06x12 - Clash! The Protector vs. The Bearer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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06x12 - Clash! The Protector vs. The Bearer

Post by bunniefuu »

Your pale broken wings...

Are just a bit tired from that clear blue sky

You don't need to force your smiles for someone

It's okay now... to smile for yourself.

Loneliness still continues to stalk me

A candle lit within

The party is lively; the chandeliers are gorgeous, and yet...

How do I fill the hole left behind by those lacking words?

I don't even know anymore

If I can at least swim freely in my dreams,

I wouldn't need a sky like that

I can face tomorrow without painting over all the things up to yesterday

Your pale broken wings

Are just a bit tired from that clear blue sky

You don't need to force your smiles for someone

It's okay now... to smile for yourself.

Soul Reapers...

They are the spiritual guardians of the World of the Living.

They are the balancers who keep a close eye

on the countless souls, good and evil,

that fill this world.

Aizen, who had taken the Hogyoku from Soul Society,

has finally made his move.

And the battle between the Arrancars and the Soul Reapers

has finally begun to manifest itself.





Which one?

I'm asking which is the stronger one?!



Hitsugaya, Renji and Rangiku find themselves in a tough situation

against the formidable power of the Arrancars.

And Rukia is seriously injured before Ichigo's eyes.

You bastard!


Hitsugaya and Renji throw everything they have at their foes,

but they are powerless against the Arrancars,

who have released their zanpakuto.

Squad Lieutenant, Rangiku Matsumoto!

Your "Gentei Kaijo" permission request...

has been granted.

Thank you!



We've been granted a Gentei Kaijo!

It's finally come!

I've been waiting for that!

What's this?

Gentei Kaijo!

Gentei Kaijo!

Gentei Kaijo!


What is...that?

Gentei Kaijo.

We captains and lieutenants of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads...

In order to avoid unnecessary influences

upon the spirits in the World of the Living...

When we come to the World of the Living,

we have Spirit Seals shaped after our squad emblems

placed on our bodies which drastically limit our Spiritual Pressure.

The limit ratio is %. In other words...


...we're five times stronger!

Too slow!

When you first came here, you moved with amazing speed.

Well, come at me with that speed!

What's that technique called?

It's called Sonido!

I see! Ours is called Flash Step.

It's over!

Shawlong Qufang!

Growl! Haineko!


Hikotsu Taiho!

Retreat! Retreat for now!

As if we'll let you get away.

Captain! Captain!


Orihime! Come quickly! Please!

Dammit! That was bad...

Thanks to the Gentei Kaijo, that guy got agitated,

so I was able to find an opening.

Even if we had fought with a full release from the beginning,

who knows if we would've won.

Are all Arrancars strong like them?

If that's the case...

It's bad... Ichigo!

He's slow!

What's that idiot doing?!

I'll crush his balls when he gets back!

I'm back.

Too slow!

Keigo, you went to get juice from a vending machine.

How long does it...?! Huh?


Err...Umm... Actually...

When I went to buy the juice,

this man was lying on the road.

And so I couldn't buy juice.

And anyway, he'll be staying at our house for a while.

Oh! But if you absolutely forbid it, then...

Then of course, then I'll tell him that we can't...

Wh-Why you!

Good job, Keigo!

I'm sorry!


What? You're letting them stay here?

Okay! Okay! Absolutely okay.

Okay?! Are you...


Err... No, Sis...

I mean, don't we have to get Mom and Dad's permission?

You can't just decide by yourself.

Hello! I'm Keigo's older sister, Mizuho.

Hear me out!

Shut up, will you?! Any complaints?

You brought him here!


But I figured that if you bluntly turned him down,

we wouldn't have to put them up.

And that's why I introduced him to you with such frail hope, you see?!

Oh, I see. Too bad. It's fine with me.

But why is it okay?!

He's a complete stranger! It's dangerous!

Think it over more carefully!

It's all right.

I am the older sister who kindly accommodates

the total stranger whom my young brother brings home

without asking any questions.

That's the kind of sister I want to become.

Shut up!

I don't care what kind of sister you want to be in the future!

Or rather, I love men with buzz cuts.

That's totally the only obvious reason!

For that matter, he doesn't have a buzz cut. He's bald!


I'm not bald either.

Yes...you're right. I'm sorry.


What...is this guy?!

Sheesh... You call this your Bankai?

Don't disappoint me, will ya, Soul Reaper!

You used your Bankai

and the only thing that improved was your speed?



What was that trick just now?

Ulquiorra didn't say anything about that in his report, Soul Reaper!

So maybe I won't disappoint you, huh, Arrancar?!

Now we're talking, Soul Reaper.

Finally...you're worth k*lling!

Ichigo...! What are you laughing at?

You're sure taking your time. Huh?

Hold it. I'm almost there.

Humph... what can you do alone?


His wounds aren't that deep!

He got hit with my Getsugatensho head on,

and that's all the damage he gets?

The Black Getsugatensho is originally his technique.

If I use it, he'll manifest himself more quickly.

I can only make two or three sh*ts while under my control.

What'll I do?!

Hey, how long are you gonna stand there, Soul Reaper?!


Now it's my turn!

Put down your sword... Grimmjow.


Tosen?! The captain who disappeared with Aizen?!

Why are you here?!

Why...you ask?

You really don't understand?

Infiltrating the World of the Living on your own...

Mobilizing five Arrancars without permission.

And losing.

All are against orders.

You understand, don't you?

Lord Aizen is quite upset...Grimmjow.

Let's go.

Your punishment awaits in Hueco Mundo.

Sheesh! All right!


Where're you going?!

Shut up! I'm going home... to Hueco Mundo.

No way!

You came and att*cked! And now you're leaving?!

Don't be ridiculous!

Come down! Our match isn't over!

Shut up!

The one who's life was spared

because of this was yours, Soul Reaper!

I can tell just from your current state.

That earlier technique also damages you as well.

You probably had another two or three sh*ts left, right?

But even if you were able to use it infinitely...

you wouldn't beat me in my released state!

Released state?

Don't forget my name!

And pray that you never hear it again!

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques!

The next time you hear my name will mean your end, Soul Reaper!

Have the Arrancars returned to Hueco Mundo?

Did you win?

I lost.

You fool...

The fact that you're alive means it's a win.

Don't lie...

If you were me you wouldn't say that.

I haven't been able to protect anyone.

I haven't even been able to bring down the one who hurt my friends.

I lost...


K-Kisuke... Kisuke...

It's okay, Ururu.

Welcome back...


I dressed up my five fingers with a manicure

And then what's glowing was me instead

Inspiration is like a goldfish

Or perhaps a voice

There's no sound that doesn't bounce back

Those lines stretching parallel to each other

They say one line turns beautiful, then deteriorate repeatedly

I'm standing right there, but the way is locked

The distance grows, but it's within reach

And even today

I trace your gibberish roman letters over and over with my left hand

The one you see the moment you open your eyes

What color will he paint your nails?

It seems the Arrancars use

some sort of nerve radar called Pesquisa

to search out Spiritual Pressure.

Ichigo, if you had something like that,

you'd be able to find our hide-out.

Shut up! Just wait! I'll find you in no time!

We'll prepare a welcome party and wait for you!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers. Golden!

Don't come near me, you-

It's useless, I tell you!

No matter how much you swing,

it'll only make our wounds heal!


Let me explain.

Each time Hisagomaru heals a wound,

a red gauge fills up and when it is completely full,

it changes automatically into the "Vermillion Hisagomaru"

and spits out the injuries it has absorbed.

It has an amazing attack power!

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