01x32 - "Keith's Machinations, Part 2" / "Travel Through Time! Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x32 - "Keith's Machinations, Part 2" / "Travel Through Time! Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon"

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on yu-gi-oh...

Tournament verification
cards, gentlemen.

No problem.

I got it right here.

[Thinking] impossible!

I'musing his card!

The duel will proceed
as scheduled.

Both: let's duel!

Go pendulum machine!

A machine monster!

Soul spear, attack!

My attack's
not working!

That's why he played
a machine card.

They can
withstand att*cks

From any card
that uses magic.

Joey: axe raider
in defense mode!

Metal zoa,
attack the axe raider!

You fell right
in my trap.

You set a trap for me?

I think joey
might have finally
found the glitch

In those
machine monsters.

Unh! I'm not gonna let him
make a fool out of me!

What's wrong,
mr. Champ?

Don't tell me you're
losin' your cool

To an amateur
like me.

The joke is on you,

You're already countin'
the tournament's
prize money,

And this duel
ain't even close
to bein' over yet.

Captioning made possible by
wb networks and the u.s.
Department of education

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Tristan: man,
this has gotta be

The closest match
I've ever seen.

Me, too!

With just life points
separating their scores,

It's anyone's game.

Don't let up
now, joey!

It all comes down
to these next
few turns.

Tristan: your sister's
countin' on ya!

Make her proud!

No prob.


[Thinking] this duel

Has turned into
quite the nail-biter.

Joey, a virtual unknown,
going card for card

With the intercontinental

I wonder what it is
that fuels these
splendid performances.

Perhaps my millennium eye
will show me the answer.

Ah, yes, of course.

Keith has been wading
in a pool of misery

Ever since that defeat
I handed him.

Now he's seeking
his revenge.

As for joey...

Téa: these markings
are a symbol

Of our friendship

And how we'll
always be there
for one another.

Pegasus: and a sister?


Pegasus: my, my.

So while one is driven by
bitter vengeance,

The other is motivated
by love and trust.

Why, it's practically
a battle of good vs. Evil!

Heh heh heh heh.
How amusing.

Heh heh heh heh.

Come on! Let's get on
with this match, ya dweeb!

I got plenty more machine
monsters all revved up

And ready to totally
steamroll your life points.

Heh heh heh.

Yeah, you ain't nothin'
but a speed bump

On my way to duel pegasus,

And that goes double

For that dweeby friend
of yours, yugi.

Yeah, right, keith.

What'd you say?

I got news
for you, pal.

Even if you beat me,

Which you won't,

Yugi'd cream ya,

And you know why,

'Cause you're
a selfish sleazeball

Who's only
in this tournament

For your own
greedy reasons.

Say what?! Grr.

People like you
never win.

Sure, your tricks
may get you
a little ways,

But only until
people with good
intentions show up

Like me
and like yugi, too.

Oh, yeah? We'll
just see about that.

One card facedown,
and I'll attack
with this!

My barrel dragon
is gonna blast you

And your good
intentions to dust.


See, with its triple attack
laser discharge system,

It has att*cks,
not just one!

I can clear all your
monsters from the field
in just one turn.

Wha-- att*cks?

That's right.
You're going down.

So say adios
to your buddies
on the field.

Heh heh heh heh!

[Laser whirring]

Go proton blast!

Oh! That thing
totaled them both!

That's what
a -point attack
will do for ya.

Face it. This is the end
of the line for you.

No monster you got

Is gonna be able
to withstand this
kind of firepower!

No wonder keith was
acting so confidently.

Just look
at that thing!

Joey really
has his work

Cut out
for him now.

Are ya done yet, keith?

'Cause I already
figured out

How to beat your
little toy blaster.

Meet the master of
the past and future.

augh, the time wizard.

All right!
That could work!

Yeah, if that time roulette
lands right,

That machine monster
will age and corrode.

And I'm not done,

I'm throwin'
this baby down, too.

Baby dragon,
that is!

Now you got things
to worry about, keith.

That blaster
of yours rusting up

And this little guy
growin' up.

Let's do it!

Go time roulette!

Of course, if that
time roulette lands wrong,

Then joey will have
something to worry about.

His time wizard
will be destroyed,

And he'll be at the mercy
of keith's blaster.

It's in fate's
hands now.

Come on, joey!

we're with ya, bud.

[Thinking] come on,
time wizard!

I really need ya
to come through
for me here.



Téa: it's slowing down!

[Thinking] don't
land on a skull.

Get there.



All right! Yeah!

Go time wizard!

Time wizard:
time is magic.

Tristan: check it out!

Time magic is causing
keith's dragon to rust up.

He's losing power.

Téa: while
joey's dragon
is gaining power

As it evolves.

Nice work, joey!

The stage
is set perfectly!

Now thousand dragon,
noxious nostril gust!

Heh heh! Got him!

That hunk of steel
is history.

Heh heh heh heh!

But history repeats itself,

Especially when you're
taking on a deck

That's stacked with all kinds
of different machine cards,

Like this trap,
for example!

A trap card?

Say hello to my
time traveling
time machine.

[Gasps] what's
in that chamber?

My time machine can travel
back in time one turn.

This can't be good.

So I can retrieve the monster
that you just destroyed.

Oh, it's his barrel
dragon again.

It's back,
and it looks

All of its
point totals

Have gone back
to full power.

Go proton blast!


He's gone.
My dragon's gone.

And he's gonna
stay gone, too.

That is, unless you have
a time machine trap set up
to bring him back,

But then he'd be coming
back a baby dragon,
wouldn't he?

Joey: heh? What are ya
talking about?

Oh, right! Because
the time machine

Brings back
your monster

The way it was
one turn before.

And since
keith's monster
didn't rust over

Until this turn,

It came back the way
it was last turn...

Unfazed by
joey's time wizard.

Punk, I knew you
were gonna use

That dweeby little
time wizard

To try and rust up
my dragon.

You forget! I saw
every card in your deck

When you dueled bonz!

Grr. Duels are more
than just about
the cards you use.

Yeah, they're about
backbone, too,

And judging from
the look on your face

When my dragon came back
through time,

I'd say you don't
even have one!

Now make your move!

I'll throw a monster
in defense mode,
and that's it.

That's it is right

'Cause my machines
are gonna keep on comin'!

Go slot machine!

Attack mode!

Now your turn, dragon.

Blast that defense card
to kingdom come.

Proton blast!

hmm. I could throw
a monster out

And destroy keith's
slot machine,

But then he'd
just turn around

And destroy
whatever card I play
with that dragon.

Even my strongest
card of all,

The red eyes black
dragon wouldn't
stand a chance.

Poor joey.

He's in a tough bind.

believe in your cards!

You need to trust them
if you're gonna
beat that thing.


I'm gonna lay
one card facedown


Throw the red eyes
black dragon

In attack mode!


And that'll do it
for me.

That red eyes dragon
may be the best card

You got in your
entire deck, dweeb,

But he's still no match
for this kind of
blastin' power.

Heh heh heh heh!


Say bye-bye to your
prized possession.

Proton blast attack!

Not so fast.

What's that?

It's a little something
called copycat.

It lets me copy one card
that you've used,

And I'm choosin' to copy
magic metal force.

Now my red eyes
black dragon

Is a red eyes
black metal dragon!


And that makes him
strong enough

To withstand
your attack!


All right!
Now keith's dragon

Is the one
in trouble!

Joey: red eyes,
counter attack!

Flash, flare,



How do ya like
that, keith?

Your triple blast
dragon machine

Has been reduced
to a pile of smokin'
metal debris.

and with my sister's
sight on the line,

I plan on getting
even tougher on ya.

check it out!

Since keith's
dragon's gone,

Joey's metal
red eyes is
the toughest card

On the block.

Yugi: yeah, but don't
count keith out yet.

There must be
some reason

He played that
slot machine monster.

I knew you were
an amateur,

And now I'm gonna
show you how come.


Amateur? Um...

Didn't I just go
and blast your best
monster to bits?

That's right!
Keep talkin', tough guy!

I'm laying this card

And I'm switching
my slot machine monster
to defensive mode.

Joey, thinking:
boy, is keith
losin' it!

That slot machine
can't take a blast
from my red eyes

No matter
what mode he's in.

Guess he'll
have to learn
the hard way.

Bad move, chief.

First, I'll lay
this facedown,

And now, my red eyes
will attack!

Flash, flare, blast!

Man, you're as predictable
as you are brainless. Aah.

I'm playing the card
I had facedown.

Go completed!

Huh? How come
that middle slot

Just switched to a ?

He's still there?


That's 'cause
my completed card

Raises my slot's
defensive points...

To ,
to be exact,

And that's
more than enough
to deflect

Your red eyes
black dragon's
strongest attack.

Augh! And 'cause
my attack

Is lower than
its defense,

I lose
life points.

Man, this stinks!

That flash, flare,

Is the strongest
attack joey has,

And you know
what else I got?

More completed cards
in my deck,

Each able to power up
my slot's defense or attack
by points.

Yeah, well, just
'cause you have 'em

Doesn't mean you'll
draw 'em, keith.

Heh heh heh heh.

oh, I ain't too
worried about that.


Well, what do you know?

Check out what card
I just drew.

I think I'll go ahead
and take it for a spin.

This time,
for my attack power.

Aw, man.

If I don't do
something soon,

My life points
are gonna get
cleaned out.

Oh, no!

One more of those
completed cards,

And that slot will have
powered up enough

To destroy joey's
red eyes dragon.

And any other card
he has, too.

Next, I'm throwin'
this down.


Go blast sphere

And attach yourself
to joey's dragon.



Blast sphere?

That's right,

And once I end my turn,
it'll self-destruct,

Giving off points
of damage to your dragon.


oh, no!

And I thought
I just had
that slot machine

To worry about.


Ok, dweeb.
I'm endin' my turn now.

Your time's up.



Blammo! Ha!

Heh heh heh...

But that dragon should
be blown to bits!

This ain't right!

Oh, it's right,

Thanks to my handy
dragon nails card.

It made my red eyes
attack points

Of course! The blast
got deflected.

You dweeb! Now my
life points go down.

Joey: aw, you're
gonna make me cry.


I'll make you cry,
all right.

Just you wait.
Heh heh heh heh.

Well, looky what
I got here!

I think I'll power up
my slot's attack again!

Heh heh heh heh.

Well, would ya
look at that!

Heh heh heh heh.


Both their monsters

Have the same
attack points now.

And joey and keith have
almost the exact same amount

Of life points remaining,

Hmm, this next turn

Could decide
the whole match.

Joey, thinking:

The shield
and sword card.

Playing this would
swap all monsters'
defense points

With their
attack points,

But that'd only
help keith out.



Come on. No card
you play's gonna help.

Just end your turn!

hmm. Thanks!

Now I think
I'll go ahead

And end this duel.


It's all over for ya.

Thanks to this.

The pillager!

Joey: the what?

The pillager lets me

Look at your dueling hand
and steal one card from it.

So lay 'em down!

aw, man!



The shield
and sword card.


I think I'll take
this one.


Heh heh heh heh!

I told ya
you were through.

Go shield and sword!

Swap attack points
with defense points!


Now go slot machine!

Plasma laser cannon!

Unh! Activate trap!


Heh heh heh heh!

I win--
what? No way!


[Thinking] the dweeb
had a graverobber card?

And he used it
to bring back
my time machine trap!

Heh! You should have
paid more attention

To my last turn,

Then you'd have
seen the trap
I set for ya.

And since the time machine
can bring back a monster

From the previous turn,
then...that means...

My dragon's back.

And now his attack
is higher than
your defense.


Red eyes,
welcome back!

And since he's back
to how he was
one turn ago,

His attack is higher
than your defense.

So good luck
blocking this.

Go flash, flare,

No way!

He beat me!

He actually won!


Keith's rampage
for revenge

Was brought to a halt

By a novice dueling
for a loved one.

All: way to go! You did it!

Joey wheeler,
you are the victor!

Hey! All right!

Yeah, you lose!


Thanks, mai.

I won't forget
how you helped me.

This duel doesn't count!


Doesn't count?!

Keith just doesn't
know when to give up.

The entry card
that joey showed

To play in this match
wasn't even his!

Therefore, the duel
shouldn't count,

And he ought to be
disqualified right here!

He's right.

My card was missin',
so mai gave me hers.

But tell me, keith,
how could you
have known

That this
wasn't my card?

Huh? Uh...

I'm all ears.

So, why don't you
explain yourself?


he doesn't need to.

It's clear that keith
stole joey's card.

That's why he was
so certain

That you would
never be able
to find it.

Joey: you snake!
I knew it!

That big cheat!

Then keith ought to be
disqualified, not joey.

oh, keith ought to be
disqualified all right,

But not simply for misdeeds
outside of the dueling ring.

There was quite a bit
of improper conduct

Taking place
during the match
that I observed, too.


Is that so, keith?

Oh, yes.

Keith kept his set
of completed cards
beneath his wristband.

That way, he could
power up his slot
machine monster

Whenever he chose.

Man, keith!
That's low!

Take the scoundrel away.
Far away.

No! Let go!

Let me go!

Nobody makes a monkey
out of bandit keith!


[Pegasus clapping]

Well done, joseph.

You should be quite proud.
You dueled admirably.

Keith: hey!

Aah, keith!



You truly are
a stubborn one,

Aren't you?

Can it! You ain't talkin'
your way out of this one.

Now hand over
that prize money or else!

Oh, certainly, keith!

I'll do
whatever you say.

Just give my body
a moment to recover

From the complete

That your
terrifying demands
have shocked me into!

Ok, wise guy.

I'll give you till .

, , .

Whoa! Aaaaah!


Now, the finalists
for the next match

Will receive
a -minute recess.

So rest up.

Our host wants you
both in top form
for your duel.



I guess we can't put
this off any longer, bud.

This is it.

To save my grandpa,

I must duel
my best friend.
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