01x18 - "Arena of Lost Souls, Part 2" / "Shield in the Right Hand, Sword in the Left Hand"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x18 - "Arena of Lost Souls, Part 2" / "Shield in the Right Hand, Sword in the Left Hand"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Now, you said
you found duelists?

Yeah, yugi and some
dweeb named joey.

Good. We'll take
the dweeb out first.

No argument from me, boss.

Maybe téa was right.

I guess all I heard
was the waterfall.


Can I help you?

Heh heh heh heh.

Zigor: wake up, dweeb.

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Wha--? You? Uhh!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Wha--? Gah! A tombstone!

What is this place?

Welcome, duelist,
to the arena of lost souls.


Yugi: joey's been gone
an awfully long time.

Téa: you don't suppose
he got lost?

Let's split up
and try to find him.

Tristan, look.

Joey's wallet!

With a picture
of his sister serenity.

So, are we gonna
duel or just stand
around talking?

Lay down your
star chips now!

Star chips!

You don't stand a chance.

This arena's one big
graveyard field,

And all my zombie cards get
a field power bonus here.

Looks like you need
a lesson in strategy, dweeb.

I have to play
a zombie card.

No, not that one, bonz.

Second card to the left.

Crawling dragon?

Just be patient, bonz.

We're working
on a strategy here.

Go, axe raider!


Slice 'im!



Lay it down, bonz!

You're finished!
This magic card
is unstoppable!

The call
of the haunted!

Keith: it brings all
the monsters you destroyed

Back from the grave.

But they come back
as zombies,

With the power
of immortality!

Oh, no. Oh, no!

Captioning made possible by
wb networks and
the u.s. Department of education

your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Bonz: you've had it,

Face it, all my monsters
you thought you k*lled

Have risen from the grave
as invincible zombies

That can't be destroyed.

And as zombies, they all
gain a field power bonus

From the graveyard.


Come on!
Play your next card, joey!


This one.


Go! With five-slash

Heh heh heh.

Yes! Adios,
you clown zombie!

Not quite.

I tried
to tell you, dweeb.

Forgot my magic card?

Call of the haunted
is still in play.

Ah ha ha ha!

Your clown's
come back to life!

Ha ha,
and that's not all.

Each and every time
a zombie monster is k*lled,

It will come back
to life even stronger

And more deadly
than before!


The clown zombie's
attack power

Was originally ,

But it gains
a % field power bonus

From the graveyard field.

So now it's .

And after being
brought back to life,

It gets another %.

Do the math, pea brain.
He's stronger than garoozis.

He can't be!

Clown zombie,

Flame dagger
acrobatic attack!

Ha ha ha ha ha!



[All panting]

Still no sign of joey.


Hey, where's bakura?


We didn't
take any turns,

So where could
he have gone?

I don't know, téa.

Bakura: aah!

Did you hear that?

Sounds like bakura!

This way!

Aah! Help me!


[All shouting]

Help! Get this thing
off of me! Aah! Aah!


From now on,
don't go picking up

Any hitchhikers.

Is it safe to open
my eyes now?

Ah! You gave us all
quite a scare

With that skeleton,


Never mind that.

Because now we've
got another problem.


Tristan: which way
do we go now?

Anybody got
any ideas?

Gee, both ways
look so inviting.

Yeah, well,
if joey got invited

Down one
of those tunnels,

Then we
need to figure out
which one.

Tristan's right.
We need to find joey now.


Uhh! Hey! My foot!


What is that sound?

I stepped
on a switch
or something.

Quiet now!

Listen. Now the sound's
getting louder.

I think
it's coming this way.

Yeah, but just
what's coming this way?

Uhh. Oh, dear. Uhh.

[All scream]

[Panicked yells]

Why is that boulder
chasing us?

'Cause we're downhill!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

[Panicked yells]


[All screaming]


It got bakura!

Oh, no!

Don't look back! Uhh!

Keep running, or it--

Oh, no! It's a dead end!

We're trapped!
It's a dead end! Uhh!

Since there's
nowhere to run,

I'm gonna fight!

Tristan, you can't
punch out...

A boulder!

I'm gonna try!



A balloon?

Yugi: yeah.
And that's a speaker.

Somebody wired
that thing for sound,

And I'm betting
it was pegasus!


Are you ok, bakura?

Pegasus spared
no expense

To scare us
half to death.

Joey, thinking:
this is a catastrophe.

I smack down those zombies,
and they just come back

Even nastier than before.
Man, oh, man.

I don't know how
I can win this duel.


Had enough yet, dweeb?

I told you that there's
no way to beat bandit keith.

Yeah, bandit keith's
the best there is.

You can leave
your star chips at the door.


Joey, thinking:
if I lose these chips,

I get axed
from the tournament.

Last time I dueled,
kaiba beat me pretty bad.

Maybe I should
just give up.

[Doggie whine]

Nah! No way, man!

I'm not a scared
little puppy.

And for serenity's sake,
I've gotta stay in the game!

I have to trust
in the cards...

And in myself.


Joey, thinking:
time wizard!

This card I got from yugi

Has pulled my rump
out of the fire before.

Like in my duels
with mai and rex raptor.

When I fought rex, it even
fossilized his dinosaur.

Maybe it'll help me again.

Yeah, maybe it can
blow those zombies away!

What have I got to lose?

I play time wizard!


time wizard?

Apparently the dweeb's
smarter than I thought.

His time magic could
age bonz's zombies

Right into the dust!

Spin--time roulette!

Boss, help me.

Don't worry.
Don't you know time roulette

Is totally
a game of chance, bonz?

It's all a matter of luck.

So, if yours is better,
you won't be wiped out. See?


Come on, time wizard.
You can do this.

No, you can't.
No, you can't.

No, you can't.
No, you can't.

This is it!





What?! No way!

Boss, I won!

You're really gonna dig
what happens next, bonz.

Now his time wizard
and flame swordsman

Will vanish into a time warp
in the sky.

No! Don't go!


And that's not all.

Half the attack power
of those monsters

Gets deducted
from joey's life points.

Ha ha ha ha!
Want me to play a card?

Or would you rather
defeat yourself?

I didn't know that I'd
take this big a hit

If I lost the spin
at time roulette.

Poor joey.
I'll give you a free turn.

Throw my zombies
another tasty morsel.


I can't win an attack.

I'll play this
in defense mode!

Go dragon zombie!

Keith: hold it.


Why just defeat him
when you can humiliate him,

The way pegasus did me?

Beef up your zombies,
and you can wipe him out

In a few turns.

Play the king of ghosts!

I hear you, boss.

rise from the grave!

Joey: what is that thing?

Bonz: it's the pumpking,
the king of ghosts!

What does it do?

Oh, the pumpking has
a very special ability.



is the ghostly substance

That gives my zombie
monsters their power,

And pumpking,
as the king of ghosts,

Can pump up their
ectoplasmic energy

And their attack points
by % each and every turn.

Oh, no.

And as their attack
power grows,

They become giant zombies!

Dragon zombie, attack
with deadly zombie breath!


That defense monster
was much too weak.

Why don't you give me
something stronger
to destroy?

You wish.

Armored lizard--
defense mode!

Bonz: ectoplasmic

Power up my zombie army
and attack!

Huh. Well, so much
for armored lizard.

Oh, this is so cool!

Boss, you're giving me
great advice!

Keith, thinking:
nah, just good advice
so far, bonz.

But you've got one card
that'll demolish the dweeb.

Man, I can barely
defend myself.

deadly zombie breath!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm wiping them out
one by one!

He's right.
I'm done for.

Bonz: deadly zombie breath!


Ohh. That dragon's
bad breath is k*lling me.

I lose another warrior,

And his zombies
only get stronger.

This is really bad.

Come on! Throw another card
for my monsters to devour!

there's gotta be
some way to beat him.

Yugi would know.

Yugi: joey!
Tristan: joey!


Yugi! You're really here!


Block 'em.[Both grunt]

What kind of duel
arena is this?

Are you crazy?
Why in the world

Did you accept a duel
in a place like this?

Yeah, like
I had a choice.

Those creeps there
ganged up on me

And forced me into
this crazy duel.


All: huh?

this duel's over.

That's not
up to you, chum.

I say it is.

You wanna stop it,
you gotta get past me.

My pleasure!



Heh heh!



Tristan, are you--

Keith: hold it.

if you leave the arena,
you forfeit the duel,

And all your star chips
belong to me.


The duel
is illegal

Right, téa!

Wrong, téa.

When he threw down
his star chips,

He accepted the duel.
Ha ha ha ha!

In that case, joey--

You're just
gonna have to beat
these punks.

And if you're
gonna need a little

Added motivation,
try this!

Huh? Serenity.

That's right, joey.
Your sister.

You're dueling
for her.

Thanks, man.

so, what's it gonna be?

You gonna cut
and run, dweeb,

Or you gonna part
with your star chips

The hard way?

Hey, I've had it
up to here with
your smart remarks.

Who are you, anyway?

Don't you know?
They call me bandit keith.

You're bandit keith?

I've heard that name
somewhere before.

Yeah, he's
the intercontinental

The guy that kaiba
told us about.

He's only lost one
duel monsters challenge,

And that one
was to pegasus himself.


Huh. No wonder
skull face there

Has outsmarted me
at every turn.

Which is why you ought
to just pack it up

And go home, dweeb,
'cause I've given

My little pal bonz here
the perfect strategy.

You couldn't beat him
with every card
in your deck.

gonna get inside
pegusus's castle

bandit keith and us.

You fought
your last duel, joey.

You're about to join
the other zombies

In this graveyard field.

A graveyard field?

Bonz: come on.
Play your next card
or rest in peace.

Hmm? Serenity.

For your sake,
I've gotta win!

No! All your hopes
and all your dreams

Will die right here!

Says you, geek!

I'll keep
my defenses up

Until I find
a way to attack!

You know, you shouldn't
broadcast your strategy.

I what?

[Maniacal giggle]

Keith: especially when
it's a losing one.

Bonz has a special card
in his deck

That'll render all
your defenses useless!

You gotta be bluffing.
He can't possibly

Do that with one card.

Oh, yeah?

This trap card can.
It's called stop defense!

Oh, no.

Stop defense
is big trouble, joey!

From now on,
any card you try to play

In defense mode
will activate the trap!

And you still
can't stop me from raising

The ectoplasmic power
of my zombies!

So now, all that's left

Is to snuff the last monster
you have standing.

Deadly zombie breath!


Ha ha ha! End of the road
for you, dweeb.

You got nowhere
left to run now.

Joey: I let you down, sis.

Don't let him
scare you, joey!

Hang in there!

Whatever he says,
don't quit.

Joey: quit? No way.

I can't give up.

Not while serenity's
counting on me.

Go! Red eyes
black dragon!

Red eyes?
Where'd this dork
get a card that rare?

If all my defenses
are blocked,

Then I'll just have
to take to the offense.

Red eyes, take out
that overgrown pumpkin!

What do I do?
His attack power
is greater than mine.

inferno fire blast!

All right!nice move, joey.

Now he can't raise
his monsters'

Attack power
any higher!

And since pumpking
was already a ghost
from the start,

He can't use the call
of the haunted

To bring him back.

minor setback, bonz.

Don't forget,
you still got more
than enough attack power

To polish him
off for good.

Yeah. Ok, boss.

Go dragon zombie!
Blow red eyes away!

My red eyes!
No! Uhh!

Ha ha ha ha!
Even red eyes
was no match for me.

With that card wiped out,
I'm all but done for.

Bonz: red eyes black
dragon, up in smoke.

He--he annihilated
my strongest card.

Ha ha ha ha!
It's all over for you, dweeb.

Don't give up.

I'm all out of moves.

The only monster card
that I've got left

Is battle warrior,

And his attack powers
are way too low.

Well, are you going
to play or surrender?

Yugi, isn't there
some way

Joey can beat
that little ghoul?

He's in a big jam, téa.

Attacking the zombie army
doesn't do any good,

And that trap card
blocks all his defenses.

Defense! That's it!

Joey, there is a way!

You've got a magic card
in your deck

That can turn
this whole thing around!


Heh. You've got to be kidding.

You're yugi, right?

Well, maybe you beat kaiba,
but the strategy I gave bonz

Is just perfect.

Your friend is a goner!

Joey, he's wrong!

You sure?

Ok. Yeah.

Trust in the cards.

Yeah, this is...the one.

this must be the card
yugi was talking about.

Shield and sword
is a magic card

That swaps the attack
and defense points

Of every monster
on the field!

If I can take away
the zombie's
attack power

By flipping it
to defense,

His monsters
won't be able
to stop my next card!

Yep. It's my only chance.

Battle warrior--
in attack mode!


So, it's the only move
you had left, huh?

And then I add
this magic card

Called shield and sword.


Go! Offensive
defensive flip!


zombie monsters have
no will of their own.

They can't defend
themselves on this turn.

We're sunk!

My zombie's attack power
has dropped to zero!

And my battle warrior's
attack and defense points

Switched, too. See?

Smash those zombie freaks!

Ultimate battle fist!


Uhh! With their
attack points at zero,

The zombie's can't
come back to life.

How could I lose?

All right!

Joey, you won!

You did it, joey!

I did, didn't i?



See ya around,

But wait, boss!


Wait up, boss!hey, boss!

Joey: bandit keith.hmm?

Maybe next time
you'll have the nerve

To duel me
face to face,

Instead of hiding behind
your creepy flunkies.

Heh. Duel you face to face?

You're hopeless, dweeb.

The game of duel monsters

Is all about keeping your
opponents off balance.

Winning the duel's
all that matters,

Not how you go about it.

We'll just
see about that,
bandit keith.

Ha ha ha ha!
Yeah, right.

I'm quivering in fear
already, dweeb.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

What a jerk.

Guys, look.
I'm really sorry.

I didn't mean
to drag all of you
into this mess.

Next time, don't be
in such a big hurry

To run off on your own.

Ah, it's all right.

We know that it wasn't
your fault, joey.

Yeah. I mean, as long
as he won the duel,

We can forgive him.

I admit you had us
worried at first.

But you really
came though this time.

I got lucky, that's all.

Yugi: it wasn't
luck, joey.


It was your

Your trust
in the cards,

And the promise you
made to your sister.

That's what
helped you win.

Hee hee hee hee.

I only need
more star chips.

Hang in there, serenity.

Téa: so, now
can we get out
of this creepy pit?

Tristan: you bet.

Joey: nothing's gonna
stop us now!

[All gasp]


[All panting]


Oh, no! What's that?


Ha ha ha ha ha!
Tough luck, guys.

Looks like you're
stuck in that cave
for life.


Now we gotta
have a little talk.

Uh, talk
about what, boss?

Keith: your star chips!


boss, what's wrong?

What's wrong
is that you lost.

But, boss, I did exactly
what you told me!

You lost!
Now hand 'em over!

Bonz: ow!
Sid: take 'em!
Just take 'em!

Keith: star chips.

Not exactly the way
I planned to get 'em,

But at least now I know
I'll get into the castle.

Sid: I hate
when he gets like this.

I'm coming, pegasus.

We got a score to settle.

Uhh! Unh!

This thing
weighs a ton!

I can't even
get it to budge.

Push harder!
Come on!

Téa: are we really
trapped in here?

[All grunting
and groaning]
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