05x18 - Ichigo and Rukia, Thoughts in the Revolving Around Heaven

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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05x18 - Ichigo and Rukia, Thoughts in the Revolving Around Heaven

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace Without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of Where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!

Are you better now?


Yeah Inoue completely fixed me up.

Well, you don't seem like you'd die even if you were k*lled.

Shut up.

Inoue healed Rukia as well, right?

She's taking pretty long to recover

Idiot Did you forget?

Her current injuries aren't the only reason why she's been weakened.

Rukia didn't have enough time to recover her spiritual power

when the Bount mayhem occurred,

and she was sent to the World of the Living.

She needs time to recover.

I see

So are you finished cleaning up?

Yeah Damaged buildings need to be repaired

and the wounded need to be healed.

There is still damage,

but it looks like we're pretty much finished.

It seems that Seireitei has officially acknowledged the Bounts' existence

and the reason for their creation.


That bastard, Kariya, wanted to erase the Bounts' existence,

but instead, he left a big impression.

As usual, you talk as if you know everything


Come on

This happened because you sent the Bounts here!

What?! You were with us, too!


I defeated Gesell, remember?!

Zabimaru is still damaged because of that!

Isn't that because you're weak?

Whatdid you say?!

Don't get so mad! I just let the truth slip!

You just let what slip?!

Don't get cocky just because you got a little better!

Besides, you're just a substitute.

You're not like a real Soul Reaper!

Don't get carried away! Got it?!

I said I'm sorry!

No! I can't forgive you!

Shut up! I'm worn out!

Your strange meekness is even more unforgivable!

What are you doing?

“ Umm “ Umm

You're pretty noisy.

You haven't forgotten where you are, have you?


Ichigo Kurosaki.

If your business here is done,

go back to the World of the Living immediately.

You do not belong here.

I got scolded because of you!

Did he come out after he was done eavesdropping on our conversation?

Shut up

You fools!

Hey, you're up?

Of course! I can't get any sleep with you guys raising a ruckus!

You two don't think of me as an injured patient, do you?!

How peaceful.


But man I never thought that I would come to this world twice.

You meddle too much!

Yeah. Probably

What's this? Say something!

There aren't any Bounts left

It was a battle that left such unimaginable suffering.



was too hung up about the Bounts' past.

He probably couldn't stand things repeating themselves

over and over again.


Yeah It's not easy living forever

He saw the state of the Bounts get worse countless times

over a thousand years.

To him, history wasn't a line that stretched forward.

It was something that revolved around and around in a circle.

He wanted to break that cycle.

Revolving, huh?

It's revolving.

I'm being transferred?

No, no!

We're not transferring you or anything extreme like that!

You're being stationed in the World of the Living!

You went there to support me when you joined long ago!

Over there!


Look, she doesn't remember!

She erased it from her memory

because it was such a bad experience!

Right, Kuchiki?!


Huh?! Shut up!

Go bury yourself in the yard!

What?! I'm not some potted plant!


You're being stationed

within a four-kilometer radius around Karakura Town.

With your skills, this mission shouldn't be difficult.

Captain Ukitake!


That's no good. You've got to get some rest!

No I'm feeling good today.

Even though it's only a month,

I thought you might be anxious being stationed by yourself for the first time.

I came to see you off.

Thank you very much!

Don't. That sounds so stiff.

Have you informed Byakuya?

Oh! No Not yet

Oh No

Captain Kuchiki would probably tell me not to inform him

about every little thing

So I was going to leave without informing him

I see

All right.

That's fine if you think so.

I'll tell Byakuya.

Go with peace of mind!


That's right

That was the beginning of everything.

Until I met Ichigo,

I thought that the future was a line that stretched on forever.

I still believe that.

I hereby appoint Squad Sixth Seat Renji Abarai

to the position of Squad lieutenant.

Congratulations, Abarai!


Oh, no

I humbly accept this appointment, Lieutenant Hinamori!

You don't have to do that. That sounds so rigid

Anywayaren't you glad?

You've gotten one step closer to Byakuya Kuchiki.


Isn't it about time you talk to Rukia?

Even if she's become an aristocrat, you're a lieutenant.

You're more than equals.

You held out for years.

It's about time you restore your relationship with her.

Before, you used to run around the Rukon District together.

In that case

You should hurry.

Kuchiki is supposed to be stationed

in the World of the Living for a month.

Oh no! Abarai, hurry!


I'll be officially promoted

at the appointment ceremony a month from now.

When she comes back,

I'll surprise her by telling her that I'm a lieutenant.

It's revolving.

If fate is a cog,

then all we can do is believe that whatever is turning it

is flawless, as we move ahead

in the direction of the force of the fixed cogs.

Thena blade is swung.

And so fell the sword of fate

Where am I?

You've regained consciousness.


She's not Yoshino

She's Rantao


This is Rantao's hideout.

Why am I here?

I carried you here,

so the Soul Reapers wouldn't find you.

Weren't you with Ichigo Kurosaki and the others?

Why did you help me?

Who knows?

What about Kariya?

He died.

I see.

The Jokai Crest is backed by all of the Bounts!

Can you withstand it, Ichigo Kurosaki?!

People hate those who are superior to themselves.

Your friends aren't any different!

I protect them because I want to!

I'd risk my soul!


If the fate of the Bounts is to die out

then I just have to accept that.

I see.

Anyway, you should stay here until your wounds heal.


I no longer have anything to do

I don't plan on returning to Seireitei after all this time.

I want to listen to the story of the last Bount

Well then, I'm returning to the World of the Living.

I've left the rest to Ukitake. There's no need to worry.

Sorry, but

What is it?

Thank Ichigo Kurosaki for me for stopping Kariya.

All right.

I'll tell him


All right! No one's noticed me!

Here I go!

What are you doing?

O-Oh. It's just you! Don't surprise me, you bastard!

You bastard You were trying to sneak into Rukia's room.

What's wrong with me wanting to be with her?!

She and I are of one mind and body!

I've devoted myself to her!

Just what in the world are you talking about?

You'll be sliced up by Byakuya's Senbonzakura if you go in there.

Shut up!

Besides, you guys neglect me way too much!

By the time I finally caught up to you,

everything was over

and I lost my chance to play an active role!

An active role? You wanted to be useful?

Why do you think I came to this world?!

All right I understand. Let's go!

The Senkaimon is just about ready.

What?! What about Sister?

She's injured, so she has to stay here to recover, of course.

What?! Then I'm going to stay by her side!

Let go of me, Ichigo!

There's no point in leaving you here!


If only I were more powerful

I could pound the Bounts and the Soul Reapers

and make Sister adore me.

Power, huh?

He gained that power and was swung around by it.

In the end, he had to destroy himself.

Kariya wanted the power to change fate.

What I wanted was



Did you see?! Did you see this?!

It's the new Bad Shield Series!

Bad What is that?

What?! Hey, hey, hey!

You said before that

you enjoyed watching the DVD of the TV version!

I forgot.


I like this series!

Shut up! I wasn't talking to you, Mizuiro!

It's cool, isn't it?!

I like Stanley Ashford

“ It doesn't just revolve. “ the guy who plays Ricky!

“ It revolvesand whenever “ Julian, who plays Mille

“ the sun touches the moon “ is a much better actor.

“ It seems that Mille dies in œ . “ Really?!

the world changes itself into something new.

Umm Then what's your favorite snack?


No way! Then you like baumkuchen as well, don't you?

Oh, yeah, I do!

Okay! Here's what your fortune says!

You're a perfect match for me--!

You're leading her on with those questions!

Hey, what are you doing?!


Later, Tatsuki!

Oh! I'm going home soon, too.

Sorry, I have somewhere I need to go!

I see Then see you tomorrow!

If there is something that doesn't change

I'm sure it would be my helplessness.

Ah So, boy, you really came

Sorry She disappeared.


I can see spirits. I can touch them.

I can talk to them.

But that's it.

That airplane

It's gone to waste.

That's all right

It was just something in my closet.

Sometimes they just disappear like this.

I don't know why they disappear.

Sometimes they leave behind bloodstains

that only I can see and somewhat painful feelings.

No matter how much I train my body, I can't protect them.

Whenever I think about it, my heart feels like a blade.

It's revolving.

Oh! Mister!

Over here!

Sorry! I'm late

Three dogs and six cats passed me by today!

I see Did they say anything?

The brown dog was really cheeky!

He kept peeing on the telephone pole,

no matter how many times I told him not to!

Look! I brought you flowers!

Wow! They're beautiful!

There we go!

Huh? What's wrong?

Will you come back tomorrow?

It's revolving

Yeah, all right!

“ If fate is a cog wheel “ I'll come back tomorrow!

“ We are “ Thank youmister

grains of sand crushed between those cogs.

It's all right. Don't cry anymore!

“ There is nothing we can do. “ Got it?!

We just want power.

If it's something we can't easily protect,

we want to grab a sword beforehand.

The power to crush fate surely resembles a swinging blade.

Is my strength the power to crush fate?

Or will I be consumed by my power like Kariya was?

There's no point in thinking about it

This power is for protecting everyone!

That's fine, isn't it?

What's wrong, Ichigo?


Why are you spacing out?

Well, I was thinking about why Kariya wanted to gain power.

Kariya probably thought of history as a circle.

He was probably trying to sever it with force

I don't know if that's right or wrong

Buteven if things repeated themselves

It wouldn't be that bad if you had friends thereright?

It's not something that can be answered so easily.

Is history something that revolves or stretches ahead of us?

Even if it's something that revolves,

should we try to break that loop?

Or be content with it?

Ichigo, everyone's here!



We came all this way to this unknown world, Soul Society

It truly is sad, but it's almost time to part.

You can stay if you want to.

You're being mean again!

It's almost time.

Let's go home, Ichigo.


Revolving, huh?

Thank you, Ichigo.

Let's meet again

We tremble in awe of that which cannot be seen

What's this? Such a cruddy little town.

And so fell the sword of fate once again

in the name of a mask

You always lament on how boring this town is

Searching for a place in the sun

The melody you hum is that rusty, same old song

Rejecting any new song

You're anxious because somewhere in your heart, you believe in the future.

Baby, it's you;

That pain will eventually become a memory

You're the only one.

Don't think, just feel, let your whole body tremble;

future is you!!

Baby, it's me;

You're never alone, I'm right here

We should be as one;

Even if you stumble, I don't mind

I want to tell you now about the thing called love

Hey, how've you all been! It's Kon!

I didn't appear much in Soul Society, but I'll play a big part

when we get back to the World of the Living.

Sorry. But with the new main character of Bleach, me,

appearing in the next episode, you don't have any appearances.

Who the hell are you?!

My name is Oh!

The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers Golden after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

I'm back

Hey! We just got back!

You sure are late, Captain.

Yeah, we got lost in Kusajishi

It was really fun!

So where are the Bounts?

Ichigo defeated them.

I see All right!

I guess I'll fight Ichigo now!


He already returned to the World of the Living.


That bastard When I see him again,

I'll k*ll him without even greeting him!

Ichigo You were right not to see him before you left.

Don't spy on others!
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