01x39 - "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 5" / "Fusion of Light and Darkness – Black Chaos Descends"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x39 - "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 5" / "Fusion of Light and Darkness – Black Chaos Descends"

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami yugi: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Pegasus: you'll find
your experience
in the shadow realm

This time around
will be a lot harder
than your last.

The strain
of maintaining
your mind shuffle

Will make it
more difficult

For you to mentally
conjure up your monsters.

hey, he's right,
I feel weak.

Yami yugi, thinking:
I'll take over, yugi.

Let's finish
our duel now.

For my next
brilliant move:

The incredible

Yami yugi: no,
my dark magician.

Yugi, thinking: we
have to mind shuffle
again long enough

For me to play
a card and retreat

Before pegasus
can read my mind.

Whatever the risk,
I have to take it.

I've--i've got
to play fast,

Because the next
card I pull might
be my last!

[Thinking] if I
try to read his mind,

They'll just
switch again,

So instead
I'll overtax it.

Relinquished, attack!

Yami yugi:


Feel that?

Something happened
to yugi just now.

Yami yugi:
I can't sense
his spirit.

No! He--he
can't be gone.

You will pay
for what you did!

Your time's run out.

Jigen bakudan!

In just turns,
it will explode

And destroy my
beloved relinquished.

The expl*si*n will wipe
out the dark magician,
ending the game.

[Echoing in]
♪ your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ your move

♪ yu-gi-oh

♪ It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel! ♪

Téa: this is awful!

When that bubble
first appeared,

Even though I
couldn't see yugi,

I could still somehow
sense him.

But now--
I know.

It's like
we've been cut
off from him.

or maybe--maybe he's
been cut off from us!

Yami yugi: that bakudan
detonator pegasus set

Is due to go off
in just more turns.


But with yugi gone
from this world, he can
no longer help me

Keep pegasus
from reading minds.

Grandpa: yugi is
still with you.

You must be--

Yugi's grandpa.

And, believe me,
his heart is
still in this.

But--but how
can that be?

I thought he was--

You thought only what
your eyes showed you.

The unshakable devotion
of yugi's friends keeps
his spirit alive.

His friends?

Of course. They haven't
given up on him.

Téa: there's got
to be something
we can do.

We can't
lose him.

Hey! I've got
an idea.

Both: huh?yugi reached
out to us,

So we have to
try reaching out

To him in
the same way.both: huh?

the friendship
pact we made?


I sure do.

We said we'd always be
there for each other.

Right. Well, if
we concentrate

Our energies
and try

To reach him
with all
our might--

Then maybe our bond
of friendship can get

Through to him even
in the shadow realm.

Let's give
it a try.

Ok, together now!

Think hard!
We can do this.
I know we can.

Come on, yuge!

All of us are
here for ya!

we believe
in you.

And even though
we might not be able

To see just what's
going on in there,

We'll help you stop
pegasus' cheating

And get you
back here safely.

Here's my move!


Then let's
take a look.

[Thinking and chuckling]
ah! Trying to conceal
your card, eh?

Fool, there's nothing
you can hide from me

Since you lost your
mind-shuffling partner.

Oh, no!


My millennium eye,
it's being blocked.

This can't be!

My millennium powers
are totally unstoppable.

I should be able
to scan your every
thought and strategy.

I should be able to
see each and every
card in your deck.

Not anymore,

Not so long as
we're here helping
our buddy out.

Get out of his mind
and stay out.


Thank you!

Together we can stand
strong against him.


you just don't
get it.

You think
your eye makes all
the difference.

But you're wrong.
Friends do.

That's right!
And thanks to them,

I can save my magician
from the blast of
your bakudan detonator.

You cannot. My detonator
will win this duel for me

Despite your pathetic
little friends!

Wrong! Because now
that these friends
are working with me

On a whole new level,
this is a whole
new game!


Now, prepare
yourself, pegasus.

Because with
yugi's friends
preventing you

From seeing
the cards I pull,

You'll just have
to take them
as they come.

And for this turn,
they don't come

Any better
than this.

Go, mystic box!

[Thinking] mystic box! I could
have countered that if I had

Been able to see
it coming. Ugh!

The magic of
the mystic box

Frees my magician
and puts

Your bakudan
in his place.

No, now its blast
will only destroy

No fair!


I pass. There's
nothing I can do.


Very well.

My move, then.




Go, brain control!

No, then
will be--


Under my control
for one whole turn.

How does it feel,

To have
the tables turned

And the magical
powers of
mind control

Used against you?

[Clock ticking]



Go ahead and take
relinquished, you fool.

That detonator
you attached to him is
set to go off this turn.

It'll blast your magician
and deplete your life points.

You're wrong,

I still have
one more card out,

The card that took

The last bit
of yugi's courage
to play.

And now it's time
to find out
what it is!

It's a ritual card!

Dark magic ritual.

And to invoke
its great powers,

I must make
a double offering,

So I offer your
jigen bakudan

And the dark

no, bakudan's
been sacrificed

Before it could detonate.

But what has he
created in its place?

The offering
has been accepted.

A new power is
brought forth!

Now, pegasus!

Behold! The magician
of black chaos!

no! Not him!
Not him!

You may have

In putting yugi
out of commission,

But not before his
final courageous act

Set the stage
for the greatest

In all of
duel monsters!

And with
the magician
of black chaos,

I will avenge
my fallen friend.

Face it, pegasus.

You're through.

No card in your deck
can save you now!

Yugi's last act
of courage
will finish you!

as powerful as
that creature may be,

It matters not!

For in one turn,
that brain control
card will expire,

And I will regain
command over relinquished.

The power to absorb
and assimilate monsters
will be mine again!

And with it,
I'll steal that magician
of black chaos

And his powers!

Instead of being
this fool's deliverance,
he'll be his undoing!


[Aloud] you know,
I think you're right
about that chaos mage!

I think he will
bring about the end
of this match.

And a lot sooner
than you may think!

We'll see!

We will, indeed!

give it your best shot.

Now, to complete
my strategy,
I play this.


And also one
monster card
in defensive mode.

That ends my turn.

[Thinking] hmm.
Cards facedown. Clever boy.

He knows that when
relinquished is back
under my control,

I'll have the power
to assimilate his monsters!

Those cards he threw
must be part

Of a strategy
to try and stop me.

It's my turn now.

And the effects
of your turn are over.

Now, your brain control spell
has expired, and relinquished

Is back where he belongs:
with his daddy. [Snickers]

And even with your mystery
cards out on the field,

I think you'll find that
he's just as effective as ever.


[Thinking] that is, after I
make a small addition to him

And create the most sinister
beast my deck can produce!

Then I'll crush this fool
and make him regret
ever trifling with my powers.

If you think
you have relinquished
all figured out...

Think again.
Because I'm using
my polymerization card

To fuse him
with thousand eyes idol!

Now prepare yourself for
the ultimate merged monster!

Oh, yes!

Behold my beauty!

With the thousand eyes idol
and relinquished fused together,

I've created the one, the only:
the thousand eyes restrict!

He's quite
a looker, eh?


If you think he's
a real stunner now,

Well, just wait until all
, of his eyes open up!

Then I think you'll find
that he's much more

Than just a pretty face!

Téa: keep it up,
guys. We have to
stay strong for yugi!

Tristan: we're not letting up,
téa, not until he's home safe.

come on, yuge.

I know
you can do this.
We're with you, pal.

[Thinking] we won't
give up on you, yugi.
We're in this together.

[Thinking] yugi,
we believe in you,
like we always have.

We believe in you
with all our hearts.

[Pegasus chuckles]
the end is truly in sight,
wouldn't you say?

Grr. Not with
my chaos mage
protecting me!

[Chuckles] oh, I think
you'll find that once

All eyes are on your
magician of black chaos,

He won't even be able
to protect himself!

Oh, trust me. You'll see
what I mean very shortly.

[Thinking] hmm...

Soon, every eyeball
on my thousand eyes restrict
will open up,

And all the monsters
yugi has on the field

Will be paralyzed,
unable to attack or defend.

Then nothing will stop me
from assimilating

That chaos mage
and winning this duel
once and for all!

Yami yugi:
I may not know what
pegasus is planning

To do with that
monstrosity of his,

But whatever
it may be, I can't
let it happen,

Not after
the tremendous act
of bravery yugi made

To give us
a fighting chance
against pegasus.

[Thinking] we both
have to trust in
the heart of the cards.

[Groaning] this next
card that I pull
might be my last!

Please, make it one
that can defeat pegasus!


[Thinking] yugi
risked everything to
give me this chance.

I can't let his
last heroic effort
be in vain.


Pegasus, you can
do your worst,

But this duel
will be won

By the card yugi
picked in his final
act of courage.


We'll see about that!

Thousand eyes restrict,
time to open your peepers!

Yami: chaos mage!
Prepare yourself.
Try to hold him off.

There is nothing you can do
to hold this attack off.

For, now I unleash
the thousand eyes spell!

My chaos mage!

[Chuckles] is trapped
by the mystic gaze
of my ultimate beast!

And don't think
you can rescue him.

There's no escape
from the mesmerizing eyes

Whose gaze blankets
your field.

Even the monsters
you've hidden from me
have become paralyzed!

You haven't won yet.

Don't be a fool! In just
a matter of moments,

My thousand eyes restrict will
assimilate your chaos mage,

Absorb his magical powers,
and finish you off

With one thunderous blast!
There's nothing you can do.


Accept it.
It's all over.

Yugi's last card
has failed you both!

His millennium puzzle
will soon be mine!

Chaos mage,
come to me.

Absorption force!

Just the play
I was waiting for!

[Laughs] in mere moments,
your magician of black chaos

Will be assimilated,
and all his powers
will be mine!

Yami yugi: wrong!huh?

What's happening?

You were right
about your thousand
eyes spell.

It did affect all
my hidden monsters,

my kuriboh.

And it paralyzed
him along with
my chaos mage!

No, this can't be!

Yes. And I activated
my other down card,

One kuriboh
is becoming many.

[Echoing howl]

[Thinking] those
disgusting fuzz balls!

They're spreading
like wildfire!

And because
it's too late
to call back

The absorption
force spell that
you just cast,

Your thousand
eyes restrict
has no choice

But to assimilate
them all.
If it can!

[Thinking] no!

Those furry freaks have
covered him from head to toe!

There must be
a thousand of them!

[Chuckles] tens of
thousands, pegasus!

And because
of the way
the kuribohs attack,

You're about
to see just
as many explosions!



On contact
with the enemy.



Curse you, yugi moto,
you and your kuribohs!

Of course, kuriboh
was my monster,

So I do lose
life points.

But still, that's
a small price to pay

For crippling
that giant eyesore!

No! [Thinking] my
thousand eyes restrict!
He's blind!

And now that
your monster's

Transfixing gaze
has been broken,

My chaos mage
is free,

And you, pegasus,
are through!


Attack, magician,

With chaos
scepter blast!

Your thousand eyes
restrict has been...

Oh, no-o!


All: huh?

Hey, do you guys
feel what I feel?

Tristan: totally!
It feels like yugi!
Like he's ok!

Téa: yeah, yeah!
I feel it, too!
I think he's back!

Yugi: pegasus,
you're finished.
We've won!

Pegasus, thinking:
no! How can this be?

[Gasps] impossible.

My eye, my magic,
it all failed me.

Cecilia, my love,
I'm sorry.

I've lost!

Hmm. [Sighs]

Spirit of
the puzzle,

I don't know
how to thank you.

It was your courage
and the love

Your friends had for you
that prevailed this day.

And your


We all did it!
Huah! Together!

That's right.
As friends.

And in the end,
that's what
it came down to.

Friends being there
for one another.

Joey: hey!
It's clearing up!

Tristan: yeah.
And I think I can
see something!

Joey: me, too!

Ya think it's...

it is! It's him!

All: yugi!


You guys! Thanks!

Aw, man, yuge!
You did it!
You really did it!

You really finally
did it! Uhh!

What joey is trying
to say is that
it's really great

You and your
grandpa are going
to be reunited.

Yeah, for sure.
But also, yuge--

Also, we wanted to say
how impressed we are

With you for being
so brave and all.

Yeah, impressed,
and we're--

And we're proud
of you, too.

Aargh! You guys
are stealin'

Everything I was
gonna say! Aah!

So then, talk!

Ah, forget it.

Who cares?
He won!

Yugi won!
Hey, hey!

Tristan: go, yugi!all: yeah!

We all won.
Thanks, guys.

Let's not forget.

This isn't over
until pegasus

Releases everyone's
souls just like
he promised.

téa's right.

So then, let's go
grab the creep.




Yugi: he's gone!

Why am I not
by this?

Slippery double-crossin' snake!
Let's go find him!

But we can't
just leave

Mokuba and bakura
here all alone.

hey! Up here!

All: huh?

Hello! Hey!

Yugi: bakura!

Hey, there!
Feelin' back to normal?

What? Back to normal?

Have I not been
normal, tristan?

He must not be able
to remember anything.

Yeah, that weird ring
you wear around your neck

Was makin' you act
like a real freak again!

Freak? Oh, my.

His millennium ring?

Where is it now?

Gone. I chucked that thing
as far away as I could.

Bakura: oh, well.[All gasp]

If it was making me
act weird,

Then I guess it was
for the best.

But it appears
I'm fine now.

All: hmm.

Well, if you're ok,
could you watch
mokuba for us?

Sure. I suppose.

Good. Then let's
go and find that
creep pegasus.


After all, he
made a promise

To free those
souls, and he's
gonna keep it!

[Thinking] if pegasus
restores mokuba's soul,

His body will be
useless to me.

But it matters not,
because now that pegasus

Is weakened by his duel
with yugi,

He's given me
the opportunity
I've been waiting for.

The time has finally come

For me to add
pegasus' millennium item
to my collection.

Heh heh heh.
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