01x11 - "The Dueling Monkey" / "Friendship Power! Barbarian #1 & #2"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x11 - "The Dueling Monkey" / "Friendship Power! Barbarian #1 & #2"

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh,
yu-gi-oh ♪

♪ Your move,
your move ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Yugi: mokuba?


Joey: this is no time to be
playin' hide-and-seek, kid!

Tristan: those thugs
must have snatched him
back to pegasus' castle.

So now they've
got your grandpa and
kaiba's little brother, too?

Looks that way.

It's just another reason
for us to win those
star chips

And get in there.

No doubt.



It's my lucky day.

Hands off!
Those are mine.

Cool, tristan.

I didn't know you
were training to
become a duelist.

Yeah. Well, I figure
if a doofus like joey
can hold his own in this game,

Then, hey, I'll probably
be an expert at it.

Whoa, I recognize
that monster.

Haven't I seen that card
in your deck, joey?

Not this one, but I think
I got somethin' just like it.


Bingo! Swamp battle god.

Well, would you
take a look at this?

look like they're
long-lost brothers.

Of course, that
doesn't mean your boy

Packs the same kind
of wallop mine does.

His wallop is just fine!

My lava battleguard
has never let me down.

Try him out. You'll see.

Thanks. It does say
they work best together.

You know what?

I think I kinda
see a resemblance

Between you two
and those muscle-heads.

Ha ha ha!

laugh it up.

I take that
as a compliment.

Joey: it's your move, mai.

Oh, harpies?

Give that monster
our kind of makeover.



Wow. That was
a real challenge.

It ranks right up there
with doing my nails.

but I was ranked th
in my district finals.

[Yawns] yeah, yeah.
That's great, hon.

[Thinking] I don't get it.

Trashing hotshot duelists
is usually as fun as
a fall clearance sale.

Why can't I
enjoy it anymore?

Grrr! It's all because of
that obnoxious punk joey.

I can't believe
such an amateur beat me.

Heh heh.

I've got to get even
with that grinning
gutter punk.


It's me, rex raptor,
the dino-duelist!

And I'm itchin' to finish
that match we started
on the boat.


Bon voyage, loser.

Funny. I thought
I already knocked you
on your jurassic butt.

Think whatever you want.
You're about to get stomped.

You think I'm gonna
waste another minute
with a pea-brain like you?

Beat it, dino-breath.
Shoo! Shoo!

Grrr! Pea-brain?
I happened to
have been a finalist

In this year's
regional championship.

And I'll have you know
that I've already won
star chips.


Wow! How'd you
get chips already?

From wannabes like you
who think that
by dueling a chick

They'll score
some easy stars.

I've only lost once,

But once I find
that punk kid joey,
it's payback.

Joey wheeler?
How could you lose to him?

I'd love to see you
try and--wait.

Ok, rex, I'll duel you,
if you do something
for me first.

Wow, after all
the crazy duelists
we've been running into,

It's nice to see
some normal kids
for a change.

Yeah. How about it,
tough guy?

Any of these tykes
puny enough for you
to take on,

Or do you wanna go lookin'
for some -year-olds?

Come on. Be nice.

You know joey's
just biding his time

Until he finds
a dueling monkey
to challenge.

Tristan: ha ha!
A dueling monkey!
Nice one.

Who wants some?

Just one more word
about dueling monkeys,
and I'm gonna--


Ugh. Tell me that's not
who I think it is.

How are you, joseph?
Glad to see me?


So, joey, is yugi still
fighting all your battles
for you?

Everyone knows
if yugi wasn't there
to hold your hand,

You wouldn't have beat me.
Isn't that right, yugi?

That's not true.mai: oh, really?

Then I propose he steps
out of your shadow
here and now.

If joey thinks
he's so tough,

Let's see him play
for himself.

I'm waiting
for your answer, joey.

Think you have the guts

To step up
and face the duelist
I've arranged for you?

It's not you?

Eh heh heh heh heh.

I'm dueling on mai's behalf.
Recognize me?

That's rex raptor.

This twerp's supposed to
scare me or somethin'?

I betcha
he ain't so tough.

Don't you remember, joey?

Rex placed second
in the regionals.

Well, joey,
you gotta ask mommy's
permission or what?

No way!
This is my fight.


What are you
trying to prove?

really, bro.
Pick your battles.

[Thinking] I can't believe
mai agreed to duel me

Just for stomping
this amateurous-rex.

joey had yugi's help
when he beat me,

So having rex
do all my dirty work
is the perfect revenge.

Oh, and by the way...hmm?

If little yugi does any
of his backseat dueling,

Then joey
is disqualified,

And the match
goes to rex.


What do you say, joey?

This is your big chance
to prove yourself,

Or are you gonna back out?

Of course he is.
We all--

No! That's
the way I want it--
just me and him.


It may cost me
all my star chips,

But I don't deserve
to keep 'em

If the only reason
I'm winnin' is 'cause
of yugi's smarts.

All my life,
people are tryin' to help me

'Cause they think
I can't help myself.

Well, I don't need
to be babied this time.

You've lost it, joey.
You can believe
whatever you want,

But I won't
just stand here

And watch you
throw your chips away.

I hope you guys
don't mind,

But little joey
won't be comin' out
to duel today.

Maybe once he grows up,
we can arrange
a play date.

Joey: that's it.tristan: unh!



Ooh! Hey, whadja
shove me for?

Didn't you hear what I
just said, wise guy?

I'm tired of everyone
thinkin' they gotta
come to my rescue.

But that's not how it is.

Friends look out
for each other--

Keep outta this, yuge.

Just lemme do
what I gotta do.

Great idea.

Do whatcha gotta do,

Even if it means
losing the chance
to help your sister.

[Thinking] serenity.

Don't worry, sis.
I'll make you proud.

Téa: listen.
Let's just cool off
a sec and--

Forget it.
If mr. Macho
wants to lose,

He can do it
by himself.

But, tristan!

Let him go.

Ah, some trouble
in paradise?

Stay outta this!


So, what's it gonna be?
You gonna run off
with your friend

Or start acting
like a real duelist?

I'm still here, ain't i?

Yugi, no offense,
but I want you to
keep outta this one.



All right, then it's
dino feeding time!

Téa: we believe
in you, joey!

Just don't forget
what you're fighting for!

what I'm fightin' for?

I got that part down.

It's whoi'm fightin'
that's makin' me sweat.

Eh heh heh!

Rex, don't
forget our deal!

Beat him, and you
get to duel with me.

I can't believe
you reduced yourself to
bein' mai's attack dog.

At least
I'm no dueling monkey.


So how many chips do you
wanna lose to my dinos?

I got ,
but I plan on
doublin' 'em right here!

You wish! I bet your deck
isn't even prepared

For the fields
we're playing on.

man, if he only knew.

I still have a hard time

Tellin' one field
from another,

Let alone using 'em in
any kind of strategic way.

My best bet's gonna be
hittin' him hard and fast,

And I think I know
just the cards
to do the job:

Baby dragon and time wizard.

If I use 'em together,
I can speed up time

And make my dragon

Hey, it worked once before
when I dueled mai,

So here's hopin'
it'll do the job again.

Rex: quit stallin'.

Let's duel!

Bring it!


Hey, téa, keep
rooting joey on for us.

I gotta go see
about something.

Wha? Yugi!


Pay dirt!

I couldn't have asked
for a better hand.

Hee hee hee hee!


Where'd yugi go?

Oh, well. Wait'll he sees
what I did all by myself.

Baby dragon...

Defense mode!



[Thinking] that's right.
It's a baby dragon.

Rex knows he's toast.

You never leave a baby

And you're about
to find out why!

Two-headed king rex...




[Baby dragon squeals]

Poor baby.

Looks like we've found out
what he was made of.

But I didn't
get to play my combo.

And do you know why?

Because even -year-olds
know better than to defend
on their first move.

Ha! I can't believe
you actually did that,
you rookie!

makes mistakes, joey.

Just try
not to make another one.

you don't get it,
do you?

Little joey's already made
the one fatal mistake

That's gonna cost him
this entire duel,

And that was ever
agreeing to this match
in the first place.



Ha! With your
baby dragon crushed,

My -headed king rex
can terrorize the field
for the rest of the match.

[Growls]all right,

Maybe I did screw up,

But I think
I still have

One monster
in my hand

That can beat
that thing.



Show that
overgrown iguana

Who the real
king of beasts is!

Ha ha ha!
You amateur.

Since we're
on a wilderness field,

My king rex gets
a nice, fat power bonus.

Tough luck
for your pussycat.

Field bonus?!

Now he tells me!

Rex: king rex!
Foot stomp!


Rex, thinking:
the quicker I bash
this tenderfoot,

The sooner I'll get
to have my chance
at beating mai.

Let's go!
You're the appetizer!

I wanna get on
to the main course!

I still got
plenty to serve up.

That is, if I've
finally figured out

How to use
this field power bonus
thing right.

Here goes nothin'.

Axe raider!

Hey, hey!

He got
the power

Joey: I did it!

Don't let it
go to your head!

Sword arm of dragon!

Cut that axe raider
down to size!

Sword tail slash!

Joey, thinking:
that's my third monster
he's trashed.

Even with
a field power bonus,
I can't beat him.

Téa: joey!

Don't let
that dino-dork
intimidate you.

Remember, we're all
right behind you!

yeah, right.

That's why yugi
and tristan ditched me.

What a nimrod.

big, dumb...


You ok, tristan?


What are you
doing here?

You should be
helping joey.

Joey made it
pretty clear

He didn't want
my help on this one.

And since you left,

I figured maybe
I should, too.

Me being there
and you being there

Are totally
different things.

Without your coaching,
joey won't last minutes

Against that conniving
little freakasaurus.

I don't care
what he says,

You gotta go back there
and help him out pronto!

I can't do that.

Joey needs to fight
this duel on his own,

And I gotta let him.


If I go back
on my promise
and help joey,

He'll be disqualified.

Besides, we've gotta
believe in him

So he believes
in himself.


Yeah, well...

Maybe I don't think
he can win.

But, tristan,
this is about

Something more
important than
winning or losing.

This is about joey
learning to be

A strong big brother
for his little sister.

And even though
he doesn't need
our help,

He needs to know
he has our support.

I don't know.

[Thinking] maybe
this was a mistake.

Maybe the only way
to help my sister

Wasby relying
on my friends.

No, that's not true.

I can't start
thinking that way.

If I can't rely
on myself,

How can I expect
my little sister to?

Now think.

There's gotta be
something in this hand
that I can play.

Uhh! Hah!


I still have
this time wizard.

Too bad I don't have
my baby dragon to
play it with anymore.

Oh, well, I guess
it couldn't hurt

To put it out
on the field anyway.

Here goes nothin'.

Time wizard!

Mai, thinking:
hmm. That's the card
joey beat mewith.

I should warn rex.


Watch that time wizard.

Ah, without yugi's help,

This chump doesn't
even know how to use it.

I know joey's type.

He'll try and play
a monster next,

And then he'll be in for
the prehistoric pounding
of his life.

maybe rex is right.

Joey was able to defeat
my harpy ladies,

But only because yugi
coached him through it.

This time,
joey's all alone.

I'm playing
rock ogre
in defense.

[Evil laugh]
you see?

I knew the rookie
didn't know what he was doing.


Rex: wreck that rock
old-school style.

Horn ramming charge attack!


Rex: reduced to rubble!

I sure sent him back
to the stone ages.


Go flame swordsman!

Turn up the heat

And carve that dino
like it was
a big turkey.

Didn't you see what I did
to your rock ogre?

Do you really think
that your puny little
flame swordsman

Will last any longer?

Looks like I'm gonna
have to teach you respect
for my dinos the hard way!


you big dino-dummy!

Flaming sword of battle!


[Swordsman roars]



Tell me how a swordsman
can beat a dinosaur?

I actually won that?

There is no way
joey could have known
that dinosaur cards

Are especially
vulnerable to fire.

That jerk!
He totally lucked out
on that one.

Joey: ha ha. Looks like
I found the secret
to beating your dinos.

Hope you're not
too sore about it.

Get it?


Sword arm of dragon!

Want some?
Come and get it,


I knew you were gonna
make a comeback, joey.

This is far from over,
you know.

One card
won't win this for you.

Alrighty, then.
I'll just bring out
another for you.

Swamp battleguard!


Big deal!

I have a beast
that'll wipe that smirk
off your face permanently.

All right!

Meet the top link
of the food chain!

Serpent night dragon!


This rare card's
awarded to the elite few

Who have made it
to the final round

Of the regional

But for a loser like you,

It should be an honor
just to get thrashed by it!

Nightmare sonic blast!

Ohh! Uhh!

He was my best card.

Oh, poor joey.

Joey, thinking:
man! There's not
a monster in my deck

That could save me now.


Tristan's card.

Man, he always
shows up somehow.

Punk: hey, this don't
concern you hair-job.

Second punk:
yeah. Didn't no one
ever teach you

Not to mess with
other people's business?

Didn't anyone
teach you that
you shouldn't be

Picking on defenseless
little kids half your size?

Second punk:
then how abouts
we pick on you instead?


all right, joey?


Punk: mess 'em both up!

Tristan: watch that guy!

Let's go!

You ok, joey?
You should have called me.

I'd have been here
earlier, man.


What are you doing
here, tristan?

What are you
talking about?

I could have
taken those guys.

I appreciate you
trying to help me out,

But I don't need
to be babied.


Joey: man. All this time,
and it finally hits me.

Tristan's always been
looking out for me,

Not because he thinks
I always need his help,

But because
he's a true friend.

Tristan: yo, joey!

Huh? Wha?

We're here for ya, buddy!

So how 'bout it?

You gonna take
that card of mine
for a test drive or what?


You got it, pal!

lava battleguard!


My card's on the field!

What a touching reunion!

Too bad
my serpent night dragon

Is gonna blast it
to shreds.

attack the green one!

What? My sonic blasts
are being deflected!


How was my dragon's
attack repelled?

There aren't
any trap cards out!



Oh, I get it.

The red one
blocked for the green one.

Tristan's card was there
right when I needed it most.

Of course!

Those monsters
are like best friends,

So when they're
together on the field,

They help
power each other up,

Just like how
you and joey

Help each other out
in real life,
huh, tristan?

Tristan: that's what
being a buddy is all about.

Thanks for
everything, man.

I owe ya.


Yugi: what a team.

Not only did you take out
rex's monster,

But you made a nice dent
in his life points, too.


Right! And now that
we're together again...

There's not
a monster rex has
that can stop us.

Rex, thinking:
heh heh heh.

while you can,

Because your party's
about to be crashed!

[Evil laugh]
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