01x48 - "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 3" / "Yugi's Tough Battle – God Orgoth's Fierce as*ault"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x48 - "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 3" / "Yugi's Tough Battle – God Orgoth's Fierce as*ault"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Man: I can't
believe yugi moto

Agreed to give up
duel monsters forever

If he loses
at this new game!

Second man: I know,

Especially since
dungeon dice monsters

Is a game his
opponent invented.

All: you'll regret
taking duke devlin's bet.

Joey lost,
now he's duke's pet.

The dumbest dog
you've ever met.

Am not!

Uh-oh! It's
a rabid dog!

All: guess we'll
have to get him
a muzzle.

Huh? No, no, no.

That won't be
necessary, girls.

Why don't you all
just go back to cheerin'

For your little
dukey over there?

Here, I'll even
start you off.

Uh, duke, duke,
he's so great,

Make no mistake,
better than cake...

Man, I can't wait
till yugi wins this

And gets joey out
of that stupid dog suit

Duke devlin's
makin' him wear.

That guy's
a real jerk.

Yeah, duke's all
about humiliating
his opponents,

Especially yugi.

Why else would he
wanna beat him

In a game broadcast
around the world?

He's sure
on a vendetta.

It's not fair.
He blames yugi

For everything...

His game
not taking off,

Losing pegasus
as his business partner.

It's just wrong.

Yuge! Come on, buddy,

You just gotta
win this match

And get me out of
this flea bag costume

Before I completely
lose it.

All: down, boy!




I'm...not...a dog!

I wish I could
just play dead.

B-a-d! D-o-g!

Man, those
sure know how

To yank
joey's chain.

Yeah. Well,
at least they haven't

Reduced him
to howling yet.


I'm not
housebreaking him.

[Yugi, thinking]
duke's monsters
have already

Taken out one
of my heart points,

And unless I do
something right here,

They'll take
out another.

I have to make
this turn count.

But I think I just found
what I needed to know.

[Out loud]
go, dice roll!

[Thinking] come on!
I need to get some
magic crests here.

Otherwise I may
not be able to win
joey his freedom back.

There's one.

And another.

Out of ! Great!

[Out loud]
it appears I've rolled
magic crests, duke.

But since both
have times
multiplier emblems,

Each of their values
are doubled,

Giving me
magic crests,

More than enough to
activate thunderball's
special ability.

Not bad. You've even
learned how to use
your help screen

To find out how
to activate the monster's
special abilities.

That's right.

Now I'll use
of the crests I rolled

And activate
special attack.

Go, rolling crush!

Your blast lizard is
about to be bowled over.

But my attack
will not end there.

I'll use more
magic crests I saved
in my crest pool

And have thunderball
strike again!

attack gator dragon!

Joey: he nailed him!
Way to pick up
the spare, yuge!

Both: dukey!

Great job!

Ok, duke.
Now we have a game.

Man: hey, cool!
Let me see! Come on!

Hmm. That new store
certainly has a crowd today.

I wonder just what
my competition is up to.


Excuse me.
Age before beauty.
Coming through.

Hmm? Oh!

Marvelous! Splendid!
Beautiful, even!

I'm in love!

Oh, what I wouldn't give
for a tv of this size!

Hmm? Is that...joey?

Teéa? Yugi?

It's not enough
they take my business,
but my grandson, too?

Man: hey!
Down in front!

We can't see!

No one's
here to watch

The back of
your head, dude.

Move it
or lose it, popsy.


Not bad, yugi.
You used that help screen

To come up with a pretty
impressive move there.

But still, I wouldn't
get any ideas about
winning this match.

You'll never
know dice monsters
as well as I do.

After all, I'm the guy
who invented the game.

That's true, just
as your idol pegasus

Invented the duel
monsters card game.

But inventing
a game doesn't mean

That you can't
be beaten at it, devlin.

But perhaps
my beating pegasus

Was the exception
to the rule.
Perhaps you are better.

Aw. Why,
thank you. Huh?

Hey, wait, you only
beat pegasus by cheating.

Don't try and fool me.

No, duke,
you're fooling yourself.

Yeah, right, cheat.

Go, dice roll!

Nice. I'll save those
in my crest pool.

Now it's my turn, duke.

Go, dice roll!

Téa: way to go, yugi!

Excellent! Summons
and a movement crest.

Dimension the dice.

Now, behold the monster
that I've unlocked.

I've summoned the knight
of twin swords.

For all the good
it'll do ya.

None of my monsters
are within striking
distance of him.

That's why I'll
store my other die

In my crest pool
for now.

So, at least
you've become skilled

At conserving your crests.
It's about time.

Man, crest this,
crest that.

I'm totally lost.

Guess it's true.
You really can't

Teach an old dog
new tricks.


Come on, dog boy.

It's dungeon dice
rules number one.

You're allowed to take
the crests you roll,

Store them
in your crest pool,

And then use them
later on.

Oh, yeah, I remember
that rule now.

on dog rules!

If you're
gonna learn,

Learn how
to obey
our commands.

Right. Now,
sit, dog boy!


Boy, that's rough.

a dog's life.

[Thinking] hmm.
There yugi goes again,

that help screen.

He's certainly
a quick study,
I'll give him that.

Some of the things
he's learned in minutes

Took me weeks
to come up with.

I'll just have to
take things up a notch.

And I have just the dice
to do it with, too.

My turn now!
Go, dice roll!

All right! A pair
of summoning crests!

Dimension the dice
and unlock my creature.

Now, here's a monster
your knight will definitely

Wanna steer clear of:
the battle ox!

But then you may have
a hard time avoiding him

Once I use these
stored movement crests

And have him charge in
for an attack.

Here he comes, yugi,
invading your turf!

And you better
believe this bull
knows how to fight!

Now, battle ox,
go for the knight
of twin swords! Attack!

Oh, and by the way,
my ox gains
a point bonus

When attacking all
warrior type creatures,
like your knight.

Knight, quickly switch
into defense mode!

Just in time.

Sorry, devlin,
but in defense mode

My knight has
a defense power of ,

Meaning that your
ox's attack will only
do points of damage.

He'll lose
of his hit points
from your ox's attack,

But he'll still
remain on the board.

[Frustrated grunts]

[Thinking] unbelievable!

That cheat has taught
himself how to defend.

It's my turn.
Go, dice roll!

I'm activating my
knight's special ability

By using both
these attack crests.

Now he's allowed
to attack you
twice in one turn

And make assaults on
your beast's hit points.


Go, double slash attack!

Face it, duke,
your ox has been gored.

No! My ox!

That knight
slaughtered him!

No, dukey-poo!



Hee hee hee hee!

Way to go, yugi!

You're really
on a roll now,


Téa: great move!

Your turn, duke,
but this time

You might want
to steer clear
of mymonsters.

[Chuckles maliciously]

Ha ha ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha!

So you were
able to defeat
my battle ox, yugi.

So what? Hah!

My last brilliant move
wasn't about just creating
another monster.

It was about building out
my dungeon path.

Your dungeon?

That's right.
Just take a look

At yourdungeon path,
you dunce.

What about it,

Hmm. I'll tell you
what, yugi.

It's been stopped
dead in its tracks.




See my red
dungeon path?

Do you see how it reaches
from one side of the board

All the way
across to the other,
creating one solid line

In front
of your blue path?

Well, guess what, yugi...

Your dungeon path
can't cross it,

And that means
that your monsters

Can't get to my heart points
on the other side of it.

You're stuck, yugi.

You can't build
your dungeon path
forward anymore.

You're completely
boxed in!

No! He's trapped me!

Duke's laid out
his dungeon path

So it completely
blocks my ability
to advance!

I'm trapped.


going on here?

I'm not sure
I follow it
myself, teéa.

Ohhh...i'll explain
one last time.

It's simple.
My red dungeon path

Extends from one side
of the board

All the way
to the other. Now...

Since one dungeon path
can't overlap another

And yugi's blue path
is behind my red one,

Yugi can no longer continue
to build his path forward.

But if all
of yugi's monsters

Are stuck
behind that dungeon,

Then they can't
get to duke's
heart points,

And that
would mean...

Ohhh...that I'm
stuck in this costume.

And that the so-called
king of games over there

Is about to be forced
into an early retirement.

There's gotta be
some way yugi
can still win.

Well, actually, there is.

Yugi could always try
cruisin' his monsters
through mydungeon path.

He can move
through your path?

Sure, if he doesn't mind
running his monsters

Through a virtual gauntlet,
'cause to get
to my heart points,

He'll have to survive
every one of my monsters
that he meets on the way.

Every one?well, then
that means

All his monsters
would get

No joke.

My roll now.



[Chuckles malevolently]

Just perfect.

Know what this is, yugi?

Looks like
a black die.

A very rare black die,
to be exact.

And with it,
I'm gonna finish you off

And win this game.

Go, dice roll!

Yugi: well?
What is it?

A pair of summons.

Dimension the dice!
Now you'll see the power

Of the rare black dice.

Joey: aw, boy...

What's yugi gonna
have to contend with now?

[Joey sighs]

[Chuckles wickedly]


The warp vortex!

Warp what?

Warp vortex. Guess
I'll have to explain
this now, too.

The dark hole
you see before you

Is a special summoning
that only a rare black die
can produce.

It's a cosmic portal.

When monsters jump
into it, they're sent

To another place
on the board instantly.

This other place
is determined

By wherever
the second vortex
is laid.

That's where the monster
pops out of.

It takes vortexes
to complete the circuit,
creating a warp .

And guess what, yugi.

I've already got
the second location
all picked out,

Deep within your territory
and well behind your defenses.

It's the perfect spot
for easy access
to your heart points.

Now, yugi, all that stands
between you and defeat

Is the time
that it takes
for my automator

To spit out
the next rare black die.

And I have a feelin'
it won't be long now.

So start working
on your retirement speech.

[Thinking] there's
not much I can do.

I'll just have
to try and build up
my defenses.

Go, dice roll!


Téa: good roll, yugi!

Dimension the dice!

Now, devlin,
let's see how well
I've learned your game.

I summon
the strike ninja!

His high speed
allows him

To move spaces
for each movement

High speed, huh?
Nice try,

But he doesn't come close
to the warp speed

That my vortex
will give me.
Speaking of which...

[Beep beep beep]

Check out thisbaby.

Yugi: what is it?

It's my second black die.


Now I'll roll
to complete the warp tube

And then finish
you off for good.

Oh, no!


Duke! Duke!

Go, dice roll!

Ho ho.

[Thinking] if he summons
another warp vortex,
I'm finished!

If duke summons
that warp vortex,

It's all over!


Keep the faith,


Win, duke,

Yugi: no warp vortex.

Aw. You lucked out...
This time.

with relief]ohhh...

Téa: your turn, yugi.

[Electronic beeping,
dice roll]

What?! It's a...


I've just found

A major hole
in your plan.


Or, if you prefer,
a vortex,

Thanks to this.

A black die?!


All right!

Go, dice roll!


A pair
of summoning crests.


Dimension the dice!

Now I place
a second warp vortex...

So that ihave
easy access to your
heart points!

Strike ninja...jump
into the warp vortex!

Hooh! Hahh!

Joey: look at him go!

That strike ninja
really isfast! Wow!



Duke: no! He's gone
into the warp hole!

But that means--

Yugi: that's right,

He'll come out
on yourside
of the field.


Huhh! Hooh!
Hunh! Huhh! Huhh!


Strike ninja,
attack and destroy
his ryu-kishin!

Stealth slash attack!aaaahhhh...



Joey: what's goin' on?

Nothin' happened!


All right!


Yu-gi! Yu-gi!our little
dukey schnook!

Uhhh! Hmm!

[Thinking] duke
may have blocked me
from being able

To extend my dungeon path
to his heart points,

But thanks
to the warp vortex
he placed,

I now have
an even better way

Of getting my monsters
over to them.

Hisportal became
myway in.

[Thinking] I can't believe
yugi got a rare black die.

Now he's using
the warp vortex
isummoned against me!

And with that
high-speed strike ninja

Already deep in my territory,
all yugi has to do is roll
one movement crest,

And he'll be able to move
within striking range
of my heart points.

I have to stop him!

Go, dice roll!

I need summon crests!


My roll failed me!

Go, dice roll!

Perfect! A set
of movement crests.


Strike ninja,


Joey: oh, yeah! I love
watchin' this dude run.

Now, strike ninja,
attack his heart point!

Lunging claw thrust!


Yugi: attack...now!


No! My heart point!

Ohhh! Uhhh!



Oh, man!
Ha ha ha!

That's one down!

Yep, and
to go!

Yes! Did you see that?!

That's my grandson!

[Chuckling malevolently]

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm sorry, yugi.

It's just been so long

Since anyone's destroyed
one of my heart points.

You should really
give yourself
a pat on the back...

'Cause I guarantee you,

It's not gonna be
happening again!


Go, dice roll!


A level- summoning.

Dimension the dice!

And unlock
my undefeatable monster!

I summon
orgoth the relentless!


And next I'll use
magic crests...

And activate
orgoth the relentless'
special attack

To raise his power
from to .

And now I'll use
of my stored
movement crest dice

And position orgoth
for attack!

Ha ha ha
ha ha ha!

Orgoth the relentless,
attack strike ninja!

Diamond blade strike!


[Thinking] ohhh...
I'd better think fast
if I want to save my ninja!


That's it!

Your ninja
has been destroyed.

I wouldn't be so sure
if I were you.


Why don't you take
a closer look, devlin?

What? I don't
see any--huh?

No! It can't be!

There...i-in the smoke...

The strike ninja!

Sorry, duke,
but just before orgoth
the relentless att*cked,

I activated
my ninja's
special ability

With a stored
trap crest.

It allows him to quickly
dodge any attack that's
waged against him

And escape harm.

[Thinking] I can't believe
yugi has taught himself

Such an advanced
defense maneuver!

He's making me look
like a novice
at my own game!

Ohh...i can't
let him rattle me.

I have to remember
that this kid is
just a lousy cheat.

He doesn't have the skills
to win this match.

It's my roll now, duke.

And now I can
attack again.

Strike ninja...

Lunging claw thrust!

No! Not another one
of my hearts!

Down now!ha ha ha!

Yeah, yuge!

I believe
I've taken the lead

Now, devlin.

you little wannabe!

I swore I'd have
my revenge on you

For cheating pegasus
and sabotaging my game,
and I will!

[Out loud]
go, dice roll!

Now, orgoth,
show that ninja

Why you're called

[Thinking] oh, no!
I don't have
any more traps

In my crest pool!

There's no way for me
to help my ninja escape
this time.

Diamond blade strike!


Téa: oh, no!
His ninja's
been wiped out!


You were close, yugi...

Closer than anyone
I've ever faced.

But I'm afraid
that close doesn't cut it

In dungeon dice monsters.

Sure, you may have
one heart point more than me,

But I have
orgoth the relentless,

And none of your monsters
will stop him from getting
to your heart points!

You may have been
on the victory trail,

But now you're
at a dead end!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
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