01x24 - "Face Off, Part 3" / "Multiplying Kuriboh! The Shocking Conclusion"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x24 - "Face Off, Part 3" / "Multiplying Kuriboh! The Shocking Conclusion"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously,
on yu-gi-oh.

Mokuba: aaaaaahhh!


You monster!

What have you
done to him?

What do you want?

Want? I want to see

If you're capable of
defeating little yugi
in a duel.

And only if you
successfully crush him
in a humiliating defeat

Will you get
the opportunity
to duel me.

Then, if you beat me,

I promise to restore
your brother's soul.

pegasus' castle.

Joey: right where
we're headin'.

'Cause yugi and I
both have enough chips

To get us
into the castle now.

Isn't that right,



[Thinking] it all
paid off for yugi.

Sometimes he seems
so gentle,

But when he duels,

It seems like
he's someone else.


Maybe there are yugis.

Tristan: look!

You're not gonna believe
who's blocking our way
into the castle.

It's kaiba!

I can't let you pass, yugi.

You and I are going
to have one final duel.

This is it, yugi.

Whoever wins
faces pegasus.

[Thinking] that crush card
kaiba used to infect my deck

Makes it so I can't use
any monsters with more
than , attack points.

Prepare yourself for
ultimate annihilation.

Now I create a duel monster
without peer...

With attack force so great

That no monster
can stand against him.


I create the blue-eyes
ultimate dragon!


That monster's
attack points
are off the charts.

[Thinking] everything rides
on this last card:

This duel,
this tournament,

My grandpa.

So draw your card
and face your fate.

Heart of the cards,

Guide me.

Let's finish this,

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

It doesn't matter
what card you play next,

You have nothing
that can withstand

The phenomenal
attack strength

Of my blue-eyes
ultimate dragon.

You might as well
give up.

Joey: that ultimate dragon
can wipe out

The rest of yugi's life points
with one breath.

Kaiba has the upper hand,
and he knows it.

He's just waiting
for yugi to back down.




Joey: I don't see how
yuge can pull this one out.


Ha ha ha ha!

I just drew the card
that will defend me

Against your blue-eyes
ultimate dragon.


Watch and learn.


This is it. Hunh!

The beginning
of your defeat.

In attack mode!



That's ridiculous.

In the entire game,

Kuriboh is
the weakest monster.

He's right.

What can yugi be thinking
playin' that little guy?

Heh heh.

Yugi, you're free to concede
and forfeit the match.

But come on...

Don't embarrass yourself

By playing that
runt of a monster.

You must know
that's the puniest monster

With the lowest
attack points

In all of duel monsters.

I've never known
a serious duelist

To even keep one
in their deck.

Yugi, don't insult
my intelligence

that miserable creature

Can defend against
the unbridled might of
my ultimate blue-eyes.

Kaiba, you're mistaken.

This card will
defend everything.


And before this duel's over,

Your dragon will fall!

My ultimate dragon?


Hurry up
and finish your turn

So I can knock the stuffing
out of your kuriboh

And win the game.

As you wish!

My last card will be
the magic card multiply!

Multiply works with monsters
with attack power below

And multiplies them

[All warbling]

More than you
bargained for,
eh, kaiba?

So, is this
some kind of a joke?

Heh heh! The joke's
on you, kaiba.

When you att*cked
you thought I only
had one defender,

But now I have many.

And I'm getting more
and more defenders
by the second.

No matter.

Have you forgotten
the incredible as*ault power

My dragon possesses?

It'll burn 'em
to a crisp.

Neutron blast!

So there!


But wait,
what's going on here?

My dragon's attack
had no effect on
your life points at all,

And those annoying creatures
continue to multiply.

That's right.

You can't take my
remaining life points
away, kaiba,

Until you wipe out
all the kuriboh.

But as quickly
as you destroy them,

They multiply
right back.


For each one I destroy,

Uhh, more
take its place.

That's right.

Kaiba, you may have created
the ultimate attack monster,

But I've created
the ultimate defense--

An ever-expanding army
of furry protectors.

They may not look
like much,

But they've
stopped your dragon
in its tracks.

That's just
the beginning.

For now I go
on the attack!

You've nothing
strong enough.

Watch me,

For I'm going to
show you the combo

That will bring
your dragon down.

Mammoth graveyard,

And the living arrow card.

What's a living arrow card?

Living arrow allows me
to use my other cards

In combination
not with my own cards

But with
my opponent's monsters.

I'll show you.

Normally, I make a fusion
with my cards,

But, for a new twist,

Living arrow lets me
fuse my cards with your cards,

Opening up
bold new possibilities.


Now what?

I can use the magical power
of the living arrow

To bond my mammoth graveyard
to the heart of your beast.


No, my dragon!

What have you done?

Since my mammoth graveyard
is an undead-type monster,

He can't properly fuse
with your living
ultimate dragon.

Instead, it causes
your monster to rot
and decay...

From the inside out.

Each turn,
your ultimate dragon
will lose attack points,

Until your creature
is no more.

Yugi: your so-called
ultimate dragon--

And your victory--

Is rotting away, kaiba.

It's only a matter
of time now.

And there's nothing
you can do to stop it.

There must be
something I can do

To save
my ultimate dragon.

My mammoth graveyard
has attack points
of , .

That means that
each turn that goes by,

He drains , points

From your ultimate dragon's
attack power.

Soon it will be weak enough
for me to destroy.

[Thinking] he's right.

My dragon's getting weaker
every turn,

And there's nothing in my deck
that can reverse it.

[Weak growl]

All right!
That single attack

Is bringing yugi
back from the brink.

Way to go, yugi.

Ha! You're the man.

Great move!

You've had it, kaiba.

You're never gonna win
this match.

that's just like yugi.

Even when things
are looking bad,

He always manages
to find a way

To overcome
his opponent.

[Thinking] never thought
I'd live to see the day

That kaiba was outfoxed.

That yugi punk is good.

There's just something
about him.

He's intense, that one.

It's like he wouldn't
let nothin' stop him
from winning.

Joey: so what do
you say now, kaiba?

Guess heads
aren't better than one.


Uhh, can't lose.

The fate of mokuba's soul
rides on this game.

Attack now,
ultimate dragon!

Neutron blast!


When will you learn?

The kuriboh multiply faster
than you can eliminate them

With your neutron blasts.



No. I will not,

Can not be defeated.

I'll draw one more card

And let my mammoth
finish my turn.

soon my ultimate dragon

Will be weak enough for
yugi to destroy outright.

I've got to keep trying.
It's my only hope.

Go, ultimate dragon!

Neutron blast!


Once again your attack
has failed, kaiba.

My defense holds.

And you have
no other strategy
to use against me.

Your time
is running out.

You should never have
challenged me, kaiba.

You see?

My mammoth takes
another , points
from your dragon.

Even my weakest monsters
can destroy it now.

I can't believe it!
I've failed.

I've failed my brother.

I've failed mokuba.

His soul will be


Mokuba: seto!


Help, seto!

Please help me.

Brother, please!

You promised!
You promised to help me!




Seto, hurry!

I'm coming!
I'll help you!

Don't let me down!
Help me!

Big brother, aaah!


Uhh! Ohh!

You're rotten
to the core, kaiba,

Just like
that dragon.


It's all your fault.


Why, seto?

Why didn't you
help him?

You promised
you'd always
be there for him.

You promised him,
seto kaiba!

You promised!

Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!



[Weak growl]

[Thinking] kaiba
hasn't said a word.

It's like
he's in another world.

What's with kaiba?

He's just standing there,
completely spacing out.

Maybe it's finally
sunk in he's lost.

True. In just a minute
it will all be over.

But it's almost sad
to see a player
of his caliber

Take losing so hard.


[Thinking] looks like there's
gonna be a new champ.

[Weak roar]


[Thinking] it doesn't matter
what card I draw now.

Any monster can defeat
his weakened dragon.

Celtic guardian.


This is it, kaiba!

Prepare to meet
your demise!

Celtic guardian,

Attack ultimate dragon!


Both: all right!

[Thinking] this is so cool.

Once yugi defeats kaiba,

He'll be able to
rescue his grandfather.

Joey: hey,
the ultimate dragon's
still standing.

What's up with that?

Bakura: that's because

The ultimate dragon is
a fusion of blue-eyes.

Each of its heads has
its own attack power.

Celtic guardian
took out one of them,

And kaiba lost
the points difference

In their attack strength.

But when the celtic guardian

Takes out another
weakened head next turn,

That will wipe kaiba out
and win the match.

Joey: you mean...
Kaiba's toast.


It can't end this way.

If I don't defeat you
in this duel,

Pegasus will keep
mokuba prisoner...


I can't let that happen.

And even though
I don't have a card

That can keep you
from attacking,

I think I still
have a strategy

That will stop you
in your tracks.

What do you mean?

I'm going to
force your hand

And win this battle,

Joey: looks more like
he's retreating to me.

Is this a trick?

What's he up to?



Stop this!

Joey: what's kaiba
up to now?

Does he think
this cheap stunt's

Gonna keep yugi
from winning the match

And saving his grandpa?

Kaiba: you're move,

You can attack
my blue-eyes again

And wipe out my
remaining life points,

But if you do,
the resulting shock waves

Might cause me
to lose my balance.

Don't tempt me!

My fate is completely
in your hands, yugi.

You'll decide this duel,
one way or another.

Of course,
if you don't surrender,

I might be hurt.

You wouldn't want that,
would you?

Stop it, kaiba!

You know
this is dangerous!

Ah, kaiba's bluffing.

Come on,
drop this cheap ploy

And get down
from that ledge
and play fair!

You know that yugi
doesn't wanna hurt you.

Heh heh heh heh.

He knows.

He's counting on yugi
to surrender.

Hmm? But he can't
do that.

If he loses
to kaiba,

He won't get
into the castle.

Ha ha ha ha!

Looks like
kaiba'll do anything
to come out ahead,

Just like me.

Yugi: I'm warning you,

Don't push me too far.

I must win to rescue
my grandfather.

And I must win this duel
to rescue mokuba.

The difference is,
I'm willing to risk
anything to do it.

You know, I can stand
up here all day, yugi.

And I'm certain
you won't make any attack

For fear that you might
knock me off.

Even though you know
by not attacking,

You give up
the only chance you have
to save your grandpa.


Which means I have
the advantage over you.

For in my case,

There's nothing
holding me back.

Ah, a magic card.

Reborn the monster.

Which I'll use to resurrect
the blue-eyes head

That was just destroyed
by your guardian.

What? Restore a head
of the blue-eyes?

Now one of my blue-eyes
with its normal
attack points of ,

Has just been reborn.

With all of your kuribohs
in defense mode,

I couldn't touch you,

But now that you've put
an attack monster
on the field,

I can take out the rest
of your life points.

Which I'll do next turn.

Of ultimate dragon's heads
are still weakened,

But the third can wipe out
your guardian in a breath.

Our life points
are equal, yugi.

Strike now
if you dare.

Otherwise, next turn,
I swear I'll take you down.

[Thinking] if I defeat
one of the weaker blue eyes,
I win,

But what if the duel battle
accidentally knocks him
off the ledge?

Surrender, yugi.

That is unless
you have the courage
to unleash your attack!

[Dragon roars]

[Thinking] I must.

I can't.

We must.

It's not right!


There must be
another way.

There isn't.

[Thinking] ohh.
Look at his face.

It's like yugi's
struggling within himself
to do the right thing,

But he can't risk
hurting kaiba.

Kaiba, I've never
backed away,

And I'm not
starting now.

Celtic guardian,

Yugi, you can't!


You can't take this risk!

Call him back!

Yugi, you can't do this!
You can't!


This isn't like you.

You've got to stop!


[Thinking] she's right.

We can't do this.



Couldn't do it, huh?

White lightning attack!

Joey: I can't believe it.

That underhanded sleazeball
wiped yugi out.



Kemo: master pegasus,

Just now the battle
between yugi and kaiba
was decided.

Seto kaiba
was the victor.

Thank you, kemo.

Shall I allow seto kaiba
to enter the castle then,

A deal is a deal.

Right away.

Good job, kaiba-boy.

As you wished, I will be
your next opponent.

But little yugi
didn't fare nearly so well

In this rematch
between the two of you.

His spirit is broken.


And his grandfather's soul
remains mine.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


What's going on here?

That punk yugi
could've won the game,

But he threw it away
to kaiba.

Whoever heard
of a duelist doing that?

All: yugi!

Joey: it's ok, man.


I almost
couldn't control it--

This other presence
deep inside me.

He was willing to go
all the way against kaiba!

Another presence...
Inside you?

What do you mean?

What the heck are you
talking about, buddy?

Like me,
yugi has some sort of
ancient spirit inside him.

It has something to do
with our millennium items.

I'm afraid of this
spirit inside me.

So afraid that I will
never duel again!


I'm sorry, sorry
about your grandpa...

But you did
the right thing.

You couldn't hurt
another person,

Not even to save him.

Téa: he wouldn't want
to be saved that way.

Then I guess he got
what he wanted.

If yugi had done
what needed to be done,

He would be entering
the castle, not me.

But he was too weak
to follow through
on his play.

He spared you!


Kaiba, he showed you

Which is more
than you deserve.

He lost
the game.

The game?

Yugi may have
lost one lousy
duel monsters game,

But at least he hasn't
lost his heart.

Not like you,
seto kaiba!

You've spent so much time
with your machines,

You've forgotten what
being human is about.


Yugi has a heart, kaiba.

Yugi has us.

Friends that'll stand
with him to the end,

No matter whether he wins
or loses some lousy game.

And what do you have,
seto kaiba?

What do you have
at the end of the day?

Tell me.

Tell me!


I have
all that I need.

Joey: yeah, keep
foolin' yourself, kaiba.

Yugi's twice the man
you'll ever be.

Well, that was a fun way
to spend the morning.

Heh heh heh heh!

Kemo: your star chips
qualify you

To enter
the inner sanctum.

at last, I'm in.

And I'm ready to face you,

Once and for all.
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