01x45 - "Legendary Heroes, Part 3" / "DM Quest 3: Master of Dragon Knight"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x45 - "Legendary Heroes, Part 3" / "DM Quest 3: Master of Dragon Knight"

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh.

Téa: yugi, you guys
better come back

From that virtual world fast,

Or you may not be able
to come back at all!

Mokuba: princess adena, do you
have any news of my brother?

I didn't want
to say anything before,

But every year at this time,

Offerings are collected
from this and another kingdom

So that the mythic dragon
can be resurrected.

The other kingdom has already
put up their offering,

Some stranger
from a distant land.

That's seto.

Please tell me
where he is!

He's in a dark castle
floating in the sky.

Long ago a hero escaped
that dreaded castle

On a flying machine.

It is said he hid his vessel

In sin lau
a thousand years ago.

Yugi: look, a castle
floating in the sky!

Joey: I've never seen so many
duel monsters at one time!

Mai: look out!

Adena: they've taken mokuba!
Please you must save him!

But how do we reach
the dark castle?

Look, guys, down there!

Adena: that symbol of
the legendary flying machine.

If the passage of time
corroded the flying machine,

Then turning back the clock
will make it as good as new.

Joey: the time wizard.
It can make things

Like they were
a thousand years ago.


something's happening!


♪ Your--your--your--your--
your move--your move! ♪

♪ Your move!

It's time
to d-d-duel!

Adena: oh, no.
Our brave heroes--

They were right
in the middle of that.




Adena: they did it!
Their magic worked.

They revived the ancient
flying machine.

Wow. We're flying!

I guess that time wizard
must have done the trick.


You did it!
Get off me.



Joey: whoa. Talk about
a bon voyage.

We're heroes!

So long,

hey, look who it is.

Earu. I guess this means
you want to come with us.

All right, then.
Kaiba, we're on our way!

I'm driving.
I called it. I'm driving.

Ok, let's go!

Come back safely!
Slay the dragon!

Joey: and we are off.

Good luck, heroes.
Good luck.

Man: I see an opening.

No, you don't.

We're getting in there,
you little thumb-suckers.

Just you wait!

No way. Our friends are
on a rescue mission,

And you're not
yanking them out of it.

Joey: uh, this is
your captain speaking.

If you direct
your attention

To the left side
of our aircraft,

You can see that freaky
floating castle, some clouds,

And what appears to be

A swarm of ferocious winged
monsters ready to devour us!

Hang on.

Here they come.

And I couldn't be
more ready.

Attack, harpie lady!


Attack, fierce knight!


Dark magician, attack!

All right. Our monsters
are kicking butt!


Something's hitting us!

And one of them wants
the earmeister!


Mai: yugi, look out!



Yugi: oh, no!



of revealing light!

Joey: that stopped
them monsters cold!

Ah. Ah. Ah.

Are you ok?

say something.

Ah. Ah. Ah.

No. She's been

I've had enough!


Yami yugi: yugioh!

All right, joey.
Charge ahead.

Oh, no! We've hit
the magical barrier!

Joey: well, if this ship
lives up to its legend,

Then we should be able
to pass right through it.

It worked!

We made it, guys!
We're totally home free!

We're almost to the castle
of dark illusions!

Not quite yet. Turn!

Mai: a salamandara!
Harpie, attack!

Aah! Aah!

Joey: nuts! We got hit.


Joey: she's falling apart.
Abandon ship!

Hang on! Winged guardian
of the fortress!

Joey: that was
quick thinking, yuge.


Close call.

Joey: kaiba, here we come!



Witty phantom:
wake up, kaiba.

You programmed me
to torment my captives,

Not let them sleep.

Kaiba: guess you weren't
my most inspired creation.

Heh heh heh.
Come now, kaiba.

Give yourself
some credit.

After all, just look
who I managed to snatch.

His disguise
didn't fool us.


Mokuba, what are
you doing here?

What do you think,
big brother?

I'm here to save you.

Please. You're
not in a position
to be saving anyone.

No, you're about
to join your brother

For a dip
in the lava pool
of atonement.

And once that ritual
is completed,

The mythic dragon
will be unleashed.

Aah! Swordstalker,
free my brother!

Seto, here!
Your deck!

little brother.

Wait, no!

Heh. Time for a trip

To the recycle bin,
phantom! Go!

Blue eyes
white dragon!


Blast that phantom!

Attack with
white lightning!



Come on, let's go.

Kaiba: armed ninjas--

Like the ones who took
my first blue eyes.

And it looks like
they want a second one.

Well, this time I'm ready.

Go trap master!


There, now that dragon
capture jar is destroyed

And the blue eyes
that was taken from me

Is back in my control.

So now I have --
and twice the firepower!

Now, mokuba,

Tell me how is it
you got here.

Don't be mad,

But I got yugi
and his friends to help.

You did what?

You know how I feel
about yugi moto.

But I didn't know
who else to turn to.

Anyone else.

Now, let's see if we
can escape this game.

Joey: what on earth?

A floating castle
with its own forest?

I think maybe kaiba

Ought to spend more
time in reality.

Yami yugi:
keep your guard up.

Mai: look!

of evolution.

But why are they

I don't think
that's them, joey.

Mai: it's a whole swarm
of k*ller needles!

Not a problem.
Attack, fierce knight.

My knight!


This must be one
huge bug nest.



Stand strong.

Go, mirror force!

Mai: that fire--

It's disturbing the cocoons.
They're hatching!

And they're full
of more creatures!

Joey: oh, man, no way
we're gonna be able

To take down
all of them great moths.

No. It can be done,

With these!

A kuriboh?
On a catapult!

Not just a kuriboh--
but a team of them.

Get ready
for some fireworks!

Go, multiply!

Joey: oh, yeah.

Kuribohs self-destruct
on contact with enemy monsters.

Those moths are done for.


Big one: it's time we terminate
this rescue mission

And take this game
to its final level.

Joey: wow. From creepy forest
to creepy cavern.

And still no trace
of kaiba and mokuba.

Whoa, you guys
hear that?

There it is again!

definitely up there.


A blue eyes!

Joey: kaiba, mokuba,
you're ok!

What a relief!

We've been
all worried.

Joey, you look like

An overgrown monkey
in that outfit.

Overgrown monkey?
That's the thanks

I get for coming
to rescue--huh?

Big one, chuckling:
congratulations, gamers.

You've made it
to the final level.

Hmm. Correction,
you slime ball.

We've beaten the game.

Big one: oh, is that what
you think, seto kaiba?

That's right.
I escaped the lava pool.

Therefore the mythic
dragon wasn't summoned.

That means
this game is over.

Big three, chuckling:
it will be game over, all right.

But for you, not us.

No way.

What is this?

Kaiba: they've
rewritten the program.

They're summoning
the mythic dragon themselves!


Joey: oh, man.

All right, everyone.
Stay close.

We'll win together,
or together we'll fall.

Joey: man, have I had it

With this
virtual reality stuff.

Rescuing kaiba
was one thing,

But now we gotta deal with
this mythic dragon, too?

I'm really starting
to miss my body.

Suck it up!

There's only one way
we can get out of this game.

I agree.

We have to take
this dragon down.

All: let's go.

Mai: me first.

And I call out
the harpie lady sisters!

What's happened?

Big one, chuckling:
just another bit

Of reprogramming
that we did.

Big three: we call it
the dragon's seal,

And it makes this lair
a sacred place

Where only dragon class monsters
are allowed to attack.

Every other monster type
is useless.


You dare challenge me
to a battle of dragons?

You five should all know
better than that.

I call the blue eyes
white dragon!


Only dragons, huh?

Go, red eyes!

Harpie's pet dragon!

And I summon,
curse of dragon!

Yami yugi: your mythic dragon

Will not stand against
all we have set against it.

All: attack!




None of our att*cks
even got through.

You're right.

Those blasts must have
canceled each other out

When they all collided.

Big one: so they did.

But one of your team
has no dragon

With which
to attack or defend.

Isn't that right, mokuba?

No, you wouldn't!



Block it, red eyes!

All: ah.

Mai: joey had
his red eyes take the hit,

But that means--


No, joey!


Yugi. So long.

I'm done for.

Don't say that.

Stay with us,

You can't go.

Heh heh heh.

We've lost him.

He's left us.

You creeps! What kind
of sick, twisted game

Have you turned this

Game? Ha ha ha ha.

This ceased to be
a game long ago.

We need a new tactic.

Yes. With our dragons
alone we won't win this.

But I think I know
how we can.

What do you mean?

As strong as that
mythic dragon might be,

There's one creature
that can beat it.


Black luster soldier,
I summon you

By sacrificing the power
of my dark knight

And my curse of dragon!

Ha ha ha ha.

Weren't you listening
to what we just said?

Your black luster soldier
is not a dragon.

Therefore he can't attack!

But on the other hand,
we can still attack him.

No, you can't.

My pet dragon
will stop you.


Big one:
then you'll pay the price.

Mai! Alone her dragon
couldn't stand against it,

Which means...


Yugi, it looks like
I'm not gonna be around

To see how this whole
thing turns out.

I tried my best.

Guess now it's--
it's up to you.

Mai. With all my might,
I will avenge you.

You and joey.

Now, kaiba, this may be
our one chance.

We have to work as a team.

No way. You don't even
know what you're doing.

You just have to
trust me, kaiba!

I don't have to do
anything, yugi.

I can win this battle
in my own way.

Big one:
you'll win nothing.

Two of your group
are already gone.

And now we'll make it !


Kaiba, call your
ultimate dragon!


Seto, it's not your dragon
he's attacking, it's you!

No! Mokuba!


No. No!


Yami yugi: kaiba,
your brother's sacrifice

Doesn't have to be
for nothing.

We can still win this,
but we need to work together.

I have a plan
to defeat this beast.

Listen, you have to trust me,

For it's the only way
we can avenge our friends.

Now have faith and bring out
your ultimate beast.

All right, then.

Come out, blue eyes
ultimate dragon!

I hope you know what
you're doing, yugi.


Names mean nothing.

Though that dragon
is powerful,

Ours is
the ultimate one.

For now, maybe.

But once he has combined
himself with another,

You dragon's reign
will be through.

According to legend,
when heroes are united,

They will create
a power strong enough

To destroy
the mythic dragon.

We will fulfill
that prophesy now!

Go, polymerization!
Go, soldier!

Go ultimate dragon!


Mythic dragon,
obliterate them!

Nothing happened.

Yami yugi:
oh, something has happened.

Behold the supreme
dragon master knight!

Now see his awesome powers!

Big three: what's going on?

Those dragons were sent
to the graveyard.

How could they be back!

Big four: look,
something's even happening

To our mythic dragon!

Yami yugi: the dragon master
knight gains the attack power

Of every dragon ever
played on the field,

Including ones that were
already destroyed.

Now, in the memory of
joey, mai, mokuba,

We will topple your beast!


Attack dragon master knight!

Dragon sabre blast!



[Both shouting]

[People cheering]

Huh? What's this?

Where are we?

Man: our heroes, you did it!
You slayed the dragon!

Adena: our heroes!

What you've done
will keep my people

And our land safe
forever more.

We're not the ones that
you should be cheering.

There shouldn't even
be any cheering.

I lost my brother
in there.

Fear not. The losses
you've suffered

Are too great for
any hero to bear,

No matter
how strong they are.




The princess is actually
the mystical elf.

She's casting a spell to
bring back our friends!



They're back!


Ah, man. What just
happened to us?

Big brother!

[Crowd cheering]

All: huh?

The exit portal.
Let's go, mokuba.

Hey, hold it a sec,

Don't you think
the very least
you could do

Is say thank you
or something?

I never asked for your help,

And as far as I'm concerned,
I never needed it.

Ah, come on.

Yugi, you on the other hand,

I will offer some gratitude.


We made a good team,
you and i.

But don't think it means

We'll be partnering up
in true reality.

Very well.

But despite whatever
grudge you may still hold

Against me and the others,

Perhaps you can at least
begin to stop looking at us

As just adversaries
and more as friends.

Come on, mokuba.

I'm coming.

He's a pretty
cheery guy, huh?

Adena: thank you,
our heroes.

Your brave deeds
will always be
remembered here.

And we will always
remember all of you.

See ya!

We're in!
Oh no!

Bring it on!

Huh? What?

Hey, joey!

Yugi! Joey!
You're all back!

Yugi: and so's kaiba!

He's probably getting out
of his pod right now.

No, he can't be.

And without you guys
to guard your bosses,

I'd say he's about
to kick some butt.

Hey, he's right.
We gotta get back.

We did it!

Bunch of wimps!


All: huh?

It's mai!

Joey: she was here
all along.

In the flesh.
Is everything cool?

sure looks that way.

'Cause of you--
all of you. So thanks.

Oh, stop.

Now go on and get
out of here already.

Your brother probably
can't wait to see you.

Mokuba: ok. Thanks again,
you guys. Bye!

All: bye, mokuba!

Joey: yeah, bye.
Now where's the john?

I had like sodas before
we got in those pods.
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