01x08 - "Everything's Relative" / "The Stolen Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x08 - "Everything's Relative" / "The Stolen Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh,
yu-gi-oh ♪

♪ Your move,
your move ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Unh! Unh! Unh!





All right,
you little runt.

Here's your
daily gruel. Ha ha.


Oh, no.

He's gone!

[Sinister laughter]

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Where do these guys
get all their ideas?


Uh, master pegasus?


A thousand
pardons, sir.

Gorgonzola cheese

And the world's finest
fruit juice

Along with a copy
of my favorite comic book.

Times like this
are more precious
to me than any other.

You do realize that,
don't you?

But the prisoner
has escaped.

Which one?

The boy we imprisoned
in the north tower.

I have our men
searching the island,

But so far,
there's no sign of him.


I guess he didn't appreciate
my hospitality.

Well, no matter.

I'm sure I know exactly

Where our little escapee
is heading.

He'll seek out yugi.

Computer, request data
on the status

Of the duel monsters

hours have passed

Since the dueling contests

Of the participants
have been eliminated.

Those that were defeated
and lost their star chips

Are being removed
from the island by boat.

And what of yugi moto?

Yugi moto has to date
gained star chips.


I expected no less.

He is determined
to work his way up
in the standings

In order to gain entry
to my castle,

Which is exactly what I want
little yugi to do.

We'll just keep our spy-cams
trained on our star duelist.

Sooner or later,
the little runaway prisoner

Will confront yugi
for reasons of his own.

Hmm. Very wise, sir.

Actually, the boy's escape
plays right into my plans,

And I do have
such special plans
in store for yugi today,

Plans I hope he'll find
as entertaining as I do.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Tea: wow, yugi.

I can't believe
you already won
star chips.

Tristan: yeah, pretty soon
you'll have the you need

To get into pegasus' castle

And rescue your grandpa.

Joey: I wish I had
more star chips.

Don't worry
about it, joey.

You're doing fine.
You'll be able

To help your sister
out soon.

I sure hope so.

really counting on me...

And I won't
let her down.

Boy: help!

What's that?

Help me, somebody!

Aah! Let go of me!
Somebody help me!

Tristan: hold on, kid.
We're comin'.

You gotta help me!

Let that kid go!

Help me, please!

I'm on the big guy!

Unh! Aah!

Not too shabby.



I'm off the big guy.

Put me down!

Quit squirming,
you little brat.

You heard him,

Put the kid down.

What do you think
you're doing?

This is none
of your business.

This duelist
lost his star chips,

And the rules say
he's to be kicked off
the island.

But I didn't lose
my chips in a duel!

They were stolen
from me! My cards, too!

I don't care what lame excuse
you have, kid.

You need star chips to duel,
and you haven't got any,

So you're shippin'
out of here.

Those are the rules.

Those are my orders
from pegasus himself.

Uhh. That big creep.

I say we follow him.

Goon: hey, kemo.
What'd you catch?

Just another loser.

Hey, buzz off!

They may be shipping
me out,

But I'm still
weevil underwood,



But I didn't even
get a chance to duel.

Yugi: hey!

Hey, you!

You again?

What did the guy
who stole your
star chips

Look like?

Well, I couldn't see
his face.

It was covered
with a bandana,

But he was a little guy,

And he challenged me
in the meadow.

He challenged you
to a duel monsters

Yeah. But as soon
as I put my star chips

And duel monsters
deck down,

He snatched 'em up
and ran off with them.

You shouldn't
be shipped off
the island for that.

We'll get your
star chips back.

This boat leaves
in exactly minutes.

Anyone without
a star chip ships out.

Then we'll get
his chips back
by that time.

We won't let you
bully him out of the game.

Nope. We'll catch
that little thief

And bring him to justice.

Believe me, kid.
You can count on us

To track him down and
get those star chips back.

But who are you guys?

Joey: we're the guys
that are gonna
save your chips.

Don't worry.
You got the brilliant mind
of joey wheeler on the case,

And I always get my man...

[All sigh]

Even if he's just a kid.

Onward, troops!

Tristan: so, what's
your brilliant mind

Telling you now, sherlock?

Joey: uhh, beats me.

Right now,

The only thing
my brilliant mind
is doing

Is givin' me
a brilliant headache.

Well, maybe we should
stake out the scene
of the crime.

It's over there.

Think the thief
will come back?

He just might,
and we can put
our heads together

And plan
in the meantime.

Tristan: yeah,
but don't forget

One of those heads
is joey's.

That's sort of like
subtracting one brain.

Joey, sarcastic:
ah ha.



I've found you
at last, yugi.

That must be
the kid we were
looking for.

I can handle him.

I hope so,
you're twice
his size.

Just try me,
you big dork!

Back off, kid!

And hand over
the star chips

You swiped from
that other

Hold on. I think I know
what this kid's after.

He wants to duel.

Both: huh?

That's what you want, right?
You want to duel me?

Aw, you better believe it.

Joey: I don't get it.

Why is yugi
going to the trouble
of dueling this guy

When we could just
take those star chips
away from him?

You know, sometimes
I don't think even
yugi knows

Why he does
half the stuff he does.

Heh. Yeah,
it's kind of weird.

Do you think it has
something to do

With his
millennium puzzle?


Now, how many star chips
will you wager?

To wipe you out? !

Then it is,

But only because
I think I know why

You are doing this.

I don't care
what youthink, yugi,

'Cause ithink
you're gonna lose.

Tea: what does yugi see
that we don't?

It's like he's looking
into the other player's soul.

Hey, soul, schmoul.

I can see from here that
that kid's gonna get
his butt kicked.

Maybe...but yugi
should hurry

If he plans
to get those
star chips

Back to the boat
in time.

Don't worry, tristan.
He'll win the chips,

And we'll be back at the dock
with time to spare.

Yugi and mokuba: duel!

This is it, yugi.

Now you're gonna pay
for what you did

To my big brother.

Mokuba: seto,
you've gotta leave now

If you're gonna make the boat
for the big tournament
at duelist kingdom.

Seto, open the door!

Huh? Seto?

I'm not going,

Not going? Why not?

There's no point.

What do you mean,
"no point"?

Kid, I am
in no condition
to duel anyone.

What are you
talking about?

You always say,
"cards are power,"

And you've got
all the strongest cards.

Since I lost my duel
with yugi,

I just don't know
what I think anymore.

Everything's different.

It feels as if I lost
a piece of myself
that day.

But, seto...

You're the best.
You're the champ.

Not since the day
I was defeated
by yugi.


Here, mokuba.

I'm going away
for a while.

I don't know how long
I'll be gone.

Keep this...

It was always
your favorite.

Why? Why are you leaving?

Because I don't know
who I am anymore.

Take care, kid.

Seto, don't go!


You broke up
my family, yugi,

And now,
I'm gonna break you up.

My first card
is the man-eating plant!


Now it's my turn.

I'll counter
your attack

With the winged

of the fortress!


Mokuba: ha!
Bad choice, yugi.

My man-eating plant
will eat your dragon alive.

Mokuba: so now,
you're finally gonna pay
for what you did, yugi,

And your stupid dragon's
gonna be plant food.

Man-eating plant...

Fireball attack!

Huh? My monster lost?

You can't win a duel

With cards that don't
rightfully belong
to you.

How could your heart
ever live in cards

That belong
to someone else?

Be quiet.
I don't believe

In that "heart of the cards"
stuff you keep preachin' about.

Cards have nothing to do
with heart.

It's all about power.

Yes, I can see it now.

I sensed a connection
to kaiba.

You're his brother!

You're mokuba!

How did you know?

Well, it doesn't matter.


It is kaiba's
little brother!

That's right.
Seto kaiba is my brother,

And he's the best duelist
that there ever was.

But now, thanks to yugi,
he's gone,

And pegasus is trying
to take over kaibacorp.

Pegasus wants

I don't know what you did

To my big brother
when you dueled, yugi,

But ever since that defeat,

He hasn't been the same.

He ran away 'cause of you,

And with him gone,
pegasus moved right in.

Some kaibacorp executives
invited him to some kind
of secret board meeting.

Now, gentlemen,

Let's see if I understand
your proposition.

Seto kaiba has abandoned
his corporate station,

And now you five
wish to seize control
of kaibacorp.

You then want to merge
with my company,

And you'd like me to handle
any messy details, yes?

Precisely, mr. Pegasus.

With our money
and your leadership,

We will easily take control
of kaibacorp.

Do tell.

For our plan to succeed,

Kaiba must be taken out
of the picture...


there is one catch.

As per the corporate bylaws,

Only a kaiba family member
can legally control kaibacorp.


To that end, pegasus,

We recommend kidnapping
kaiba's brother mokuba.

In name, he will
control kaibacorp,

But we will control him.

Do these things for us

And we will lay all
of kaibacorp's technology
at your feet.

Agreed. The elder kaiba
shall meet with an accident,

And the younger kaiba
will be captured.

Excellent. But we have
one final condition.

The brat
who beat kaiba

Has tarnished
good name,

And we must insist
that you restore it.

Well, how fortuitous.

Plans for me to duel yugi
are already under way.

Now, to show
that I truly am
the man for this job--

Kemo, bring me
young kaiba, would you?

Mokuba: noooo!

Aah! Unh!

Let me go, you creeps.

I heard everything, and when
I tell my big brother,
you're gonna--

You see, gentlemen?

This is how efficiently

You can expect me
to handle our business.

Young kaiba is captured,
yugi will be defeated,

And seto kaiba
will bother us no more.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


It's all your fault!

Seto deserted me
'cause of you.

You don't understand.

Mokuba, your brother,
hasn't deserted you.

He's searching
for himself.


Tell it to my monster!

Go, crocodilus!

Battling me won't bring
your brother back,

And we want
to stop pegasus
as much as you do.

He's taken
my grandfather prisoner.

That's right!

Pegasus is
the bad guy here.

Can't you see that,
you crazy little kid?

You're wrong.

I have to protect
my brother's company,

And yugi's the one
pegasus has to beat

In order to take it over.

Wait, I get it.

Mokuba is trying to save
his brother's company

By defeating yugi
in a duel

So pegasus doesn't get
to face yugi at all!

What do you

What do you mean,
"what do I mean"?

I wasn't talkin'
to you.

[Chuckles] sorry,
what'd you mean, tea?


If mokuba can keep pegasus
from beating yugi,

Then he won't be able
to take over kaiba's company.

that must be it!


where'd he go?

If I can't beat you...

I'll have you

My star chips!

Tristan: hold up,
you little punk!

Yugi: mokuba! Listen to me!

You'll never save
kaiba corporation that way!


Your big brother
is just confused.

After I defeated kaiba
in our duel,

I opened his mind.

I removed from him
all the dark influences

That clouded
his thoughts and actions.

Free of that evil essence,

Kaiba is struggling.

Now your brother realizes

That his way
wasn't the right way,

And he's searching his heart
for answers,

And you know in your heart
what you're doing

Isn't the right way either.

But then...

What can I do?

You can start
by trusting in me,

And together

We will defeat pegasus.


I promise you,

We can only
bring pegasus down

If we stick together.

We'll help you protect
your brother, mokuba,

But you've got
to help us, ok?

You've got to go back
and return those cards
and star chips

To the kid
you stole them from.

You're right, yugi.

Then we'll take on
pegasus together!

We've only got
minutes left
till the boat leaves.

Let's get going, mokuba.

Let's do it.

Kaiba, thinking:
ah, it's no use.

I've gone over it
a dozen times in my mind,

But I still can't
figure it out.

How was a kid
who came out of nowhere

Able to defeat
a champion like me?

I've run
computer simulations,

Probability scenarios,

And quantum analysis
of our duel,

But I still don't have
the answer.

I had clearly
been dominating the match.

My blue eyes white dragon
ripped through his forces.


I was on the verge
of winning,

But yugi
wouldn't give up.

Against all odds,
and with absolute faith
in his grandfather's deck,

He somehow drew the one card
that assured his victory.

It's not possible!

Yugi: exodia,


I've always believed
duel monsters

Was a game of sheer power,

But yugi claims
that the cards have a heart.

It sounds crazy, I know.

But could yugi be right?

Is there really
a heart of the cards

That can affect
the outcome of a duel?

Is that how he won?

The only way
I'll know for sure
is to face yugi again,

And these new, portable

Will enable me
to challenge him

No matter where I find him.

If I can just get to--

Goon, knocking:
seto kaiba!

We know you're in there!
Open the door, or we'll
break it down!

Let's go, kaiba.

On your feet.

Mr. Pegasus
would like to have

A few words with you.

Heh. I bet he would.

But it'll take more
than you g*ons
to grab me.

This can go easy,

Or we can snap you
in two, wiseguy!

You'll never
take me alive.

Get him!

He jumped.

Nobody could survive
a fall like that.

Looks like he did
our work for us.

Yeah, that just leaves
the rest of the job.

Pegasus was very clear.

He wants the deck

With the deadly blue eyes
white dragon.

Tea: hurry,
we're almost there!

Tristan: we're gonna
just make it!

Weevil: I told you,
I'm not gonna row,

So quit bugging me!

The boat!
It's already left!

Joey: and there's
the sleazy lowlife
that shipped 'em out.

You're too late.
Those losers are
on their way back home.

Hey, that's not fair!

It hasn't been
a half hour yet.

Tough luck.

Pegasus sets the schedule here.

That's it!

I'm gonna give you
a flat-top!

You've gotta
call the boat back.

I've gotta
return that kid's
star chips to him.

The star chips!

What gives?

A bunch of those
star chips

Belonged to yugi,
you big jerk.

I am so sorry, yugi.

Ha! You losers
should keep a tighter grip

On your valuables,
don't you think?

Then accidents like that
wouldn't happen.


[All gasp]

Let's go, you.
Back to the cage.

This little ingrate
is a special guest

Of mr. Maximillion pegasus,

And he's been invited
to attend a special dinner

In his honor
back at the castle.

Right, mokuba?


Hold on!

I still have
of my star chips left.

I challenge you
to a duel,

And if I win,
mokuba comes with us.


I don't know why
you'd risk your chips
for this punk,

But if that's how you want
to waste your last star chips,

Then meet me
back at arena

In exactly hours.

You'll have your duel.

Joey: well, we're here.
Where's antenna-head?

yugi, over here!

Get him off me!


Put him down now!

I'll consider it

If you win the duel.

Oh, I'll beat you,
all right.

I never said I would duel.
There is your opponent.


He's an old friend
who's dying to see you again.

He met with an unfortunate end
earlier today,

But he's come back
just to duel you.

What are you

[All gasp]

Yugi: kaiba?

[Laughs] yes, yugi.

It's me, kaiba,

And this time,
you don't stand...

A ghost of a chance.

[Sinister laugh]
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