01x47 - "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 2" / "Showdown! Dungeon Dice Monsters"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x47 - "Dungeon Dice Monsters, Part 2" / "Showdown! Dungeon Dice Monsters"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Hurry up!
The duel's about to start!

It's being broadcast live
all around the world!

Yami yugi: remember
our deal, devlin.

I win this,
and you let joey go.

No more dog suit,
no more demands.


Just don't forget
the flip side to that coin.

You lose this game,
and you promise

To never play duel monsters,
ever again.

Now let's get it on!

Looks a bit different
than a dueling arena, huh?

Well, get used to it.

Dungeon dice monsters
is whole new game

With a whole new
set of rules,

And to keep up,

You're gonna have to pay
close attention. Ha ha ha!

Don't you worry.
I'm a quick study.

You better be, yugi,
because I know this game
inside and out,

And if you want to win,
you're gonna have
to learn it as well.

Now let's get started.

Yugi, thinking: hmm.
Looks pretty straightforward.


Lost already? Relax.
I'll walk you through it.

That's your dice pool.
Select dice from it
to use for the game.

I'd give you some tips
on which to pick, yugi,

But being the master gamer
that you are,

I'm sure you'll
figure it out.

hmm. With all these

colors and designs,

It's hard to know
which ones to choose.

Hurry up, now.
I got mine already set.

I'm ready, too.

Good. Now here's
how it works.

These dice are gonna be
kind of like your duelling deck,

And just like
you shuffle your deck,

We shuffle these,

Like this.

See? Easy.

The dice automator
will randomize your dice

In groups of .

Take a look.

You get dice per round.

You roll all
at the same time,

And then you get
to make your move,

Depending on what
you rolled.

But I'll explain
more about that a bit later.

Now, take the die
out of the auto hatch.

Ok. Now how do you score?

Well, in this game,
we have heart points.

They're like life points,
only you only get --
that's it--

And whoever loses all
of their hearts first is out.


Game on!

What game on?
But yugi just now
learned the rules.

Yeah, that's probably
just how duke likes it.





Thanks, ladies.
You're beautiful.

[All cheer]

Man, what a bunch
of suck-ups.

No yapping,
you mutt!

This is a duel,
not a dog show!



I'm gonna make
my first roll now, yugi,

So from here on out
you're just gonna have
to listen carefully

And learn as we go.

See those markings there?

Those are called crests.

Different crests
do different things.

Take that green die,
for example.

That star crest I just rolled
is for summoning.

To be able
to summon something,

At least out of the dice
that you roll during your turn

Have to land
with the same type
summon crest face up.

And if I'm not mistaken,
it seems I've come up

With matching
summoning crests

On my very first roll
of the game!

Now the dimensionalizing
part of the process.

Dimension the dice!

And there you go:

My very first monster
is on the board.

The monsters
are inside the dice?

And that's not all.

It looks like
the dice themselves
are part of the game!

I'm glad that you
made that point,

My little

That's one
of the key elements

To dungeon dice monsters.

For, you see,
once a die unfolds

To dimensionalize
a monster,

It becomes
a dungeon pathway,

And with enough
of this dungeon pathway,

I can construct a route--
a route my monsters can use

To get to your heart points.

oh, I get it.

The way to destroy
your opponent's
heart points

Is to get
your monsters
close enough

To attack
the hearts directly.

So the more dice
that I can

And turn
into dungeon path,
the better!

simple enough.


Go ahead, yugi.
It's your turn.

don't you forget:

If I win this,
then you have to give
my friend joey

His freedom back!

Right--if you win. If.

I'm counting
on you, buddy.

If there's anyone
that can beat
this guy devlin,

It's you!

No talking! Bad dog!


We're with you, yugi!

All the way, buddy!

Long live
the king of games!

huh! His reign is over!

Today, this cheat
is going down!

Rrr. Go, d dice roll

The crests!
None of them match!

Heh, yeah, 'cause
the level of dice you threw

Were way too high.

Sorry. Didn't I mention
that different dice
had different levels?

Rrr.this is how it works:

There are types of crests
on the surfaces of these dice.

Summon, movement,

Magic, attack,

Defense, and trap crests.

How often
each of these crests
appears on a dice

on that dice's level.

The level dice
that I just used

Have summon crests
on each,

So it was easy for me
to roll of 'em.

But the easier a monster
is to summon,

The weaker he is.

Ok, now look carefully
at your dice, yugi.

They each have
only one summon crest.

Right, and that makes it
much more difficult

For you to roll
a pair of them.

Of course, had you,
it'd have been
a very strong monster.

Still, I'm of the opinion

That in the early stages
of the game,

It's better to go
for a low-level sure thing.

After all, the odds
of summoning a monster
with high-level dice

Are slim-to-none.

oh, no.

Almost all
the dice I picked
were high-level.

Sorry, yugi,
but if all you have

Are high-level dice
at your disposal,

You're gonna have
a real hard time

Summoning any monsters.

oh, I can't
believe this.

The game just started

And I'm already
at a huge disadvantage!

Hey, this
ain't fair, duke!

You should've
told yugi
all the rules

Before the game

This different
dice level stuff
changes everything.

You should
start the game fresh!

If it were
someone else, maybe,

But not the king of games.
He'll be ok.



Go, dice roll!

Yes! Another
summoning crests.

My dungeon path'll extend,

And now I'll have
monsters on the field!

Dimension the dice
and unlock yaranzo!

his dungeon path

Is getting
closer and closer

To my heart points,

And I'm not even
on the board yet!

I'm coming
for you, yugi,

And since I just rolled
a movement crest, too,

I can use it
to advance my monster

Even further along
the dungeon pathway.

Oh, f.y.i,
if you don't want to use
a crest you rolled,

You can save them for later
in your crest pool.

Now go ahead.
It's your turn.

Hmm. Go, dice roll!

still no matching

Ha ha!
Nothing again, huh?

Maybe you ought to try
blowing on them for good luck.

My turn now.

Go, dice roll!

Hmm. Well, would you
look at that?

It's another summoning!

And look
at the surprise inside:

Gator dragon!

And I'll use the movement crest
I rolled to advance him!

My roll now.

at last!
Summoning crests!

I can play
a monster.

no, you can't.

You rolled
summoning crests,

But their levels
aren't the same.

It doesn't count.

I thought--
it's my turn

Ooh! Level dice!

They were too hot
for you to handle,

But let's see
how I can do.

Go, dice roll!

Ah ho ho ho ho!

Oh, what can I say?

I guess lady luck
has got the hots
for old duke devlin,

Like everyone else.

I mean, what is that,
summonings in a row?

huh? A chest?

This is an item summoning,

But more on that
a bit later.

Now roll!

ohh! No. Another miss!

You know, maybe we should
change your title

From the king of games
to the king of lame.

I mean, at this rate,
I'll have you beat

Even before before
you're on the board.

I knew that you weren't
the real deal, yugi.

Go, dice roll!

Yes! Another summoning.

Now I'll have a monster
right by your heart points.

Dimension the dice!

Check it out.
The thirteenth grave!

Ah ha ha
ha ha ha!

that thirteenth grave
is just squares away

From being able
to attack me!

I have
to summon a monster
and take him out!

Otherwise, I'll lose
a heart point for sure.

Come on! Let's go!
Our audience is waiting.

and soon,
they're gonna see you

For what you really are:

A loser, who could have
never truly beaten pegasus.

this is it.
No matter how high

The odds are stacked
against me,

I have to believe
it's possible to roll
summon crests here--

The same way I believed
in the heart of the cards!

Go, dice roll!

ha! Not a summon crest.

I got one!
Now if only...

There! I rolled
level summon crests.


Now I can finally
summon a monster

And defend
my heart points!

Dimension the dice!

The mighty mage.

And next, I'll access
my crest pool dice!

And use a movement crest
to move my mage
one space forward,

So he can launch
an attack against
the thirteenth grave!

Lightning staff!

Ya ha ha ha ha!

All right!

In your face!

Girls: boo!

Yugi: knowing this game
and all of its rules

May have given you
the advantage

In assembling your
creatures against me,

But now I have
a monster of my own.

Did you see
yugi's last move?

[All gasp]incredible!

He busted out
that level monster

Like he's played
dungeon dice monsters
for years.

Yug! Keep it up,

You're really
doin' great.

What do you think, teéa,

Is yugi in the clear now?

No, I don't think so.

Duke's dungeon path
is way more widespread
than yugi's,

And he's still
got more monsters
out on the board, too.

Yugi has
a long way to go
to win this game.

Congratulations on your
first monster, yugi.

Just more now,
and you'll have
as many as I do.

My turn now.

Go, dice roll!

Whoops, spoke too soon.
Make that more.


Dimension the dice!

I've unlocked
the blast lizard!

But don't be fooled
by his low-level status, yugi.

When played in just
the right way,

Blast lizard
has a special attack

That packs
a surprising punch.

special attack?

Sounds like
another rule

That duke
forgot to mention.

I'll have
to be on my guard.

My roll now.

oh, cool! Some
low-level dice.

I knew
I had at least
a few of these.

It should be easier
to summon now.

Go dice roll!

all right!

Dimension the dice!

The winged dragon,
of the fortress!

Now you have
monsters of mine

To contend with,

Hmm. Not for long, yugi.
It's my turn.

Go, dice roll!

You failed
to summon anything.

Hmm. Whoever said
I was trying to summon
a monster on this roll?


Boy, are you dense.

Remember what I said
about playing my blast lizard

In just the right way?

So then, you were rolling
for his special attack?

That's kinda right, yugi.

The blast lizard's
special attack

Requires magic crests.

I already had
in my crest pool,

So I needed to roll
more, which I did.

So now I'll use
a movement crest

To position
my blast lizard,

And next,
use my magic crests

To have him attack you.


Aah! Unh.

That's too bad.
You worked so hard

To summon that
winged dragon, too.

Girls: yay!

We love you,

Don't give up.

You can beat him,

It's my turn.
Go, dice roll!

Not one summoning
crest die.

It's my turn.
Go, dice roll!

Look, another summoning,

And with level dice
as well.

Dimension the dice!

Dark assailant!


And now, I'll dip into
my crest pool again

And close in on
your heart points.

By using movement crests,

I put blast lizard
and gator dragon

Within striking distance
of your hearts.


Go ahead, take your turn.

Nothing you roll
is going to help you
get out of this mess.


I mean, I don't even think

That I'd be able to find
a way to pull it off,

And I'm the one
who invented the game.

You're its inventor?

I knew you were
its champion, but--

I'm both, and everyone
in the entire world
should know it!


I should be known
as the second greatest
game creator

In all of the world
by now, yugi!

But I'm not, and it's all
because of your cheating ways!

That's the only way
you could have beaten

A great man
like pegasus!

He has twice the skills
you have!

You ruined my life
on that day, yugi.

The defeat that
you handed pegasus

Changed everything for me.

But how?

Devlin: I dedicated my life

To creating
dungeon dice monsters.

I spent
all of my free time

Perfecting its game play
and fine tuning its rules,

And when I was finished,
it was clear

That I had created something
truly remarkable.

I decided I had to send it
to the only man

Who could possibly
appreciate it--pegasus.

A couple of days passed.
I didn't hear anything
from that great game master

Until I got
this crazy e-mail.

He said
he'd read my proposal.

I couldn't
believe my eyes.

E-mail for devlin boy.
E-mail for devlin boy.

He said he wanted
to fly me out

On his personal

So that we could
discuss the game in person.


The very next day,

I was brought
to pegasus' island:
duelist kingdom.

I could hardly
believe it!

All my hard work
was paying off!

I was gonna meet my idol:
maximillion pegasus!

When we met, pegasus
immediately challenged me

To a game of
dungeon dice monsters.

I expected him
to be good,

But he was

It was his first time
playing the game,

And he completely
overpowered me...

Me, the guy
who created it.

I was amazed
with his skills.


Looks like I win.

Whoa, you're good.

Well, devlin boy,

I must say this
dungeon dice monsters game

Is really something.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And together,
we'll see to it

That the whole world
does as well. Partners?

Oh, I'd be honored,
mr. Pegasus.

Devlin: and with that,
the deal was sealed.

He told me we'd draw up
the official contract

After he'd finished
hosting a dueling tournament

That was about to take place
on his island--

The tournament that you
were headed to, yugi--

And ever since
you beat him there,

I haven't been able
to contact him at all.

Everything that I worked for
was shattered that day,

And it's all your fault!

You don't know
what kind of man
pegasus was at all!

He was a great man
until you came along

And broke his spirit
with your dirty cheating ways!

And now I'll get my revenge
by breaking you!


Now, yugi, I'll expose you
for what you really are--

A good-for-nothing cheater!

I've never cheated
at anything
in my entire life!

Please. You expect me
to believe

That someone like you
could defeat

A great game master
like maximillion pegasus?

You can't even hold your own
in dungeon dice monsters!

Just listen to me, devlin!


Your hero worship
of pegasus

Has completely
blinded you
to the truth!

No, I can see perfectly,
and I see a cheater

Who's about to be retired
from duel monsters forever!

Now roll, you fraud!

I will roll,
and I will defeat you!

There! I rolled
level summon crests!

That's another monster
for me.

Dimension the dice...

And unlock thunder ball!

Devlin: ha! Thunder ball.

Thunder ball may be
a third-level monster,

But his stats
really aren't that strong.

I'm afraid
he's not going to be

A lot of help
to you.

unless, that is,

Yugi uses thunder ball's
special attack.

Too bad
he doesn't know how.

My turn now.
Go, dice roll!

Yes! One attack
and movement crests!

I'll advance
my blast lizard
and gator dragon

Into attack position.

Look out, yug!

That gator dragon's
finally reached yugi!

Yug's heart points,
they're in range!


that's right, yugi.

My gator dragon is poised
to take your heart.

Oh. Ah.

And now, gator dragon,
attack him...

With swamp fire blast!


Téa: oh, no.

He wiped out
yugi's heart point
just like that.

Girls: we love duke!
He's so cute!

When he smiles, he--


Would you all shut up?

My friend's
in real trouble here!

I'll show you trouble!

Someone help me!

Ha ha ha ha!
Now you only have

Heart points, yugi!

But not for long.
'Cause my monsters
are already lined up

And ready
to take them out
in the next round.

This is bad.

Devlin: the whole world's
about to see you lose, yugi.

Then you'll be forced
to retire from duel monsters
in shame.

Pegasus will be avenged,
and you'll be exposed

As this sham that you are.

come on, yugi.

what can I do?

Duke's got more monsters,

More dungeon path,
and more heart points than me.

And he's in a position
to attack again.


How can I possibly win?

How can I beat duke
at his own game?
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