01x22 - "Face Off, Part 1" / "The Destined Duel! Yugi vs. Kaiba"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x22 - "Face Off, Part 1" / "The Destined Duel! Yugi vs. Kaiba"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Pegasus: so what will
it be, seto kaiba?

Do you care enough
about your brother's life

To try and save
his soul?

Not that you
really have a choice.

Mokuba's soul
belongs to me.

So lifelike.

But you probably
preferred him

In the flesh,
didn't you?

Argh, you're not human!

Quite human, actually.
Just extraordinarily

Here. You'll need these
for your duel with yugi.

Huh? Why are you
doing this?

My reasons are
none of your concern.

[Growls softly]

Maybe I just enjoy
the struggle,

Watching the constant
tug of w*r between you
and yugi-boy.

Or maybe
I want something

You're incapable
of comprehending...

Something you'll end up
delivering to me

All tied up in a bow.

Talk straight.
What do you want?

Want? I want to see
if you're capable

Of defeating little yugi
in a duel.

And only if you
successfully crush him
in a humiliating defeat

Will you get
the opportunity
to duel me.

Then, if you beat me,
I promise to restore
your brother's soul.

For now, I have no choice
but to play your game.

But soon...as soon
as I defeat yugi,
I'll be back.

And you'd better
make good on your promise
to restore my brother,

Because if you don't,
I'll take great pleasure

In separating your soul
from your body
in my own way!

[Diabolical chuckle]

We're out!

Fresh air at last!

All right!

What's this?

My millennium ring
is pointing...

To pegasus' castle.

Joey: right
where we're headin'.

'Cause yugi and I both
have enough chips

To get us
into the castle now.
Isn't that right, yuge?


it all paid off
for yugi.

Sometimes he seems
so gentle,

You wouldn't think
he could even challenge
another duelist.

But when he duels,
it seems like
he's someone else,

Someone more confident
and determined
than the yugi I know.

It's almost like
there are yugis--

Our friend whom
we've known for years

And a more mysterious
guy who shows up

Only when yugi's in
over his head.

Wait. Maybe
there are yugis!

I remember now.

There was a game
in the shadow realm.

And there was a bigger,
more serious yugi

But little yugi
was in the game
with the rest of us!


Listen closely, yugi.

Use the power
of the dark magician!

Send him
to the graveyard now!

You've got it!
Dark magic attack!




[Thinking] it was like
the more experienced yugi

Was coaching ouryugi.

Something wrong?

I just wondered...

Hey, you two.do you ever feel--

What's the holdup?

Hurry up, or we'll
go inside without you.

You know, since
none of us are even
supposed to be here,

Maybe weshould
wait for him.

Ha. Good point.

Grandpa, here I come.



Uh, this is
how you're going to
rescue your grandpa?

I rescued you.



that's right.
He did.

And back then,
I barely even
knew him.

Téa: welcome
to burger palooza.


Come right in

Téa?for the juiciest--

Uh, joey! Yugi! Uhh!

[Thinking] what
are they doing here?

They could get me
in big trouble.

You're supposed to be
to work here.

If they let it slip
that I'm still in school,

I'll be fired!

I won't be able to pay
for my dance lessons.

You know, yuge,
I'm tellin' ya,

We should really
try to get to know
téa better.

I mean, she seems
really nice.

I know. She's very kind,
and she hardly ever
loses her temp--


What are you guys
doing here?

Are you trying
to get me fired?

Thanks a lot.
Here, have some ketchup.


We didn't even know
you worked here.

You got a lot
of attitude for someone
waitin' tables.

You think this is all
I want to do with my life?

Huh?just wait
till I graduate.

Then you know
what I want to do?

Study ballet.

Uh...park cars, huh?well...

Not valet. Ballet.

I'm saving up
to go study dance
in new york!

Huh? You're...
Not laughing.

Nah. Why
would we laugh,

You oughta be
what you wanna be.

Yeah, that's right.
Follow your dreams.

[Thinking] what you said
that day really made me
appreciate you guys.

That and what
you did next.

Huh? Uh?

Yugi: "téa, we found a space
in the old warehouse
on spring street

"That you could use
for a dance studio.

Meet us there after school."

A dance studio!

[Thinking] I couldn't wait
to check it out.

Yugi! Joey!
Are you guys here?

I'm warning you!
If this is a joke...


Just hand over
all the money you got
in your purse, lady,

And nobody'll get hurt.


Uh...what's the matter,

You heard me. Gimme
all of your dough,
and make it quick!


Uhh! Uhh!get away
from her!

Get lost!

Ohh! Uhh...

Yugi! Uhh! Uhh!

Aaahh! Get off!



Turn and face me,

Let's see how bold
you are when someone
stands up to you.


Come play a little game
with me now...

And you will learn
your fate.

Are you crazy?!

It's a game
I think even you
could understand.

We each draw
a single card,

And the weakest card

If you win,
you go free.

But if you lose,
I will decide
your fate.

Ha! You are nuts.

So? Are you
afraid, then?

Afraid? Huh!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Let's see you
beat this card!

Its points
are really high.

And I drew...

The dark magician...

So I win.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Enough of your crazy game.

Time to teach you
a lesson, you nut job!

I don't think so.

Mind crush!


Téa. Téa.

Are you
all right?

You won't have to
worry about him


Téa. I asked you
if you remembered.

I remember.

But what was it
that you did

To that guy
that day?

I don't know.
When I came to,

That mugger was
already on the ground.

I don't remember
anything about it.

You're a mysterious guy,

Do you ever feel there's
something weird going on?

Sometimes you seem
like you're a completely
different person.

Does what I'm saying
make any sense to you?

[Sighs] I know
what you mean.

Sometimes I feel
like there's someone else
inside of me.

I hope
I'm not losing it.huh?

Well, whatever's
going on with you,

Both of you are
really good guys.

Trust me.

Thanks, téa.

Joey: hey, do we need
to carry you guys up?

Tristan: yeah,
what's the problem?
Come on!

Come on. Let's go.

[Chuckles] yeah.

Joey: you'd think
someone as rich as pegasus
would put in an elevator.

Tristan: hey, guys, look.
You're not gonna believe

Who's blockin' our way
into the castle.

It's kaiba!

Joey: what the heck's
he doin' here?

I can't let you pass, yugi.

I've won star chips,
so stand aside.

You may have won
enough star chips

To qualify
for the duelist kingdom
playoffs, yugi,

But I can't allow you
to face pegasus.
He's mine.

You and I
are going to have
one final duel.

You will lose,
and I will win.

The winds of change
are blowing, yugi moto.

Ohh! He's so smug
up there.

[Thinking] pegasus
might be forcing me
to fight yugi,

But it's a rematch
I've wanted all along.

Step aside, kaiba!

Not until you agree
to duel me.

I'm not dueling you.
I don't have to.

So...no longer

Your so-called
"heart of the cards"
can help you win?

Or are you afraid
you can't beat me
without exodia?

That's it,
isn't it, yugi?

You're just afraid
you can't beat me
a second time,

You coward.

You back off.
He doesn't have to
prove anything.

Aww, you want a duel,
smart mouth?

I'll take you.
Come on, let's duel.

[Chuckles cruelly]

Don't laugh! Aahhh!

Joey! Down, boy.

Don't forget
when you battled
him before,

He slaughtered


Like you could
do any better?



Hah! I can't believe
the little barking chihuahua

Already has star chips.

You earn them yourself,
or did yugi throw you
a few bones?

Grrr! Don't call me
a chihuahua! Rrr!

Ha ha ha!
Don't let him
snap his chain.

There's no challenge
in humiliating you
again, joey.

There's only one player
who's ever beaten me
at duel monsters,

And that's yugi.

But how he did it
is a mystery that
still eats away at me.

I was winning our battle.

My blue eyes white dragon
was devastating his forces.

His monsters couldn't stand up
to its withering att*cks.

And then I drew
my second blue eyes.

I was invincible!

Yugi thought
the attack strength
of his dark magician

Could stop me...

But he never dreamed
I'd draw my third blue eyes,

Which blew his magician

his life points.

But then...

And now I'll play

The unstoppable exodia!

Just as he was on
the verge of defeat,

Yugi somehow
achieved the unachievable!

He assembled all pieces
of exodia!

Ahh, it's not possible!

No one's ever
been able to call him!

But somehow, he had.


Yugi, you said
you won by tapping into
the heart of the cards,

And for a long time
I didn't know what that meant,

But now I think I do.

And it took pegasus
to show me.

He gave me a reason to put
my heart in the cards.

Mokuba: help me,
big brother!

I will help you, mokuba.

There's not a power on earth
that will stop me--

Not pegasus, not yugi.

For the first time,
yugi, I can duel with fire
and passion in my heart.

I can feel it.

kaiba has changed.
I can sense it.

He's fighting
for more than just
himself this time.

There's a new belief
in the heart of
the cards.

Yugi, you can't accept
this duel.

You've already
earned enough
star chips

To get
into the castle.

I've changed.
I deserve a rematch.

Give me a chance
to play you now, yugi.

Let me play you
for the right reasons.

[Thinking] after all
grandpa's taught me,

How can I deny
the heart of the cards?



it's happened again.

Yugi suddenly
seems different.

I accept your duel!

We'll see what you've
really learned.

You just name the place.

Mmm. Our dueling field
has been prepared.

Follow me.

All right, kaiba.
It's time to duel.

Keith: I'm here for
the duelist playoffs.

I need star chips, right?

Well, I got 'em!

You qualify.

But the real fun's
on the annex roof.

You gotta check it out.

Some action
on the roof, huh?

Thanks, dude.
Maybe I will.

Heh heh heh heh.

Wonder what's shakin'.

Yugi, here's the deal.

We'll each wager star chips
on this duel,

And the winner will be
the only one

Who earns the right
to enter the main castle.

Done. Chips.

We'll use my dual-disk system.

Insert your shuffled deck
into the card-recognition slot.

Life points
automatically set to .


Take him!
You did it once, yugi,

So we know that
you can do it again!

That's right!

Looks like
it'll take awhile

For the other finalists
to catch up playin'
by the rules,

So I might as well
k*ll some time
watchin' this duel.


It's those punks
I trapped underground!

How'd they get out?

I thought I trapped them
in that underground cave

Who's that?

Is that seto kaiba?

Heh. Kaiba's in
a rematch with yugi.

This I gotta see.

For the duel
of the century,

I need a ringside seat.
Heh heh.

Yugi: all right.
Are you ready
to duel, kaiba?

This is it, yugi.

Whoever wins faces pegasus

And whoever loses--
well, you'll be left
a broken man.

We'll see who gets
broken, kaiba.

I will defeat you
once and for all!

Both: let's duel!

Stand back
and prepare for battle.

I play ryu-kishin
in attack mode!


Look! The cards!

They're holograms,
just like the monsters!

On your guard.

I play curse of dragon
in attack mode!


Kaiba: ha!

Well done.
A formidable card, yugi,

And a play I would expect
from a duelist of your caliber.

Don't patronize me.

Yugi, I know from playing you
you're a talented duelist,

But you're just
not as good as I am.

Listen up.

Only one duelist
is gonna challenge pegasus

And that's me!


Then attack and find out.

What's the matter, yugi?
No faith in your monster?

You'll see.
He's mightier than yours.

Go, curse of dragon!
Attack ryu-kishin!


Yugi: dragon flame!


Ryu-kishin is no more.

Hmm. You're good,
but oh, so predictable.

Don't you think
I expected that attack?

And once again you've played
right into my hands, yugi.

He's bluffing.
You already got kaiba
on the ropes!

All right!
Go, yugi!

It's not a bluff,
as you will all soon see.


I play swordstalker!

The swordstalker
gathers the life-force
of a fallen ally,

Raising his own attack power
by %. Watch.

[Thinking] so that'swhy
kaiba allowed his ryu-kishin
to be defeated so easily--

So he could use its energy
to create an even stronger

And now that he's done that,

His swordstalker's
attack strength

Is even greater than that
of my curse of dragon!

Attack now, swordstalker!


Vengeance strike!

What?! The curse of dragon

That's because
I laid a monster-replace
magic card on the field.

This card switches
the monster on the field

With the monster
in my hand

That has the highest
attack power,

And you know
what that means.

The creature
with the greatest
attack power in my hand

Is the dark

Dark magic attack!

The dark magician
your swordstalker.

All right!

Hey, kaiba,
yugi put the moves
on you again!

Hmm. Clueless.

If those fools only knew
what I have in store.

Now I can re-play
curse of dragon
in attack mode.

Your move, kaiba.

I'll take on your magic
with a magician of my own.

I summon la jinn,
the mystical genie!

[Evil laugh]

My wish is
his command.

Dark magician,
attack la jinn!

Dark magic attack!

Your attack
activates my trap--

The ancient lamp!

First it protects my genie
by drawing him into the lamp.


Then the lamp
deflects your attack,

Turning it back
on your monster.

Which lowers your score
to equal mine.


Reflect upon the incredible
defensive powers
of my ancient lamp!

My deflected attack
may have destroyed
curse of dragon,

But I still have
the dark magician.

for all your bragging,
the score is tied.

We're evenly matched.

[Thinking] hah.
Yugi doesn't suspect
that so far my maneuvers--

Clever as they are--
are all just ploys to distract
him from my real plan,

To assemble
all blue eyes in my deck

To create a monster
more powerful than any
he's ever seen.

For combined, they create
the ultimate creature
of destruction...

The blue-eyes ultimate dragon!

Ha ha ha!
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