05x17 - The Wailing Bount! The Last Clash

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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05x17 - The Wailing Bount! The Last Clash

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace Without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of Where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!

I see You reduced the damage done to you by releasing

all of your Spiritual Pressure and surrounding yourself with it.

I'm finally starting to get your att*cks


Counterattacks are aimed at the openings

that enemies leave when they attack

What good is that if I don't provide any openings?

Defending yourself with Spiritual Pressure, huh?

My, my I'm not used to this My coat is all in tatters.

I see

It really does seem to minimize the damage done to one's body.

My att*cks are only counter strikes?!

In that case, I'll show you

Messer's true form!


My power is wind.

Wind can generate static electricity through atmospheric friction

and create lightning!

It's useless!

No matter how fast you move

You can't outrun lightning!

I got you!

What's wrong? Is that it?

You bastard

Fine I'm going to finish this.

Soon, the Jokai Crest within me will fill up with power.

I never told you this, but there's more than one Jokai Crest.


If I unleash my Jokai Crest, it'll trigger all of the Jokai Crests,

and Seireitei will be reduced to nothing.

Why would you do such a thing?!

What's the point of k*lling your comrades, the Soul Reapers and yourself?!

The Bounts are a rotten tribe.

They were given so much power

but they wouldn't let go of their ties to the Soul Reapers.

And the Soul Reapers are even more rotten.

They selfishly created the Bounts

and used them for their own purposes.

I couldn't forgive any of that.

I will drag all of them down with me.

Soul Reapers, souls I'm going to destroy them all!

Are you crazy?!

I'm completely sane.

The world is the one that's crazy.

But that's enough

Soon, this world is going to end.

What are you talking about?!

I won't let youdo that!



Let go of me, Renji!

This is Ichigo's battle! Don't interfere!


He's proved to be Captain Kuchiki's equal in combat

Believe in him!

I'm not going to let you destroy everything!

My, my

What can you do in your condition?

Shut up!

Just a little longer and everything will end.

Oh well. I'll finish you off before the world ends.

Crap! I don't have any energy!

I can't move my arm

Move Move


It'll move.


A black Getsugatensho

Wh-Where did you get that power?!

That's your inner power, huh?

But it seems even that power has dried up.

I have a powerful ally known as reishi

I can't absorb it?!

Why? Why can't I absorb reishi anymore?!

Can it be?!

She did that so I couldn't absorb reishi, huh?

You've done it, Rantao

It looks like you're not invincible anymore.

We're on equal terms now!

It's a little late


The time is near Just a little longer

Just a little longer and I'll be filled with the Jokai Crest's power.

At that moment, I'll unleash the Jokai Crest

and everything will be over.

I won't let you!

I'll defeat you before you unleash the Jokai Crest!

Can you do that?!

I will!

In that case, I'll show you how incredible the Jokai Crest's power is!


I'm going to detonate one of the Jokai Crests nearby.

All right, it's here! Sentaro, take care of it!

Yes sir!


Yes The information that Rantao gave us was right.

Seal this up quickly!


There's no time

I hope we make it!

There are too many locations.

Who knows how much time it'll take to seal all of them.

Silence! I won't listen to such nonsense!

It is the duty of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads

to defend Seireitei!

We will do everything in our power to stop the ryoka's plan!

You're going to detonate a Jokai Crest?

Don't worry.

Detonating one of the Jokai Crests placed within the court

won't affect the others.

Now learn the power of the Jokai Crest!

Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.



You bastard!

It looks like I made it in time


Sorry, sorry

It looks like I'm late.


Right now, Ukitake and all the other Soul Reapers are sealing

the Jokai Crests in Seireitei.


But it's taking time

Will they be sealed?

Will the Jokai Crests be activated?

Or will I defeat him, huh?

I get it!

Whatever the case, it's a race against time

What are you going to do, Kariya?

It's obvious

I'm going to defeat all of you and accomplish my goal!

I'm your opponent!

You bastard!

Don't do it, Byakuya.

When he unleashes his Jokai Crest,

we have to seal it away with my Shunko and your Senbonzakura!

We'll be too late if we're fighting him as well

Though I don't know if we can completely seal it away.

Is that all your power can do?

Shut up

Damn! I used up too much power compressing the Jokai Crest.

I guess it can't be helped

This is odd.

Kariya can't absorb reishi anymore,

but his att*cks aren't getting any weaker


Instead it seems like they're getting stronger


I see!


Just a little more!

He's already out of spiritual power!

Right now, he's fighting using the power of the Jokai Crest in his body!

What about it?

How silly. This is a gamble

The Jokai Crest will activate in just a little while.

Will my body hold up or will you defeat me?

Heh! I told you that from the start!

I'm going to defeat you! I will!

What can you do when you're panting like that?

What's wrong? Are you finished?

I won't hold back anymore! Can you handle this?!


Ichinose's zanpakuto

Over here! He's over here!

What happened to the ground?!

Is Ichigo all right?



Kuchiki! Renji!



Abarai, Sado, help Kurosaki!

We can't interfere.

No We shouldn't interfere


He probably considers the Bounts similar to himself

Ichigo is a Substitute Soul Reaper, but he isn't a Soul Reaper.

He's human, but not a normal human.

Until he gained his Soul Reaper powers,

Ichigo wanted the power to protect those close to him

He got the power he wanted,

and from that point on he was burdened with two worlds “

the World of the Living and Soul Society.

He has a burden we cannot understand

But Ichigo bears this burden and tries to move forward

Could we do the same thing?

Bounts are also people who are not people

They suffered in two worlds

Kariya can only be stopped by Ichigo. He bears the same burden.

Thenthe only thing we can do is to trust him and watch.

Don't worry.

He'll win!

Yeah You're right.

This is it!

I'm going to hit you with all that's left of my strength!

Then I'm going to settle this, too.

Let's go!

The Jokai Crest is backed by all of the Bounts!

Can you withstand it, Ichigo Kurosaki?!

And what have you ever done for the Bounts?!

You're the one who treated your comrades as pawns!

I won't lose to someone like you!

What do you know?

People hate those who are superior to themselves.

Your friends aren't any different!

Over time, friends who you trusted will come to fear your power

and distance themselves from you.

What's the point in protecting them?!

There is meaning! There's no reason to it!

I protect them because I want to!

I'd risk my soul!

Your soul?

No! He's activated it!

Byakuya! We're going to seal it!


What's wrong?!

At this rate he's going to unleash it! Byakuya!

Nothing matters anymore! I'm going to end everything now!


It looks like it's over

I'm a little disappointed.

I won't get to see whether you walk down the same path that I have

Kurosaki I

You idiot


Are you all right, Ichigo?






Ichigo I was so worried about you.

“ IchiIchigo “ Kurosaki!

I've got to heal your wounds!

No... You can do that later.

In the end,

he disappeared on his own...

Are you saying that he was planning to do that from the beginning?

Who knows?

But he probably wanted to bring his never-ending life to an end.

You always lament on how boring this town is

Searching for a place in the sun

The melody you hum is that rusty, same old song

Rejecting any new song

You're anxious because somewhere in your heart, you believe in the future.

Baby, it's you;

That pain will eventually become a memory

You're the only one.

Don't think, just feel, let your whole body tremble;

future is you!!

Baby, it's me;

You're never alone, I'm right here

We should be as one;

Even if you stumble, I don't mind

I want to tell you now about the thing called love

Captain Ukitake! I've finished sealing a Jokai Crest!

Captain! I sealed away three!

Correction! I sealed away ten!

Actually, it was fifty!

-Kuchiki, were there... -It really was !

-...that many? -Actually, it was !

-Captain, don't take them seriously. -No, no, it was !

Sorry, but hide me for a while!

What's wrong Ganju?

My sister found out that I didn't do much this time, It's bad!

I see...

But you're a little late...


I knew you'd come here!

Sis... Why are you here?
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