to believe,
tough guy.

All right.
It's about time

You learned
your lesson, steps.

Let's duel!
Let's duel!

Why don't I
start off this show?

Sonic maid
in attack mode.

This maid's gonna
clean your clock.

Or so you say.

Hmm. Not bad.

I summon
celtic guardian!


Destroy sonic maid
with your steel sword!


It looks like you
just got lucky, dude,

But I wouldn't let it
go to your spiky head.

This duel
just started.

I'll make an even
bigger splash

When I play water omotics
in attack mode.

That card?

Just what is
johnny up to?

What? Is
something wrong?

It's strange.

Every duelist knows
a strong deck

Needs cards that
support each other,

But johnny's

Seem to be
all over the place.


If you think
you can win

By throwing random
monsters against me,

sadly mistaken.

Johnny: ooh!
I'm quaking
in my boots.

Maybe your puny brain
can't figure out my plan--

If you've even
got a brain.

Talk all you want.

We'll see who wins
in the end.

I choose
to end my turn

Without playing
a card.


Spirit of the harp
in defense mode.

Along with a magic card,
chorus of sanctuary.

My little
cherub friend

the defense power

Of my spirit
of the harp
by points...

And that's music
to my ears.

Yugi, thinking:
maybe johnny's
a far better duelist

Than I've
given him credit for.

With spirit of the harp
in defense mode,

It's harder to take down
his life points.


Yugi, thinking:
but he still
made one mistake,

And it's gonna
cost him.

ready, johnny steps?

Because it's
time for you
to face the music.

I summon
curse of dragon
in attack mode.

water omotics

With your dragon flame.

Oh! I just messed up.

I forgot to switch her
into defense mode.

Mmm. Johnny doesn't
even know who he's
up against.

So far,
you're hitting
all the wrong notes.

Don't worry.

I'm just tuning up
for the grand finale.

But first,

A surprise guest.

Witch of the black forest
in defense mode.

Yugi, thinking:
what's johnny
planning to do now?

But there's more
to come, duel fans.

I activate
my polymerization card,

Fusing witch of
the black forest

And lady of faith

To create a whole
new rock-and-rolling entity

Better known as...

The musician king.

How about playing
a little lullaby

For celtic guardian?

[Music playing]

Spirit: ah! No!
My celtic guardian!

Johnny: ha ha ha!

I guess
your celtic guardian

Wasn't a big fan
of the electric guitar.

I promise the music
will be much more romantic

On our date, tea.


I'll just lay this card
facedown on the field,

Ending my turn.

Make your move.


Curse of dragon,

Fire your flame
and silence
the musician king!

Ha ha ha!

You fell into my trap.

I totally played you.

A trap?

Time to crank up
the volume

With metalmorph,

Which transforms
musician king

Into the punk-rocking
heavy metal king.

His attack
and defense points

Climb up to the top
of the charts.

Play the dragon
a couple of riffs.


How pathetic.

Looks like
you're nothing
but a one-hit wonder.

could johnny
actually win?

Giant soldier
of stone

In defense mode!

You can't really
expect that boulder

To stop
my heavy metal king,

Especially not
with metalmorph.

It increases his power
with every attack.

I think this next song

Is going to be just
a tremendous smash.

And...kick it!

The spirit's
in major trouble.

Why don't you just
give up already, loser?

None of your monsters

Can jam with
my heavy metal king.

I call forth
dark magician.

heavy metal king!

The fun just never ends.

With metalmorph's

Heavy metal king's
attack strength

Is greater than
dark magician's.

Johnny, your ability
to miscalculate

Is uncanny.

Say what?

Your overconfidence
renders you blind.

Dark magic attack!

Your heavy metal king
has been shattered.

metalmorph raises

Heavy metal king's
attack power.

You're almost
correct, johnny,

But you left out
one rule.

It's true
metalmorph increases
your attack power,

But only when
your monster

But since

Heavy metal king
didn't receive
the power bonus,

Leaving his attack

Less than that of
the dark magician.

Metalmorph is
a powerful card--

When used

But maybe you
should have read

The instruction
manual first.

I've put an end to
your musical mayhem.

But...that just
isn't fair.

You must have cheated.

Tell me your name.

Spirit: uh...

Just call me yugi.

Ah. Wait just a second.

That name sort of
rings a bell.

Oh! There's no way.

Not the same yugi
who defeated pegasus
in duelist kingdom?

That can't be you.

I see that my name
struck a chord.

It's time to
finish this duel,

And it's your move,

Just forget it.

I can't hang with you.

I'm out, man.

I'm a dancer,
not a duelist.


Yugi takes a slight
lead in the duel,

And you give up?

That's just like
when you tried to cheat

And tripped me when
I started winning

During the dance battle.

Look at you, johnny.
Where's your pride?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

When things turn
a little bit hairy,

You get scared
and start
running away.

Ha! And so what
if I do?

Forfeiting is much better
than facing defeat.

Everybody loves
a winner.

I can't let people
see me as a loser.

Tell me,
how many friends
do you have, johnny?

Uh...i've got tons
and tons of friends.

None, right?

One--i think.

One, huh?

Sure about that?

Because that's
one friend more

Than I would have
guessed you had.

Hey, just watch
your mouth.

I don't have to
stay here and take this.

I can't stand people

Who don't face
their problems.

What do you mean?

Everybody fails

But the important
thing is having
the courage

To look trouble
straight in the eye.

If you really want
to be a winner,

Be someone who
never gives up.

You've got a point.

Guess I was wrong.



Tea, thanks for
being honest with me.


You're welcome.

Ha ha!

Hopefully, now he'll
face his problems

Instead of
running away.

You're right,

And that's exactly
what I have to do.


Hmm. Hmm.

Tea: well,
here we are--

The domino museum.

I think
you were right

About this
egyptian exhibit.

I feel
it may hold clues

To the mysteries
of my ancient past,

Answers to some of
my questions.

Thank you
for bringing me here

And for helping me
today, tea.

What are friends for?

No matter what's
beyond those doors,

I'm ready
to face it.

to face it.

Let's go!

Ok! I'm right with you!
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