05x28 - A Dress to Remember

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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05x28 - A Dress to Remember

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪

Woman: Beautiful flowers
while they last.

Get your flowers here.


Get a nice bon voyage

Last ones left.

Once these are gone,
there ain't no more.

Uh, I'll give you $
for the whole lot.

Make it $ , handsome,
and you're on.


There's, uh, $ .

There you go.

The "handsome" did it.

Ha ha. Thank you,
big spender.

[ Chuckles ]

Get your flowers here!
Last ones left!

Once these are gone,
there ain't no more.

Dr. Farney, there are
dozens of new diet books.

What makes your muskmelon diet
different from the others?

Well, you see,
every other diet

is for people with
a serious weight problem,

but mine is for
the average person.

like miss baker here --

you find it almost impossible to
lose , pounds quickly,

and easily.

I like food.

But won't you find it
difficult to resist

the magnificent meals
served on this cruise?

Well, that's exactly
why we're here --

to prove that with
my muskmelon diet,

even the greatest temptations
can be withstood.

Right, miss baker?



Oh, I've been on
Dr. Farney's muskmelon diet

for nine days,
and tomorrow night,

I will have lost pounds
and one whole dress size.

Look, it's all right here
in this sworn affidavit.

And after tomorrow's

miss baker will be able to fit
into this $ , original

by derenza of Rome.

[ Spectators gasp ]

I understand your ex-partner,
Dr. Tucker Martin,

has been saying some
nasty things about your book.

Would you care to comment?

He's just jealous...

Because he knows that my book
is gonna knock his book

right off
the bestseller list.

Dr. Martin, I --

shhhh! Don't call me
Dr. Martin.


But I still don't understand

how you're going to keep
Dr. Farney's diet from working.

Listen, I taught him
everything he knows.

If he can take pounds
off miss baker,

I can certainly put
back on her.

Besides, I'd hate to see her
lose too much weight.

I kind of like
the way she is now.

Have a good trip.


Thank you, Dr. Farney,
and good luck.

That's a wrap.

Thank you.

Oh, excuse me.

Yes, sir?

Would you make sure that this is
kept in a safe place, please?

I'll give this
to the purser,

and we'll guard it
with our lives.

Thank you.


We gotta put this dress
in a safe place.

And be very careful
with it

because it's worth
over $ , .

, ?


All right, I'll tell you what --
as soon as I'm done with this,

I'll make sure it gets
its own stable.

Thanks, gopher.

Get your flowers here.

Beautiful flowers
while they last.

Brad, I'm so excited.

I'm not sure what to say
or how to act.

I know, Carole.
Try to stay calm.

I know your mother's gonna
feel the same way you do

when she sees you.

After all these years,
to finally meet her.

Maybe I should have called her
and told her I was coming.

Buy you wanted it to be
a surprise.

Don't worry.
Everything's gonna be just fine.

One moment.

I just have to call the office
before we sail.


Dr. Bricker, we've named
a new virus after you

that only att*cks women.

Norman Lomax!
Hey, Norman!

Where's Nancy?

I can't wait
to have a drink

with the last happily married
couple in america.

We're divorced.

Oh, no.

How'd it happen?

Well, we were having a party

to celebrate my new line
of hot tubs,

and champagne was flowing,
like, you know, champagne.

And Nancy walked in

and found me in a hot tub
with our spokeswoman,

miss heavenly hot tub.


Yeah. It was my one and only
mad fling.

Look, I found out Nancy's
gonna be on the cruise,

and, doc, I'm determined
to win her back.

Well, you'd better get ready,
'cause here she comes.

Norman, what are you
doing here?

I told you I never wanted
to see you again.

But, doc,
it is so nice to see you.

Nancy, will you just --

stay away from me,

I'm not traveling alone.

Who's the guy?!
I'll k*ll him!

You're gonna k*ll
my father?

He'll k*ll me.
You ever see her old man?

He'll get the chance
right now.



Here, sweetheart.

Oh, thank you, daddy.
You are so thoughtful.

I'd like you to meet
an old friend of mine,

Dr. Adam bricker.


Adam went to school
with Norman.



Every time I hear that name,
I want to pinch his head off

and tear out his beard
whisker by whisker!

Oh. [ Chuckles ]


That's quite all right, sir --
I always have great respect

for any man
who can punch out a desk.

And it's just around the corner
and two decks down.


The dress! Where is it?
Where's the dress?

Hey, wait!
Have you seen my dress?

Hi, welcome aboard.

I know you're going
to enjoy the cruise.

You know how to get there?


how's business?

It's okay, it's okay.
Listen, cappy...

There's gonna be this girl...
Looking for a Mrs. Struckard.

Give her this note,
will you?

Mrs. Struckard?

Yeah, that's me. Okay?

It's, uh,
for my daughter.

Rosie, I didn't even know
you had a daughter.

Well, I haven't seen her
in a while.

A while?


Okay, so it's been

Well, that's a while,
all right.

And you're not gonna even
stay to see your daughter?

I got a whole bunch of flowers
out there that need sun.


We've been friends
a long time.

What's going on?

If you have to know,
I lied to her.

I told her I was loaded --

you know, a real woman
of the world.

I even told her
I live on this ship.


I pinched a little
stationery here and there.

I buy my own stamps.

But I never expected
she'd come here and visit me!

She lives way up there
in Canada!

Oh, my god, it's her.

Oh, she can't see me.

Uh, give her the note.
Give her the note.



I'm Brad Grant, and this
is my fiancée, Carole struckard.

Welcome aboard.

Could you tell us

where we could find
Mrs. Rose struckard?

You must be
Mrs. Struckard's daughter.

We were just talking
to your mother about you.

But, dad --

she's probably on deck,
right, Julie?

Yes, sir,
probably on deck.

Thank you,

All right.

Captain, why didn't
you give it to her?

What'd you say
I was onboard for?

Now she's gonna be
trying to find me.

And she will.

You're going to be sailing
with us, Rosie.

Oh, captain,
you been out to sea too long.

Look at me.
She's expecting a fancy lady.

Don't worry, Rosie --
when we get through with you,

you're going to be
the queen of the Princess.

[ Air horn blows ]

We are in big trouble.

What did we do?

Lost the dress that
you gave me to take care of.



That's $ , --


Gopher, we gotta find
that dress,

or they're gonna take it
out of our paychecks.

No, they'll take it out
of our unemployment checks.

Everything on a diet --

I've tried Brussels sprouts
and beans and asparagus.

I went through the whole
realm of things that I --

oh, unh-unh-unh-unh,

Look, I realize the last
couple of days of the diet
are the hardest,

but you gotta
hang in there.

Hey, just remember that
one word that's gonna
carry you through, huh?



Gotta go lecture.

Okay? Don't forget --


Sure is pretty out here.


You're the girl
on the diet.

Uh, gee, I'm sorry,

I shouldn't be eating this
candy bar in front of you.

But, you see, I understand
about things like that

because I've been on
a diet myself.

Look -- lost pounds
in days.




Well, it was easy.

Eat a dozen of these
diet chocolate bars every day.

They're terrific.

One bar -- six calories.
Isn't that amazing?

That's less than
a muskmelon.

Can I have one of those?

Sure. Here, take that.

I got a couple more.

Go ahead.
I got a whole bag full of them.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you, mister.

Tucker Martin --
that sounds familiar.

Oh, uh, it's not
Tucker Martin.

It's Martin Tucker.

You see, I got this bag
in Israel,

and there, they read
from right to left.



Yeah, beauty salon,

[ High-pitched ] Hello,
do you have wigs?

Do you deliver?

Uh, excuse me, miss.

It's not "miss."
It's me -- Norman.


What are you doing
in that dress?

What happened to your beard?
Tell me, what's going on?

I needed a disguise.

If Nancy's father
recognizes me,

they'll be serving me
in the house of pancakes.

[ High-pitched ] Well,
see you later, doc.

Oh, cappy,
I can't stay here.

This is too ritzy
for me.

Too ritzy for Mrs. Struckard,
our permanent passenger?

[ Sighs ]

Oh, cappy.


I don't mean to pry.

Why haven't you seen
your daughter for so long?

That's a long story.

Look, I happen to be
a very good judge of character.

I don't think you would have
stayed away so long

if you hadn't had
a good reason.

Well...i met
Carole's father, Jack,

when he was in the Navy.

He got k*lled
before we could get married.

I had Carole.

I was desperate.

Jack's parents offered
to bring her up,

but only if I'd step out
of the picture.

So...for the sake of
your daughter, you did.


And when I heard
Jack's parents died,

I figured it'd be okay

for me to get in touch
with Carole.

I thought we'd be
like pen pals.

Now she's here.

And she's going to discover
what a beautiful mother she has.

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.



I borrowed these from some of
the ladies who work on the ship.

I hope they fit.

Oh, I made an appointment
for you at the beauty parlor,

and I arranged for your
daughter and her fiancé

to dine with you
at the captain's table tonight.

I know him personally.

Now all we have to find is a
beautiful evening gown for you.

Looks like you're not gonna let
me get out of this, are you?


Well, I've been looking
forward to this.

I don't get much time to spend
with my little girl.


Nice day, isn't it?

Dad, you're not gonna believe
this, but this is...

Nancy's old
sorority sister, Norma.

You were, uh,
sorority sisters?

Oh, well,
I flunked a lot.

Wait, don't rush off.

Norma, don't you want
to meet my father?

Oh. You must be the handsome
father Nancy told me all about.

Excuse me for overdressing,

but I just don't know what
to wear on a cruise.

Norma, you, uh, well,
uh, look fine.

Perhaps you could join us
for dinner.

Oh, no, I couldn't --

oh, sure, you can --

You know, I insist.

And when my father insists,
Norma, he really insists.

Well, I'll do my best, but
I'm not making any promises.


I'll bet when she was in
college, she didn't have
too many dates.

Excuse me, don't I know you
from someplace?

I mean, I never forget
a face.

Uh, you ever been
to palm beach?


Well, I haven't.

Wait. Don't rush off.
Let me buy you a drink.

Uh, I'm not thirsty.

Oh, come on,
this is a cruise.

People are supposed to
get acquainted.

Thanks, but I don't
think so.

Oh, on second thought,
I could use a drink right now.

[ Knock on door ]

[ High-pitched voice ]
Who is it?

It's Nancy.

[ Normal voice ] Oh, Nancy.

Look, Norman, I don't know what
you're trying to do around here,

but whatever it is,
it's not gonna work.

[ Normal voice ]
Yeah, but, pussycat --

don't call me pussycat!

Can you imagine a grown man
dressing like that?

Are you nuts, Norman?!

It's bad enough you messed
around with miss hot tub.

I never dreamed you wanted
to be miss hot tub.

Nancy, I'm doing all this
because I love you.

We gotta get together
and talk things over.

Read my lips, Norman!
I'm not interested!

Please, why don't you and I
just get together

and have dinner here
in my cabin tonight?

Forget it.
And forget me.

All right, fine.

Then I'll just have to
take advantage

of your father's generous offer
and dine with you folks.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
pussycat, I gotta go get ready.

You know how difficult it is
for us girls, hmm?

Yes, I know.

And for some, it's so much
more difficult than others.

Well, none of the crew knows
where that dress is.

I guess we'll have to start
asking the passengers.

Gopher, do you realize how many
passengers there are

onboard this ship?

You're right.

By the time we found the dress,
it'd be out of style.

This is hopeless.

We're gonna need a
miracle to find that dress.

We owe you one.

Perfect! I've been looking
all over for a dress for Rosie.

Mind if I borrow this?

Uh, well, sir --

thank you!

I guess that makes us

The dress was here.

Oh, where could it go?

It couldn't just disappear.



Want some cheesecake?

Are you kidding?

I'm on Dr. Farney's
diet, remember?

Yeah, I guess you're right.

It's not a good idea to combine
muskmelon and cheesecake.

It might be unhealthy to
lose weight that quickly.

Lose weight?

Everybody knows
cheesecake is fattening.


I happen to know that all of
these skinny Hollywood starlets,

they live on cheesecake.

They live on it.

They do?!

Of course.

Look, why do you think

they call all those sexy
pictures "cheesecake photos"?

Yeah. I never thought
of that.

[ Giggles ]

Mmm. I feel thinner

Oh, what happened
to your friend Norma?

I thought she was gonna
join us for dinner.

Oh, I forgot
to tell you, daddy --

Norma can't make it tonight.

Oh? What seems
to be the problem?

Daddy, there are so
many problems with Norma,

I can't begin
to tell you about them.

Oh, Brad,
I'm so nervous.

I hope mother
likes me.

Carole, she can't
help but love you.

I know.

I just want everything
to be perfect.

Do I look all right?

I think
you look terrific.

I think your mother looks
pretty terrific, too.


...may I present...

Your mother?

Yes, you certainly may
present my mother, captain.


Oh, baby.

Look at you.

You're just as lovely as
I always knew you would be.

My baby is a...Beautiful,
grown-up woman.


Look -- Rosie's crying.

That's because
she's so happy.

[ Crying ]

I hope she doesn't get
any happier.

She'll stain the dress.


Oh, would you look
at that moon?

on second thought,

I don't think
you should look at it.

Why not?

Well, when I see
a moon like that --

I don't know about you,

but when I see a moon
like that,

I think of a scoop
of vanilla ice cream.

A great big scoop.


But then,

what good is a great big scoop
of vanilla ice cream

without chocolate jimmies
and whipped cream?


And gobs of thick...
Oozing...Hot fudge.

Oh, yes.

Oh, yes.

Your cabin --
I'll call room service.


And you've been living
on the ship all these years?

Yeah. Yes,
it's been wonderful.

But now that I've found
my little girl again,

my life
is really complete.

Well, she's not such
a little girl anymore.

Oh, you two are so much
in love.

I can see that.

I know I'm old-fashioned,
but, uh,

I can't tell you how happy
it'd make me

to see you two get married.

That'd make me
very happy, too.

Hey, listen,
I've got an idea.

As long as we're
finally together,

why don't you get married
before you go home?

You mean on the ship?

Oh, Brad,
wouldn't it be romantic?

Well, I hadn't thought
about it.

Uh, excuse me,

I wondered if I could borrow
your very attractive mother.

I need a beautiful dancing
partner in the acapulco lounge.

Not right now.

We're talking about
something very important.

It's okay, mom.
We'll discuss it later.

Right -- later.

Well, what are we
waiting for?

Well, I'll give it
a try.

What do you think, Brad?

I think it'd be wonderful
to get married here.

But we just can't
afford it right now.

I just opened
my law office,

and between that
and my school loans,

I'm in hock for $ , .

But it would make
mother very happy.

Carole, we just can't be
rushed into a thing like this.

Maybe you don't want
a thing like this.


It's been
a beautiful night.

But I think
I'll turn in now.

Good night, Tom.

Wait a minute, Rosie.
It's only : .

I thought we might enter
the Charleston contest.

[ Chuckles ]

I'd love to, Tom,
but I'm a little worn out.

Well, you know,

seeing my daughter again
after all these years

and meeting you, well,

it's been a big day
in my life.


Mine too.

Good night, Tom.

Good night, pretty.

[ Knock on door ]

[ High-pitched voice ]
Who is it?

It's Adam.

[ Normal voice ]
Thanks for coming, doc.

Norman, you're looking
lovelier than ever.

Adam, you gotta help me.
I gotta find another dress.

What's wrong
with the one you were wearing?

I thought the colors set off
your eyes beautifully.

It's gone.
Nancy must have taken it.

I have to find another
so I can go talk to her.

Norman, why don't you put on
your own clothes

and go talk to her?

Are you kidding?!

If Nancy's father sees me,
he'll break my legs.

Now, broken legs --
that I can help you with.

Okay, let me see
what I can dig up.

Thank you so much
for everything.

[ Door closes ]

Oh, I never thought I'd be
so happy to see a dress

without a woman in it.


What have I done?

I must have eaten
three quarts of ice cream.

It was delicious.

No more than you are.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You seem to have
some chocolate on your mouth.

I do?



Well, as long as
I'm off my diet anyway,

a little more chocolate
won't hurt.

[ Knock on door ]

Don't move.

Oh, my goodness!
Dr. Farney.

Uh, Donna, look,
I was just --

is that...Chocolate
on your lips?

Uh, yes.
It's chocolate lipstick.

It's a new brand.

Dr. Martin!

What's my ex-partner
doing here?

Uh, I was just, uh,

eating some ice cream
and kissing this young lady.


Dr. Martin?!
You said you were Martin Tucker!

I guess i'm
a little bit of both.

Oh, you are?

Well, here's something
for the two of you.

[ Lively music plays ]

[ Applause ]

Thank you.
Tony and yvette. Huh?

[ Applause ]

And now it's your turn,
ladies and gentlemen.

Come on up and join in
our midnight Charleston contest.


[ Charleston music plays ]

I've got you alone.

Norman, will you get
out of my life?!

No, not until you listen
to what I have to say.

Let go of me.

Norma. Well, how nice to see
that you're feeling better.

[ High-pitched voice ]
Mr. Preston, oh, yes,

all of a sudden,
I had an attack of good health.

Hey, you know,
it's a funny thing,

but I know another lady
that has that very same dress.

Oh, really? Sears catalog said
it was one of a kind.


Hey, anybody
for the Charleston contest?

It's a lot of fun.

why don't you two enter?

If I remember correctly,

you were a whiz
on the dance floor.

No, no, I couldn't.

Yes, yes, you could.

Sure, you'd love it.

No. You see, I went to
an all-girls school,
and I'm used to leading.

Oh, Norma,
dad can handle you.

Sure. Listen,
I'm really very strong.

I know.

Come along, pretty girl.


Carole, honey,
what's the matter?

It's : in the morning.

[ Crying ] There isn't
going to be a wedding.

Oh, baby, baby.

Oh, mother, I've only
known you a few hours,

and here I am coming to you
with my problems.

Oh, sweetheart, sweetheart,
that's what mothers are for.

Oh, what happened?

Brad doesn't want
to get married now

because he's $ , in debt
from his law practice.

Oh, well, he has a point.

He sounds like
a responsible young man.

But, mother,
I want to get married now.

I don't want to wait.

Oh, I understand.

Sometimes, you wait
too long,

you end up
waiting forever.

Baby, baby,
do you love him?


And he loves you?

Well, then,
don't you worry.

We can't let a little thing
like money stand in the way

of your happiness.

Mother, you'll lend us
the money!

Well...of course.

Oh, Brad will be
so excited!

Oh, mother.

You're the best mom
in the whole world.

Oh, baby.

Gopher, did you get that
dress back from Rosie?

No, and I don't know
where it is.

She said she gave it
to the valet to be cleaned,

and it's not there.

Well, if we don't get that dress
back, we'll be hung out to dry.

See you.



Hello, captain.

What's the matter?

I told the kids
I'd lend them $ , .


So they could afford
to pay off their debts

and get married
on the cruise.

Why did you tell them
a thing like that?

[ Sighs ] I don't know.
I didn't mean to.

You see, she misunderstood
something I said.

I just meant
not to let money problems

stand in the way of love.

Carole thought I meant
i'd give them $ , .

I guess I'll just have to
tell them the truth.

Rosie, I'm sorry.

I never should have
interfered in your life.

It's okay, cappy.
You meant well.

It was me who shouldn't have
lied in the first place.

I'm afraid cinderella's
had her big night,

and now it's time to mop up
all the pumpkin mess.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Oh, isn't it
a wonderful day?

And, mother, thank you again
for your generosity.

Uh, listen,
Carole, Brad...

There's something
I want to tell you.

There's something I want to
tell you, Mrs. Struckard --


I don't know how
to thank you,

but I'm gonna pay back
every penny,

and I'm gonna be the best
husband you've ever seen.


Wasn't there something you
wanted to tell your daughter?

Oh, yes.

I just wanted
to tell you that...

...this is going to be
a beautiful wedding.

[ Chuckles ]


You've gotta let me
talk with you.

I feel terrible about
what happened last night.

Cheese Danish, croissants --
go away.

Oh. Sorry.

Come on, isn't there something
I can do to help you?

Yes, there's something
you can do to help.

You can come a little closer
so I can continue to exercise

and slap you
at the same time!


Come on, Rosie.
Let's see a little smile, huh?

How can I smile?

I just wanted to help
the kids,

and now I feel like
such a fool.

So you don't have $ ,
to spare.

I mean, that's no crime.

I know. But why did I promise
them something I can't give?

Simple --

you saw that look of happiness
on your daughter's face.

You didn't want it
to die.


Come on, now.

Let's have
a little smile, huh?

[ Chuckles ]

Yeah, that's better.

It's not so terrible.

You're a nice man, Tom.

Well, I don't know
how nice I am,

but I know a man
who could help you.



Oh, he made a bundle in
the construction business.

I mean, he could sit down,

scribble out a check
for $ , -- no sweat.

Hey, introduce me,
will you?

[ Chuckles ]

Tom is the name.

[ Chuckles ]

Hey, no way!
I couldn't!

Besides, you don't know
who or what I am.

Well, what are you?

Remember you said
you never forget a face?



...don't forget this one.

It belongs to a lady
who can take care of herself.

Thanks anyway, Tom.

[ Knock on door ]


Hey, Norman.

Norman, why are you
wearing that thing again?

Because Nancy's father
doesn't recognize me like this.

Look at me.

Oh, I need new lipstick,
and my eyes are a mess.

My eyeliner's starting
to fade.

And look at that --
my nose is shiny.

Norman, get ahold
of yourself!

I'm sorry I'm so upset, doc.

I just can't seem
to get through to Nancy.

She doesn't seem to care
whether I live or die.

Are you sure
she doesn't care?

What do you mean?

Never mind.

I just got an idea --
get your lipstick on just right,

and be in the pirate's cove
in an hour for a cocktail party.

Cocktail party? Why are you
having a cocktail party?

Don't you worry your
pretty little head about it.


Here we go.

Homemade hors d'oeuvres --

take two
and call me in the morning.

Hey, thank you,

[ High-pitched voice ]
Well, here I am.

And here I go.

[ Normal voice ]
Don't go, pussycat.

I told you not
to call me pussycat.

Well, will you wait?

She's wearing our dress!

He's wearing our dress.

I followed you
to the middle of the ocean

to ask you to forgive me,

i made a complete ass of myself,
and to top it all off,

these high heels
are k*lling me.

Well, Norma.

Nice to see you again.

Oh, Tom, dear.

Mr. Preston, come in.
Join the party.

We were having a little
discussion before you came in.

Norma, could you come
over here for a second?

Just trust me.

Mr. Preston, we were having
a discussion before you came in.

Could you tell me,

does Norma look more attractive
with her hair long

or with her hair short?



Just take it easy.

We don't want anyone
to get hurt.

Yes, we do!

I'm gonna teach you once
and for all

to stop bothering
my daughter!

Oh, yeah? Well,
she may be your daughter,

but she knows
I happen to love her.

Why don't we let her
speak for herself, huh?

Oh, I will say all that
needs to be heard, buddy!

He's gonna k*ll that guy!

Never mind the guy!
He's gonna k*ll our dress!

Daddy, stop it!

I barely touched him.

Norman, are you all right,
my little pussycat?

You called me pussycat.

Mother! Come in!

We were just going to
call you to thank you.

We'll never forget
your generosity.

What are you two
talking about?

The $ , -- we didn't
expect it so soon.

Neither did I.

This isn't my money.

I'm your mother, and i'd
give you my last penny.

The only problem is,
I'd have to borrow it.

I don't understand.

I know.

I know you don't.

But it's time you did.

I'm not a rich lady.

I don't live on the ship.

I sell flowers
down on the dock.

You sell flowers?


I don't understand --
all this money.

It's not mine.
It belongs to Mr. Preston.

Carole, honey, I lied to you
in all those letters,

and I'm sorry.

I just didn't want you
to be ashamed of me.

Oh, mother.
I love you.

I could never
be ashamed of you.



Let me have
the money, Carole.

I'm gonna take it back
to Mr. Preston.

Don't worry,
the wedding is still on.

You people have convinced me

that love is a lot more
important than money.

I'd be crazy not to marry
into this family.

Julie: Ladies and gentlemen, may
I have your attention, please?

This is it, the moment
we've all been waiting for.

May I present that noted
health and diet expert,

Dr. Alfred farney?

[ Fanfare plays ]

Vicki, you did a great job
sewing up that dress.

It only took
a few minutes.

Dr. Farney: Thank you.

Well, just short days ago,

before she went on
my muskmelon diet,

miss Donna baker could not
possibly have fit into

this glamorous
derenza of Rome dress

that she's wearing tonight.

But I'm going to let you all
see for yourself.

Let's bring her out here.
Donna, come on out onstage.

[ Fanfare plays ]

Oh, isn't she lovely,
ladies and gentlemen?

Take a bow, Donna.

[ Fabric tears ]


The dress was so badly torn,
I had to take in two inches.

[ Laughter ]

[ Fabric tears ]

Just a minute.

This really doesn't
prove anything.

Dr. Farney promised that
Donna would lose pounds,

so I think
we should find out

just how many pounds
she did lose.

Donna, would you step on
the scale, please?

What are you doing
to me?!

I didn't lose pounds.

[ Audience groans ]

I lost !

[ Fanfare plays ]

Well, Dr. Farney,

I guess your muskmelon
diet really does work.

Only I think if we added
some of my apricot,

we would really --

ooh, Tucker.

How would you like
to be partners again?

Be my pleasure.

[ Both chuckle ]

Well, Donna,
now will you forgive me?

Well, I don't know.

What do you say
we talk about it

over a nice big pizza?

Rosie, honey --

don't "honey" me!

I tell you
I won't take your money,

and you go behind my back
and give it to them anyway.

Yeah, but they
gave it back to me.

You should keep your nose
out of other people's business.

Rosie, I was just trying
to help your daughter.

Why don't you help
your own daughter?

From what I hear,

she still cares about
that ex-husband of hers.

You know something?
You're a real smart lady.

I guess maybe that's why
I feel like I do about you.


Before this goes
any further,

there's something
I gotta tell you.

Oh. All right.

I'm not the lady
you think I am.

You know how I make
my living?

You sell flowers
on the dock.

I sell flowers
on the dock.


[ Chuckles ]

You knew.

Like I told you before,
I never forget a face,

especially such
a beautiful face.


Thanks, handsome.

[ Wedding march plays ]

We are here to celebrate
not one, but three marriages,

three marriages flowering from
three different kinds of love --

a first love...

A love that was lost
and then renewed...

And last,
the most precious kind --

one between two people

who thought they might
never love again.

And although
all these loves are different,

in one way,
they are all the same --

the reaching out
of one being to another.

Will you all
touch hands, please?

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered together
in this beautiful setting

to join together these men
and women in holy matrimony.

This is a most joyous occasion.

Well, Dr. Martin,
I'm glad you finally realized

that my muskmelon diet
really is the best.

Yeah, it's not bad,
not bad at all --

only I think I'm on to
something even better.

Oh, yeah?

Yes. From now on,
we're going to live on love.

Good luck.

I'm sorry, Norman.
I didn't know you were
gonna get hit that hard.

But that was the only way I knew
to get you back together.

It was worth it, doc.
Believe me.

But now I'm glad to see
you're back to being

the happiest married couple
in america.

And we're gonna
stay that way.

Yeah, now that he's
finally figured out

who wears the pants
in the family.

Well, cappy,

I don't know how
I can thank you.

What you did
changed four lives.

Yeah, and you made one life
four times happier, too.

Boy, I'm sure gonna miss you
down at the dock, Rosie.

Thanks, honey.

We all are.

I'm just glad
you found a new spot --

in somebody's heart.

Me, too.
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