05x01 - The Expedition/Julie's Wedding/The Mongala/Julie's Replacement/The Three R's/T...

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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05x01 - The Expedition/Julie's Wedding/The Mongala/Julie's Replacement/The Three R's/T...

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Love ♪

♪ exciting and new ♪

♪ come aboard ♪

♪ we're expecting you ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ let it flow ♪

♪ it floats back to you ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ soon will be making
another run ♪

♪ the love boat ♪

♪ promises something
for everyone ♪

♪ set a course for adventure ♪

♪ your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ and love ♪

♪ won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ it's an open smile ♪

♪ on a friendly shore ♪

♪ it's love ♪

♪ welcome aboard,
it's l-o-o-o-ove ♪

This may be heresy
coming from me,

but flying
isn't a bad way to travel.

Hmm. Until you want
to step outside

for a breath
of fresh air.



Dad, I'm so excited
I can't stand it.

Ladies and gentlemen,

we are now making
our final approach into Sydney.

From all of us to all of you,
welcome to Australia.

Thank you!

South sea islands,
here we come.

We're lucky
our ship's in dry dock.

I know guys who'd k*ll
for an assignment like this.

No wonder Julie spent
her whole vacation down here.

I can't wait to see her.


Merrill: Oh, that's one
beautiful city.

the Sydney opera house...

And the harbor bridge.

And there's the sea Princess,
the ship that we're going on.

That's us...From one Princess
to another.

[ Banjo Patterson's
"waltzing Matilda" plays ]

Hey, uh, you guys better
brush up on your Australian.

You know there's gonna be
a lot of Australians onboard.

I got news for you,
my friend.

They speak English
in Australia.

Oh, really?

Do either of you guys
know what "wacko" means?


Very funny. Very funny.
"Wacko" means "good."

And you guys
are going to be in trouble

unless you study
this thing.

Isaac, be a wacko friend
and get lost.

Has Julie
come onboard yet?

No, I haven't seen her

Gopher: The last I heard was on
a postcard three weeks ago.

She and her friend Tony
were having a wonderful time

exploring Australia.

Do you think they're
still serious about each other?

I don't know.
Let me know when she arrives.



Can I help you, miss?

Oh! Oh, you're in uniform.

Well, it's required.
I'm the ship's doctor.

Well, doctor...

I've never been
on a ship before.


No, I've never been
on a vacation before...


Do you think it's safe?


I-I mean for...
A single person.

Oh, safe from men.

Well, I read about...

Shipboard romeos.

Oh, you can spot 'em
a mile away.

Just watch out for...

"How 'bout a nightcap?"

And, um,
"can I walk you to your cabin?"

[ Laughs ]

I see.

Anybody bothers you,
you come straight to me.



Have a pleasant cruise.

Thank you.

Oh! Oh!

Hello, pretty lady.

Could you, uh,
help me find my cabin?

No! I'm sorry!

Excuse me.

I packed my glasses.

I can't see a thing
without them.

Oh, certainly.

Mr. Sutton,
you're on "a" deck, cabin .

That's up to the right.

Thank you very much.

Uh, Mr. Sutton.


"'A' deck, ."
Thank you.

Oh, sir, listen,
while you're here,

let me give you, uh,
your dinner sitting.


Here's a schedule
of our stops.

Here's our
activity schedule.

Oh, and this little item
is a raffle ticket.

You might win a bicycle.

I'll tell you what.
You keep that.

Not much use
for a bicycle

on a cattle ranch
in New Zealand, is there?

you work on a ranch?

Worse -- I own one.

thank you very much.

Hi, can I help you?

Not half as much
as he can, honey.

Oh! Mr. Sutton
forgot his glasses.

What do you think, man?
Do anything for me?

Whoo, they make you
look intelligent.

These are strange.

There's just
plain glass in there.

Why would he wear these?

I don't know,

especially since
he already looks intelligent.

Excuse me.


We're looking
for the veranda deck.

Yes, that's two decks up.

I'm captain stubing.
Welcome aboard.

Oh! It's nice to meet you,

I'm Dr. Barry Madison,

and this is my colleague,
Dr. Jill McGraw.

We're anthropologists
on the endler expedition.

Oh, yes,
we've been expecting you.

Fascinating business
you're in.

Well, it's just
another incredible journey

in the quest
of primitive man

and his strange
and exotic customs.

For instance, did you know
in certain Fijian tribes,

a man will simply carry off
the woman of his choice

and then later negotiate
the deal with her father?

Before you get
any fancy ideas, Barry,

remember --
my father's a cop in Chicago.

[ Laughs ]

Well, if I can help you with
anything, within reason,

don't hesitate to call.

Thank you.


Thank you.

I'm really looking forward
to this trip, you know?

Professor endler
knows the south sea customs

like the back of his hand.

speaking of hands, Jill,

shouldn't we pick out
your engagement ring soon?

Barry, I told you
I needed time to think.

I can't make this decision

You call three years,
six months, and five days

of steady dating

Well, time is relative,

Yes, and that's exactly what
I want us to be -- relatives...

Husband and wife.

Oh, Jill, marry me, and I
promise to do better jokes.

It's almost worth it.

By the way,
where is professor endler?

Got everything?


professor endler?

Do you have the tickets?

Yes, yes.

[ Whistles ]

Professor endler!

Excuse me, sir, this message
just came for you.

It's marked "urgent."

Oh, thank you.

What now?

It's from deke donner.

Wonder what he's doing
in Sydney.

Deke donner --

well, that's certainly
a name out of the past...

And one
that should stay there.

I've got to go
and see him.

Oh, Milo, what for?

The man was thrown out
of the university in disgrace.

He says
it's terribly important.

Vivian, donner and I
go back a long way.

The least I can do
is meet with him.

Look for Dr. Madison
and Dr. McGraw on the ship.

I'll get there
soon as I can.

Sure, Milo.

You know,
I think it's admirable

the way you're always available
when someone needs you.

Unless, of course, that someone
happens to be your wife.

Could you get me another cab,

[ Whistles ]


Hello, Milo.

I was afraid
you wouldn't come.

You said it was urgent.

I'm listening,
but I don't have long.

Milo, I've come upon something
that's truly amazing,

but they just
won't believe me

unless someone who
is as respected as
you are verifies it.

No one was more respected
than you, deke,

until you gambled away
the university's money

at the racetrack.

I've made mistakes, Milo,

but this discovery
can bring me back.

What discovery?

Good lord.

The natives call it
"the mongala."


I thought
you'd be interested,

so I took the Liberty of loading
all the necessary equipment

on your ship.

I'll see you
in Fiji in two days, no?

I better go
prepare my colleagues.

Now, Milo,
I want your word

that you'll tell no one about
this until we meet in lautoka.

Well, we can certainly trust
my two --

when I say "no one,"
I mean "no one."

If we let this get out,

every two-bit glory-seeker
in the world will be there.

[ Air horn blows ]

All right.

If what I saw is true,

this could be
the find of the century.

[ Both laugh ]

All visitors ashore, please.
We sail in five minutes.

Has either of you
heard from Julie?

No, sir.

Uh, not yet. Maybe she didn't
get word we were leaving today.

When she went on
her Australian vacation,

she had our schedule.

This isn't like Julie.
I hope she's all right.

Captain stubing?


Yvonne petty reporting
for work, sir.

What sort of work do you do,
miss petty?

I work for the line
in Sydney.

They told me to come on
to replace, uh, miss McCoy?


Where is she?

I don't know, captain.

There's a telephone number
where she can be reached.

We can't call ship-to-shore
until we're at sea.

In the meantime,
welcome aboard, cruise director.

If you'll follow me,
I'll fill you in on your duties.

Thank you, sir.

I saw her first.

I saw her first.

Elizabeth, do you know what
a lucky koala you are

to live up here?

It's beautiful.

Not nearly as beautiful
as you.


I've got a great idea.

Why don't we just stay here
for the rest of our lives?

I can't think of a better way
of spending the time.

The time!
The ship must've already sailed!

Come on, we've got to get back
in case they call.

Fickle sort,
aren't you?

[ Laughs ]

[ Air horn blows ]


Remember me?

This is a get-acquainted
cocktail party.

I suppose
we should get acquainted.

I'm Ralph Sutton.

How do you do?

I live in New Zealand.

Can I get you a drink?

No, thank you.

Something to eat, perhaps?

Hi, I'm Connie wilbur.

And I'm both thirsty
and starving.

Yes, well, we'll have to
fix that, won't we?

By all means.

[ Singsong voice ]

Hi, mates!

How's it going so far,
cruise director?

Oh, there's still so much
I don't know.

I feel like a dill.

Take this dinner-seating
arrangement, for example.

It's got me
up a gum tree.

Well, it's really
not all that difficult.

I'll tell you what --
uh, let me do that for you.

Ah, doc,
just a moment.

I'm the purser.

If anybody knows how to handle
seating arrangements, I do.

I'll do this for you.

Excuse me, gopher,
but I offered first.

Excuse me, doc,
but that doesn't matter.

Come on, mates,
don't get into a punch-up.

Look, I've got
a beaut idea.

You can both do it.

I think I'm getting the knack
of this job after all.

No. No.

Yes, thanks.

Milo, why in the world
are you so fidgety?

Because I shouldn't be here.

I should be down in the hold
checking that equipment.

Yes, of course.

Why waste time with your wife
when a shovel might be missing?

Vivian, dear, please...
Try to understand.

Professor and Mrs. Endler!

We haven't met.
I'm captain stubing.



How do you do?
Enjoying the party?

Well, all the more so,
now that you've arrived.

Oh, thank you.

Your wife is a charming woman,

Well, it takes a charming man
to recognize the fact.

Thank you.



Excuse us,
Mrs. Endler,

but may we steal
the professor away for a moment?

Be my guest.

Will you excuse me?


Professor, Jill and I have
come up with a new way

to catalog
the early Fijian artifacts.

Yes, well, we'll have to
talk about that,

but, you see, there's
been sort of a change
in plans for this trip.

What sort of change?

This isn't the time and it isn't
the place to go into it.

I can tell you now,
this is no ordinary expedition.

Sounds pretty unusual.

Jill, "unusual" doesn't even
begin to describe it!

Oh, great!

Hey, Andy,
you got her yet?


Hello, Rossmore station?

This is sea Princess
calling miss Julie McCoy. Over.

Put it on the loudspeaker,
will you, Andy.

Very good, sir.

Julie, your call
from the sea Princess!

Oh! Excuse me, guys,
I've been waiting for this!


Hello, Julie.
This is captain stubing.

Is everybody there?

Hey, Julie!


We're all here!

What happened, Julie? Why didn't
you report back to the ship?

Oh, for a very good reason.

Well, do you want
to tell us about it?


I'm getting married!



Oh, Julie,
that's wonderful!

I'm marrying
Dr. Tony selkirk...

The most wonderful man
in the whole world.

She means "the luckiest man
in the whole world."

And as my closest
and dearest friends,

I'd like you all to come
to the wedding, please.

Well, when is it?

When's the wedding?

Saturday afternoon!

The day after the ship
arrives back in Sydney.

You couldn't keep us away,

Oh, great!

Then we have
a couple favors to ask.

Tony, you first.


Isaac, doc, and gopher,
would you mind being my ushers?

We thought
you'd never ask!


And, Vicki...

Would you mind being
my bridesmaid?

"Mind"? Oh, Julie,
I'd love to!

Oh, good.
Oh, and, captain, sir?

I'd love it
if you'd give me away.

Would you, please?

I'd be honored, Julie.

God bless you both.

Thank you, sir!


Bye, Julie!


So long!


[ Receiver clicks ]

Aren't they wonderful?


But I think you're really
gonna miss them, aren't you?

Well, of course I will.


I love it here.

And I'm so happy.

You've only been here
three weeks.

We're talking about
a whole lifetime.

I know.
And I can't wait.

Neither can I.

but talking of waiting...

It's way past this little
fella's lunchtime.


Oh, there we go.

Can I feed him?


Come on. Come on.

Whoop. Here you go.

Have a bottle.

Yeah, you drink right up,

and pretty soon
you'll be out there

hopping with
the best of them.

I think he senses
your maternal instinct.

You're gonna be terrific when we
have a little one of our own.

A kangaroo?!

Excuse me.

May I join you?

Uh, yes, of course.

Thank you.

Ralph Sutton, remember?

I didn't get your name before.
Perhaps I could have it now.

Barbara Carrol.

Hello, Barbara.

It's my first time at sea.

it's my first holiday.

Been working too long
on the ranch.

What do you do?

I teach English.

most of my students

don't seem
to take much of an interest.

Well, I'm not even
in your class,

and I've already
taken an interest.

Are we ready
to order?

Ah, yes.

Um, do you have
a special?

It's right up here,


I'll have the filet of sole.

I'm not in the mood
for a filet of sole.

I'll just have the special.

Sir, the filet of sole
is the special.

Oh. Well, I just got
in the mood.

[ Chuckles ] Waiter,
that's two filets of sole.

Well, that's what makes
anthropology fascinating.

People's customs
are so strange.

For instance,
in some parts of India,

most girls are married
by the age of .

Hmm, why do I suddenly feel
like an old maid?

[ Laughs ]

You must be very proud
of your husband, Mrs. Endler.

He's won so many
prestigious awards.

Well, awards are nice.

But they seldom
impress one's creditors.

I'm afraid riding around
in the back of a Jeep

isn't exactly Vivian's idea
of "the good life."

Well, it sounds like fun.

Well, perhaps we could
trade places.

Personally, I can't think
of anything more exciting

than sailing
to exotic places

with a handsome man
like your father.

Oh...thank you.

Fair dinkum, doc.

Working on a ship
is the best duty there is.

Getting better
all the time.

[ Laughs ]

[ Slow music plays ]

Doc, excuse me, you're wanted on
the phone -- medical emergency.

Oh, thanks, gopher.
Will you excuse me?

Of course.

"Medical emergency"?


Who was it?


I've been dying
to dance with you.

Oh, gopher.
[ Laughs ]


Mrs. Endler.

I've been looking everywhere
for you, captain.

where's your husband?

Well, I'm afraid Milo
is more interested

in fossils than fox trots.

And, you know, dancing
isn't quite the same
without a partner.


Oh, well, I think I have
an open space on my card.


Would you like
a glass of wine?

Oh, that would be nice.
Thank you.

I have a lovely bottle
in my cabin. Come.

Uh, on second thought,
I-I really am quite tired.

Uh, I think
I should say good night.

You know, Yvonne,
it's important

for the cruise director
and the purser to work...

Very closely together.

I can see I'm not going to be
pat Malone.


It's rhyming slang
for "all alone."

Ahh. I like it.

Uh, gopher?


Oh, doc,
back so soon?

Yes, but I'm expecting
another medical emergency.


A broken arm
in about seconds.

Some guys
can't take a joke.

[ Laughs ]

Now, where were we?

Well, don't you think
grandma's house is pretty?

It's beautiful.


anything I can get you?

A cup of tea perhaps?

I think I've got all I want
right here.

Thank you, grandmother.

But a cup of tea would be
lovely, thank you.

I'll bring out
some biscuits.

are all brides this happy?

Oh, I don't know about
"all brides"...

But my last three were.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Clears throat ]

How long
have you been there?

I don't know.
I'm no judge of time.

How long
have you been kissing?

I don't know, but I intend
to resume immediately.

So, be a good brother
and disappear.

In a moment.

You know,
he's always been like this.

He used to make me
stop playing and do my lessons.

As your brother,
I won't bother you.

But as your best man,

I have to tell you that you have
a marriage license to get,

blood tests...

Meet the minister...

And schedule
a wedding rehearsal.

I think I like you better
as a brother.

[ Laughs ]

I'm so bored.

I'll just be
a little while longer, dear.

You're not upset,
are you?

No, I understand.

I'm sure the captain and I
can find some way

to occupy ourselves.

You've been spending a lot
of time with him, haven't you?

Evidently, not enough.

Thank you.

Hello, Ralph.

Good morning, Connie.

You know, this is lovely,

It must not be half as exciting
as wheeling and dealing

in all those acres of cattle
like you do.

Well, exciting or not,

it's all I've ever known
since I was a kid.

Oh, you inherited it
from your father?

Oh, no.
No, I started from scratch...

One cow and two acres.

I can see by these hands.

They're rough.

They must've carved out
an empire.

maybe not an "empire"...

Certainly a small kingdom.

[ Both laugh ]


Come join us.

No, I-I have some postcards
to write.

You know, Yvonne,
it just so happens

that when we get back
to Sydney, um, well,

I'm gonna have a couple of days
off, and I was, uh, kinda hopin'

maybe you'd like to show me
around the town a little bit?

Oh, I'd love to,

And I'll tell you what --
if you'd like,

you can stay
with me at my house.

Oh, well, if you insist.

Not so fast, gopher.

Yvonne and I
have already talked,

and I'm going to be
staying at her house.

He is.

But no worries.
You can both stay with me.

We'll have a great time.

You'll be able to see
my China plate.

And you can both play
with my Billy lids.

I don't think so.

No, no, no,
it's either him or me.

we'll decide that later.

But I want you both to know
that at home,

I'm a real wowser.

It's almost time to organize
the shuffleboard tournament.

Oh, no!

Hey! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Oh, there you are,

Why did you run away?

Well, two's company,
three's a crowd.

Well, then,
what do you say...

Two for the movies tonight?

I'm in the mood
for a good love story.

The movie they're playing
is a comedy.

Well, I wasn't really
talking about the movie.

Good evening, professor,
Mrs. Endler.

Hello, captain.


Professor, may I have
a word with you?

Of course.
What is it?

It's about the equipment
for your expedition.

It's taking up too much room,

so we had to move it
to a larger section of the hold.

I just wanted you to know.

Thank you.
I'll go take a look at it.

Will you excuse me,

Well, captain, should we pick up
where we left off last night?

You're a wonderful dancer.

Mrs. Endler.



I, uh, I don't quite know how
to say this to you, but, uh...

It's all right, captain.

Never mind, I can see
that I'm embarrassing you.

I'm sorry.

I just thought
that perhaps

you might find me
as attractive as I find you.

I find you
a very attractive woman --

a very attractive...
Married woman.

I see.

Well, shall we dance?

Bow out gracefully, gopher.
You're in over your head.

No way, doc. This one's
a fight to the finish.

Hi, mates.


you'll have to decide

which one of us
gets to stay with you in Sydney.

Well, I've decided.
You'll have to decide.

I'd love to have
both of you.

Both of us?

I've heard of this sort of thing
in Sweden,

but I didn't think
it had spread to Australia.

Ahh, it's a beautiful night
tonight, don't you think?

Yes, I do.

"And you look very handsome
tonight, Barry."

Oh, I do?

How nice of you to say it.

"Don't mention it."

I won't.

Oh, Barry.

I'm sorry.

I guess I'm just, uh...

Excited about
the expedition tomorrow.

We could have plenty of
excitement tonight, Jill.


Barry, look!

Where do you think the
professor could be coming
from at this hour?

Come on.
Let's find out.


Jill, maybe we shouldn't
go in there.

Why not?

We're part of the endler
expedition, aren't we?

A cage!

Look at those
chains and shackles.

We've never brought back
anything alive before.

Jill, what kind of
an expedition is this?

Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen,

this is your captain speaking.

Welcome to lautoka --
Fiji's second-largest town.

On vitogo parade,
lautoka's main street,

you'll find many quaint shops
and duty-free stores.

Tours may be arranged
in the purser's lobby.

[ Native music plays ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Jill, Barry...
Now that we're in lautoka,

I think you should know
what this is all about.

It seems there are rumors
about a creature

known as "the mongala" roaming
an island not far from here.

What kind of creature?

A creature
that's half man/half beast.

I know it sounds incredible,
but there's a chance

the mongala
is the fabled "missing link."

Is that possible?

That's quite a statement,

Do you have some evidence
to back you up?

I've seen pictures.

They're not very clear,
mind you,

but I'm convinced
it's worth investigating.

If there's anything there,
I'll get it on film.

Can you imagine
if it's true?

We could solve
the evolutionary riddle...

Prove that man
evolved from lower animals.

I'll say goodbye to Vivian.
Then we'll go.

Listen, dear,
I've got to leave immediately.

could I impose on you

to look after Vivian
while I'm gone?

It will be my pleasure.

...and mine.

Goodbye, Vivian.

I love you.


You guys want to run into town
with me?

We have to pick up Julie
and Tony's wedding present.

Oh, you pick it out,

I'm going into town
with Yvonne.

We're going into town
with Yvonne.

G'day, mates.

Oh, look
at that beautiful dress.

It's so pretty.

Oh, wow. Boy!

Ready to go?

No, I'm sorry,
I can't.

I have to stay onboard ship

to arrange
tomorrow's activity schedule.

that's too bad.


Well, I'll tell you
what I'll do.

I'll just stay on the ship
and help you.

Would you,

I would.


Come to think of it, arranging
an activity schedule,

that's a pretty big job.

I'll stay onboard
and help, too.

Good, well, if you're both gonna
stay onboard,

everything's apples.

I do have time
to go to town.

want some company?

Oh, sounds great.

So long, guys!

Milo! Milo!


Milo --

deke donner,
meet doctors McGraw and Madison.

Milo, we've got him.


We trapped him at dawn
this morning.


On an island
about miles away from here.

I told you it was true.

Come on, let's go!

[ Dog barking ]

[ Bird cawing ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Oh, Ralph, what a wonderful day
it's been.

Yes, well, I thought
you'd enjoy yourself.

Oh, look, old books!

"The glass menagerie,"
it's my favorite play.

I'll buy it,
and we can read it together.

Yes, "read it," well...
Read a play?

Don't you get enough of that
stuff when you teach it?

I'm sorry.

Well, I thought we came into
town for a few laughs.

Well, I thought
you'd enjoy it.

Well, I wouldn't,
all right?

Look, what do you say we stop
off and we'll have some drinks?

No. No, you go.

[ Sighs ]

I-I just want to look around
some more.

I don't want
to leave you here alone.

I'll be fine.


Bula! Bula! Bula!

That means "hello."

didn't I tell you that

viseisei village
was something to see?

This is the oldest village
in Fiji.

Isaac, it's lovely here,

but we really ought to
go and buy the wedding gift
for Julie and Tony.

Oh, we can't go now.

I mean, the natives
are getting ready

to do their traditional
spear dance.

Isaac, the gift.
If we don't go now, we --

don't worry about it.

I know a place where can get
them a beautiful silver bowl.


Back on the ship.
Come on.

[ Native music plays ]

[ Music stops ]

Oh!! Great!

[ Music resumes ]

Oh, my goodness.

Paradise, isn't it?

It truly is.
That isn't just a joke.

[ Laughing ] No.

Well, this day
certainly turned out

to be more interesting
than I expected.


Thanks to you, merrill.

Why, thank you,

I'm just surprised

you didn't go with your husband
on the expedition.

Could've been
quite a thrill.


Well, for one thing,
he didn't ask me.

Anyway, merrill...

Thrills happen
because you make them happen.



And I cannot imagine a more
beautiful setting than this...

To make them happen.

Vivian, listen...

You're a very
appealing woman.

And I'm flattered to think
that you're attracted to me.

But...don't throw your marriage
away just because you're bored.

Well, it isn't a matter
of being just a little bored.

You know, Milo and I have been
together for years.

Don't you think years
deserves another chance?

With a man like you around?


Come on.

[ Engine shuts off ]

They've had him trapped
in a cave up there.

They're bringing
him down now.

Up there.

I better get some sh*ts of him
coming down.

Be careful.

[ Creature growling ]

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

[ Growling continues ]

[ Growling increases ]

[ Growling angrily ]

Look out!


Grab him!

Run, Jill, run!



Look out!

[ Screams ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

Oh, my god.

We hope you enjoyed
your visit to lautoka

and the Fijian islands.

As we continue
across the south pacific,

our next stop will be
the island of noumea,

in New Caledonia.

Look at him, Milo.

I promised you something
sensational, didn't I?

It's the most incredible thing
I've ever seen.

Are we going to stand around
here all night gaping at him?

It makes my flesh crawl.


Don't worry about me, Milo.
I'm used to being alone.

[ Door closes ]

Are you sure
she's safe in there?

Relax, I shot him
with enough tranquilizer

to buckle
a bull elephant.

There, that should prevent
any infection.

[ Shrieks ]

Watch out!


It's all right.

It's all right.

No one's going to hurt you.

All right, everyone.
You've all had your look.

What do you say we let this poor
creature get its beauty sleep?

[ Lock closes ]

Okay, let's go.

[ Door closes ]

Julie: Don't turn around,
grandma selkirk!

Close your eyes!
I have a surprise for you!

I promise I won't look
until you tell me to.

Okay, you can
open your eyes now.

Oh, Julie,
it's magnificent on you!

Oh, this dress
brings back memories.

Thank you so much
for letting me wear it.

Oh, I just hope you both find
as much happiness together

as Tony's grandfather
and I did.

Thank you.


Doesn't she look lovely?

Aren't you a vision?

Oh, Tony, it's bad luck for you
to see me in my wedding dress.

You're right.

You better take it off

It really is bad luck.


It doesn't feel...
Like bad luck.

Will there be just one,
miss Carrol?

Uh, i-I'm not sure.

Hi, Ralph.

Why don't you join us?

All right.

I've changed my mind.

I'm -- I'm not really
that hungry.

To my wife,
to my colleagues, and...

To the find of the century.

[ Laughs ]


Oh, sorry.

I can't help thinking about
that poor creature down below.

That "poor creature"
would've ripped you
to shreds on that island

if Mr. Donner hadn't
been so quick on the trigger.

It was nothing.

Regardless, Barry,

that creature didn't ask to be
captured, chained, and caged.

Jill, don't you know
what this means?

We're sure to get this year's
science institute award.


My sentiments exactly!

I'm not interested in honors,
not anymore.

I just want my %
of the receipts.


From the box office.

We're going to exhibit him
all over the world.

What's the expression?

Wealth beyond
your wildest dreams!

Is that true, Milo?

We never made such a deal.

Oh, come on, Milo.

Why do you think
I got into this,

to wind up as a footnote in some
anthropological textbook?

That's not just a strange
and rare creature we've got.

It's a living, breathing
gold mine.

I'll drink to that.


I...brought you...Some food.



I want you to know

that I'm so sorry
we took you away from your home.

But don't worry,

I'll never let them
harm you.


What are you doing?!

Nobody comes in here
without my permission,

and that includes you,

The name is
"Dr. McGraw."

And I just brought him
some food.

Well, I'm sure he'll send you
a thank-you note

first thing
in the morning, Dr. McGraw.

Now, good night, hmm?

Good night.

Meddling female.

Brought you food, huh?

That's more than you did.

Aww, the poor baby.

Well, I was going to take you
into the dining room, but...

You're not wearing a tie.

Just unchain me.
My arms are getting numb.

Now, don't get testy.

Everything's going
according to plan.

Oh, really?

You told me
the shot wouldn't hurt.

that little tranquilizer dart?


You know, you even
had me fooled for a minute.

You're a pretty good actor.
How come you couldn't find work?

Oh, get off my back,

Pretty tough racket, eh?

Well, not to worry.

When we get done,

you'll be rich enough to buy
your own bloody theater.

While we're on the subject,

how do I get out of this
after we make the money?

We can't fool everyone

I told you,
I've got a plan.

You're going to escape.


Let me worry about that.

When the time comes, you can
rest assured...You'll be gone.

[ Door closes ]
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