01x21 - "Double Trouble Duel, Part 3" / "Devil Dragon! Black Demons Dragon"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x21 - "Double Trouble Duel, Part 3" / "Devil Dragon! Black Demons Dragon"

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Where's mokuba?

In pegasus' grip, just
like you'll soon be, kaiba.

If you want
to find your brother

Before reinforcements
arrive, better hurry.


I've gotta
get him out of here

Away from pegasus.

Para: you're trapped!

Dox: and the doors
are all locked.

Both: hah! Whoo! Ah!

You face the brothers...


One mere duelist
would be creamed...

So you must
duel as a team...

And if you
manage to win...

Why, then, puzzling
new tests shall begin.

The test, a choice...

That you must make!

Both: which of these doors
will you take? Hah!

Joey: me and yugi are
gonna clean your clocks.

Para: monster tamer,
appear now in attack mode!


I play magical hats!

Hats, materialize!

As for our warriors,

Now you see them,

Now you don't.

Your little plan is not
as foolproof as you think!

Sanga of thunder
is one of gods

That control thunder,
wind, and water.

The remaining cards
are suijin, god of water,

And kazejin, god of wind.

No! The trinity!

It's in
the class of exodia.

Joey: whoa!

Para and dox: elements
of thunder, water, and wind,

Suijin, sanga,
kazejin, begin!

Meld your powers
in eternal light.

Show these fools
your unstoppable might!

Gate guardian!

All your monsters are
too weak to attack ours.

Gate guardian,
use your immense power!

Attack flame swordsman!

Eliminate him
from the field!

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wb networks and
the u.s. Department of education

your move, your move,

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Joey: this is
one lightning storm

I don't think
my swordsman's
gonna weather.

If ya got
any bright ideas,
now's the time.


Para: gate guardian,
thunderstroke attack!

Aah! Can't look!

Ha! Now you see!

Our gate guardian
conquers all!

Grr. Not this turn.


Unless he's not
affected by traps.

Mirror force,
reflect his attack!

All right!

Gate guardian,
defend squall barricade!

Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.

Our monster's
not felled.

been repelled.

Yes, but your guardian
has deflected my attack

Right at
your monster tamer!


You've destroyed
your own monster.

Lucky move!


way to play, fellas.

Keep it up
and we'll be out

Of these musty
old caves in no time.

you got it, téa!

Man: give it up, kaiba.

Second man: we know
you're in here somewhere!

Third man: yeah,
it's no use hiding!

Sir, maybe he's gone.

I can't find
any trace of him.

First man: impossible.

There's no way
he could have escaped.

But, sir, I've checked
every corridor.

Then stand guard
by his brother's cell.

He'll show up. Now go!

Yes, sir.
Right away!

All right!
Now it's my turn.

Wait a minute, joey.

Don't make your move
just yet.

Look at the gate guardian.

It was created by combining
different monsters, right?so?

So that may be our ticket
to dismantling him.

Section by section.

Ok, then.

Flame swordsman, use
salamandra's magic

And attack
the mid-section!

Atta boy!

Scorch 'em good!


You fool! Attack one section
and the others will defend it.

You wasted your turn.

Now my guardian
will lay waste to you!

Tidal surge attack!

Oh, my.

Dox is using
the water elemental section
of his gate guardian

To flush out
the entire maze.

Everything in its path
will be att*cked.

The mystic properties
of the magic hats

Will protect the magician,

But I'm afraid
joey's swordsman
won't be as lucky.

We have taken the lead.

For now.

Yugi: your gate
guardian may have
dampened the field,

But not our spirits.

For my turn,
I lay this card
face down and...

I call upon
the summoned skull
to finish the job

flame swordsman

Oh, you
must be joking!

That swordsman
started nothing

Before he left


Hmm. That's
not quite true.

If it
weren't for him,

The stage
wouldn't be set

For my
summoned skull's


The water!

gonna use it
as a conductor

For an

Summoned skull,
lightning strike!

Téa: the water's
actually guiding the attack.

Payback time!

Not yet.

You may have found
a watery trail

Leading back
to our guardian,

But you have yet
to breach his defenses,

Defenses that
we activate now!

Para: huh?

Uh, what's wrong?

What's wrong
is that by flooding
the whole field

your tidal surge,

You att*cked
my magical hats,

And hidden
one of them

Was a trap!


A trap
that immobilizes
your guardian

And leaves him

To defend himself.

No! My gate guardian!

Ensnared by
my spellbinding circle

And defense points
weaker because of it,

Leaving suijin,
your guardian's
water elemental,

Quite vulnerable
to my electrical attack!

One section down,
to go.

Way to go, yuge!

We'll have
this ugly lug

Chopped down to
size in no time!

Ha ha ha.

That's the way
we do it! Yeah!

Joey: hey, look.
All the water's

Not only
is suijin gone,

But it looks like
he took all of
his water with him.

Hmm. Our guardian is
only damaged, not beaten.

Remove trap!

Ha! Even without suijin,

Our guardian
is still unbeatable.

We'll see
about that. Hmm.

It's my turn now.

their gate guardian

May be unbeatable
by any monster,

But not
by our teamwork.

All right,
bozo brothers!

Try this on
for size.

The red eyes
black dragon!

And now, with the magic
of my polymerization card,

I'll combine joey's red eyes
with my summoned skull!

Ugh! A combo!
Ugh! A combo!

You now face...

The supreme
black skull dragon.

Your guy ain't
so unbeatable now, huh?

Mmm. Right.

Let's see
your labyrinth stop him.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!


What are
you two clowns
laughing about?

You fools! You think
your new creature

Will win
the match for you?

You're wrong.

There is little
that your creature can do,

For there is a maze rule
that you must not have known.

A rule? Oh, no!

Oh, yes,
and the rule states

That the labyrinth
is a no-flying zone.

Aw, nuts,

And my red eyes
black dragon can
only move by flight.

These rules stink.

Don't worry.
I have an alternate plan.

Ahh. I was hoping
you'd say that.

Ya hear that?
We got a backup plan.

Para and dox: ha ha ha ha!joey: uh, yugi,

Why don't
they look worried?

Joey: so, uh,
what do you think

The bald brothers
are up to, yugi?

You mock us? Ha.

Ha ha ha ha.

But with this
next card, I will
trash your team.

Ha ha ha ha.


Ugh. Riryoku?

It's all greek
to me, pal.


It's a rare
and mighty card, joey.

Too true.
Riryoku's legendary power

Allows me to take half
of my opponent's life points

And add them
to one of my own
creature's attack points!

No fair!

You might as
well be stealing!

Stay strong!

Stay strong?

The only one on this field
who will be staying strong

Is our gate guardian,

For he is the one
we are powering up

With your life points.

That's like cutting
their chances to win
in half.

Luckily for you,

the riryoku card

Ends our turn,

But when
our next move
is at hand,

We will use our
gate guardian's
newfound power

To win this duel
once and
for all. Ha ha.

He will turn your monsters
into smears

On the labyrinth walls!

Don't worry
about them, joey.

I still have a plan.

First, I draw.


Next step,
my dark magician

Will leave the safety
of the magical hats

And return to the maze.

Then he'll move
spaces forward

And out
of your labyrinth!

You fool!

Why are you moving your
dark magician out of the maze

When you know
our gate guardian

Is right there
just waiting to attack?

Does it matter?

You seem certain
he'll win

of what I do.

uh, yo, yuge,

Not for nothin',
but you want to
fill me in here?

It's all right, joey.

Trust me.

Both: ha ha ha ha.

I play this card.

Reborn the monster!

Para, thinking: no matter
which of his monsters

He revives with that card,

It will do him no good.

Your plan will fail!

Gate guardian,
attack the dark magician!

Yugi: you att*cked
without waiting to see

Which monster I resurrected
from the graveyard pile,

So you couldn't know.

You wasted your attack.

Suijin, tidal shield!


the monster?

You should, seeing
as how it's yours.

He used his reborn
the monster card

To bring back
our suijin!

Only now
he's not ours.

He's been
brought back
on their side.

Yeah, yuge!

the play
of the game!

Ooh. That
was a close one.

Sure was.

Hmm. Now the question is
can they follow through?

Para: you have been lucky,
you little louts!

But we promise your luck's
about to run out.

but in the meantime,

It's joey's turn.


ok. Yugi started
our comeback.

Now I gotta
keep it going.

[Sighs, thinking]
that water elemental I revived

Bought us some time,

But not a whole lot of it.

It's going to be up to joey
to keep us in this duel.

And I know
he won't let us down.



Copies one card
your opponent's
thrown on the field.



Huh? Heh heh.

Aw, man, I just
got a k*ller idea.

Here it goes.

I'll use copycat and
play it as riryoku!


That's right.

Say adios
to half of your
life points...

But don't worry.

They're going to
a good cause--

My black skull


Great move, joey.


Why power up your dragon?

He is still forbidden
to fly in the maze

And therefore cannot move.

If you were smart,
you wouldn't have used it

On that treacherous
water elemental

Because it's him
I'm attacking.

Thunderstroke, attack!

raise tidal shield

To defend!

To be honest,
we knew you would defend.

Indeed. Now hit him again!


What happened?

Suijin is
only allowed to use
his tidal defense ability

Once per turn.

So the paradox brothers
split their attack
into waves.

Yugi, did you really think
that one elemental

Could stand a chance
against ?

That miscalculation
will cost you the duel.

Ha. I'm afraid
you're mistaken.

Not only did I know you
could destroy suijin,

But I planned
that you would.

What do you mean?

Anything to draw
attention away

my dark magician.

After all,
if I'm to use this
monster replace card

With our
black skull dragon,

I needed someone
strategically placed

To switch places

No! He can't!

He played us
for fools,

that his dragon

Could not
move within
our labyrinth,

He had his
dark magician
do it for him.

And now...

Monster replace!

the dark magician

With the black skull


at first, I thought
the only way

To beat
your gate guardian
was piece by piece.

But now with our
powered-up dragon,

We can finish this
with one final,
ferocious as*ault.

Black skull dragon,

Molten fireball

Ha ha ha.
Take that.

The duel goes to us.

All right!
They won!

that mean...

Oh, yeah.

They did it?

All: they did it!

All full.

And all set
to duel pegasus.

Ha ha ha ha.

Not quite set.

Both: still one test yet.

I should have known.


Huh? What was--


Kaiba: mokuba.

Uh, seto.
Seto, it's you.

Yeah. It's me.

Ah, seto.

I always knew that you
would come and rescue me.


Little brother.

So what now?

I bet you have
some high-tech plans

To get me out of--

Uhh, unh.

Stay still, kiddo.

Ok. Whatever you say,
big brother.

Just give me one second
to pick this lock.

Pegasus: well, well.
The brothers kaiba,

Reunited at last.huh?

Bravo, kaiba. Bravo.

I knew nothing would
stop you from getting here.


Joey: what do ya mean
there's another test?

Yugi and I just beat
you two in a duel.

Isn't that enough?

Enough to win
our star chips,

But not enough
to escape this labyrinth.

You still must
choose a door, remember?

I remember.

Now, which of you brothers
are guarding the door

That leads out of here?

If you cherish
your lives,

You will choose my way.

Select my side
or else you'll pay.

Téa: not
this game again.

Can't you two
just act normal

And give us
a straight
answer for once?

Both: I am giving you
a straight answer.

The answer is we can't
trust either of these two.

Ok, guys.
Any bright ideas?

Joey: uh, sure.
Don't I always?

All: mm-mmm.

Zero respect.


We'll decide with these.

Both: ha ha ha ha.

Ok. Heads or tails?

I marked each coin

To represent
a different door.

The coin that I keep
clenched in my fist

Will be the door
that I have chosen.

Ah, kaiba.

I knew you'd
come for mokuba

Oh, you did?

Well, tell me
something, pegasus.

Did you also foresee

What I'm about to do
to you for harming
my little brother?

Actually, kaiba,
I predict you won't
lay a finger on me.

And why is that?

Ha ha ha ha ha.



That coin is marked
for dox's door...

But was
your choice good

Or was it poor?

What say you, dox?

Shall we tell
which was right?

In due time, para.

I'm enjoying
their plight.

Joey: come on.
Was it para?

Téa: or was it dox?

Tristan: yeah, fess up!

I say...

You choose wrong!

It was my doorway...

All along!

Both: ha ha ha ha.

Téa: so dox's door
was the right one?

Not quite.

Huh? Oh, yes, it was.

if we had picked it,

Para's door
would be the right one.

You can change which door
leads to which path,
can't you,

that we choose wrong.

no fair.

You guys

Too bad. Too late.
You chose a way

And that means...

In this maze
you will stay.

Well, actually,
you never saw our choice.

the dox coin!

I figured the two of you
would pull a stunt
like this,

So I pulled a stunt of
my own with these coins.

Instead of marking them both
with just one door insignia,

I marked
the second coin with .

One insignia on each side.

That way, we couldn't lose.

Ha! Beat ya
at your own game.

Both of them.

Now, if you'll excuse us,
we have a score to settle

With your boss.

Joey: all right, then.

On to pegasus' castle.

you conniving snake.

I should take you down
right now

For what you've done
to mokuba.

Don't be ridiculous,
kaiba boy.

In my dungeon,
in my castle,
in my realm,

The only one
who makes threats...

Is me.


Mokuba: aah!



You monster!

What have you done?

What have you done
to him?

It's just a little
magic trick.

Tell me,
what have you done?

I've ensured
your cooperation,

For, you see,

Mokuba's soul
is now imprisoned

In a place
where the locks
can't be picked.

You're mad!

And there
he will remain,

Kaiba boy,

Until you beat me
in a duel.

With you? Now?

I'll do anything.

Not just yet, kaiba.

You must first
earn the privilege
to challenge me,

And you can
only do that

By defeating yugi
in a duel.

And if you can't
win against him,

Mokuba's soul will
stay mine forever.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
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