05x09 - Farnsworth's Fling/Three in a Bed/I Remember Helen/Merrill, Melanie & Melanesia/Gopher Farnsworth Smith: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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05x09 - Farnsworth's Fling/Three in a Bed/I Remember Helen/Merrill, Melanie & Melanesia/Gopher Farnsworth Smith: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪

Your call will be ready
in just a minute, gopher.

This is ridiculous, man.

I know I am not related
to Farnsworth.

Just ask your mother.

She may know something
you don't know.

Well, I certainly hope so,

because every minute
on this phone

is gonna cost me a fortune.

Don't worry.
I'm gonna keep you posted.

Call's ready now, gopher.
You can pick up right there.

All right. You ready?

Okay. Now, go.

Hi, mom. It's burl.


You'll have to talk louder.
I can't hear you.

Burl, mom!


Your son, burl Smith!


Mom, look, there is
a man here named --


I said, "do you know
what time it is?"

It is : in the morning!

Well, it's not : here, mom.
It's -- what?


Mom, it's tomorrow here.

Where you are,
it's yesterday. See?

Burl, are you drunk?
Are you sure?

Well, it's nice to hear
your voice anyway.

I don't hear from you anymore.

This is the first time
I've heard from you

since the last time.

Where are you?


South pacific.

Oh, I love that show.

Of course, my favorite was
"Annie get your g*n."

No, mom, don't sing, please.

♪ There's no business
like show business ♪

♪ like no business I know ♪

Oh, I used to rock you to sleep
with that one

when you were a little boy.

♪ Everything about it is
appealing ♪

♪ everything the traffic
will allow ♪

I got the album, mom.

One minute.

Mom, look, please.

I'm in a hurry.
This is important!

Say, guess who I bumped
in to downtown yesterday?

I can't.

Well, that's probably the day
after tomorrow where you are.

That's a joke, son.

You'll never guess
in a hundred years.

Come on, now.
Take a guess. Come on.

Just one guess.
Just one.

Cousin Hector.

No. No. Guess again.

Mom, I don't have time to play
guessing games, mom!

A minute, .

Mom, look, I'm on the ship.
I'm calling from work.

I told you where we are!
We're in the south pac--

okay. No. Mom, we're in
the islands off Australia.

I thought that was a flower.

Australia, mom!
The islands off Australia!

A minute, .

What difference does it make
what islands?!

I'm sorry, mom.
Okay. Sure.

Uh, vila, Suva...



A minute, .

A minute, .

Mom! Mom, look!

I have to ask you something
very, very important, mom!

I thought you were calling
from Los Angeles.

I didn't know
that you were so far away.

You don't have to call me
from way out there.

This must be costing you
a fortune.

You don't have to call me
from out there.

Just drop me a card.

Mom! Mom!

She hung up on me!

That's minutes and second.

That means they're gonna charge
you for the third minute.

I'm gonna have to be related
to Farnsworth

just to break even
on the phone call.

Wait till I show dad
these shells we picked.


I'm sorry, everybody.
The captain sends his apologies,

but he won't be joining
us for dinner.

Is he all right, doc?

Not exactly.

I had to give him something
for a mild stomach disorder.

You should try giving him



The islanders use it
for tummy problems.

That's interesting.

Tell me, do the islanders have
cures for other problems, too?

For many. Not all.

This is all wrong.

I should be in the middle.

You're an unmarried couple, I at
least have been married to her.

Im staying right where I am.

It's morally wrong for a single
man to sleep next to a single

lady especially when they're in
bed with an ex-husband.

Will you two try to get some

[ Knock on door ]

Who is it?

Me, Wayne! I've got a message
from Mr. Farnsworth.

What is it? We're in bed!

Well he told me to deliver it in
person, and it can't be

in person through a door.

Quick, hide in the bathroom!

Coming Wayne!

Come in? Ok!

You should lock your door at

I forgot to bring these flowers
earlier, but Mr. Farsnworth

wanted me to tell you that-
boy, you sure got a lumpy bed.

Well, I always sleep with my
feet up on pillows.

Oh, his doctor just says it's
wonderful for his circulation.

Yeah, makes the blood go to the

That makes sense. We used to
have a pet possum, name was

Archie, he used to hang by his
tail from a tree all the time.

He never had a sick day in his


I'm sorry that I woke ya, but
Mr. Farnsworth thought these

flowers might put you in a
romantic mood.

He said something about having a
baby named after him.

Happy dreams!

I almost smothered under there!

Well we have the rest of the
night. You wanna try it again?

[ Knock on door ]

Melanie...i, uh, was just
on my way to bed.

Is your stomach feeling
any better, captain?

Yes. Thank you.

So I see.

Dr. Bricker must be quite
a miracle worker.


Why don't I admit it,

I've been avoiding you.

That's obvious, merrill.
But why?

I've been asking myself
the same question.

Please believe me.
I do care for you.

I care for you.

Surely you must know that.


But I guess I just need
more time to...

To think things out.

I understand.

I didn't expect to feel
this way either.

It's my fault
the way things have gone.

I'm sorry.

Please. You have nothing to
apologize for -- nothing.

Perhaps I'm being
too direct,

too quick in telling you
how I really feel about you.

But that's the way it is

and always has been
with the island people.

I know.

You mean you remember.

Good night, merrill.

I'm mad at you, merrill.

I'm supposed to be the guy
who kisses the girls

and makes them cry.

Adam, what am I doing?

Falling in love with someone
half my age...

Falling in love
with a memory.

I don't know
which it is...

Or which is worse.

I'm old enough to be...

Her husband?


Hmm. Takes your breath away,
doesn't it?

Sure does, and I'm not talking
about the moonlight.

If that's a compliment, sir,
I accept.

"And her eyes
told me stories

"that I had never heard

"And her lips
made me promises

that still
there was more."

What's that from?

That's a poem
that I wrote...

A long time ago.

I mean, a long,
long time ago.

Who'd you write it for?

I never knew,
not until now.


You know, just the little time
that we've been together,

I mean, well,
it's really something.

I've felt things
that I never thought

that I could feel again,

that I ever
wanted to feel again.

Please. There's something
I have to say.

I don't want to hear that,

none of that about where you've
been, what you've done.

No. It's just here and now.
That's all I care about.

Do you really think
it could be that way?

It can
if we want it to be.

Do we?

You don't really know me.

I don't want to hear it.

What do you say?

♪ Good night, sweetheart ♪

♪ till we meet tomorrow ♪

♪ good night, sweetheart ♪

♪ dreams will -- ♪


Take me with you.


Wherever you're going.

Now, the last line is:

[Singing in Fijian]

Perfect! Now you can speak

I used to teach this to my
children in English. It's called

“the big ship”

now let's start from the

[Singing in Fijian]

[Singing in Fijian]

Wonderful! Wonderful!

Thank you Melanie.

Well I hope you're impressed!

I am.

You certainly have a wonderful
way with children.

Thank you.

And I should know. Because I've
been acting like a child.

I'm sorry we got off to a bad

I take full blame for that.

If it's not too late, I hope we
can begin again.

Can we?

You must be captain stubing. I'm
Melanie kalani.

We're now docking in Suva,
Fiji's capital,

located on the picturesque
island of viti levu.

While here, enjoy a tour of
breathtaking thurston gardens,

and don't forget a visit
to the Fiji museum.

Also, try to see the mystifying
ceremony of the firewalkers,

and a must on your list
should be exotic orchid island.

[ Singing in Fijian ]





[ Shouting ]

Bula and welcome,
ladies and gentlemen,

to the ancient
and mystical ceremony

of the firewalkers.

This event is
a tradition passed

from generation
to generation

by the sawau tribe
of beqa island.

In Fiji, the word for
firewalking is "vilavilairevo,"

which means
"jumping into the oven."

[ Drumming and chanting ]

What are you thinking

You really want to know?

I wouldn't have asked.

I was thinking what a truly
remarkable man you are.


Well, you're not only
attractive and beautiful,

but you're also
very intelligent.

The timbers you see here

have burned upon the rocks
for six hours,

heating them until
they are white-hot.

Once the pit is made ready,

their leader, called a bete,
beckons the men forward

to perform
this mystifying act.

[ Rhythmic clanging, clapping,
and chanting ]

[ Shouting ]

Their feet aren't burned,
and they experience no pain.

I could do what those guys do,
but I'm too modest.

I don't want people to see me
in bare feet.

In preparation
for this ceremony,

all firewalkers are separated
from their wives

for two weeks.

Walking on fiery rocks,

that hurts me
just to watch.

You know
what their secret is?


They don't scream
till they get home.

That's how they do it.

Here comes your uncle or your
grandfather or something.

Cut it out, all right?
Cut it out.

Great show, huh,
Mr. Farnsworth?


I know you're related.
I just know you are.

Eloise, you remember that
missing limb on our family tree?

The one branch of the family
we couldn't track down?

Yes, uncle William.

Contact Pendleton
at my computer center.

Have him run a check on this,
uh, whatever his name is.


Gopher, yes.

Tell him I want a complete
readout, and fast.

Look, merrill.
Tiki's still here.

When we were youngsters,

we used to come here
on holidays

and pretend it was
an island god.

If you gave tiki
an offering,

he'd give you your wish.

Did your wishes come true?

Would you like to try?


You first.

I've made my wish.

Do you have yours ready?

As I was watching you,

I realized
that everything you do

shows your love
for these islands.

I love you for it.

My wish is that this day
never ends.

That's just
what I wished for.

I've forgotten how beautiful
these islands are.

I suppose you'd miss them
if you ever had to leave.

I love the islands.

But we have a saying --

"you cannot lose something
you really love.

Even if you leave, it's in
your heart forever."

Lovely thought.

But I wouldn't want to leave
my island.

What reason would I have?

Unless it was
to marry you.

Marry me.

Of course, merrill.

Or are you still dreaming
about the past?

No. My only concern
is with the present.

Melanie, you're so much
younger than I am.

Merrill, I'm a grown woman,
and I love you.

If you love me, too,
then nothing else matters.

Then nothing else matters.

when we reach my island,

we can announce
our engagement.

No. I want the world
to know today.

Today just tell me
that you love me.

I love you, Melanie.

We couldn't go see the

No, no. No. We had to rent
this wretched truck,

get stuck out here
in the middle of nowhere.

Martin, you know gopher
tried to arrange a car for us.

This was all
that was available.

Now, we're lucky
to have this.

You call this lucky?

Yes, lucky that uncle William
doesn't see us all together.

Believe me,
he is not all together.

Know what I mean?

we're gonna miss the boat.

Now, will you do something?

For heaven's sake,
do something!

All right,
I'll do something!

No wonder
you divorced him.

He's bonkers.

[ Air horn blows ]

Was that
what I think it is?

That depends.

If you think it was a tuba,

If you think it was the ship
leaving, mm-hmm.

Good evening.

Wayne, how's that
Shirley temple tonight?

Oh, it's fine.
It's just fine.

Hey, Wayne, how would you like
to try one of my Roy Rogers?

Unh-unh. I know what happens
to me when I mix my drinks.

Oh, gopher, we haven't gotten
any news back yet

that computer center.

What computer center?
What are we talking about?

Oh, nothing.

Doesn't sound
like nothing to me.

Look, gopher, if Mr. Farnsworth
found out I told you

he's checking to see
if you all are related --

Wayne, shh!



Good evening,
miss halverson.

Hi, Julie.

Gee, I hardly recognized you
without Mr. Farnsworth.

[ Sighs ]


Have you ever been in love,
really in love?

Have you ever misled

I might have told a white lie
or two, yeah.

No, I mean...

Have you ever taken advantage
of someone

and then felt awful
about it?

I don't think so.

Hi, Julie. Jessica,
I've got to talk to you.

I have to be going anyway.

He's gonna ask you
to marry him!

He just told me!
[ Laughs ]

What kind of a reaction
is this?

I just said he's gonna ask you
to marry him.

I'm not gonna give him
the chance.


I've changed my mind.

You can't.
What'll happen to me?

Who knows. Maybe you'll find
your conscience.

I found mine.

Sorry about missing
the ship.

It's all right.
It wasn't your fault.

We'll just fly
to savusavu

and pick it up tomorrow.

Remember the time in Switzerland
when we missed the train,

and we had to spend the night
in that little town?

[ Chuckles ]
And the inn was full.

We stayed in that old boathouse
down on the lake.

[ Laughing ] We wound up
sleeping in a canoe.

[ Snores ]


Do you think that people
who fall out of love

can fall in again?

Maybe, if they gave it
a chance.

Sort of an interesting thought,
isn't it?

Well, yes, it is.

What is going on here?

How did you end up
in the middle?

Oh. I forgot to tell you.
I walk in my sleep.

Will you get up?

We have to find a plane
to take us back to the ship.

Oh, right. Why don't you go make
the travel arrangements

and wake us
when you get back?

Come here, you.

Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to savusavu,
the quaint harbor town

on the island of vanua levu
in Fiji.

You can sign up in the lobby

for a scenic drive through the
lush, exotic countryside

and the namale plantation

or a tour of the beautiful
beaches and sleepy lagoons.

Enjoy your stay.

Where have you been?
I had to dress myself.

And you did a real fine job,
too, for a first try.

Mr. Farnsworth,
could you dress yourself

before you was rich?

I could dress myself
when I was years old --

just elastic-top
short pants

and a shirt without
any buttons on it.


Mr. Farnsworth,
I'm gonna do something wrong.

there's a news flash.

I'm gonna give you a message
you're not supposed to get yet.

It's from your lady friend
miss halverson.

I really shouldn't, though,

because she asked me
not to give it to you

till after the boat sailed.

But I do work for you,
and I am a loyal person.

But a promise
is a promise.

Give that to me!

"It just wasn't meant to be.

She must be flying home.

I know she left the ship.

The damn phones are not
connected at port.

Wayne, you do this right
and do it quick.

You're going to have to get
to a phone on the dock.

[ Bell chimes ]

I'd like a seat
on the first plane back

to Sydney, Australia,

Yes, ma'am.
No problem.

You have to change planes
in Suva.

Fine. Anything.

A single on flight today,

Sold out?

Are you sure?

How about through vila?

It doesn't go that way.

Then put us on .

It can't be.

How about ?

What's happening?


I don't believe it.

What is happening?

Someone bought up all the seats
on all the flights

out of here
for the week.

Melanie: Here's my school,
merrill -- namale.

This is where I teach.

What does namale mean?

Male is a type of tree.

Namale means "the male tree."

I've never seen a more beautiful
place for a school.

If you think the school
is beautiful,

wait till you see
my children.

I can't wait for you
to see them.

Children: ♪ the big ship sails
in the early, early hours ♪

♪ the early, early hours ♪

♪ the early, early hours ♪

♪ the big ship sails
in the early, early hours ♪

♪ on the last day of September ♪

♪ the captain sails in
the never, never blue ♪

♪ the never, never blue ♪

♪ the never, never blue ♪

♪ the captain sails
in the never, never blue ♪

♪ on the last day of September ♪

♪ we all dip our heads
in the deep blue sea ♪

♪ the deep blue sea ♪

♪ the deep blue sea ♪

♪ we all dip our heads
in the deep blue sea ♪

♪ on the last day of September ♪

Ho ho.

You were right.

They are thrilled to meet a real
American captain.

[ Children speaking Fijian ]

And now, once again,
in English.

Welcome to our island,

Thank you.
It's wonderful to be here.

We have
an announcement to make.

The captain and I
are going to get married.

I'm going away to live
on his big ship.


Woman: Goodbye, captain.


Goodbye, miss kulani.


Goodbye, captain.

Goodbye, captain.

Goodbye, miss kulani.

Goodbye, miss kulani.

[ Speaking Fijian ]

This is for you.

I made it myself.

[ Engine turns over ]

Riding that little airplane was
worse than the truck.

Last night was just like
old times.

What are you doing?!

Well...we've gotta keep up
the act.

We're back where uncle William
can see us.

Well, all right.

But will you stop looking like
you enjoy it so much?

[ Chuckles ]

We hoped you enjoyed your stay
in savusavu.

We're now setting course
for Sydney.

And then, in ,

you married another

Burton holloway.

You divorced him two years later
when he went broke.

And in , you became
Mrs. Henry halverson --

also a big earner,
but a bigger spender.

Is that why you bought up all
the airline tickets --

to get me back on the ship
to expose my past?

You dumped halverson in .

Now you have your sights set on
William Otis Farnsworth.

Or did have.

Well, that's certainly
a comprehensive report...

Except there's one thing



It doesn't say that
you're the only man

I've ever really loved.

You once said that it's
here and now that matters --

that's all you care about.

That's true,

but I didn't want you
to be haunted

for the rest of your life
by your past.


I am very interested
in your future.

Julie: Here's to
the happy couple --

to Melanie and merrill.

To Melanie and merrill --

hey, you guys can buy M&M's and
have monogrammed candy!

[ All chuckling ]



I had quite a speech prepared
with a lot of good jokes,

but Vicki came up
with a much better idea.



[ Singing "the big boat"
in Fijian ]

♪ ...the early, early hours ♪

♪ the early, early hours ♪

♪ the big ship sails
in the early, early hours ♪

♪ on the last day of September ♪

♪ the captain sails
in the never, never blue ♪

♪ the never, never blue... ♪

[ Singing continues ]

[ Singing stops ]


You really --

you shouldn't do this to me.

After all,
I am an engaged woman.

I know.

The problem is, you're engaged
to the wrong man.

Martin, there's something we
would like to tell you.

I don't think
I'm gonna like this.


...i understand.

Your heart is with
those children.

I was mistaken to think you ever
could leave them.

Your life is your school...

As mine is my ship.

No, merrill,
it was my mistake.

You once thought
I was a dream,

but the truth is,
you were my dream --

a handsome captain who was going
to take me away

to far-off lands and new and
exciting adventures.

Then I saw my children...

And the dream ended.

I love you, merrill.

I always will.

But when we dock tomorrow,
I must go back to my island.


Open it.

"I have not lost you --

"you are in my heart...


[ Indistinct conversations ]

You are gonna get a bundle!

I don't know.
I don't know.

Are you kidding?

Why would Farnsworth invite you
to the family party

if you weren't related?

Here he comes.


Son! He called you son!

He called me son.

You're gonna get it all.

I'm gonna get it all.

Burl Smith, right?


Son of
rosalyn Farnsworth Smith?


Born canton, Ohio,

the fourth daughter of Alden
and Felicia Farnsworth

and granddaughter of Norman
and Gretchen Farnsworth

and great-granddaughter of Perry
and Sheila Farnsworth, right?


We're not related.

I need a drink.

I'm sorry, that's just for
the family.


What did you do to your hair?

Don't you love it?

Is that a wig?

I know what I'm doing.

Uncle William's wife
wore her hair like this.

Hope he remembers.

How could he forget?

I'll be having nightmares
about it for a year.

That's good news
about your mother.

Mr. Farnsworth?

This party
must sure make you sad.


I mean, leaving your relatives
all that money,

and you ain't even gonna have
the fun of seeing them spend it.

Well, who knows?
Maybe I'll take it with me.

How are you doing?

Something's bothering us.

Oh? Champagne no good?

No, uncle bill,
it's not that.

It's -- well, bud and I
have something

we've got to get off
of our conscience.

We haven't been playing straight
with you.

We know how you feel
about divorce.

Well, Jenny and I
are divorced.

Since April the th.

How long have you known?

Since April the th.

We want you to know that we're
getting married again.

But only because we want to.

Ah, interesting.

Very interesting.

Hazel, frank.

Hello, uncle William.

Helen used to wear her hair
just like that.


Yes. You have such a good
memory, Hazel.

You've remembered so much about
my wife --

how she dressed, her favorite
color, the perfume she used,

how she did her hair.

Well, I -- you see,
I didn't mean to do anyth--

but what you didn't know
is that

those were the only things
I didn't like about Helen.

[ Pops ]


Stop fidgeting, Eloise.


She wasn't fidgeting.

And I wish you'd stop saying
that to the woman I love.


Did you hear
what I just said?

I did, and if you don't do
something about it,

you're out of a job.

I love you, too, Wayne.


Could I speak to you
for a moment?

I don't know why not.

I have a confession
to make --

a very sordid confession.

I brought Jessica
on the ship to...

You don't have to say
any more.

It's enough to know that you
wanted to tell me about it.

Thank you.

And I didn't ruin
your father.

I loved him.

He was just a poor manager
of money.

Quiet, everybody.

I'd, uh,
like to say a few words.

Hush up, everybody.
Settle down.

It's no secret to you,
I'm sure,

that I invited you on this
cruise to check you out

before I revise my will.

And I have been doing
some checking

and thinking and changing.

Well, first, I think I ought to
tell you that, uh,

I'm getting married.

[ All murmuring ]

Yeah, I thought that would shake
you up a bit.

And, uh...

This is the beautiful lady
that I'm marrying --

Jessica halverson.

And I'm sure you're
all wondering

how this affects you
as my heirs.

I, uh, had decided to remember
each one of you

quite generously in my will.

But I've changed my mind.

[ All muttering ]

I'll tell you what.

When I came in here tonight,
a very wise man said to me,

"it must make you sad leaving
all your money to your relatives

when you won't have the fun of
seeing them spend it."


You're out of my will --
all of you.


I am giving you the money now!

[ All cheering ]

I guess the joke's on me,

What do you mean, Wayne?

Well, I talked him into giving
all of his money away.

Now he won't have any
to pay me with.

Oh, Wayne.

Welcome to Sydney, Australia,
ladies and gentlemen,

one of the world's most
magnificent harbors.

Uncle William,
we've been thinking --

if you already knew
we were divorced,

why did you invite us
on the cruise?

You fell in love again,
didn't you?

To hear him talk, you'd think he
knew it was gonna happen.

Oh, that's impossible.

Oh, millionaires can work
miracles we poor folks can't.

Besides, they don't call this
"the love boat" for nothing.

[ Laughs ]

Where's Julie? I haven't seen
her since we docked.

Oh, she'll
be joining us later.

Your dad let her go ashore.
She had something to do.


David, thank you
for bringing me here.

I just had to see this preserve
one more time.

I know how you feel.

Yeah, Tony
really loved this place.

We both did.

You know, I don't know
if Tony ever got any of
my letters, but --

he did. All of them.

They gave him a great deal
of courage at the end.

Julie, you gave my brother a
happiness he'd never had before.

I've got a great idea.

Why don't we just stay here
the rest of our lives?

I can't think of a better way
to spend the time.

Julie, are you okay?

David, I feel like
I'm in Camelot.

Don't let it be forgot
that once there was a spot

for one brief,
shining moment.

Do I have to wait until Eloise
and me geet married to call you

“uncle willy”?

Eloise, I'm afraid with him
around you'll

never stop fidgeting.

Isaac, you run a fine bar.

Thank you, sir.

And gopher, if it's any

I'm sorry we're not related.

You've got spunk, I admire that.

Well, thank you Mr. Farnsworth.

You call me uncle William.

Bye-bye uncle William!

So long uncle William!

Get your own family.

Adam, have you seen Melanie?

I'm sorry merrill, she was one
of the first to leave the ship.

I see.

Can you pick me up at the
botanical gardens

on the way to the airport?

No problem.



When I first
came on the ship,

you tried to run away
and hide from me --

from what you were feeling.

Today, when I left, I was trying
to do the same thing.

So you came back.

Yes, merrill.

I came back to say goodbye
to the man I love.

Goodbye, merrill.

Goodbye, Melanie.

Seems we both have our memories
from austalia.

"I have not lost you --

you are in my heart forever."
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