01x03 - "Journey to the Duelist Kingdom" / "The Lost Exodia"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x03 - "Journey to the Duelist Kingdom" / "The Lost Exodia"

Post by bunniefuu »

last time on yu-gi-oh...

Draw your last pathetic card
so I can end this, yugi.

My grandpa's deck has no
pathetic cards, kaiba,

But it does contain...

The unstoppable exzodia.

I've assembled
all special cards,

All pieces
of the puzzle.


Seto kaiba's
our uncontested champion.

He's been defeated
by someone named yugi.

What could it be?


Some kind of glove.

And stars.

Maybe there's
an explanation
on the video.

Greetings, little yugi.

I am maximillion pegasus.


Your impressive defeat
of seto kaiba

Intrigued me so much

I've decided
to investigate

Your amazing dueling
skills personally.

I'm done with
your games.

You presume I'm giving you
a choice in the matter...

But I'm not.

You see, I have
found that, given
the proper incentive,

Anyone can be made
to play my game.


How else will
you ever reclaim
your grandfather's soul?

Mwa ha ha ha!grandpa!


♪ Yu-gi-oh♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh♪

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh♪

It's time to...


Yugi, thinking:
how did I get
into this mess?

I can't believe
that grandpa's
actually gone.

One minute,
he's right beside us,

And the next,
pegasus shows up

And uses some kind
of weird magic to
steal his soul away.

But why?

What could pegasus
possibly want with me?

And could it have
something to do with
my millennium puzzle?

Well, I'll get
grandpa back.

I'll beat pegasus
at his own game...

Whatever that is.

Joey: wonder who
this is from.

Hey, there, big brother.
How have you been?

I really miss you.



I can't believe it's
been years since
we've seen each other.

I'll never forget
the day mom took me
to live with her.


Serenity! Don't go!



I'm sending you
this video

Just so you don't forget
your little sister's face.

It seems like I'm
running out of time.

I was hoping to see you
once more before--

Well, uh, you understand.

Bye-bye, brother.

Run out of time?

It can't be.

So long.
Take care, joey.



Huh? What's this?

It's from pegasus!


It's an invitation
to the tournament
at duelist kingdom.

Tea: a tournament
at duelist kingdom?

Isn't that an island?

So that's where pegasus
is keeping your grandpa?

Maybe. The only way
to know for sure

Is to become
a contestant.

The boat's going
to be leaving in days.

But you can't go.
It could be dangerous.

I have to go.

It's the only clue I have
for rescuing grandpa.

I still can't believe it.

Pegasus used some kind
of weird spell to grab
your grandpa's soul away.

And now he's toying
with you, forcing you
to duel in the tournament.

Right. And without
invitations, we can't
even go there with you.

I wish we could
help you, pal.

This is bad.

Huh? Hey, yugi...

Check this out.

According to this card,

The tournament winner
takes the grand prize
of $ million!


So what, tristan?

Who cares about money
at a time like this?

Hey, give me that!

Ahh. Million.

Guess joey does.

in cold cash.

Joey, what are you
doing up here?


What's with you?

Uh, nothin'.

I'm just thinkin' about
a whole lot of stuff.

Yugi, you do know

That I care about
your gramps, right?

I mean, he taught me about
the heart of the cards.

Of course I know.

I mean it!

One way or another,
I'll help you
beat pegasus.



That really means
a lot to me, joey.

I'm glad we're friends.

the first time we met?

I'll never forget it.

It was all because of
the millennium puzzle.

Yugi: the way grandpa
explained it to me,

The puzzle was
originally found in
some egyptian ruins.

My grandpa gave it
to me and kind of
dared me to solve it.

It was the most incredible
thing I'd ever seen.

As soon as I touched it,
I knew it was special.

I made a wish
on the puzzle.

I asked it
to give me
a real friend,

And I think the puzzle
came through for me.

That was when I met up
with you and tristan,

Although you sure didn't act
like my friends at first.

Ha! You mean when we were
playing keep-away with
the millennium puzzle?

It was for you, man.

We just wanted
to toughen you up

So you could stand up
to the real bullies.

We were only
teasing you.

Yugi: teasing?

You took a piece of
the millennium puzzle

And threw it
out the window!

Yugi: and I was
the one that tried

To help you guys out
when that bully
picked on you.

Joey: he was
a mean one, all right.

What do we do?


Well, look what
just showed up.

It's little yugi,

Just in time
to watch me

Mop the floor
with these guys.

Get back!
Leave them alone!

Who's gonna stop me?
A little shrimp like you?

I don't think so.
Get lost.

I won't let you.
These guys are
my friends.


[Bully laughs]

Ok, tough guy.

You jump to the head
of the line!

[Bully laughs]

Say your prayers,
you runt.




Joey: you stood up
for us, yugi.

I'll never forget that.

Because of you, we got
that moron expelled.

And tristan and I learned
what it was like

To have a true friend.

Yugi: well,
at least you retrieved
the lost puzzle piece.

If you hadn't
done that,

I could never
have solved

The millennium puzzle.

I want
to apologize, yugi.

I've been acting
like a real jerk.

Oh, were you acting?


I guess I deserved
that one.

If you ask me,
I think tristan and I

May have
underestimated you.


You know, yugi,
you're a tougher kid

Than I ever gave
you credit for.

Maybe we should
hang out more often.

What do you say?


The truth of the matter
is you're the best friend

I've ever had.


It's too bad
you can't go with me
to rescue grandpa.

Don't worry. Somehow,

Some way, I promise,
we'll do it together.



Heh. You bet.
We're a team, yugi.

But how can you go
without an invitation?


attention, all duelists.

Welcome to this event

Sponsored by
industrial illusions.

You received with
your invitation

The star chips that
will grant you entry
into the contest.

You are all elite,
invited by us after
close observation

Of your past
duel monsters contests.

You each have a fair
and equal chance to win.

It all comes down
to how well you've
chosen your cards,

And how well you play.
Now then, duelists,

Cross the ocean,

And enter
the duelist kingdom!

Man: present your star kits
as you board the vessel.

Thank you. Next.

Second man: hey, you!
Get out of here!

Only official contestants
are allowed on board.

Joey: how do you know
I'm not official?

Because the official
duelists aren't trying

To sneak on board
through the lower hatches.


Joey, what the--

Stop your struggling.

We're gonna have
to throw you out.

No way!
I came here to duel,

And I'm gonna duel.

Leave him alone!

Hey, yugi!


What are you
doing here, joey?

Ha ha. Did you really
think I'd let you
do this on your own?

Come on, help me out.

All right there,
bring it up...

They're distracted.
Let's go.


He's with me.

You gotta
let him on.

Only people
with a star chip

Can get on board.
There are no exceptions.


But joey has
a star chip.

Didn't he tell you?

I do?


What's this?

According to this card,

A star chip's proof
that one is a duelist.

Hmm. That may be,
but all participants

Are given star chips.
You'll be at a disadvantage.

Maybe, but I'd
rather take that risk

Than be
without my friend

When we get
to the duelist kingdom.

I need him.


What do we do?


Mr. Pegasus, we've
got a problem, sir.



Don't you shush me,

Pipe down.

I'm glad they let you
on board, joey.

Only because you
sacrificed one of
your star chips for me.

But if any of the other
players find out

We only have
one star chip each,

They could really try
to take advantage of us.

Then be quiet about it.


Kind of exciting,
isn't it, yugi?


Mai: well, what
do we have here?

Both: huh?


So, you're the yugi kid

talking about, huh?

Whoa! Check it out.

But I'm amazed
that a squirt like you

Could beat kaiba.

You're famous, you know.

Thanks very much, I think.

Hey, miss, I'm
a really good friend

Of the famous yugi,
the master duelist.

In fact--look!

You're either a champ
or a chump.

Cut this guy loose.

He's fashion-challenged

And deserves to be
crushed in the games.

Please, crush me.

I'll crush you all,

The name's mai.

How arrogant!

There's nobody better

At playing duel monsters
than yugi.

Shh. Quiet.
They'll hear you.

I don't care.
He's still the best.

Joey: hey,
is this a joke or what?

This is
a luxury cruiser.

I know you've got
better rooms somewhere.

You again?
We cut you a break,

And now you're
causing more trouble?

Do you want to get
thrown out of here?

Huh? Hey, aren't you
that kid yugi?

Uh, yeah. And you're...

Weevil and rex,


Heh. You're wasting your time
with those guys.

The private rooms
only go to finalists

From the last championship,
like us.


On winning
the regionals,

It was nothing.

Yeah. I went easy on him
that time.

Yeah? Well, this time,

Yugi and I are gonna
take the tournament.

Right, yugi?

To tell you the truth,

Winning the last

Didn't feel like that
much of an achievement.

I guess I can't really
call myself the champion

Until I defeat
the duelist
who beat kaiba.

But I'm sure I'll end up
battling you

In the big tournament,

I look forward to it.

I look forward
to it, too.

I'm looking forward
to some dino-demolition.

Let me tell you
a little secret.

It's something none
of the other players

Know about the games

isn't that cheating?

The other duelists
will find out soon enough,

But there are new rules
on the island

That require more strategy.

Ah, rules are for wimps.

In dueling,
you either smash your opponent

Or get smashed yourself.

It's one or the other.

Strength is good,

But you also need
to combine them

With other types
of cards.

Who asked you?

Stay out of my way

Or I'll stomp you
like everyone else.

We'll see who stomps who
when we get to the island.

Ignore him. Let's scope out
the competition.

What do you

Check out those chumps.

They're already trading
over there.

Players here are swapping cards
and strengthening their decks,

Getting ready
for the big tournament.

It's also a good chance

To get a feel
for your opponent's cards.

oh, I bet this
is how weevil

Gets so much insight

Into his opponent's

whoa, strong cards.

Hey, want to trade?
How 'bout you?

Help me out here.

Guess joey's trading.

If you've
come all this way

And you're still trying
to improve your deck,

You've got to be
pretty desperate.

I'll catch you
on the flip side.

This is truly,
truly outrageous.

You expect a lady like me
to stay in this dump

Without even a shower?

Rules are rules, ma'am.

There's nothing
I can do.

Call your superior.

Get him on the phone
right now.

Keep acting up,

And they'll throw
you off the boat.

Who do you think you are?

A champion
with a luxury room.

Really? Could I see it?

You bet.
Come check it out.

Hey, tea, stay down
or we're busted.

It's freezing out here.
I can't sit still.

Heh heh.

In another
few hours,

The sun will rise.


That's not funny, tristan.

Get down!

Tea: look.
Isn't that bakura?

Tristan: bakura?

You mean
bakura from school?

What do you think
he's doing here?

Uh, I guess he's
in the tournament.

So, what do you think
of my cool digs?

It's beautiful.

You must be quite
a strong card player.

I am.


Heh heh. Really?

I love duel monsters.

How 'bout we play a game?

Ha! Who do you think
you're talking to?

There's no way
you could beat me.


Let me try.

You'd never win.

Tell you what.

If you win,
I'll give you a kiss.


Yugi, I got some good
card trading in.

Hey, let me see 'em.

and a kunai with chain,

Baby dragon
and shield and sword?


With these
new magic cards,

Combined with
your monsters,

You'll have
a real strong deck.

All right!

So now,

I'm ready to win
every duel I play.

I think you're
going to find

It's a bit harder
than that, joey.

Here, add this
to your deck.

It can be helpful
in a tight spot.

Thanks. I'll take it.

I can't get over
how you're always
helping me out.

ahh, we meet again.

oh, weevil.

Ok, then cut the cards.

Playing with your deck,

heh heh heh.

This'll be a snap.

[Thinking] hmm.

What if you win?

If I win,
you agree to clear
out of the room

For the rest
of the trip, ok?

Clear out?
I'm not gonna lose.

You've got a deal.


The first card
is shadow of eyes.

How'd you do that?

The second card
is harpy's lady,

Then elegant egotist,

Followed by
cyber shield.

Oh, no.

She's right again.


This is my own
card technique.

I always know
what cards I have

And can pick any one
I like at any time.

So, go ahead
and deal 'em, rex.


Oh, I think I'm in trouble.

Ahh, the evening winds
sure feel nice.

So, did you trade
for any good cards, yugi?

No. I'm gonna duel
with the cards

I brought
along with me.

I figured as much.

You used the exodia cards
in your duel with kaiba, right?

Those are the strongest cards
of them all.

And really rare.

Could I possibly
see those legendary cards?

I don't see
why not.

Just be careful
with them, ok?


So, these are the cards
to summon exodia.

For a long time,

I've been trying come up
with some kind of strategy

To finally beat these cards,

But I couldn't
come up with anything...

Until just this moment.


Say good-bye to exodia!no!


Ha ha ha ha.

Now there's no one
who can challenge me.

Ha ha ha.

Why, you--

My cards!

Those were the exodia cards
that my grandpa gave me!

I'll get 'em!

Joey, don't!

Joey, where are you?

[Gasping for air]

I promise you.
I'll get them, yugi.

Joey, they're
not worth drowning over!

Don't worry, yugi.

Ah, look. There.
I got one of them.

Joey! Swim back
to the ship!

No way! At least this time
there's something I can do

To help someone
I care about.

Current sure is strong,

It's hard to fight.

But if I punk out now,

Who's gonna help my sister

Just more now.



Joey, hold on!

Yugi, just more.


Tea: yugi!

Tristan: are you ok?

Grab ahold!


Tea, tristan!

Mai: get out,

And thanks
for the room, rex.

That was close.

I'm sure glad
you two guys
showed up--

Really glad.

We're a team.

We all stick

We'll always
watch your back.

Thanks a lot,
you guys.

Joey: I'm sorry, yugi.


I failed.

I only found
of your cards.

It's ok, joey.

It's not ok.

It's always this way
with me.

I'm never able
to help anybody,

Not even my own sister


Really? You have
a sister, joey?

Our parents divorced
years ago when we were kids.

She lives far away
with my mother.

My sister's
had really bad eyes

Since she was born.

Eventually, she'll go blind.

I'm sorry.

Thanks, yuge.

She sent me a message.

I was hoping to see you
once last time.

[Both laughing]

The doctors told her
that the time has come.

Soon, her eyes will be
impossible to repair,

Even with surgery.

But there are specialists

Who could perform
an operation now

Before it's too late.

They could save her eyesight,

But there's no way
I can pay for the operation.

I have to win for her.

Winning in
the duelist kingdom

And getting
the prize money

Is the only way
I can help serenity.

We'll both do our best,

You for your sister,
and me for my grandpa.

That's right.

We'll do this

Look! The island!

Yugi: that's
the duelist kingdom!

That's it.
We're almost there.
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