06x07 - The Spoonmaker Diamond/Papa Doc/The Role Model/Julie's Tycoon: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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06x07 - The Spoonmaker Diamond/Papa Doc/The Role Model/Julie's Tycoon: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme - Jack Jones, "the love
boat theme"]

Theme song: Love,
exciting and new.

Come aboard.

We're expecting you.

And love, life's
sweetest reward.

Let it flow.

It floats back to you.

Love boat soon will
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard.

It's love.

[Music playing]

Ah, you wanted
to see us, merrill?


I want to show you
some marvelous slides.

I have a--

[interposing voices]


Come back here, please.

I know you're going
to enjoy these slides

because, in the first place,
they really are marvelous.

And in the second
place, I'm the captain,

and I'm ordering
you to enjoy them.

Vicki, lights, please.

This, of course, is the
magnificent acropolis

in Athens.

This is the fascinating
city of Istanbul, Turkey.


This is ephesus in
the ruins in Turkey.

Uh, captain, these are
really very nice pictures.

But why the geography lesson?

Well, I just thought you
might like to see where

we're going on our next cruise.


- We're going to Greece--
- incredible!

--And Turkey?

You said it.

This is the ship
we'll be cruising on,

the beautiful Stella solaris.

She'll be taking us to sun-swept
Greece and sensational Turkey.

[Dramatic music playing]

[Turkish music playing]

[Dramatic music playing]

[Alarm sounding]

[Dramatic music playing]

Woman (over speaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

this is your final boarding
call for flight ,

non-stop las Angeles to Athens.

Man (over speaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

we will soon be making our
final approach into Athens

international airport.

Welcome to Greece.

Captain merrill:
Feast your eyes, crew.

Here's a city that's
, years old.

Vicki: Isn't that the acropolis?

Adam: And that's the Parthenon
sitting right on top.

Julie: It's breathtaking.

Captain merrill: Have
you ever seen such ruins?

Gopher: Yeah, it's
going to be a nice city

once they get it cleaned up.

Julie: Cute, gopher.

Real cute.

[Interposing voices]

This is a beautiful ship, dad.

Oh, she certainly is, Vicki.

I'm proud to command her.

There's just one thing.

What's that?

I don't know how to say
"full speed ahead" in Greek.

Woman (over speaker):
Your attention, please.

The fabulous treasures
of the aegean

will be on display in the
galaxy lounge in five minutes.

[Phone ringing]

Thank you.

- Hello.
- Hello.

I'm Dana Pierce.

I'm Bruce Smith,
ship's purser.


Let's see here.

Dana Pierce.

Got a note from the
travel agent that

says take extra special
care of this passenger.

You someone important?


I'm the travel agent.

Well, you see, I'll be booking
my clients on the cruise,

so I thought I'd take
a look firsthand.

I see.

Well, it just so
happens that i'm

in charge of the extra special
care detail on the ship.


So if there's anything
you need, anything.

Well, um.

You could tell me
where they're showing

the treasures of the aegean.


Right out that door.

Right around to your right,
and down to the second passage.

I've got it.

Thank you.

These treasures of the aegean
are all replicas of originals,

which you can see in the
museums at various stops

during the cruise.

This is a replica of the
priceless spoonmaker diamond,

the one that was recently
stolen from the topkapi

museum in Istanbul.

Legend has it that it was found
by a poor fisherman who picked

it up and carried it around
in his pocket for a long time

and didn't know its value.

And finally, he traded it
for three wooden spoons.

And that's how it got its name.

Excuse me.

Oh, sir.

I was wondering.

Do you think I could have
a couple of hours off?

I'd like to go into town
and look up an old friend.

Well, we won't be
sailing for quite a while.

I think we can handle
the passengers.

Oh, thanks.

I didn't know you had
any friends in Athens.

Yeah, when I was
in grade school,

I sponsored a young boy
in Athens through a world

relief organization.

What a nice thing to do.

Well, it was rewarding for me.

We wrote letters back and
forth, and then once a month i'd

send him money to help him out.

I figured as long as I'm here,
I should try to find him.

What's his name?

Gregory papanopoulos.

Isn't it a wonderful sounding
name, Gregory papanopoulos?

With a name like that, I don't
think he'll be hard to find.

Captain, in
Athens, papanopoulos

is like Smith in america.

Thank you.

I'll see you later.

Could you take me to
this address, please?

The acropolis.

I love it.

Oh, excuse me.

Could you help me, please?

You're American?

Yes, I am.



Oh, no.

Thank you.

I'm looking for a Greek friend.



No, thank you.

I don't think we're
communicating very well.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

I wonder if you could
help me, please.

Do I have the correct address?


I didn't think so.

Can it-- can it be?

I beg your pardon?

[Speaking Greek]

[Speaking Greek]

This-- this is incredible
can you be Julie McCoy

from america?

How do you know I am?

Please, allow me
to introduce myself.

Gregory papanopoulos.

You mean the
Gregory papanopoulos

that I used to write
letters to every month?

Yes, that's me.

And this is me, too.

Julie: This is you?

Finally, after so
many years, we meet.


But-- but you're so rich.

Well, a lot has changed since
you've last written to me.

I've become a very
prosperous man.

And you have become a
very beautiful woman.

Thank you.

Gregory, I'm speechless.

But there's so much
we have to talk about.

Well, then we shall talk
while I show you my city.


Thank you.

And that?

Yes, the whole [inaudible].


Welcome aboard.


Name is hayward.

Mark hayward.

Uh, hi.

We're the Stokes,
Emmett and Ella.

Well, howdy there, partner.

How'd you like Istanbul?


Weren't those belly
dancers something?

If Ella can learn
to move like that,

it'd add years
of our marriage.

If I could move
like that, you might

not live years to enjoy it.


You must have me confused
with someone else.

Oh, no, no, no.

I'm sure it was you.

Honey, didn't we see
him a couple of days

ago in that there nightclub?

Oh, well, we sure did.

I remember telling him that
you reminded me of a cousin

of mine, Warren Beatty.

Elle is convinced that
Warren Beatty is her cousin.

Well, now, you're going to
make a mistake about someone

being your cousin, Warren
beatty is the cutest mistake

you could make.

Let's see.

You're on the golden
deck, cabin .

Thank you.

Don't you remember?

We were sitting
at the next table.

Now, you were
wearing dark glasses.

Yeah, but even through
those glasses, I could tell

you had really pretty eyes.

Now I know it's a mistake.

I'd never hide these
pretty brown eyes.

[Phone ringing]


I'm Monica Brandon.

I'm supposed to
meet the group doing

a fashion layout
for "international

glamor" magazine.

Uh, hello, miss Brandon.

Welcome to the solaris.

Um, you're on Ruby
deck, cabin, uh, .

But I don't have anyone
listed from "international

glamor" magazine.



What are you doing here?

Well, that's no way to
greet your ex-husband.

I'm here to take your picture.

Oh, you're working for
"international glamor" magazine


Well, uh, I will be.

What do you mean you will be?

As soon as they see what great
pictures we're going to take.

You had me come all
this way on a hoax?

Oh, Monica, listen.

I need this assignment.

And I'll get it, but
only if I have you.

Won't you stay?


All right.

As long as I'm here,
I'll stay on the cruise.


But I won't work.

[Horns honking]

Oh, welcome.

I'm Adam bricker, ship's doctor.

Amanda Drake.

I'm Sabrina Drake.

I'm twice blessed.

Two beautiful woman.

Your peripheral vision's
very good, doctor.

You never even looked at me.

Well, I did.

We'll, you're very
gallant, captain.

No, just very observant.

Hello, Mrs. Drake.

Well, Joe novak, the
crusading reporter.

Surprised to see you
without your hatchet.

I only wrote about
your influence in town.

And he wrote it with all
the charm of genghis Khan.

Maybe you'd like us to
show you to your cabin.

What brings you on the cruise?

Did you come to
view the remains?

Reporters get vacations too.

Reporters do.

How'd you manage it?

Now, perhaps you'd like us
to show you to your cabin now.

He seemed very polite.

He isn't.

When you were away at school, he
did a series of articles on me,

the plant, and how the
drakes run the town.

Well, maybe he
wanted to make amends.

You don't know him.

That is a person to be
avoided at all costs.

- Yes?

Would you show us
to our stateroom?

I was just going
to mention that.

This way, please.

Thank you.

Julie McCoy, you
started it all for me.

From the money you
sent me, I would

save a little bit
each month until I

had enough to buy a row boat.

Then the fishermen
in the village

would pay me to row them
out to their fishing boats.

Shall we sit down?

Oh, please.

Thank you.

Soon I had enough money to buy
my own fishing boat, then more.

I used the fishing boats
to make a down payment

on a small oil company.

[Speaking Greek] It
all happened so fast.

I think that's
wonderful, Gregory.

Oh, I wish we had more
time to spend together,

but I'm going to have to
be getting back to my ship

pretty soon.


I will buy the ship and
give you a month off.

If I only had
that kind of luck.

Then maybe you need the same
kind of help that I had, huh?

Do you remember this?

My high school swimming medal.

You still have it?

It is my most
precious possession,

Julie, my good luck charm.

All of my success
started the day that I

received it in your letter.

Now, I hope it will bring
you the same good fortune

it brought me.


Oh, Gregory.

It already has.

I met you today.

I think this-- [speaking Greek]

Very good.

Very good.

I think this has been the most
incredible morning of my life.

Well, Julie, for me too,
more so than even for you.

But I'm afraid you'll
never see each other again.

But why do you say that?

Of course we will.

I know it.


[Speaking Greek]

[Speaking Greek]

[Speaking Greek]
Gregory papanopoulos.

Goodbye, Julie McCoy.

Shall I get you a taxi?



Ah, taxi!

[Speaking Greek]

Hey, where've you
been, seeing Athens?

You bet.


[Ship horn]

Man (over speaker): We are now
leaving the port of piraeus

and heading across the
aegean to our first stop,

the beautiful Turkish
resort of kusadasi.

When we dock, be sure to
visit the magnificent ruins

of ephesus for a sight
you'll never forget.



I know you think
this might be nonsense,

but I've never come across
anyone that gives off stronger

vibrations than you do.

I'm sorry.

I wasn't aware of it.

I'll, uh, turn my
vibrations on low.

Oh, no, no.

I'm serious.

As a matter of fact, bet
you a glass of champagne

I can tell you your
name, occupation,

and where you were born.

You're on.

Beulla bossak, housewife,
Portland, Oregon.

Dana Pierce, travel agent,
shreveport, Louisiana.


Eh, could happen to anyone.

Well, all right.

Where's the champagne?

Uh, yeah, I'll
order that for you.

Your champagne, Mr. Hayward.

Uh, great timing, Isaac.

Strong vibrations, was it?

Well, I'll admit the
line's a little corny,

but, well, I had to meet you.

Glass of champagne's
a small price to pay.

Iced tea probably
would have done it.

[Speaking Turkish]
Well, in Turkish

that means to your charm.

[Speaking Turkish]



Imagine seeing you here.

Yes, what an odd
place to be on a ship.

Have you made any
plans for dinner?


We're dining with the captain.


But we were hoping the
doctor would join us.

Good choice.

He's a marvelous
dinner companion.



Enjoying the sun?

Actually, we were
planning on doing

a little skeet sh**ting later.

Would you like to be the target?


How about a drink?


The deck's getting crowded.

You're Amanda Drake.

You can buy your own deck.

I'm beginning to
get the feeling you're

not too crazy about each other.

You didn't say cheese.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to intrude.

Oh, not at all.

Uh, I'm cliff Jacobs, and
it's a pleasure to meet you.

Uh, what's your name?


Isaac told me that you're here
to sh**t a big magazine layout.


I was just wondering
if maybe I could watch.

Oh, I'm afraid that would
be out of the question.

Uh, you see, only members
of the production staff

are allowed to watch.

Uh, but if you carried
some of my equipment,

that would make you,
uh, assistant production



Uh, of course, if you
were willing to carry all

of my equipment,
that would make you

chief production coordinator.

So I'll take it.


Now, you be on the deck
tomorrow morning and ready

to go at o'clock sharp.

You get that?

Got it, boss.

Everything is
so beautiful here.

Everything is beautiful
here because you're here.


Rather, it was beautiful.

You've heard of the
fly in the ointment?

Well, here he comes
with Mrs. Fly.


Hi there, folks.

Mind if we join you?

Actually, uh, we weren't
planning on company.

sh**t, we're not company.

We're family.

Just plain folk.

Plain as plain can be.

Honey, why don't you sit down.
Come on.

We'll buy these folks a drink.

Oh, good.

Well, what's your poison?

Oh, waiter.

Nothing for me, please.

I'll have the same.

Oh, well, if you two
ain't going to drink,

I'll just have a Shirley
temple with a bourbon chaser.


Well, just-- just one
if you don't mind, um.

Mark and I haven't seen
each other in ages.

I'm sure you understand.

Sure, no problem.

Oh, by the way, I realize
right now that I never met you,

pretty lady.

How do you do?

My Emmett Stokes.

This is my missus, Ella.


Well, i'm, uh, Dana Pierce,
and this is Mark hayward.

Mark hayward.

Mark hayward.

I've heard that name before.

I read it somewhere.

Does it sound
familiar to you, Ella?


I don't know.

But if Emmett says he knows
the name, he knows the name.

Emmett never forgets nothing.

That's right.

Like I just can't get
over how sure I am

I saw you in Istanbul.

And, uh, Emmett Stokes
never gives up once he

sinks his teeth into something.

Well, you better
watch it, Mr. Stokes.

Sometimes you end
up biting yourself.

Well, you are a
character, aren't you?

This is my table, isn't it?

No, I don't believe it is.

Oh, I'm sorry.

This afternoon,
Julie told me i'd

be sharing my table with
the most beautiful and most

delightful lady on board.

So I just, uh, naturally
assumed it was you.

Let's see.

I wonder where the most
beautiful and most delightful

lady on board is sitting.

Sit down.

Monica, you have
to model for me.

Three magazines are
interested in my layout.

I need you.

Forget it, cliff.

Just order your dinner.

Oh, what for?

It would only get me
used to eating, which

I'm not going to
be able to afford

to do unless you model for me.

If you wait for
that, you'll get

so skinny, you'll be able
to hide behind your tripod.

Oh, Monica, have a heart.

That could cost me in my career.

I'm sorry.

But not to mention a
fortune in alterations.

And he said to the frog,
this is the last time I'm going

to show you ought to do this.

Now you know why
we keep Adam around.

You're a very funny doctor.

And a very charming one.

Well, they teach us
charm in medical school,

to ease the pain of the bills.

Uh, Amanda, I hope this
doesn't seem premature,

but I'd like to ask you
for your daughter's hand.

Adam, I know you
work fast, but you

want to marry Sabrina already?

No, I'd just like to walk
around the deck with her.


Well, another time, Adam.

It's been a long
day, and I'm tired.

Oh, that's too bad.

Now I'll have to go up on deck
and cut down that cardboard

moon I hung over the rail.

Perhaps Amanda
and I can borrow it.

Good evening.

Good evening.

You, again?

Dinner comes free
with the cruise.

Well, I'm surprised
to see you in a tuxedo.

I mugged a waiter.

Mr. Novak, i'd
hoped we could avoid

each other on this cruise.

Your manners leave
something to be desired.

Look, Mrs. Drake.

I'm just trying to be friendly.

It would be nice if you got off
your high horse for a change.

Horses are a
matter of breeding.

Some are thoroughbreds.

And others are, uh, well,
they pull milk wagons.


Well, I guess it isn't only
work horses who wear blinders.

Excuse me.

Man (over speaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to beautiful
city of kusadasi, Turkey.

There'll be plenty of time to
explore this historic town.

We'll be anchored here
for two fun-filled days.

For a treat tomorrow, take
a tour of the historic ruins

of ephesus.

Gopher: Julie.


These are for you.


Oh, gopher, thank you.

They're beautiful.

You're welcome.

I've always said the way
to make a woman happy

is to bring her flowers.


Even if they're
from another guy.


Beautiful flowers
for a beautiful lady.

Now, don't just stand
there reading this card.

Look behind you?


Gregory, what are
you doing here?

I couldn't stay away.

So this morning I flew my
jet out here to meet you.

I'm going to stay
for the cruise.

That's wonderful.


Oh, uh, captain, Mrs.
Drake, I'd like you

to meet Gregory papanopoulos.

Gregory, this is captain merrill
stubing and Mrs. Amanda Drake.

[Interposing voices]

Mrs. Drake.


You know, I was just
about to tell Julie

that I know this
fantastic place I would

like to take her for lunch.


Would you care to join us?

Oh, we'd love to.

Uh, wouldn't we, merrill?

Sounds like fun to me.


Let's go.

Where is this fantastic place?



Gregory, being here makes
me feel like we've fallen

through a trap door in time.

Well, you know,
Julie, maybe we have.

Many people believe the
pyramids have, uh, magic powers.

Do you?

Oh, yes.

I can feel the magic right now.


But I must admit, I
felt that same spell ever

since I met you.

Dana Pierce: Oh,
isn't it beautiful?

Very beautiful.

No, but it--

it's hard to believe
that they're just copies.

Now, look at the spoonmaker.

It may just be the
light, but I tell you,

it looks absolutely real.



Pretty looking
baubles, ain't they?

Well, I was just telling
Mark that they look real.

No, I don't
think they're real.

If they was, Ella would
have bought them already.

I already did buy them.

Just waiting to have
them gift wrapped.

Just fooling, honey.

Hey, that's a right
nice number, that there.


[Inaudible] Oh, sultans used
to wear them on their turbans.

Oh, maybe I will buy one.

Turbans are coming back.

Boy, you sure know
a lot about jewels,

especially that foreign stuff.

Uh, come on.

I'll buy a drink.

Maybe you can explain it to me.

Oh, I don't think so.

- Oh, come on.

I bet you there
ain't another guy

that knows more about Istanbul
or jewels than you do.

Come on, Mark.

Mr. Stokes.

Oh, listen, Isaac.

Could you do me me a favor and
deliver these telegrams for me?

I'm supposed to carry the
equipment for Mr. Jacobs

this afternoon.
- Oh yeah?

Are you excited?


Oh, good.

I'm all ready for
work, Mr. Jacobs.

I'm sorry, Vicki.

I'm afraid there's not
going to be a sh**t today.

Monica won't do it.


Well, can't you talk her
into modeling for you?

No, she won't model unless
I have a definite assignment.

And that's what's
so frustrating.

I know if I could
just get her to model,

I'd have the assignment.

Gee, that's tough, Mr. Jacobs.

You take it easy,
Vicki, and I'll

deliver these telegrams anyway.


Thanks, Isaac.

You know, Vicki.

I think I just might possibly
have an assignment after all.

Good afternoon, sir.

How can I help you?

Inspector sadu, Interpol.


Can I see some
identification, sir?

Do I look like a man
who needs identification?

No, you sure don't.

Inform your
captain that I would

like to see the following
list of passengers at once.


Right away, sir.


I assume you are not
permanently rooted to the deck.

No, no.


I'm-- i'm--

if you please,
no one is to leave

the ship until the
captain gives the orders.

It will be only a
brief inconvenience.

- Excuse me, sir.
- Yes?

Better come with me right now.

It's urgent.

You'll excuse me, please.

Well, if you excuse us, too.

We have an appointment
with the hairdresser.

Well, my loss is his gain.

See you later, Sabrina.



Mind if I join you?

Oh, please do.

You, uh, seem to be pretty
interested in that Sabrina


Oh, yeah.

Terrific girl.

I wouldn't waste
my time on her.

She looks like an upper
class snob like her mother.

Well, we could all
move up in class.

Guy like you could,
uh, do a lot better.

She's good enough for me.

You know, there are a lot of
great looking girls aboard.

You ought to check them out.

Little, uh, romance
would do you good.

Man needs woman, you
know what I mean?

No kidding.

Thanks for the tip.



All the people you requested
to see are here, inspector.

Thank you, captain.

I am inspector akmed sadu.

Three days ago, the
priceless spoonmaker diamond

was stolen from the
topkapi museum, a very

daring and masterful crime.

We have determined
that all of you

were in Istanbul at
the time of the theft.

And I fear that your
quarters must be searched.

A matter of formality,
you understand.

Well, you're going
to find a lot of loot

in our cabin,
inspector, but we've

got receipts for everything.

My wife's the number one
world's "champeen" shopper.

Oh, Emmett.

That's just not true.

We ain't never been to China.

And you, Mr. Hayward.

You would not contest a search?

Be my guest, inspector.

You two know each other?

We've met.

My apologies for
inconveniencing you, captain.

And upsetting your routine.

Not at all.

It's a pleasure
to be of service.

Did you find that
there diamond, inspector?

Sadly no.

Ella: Oh, inspector,
if I was you,

I'd do what I always do
when I lose something.

I'd say where would I go
if I was a lost diamond.

If I don't begin
to have more success,

I may be forced to try that.

Are the passengers
free to go now?


All except one.

May I have a word with you
in private, Mr. Hayward?

Of course, inspector.

It's been a long time.

To be exact, six years.

And what has Mr. Hayward
been doing during that time?

Still plying his old trade?

No, I've given
up that profession.

Oh, alas.

It seems a shame.

You were the very best.

The will of the wisp, a
Jewel thief without peers.

I myself always had a grudging
respect for your talents.

And I for yours.

You're one of the best
in your profession.

One of the best?

The best.

After all, you
Rose from a colonel

with the Turkish police to
an inspector with Interpol.

With only one
blemish on my record.

Surely you couldn't mean me.

I'm not on the records.

I keep my records up here.

Am I under suspicion,
inspector sadu?

Let's say that you're
not above suspicion.

And I'll wager that
if you should just

happen to find the spoonmaker
diamond and return it,

say, to me personally, no
question would be asked.

I'd have been awfully
lucky man, inspector sadu.

We all have a
little luck in life.

You have been more
fortunate than most.

Good day, Mr. Hayward.

Goodbye, inspector sadu.



Are you all right, Sabrina?

Well, I don't know.

I don't feel well.

Yeah, that sometimes
happens on a ship.

You a little-- little queasy?

Yes, but-- oh, I don't know.

I just feel so strange.

Yeah, well, come to my office.

I'll have a look at you.
- Oh, no, no, no.

That's not necessary.
- Yeah, come on.

You're in the doctor's care now.

No, it-- I'll be all right.

Yes, come on.

You know, Julie, this has
been quite a day for me.


I've seen two
wonders of the world.



I've seen the pyramids, and
I've seen you in this dress.

Oh, Gregory.

I'm sure we've got the same
moon back home in america,

but here in Turkey it seems
so much more beautiful.

Well, when it goes up for
sale, I'll buy it for you, huh?


Knowing you, i'd
wake up one morning

and find it on my doorstep
with a big bow around it.

Julie, it is not a big
enough thank you gift

for what you have given me.

You know, it is no accident
that we meet at this time.



Right now, I'm making
the most important

business deal in my life.

You see, I'm going to
buy one of the largest

oil refineries in the area.


And with your coming
along, it has to be an omen.

A good omen, I hope.

Well, what else
can it be, huh?

Oh, hi.

Out for a stroll?



You know, any day now i'm
supposed to hear from one

of the magazines I contacted.

Well, good luck.

You know, I know, uh,
you won't pose for me.

But at least you
could talk to me?

I could get into
trouble that way, too.

Mr. Jacobs,
there's a telegram.


Monica, listen.

I told you they'd want it.

Your fashion idea
sounds great, stop.

$ , advance follows, stop.

Everyone thrilled you
have Monica Brandon.

Oh, I shouldn't have
promised that, I know.

No, you shouldn't have.

But I really needed the job.

Still, it's no excuse.

Why not?

As long as I'm here,
I may as well do it.

When do I start?

What do I wear?

Oh, wait until you see the
clothes I promoted for you.

All of them from the best
couturiers in Europe.

Now, we're going to start
first thing in the morning.

In the morning.


Here's the sandwich
you ordered, doc.

Oh, thanks, goph.

What are you
doing here so late?

Well, I'm running some
tests on Sabrina Drake.


You want to help me
double check them?

No, that's doctor business.

There's a lonely blonde
in the solaris bar.

That's purser business.


Thank you.

Well, that checks.

Well, that checks.

Well, that check-- pregnant?



How do you feel now?

Well, i-- I'm better.

Thank you.

Oh, that's good.

I was worried.

I'm very fond of you, you know.

Well, i-- I'm fond
of you, too, Adam.

Sabrina, is there
any one you're

close to, any particular man?

Uh, no.

Uh, no one.

And are you sure?


Uh, I really haven't
dated very much.

And-- and usually they're
men my mother approves of.

Nothing serious.

Nothing serious.

Well, maybe there
will be someone

soon, someone your
mother approves of

and someone you're fond of.

I hope so.

Good night, Adam.

You really are very sweet.

What are you doing, bricker?

After five marriages, you're
thinking of becoming a father?


You still haven't told me
why that man from Interpol

was so interested in you today.

Oh, it's nothing important.

You really like being a
man of mystery, don't you?

Oh, it's just something
from my deep, dark past.

Well, I have an
adventurous spirit.


I just happen to
have an adventure

you might be interested in.

Oh, well, where does it begin?

Right here.


Ah, it certainly is.

Man (over speaker):
Ladies and gentlemen,

tours of the noble
ruins of ephesus

may be arranged in
the purser's lobby.

Some of the ruins date back
to Alexander the great,

more than , years ago.

One of the richest cities of
its day, ephesus lay buried

underground for hundreds
of years until it was first

dug up in .

Now, after almost a
century of excavation,

we can see the remains of
the once magnificent Artemis

temple and the great theater.

Now, just a little
higher, all right?

How's this?

Oh, perfect.


Hold your chin up.

Here we go.

All right.

Look at me.


Chin up.


Just think of it.

, years ago, Alexander the
great might have stood right

here, right on this very spot.

What is it?

I bet he didn't look as cute
as you do in his sailor suit.

Oh, why thank you.

I wonder if he might
be blushing, too?



This might not
seem like the time,

but I have something
to say to you.

Believe me, the
reasons are important.

Ok, Adam.

If you say so.

I realize we haven't
known each other very long.

But sometimes time
isn't that important.

Sometimes it's the feeling,
an instinctive knowledge

that something is right.

I know there's a
difference in our ages,

but maybe that can work for us.

Maturity and youth.

We can be the ideal combination.

Sabrina, I'm asking
you to marry me.


What's your answer?


Uh, what was the question?

What was the question?

I asked you to marry me.



Well, what a nice compliment.

Uh, let's go see some
more of the sites, ok?

Imagine building all
this without the benefit

of modern technology.

That is the lesson
of these ruins.

Every man has the power
to move mountains.

What about every woman?

Every woman?

Ah, she's even more
mighty, because she

has the power to move the men
who can move the mountains.


And this is what
you have done for me.

Gregory, you better
stop saying that.

I'm going to start
believing you.

Julie, close your eyes.


Please, just close your eyes.


Where are you going?


Gregory, what are you doing?

Open your eyes,
Julie McCoy, goddess

of beauty empress of
laughter, sent to me

from heaven by way of america.

I, a mere mortal, kneel before
you, my kingdom at your feet.

Gregory papanopoulos,
you're crazy.

And Julie McCoy,
you are the woman

who made me what I am today.

Oh, cliff, enough is enough.

Ah, just let me finish
this roll of film.

Honestly, I'm exhausted.

I just can't do any more.

All right.

Come on, Vicki.

You worked hard.

I'll take a couple
of pictures of you.

Go ahead.

Oh, great.

How's this?


Now give me another one.

Another one.

Another one.

Now, come on, Vicki.

Give me something
really dramatic.


Emmett, slow down.

We're missing all
the nice stores.

Did you see those rugs?

And the prices.

Why, they're
practically a steal.

Just a figure of speech.

Oh, blast you.

[Turkish music playing]

Greetings, Mr. Stokes.

Howdy, hakim.

Oh, ain't that belly
dancer something?



But that isn't what
we're here to discuss.

You know it, [inaudible].

Hakim: Truly magnificent.

Getting it was a little
tougher than I expected,

hakim, so, uh,
boosting the price.

The price was $ , .

I wouldn't recommend
changing it.

I want double,
or the deal's off.

Hey, watch out.

Look what you're doing.

The diamond!

It's gone!
After him!

Who was that?

Stop that guy.

Stop him.

Hey, [non-English speech].

Stop that man.


Stop that guy.


Well, Mr. Hayward.

Fancy meeting you here.

Hello, Stokes.

Uh, doing a little browsing?

No, uh, my friends
over here lost

something over at the hotel.

Uh, thought you might
know something about it.


Well, I think that takes
care of everybody in the family

back home.


This is like the
one on the ship.

Uh, how much?



[Non-English speech]

$ .

- Oh, no.


Way, way too much.

Ah, ok, ok.

$ ?


It's a deal.

Oh, I think I like this one.

Looks like it's made better.

There you are.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Now, if you're
through, Stokes,

maybe you'd like to do a
little shopping with me.

Have your fun, hayward.

But you ain't seen the
last of Emmett Stokes.

Oh, that's too bad.

I was hoping I had.

Have you got any
more of these around?


Come next week.

We have more then.

[Dramatic music]

[Theme music]
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