02x03 - The Past is Present

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x03 - The Past is Present

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Man: ms. Ishtar,

On behalf of
the domino museum,

Welcome to america.

Thank you, but please,
let's get down to business.

Of course.
I must say, we were
pleasantly surprised

That you chose our
town to host your
egyptian collection.

Will they be transported
safely and discreetly?

Don't worry.
Since you warned us

That thieves
have been after
your rare artifacts,

We've taken
extra precautions.

I devised
an ingenious plan
to transport the items

Without a hint
of detection.

For security reasons,
I can't tell you how.

You're loading them
in armored vehicles

Disguised as
ordinary garbage trucks.

Am I not correct?

How did you--

Don't worry.
Your security's fine.

Let's just say that
I have a sixth sense
about these things.

Now if you'll
please excuse me,

I really must get
over to the museum
to set up the exhibition.

Yugi, thinking:
what am I gonna do?

I almost lost the spirit
of the puzzle in that fire,

And I've got a feeling
the worst is yet to come.


Hey! It's me, yugi!


Yugi! Wait up!

What's up with him?

Announcer: in today's news
at domino museum,

Ishizu ishtar of
the egyptian historical society

Announced the opening
of her highly anticipated
egyptian exhibit.

Game fans
are especially invited.

This world premiere

Newly discovered
and never-before-seen

Chronicling the history
of egyptian games.

In ancient times,
games were not played
just for fun,

As they are today.

Everyone from princes
to peasants

Waged dueling games
against each other

For land, wealth,
but especially for power.

These games
were epic battles.

I've unearthed relics
that suggest

The great pharaoh himself
may have competed
in a game

Against a force
that threatened to destroy
the entire world.

Of course, this
is still speculation,

And further studying
needs to be done.

We have to check out
the exhibit, seto.

It sounds awesome.

I'm running
a company, mokuba.

I don't have time
for mummies
and pharaohs.


I thought you'd be
into this kind of thing.




Ishizu: this is
ishizu ishtar.

You should really
pay closer attention
to my press conference.

How did you know
I was watching, hmm?

I'm personally
inviting seto kaiba

To this evening's
private exhibition.

I promise, what he
will witness will change
his life forever.

We're here, sir.

Keep the engine running.
I won't be long.

Yes, sir.

Ishizu: thank you
for coming, seto kaiba.

Where are
the other guests?

I said this was
a private exhibition.

You were
the only one invited

Because it makes
conducting business
so much easier.

We've locked all
the entrances.

Nobody's allowed
in or out.

It's only been
a minute,

But I'm
already bored.

If you don't
tell me what this
is all about,

I'm leaving now.

Excuse us.

We faced a string
of thefts,

And we have
to be careful.

You may leave any time
you wish, seto kaiba.

However, I believe
it's in your best interest

To see all that
we have to offer.

Really now? Hmm.

And how do you know
what's best for me?

come this way.

Kaiba, do you
believe in destiny?

Does it matter?

Ancient egyptians
thought that the true
path of one's life

Was predetermined
because history
repeats itself

Throughout the ages
in a never-ending

They would say
it was not your choice
to come here,

For it was destined
that the two of us
would meet.

All that nonsense
may interest you,

But I didn't
come here

For egyptian
history .

I came here because
you said it would be
worth my while,

But it looks like
you've wasted
my time.

If there's a point
to all this,

Let's get to it

I have
a company to run.

You said you had
an exclusive offer
for me.

Ishizu, on phone:
I know of your passion
for duel monsters.

Are you interested
in owning a card
stronger than exodia?

I know everything
about duel monsters,

And nothing
can stop exodia.

So quit the charade
and tell me
what's going on.

All in good time,

Duel monsters
is based upon
a , -year-old game.

It was played
by ancient egyptians
for power

And was
extremely dangerous.

Who cares?

Maximillion pegasus did.

He fell in love
with the game

And decided
to reinvent it
for modern times.

What's your point?

I'm getting to it.

to most duelists,

Pegasus created a series
of all-powerful cards

That were never released
to the public.

It's no surprise that
he kept the strongest
monsters for himself.


Follow me, kaiba,

And I'll reveal the reason
I called you here today.

Yugi, thinking:
seems like whoever's
after the puzzle

Will do anything
to get it

Or to make sure
that no one else does.

When he smashed it
to pieces,

He almost
destroyed it for good.

We barely made it
out of that mess alive,

And I know this
is just the beginning.

We're in more danger
now than ever.

Spirit: yes, yugi,

But now that you
reassembled the puzzle
and our bond is back,

We can face him

But we have no idea
who this guy is.

We don't even know
what he looks like.


But haven't we been
in some tough spots before?


So we'll get through
this one, too.

I guess
you're right.


Where am i?


Is that yugi?

Yugi! Stop!

Where are you going?


to face my destiny.


Don't go!


Uh. Ahh.


I've secured
the most precious
artifacts here.

We've recovered
stone carvings

That depict
the earliest known
game played in egypt.

I'm sure you'll
find it most familiar.

behold the origin
of duel monsters.


It can't be.

These carvings
look like
duel monster cards.

Then that means
your story is true.

I see you've come
to your senses.

Furthermore, there's
a theory that
in ancient times,

These monsters
were real.

Egyptian sorcerers
summoned monsters
to earth

To do their bidding,

But they soon realized
that the monsters
could not be controlled.

They destroyed
countless villages

And brought earth
to the brink
of destruction.

The citizens turned
to the pharaoh
for help.

Though he could not
permanently defeat
the monsters,

He managed to use his
magic to seal them away
in stone tablets

And brought peace
to the world.

However, over time,

Evil sorcerers
learned how to
control the monsters

And released them
from the tablets.

With their army
of powerful monsters,

The sorcerers were
confident that no one
could stand in their way.

They betrayed
the pharaoh

And waged
an all-out w*r
against him.

This is the one
you must look at.

This carving
is the reason I've
called you here tonight.

It depicts one
of the main conflicts

In the w*r between
the pharaoh and his
greatest opponent.

Closely examine
this artifact.

After this moment,

Your life will never
be the same.


That's the pharaoh?
But that's yugi.

And the monster
carved above him
is the dark magician.

On the left
is the sorcerer
fighting against him.

That's you, kaiba.

Ishizu: if you still
have any doubt,

Look at his monster.

It's the blue-eyes
white dragon.


The hieroglyphics read

That the mighty sorcerer
marched into
the pharaoh's chamber

And challenged him
and his legion
of noble magicians

To a legendary duel
with the fate
of the world at stake.


The pharaoh accepted
the sorcerer's

And their
epic battle began.

Both opponents
unleashed their most
powerful monsters

Against each other--

The sorcerer
fighting to control
the world,

And the pharaoh
and his loyal

Fighting to save it.

, years later,

This ancient battle
is being played out
once again.

Do you see?

Now do you believe
in destiny, kaiba?

This can't be real.
There's no way.

This piece of rock
has got to be a fake.

If you won't
trust my words,

Then you must
look back in time

And experience
a part of the battle

Which I can
help you do with my
millennium necklace.

Uh! Ugh.


Now open your mind

And see
into the past.


What is this place?

I hereby declare
a challenge
to the pharaoh.

By the rites
of tradition,

Duel me, if you
are not a coward.

Magic powers,
heed my cry.

Release the monster
trapped inside.

Magic powers,
heed my cry.

Release the monster
trapped inside.


As the pharaoh's
loyal servant,

I will stand
against you,



I banish you all
to the shadow realm.



Oh, no.

What is this?

Yugi: I feel
like a total loser.

I almost lost you
and the puzzle forever
in that fire.

There's no way I can
face this enemy.

What if I
mess up again?

You didn't fail.

Only because
my friends came

And saved me.

Otherwise, I'd
never have escaped.

You're wrong,

You need to believe
in yourself like
I believe in you.

In all my years,

I have never encountered
a soul as brave
as yours, yugi.

There is a reason
why fate handed you
the millennium puzzle

And brought us

You have the heart
of a true champion

And a soul that is
courageous and true.

In another time,
you could have been


The duel raged on
with neither side
showing any mercy.

They summoned
monsters that were

More powerful
and vicious.

The winner
of the duel
was written here,

But as you can see,

The hieroglyphics
have been worn away.

I see.

Yes, but though
we don't know
the outcome,

There's still much
that we can learn.

Let us take a glance
into the past again

Using the powers
of my millennium

Uhh. Ohh! Ah!

Heh heh heh!

Your la jinn
may be strong,

But did you think
I would not
come prepared?

It is no match for
the combined fury
of my dragons.

Let two be one.
Let two be one.
Let two be one.

Unite, my dragons!

You shall be


Bombard the traitor
with your blazing inferno.


Heh heh heh.



You have not
won yet, pharaoh.

It is far from over.

Do you think one
of your pathetic minions

Have the magic
to defeat me?

I will shatter them
from existence right
before your very eyes.

That sourcer is a big
mouth losing chump!

You can't
compare him to me.

Well, then maybe
the final vision
will convince you.



You should have
finished me off when
you had the chance,

For I will now call forth
the ultimate beast
of destruction.

Now, pharaoh,
this is the end.


My faithful monsters,

You have all
served me well.

Wake from your
eternal slumber

And obey me
one last time.



I will offer them,

Infuse their life forces
into the legendary dragon.



The blue-eyes
white dragon.

white dragon?


Dragon, destroy them all
with your white lightning.


Victory is mine.



Now are you
convinced, kaiba?

As I said before,

History is destined
to repeat itself.

It's not just

That yugi is your
greatest opponent.

You two have battled
in the ancient past.

Ishizu: it was destiny
that you and yugi dueled,

And it's destined
that you two
will battle again.

Kaiba: thanks
for the lecture,

But I make
my own destiny,

And I do what
I want to do.

what I thought
you wanted

Were powerful

The duel monsters cards
that surpass the power
of exodia.

What if I told you they
were in front of your
eyes the whole time?


Take a look
at the top.

They were the strongest
and most feared creatures
of annihilation--

Obelisk the tormentor,

Slifer the sky dragon,

The winged dragon
of ra.

Control one,
and you can destroy
a million armies.

Wield all ,

And the planet itself
will quake in fear.

And pegasus turned
them into cards?

You lie.

If he had them,
why didn't he
use them against me

At duelist kingdom?

Because pegasus feared
the power of these
egyptian god cards.

You cannot fathom
the magical energy
contained within.

Pegasus could not
control the power
of the cards he created.

They threatened
to overwhelm
and destroy him.

[Thinking] cards
that even make pegasus
quake in his boots.

If I can obtain
the legendary

I'll be unstoppable
in any duel.

Yugi won't
stand a chance.

But how
do I get them?

I can't ask pegasus.

He's dropped
off the face
of the earth.

They have to exist


What did pegasus do
with the cards?

He gave them to me
for safekeeping.

Ishizu, voice-over:
pegasus realized

That if these cards
fell into the wrong hands,

They could bring about
the end of the world.

He had me bury them
in secret locations,

But the cards
were discovered.

I must find them
and hide them once again.

Kaiba: you mean,
someone already
found the cards?

Tell me who.

The rare hunters.

Rare hunters?

They're a ruthless
underground sect
of elite duelists.

They rob and steal
rare cards worldwide

To sell
on the black market
for enormous profits.

However, they keep
the strongest cards
for themselves

To create powerful decks
that destroy all opposition.

They operate in shadow,

So they are nearly
impossible to find.

That is why I need
your help to draw them
out into the open.

Kaiba, if you were
to start a duel monsters

Your reputation would
attract the greatest
duelists in the world.

This would be
the greatest concentration
of precious cards

Ever assembled
in one location.

Kaiba: I see.

It's a trap.

The rare hunters
won't be able to resist
such tempting bait.

They'll come
by the droves

Like vultures
to a carcass,

And they'll bring
the egyptian
god cards.

One last thing--

Take this card.

Can it be?

It's obelisk
the tormentor.

I thought the cards
were stolen.

I never said
they were all stolen.

I managed to retrieve
one in time.

You may borrow it
during the tournament,
but I expect it back.

It's not every day
a card this rare
is handed to me.

What if I chose
to keep it forever?

What makes
you think
I can be trusted?

I could walk out,
and you'd never
see it again.

You will
return the card.


I have foreseen it.

I'll bet.

You may not yet
believe in destiny,

But before
the tournament
is done,

You will have
to face your past.


You know,
I read that once
in a fortune cookie.

I'll organize
this tournament...

I thank you.

But I'm not
going to set it up

Because of your
fairy tales

And your hocus-pocus
mind tricks.

I want to reclaim
my title as
the number-one duelist.

Yugi: I wish
we knew more
about our new enemy.

He said he was
"familiar with the power
of a millennium item."

I bet he has one.

Spirit: that must be
how he controls
people's minds.

It also seems
he has knowledge of
the ancient customs.

Our foe is
somehow connected
to the past.

But who is he?
I don't know.

Then how
can we stop him?

Don't worry.

We can defeat
this evil together.


As long as we
stay connected,

You and I can
face anything.

Maybe, but what
if I fail again?

How do I know
that I won't lose you?

I believe
in you, yugi.

[Kaiba chuckling]

One card down
and two more to go.


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