04x25 & 04x26 - This Year's Model/The Model Marriage/Vogue Rogue/Too Clothes for Comfort/Origi...

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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04x25 & 04x26 - This Year's Model/The Model Marriage/Vogue Rogue/Too Clothes for Comfort/Origi...

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Love

♪ Exciting and new

♪ Come aboard

♪ We're expecting you ♪ And love

♪ Life's sweetest reward

♪ Let it flow

♪ It floats back to
you ♪ The Love Boat

♪ Soon will be
making another run

♪ The Love Boat

♪ Promises
something for everyone

♪ Set a course for adventure

♪ Your mind on a new romance

♪ And love ♪ Won't hurt anymore

♪ It's an open smile
♪ On a friendly shore

♪ It's love ♪ Welcome
aboard ♪ It's love ♪

- What a cruise this is gonna be!

I mean, sailing through the
International Festival of Fashions!

Yeah, with all those
luscious models. Hey, Doc?

- Oh!
- What about the designers?

I mean there's Halston,
Gloria Vanderbilt...

- Mm-hm.
- Geoffrey Beene,

- and Bob Mackie.
- Geoffrey Beene.

- Mm-hm.
- This is living.

Sunny days, starry nights
and all those gorgeous models.

- Yeah.
- Can I assume that I will also

- see some hard work?
- Oh, sure, Captain.

- Models work very hard.

- Good evening. I'm Bob Mackie.
- Welcome aboard, Mr. Mackie.

I'm Captain Stubing.
It's an honor to meet you.

- Thank you, Captain.
- Mr. Mackie designs the gowns

for all the big TV stars. Carol
Burnett, Ann-Margret, Cher.

That's right. You've heard
them say clothes make the man.

Well, I'm the man
that makes the clothes.

- [LAUGHS] Enjoy the cruise.
- I'm sure I will.

Carol Burnett,
Ann-Margret, Cher.

Hm. Boy, I'd like to wear
their hand-me-downs.

- Hello, I'm Gloria Vanderbilt.
- Welcome aboard, Ms. Vanderbilt.

You look absolutely beautiful.

Oh, well, I've never seen a
more gorgeous looking crew.

- ALL: Thank you.
- GOPHER: Ms. Vanderbilt.

Excuse me. Uh, I am
such a big fan of yours.

I don't have my autograph book,

but would you mind signing
the back pocket of my trousers?

Good evening, sir. My
name is Geoffrey Beene.

- Welcome aboard, Mr. Beene.
- Mr. Beene!

Do you make any of those
little string bikini bathing suits?

No, I don't make bathing suits.

Oh, that's too bad, 'cause if you
did, you could call it the string beene.


Oh, it's going to be
that type of cruise, is it?

Hey, who's that lucky guy?

How do you do? I'm Halston.

I'm happy to have you with us.

Did you know that Halston
is the first American designer

to bring high fashion
to mainland China?

Yes, every now and again it
is good to get out of the office.

- I certainly like the way you travel.
- You pack the same way I do.

- Only take what you need.
- Just the bare essentials.

- Well...
- Well, well, welcome aboard.

I'm Adam Bricker, the ship's
doctor and chief charmer.

Very nice to meet you,
Mr. Bricker. I'm, uh, Benita James.

You're undoubtedly the top
model in the fashion show.

I just hope you're as good at
medicine as you are at flattery.

- No, no, I'm not a model.

I'm a designer.
I design clothes.

Oh, I'm sure you
have a beautiful line.

And I'm sure you think that
you have a beautiful line. Right?

Uh... [LAUGHS]

Sid, there she is.

Well, it's been
nice talking to you.

- Pleasure. Bye-bye.
- See you later. Bye.

- That's our target.
- Mm... that's gorgeous.

Ripping off her designs is gonna
be a lot more fun than I expected.

Excuse me, can
anybody help me here?

What can I do for you, sir?

- Has anybody been looking for me?
- I don't know, sir. Who are you?

Harley Blanchard, Harley
Blanchard Originals.

And I'm his daughter, Mandy.

Ah, the original Harley
Blanchard Original.

Is someone supposed
to meet you here, sir?

Yes, my idiot assistant, who
was supposed to be bringing

my new line of clothes onboard.
I knew I couldn't trust him with it.

Now, Daddy, just
relax. Alvin will be here.

- I'm sure everything will be all right.
- Yeah, everything will be all right.

That's what General Custer's daughter
told him just before he got scalped.


- Hi, Mr. Blanchard.
- Alvin, you moron!

Look what you're
doing to those clothes!

Oh, no, sir, it's okay.
This is a rented tux.

Not your clothes, my clothes! The
ones we're showing in the fashion show!

Oh, sir, I'm... I'm terribly sorry.
You must think I'm very clumsy.

You don't want to
know what I think.

ALVIN: There we
go, that's everything.

Not quite, Beale, you're
standing on my foot!

- Daddy, are you all right?
- Is there anything I can do, sir?

If there is, we haven't
discovered it yet.

I'm going to my
cabin now. I must rest.

- I'll show you the way, sir.
- Thank you.

Oh, Alvin, you're such
a klutz, but I love you.

Oh, I can't help it. Your
father makes me so nervous.

Besides, I don't want to
be an errand boy assistant.

- I want to be a designer.
- That will come in time. Be patient.

But for now, you've got
to pull yourself together.

What's Daddy going to say
when he finds out we're married?

Two things: I'm fired as his assistant,
and you're fired as his daughter.

Hello, Captain,
I'm Charles Paris.

The Charles Paris? The
House of Paris Cosmetics?

- Welcome aboard. I'm Captain Stubing.
- It's a pleasure, Captain.

Tell me, sir, have
you found her?

- What, the new Miss Paris?
- Mm-hm.

No, I'm afraid not. We're coming
out with a whole line of new perfumes

and we still haven't
found quite the right image.

Is that why you're
on this fashion cruise,

to search for the
next Miss Paris?

Well, a woman that
extraordinary isn't that easy to find.

So this could wind up just
being a working vacation.

- Mm-hm.
- Oh, one request, please?

- Yes.
- Please don't tell anyone who I am.

I don't want to be pursued by
every young woman on the ship.

I understand. It happens
to me all the time.


STUBING: I'm glad
you're enjoying it.

- Captain Stubing?
- Yes?

I'm Joanne Atkins.

Our mutual friend, Kate Webster,
asked me to be sure to say hello to you.

How do you do, Miss Atkins?

I assume that you're a
model in the fashion show.

- Yes, I am.
- I can tell.

Models are usually beautiful,
but you're much more than that.

You're unusually beautiful.

Captain Stubing, I plan to
write Kate Webster immediately

to tell her you are the world's
most unusually beautiful sea captain.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.


- Hello.
- We're the Crawfords.

JULIE: The Crawfords from
the Crawford Model Agency.

Oh, gee, I'll bet that's an
exciting life, being model agents.

It is, if you're excited by being
in the midst of beautiful girls

who seem to be getting younger and
more beautiful every day while you're not.

Okay, shall I tell you now that you're
as beautiful as any of our models

- or shall I wait till later?
- Both.

You're on Fiesta . You can
take the stairs in the purser's office.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

What's Joanne doing here?

Oh, I booked her
for the fashion show.

I distinctly told you I didn't
want Joanne in the show.

I wanted all younger girls.

Uh, Priscilla, I didn't
get a chance to tell her.

You had the chance to tell her. You
just didn't have the guts to tell her.

Oh, come on. Hey, honey,
wait a minute, will you?

Look, I think Joanne is deserving of
some special consideration from us.

I mean, after all, she was our first
model when we opened our agency.

George Washington
was our first president

and he's not in the show
either. Tell her she's out.

- Yeah, Priscilla...
- Tell her she's out!

- Julie! Hi!
- Melissa!

- It's so good to see you!

Oh, guys. Doc, Gopher, Isaac. This
is the girl I've been telling you about.

My oldest and dearest
friend, Melissa Monday.

- A pleasure to meet you.
- Hello. How are you?

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Melissa and I were
sorority sisters in college.

Delta Gamma. Boy, we sure turned
that house inside out, didn't we?

We sure did. Oh,
everything's all set.

I put a cot in my cabin
and you can have the bed.

Great. We'll have a pajama
party just like old times.

Sounds good. What
time should we show up?

I think we're gonna have a great
time. I reserved all my free time for you.

Oh, by the way, my cabin's
on the Coral Deck, .

- I'm , mine's closer.
- I'll see you there.





Alvin. What's in this one?

The dress you love.
The one I designed.

I brought it to
show to your father.

Alvin, I really don't
think this is the right time.

Why not? I design clothes
just as well as anyone else.

And someday your
father's going to know it.

Oh, is that going to be before or
after he finds out we're married?

- It's been a week already.
- I'll tell him. I'll tell him, Mandy.

I just... I'm just waiting
until he's in a good mood.

Oh! You can't
put it off that long.

Look, I'll tell him right after
the fashion show. Okay?

Oh, Alvin.

You know I can't
refuse you anything.

- Anything?
- Anything.

Beale, did you hang
up the... clothes?

What's going on here?

Oh, yes, yes, that's
much better, sir.

Sir, have you ever thought of
re-designing this dress with a V-neck?

- This could really be a winner.
- Never mind that.

- Why isn't that dress unpacked?
- That?

Sir, I was just getting to that.

You have to treat
these with care.

You see, this design, it's
going to make fashion history.

This dress alone is going
to buy me a villa in Rome,

another Rolls Royce,
and a -foot yacht.

Uh, sir, isn't that an awful
lot to charge for one dress?

Good morning, ladies and
gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.

For those passengers interested
in seeing the latest fashions

in cruise wear, an informal show
is now in progress on the lido deck.

JULIE [OVER PA]: Welcome to our
sneak peek preview of spring fashions

in pool wear. The lovely
Joanne Atkins is wearing

a very smart outfit of
white brown silk slacks,

a knit top and matching sweater.

She'll be fit for any
sport in this fashion suit.

Elsie Robins is showing
this unique scarf dress.

It's a hand painted silk, with
each pattern one of a kind.

Melissa Monday is definitely
a breathtaking vision in white.

Her white silk pants are
topped with a high collared

romantic Victorian lace blouse.

These styles are just
appetizers for the delights to come

on our exciting fashion cruise.

Whoo! So this is
what you do for a living.

It sure beats working.

Listen, after the show let me
take you for a tour of the ship.

Sorry, Julie. I already
promised Gopher.

- What about me?
- You've already seen the ship.

Mm, you sure look
like my dream girl.

If you think that I'm your
dream girl, you're still dreaming.

Why don't you let me take you out
tonight and show you the moonlight?

That's okay. I
think I can find it.

- I don't think I've seen you.
- Oh, really?

I'm a very direct person.

My name is Charles and I think
we should get to know each other.

Liz Farrell, and I'm also
very direct, and busy.

Why don't you join me
for a drink afterwards?

This sun's going to
make you very thirsty.

Thank you, but I
think I'll wait until lunch.

All right, why don't
I join you for lunch?

[SIGHS] Sorry, but this is a working
cruise for me. Nothing personal.

Well in the words of John Paul
Jones, "I've not yet begun to fight."

Nothing personal.

I know that guy from somewhere.

- Don't ask me where.
- Okay, I won't.

Oh, Chicago! The lingerie show.

You know, he pinched
me in the elevator!

No, that could
have been anybody.

Excuse me, Miss James. This
is Vicki, our captain's daughter.

- She's very eager to meet you.
- Hi, Vicki, how are you?

I'm fine, thank you. I saw
your collection in Teen Boutique

and those new fringed
jumpsuits are fantastic.

I'm so glad you like them.
Thanks for the compliment.

You see, the reason
she wants to meet you

is because she's interested
in designing as a career.

- Really?
- I'm just learning.

- I've only done a few.
- I'd like to see some of your sketches.

- Would you really?
- Sure, I would.

You just bring them by
anytime you feel like it.

As many as you have, all right?

- She sure is a knockout, huh?
- Will you forget about that!

Keep your mind
on those sketches.

The boss wants to see them before
everyone else does at the fashion show.

- Not after.
- Relax, it's as good as done.

- Say thank you, Vicki.
- Thank you, Vicki.


Pardon me, I'm Sidney Sloan.

- You've probably never heard of me.
- Sad but true, Sidney.

It's such a short cruise,

that if I waited for someone to
introduce us we'd never meet.

- This way we've already met.
- Sad but true, Sidney.

- I'm Benita, Benita James.
- Pleasure, Benita.

I overheard you talking
about your designs.

In a way, we're in
similar occupations.

- Really? How's that?
- I'm an architect.

Oh, well, then we are brothers
under the skin so to speak.

Something like that.

Um, look, why don't we get
together later for cocktails,

get acquainted, and then we
can discuss our work over dinner.

Thanks, but I don't think so.

Oh, come on, now. It's not often
a guy like me gets meet someone

with that rare combination
of creativity and beauty.

Well, if you put it that way,
how about : in the lounge?

- : .
- I'll be there.

How about that.

Hm... [LAUGHS]

- Melissa?
- Oh, Julie.

I talked to the captain, told him
I couldn't sit at his table tonight.

- So we can have dinner together.
- Oh, great, I can't wait.

- Here you go, gorgeous.
- Oh, Larry.

Um, Larry, this is my
oldest friend, Julie McCoy.

Julie, this is my newest
friend, Larry Wells.

- Well, how do you do?
- My pleasure, Julie.

Why don't we have
these out on deck?

It seems a shame to waste
such beautiful weather. Hm?

Um, okay. I'll see you
later at dinner, Julie.

- Mm-hm.
- Nice meeting you.


- Your ship is just lovely.
- Thank you.

I haven't been this
relaxed in a long time.

Why don't you call me Merrill?
Then we can both be relaxed.

[LAUGHS] All right, Merrill.

If you want to know a secret,
I already thought about you

as a Merrill instead
of as a Captain.

- Mm.
- We just have to work all that out,

dear, because I
checked it out twice.

There's Joanne.
Now's the time to tell her

she's not going to be
in the fashion show.

Look, Priscilla, if you don't
want her in the show so much,

why don't you just tell her?

Because you booked her
when you knew I didn't want her.

So you're going to
be the one to tell her.

- Joanne, hi.
- Priscilla, Bob, hi.

I want you to meet
some friends of mine.

Captain Stubing,
Priscilla and Bob Crawford.

- How are you?
- Nice to meet you.

- Thank you.
- I was the Crawfords' first model

when they opened
up their agency.

Yes. Yes, Captain, the three of
us started out a long time ago.

A very long time ago.

[LAUGHS] Miss Atkins is
having dinner with me tonight.

I'd be very pleased if
both of you would join us.

- We'd love to.
- Yes, we would.

- Good.
- Joanne, Bob wants to talk to you.

Oh, honey, not now. They're
busy. We can talk later.

- Okay. See you at dinner.
- See you later.


Priscilla, I just
couldn't tell her then.

- I mean, she looked so happy.
- You're right.

Why don't you wait and find a
time when she looks very unhappy

and then tell her.

- How do I look, okay?
- You look beautiful.

If I were Benita James, I
wouldn't be able to resist you either.

I don't want to
look that beautiful.

Just remember, the boss has the
whole factory waiting for those designs.

You gotta get them tonight so we can get
them on a plane when we dock tomorrow.

Harry, would you relax, huh?
Don't worry about it. I'll get them.

- In a way, it's too bad.
- What, what's too bad?

Well, that Benita James,
she's kind of a special gal.

I almost wish we didn't
have to take advantage of her.


We're industrial spies,
Sid. That's our business.

- Our only business.
- Of course, Harry.

Then why do I feel "of course"?

- Liz, can I borrow your eyeliner?
- Sure.

- And your lipstick.
- Here you go.

- And your blush.
- Why don't I just lend you my face?

- But then what would wear?

Oh, thank you.

- Gee, I wonder what this could be.
- Hm...

It's perfume. Original Sin.

[LAUGHS] I've been trying to
think of an original sin for years.

"Having a lonely time. Wish
you were here. Charles."

Isn't that the guy that was
trying to pick you up on the deck?

- He certainly is persistent.
- Mm.

Also a spender.

It's the family size.

Julie? Julie, listen,
something came up.

Larry's going to meet me in the
Pirates Cove and I can't have dinner.

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
But I'll explain later, okay?

Listen, when are you
and I going to get together?

Hey there, sailor, looking
for some company?

My friend, Melissa,
couldn't make it.

Sorry, Julie, that place is
reserved for someone else.

Dining with a model, right?

Well, it's a dirty job, but
somebody's got to do it.

- Hi, Gophie.
- Hi, kid.

Julie, this is Suzie.
Suzie, this is Julie.

Why don't you see what
Doc's doing for dinner tonight?

Aw, something tells me
he's not available either.

But that's okay. I'm not
really all that hungry anyway.

Bye, Goph.

Hey there, doll. You're the best
looking dish in this restaurant.

- [LAUGHS] Why thank you, Mr...
- Bingle. But you can call me Frank.

Uh, if you're looking for dinner
company, you can eat with me.

Oh, gee, that's awfully sweet of
you, but I eat at the early sitting.

- This is the early sitting.
- Oh...

- Well, then why am I standing?
- Uh-huh.

Mandy, I've made up my mind. I
have got to tell your father we're married.

- I know, right after the fashion show.
- No, no, right away.

- Really?
- Mm-hm.

- You really mean it?
- Yes.

All this hiding behind
his back is ridiculous.

As soon as he gets
here, I'm going to tell him.

Oh, Alvin. [GIGGLES]

- Good evening, my love.
- Daddy.

- Beale.
- Mr. Blanchard.

Sir, I... I have something
I'd like to tell you.

I've decided...

- I've... I've decided...
- Yes?

- I... I've...
- Yes?

I have decided...
on the prime rib.

Prime rib! Good, Beale, good!

Prime rib.

So I said all models want to go
to Hollywood to become actresses.

But don't worry, she'll
come crawling back.

So since then, I open the door
of the agency every morning

expecting to see her.

But for some reason Princess
Grace hasn't come crawling back yet.

What an exciting
business you're all in.

Yes. After all this
time, I still love it.

I don't know what
we would do without it.

- Isn't that right?
- Right.


May I join you for
dessert? Thank you.

Well, there's one thing
about you, Charles,

you don't take no for an answer.

- You're wearing my perfume.
- I'm the one that's got it on.

- It was too overpowering for her.
- I'm sorry.

Oh, that's okay, Charles.
It's the thought that counts.

Uh, well, like they say, two's
company and three's kinky.

- Remember, you've got school tomorrow.
- Right.

Liz, I want to tell you some...

Uh, Charles. Look, don't you think
you're just moving a bit too fast?

You're absolutely right.

I think we should wait until
we have some coffee, okay?

Waiter! Two coffees, please.


That's what I call
good dance music.

That was fun.

- Well... cheers.
- Cheers.

You know, Sidney, I've
always admired architects.

Well, of course, that's because
we're artistic, sensitive, and modest.

Especially modest.

Uh, excuse me. May we
interrupt for a moment?

- Sure. Hi, Doc.
- Hi. Show her the sketch, Vicki.

- Oh, it's really crude.
- That's all right, let me have a look.

Hey. Gee, that's not bad at all.

Just one thing,
Vicki, have a look.

See this line here, it's
just a little out of proportion.

But other than that,
it's very good indeed.

- You have a good sense of style.
- Thank you.

- All right! Look at this one.
- Doc! Doc.

- They're on a date.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

How about if we come
back in minutes?


I'm really impressed. I mean,
even kids coming to you for advice.

- You must be good.
- Oh, I am.

That's because I'm so
artistic, sensitive, and modest.


Sidney, would you like to
see some of my designs?

- Not really.
- Oh?

You see, I'm only
interested in the designer.

Oh, that's sweet.

Imagine, me dancing with you.

- I can't believe it's happening.
- I can't either.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Excuse me.

- May I cut in?
- Oh, sure. Don't tire her out.

We've got a long
night ahead of us.

Thank you.

I'm a doctor, I can't
ignore someone in pain.



- Hi.
- Hi.

I am sure of it. I know
that man from someplace.

But I'm telling you, he's as
familiar as the back of my hand.

My hand. Wait a second.

That's where I know him from.

I did a nail polish
commercial for his company.

That man is Charles Paris!

- The cosmetic...
- Sh!

- You mean the cosmetics magnate?
- Yes.

The guy that's been searching
for the new Miss Paris?

That's him. But you know
what? I think he found her.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Where's Joanne?

Uh, Bob had some important
business to discuss with her.

- There's nothing wrong, is there?
- No, not really.


Actually, Joanne was booked
into this fashion show by mistake.

Now Bob has to
tell her she's out.

Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.

I know she's been looking
forward to being in the show.

I know, but the sad truth is

Joanne is too old
for the business now.

- But she's a beautiful woman.
- I agree with you, Captain.

But unfortunately, the camera no
longer agrees with either one of us.

Before you tell me anything, I
want to tell you something, Bob.

You've been an understanding
friend to me through some low times.

But now everything is on an
upswing. I'm working again.

I met Captain Stubing,
who's just a marvelous man.

You look so serious,
Bob. What is it?

Um, well, uh...

Joanne, I don't know
how to tell you this.

You and Priscilla are not having
some kind of trouble, are you?

Well, living with Priscilla
has never been easy.

- But that's not it.
- Ah, that's good. So what is it?

Well, you see, Joanne,
we have this, uh...

- Priscilla thinks...
- I know.

Priscilla always hated it
when I wear my hair this way.

- That's it, isn't it?
- Yeah, that's what it is.

- It's your hair.
- Don't take it so hard, Bob.

No problem. I'll change it
back to the way Priscilla liked it.

It's going to take
some re-setting.

Would you tell Merrill I went back
to my cabin to play with my curlers?

- Oh, sure.
- And one more thing.

- What?
- Smile, will you?

Everything is going great.


Well, here we are.
Home sweet home.

I'm so glad Daddy
decided to go to bed early.

That means we
can go to bed early.

Just promise me one thing.

On our th anniversary,
you'll tell Daddy we're married.


Mr. Blanchard,
what are you doing?

[LAUGHS] Saving my fashions.

I had a dream. A nightmare.

That every manufacturer in
the world was turning out my line.

Everyone except me.

And I won't sleep a wink until I know
these clothes are safely locked up.

- In a laundry basket?
- Ha! That's how I hide them

until you get them downstairs.

Beale, don't get
mugged on the way.

Daddy, you've been working
too hard getting this show together.

Towels. I need more
towels. Excuse me.

See? Take these towels
and hide the clothes.

Now, Beale, I want you to take
these downstairs to the purser's lobby.

And have them locked up in those
big vaults they have down there.

That's a good idea, sir. I
should have thought of that.

Good, good, good. [SIGHS]

Darling, I want you to
go downstairs with him.

I've worked too
hard to get this far.

He's very dumb,
you know. Really.

Well, I thought we were finally
going to get a little time alone.

I knew it was too good to be true.
Well, this shouldn't take too long.

We got about ten seconds
alone. Let's go for it.


- Time's up.
- Not for me, it isn't.

Oh, no!

Uh, you wait for the
elevator. I'll take the stairs. Oh!

I've got a better idea. You wait
for the elevator, I'll take the stairs!


Oh, I'll get that.


Oh! Hello.

- No! Don't, don't!

Oh, thank goodness.
You found it.

- Where are the clothes?
- She put them down the chute!

Oh, no! Come on! Let's go!

Our clothes! We
came for our clothes!

Oh, you didn't
have to do that, sir.

They'll be sent up to your
room first thing in the morning.

- No, no!
- No, we need them now!

- They just came down the chute!
- I'm sorry.

They're already in
that washing machine.

Oh, no! No!


- Did you really?
- Yeah, I'm afraid I did.

[LAUGHS] You know,
that's quite a coincidence.

I mean, my being a designer
and you being an architect.

Yeah, well, I must say you
look a lot better in your dresses

- than I do in my buildings.
- Well, thank you.

I've always been
fascinated by architects.

Of the modern ones, the one
I most admire is Le Corbusier.

- Really? He's my idol.
- Mm-hm.

As a matter of fact, I had a chance to
work with him a couple of weeks ago.

- Really?
- Yeah.

But that's... well,
that's fascinating.

And as Corbusier once said, while
discussing architectural concepts...

- your cabin or mine?
- Well...


Well, and as Le Corbusier
must have also said, my cabin.

But give me a chance
to tidy up first, all right?

Shall we say... minutes?

We shall say minutes, yes.

Charles, I had a wonderful time
tonight, but please excuse me.

- I've got to get my beauty sleep.
- Don't sleep too long.

That would be unfair
to the other girls.

Good night.


- Have you been eavesdropping?
- Uh, only to the good parts.

Uh, Liz, you know
Paris Cosmetics, right?

Sure, what about it?

Uh, well, how would you
like to be the new Miss Paris?

Are you kidding? I'd love it, along
with every other model in the country.

Yeah, but every other
model in the country

didn't just kiss Charles
Paris good night.

- Just a moment, please.

- Hi.
- Hi. Come on in.

Thank you.

Why don't you sit down while I
change into something indecent?

Hm. I'll just close my
eyes and count to ten.

- That's good.
- Maybe in your case,

- I'll only count to five.

BENITA: Hey, wouldn't you
know, I forgot to offer you a drink.


Uh, Benita, you're so beautiful.

Oh. And you're so nice.

- What's wrong?
- I can't do it.

You're just too nice a
girl for me to do it to you.

I can't take advantage of you.

But how would you be taking
advantage of me? I'm a big girl.

By, uh, making a play for you.

You see... I'm a married man.

- What?
- Yeah.

But Sid...

I'm, uh, I'm sorry, Benita.

I'm sorry about everything.

- Oh. You didn't get it?
- Yeah, I got it.

- It was a piece of cake.
- Terrific!

I knew you could do it.
How'd you get away so fast?

- I thought she was crazy about you.
- I told her I was married.


You know, Harry,
if I did get married,

she's the kind of
girl I'd like to marry.

She's got beauty, brains.

Yeah, she's sure got
more brains than you got.

SID: "I knew if I gave you enough
rope you'd hang yourself. Benita."



Julie, hi!

We would have used Larry's room, but
we didn't want to disturb Larry's roommate.

Right. We wouldn't want
to disturb Larry's roommate.

Thanks, Julie. I'll
never forget this.

Neither will I.


- Are you all right?
- Am I all right?

- Hm.
- Oh, it's nothing fatal.

Just hair curlers. Would
you like to come in?


Joanne, I just
came by to tell you

that you still have your
whole life ahead of you.

That's nice to know, but what in
the world are you talking about?

About what Bob told you.

- He didn't tell you?
- Bob didn't tell me what?

I'm sorry, I was certain
that he'd told you.

Merrill, what was Bob
supposed to tell me?

That... that you weren't supposed
to be booked on the fashion show.

- And that...
- And that I've grown too old

- for the business.
- Joanne, they're wrong.

You don't have to feel
sorry, Merrill, because I don't.

This is a business
for kids, new faces.

I knew from the day I started
it wasn't going to go on forever.

- Do you really feel that way?
- Yes.

I knew my day was
coming and I'm ready for it.

Yes, I'm sure you are.

[CHUCKLES] Now let me
get on with my witchcraft.

And I'll see you in the morning.

- Right.
- Okay.

See you in the morning.



Good morning. Time to get up.

- Good morning, sir.
- Vicki, you look just like Julie.

[LAUGHS] Daddy, Julie
stayed with me last night.

- I hope you don't mind, sir.
- Oh, no, of course not.

What was wrong with your cabin?

Well, it had an
extra person in it.

Oh, yes, your
girlfriend Melissa.

No, her boyfriend Larry.


Here you are, sir.

- Well, good morning.
- Hi.

You know something. I forgot to
tell you last night, you're gorgeous.

You also forgot to tell me
that you're Charles Paris.

- Well, you never asked.
- Well, why didn't you tell me?

- It wouldn't have changed anything.
- I suppose not.

But it's supposed to be
a secret that I'm onboard.

Well, Elsie told me.

So that means that within a half
an hour the whole ship will know.

Well, Vicki, these are
really promising, honestly.

I can't believe it! I'm
sitting here having breakfast

with one of the top
designers in the world!

Oh, California will do. Do
you mind if I keep this one?

- Do you really mean it?
- Sure.

Wait'll I tell my dad!
He'll fall off the bridge!

Oh, I hope not.

Well, well, well,
good morning to you.

Good morning.

- Oh, please do sit down.
- Thank you.

Do you know I forgot
to ask you something.

When you were working with Le Corbusier
a few weeks ago, as you said you were,

- how did he look?
- Corbusier? Oh, he looked fine.

Oh, well, that's
very interesting.

Considering the fact he's
been dead over years.

Well, now that you mention
it, he did look a little pale.

I started suspecting you a few
days ago, when you were doodling.

You can't even
draw a straight line.

Those lines were just as crooked
as the one you handed me.

- Look, I'm sorry.
- Yeah, sure.

But when I first started,
it was just another job.

That's very commendable.

Making a living stealing other
people's ideas. I think it stinks!

Well, maybe so, but why did
you go along with it if you knew?

Because I was falling for
you. I was falling for you, Sid.

I was so naive to hope that maybe
at the last minute you'd change.

Oh, what's the use? We're
just wasting each other's time.

It doesn't have to be like that.

Listen to me.

I'll quit the profession.
No more spying.

And why should I believe you?

You give me one good
reason why I should trust you.

Here's a good reason.
I'm in love with you.

And I think you feel
the same way about me.

- I did until...
- Benita.

Spend the day with me, huh?

Give us another chance.

- Hello.
- Gopher?

The laundry said you were
in a rush for these clothes,

so I brought them up
myself. Here you go.

- How'd they turn out?
- Fantastic.

- Oh, Gopher, you're a lifesaver.
- Oh, no, no.

Hey! I didn't know you
made clothes for kids.

You're very surprised, right?

I bet you you guys didn't
think the ship's laundry

could do that
great a job, right?

- Oh, no.
- Well, there, you see? Not a wrinkle.

Hey, hey, good luck
tomorrow on the show.

- Seriously.
- Thanks, Gopher.

You bet.

Oh, boy. We got a
small problem here.

- Julie.
- Hm?

Julie, I'm sorry about bringing
Larry to your cabin last night.

Oh, don't worry about it.

Oh, Julie, Larry's terrific.
I think I'm falling in love.

Oh, that's wonderful.
I'm happy for you.

Well, you know, that's not
going to affect us one little bit.

I still want to spend a lot of
time with you on this cruise.

Well, good. I'm
on a coffee break.

There's no time like the
present. So what's been going on?


- You remember Julie?
- Of course.

Melissa, I love you.

Yeah. Well, I've got to be
going. No, no, no, no arguing.

You two are just going to
have to get along without me.

Priscilla, dear, do us both a
favor. Just take care of the girls

and I'll take care of
the business. Okay?

Georgia, Kelly, Suzanne.
Stay out of the sun.

Your skin is going to dry up.
You already look like three raisins.

Uh, Captain.

Captain, I'm sorry about
what happened last night.

Oh, yes. We certainly never expected
Joanne to hear the bad news from you,

instead of from who
was supposed to tell her.

Well, it doesn't matter who told her.
She took it like the classy lady she is.

I'm sure she did.

- Well, good morning.
- Good morning.

- Well, it had to be done.
- You know something?

That is exactly what Lady Macbeth
was saying to me just the other night.

I'm gonna get a drink.

Okay, I don't see him. Come on.

Alvin, this is silly.

Sooner or later, Daddy's
going to find out we're married.

And he's going to find
out the dresses are ruined.

Look, you can't hide from
him for the rest of the cruise.

I don't want to hide from
him for the rest of the cruise.

I want to hide from him
for the rest of my life.

Look, I just want to stall
him for a few minutes

until I can think of
something. Okay?

Oh, there they are,
Mr. Blanchard. Alvin!

Did you think of something yet?

Mandy, Beale, where
have you two been?

I've been looking
all over for you.

I think Tina here is
putting on a little weight.

I'm afraid my dresses may
be a little too small for her.

- She's going to model your dresses?
- Yeah, what's wrong with that?

Oh, nothing. I just want to
make sure I have a front row seat.

- How did he see my dresses?
- [STAMMERING] Sir, he's the purser.

- He's in charge of the vault.
- Oh, good. Good, catch up with him.

Take the green and white silk
dress and have Tina try it on.

Uh, sir, excuse me. Could I have
a word with you alone for a minute?

- Sir...
- What is it?

I think... I think
Tina might be a spy.

A spy?

You know, sir, this
morning... this morning,

I saw her talking to
one of your competitors.

- Just like in that bad dream I had.
- Yeah.

You know what they say?
Dreams can come true.


Tina, I think you
look just fine.

Worst comes to worst, we can
always let the dress out a speck. Huh?

Why don't you just
go lie down and rest.

Thanks, Beale.
You saved the day.


I just got a call from the home office.
They want to know what we're doing.

Well, I don't know what you're
doing, Harry, but I'm having a drink.

This is important.

They've offered us a $ ,
bonus if we get the stuff by tonight.

So get serious.

Okay, Harry. I'll get serious.

I'm seriously disgusted with myself
for even being a part of this operation.

I quit. Ciao, Harry.



- Joanne.
- I hope I'm not disturbing you.

No, not at all. Come right in.

Merrill, I thought I should tell you
that I'm going to cut short the cruise

and leave in Acapulco.

But Joanne, even though
you're not going to be in the show,

the trip is all paid for.

You don't have to go.

I know I don't
have to go, Merrill.

But it would be embarrassing
for me to keep hanging around.

So what reason would
there be for me to stay?

Well, perhaps I'll stay onboard
for at least a couple more miles.

Charles, I've
never been happier.

You know, I came on this cruise
looking for a certain kind of girl.

But I found a lot more
than I was looking for.

Hey, Julie.

- Hey, anything wrong?
- No, nothing.

- Are you sure?
- Well, it's silly.

It's just that with all these
gorgeous models on the ship,

plain old Julie's
kinda left behind.

Oh, Julie, you're
anything but plain.

You are a charming, vivacious,
desirable young woman.

Come on, Julie, let's
show them how it's done.

Now you see, Bob, life goes on.
Joanne seems to be very happy.

Yeah, well, I'm
glad Joanne's happy.

Even if it is no thanks to us.

You mean no thanks to
me, don't you, darling?

I didn't make the rule that says
if you're over you're finished.

Well, maybe if we didn't
enforce it, it wouldn't be a rule.

Oh, yes?

I don't notice that many -year-old
players on that football team

you root for every Sunday.
Oh, you're such a hypocrite.

Yeah, you're right, Priscilla.

You're finally admitting
you're a hypocrite? How come?

Because I finally just
stopped being one.

You know, I don't like the
way you do business, Priscilla.

Oh, you don't?

Well, why don't you sell
me your half of the agency?

Fine. Fine.

And, uh, when
you mail the check,

be sure and send half our
marriage certificate, too.

Here you go, Mr. Blanchard.
This is my fashion show special.

One sip and you come
apart at the seams.

Speaking of fashion
shows, Daddy,

Alvin has something
important to tell you.

- Yes, Beale?
- Uh...

Well, sir, what I
wanted to say was,

uh... have you ever considered getting
into the children's clothing business?

- What?
- Well, what I mean is,

uh, see, we could make dresses
exactly like the ones we have,

only... only in
children's sizes.

Little, teensy-weensy,
little dresses.

- You're kidding.
- No, sir.

Anyone can think big, but it takes
a really big man to think small.

Low cut evening
gowns on little girls?

Sure, what's wrong with that?

Beale, full grown women
have something little girls don't.

Yeah, you're right.

Where would a little girl get a
thousand dollars for a dress?

Oh, I had a wonderful
time tonight, Charles, really.

Thank you.

You know, I don't
mind telling you, it's...

It's taken me a
long time to find you.

Oh, you don't have to say that.

I've been surrounded by
beautiful women all my life,

but... well, you're...

really something
quite different.

Well, I hope they think so at
the fashion show tomorrow.

Well, it's been a long day. I
guess you got to get some rest.

I hope I can.
Elsie loves to talk.

Well, there's always my cabin.

- Is it quiet?
- Well, that depends on the occupants.


Well, Melissa, you're back
early. Did you have a good time?

Oh, you know, the usual.

Larry and I had drinks, we had
dinner, he asked me to marry him,

and then we took a
stroll out on the deck.

- He what?!
- Julie! [SCREAMS]

He asked me to marry him!

That is the most wonderful
news! When's the big day?

- Tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?

You two certainly
don't waste any time.

Well, Larry's very impulsive. He
wants us to fly to Paris from Acapulco.

- Paris?!
- Yes, he says it's the only place

- to get married.
- That's the most romantic thing

I ever heard.

Oh, you're going to have the
happiest face in the whole fashion show.

Well, not exactly. You see, the
plane leaves before the show.

But how can you miss the
show? Won't you get in trouble?

Well, I'll talk to Priscilla.
She'll understand.

- She better understand.
- Well, this calls for a celebration.

Yes, it certainly does! And Larry
and I are gonna go celebrate right now!

So sleep tight.
I'll see you later.

[SCREAMS] I'm so excited!


Well, thank you
for a lovely evening.

Good night, Sid.

Aren't you afraid to offer me your hand?
It's got a ring on it. I might steal it.

Hey, I'm... I'm sorry, I...

You still don't
trust me, do you?

Well, you know what
they say, once burned...

Come on, Benita.

Give me a break. What
more can I do? I've quit my job.

We spent a beautiful
day together. Didn't we?

- Yeah.
- You know I love you.

- You've gotta believe that.
- I want to believe it, Sid.

I want to believe it
so very, very much.

I'm willing to spend the
rest of my life proving it.

Sid, could you do
me one favor, please?

- Anything.
- Take off my pearls.

I am sure going to
miss working with you.

Do you realize that this is
probably our last show together?

Oh. Well, I'm not so
positive about that.

I mean, if Charles
wanted me for Miss Paris,

I'm sure he would have
said something by now.

Oh, but he did say that he's searching
for somebody just like you, right?


I mean, and he's
obviously in love with you.

- And I love him.
- Well, who do you think

is going to be the new
Miss Paris, Gopher?

I mean, every model on
this ship knows that you're in.

So congratulations, kid.

Well, from the looks
of things, Charles,

this cruise has turned out to be
more than just a vacation for you.

Well, if that's your subtle
way of asking if I've found

Miss Paris yet, the
answer is "no comment."


I'll let you in on a secret.

She's my favorite.

Well, considering the amount of
time you two have spent together,

I hardly would
say it was a secret.

She is lovely, though.

- Priscilla?
- Huh?

Priscilla, where's Bob?
I have to speak to him.

If it's business, you don't
talk to him anymore, just to me.

Oh, well... okay.

Um, I have a little teensy
problem with the fashion show.

- What?
- I can't do it.

Oh, that's too bad. I hope
you've got a good reason.

- I'm getting married.
- I said a good reason.

Now, you listen to
me. This isn't New York.

I can't just call up and get
another model over here.

You leave me one girl short, I'll
see to it you never work again.


JULIE: It's not working.
I'm not a model.

Julie, look, you
are the only one,

the only one I would
allow to take my place.

- You're pretty, you're graceful...
- Ha!

But most important,
you wear my size.

Okay, I'll give it another try.

- Okay, look, let's forget the walking.
- Good idea.

Look, the pose is the most
important thing in modeling.

- All right.
- Okay? Now, let's just pretend we have

a string attached to
the top of our head,

and it's going to
pull us up, up, up.

Welcome to Acapulco.

Passengers wishing to attend the
International Festival of Fashions

may make transportation
arrangements in the purser's lobby.

Oh, Alvin. I almost forgot.

Mr. Blanchard headed out to
the show the moment we docked.

He wants you to meet
him there with the clothes.

Well, he'll get half
his wish, I'll be there.

Thanks, Gopher.

All right. Mandy, I want
you to stay on the ship.

I'll go and I'll break the
bad news to your father.

There's no sense
both of us getting k*lled.

Well, all right. But let me
know what happens. Call me.

I won't have to. The show's only eight
miles away. You'll hear the screams.

Priscilla, I've been
looking all over for you.

Did you think I jumped overboard
because Bob and I broke up?

I just heard. I came
to say I'm sorry.

Everyone thought you showed great
class when you got your bad news.

I'm sure nobody's saying
such nice things about me.

The thing is, Priscilla, that
you always give the impression

that you don't care what
people think about you.

Of course I care what
people think about me.

Especially Bob.

I don't think Bob knows that.

Of course he doesn't know it.

Because he's an idiot.

And a hypocrite.

And a darling man.

For the first time I realize how
much I really love and need him.

- And I owe it all to you.
- But I didn't say anything.

You didn't have to.

You didn't have to say anything
because you've got class.

PRISCILLA: Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen,

and welcome to the seventh annual
International Festival of Fashions.

You are now going to meet
some of the world's most famous

and talented designers
who, I promise,

will dazzle you with
their latest creations.

To begin, let's welcome one
of Hollywood's finest designers.

His clothes for many of the stars
have won him all kinds of awards,

Mr. Bob Mackie.

Thank you, Priscilla.

These are my designs
for this afternoon.

For a relaxing evening at
home, here's Cathy Naples

in a lavender feather lace and
satin robe over a matching gown.

And here's a little
attention getter.

Yvette Obray in a paradise
beige lace and satin teddy,

topped off with a
short, ruffled lace jacket.

Or for a really special moment,

Tina Roark in this orchid robe
with enormous lace trimmed sleeves

over an all lace camisole
with matching bikini.

And the perfect choice
for a bride's trousseau,

Jamie Blank in a white, ruffled
feather lace robe over a matching gown.


Thank you, thank you.

continue this visual feast,

here is a beautiful lady whose designs
have become a smashing success,

Miss Gloria Vanderbilt.

Thank you. You may enjoy looking
at some of my summer fashions.

For instance, walking the
deck is easy for Sunny Redman,

in my white short shorts
of percent cotton twill.

So classic with a black polo
shirt in percent cotton.

TG is cool and terrific in my
new length Jamaica shorts,

complete with cuffs.

A red classic shirt
tops off the tropical look.


Look how Ella wears my new
white jeans, sporty and sophisticated.

A blue V-neck cotton shirt
brings the whole look together.

When the lights go down, my peach
linen trousers shine in the moon light,

and so does Debra
Haley, who teams them

with a matching
peach classic polo shirt.

PRISCILLA: Here's a gentleman
who really needs no introduction.

He's one of the words
most distinguished designers,

- Mr. Geoffrey Beene.

Thank you.

Good afternoon, everyone.

A bit of color for today.

Stunning, feeling stunning.

The fullest skirt in
nutmeg handkerchief linen.

The smallest waist
with a marigold rose belt.

Jeff, her escort, wearing
handkerchief linen regimental stripes.

Debra in shantung
crepe de chine,

silk jacket, silk
T-shirt, soft pants.

Casual, comfortable, American.

Scott, her escort's,
jacket is in raw silk.

PRISCILLA: We're privileged to
present a spectacular newcomer

to the world of fashion,
Miss Benita James.

Thank you very much, Priscilla.

I hope you like what you're
going to see here today.

My first model is Joanne Atkins.

Joanne is wearing a three-piece
cocktail suit in hot pink and aqua.

The heavily beaded chiffon gives
it an air of heady sophistication.

My next model is Julie McCoy.

Say, isn't that our Julie?
Yeah, that is our Julie.

DOC: What's she doing up there?

Looking beautiful,
just beautiful.

I'm just getting over Joanne's
being in the show and there's Julie.

BENITA: And Julie is wearing
something very exciting and dramatic.

A black harem dress
with a jeweled neckline,

for dinner for two or for the
fanciest of all cocktail parties.


And here comes Elsie Robbins.

Elsie is wearing a red
organza cocktail dress

featuring a tulip skirt
and a divine halter bodice.

Priscilla, what is Joanne
doing in the show?

Well, you said I owned
the whole business now.

So I can do what I
want. It's my business.

BENITA: And finally,
we have Liz Farrell.

Now, doesn't Liz look lovely in
her blue matte jersey pajama?

It's chic, it's comfortable,
and it's ready to go anywhere.

Are you sure you haven't
found your Paris Girl yet?

Well, frankly, I have.

But I'm not going to reveal her
name until we get to New York.

And now as we continue
our festival of fashions

with the world's top designers,

it's an honor for me to present
a truly brilliant and original artist,

the fabulous Halston.


Thank you, thank you very
much. I'm pleased to be here.

What you're about to see
reflects the excitement of night.

Pat Cleveland is wearing a dress and
jacket of silver and pearl embroidery,

very movie starish and dancey.

And really catches the light.

This romantic ruffled dress is
alluring across the dinner table.

It's worn by Margaret Donohoe.

I like red, it's lively and
makes you feel good.

The gold beaded pajama Alvan
Chinn is wearing has a built in glamour

when you really want to sparkle,
and it's as easy to wear as a sweater.

The purple one shoulder dress on Chris
Royer is dramatic and entrance-making.

It's an interesting cut and
can be worn many ways.

I love to see people dancing.
It's so romantic and such fun.

This extravagant white satin
organza dress on Karen Bjornson

is just for that occasion.

Nothing is prettier
than a dress that moves.

Mr. Blanchard, uh, I've
been looking all over for you.

It's all right, it's all right. I
didn't want to bother you.

I know you've been backstage
with the models, right?

Helping them with their
clothes? How do they look?

Well, actually,
they don't look too...

They look great. I
knew they would.

Wait'll everybody
sees those clothes.

Well, sir, you see, that's what
I'm here to talk to you about.

Sh, sh! We're next.

And now to present the
Harley Blanchard originals,

- here is Mandy Blanchard.

Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.

We feel a Blanchard original
is a one-of-a-kind fashion,

and that's why this year
we present only one design.

- What is she talking about?
- I don't know, sir.

MANDY: What could be more thrilling
for a new bride than a wedding dress

in white moiré silk in
the Renaissance style?

From the wedding
reception to an evening gown

to the disco reception is easy.

Under the jacket is a
gold beaded bodice.


The voluminous skirt of the
gown becomes an evening cape.

And magically, the bride is wearing
gold lame boots and knickers.

Talk about versatility,
this is really it.

That's not...

No, sir, that's mine!
That's the dress I designed.

The one I wanted you to
see, remember? When...

What a wonderful
time to show me.

Alvin, you have ruined me!

You've ruined me!

- Congratulations.
- Halston!

- It was magnificent!
- Was it?


I'd like you to
meet my designer.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,
it's my pleasure to introduce to you

a man who's created his
own inimitable design in music,

the always fashionable
Bobby Short.


♪ The most beautiful
girl in the world

♪ Picks my ties
out Drinks my brandy

♪ Eats my candy The
most beautiful girl in the world

♪ The most beautiful
star in the world

♪ Isn't Garbo, isn't Dietrich

♪ But the sweet trick who can
make me believe it's a beautiful world

♪ Social, not a bit
♪ Natural kind of wit

♪ She'd shine anywhere

♪ And she hasn't
got platinum hair

♪ The most beautiful
house in the world

♪ Has mortgage What do I care?

♪ It's goodbye care
when my slippers are next

♪ To the ones that belong

♪ The one and only
beautiful girl in the world

♪ Social, not a bit
♪ Natural kind of wit

♪ She'd shine anywhere

♪ And she hasn't
got platinum hair

♪ The most beautiful
house in the world

♪ Has mortgage What do I care?

♪ It's goodbye care
when my slippers are next

♪ To the ones that belong

♪ To the one and
only beautiful girl

♪ In the world



GOPHER: Julie!


I may be a little prejudiced,
but as far as I'm concerned,

your designs were
the hit of the show.

Thank you, kind sir,
and thank you so much

for buying me this lovely
friendship ring. I really like it.

It's only the
beginning, sweetheart.

I hope so.

Oh, my goodness!

Oh, now, wait a minute,
you don't think that I did this.

No, no. Of course
you didn't do it, Sid.

Of course not.

You just kept me out while
somebody else did it for you, right?

- Benita, I swear to you...
- Now you listen to me.

You know just as well as I do that
your boss will be selling cheap copies

of my dresses before
the week is out. Go!

- Benita, I swear...
- Go! I told you go!

Get out of my life!

hope you enjoyed Acapulco

and the International
Festival of Fashions.

You are all invited to celebrate
with us tonight on the lido deck.

- ISAAC: Big hand for the little lady.

Guys, guys, one at a time.

Julie, I got to hand it to you.

There were a lot of lovely
ladies in that show today,

- but you were the loveliest.
- Oh, thanks, Doc.

You guys are sweet, but it
wasn't me, it was that gown.

That gown would make
anybody look great.

Oh, I don't know
about that, Julie.

I tried it on, it
didn't do a thing.


- Gopher.
- Oh, oh, Mr. Blanchard.

Hey, congratulations on the
show today, that dress! Big hit.

Thanks. When you do
it right, one is enough.

- Have you seen my daughter?
- No, I haven't.

Or where she can be?

Excuse me.

Would you care to dance
with the former owner

of percent of a
modeling agency?

Are you the same person
who owns percent

- of a -year-old marriage license?
- The same.

Uh, one question.

I shouldn't ask,
but I'm going to.

And please, answer
quickly and honestly.

Did you ever have
an affair with Joanne?


Since the day she
started working for us.

A business affair.

The only kind of affair I've ever had
with a woman since we've been married.

What a fool I am.

- Why did I suspect you all these years?
- I don't know.

Maybe you were looking
for an excuse not to love me.

Loving takes a lot of work.

You know me, I love to work.

- When can I start?
- You just did.

Drumroll, please.

Ladies and gentlemen,
just a few short words

of thanks to all the
designers and their models

for making this fabulous
fashion cruise a reality.

I'll let you in on
a little secret.

Most of you don't
know, but Charles Paris,

from the House of Paris,
is with us on this cruise.

- CROWD: Oh!

I'm very proud to tell you that
he's found his new Miss Paris

right here on our ship.

ALL: Oh!

He'll announce her name
next week in New York.


We don't want to
pressure you, Charles.

But I don't think they're
going to wait till next week.


Charles, why don't
you announce it tonight?

Why keep everyone in
suspense, especially me.

- I have something I have to tell you.
- No, really, I understand.

It's not... it's not you.


As some of you may know,
my company is coming out

with a new perfume
called Original Sin.

And I met a model on the
boat who's not only beautiful,

but who's very presence
suggests a, um, a vital maturity.

And she will enhance our product.
So may I introduce her to you now,

the new Miss Paris...

- Joanne Atkins!

- Boy, you're full of surprises.
- Yeah.

- Liz.
- How could you?

- I'm so humiliated.
- You don't understand. Listen...

You were leading me
on. You wanted Joanne.

Yes, for the company,
but it's you I love.

Sure, you do, not enough
to make me Miss Paris.

No, not Miss Paris.

I want to make you Mrs. Paris.

Do you really mean that?

- And will you do me one other favor?
- Anything.

- Give my perfume another chance?
- Okay.

To us.

Safe at last.

Alvin, have you seen... Mandy!

What are you two doing in there?

- Daddy!
- Huh?

Sir, it's not what you think.

Don't try to tell me you're
cutting patterns under there.

- Daddy, we can explain.
- There's no need to explain.

I may be old fashioned,
but I've got news for you.

Young man, you're
going to marry that girl.

But, sir, we
already are married.

Good, Beale, I like a
man who follows orders.

My son!

My son?


- Take it easy, Sid!
- Come on.

Benita, Harry has
something to say to you.

- Go away and leave me alone!
- Come on, tell her. Go on.

It was my idea, Miss James.

It was me who went through your
stuff and grabbed one of your sketches.

Sid had nothing to do with it.

- Are you sure of that?
- Yeah, it's the truth.

And that's a word that
doesn't slide easily over his lips.

Now, come on.

I'd give it back to you, but
it's already on the plane to LA.

- It's what?
- It's on the plane.

It's on the plane, huh?


- What's so funny?
- Well, you see,

the sketch you stole wasn't mine. It
was Vicki's, the captain's daughter.

- I sent a kid's design to my boss?
- You did.

I gotta find a phone.
Where's the phone?!

Make sure to tell him I quit!

[LAUGHS] Hey...

Looks like I owe
you an apology, right?


- Benita, when you were a little girl...
- Yeah?

Did you ever dream of growing up
and marrying a reformed industrial spy?

No, but my company's coming
out with a brand-new line

of men's sportswear, and
now that you mention it,

I... I did dream of growing
up and marrying a male model.

- Hm. Male model, huh?
- Yep, male model.

- Get up a minute, Sid, will you?
- Mm-hm.

Put your foot on
there, go ahead.

- My foot?
- Yeah, your foot.

I want to see what
kind of legs you've got.

Joanne, I can't tell you
how happy I am for you.

I know you are, Merrill.

I feel I know you so well. I
can't believe it's just a few days.

It's too bad we won't
have the opportunity

to get to know
each other better.

You'll be doing a lot of
traveling as the Paris Girl.

That's the trouble when things
turn out just right for someone.

Even if they are just right,
they're never just right.


I have won a new career...

but I might lose a
man I like an awful lot.


If it means as much to you as it
means to me, we'll meet again.

- Ah, Captain.
- Charles.

The wedding's going to be
next month in Palm Springs,

- and we'd love to have you.
- Yes, please try to come.

Well, I'll do my best.
There's only one problem.

Palm Springs... where do I
park my ship in the desert?

- We'll see you then.
- Bye-bye.

Hey. Well, congratulations,
Mr. and Mrs. Beale.

- Thank you, Isaac.
- Boy, these two can really

- keep a secret, huh?
- Can you imagine? My own daughter!

Oh, Daddy, we weren't
sure you would approve.

Of course I approve.
I'm not losing a daughter.

I'm gaining a dress designer.

- So long.
- Bye-bye.

- Elsie.
- Hi.

Such a shame. The cruise is over and
we didn't get a chance to have dinner once.

- Oh, I had dinner.
- I mean together.

Oh... Well, now that
my work is finished,

how about dinner in town
tonight, just the two of us?

Oh, yeah... I mean,
oh, certainly. Yes!

Isaac, Isaac. We've got that public
relations dinner for the line tonight.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Hey, wait a minute. That party
isn't tonight, it's tomorrow night.

- We just want to say our goodbyes.
- We had a great time, Doc.

Thank you very much, Doc.
I really enjoyed the cruise.

It was wonderful, but thanks to
him, I didn't get any work done.

Oh. Okay, Vicki,
the farewell present.

For us? Thank you.

- Oh...
- Hm.

Oh, it is lovely. I
just love it, thank you.

Oh, it's great, Vicki, we're going to
send you a photograph of the real thing.

- Oh, good. Bye-bye.
- Bye.


- Well, goodbye.
- Goodbye, Captain.

- Goodbye, Merrill.
- Goodbye, Joanne.

- Take care of my Paris Girl.
- We will. She's in good hands.

- And take care of yourselves.
- Thank you.

Don't worry. He's
in good hands, too.

Goodbye, Merrill.


[SIGHS] This has certainly
been a glamorous cruise.

You know, I think I may
have found a new career.

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