05x09 - Suì-Fēng Dies? The Last of the Special Forces

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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05x09 - Suì-Fēng Dies? The Last of the Special Forces

Post by bunniefuu »

I want to live in a world of peace Without conflict, like the one I dreamed of.

I can't be patient any longer There are things I must say

At the evening bus stop on the way home

I Wave to those sunken shoulders, Bye Bye Bye

Got to show your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!

That world I dreamed of Is peaceful every day, without any conflict.

But in reality, there are troubles every day

And sometimes I regret, these Rolling days

Lies probably have little meaning

~All my loving Otherwise, how can I go on?

A Sweet Love I dreamed of Where lovers search for a hideaway

But in reality, the days we can't meet

Go on; but we still believe, these Rolling days

We may stumble, but Way to go!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

A mud-caked Rolling star!!

A level-one guard position has been ordered out!

What good will it do us

if the Punishment Force isn't functioning properly?!

Ritze… Do it…


Who did that?!

What's going on?

Hold him down!

Why you…!

What's this…? What did you do…?!

Is this…a Bount’s…poison?

Hey… What's wrong?!

He's dead?!


It can't be!

What's going on?




Don't make a fuss!

If I recall…

There was a Bount who could control a person like a puppet…

There's a high possibility that the Bount took control

when he came into contact with him…

If that's the case, there may be others…

Is there anyone else who encountered the Bount?

Yes! We were around East Street Two…

What are you doing?!

Hold him down!

Protect the Captain!

Captain, we'll take care of this!

Captain, take care of your wounds!

How many of them are there?!

What's going on?!

The Bounts' Spiritual Pressure keeps appearing and disappearing!

They're up to something.

What should we do, Ichigo?

Damn! Curse those Bounts…



What are…you doing?!

Ichigo… These people… They smell like Bounts.

Ichigo Kurosaki!

You're going to die!

A doll, huh?

The doll that that Bount, Mabashi, uses…

These guys are being controlled.

Cut it out!

This is just like the time Rukia was being controlled!


That's good, Ritze… That's the spirit!

Keep that up!

This strong Spiritual Pressure…and…


Yes. A number of Soul Reapers have fallen into the hands of the Ryoka

and are attacking their allies.

What's the meaning of this?

They are being controlled by a Bount's doll…

It is the work of a Bount whom I met in the World of the Living.

Is there a way to regain control?

It’s inside their bodies,

so it's difficult to defeat only the doll…

The puppets should be brought under control

if the one who's controlling them is defeated…

At any rate, I must get that Bount…

Who’s there?!

A Bount!

I came to take a look when I sensed a strong Spiritual Pressure…

You're a captain, aren't you?

Plus, you've also been injected with the Bitto's poison, haven’t you?

So this is your doing…?

If I condense a living soul and leave it alone…

It'll rot.


You're going to die soon.

Don't look at me like that.

There's no way to counteract the poison, you see…

Just as I’d expect from you, but

the poison will work faster if you move.

It's disadvantageous for me to drag this out…

In that case…

k*ll all enemy with your venom!


You're not getting away!

Why you…!

So this is the h*m*…

I know about it.

I’m supposed to die if I get hit in the same place twice, right?

But…is time almost up?

You're going to die soon!

I'm going to hide and take my time watching you until then.

Why you…!

Just die, you idiot!




It's as you say. The puppet seems to be completely fused within the body…


They'll probably go out of control once they regain consciousness…

Let's move them to the Squad barracks.


I want Captain Unohana's opinion.

There’s no one else who can do anything for them in this condition.


Move these people to the relief station!


This is a request from Squad ’s Captain Komamura, isn't it?

Yes! They've been knocked unconscious for the time being…

But we don't know how many people have been contaminated.

We'd like you to tell us… how to deal with this.

This is…

What's wrong?

His mind and body are being strongly controlled.

Extraction on the scene is probably impossible.

So what should we do?

At any rate, bring in those who are being controlled by the doll.

Let's stop their movement.


It's an unreliable method,

but the only thing we can do is to give it our best.

Make preparations.


Damn… It's painful… I can't see…in front of me.

What in the world should I do?

I never thought that… I was so helpless…

What should I do…Madam Yoruichi?

That's it…that's it!


Don't bother with me! Defeat your own enemies!

Come on!

Put the next one in this bed!

Hey! That patient goes in that room!

Look sharp!


I can't send orders to some of the Ritzes? Why?

Curse those Soul Reapers.

Are they knocking out those who Ritze is attached to?

It's pointless…

With my increased power… I can multiply Ritze as much as I want!

Go, Ritze!



This is simple…

Come to think of it, it's almost that Soul Reaper’s time…

It might be good to make her feel a little more despair…

Go somewhere else!

Bakudo Number One!


Renji, that's wonderful!

You can even fight with Kido!

Yeah. I'm using this because I can't use Zabimaru…

Wait a sec…

You were subtly making fun of me, weren't you?

About what?

Is it really so unusual that I can fight with Kido?!

I am a Lieutenant!


I found you.

Hey… So this is where you were…

Are you still alive? You're almost dead, aren't you…?

I was thinking of hiding until you died, but…

Then…why did you come out?

I sensed that the Soul Reapers were sealing away my Ritzes one-by-one…

So I was thinking of hitting them with someone strong.

Are you thinking of using me?

I can't stand Ritze being harmed.

What are you looking at?

Are you thinking of hitting this spot once more?

Do you want to k*ll me?

It's impossible!


The Punishment Force?!


Are you all right?!

Oh? There're still a few left?

This is unforgivable!

You desperately rushed here when your captain was in danger?

How touching…

Captain! We'll take you to the relief station at once!

But I wonder if they're really your allies…




Too bad… All of your henchmen already belong to Ritze!

Get her!

What's wrong with all of you?!

How does it feel to be held back by your own subordinates?

You scum!

You're sure good at talking despite not being able to move.

I'm going to take your body.

I'm going to enslave it with Ritze's power until you die!

Why you…!

It's useless…



Too bad.

Good bye, Captain.

I'm going now!


h*m*: Second Strike!

Why you…? How are you able to move?!

Who do you think I am? I detoxified your poison already.


I was trained to be in the Punishment Force since I was young.

So I am already able to resist most poisons.

And I also know a way to build resistance to a new poison.

Fight poison with poison… using Suzumebachi.

Then why did you act as if you couldn't move?

It was all or nothing.

There was no chance I could return my subordinates back to normal

if you didn't come after me.

My precious subordinates!

This is it.

Don't underestimate me…Ritze!


I still have Ritze…

If I k*ll you, this poison…

What's wrong?

Are you shaking so much that you can't move? Huh?

How foolish…

Damn you!

Ritze, get her!

Yes, yes!

Yes, yes!

What's this?!

Hey, Ritze, stop that! Not me!

That woman! k*ll that woman!



Ritze! Why?!

Your doll’s power is a double-edged sword…

I hear that it rebounds back to the controller if his power weakens.

Ritze, stop! Stop!

It's useless… Suzumebachi's poison is already affecting your body.

Wh-What's this?

What's going on?

The doll's presence has suddenly disappeared!


What's the meaning of this?!

It seems that someone has defeated the controller…

It's all right now.

Mabashi's Spiritual Pressure disappeared…

In the end, you were just too naive.

How pathetic.

So it was Mabashi's Spiritual Pressure that disappeared…

The enemy is pretty good…

Now then, that person hiding over there.

Isn't it about time you came out?

Oh? How did you know?

I tried to copy you and hide my Spiritual Pressure…

Even if you hide your Spiritual Pressure,

anyone could find you if you're that bloodthirsty.


I was searching for Ichinose…

Where is he?

Who knows? His Spiritual Pressure disappeared long ago…

Do you suppose one of your allies did it?

Hmm… What a waste…

It can't be helped, then. I'll settle for you.

I'm going to make you pay for embarrassing me.

Well, well… You underestimate me…

Well, fine… It's my job…to erase Captains…

You always lament on how boring this town is

…Searching for a place in the sun

The melody you hum is that rusty, same old song

…Rejecting any new song

You're anxious because somewhere in your heart, you believe in the future.

Baby, it's you;

That pain will eventually become a memory

You're the only one.

Don't think, just feel, let your whole body tremble;

future is you!!

Baby, it's me;

You're never alone, I'm right here

We should be as one;

Even if you stumble, I don’t mind

I want to tell you now about the thing called love

Baura, the alternate dimensional monster, has suddenly appeared!

Konjiki Ashisogijizo, the guardian beast, fights back!

Two giant monsters clash!

“Giant Monsters, Soul Society Showdown!” Coming soon!

How rude! My zanpakuto is not a monster!

It's close enough…

The Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers Golden after these messages!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers


There's no one here…

It's really empty!

Kenny, aren't you going to search for the Bounts?


I've never found anyone I chased…

Besides, the one I want to cut is Ichigo!

What's with this chill?!

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