06x02 - Shock! The Father's True Identity

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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06x02 - Shock! The Father's True Identity

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!

What incredible Spiritual Pressure he has...

Is he really a Menos Grande?!

But that's no problem!

His upper body disappeared?!

He split?!

No... Were there two of them from the beginning?!

I still have a way to fight...

Renze Forumeru Venti Gral!


Instant Regeneration!

My, my...


How pathetic of you...




Addressing your father by his name without any sign of respect?

You're the same as always, aren't you, Uryu?

Shut up.

I don't need to worry about his Instant Regeneration.

I just have to deal with him before he uses it.

What's the meaning of this?

Why do you have Quincy powers?!

Why do you hate Quincies so much?

Because their skills aren't profitable.

You hated Quincies so much...

I thought that you had discarded your Quincy powers long ago.

That's why I said that you were stupid.

I told you...

"I had no interest" and that "you had no talent."

Unfortunately, my powers won't disappear as easily as yours.

Ryuken Ishida...

Whether I like it or not, that is the name of the man

who is the successor to all the powers and skills of his predecessor,

Soken Ishida.

And the only person who is allowed to call himself "The Last Quincy."

I did it!

I want to become a Quincy like you!

I see... Is that what you say?

But becoming a full-fledged Quincy is no easy matter.

A Quincy Cross!

He k*lled that Hollow in a single strike... I could only scratch it.


You are inexperienced...

You went to Soul Society inexperienced and lost your inexperienced power.

You were moved by your small pride and ended up accomplishing nothing.

But I can restore your lost power.

There's no way...

You don't believe me?

It's the truth.

But there is one condition.

What is it?

Swear to me that you will not involve yourself with Soul Reapers from now on.

H-Hold on a second!

Let's not fight in the middle of town!


Why do you run away, Ichigo Kurosaki?

Return to your Soul Reaper form!

Damn it! Why does this always happen to me?!

Damn it!



Look at that!

It's a Hollow!

It's huge.

Mr. Kon's Spiritual Pressure is right next to it...

Kon? What is he doing?!

I'm not Ichigo!

Do you think that you've tricked me by saying that?!

Believe me!


Don't tell me... I've been eaten?

Stop sleep talking while you're awake!

Kon! What are you doing in Ichigo's body?!

Can't you tell?! A gigantic Hollow is chasing me around!

How pathetic! You're a mod-soul...

You idiot! He's not your usual Hollow!

Yeah. He's kind of fast.

You're good at running away, but he can keep up with you.

Damn you're annoying!

Oh! The Hollow!

Just kidding!

You were lying?!

We'll help you if you're having problems.


As they say, "Even chance meetings are the result of karma,"

and "One who is kind to others is sure to be rewarded."

Wh-Why would I want to be helped by the likes of you?!

Where are you, Ichigo Kurosaki?!

There you are.

Running away isn't any different than what I've been doing all this time!

Just watch!

This is just the beginning!

Make a turn there!



Ichigo Kurosaki!

So you finally became a Soul Reaper.

Then I'm going to take your life!

Bring it on!

W-Will he be all right?!

Leave it to us! We can handle one or two Hollows!

Noba, let's go!

All right.

He disappeared?!

You saved me.

You tricked me.

What a silly trick...

Ichigo Kurosaki.

Do you think that you can get away from me?



They weren't any help at all!

He didn't believe me when I told him that I wasn't Ichigo.

And why is his mask partially off?! I can see his face!

I've had enough...

I've been chasing you around, waiting for you to turn into your Soul Reaper form...

But I've had it.

If you won't return to your Soul Reaper form, so be it.

I'm going to turn your bones to dust while you're still human!

Oh no! My legs won't move...

Th-This is...


My, my...

That's why I told you...

to wear it at all times.

That person...

It can't be!

Hey, Mr. Hollow...

Sorry, but Ichigo is out right now...

I'm not much of a substitute, but do you mind playing with me?

Who are you?

Oh...Sorry about that...

I still haven't introduced myself.

I'm Isshin...Kurosaki.

Wh-What's with this Spiritual Pressure?!

And there's another huge one...

Is it a Hollow?!

Come on... Did he only notice just now?

Is this guy really okay?

But the Spiritual Pressure of the Soul Reaper who just appeared...

I don't know him...

Who is he?


Hey, wait! Where are you going, Ichigo?!

I was still talking to you!

I'll pass!

I said that I'm not finished!

I don't care what you have to say!

Whatever organization it is,

I don't plan on joining your "Visored"!

I'm a Soul Reaper!

I'm not one of you!

He sure is difficult...


This is Hirako. Is this Ms. Sarugaki's cell phone?


I failed.

It can't be helped... Say what you like...

It's only a matter of time.

Let's be patient.

Kurosaki... I see...

You're Ichigo Kurosaki's...



Here. Take this, Kon...

This charm was something

I meant for you to have to begin with.

He even knows my name...

Wh-When did you notice that I wasn't Ichigo--?

From the beginning.


Ever since the first time I saw you in Ichigo's body,

on the day we went to visit Masaki's grave... Since then.

Think back.

Whenever you were in Ichigo's body, I've never called you Ichigo.

Despite my looks, I'm pretty sharp.

Ain't that so, friendly trio?

Then he knew about us, too...?

Well, this is a pretty awkward meeting...

I see... If his father is a Soul Reaper...

That means that Ichigo Kurosaki is a Shinketsu, a true blood...

In that case, I can understand why I lost to him.

Of all the Hollows that I've met,

you're the oldest, dirtiest, and the most annoying.

However... Isshin, I am not interested in you.

I came here tonight to k*ll Ichigo Kurosaki.

As his father, I'm sure you know where he is...

Bring me Ichigo Kurosaki!

I don't know where he is... He's not a kid...

Besides, we have a hands-off policy in our home.

Liar! You cling to your daughters!

Yuzu and Karin are different!

Or rather a special case!

As different as night and day?!


Even if you aren't interested in me,

I've come to k*ll you.

It would be a problem if you didn't fight me.

You came to k*ll me?!

Pretty big talk for a Soul Reaper!

You don't think I'm any normal Hollow, do you?!

Look! This is the true form of my power!

Wh-What incredible size...

He's as large as those Menos I saw before...

Or larger...


Don't treat me like one of those!

We are...

An Arrancar.

They're a group of Hollows aiming to attain Soul Reaper powers

by removing their masks.

Isn't that right?

What's this? You're pretty knowledgeable.

In that case, you probably know that you can't win against my sword.

A zanpakuto?!

It's incredibly huge...

That's right!

A zanpakuto's size equals the size of one's Spiritual Pressure.

It is quite obvious that puny zanpakuto cannot beat my zanpakuto...


I see.

In that case...

Let's do this!

It seems that even though you know the situation

you're a fool who doesn't have any Soul Reaper common sense.

Let your death give you understanding!


I'll teach you the basics...

Captain-level Soul Reapers all control the size of their zanpakuto.

If they didn't, they'd all be swinging swords as large as buildings.

Just like you.

Remember this...

You can't tell how strong your opponent is by the size of his zanpakuto.

Only then can you talk to me about Soul Reapers, boy.

I met you at age

and we had an eternal love

Beneath cherry blossoms petals

gently fluttering downward

That steep and sunny hill

where I ran up to see you,

...And our shadows at the corner of the park,

they are still unchanged even today

You, me, and cherry blossom days,

we dance and sway in the wind

Holding in our heart the unseen future,

we look up at the pink sky

A lot of difficult terms appeared today.

I shall therefore explain to you

what the "Visored" and the "Arrancar" are in the next episode.

If you would like to attend the Kisuke Urahara Talk Show...

Get an application when you buy something at Urahara's Shop

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- Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers! - Golden...

How've you been doing lately?

Not good...

I changed my sunglasses, but no one noticed.

Sunglasses? How dull...

Look at me!

What about you?

My sideburns.

I'm wearing them in a different style now!

It isn't really that different...

Oh! It's the Dull Lieutenant Trio!

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